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- Thomas Kim: Young one here: I had heard of Wu Tang before and knew their reputation but not listened to them much. After listening to this song I went back and started listening to their older stuff, it's fire.
- Baron Bolanos: Method always been my favorite too lmao
- Alexander Dillworth: Gotta listen to The Return man
- long beach native: Please react to ignorance by katori walker https://youtu.be/RbCmASipwv0 You will not be dissapointed
- Harley Green: This beat goes hard, been looking forward to watching this vid. YSIV 🙌
- John: +MoJo Pro dont crush my dreams :(
- Zaherul Huda: J.T. Alford do you mean liquid swords album by gza?
- BFNL Vortex: He was*
- El_REY_LEAL809: Man put the pipe down. 3-6 ain’t half as good as wu tang. You got wu tang all the way fucked up. They catalogue is too crazy. Lyrically this ain’t even a debate . 36 got some beats but Wu? Way too many classic beats to name. Rza is a top 5 producer all time. GZA is a top 5 lyricist all time. 3-6 has sold 5.5 mill to date and wu has sold over 40 lol. Wu tang is forever ! Remember that
- Death Grip: Method man top ten mcs of all time..
- Jay Hamilton: That's a 🔥 beat. WuTang 4 Eva!
- rando mpal: JZA Damn
- Tom Fowler: I’d say react to some more uk stuff like avelinos no bullshit or chips ten10 but my comment will get ignored as per usual
- Mr Zorg: GZA is a legitimate genius
- CrisC81: This album trash, fr this the only good song
- Michael Oxner: Here's an out of left field request... How about A DAY IN THE LIFE by The Beatles? It's the best song from the best band of all time. Would love to hear your guys take. Love the channel. Luv from Detroit!
- Servius Wolf: Honestly I'd love for you guys to analyze Lupe Fiasco - Wav Files from Drogas Wave, its top 5 in my fav songs of his and Lupe in GOAT form, you can't miss it.
- Cory Allmon: I’m kinda shocked I keep coming back:) it’s so much truth!
- Pat Kelly: Do the Wu yo
- Ronnie Balcazar: React to ICONIC ft Jaden Smith please
- Ahmed Safdar: Muse - Knights of Cydonia
- Michael Dee: Meth, Johnny Blaze blowing up. Imagine if ODB was still around?!
- ProfoundSpecialist: do more wu tang
- tech support: iconic was more ass than nicki minaj. I'll listen to it a couple more times to see if I'll change my mind aight?
- BloodThirsty: React to YSIV
- OG Superduperpooperscooper: W
- Dermot Monaghan: Great video :) y'all should check out Ted, Just admit it. by Janes Addiction. Hidden masterpiece.
- Lucid Prex: pls do ysiv title track, second half is insane and prob my fav off the album
- uriel cervantes: Check out Mac Miller- What’s the Use?
- Adrian Vitriago: Yo im not gonna lie I’m super surprised that these guys haven’t reacted to Token. Like this is LiV should react to Token. Flamingo, Code Red, Patty Cake.
- Kyle Lovin: Clicked this so fast
- Massimo Amato: Yung Senatra that’s a silly argument and you know it!
- 62hg: Could you please react to this song In the Air tonight LIVE- phil collins
- ?? ??: YS4 plzzzzzzzzzz
- Nathan Baca: Iconic seemed out of place on this project. That too silly shit on the hook was just nah. Why get a jaden Smith ft then not even give him a verse?
- NewNew SpolMarketAl: React to (Logic - Last Call) from his new album In this song He said something you guys always say about him which reminded me of you
- Malik McKenzie: YSIV is a must listen
- The1andOnly: You guys should REEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY react to more Flatbush Zombies!!!!! I love the one vid you guys did of Headstone! Please ❤️
- dimitrisfx7: gotta watch GALNERYUS - ANGEL OF SALVATION live version super talented Japanese power metal band
- FlyOrDie722: Doesnt rza have a speech impediment?
- Cody Sabrowski: You guys should react to Black Label Society! any song really!
- 1996vivian: I really enjoyed this! Will definitely be adding it to my playlist! Now please, Please, Please guys listen and review Meat Loaf, Bat Out of Hell. Pleeeaaassseeee.
- McCrank: The beat on this one is fucking sick
- Massive Lad: RZA is unreal
- Brent McInelly: Ready for you guys to do another red dirt country tune. Check these out. Wade Bowen -Acuna Wade Bowen -Anchor Or do bothfoe a first ever one artists double feature unbiased real reaction!
- Ronit Mankad: Lupe came with a fantastic concept album with godly lyrics! Sadly it's getting less attention because of other releases likd YS1V and Cater V (which is sad considering YS1V was disappointing). Still I hope people give Lupe the attention he deserves.
- Slick Ricky: what makes this song even better was logic was an opener for ghost killas show way back in the day before he even released his mixtapes. awesome to see them get together and make a song after logic made it
- Jordan Pennington: JAMEY JOHNSON THE DOLLAR!!!!
- Brendan Earl: Love the review guys I’ve been a fan since the logicthon I still love all of the vids you should also do a review to 100 miles and running at the end he had a crazy fast flow faster than gang related!
- Rex Morgado: React to 100 miles and running!
- Drappy Jay: Pls can y'all react to logic-100 miles and running
- Za19x: Lupe Fiasco - WAV Files, or prrety much DROGAS WAVES in its entirety
- hi00118: Y u no react to run the jewels
- Lupé: To me inspeckda deck has the best flow
- Miles Meraki: you guys have such an appreciation for music 🙏
- bransayler: Inspectah has still been going strong with 7L and Esoteric. Their group Czarface has dropped some bangers. His verse was lacking on this joint though
- Bailey Williams: Love your reactions. You dont just sit there bobbing your head. You break it done. Well done. I have a request can you react to Ryan Upchurch
- Stephen Thompson: I can't believe the first wu tang you've reacted to is this one. Good songbut y'all shoulda done some 36 chambers
- SMOOTHIE: I’m surprised y’all ain’t at a mil keep grinding
- Jason Grimm: Fire
- Vina Loui Green: Can you Guys react to “Don’t do me like” by Issa and Jacquees it’s and R&B song.
- BG method: Usually Deck is sharp and he heads it off most of the time. He’s best kicking in the door.
- MARK FRANK: Review iamtherealak you will not be disappointed
- Anthony Scalese: plz do another song from C5
- alex ds: Whens the 100 Miles nad Running reaction coming?!?!
- GLG WATER: If or when you have time, please do a full YSIV reaction like you guys did w/ BT2
- AlphaKing: React to Logic - 100 Miles and Running
- Juvenal Contreras: React To The Whole Album Please🙏🏽
- Deez Vannnd: Nathan Baca he’s given credit because the beat was heavily sampled from him.
- Cody Bodeker: WU-TANG GREATEST AND MOST TALENTED OF ALL TIME! These young cats today could learn alot from this group.
- Rafa Torres: Everybody thinking I'm trolling but there's so many articles out on how three 6 mafia is the most successful rap group ever. I don't see none of you wu tang fan drop facts 😂😂😂
- Spencer Lowery: Yo, so Everlast right? He released a new album, and I encourage everyone to at least check it out. There are certain songs that are really nice. But since Everlast has songs like "What its Like," and also being the front for House of Pain back in the day. I feel like one of his new songs would be a good feature for this channel.
- Antonio Solis: DO J.I.D WORKING OUT !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
- blitz blink: y'all gotta check shakka - rollin' with elephants. one of my favorite UK tracks of all time
- ÆŁËK: shout out to the freethinkers💯 But do a YSIV and Street dreams II for sure If you can do glorious 5 and 100 miles
- tech support: OmNi Blaze ay thanks for the W man
- Ukrainianification: Dude with the glasses needs to teach a class at a local Hip-Hop university
- Marty Muerte: Wu-Tang video!!! Waiting for that fellas!! WU-TANG forever!
- vxjhhd jbddc: Inspectah deck is the best in the group
- Devon Halford: React to earth gang- up its a attack on your senses it’s great
- its Remedy: I hope you guys see this I just want to say that this video was dope and what u said at the end would be great I love 90s rap and I'm 18 so I don't know it that hard I'm a huge east coast fan I like better then the west so that Wu-tang clan video would be dope
- CecilDarkholm42: I don't know if you guys read these comments but, If you do react to Five Finger Death Punch-Wrong side of Heaven. Please, look forward to it.
- Dreco 36: Rza`s dope but he be off beat tho
- Leli Virscopi: Snow tha Product_ TODAY I DECIDED. HURRY DO A REVIEW :)
- Ryan Atkins: broken halos chris stapleton is must country song
- Peeg: Hey guys, do a reaction to Coops - Guerillas (or anything from his album 'Lost In The Flesh') - one of the best releases this year. Or if you want straight bars, check out his freestyle, Youtube title is - "Coops | Warm Up Sessions [S8.EP10]: SBTV" ----- trust!!
- topbud21: my rhymes starts riots in the mountains .... .36 million and counting. ugods verse is one of the best imo 😲
- Gustav Gurke: RZA is either a complete hit or miss with most people
- J.T. Alford: RZA is off beat on purpose. Also, Willie Nelson sang that way. Sounds like thyre a little off beat, but I would argue its just their style. Lyrical synchopation if you will. I like it. GZA liquid swords is a masterpiece btw. Check it out.
- John John: Is auto-tune still thing?
- Jerome Phiffer: Deep dive into WTC is a great video idea. Hope to see it!
- dcthegreatest24: Harry Ross not everyone likes the unique flows. I personally like Silkk the Shokker's crazy erratic flow, but not a lot of people can get with it
- luis olvera: React to Dax
- Axecius: Reaction starts here 1:26
- Kole Sherrill: Please just react to the whole album! You guys are awesome
- Zach roberts: Been waiting for this, I can see the head bobbin now.
- MisterGreen: Here's the link https://youtu.be/XIJ06e9GnMY
- Momp Mitch: you guys should react to Imtherealak KOD , Gucci gang or plug walk remix those are real 🔥 you shouldn't be disappointed
- Jules: Inspectah Deck the best 100
- PromptOrchid: +Dawit_K I couldn't disagree more, but why do you think that
- Frank Dominguez: Like what you guys are doing. I felt you guys did great on your review. Keep doing what ur doing. #ogdenutah #youguysareawesone
- Big Poppa JDog: You guys should do a Wu Week. You could do 16 vids a day and STILL feel like there were songs you should've included. They put out so many classics as a group and individually.
- BartSimp Son: Itsnot fair to the others to put meth right in the middle shoullda saved the best for last ashard as everybody else went meth is always gonna outshine everyone ... Even if he doesnt lyricaly which 8s rare he his energy n charisma for sure
- Jamie Ann: Yeeeeaaaahh!!! Mmm! My brother and I lived on Wu in our younger years. Still goin back from time to time, always. My bro made my 2 Y.O. niece a lil Killa Bee for Halloween this year. Mad love for WU!!
- Digitaltennisshoes: Ghost killed it!!!
- Shawndawn 814: Can you guys plz do “thuggin” by glasses Malone
- SUCKMANOSE: Do iconic
- Jeff Richardson: You want some R&B? "Dive" by Raahiem! Won't disappoint promise. Keep up the great work, great vid like always fellas! Also a good one that isn't R&B would be "Spar" by Dreezy, 6LACK, and Kodak Black
- Josh Wrye: Yessss bruh...you should definitely do a Wu Tang video on all the members
- Josh Styles: You guys should do a video for King Green - Opera ft Method Man
- Ben gibb: Gza is great!
- Lucas Albani: Logic - YSIV please! That shit is fire.
- Uncle Cock: I love that y’all actually break down the lyrics and critique the melody and/or beat of songs. Especially on the country reactions. Y’all should check out “don’t take the girl” by Tim McGraw. It tells a great story!
- Michael Lorden: Who let the killer bees out!!!
- JustBombsProductions: Hell yeah! This is what I’ve been waiting for! Always love the Logic reactions #RattPack
- Teek535: Do one of Coheed and Cambria's new songs!
- Phillip Taylor: Chance the Rapper - I Might Need Security
- Eric Parker: Shout out on Ghostfaces's catalog. He's been the most consistent solo artist of the entire Wu imo
- Cameron Something: React to "Juno" or "Beneath My Skin" by TesseracT!!
- yann tierson: You should do a reaction of Benny Moten's Professor Hot Stuff.
- John Day: Please react to Saba - Life...or Prom / King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6F2OrOjexs
- payfortheircrimes: Another great video. Please react to Gaika Spectacular Anthem
- Jordan Jeffers: https://youtu.be/170pyGquUwc sean McConnell great voice country folk
- bigwillblahblahbla: This video would sick if it took place on a subway
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: +Charlie you're right, it must have been taken down 😕
- Elizear Oquendo: Check out my freestyles let me know your feedback thanks guys !!
- jesse zimmermann: 100% need some wave reactions
- Fozzeh_: Unbiased for George till an Eminem reaction when it's just hate for great lyricism.
- Ptyler Beats: Chris Paul Book of Ryan is incredibly underrated
- George Henry: https://youtu.be/1vPbSBAaHDo
- Jesse Goins: Used to you- Luke combs
- Seeing Is Believing: where's the love to the U K 🤔🤔🤔
- Luis Huicochea: JID working out!!!!
- brook Boussaken: We would like you guys to make a chillout video talking about yourselves and hip hop in general and where the industry is going, and what is going to be considered classic for this generation and all that kind of stuff. We would really appreciate that kind of content right now from you guys, as always much love and respect for you boys.
- Ruben Ramirez: Y'all should react to heaven Los lonely boys haven't seen anyone online react to this song Im 100% it could make a playlist u should check it out even if u don't make a vid
- iiiamuv Official: Glorious five next guys🔥 tbh it’s the best off the album next to legacy and this joint
- DJ_RueBoi: Dam how can you say you hate Rza flow???
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Crazi_WoLf 24: You guys might as well listen to the whole album lol, another good video, keep it up
- Ethan Nunnally: Ya'll have to react to the new twenty one pilots album when it come out!
- Joshua Cyr: Please do tech n9ne-industry is punks
- Ethan Shaefer: If you’re reading this Tim McGraw
- CorrectedComet: Finally
- Unknown Temptation: Where is don’t cry by lil Wayne and x I’ve been waiting for so longggggg
- Kurt Witte: Method Man top 5 for me!
- meagainstthewrld: +Rey Martinez there's no such thing as biracial. RACES DON'T EXIST they were created to divide and conquer human beings and thanks to ignorant and evil people it's working very well.
- Jomari Santos: J.I.D Working Out 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥you gotta guys
- Ninjaforpresident 2020: Top 3 rap groups of all time 1: Wu tang clan 2: NWA 3: Mobb deep/Run dmc
- carlos grillet: Do something from methodman i would like u guys di "Even if"
- ShaYn: You have to react to 100 miles and Running from him thats too hot🔥🔥
- JS 4ever: In the last couple of weeks the real "rappers" are coming back, taking a stand against mumble rap and auto-tune! Lyrical bars ,cadence and word play. Is real RAP. Another great reaction guys. Please react to Eminem and Royce da 5"9 - Not alike.
- deyon smith: Y'all need to do J.I.D -Working Out!! And Earthgang- Up
- 123 abc: Legacy is heatt
- Death Grip: Review method mans song say.. wit Lauren hill. Such a statement back then n fits even better now..
- kowaab: Logic YSIV is dope especially the second verse
- sgtstreetmeat: exactly what i was thinking
- Aboo805: I want to see a reaction to Nasty by Logic! 🙌🏽
- Malachi Duval: 😤😤😤 best reaction vids in the game
- Jimmy Pereira: Song was perfect... just wish gza went longer
- Kevin Costa: Haley Reinhart with Post Modern Jukebox, covering "Creep" by Radiohead or "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes. You really should. No, really. Phenomenal.
- made man: me too... I love Rza's and Cappadonna's flow. unorthodox.
- Caleb Cicero: Plz just keep doing this and the Carter 5 these are your best vids
- Daymon Rondino: “Back when the Planet was Digable” Some of y’all miss that but 🔥
- JDMC Music Aus: Meth and Ghost went the hardest and Logic definitely kept up, great verses, they all came with it
- JOHN GAILE: Dave east and styles P dropped beloved too 🔥🔥 been a great morning for me 😊
- yusaqa madiq: Glad i watched the whole video before commenting cuz i was going to have to call George out on the inspecta deck being the best Lyricist in the group comment knowing good and damn well the gza has that title....Good job guys
- Dave BK4LIFE: You good for correcting yourself bruh. Lol Inspectah is an amazing lyricist but The Gza is hands down the best in the group! Keep doing what you're doing fellas! Love your honesty on your reviews.
- liveforthis160: Finally doin some WU!
- Noah Pappo: More YSIV asap!
- diego san: Ratt pack
- Yin Liu: Man! If ur a rap fan and I don’t know Wu Tang? Then u got bigger problems!
- nicklenickle9steele: Guys, check out Ghostface with BADBADNOTGOOD, great collaboration
- Ruben Olivares: Zach P ghostface vs czarface next month my dude
- Joao Mendes: Insane
- Patrick Varnavas: You’ve gotta do Wikispeaks from Wiki!
- Gerard Krakowski: I agree about Deck, he's always been my fav. I was waiting for some crazy shit and it just didn't happen!
- Kearston Edwards: I recently found out about you guys. And I couldn’t be any happier. I love the way you guys break everything down. You guys stay putting me on some new stuff and showing love to the RIGHT music. Side Note: you guys should do a video with Logic and Wale called 100 miles and running. Keep it up broskies
- NvD HaRd: React to Sweet Dreams II
- Psych0 Matt93: got to see wu tang clan recently for the first time it was so damm good ill never forget it
- Piotr Trzepla: Inspectah Deck ain't rusty, check out his stuff from Czarface Meets Metal Face, he didn't bring his best here.
- st85100: Great reaction! Wu is the best hip hop group by far, no one close. I've seen Wu probably 5 times and they are great live. Funny how you talk about the Rza's flow because he's one of my favorite. I love how he can be off beat and on beat so perfectly and crazy unorthodox and raw.
- Young Boy: Stay- Post Malone like if you agree
- Blaine mattingly: Eric church just dropped a albulm give it a listen!!
- Young Phil: Silverbacc nah bruh I agree with u tho, Joey would make more sense definitely he’s really the embodiment of a new school rapper that fits in with 90s rap & I like him better than logic anyways
- Ballas TP: Gotta react to somethin off Lupe's new project Drogas Wave, which I know George has probably already heard but go do it anyway! WAV Files or Alan Forever would be dope
- Shashvat Pandey: I just love how happy they got listening to their idols❤
- Megan Formanek: Don’t blink by Kenny Chesney!
- Benjie Salazar: WAV files by Lupe Fiasco pleaseeee
- James Kitchens: Jid working out
- Henry Payne: 6ix is one of Logics go to producers
- Vinny Matrumalo: Do the glorious five. Best song off the album
- AWBToxicity: as far as voices in hip hop ive always thought Method, Nas, and the Game have always had some of the clearest lyrics and flows. There are always so many more great examples but those are just a few of mine. Love this song.
- Pechy40: Like Chris Stapleton? Try Marc Broussard. HOME. Awesome!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuWPseegaKw
- gmadee #rattpack: I do not have a speaker loud enough at home or in my car to give this the volume it deserves! It was great watching your reactions. I was yelling to you, JUST WAIT!! IT'S FIRE🔥✌❣➕
- kovanali: Do some Jedi Mind Tricks reactions 😅😅 Uncommon Valor 👌🏼👌🏼
- Chris Plissken: A lot of original Wu Tang tracks are over 6mins to 8mins long lol and I love them
- Chaos Blaz3: The best song out of logic’s ysiv album except street dreams
- Deandre Thorpe: Can you guys react to better man by little big town
- puckettjoe23: I think that Logic's verse at the beginning showing that this is his song but it was mostly about Wu tang clan so i think his little introduction was better than him showing himself later.
- DeathStrikeVirus: I found you guys through your Metal reactions. I can't tell you how happy I am you go this going.
- Romi9818: Bobby digital on the beat!!🔥🔥🔥
- Layla Sabrah: GZA is the best lyrically, examples that I really like, Protect ya Neck and Triumph. His flow is dope too, he’s like the full package.
- Seth Rios: i like meamis lpgic reactions
- Dominic Chaperon: Definitely need to do YSIV. Always love your logic reactions
- MrFrenchFriez: just do the whole album already😫😫😫
- MLGimoke: React to she used to be mine by Brooks n Dunn
- Izaiya Carter: 100 MILES AND RUNNING by Logic!!!!!!! Love your vids!!
- Bernice Elizabeth: React to not alike by Eminem ft Royce da 5 9
- adza botchway: Logic's intro is too perfect man... the way he just comes in, holding absolutely nothing back and then one by one, the song just gets better and better as it goes on. unbelievable. I needed good music like this
- FuTr UniversE: +Dejan Cuk like what?
- Lewis Brannigan: https://youtu.be/48BhGFkATwQ you should do this fire
- Zaherul Huda: Wu Tang are the main influence on logic on this album. I think logic will focus on being non gimmicky and more focussed on that sick ass flow now on. The Wu validated him in ways, and pointed him away from what weakened him as a rapper in the hip hop game. Logic has never so consistently sounded hardcore and lethal.
- Mill King: Yhh!! I was waiting on this reaction especially. Also J.I.D just came out with some new music; "Working Out" and u guys kno J.I.D always brings the fire
- Darren Pinson: Choose the sword... and you join me
- Ulysuss: Death Grips - Takyon or Guilliotine
- XhibitioN TV: I have been waiting for this for a whole week
- Jimmy Linares: I'd watch the shit out of that Wu-Tang video if you guys make it. I've always thought they were great and as a metalhead, I would like to know more about them.
- Michael Bland: I loved seeing you guys getting to hear something current that still gives you nostalgia as there aren't as many new guys trying it. Also please try The Soul by Reason (TDE)
- Tyler Ray: Mad squablz Humble i promise if you like lyrics then you'll love him he's fire 🔥🔥
- Abstract Mento: you guys should react to Old N***as by YBN Cordae, it'll be interesting to see what you guys think since you guys are unbiased and really give an objective view, most of the reactions to that song are biased.
- yarbgreat1: Plz react to Shame by The Dear Hunter Audiotree live.
- GRANK YOIN: RZA has the best verse. makes me wanna dance like Kanye and Lil pump
- Michael Morgan: Man RZA's voice and flow is one of my favorites out there! I can't believe you hate it, all good thought respect the opinion. Good video!
- alan jovani: Listen to rapboy by logic please!
- Jovany Ruiz: Give 6ix his respect 💯🔥
- Billy Bong: Deck always had the best flow.
- John Sandberg: Wu Tang deep dive. Yes
- Solar_ Jay: No funny shit the best reactors on YouTube are y’all, always real and you guys actually know what great rap is lmfaooo, keep it going much love
- Din Mamma: Don’t let this distract you from the fact that logic is biracial
- the hound: Yes Wu Tang video 👍
- Pat Kelly: Gza a jjjzzzzzgggGGeeniuss
- Dimitri Kwenda: Got that revision right! The Genius/GZA has a slick pen game
- Brenden Taylor: Diablo
- Aaron Banks: Again more biased opinion radio rap
- Hanoch Augustin: That beat ❤️🔥
- Jon Murdock: So let's get into the cilvaringz album...fans say he is a fanboy but nobody was into the album.it is much better than this song he has a whole album but you don't even know it.wack fans wack era.
- PrimeGamer _: Vexelpops what original lmao
- Ben: YES. PLEASE do a Wu-Tang breakdown. This rap novice would love that.
- Salvatore Arena: When you can get to it, would love some more Avenged Sevenfold!
- Gregory Campbell: Yes, please do more WU!
- Christopher Owens: just imagining JID flow on this beat
- Carlos Rodriguez: 🙌🙌🙌
- ARIZONA_ROCKABILLY 928: The length was fine ur trippen most people want a longer song usually the complaint is its too short. Used to like this channel but idk that dude george thinks hes like the hip hop expert or some shit lol and then he thought mgk diss was better than Eminems!? And he suppose to be all about hip hop and battle rap? Crazy.
- leggitfuzztato: KingMeeqs hell yeah, GZA and Inspectah murdered that track
- Zach roberts: Called that shit before it even started HELL YEAH.
- Cold smoke: LOGIC - YSIV
- joshua ballantyne: Since you guys are fans of Korn and deftones, what about doin Wicked by korn ft chino moreno
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- Nicks Corsair S1 Tips: guys, if you like this track then you have to check out General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners. That will blow your mind
- Jason Ibarra: You have to react to cyha tha prynce and locksmith team backpack cypher, they both absolutely killed that shit
- Lamar Dunlap: J.I.D Workout need to be reacted to next bro
- Edmund Cooke XI: 👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐👐
- JD Vaughan: Logic Album is a classic /Gza aka Genuis
- Diesel_addiction479: Please do Sound of Silence by Disturbed!
- JessBmine: I forgot this was Logic's song. Lol This makes me want to listen to some Wu Tang. C.R.E.A.M.
- Mr & Mrs Plummer: Official Wu Tang Banga!!
- Colton Burris: You guys should react to home sweet home by Motley Crue
- NATHAN HALL: Reaxt to shinedown - I dare you Or 12 stones- broken
- Nathan Baca: What’s God without a little OD? Just a G. RIP Easy Mac with the cheesy raps.
- Charlie: Doesn't come up when I search
- Pat Patterson: Always said the same about Deck. Dropping bombs atomically lol
- Daniel Gentry: Y’all need to listen to BB KING
- m b: Where are the Death Grips reviews? You will get so many views with a few of them. A good one to start with is "No Love", "Guillotine", or "Come up and get me"
- anbuspecial: you should listen to YSIV by logic from his new album. Disgusting
- Silverbacc: +Young Phil Same here, guy's definetely in my top 10, maybe even top 5. Wish he would use his rough, course voice more, like he did in Sup Preme
- DorrellPalacio11: NEW JID- working out🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- gmaer3500: They all the shit period!
- angrygingerboss: Do calm down by Busta and Eminem?
- Aaron Broughton: Can yall plzz react to Daylyt - lytskin
- Schib Alski: Street Dreams II - Logic Dedicate - Lil Wayne
- Sean pierre: That track sounds sick!
- caden kea: Classic artist coming back to git rid of the new bull shit and supporting lyrical artist. I like it
- Michael Hunter: The Reynolds You lack Supreme Wisdom and fail miserably to understand? Do you know 120°? Do you read 120°?
- Mr Waffles: Y'all should check out king lil g
- bufflow souljah: RZA style is so dope..full of gems
- zebulan ruple: Gotta do the ysiv single! It’s different then the freestyle.
- Cody Bodeker: Ghost Face was always fire!!! They all were!
- Mis-Leading Story: Never clicked on a video so fast
- Rich West: You asked us to vote for nirvana songs. That was weeks ago and no reactions. Unsubscribe
- Buckeyekilla513: Don’t forget to diversify your bonds.
- Devin Brown: Do the Twilight zone by golden earring
- martini1179: I wish that I could hear ODB drunkenly sing on this track.
- Sylor: Thank you for the annotations. Much appreciated.
- Tyler LaPointe: Iconic next? ;)
- Frozen: DROGAS WAVE!
- Vincent Villano: That was awesome always great to hear Method Man laying down some tracks to me he was my Eminem nobody could touch him it lyrical Mastermind
- Ben Ebbitt: awesome song!!!! beat reminds of the purple tape song from meth on methlab!!!
- GoodCallYT: Please Make that Introducing Wu Tang Vid for all the under educated hip hop people. That would be awesome
- SephL: Slipknot - The Nameless
- Zac Humbert: Yall are great, keep it up. You should listen to J.I.D Bruh. Its great!
- Marshie420: you dudes need to check out death grips. "the fever" "on gp" and "i've seen footage" are great songs to start
- Jason Pendleton: Old dirty RIP
- Cameron Johnson: React to manilla by lupe fiasco
- Travis Smothermon: 100 miles and running by logic and wale please!!!!!!!
- Jamari Goodine: React to juice wrld freestyle on funk flex!!!
- Jordan Thomas: Boogie fade freestyle please!!!!!
- HipHopAtHeartTilInfinity: Can you react to.. Rhyme Asylum - Poison Penmanship The Four Owls - Think Twice Mouse Outfit - Cut Em Loose (Ft. Berry Blacc, KinKai & Layfullstop) Peace and Love!
- eddievangraham: This song was aight. I expected it to be more of a bar fest
- Kami Kenshi: this is a Boom Bap Throwback album! he wants his demographic to appreciate it and also in one of his tracks he says how fame changes ya and you forget how you were on the come up.. and most of his fans were begging for his old style which is why he made this album
- Michael Mesa: React to iamtherealak - bank account remiz
- Salty Panda: I love you guys! I went through your video playlist and you haven’t done Bad Company please do Rock N Roll Fantasy!
- Kopec_21: +No U Always be current, see (currency) he also says many more lines that give it away. When did I say it was hard?
- Mezmerizer 9: I live for grindcore but damn, I Love wu-tang clan, they are the greatest ever.
- CDTVProductions: One of my favourites from the album, just having Wu-Tang on there instantly scores it points
- Thanatos 123: could you please react to j.i.d "working out"
- Don Schaum: How about reviewing the ORIGINAL RAP SONG? Rapture by Blondie. The entire rap genre owes a debt to this chick. Hell, rap even takes its name from the song.
- Adam Phillip: Do Vinnie Paz - Floating Goat produced by DJ Muggs.
- Canal Guigsters: The Left - Get In Where You Fit In
- Franco MatherS: owen d facts logic an amazing rapper
- Garre Tindall: It's clear as day 2 see, WU TANG CLAN STILL AIN'T NOTHING 2 F*CK WITH 😎🥋
- The_Legend_27: Plz react to trace Adkins till the last shots fired
- Chris Smith: Review Lupe's mural Jr
- KayfabeTactics: Yeah, I would love that Wu Tang video to talk about them.
- Adam Bird: Great vid guys, more Wu is always appreciated!! Getting into their discography or maybe even ranking the members in order would be dope too
- Packers Rule NFC: You guys should react to hood go bang it’s one of mine and my dads favorite wu tang songs
- Rafa Torres: I love it, you guys can't back up your claim so you guys just say "troll" 😂😂 come on, I'm waiting on the facts, where are they? You guys can't say shit 😭😭😂😂
- deyon smith: Have y'all dont EarthGang yet?? If not yall need to try EarthGang-Up!
- Jack L: Smashed it again ! You guys should react to Dreams by Fleetwood Mac .
- Raymon D: Mac Miller -diablo promise you won’t regret it!
- Baroan Nicolas: Big up from France ! I like your work. I don't know if you heard of Chuuwee. I can imagine you liking him. Check Chuuwee - Slave King if u can
- Márton Nagy: +Chris Paul Your welcome!
- Kevin Schmidt: Method Man easily had the best verse. That shit was fire!!! Inspectah Deck still has the best flow though, in my opinion.... After all, he does bomb atomically
- Jacose J: Young fathers song called "in my view". Next!
- The Eel Eats: Haywyre - Smooth Criminal If you guys really want creativity!
- 16dbuse: As a serious metal fan, I love good rap, and I didn't need the info on ladybug, that digable album is great. It was great to hear them, and Method Man has always been 1 of my favorite rappers, and he killed that shit.
- pagefortests: Four eyes hates life.
- evancass: I'm all for some 'educational' vids, especially for us rap greenies. Love the Wu Tang member highlight idea. But would really love a East Coast, West Coast, Southern, etc education... what are the regions' traits? history? key rappers/groups? I find myself drawn to Southern rappers for some reason - Outkast, Goodie Mob, J.I.D. What is it about that 'sound' that I dig so much? Anyway, loved this vid & love your channel. Peace
- Christian Flores: Please react to $uicideboy$- for the last time
- kendall thompson: React to Phora - sinner pt.3
- Adrale4gotten: .....I think for the first time in his life rza had the best verse on this song
- Ramone Bills: Wu-tang is the best rap group EVER!!!! 2nd would be prolly NWA....
- Andre Davis: You guys gotta react to Solomonic chronic by vybz Kartel the song is 🔥🔥🔥
- theherbpuffer: J TEK - THE COME UP
- tlr386: Do some Kevin Gates!
- ImAbraham: Logic don't care about any hate, he makes music for anyone who wants it #plp
- Jack Ripper: Agreed, Deck is my favorite but his verse on this was eh. Love the song though!
- tyler exon: Y’all have to check out dive by ed Sheeran!!
- Subhajit Dutta: How about Drogas waves by lupe fiasco?
- ConLee: 6ix is logic’s producer. 9 out of 10 logic songs are produced by him
- Aidan Smith: Do the title track please! Much love.
- Becerra24x16: Would love to see y'all react to "Tame Impala - the less I know the better" its alt. Rock with a funk bass line and a Pink Floyd/disco sound. You guys are the best at reactions. Love the way you guys break down a song. I pay attention to music the way you guys do but I don't explain on the same level as y'all. Thank you!
- Caleb Harrington: R.I.P Ol Dirty
- Zack Franklin: Meth for sure has always been my favorite of the group. Can't believe Red Man wasn't on here. WTF? Mef hasn't skipped a beat. He's been putting out dope songs all year long. TICAL!!! Lemme hear you bitches run your mouth now.
- Stathis Tsk: Guys please react to Logic- The Glorious Five!!! It is an amazing song with great lyrics and an amazing beat!!! One of the best in this mixtape!! As always another amazing reaction video!! Keep it up!!
- Faith Mcdonald: I would love for you two to react to yung bleu ft baby b slide thru both artist are really underrated
- Cris B: Bring the muthafuckin Ruckus
- Xxshoot PlayerxX: Frank ocean “nights “
- Logan Carey: Yesterday by atmosphere!!!!!
- victor foresta: Can u dudes do some CZARFACE? If y’all don’t know it’s Inspectah Deck w 7L & Esoteric. All albums are 🔥. A dope song to start w is “When Gods Get Mad feat. GZA”
- Raviiieee: 💢💢J.I.D Working Out on colours 💢💢 reaction please!
- J An: Hi Guys , I would love to see you check out Future Islands performing "Seasons" on Letterman (from 2014) - it is a very cool and unique performance that I think you would really appreciate !
- Matthew Myers: Check out translee any track one of the dopest artists out. One of the most slept on albums this year
- Deniz Gunes: Logic is something else man 🤙🏻🤙🏻
- Mr. HD: Yes bro this album is sick .
- Noah Fuentes: Just wanted to let you knowGot em
- itskatta: we need new gojira reactions
- Leminsbro: Brandy (You're A Fine Girl)- The Looking Glass Dark Star - The Grateful Dead Desperado - The Eagles Anything by Jimi Hendrix (Purple Haze, The Wind Cries Mary, Valleys of Neptune, Bold as Love) Thanks guys, love the vids!
- Zedze: Temple of the Dog - Say Hello to Heaven
- blackpixels: Come On now, you know Rza raps On & Off Beat... Bob Digi, Bong Bong lol ;-)
- Pol Castelló: Definitely do a video on wu tang please🙏
- MommaG: Loved Digable Planets!
- Dino Komadina: Great channel, subscribed! You guys should review Chill Bump - - The Memo
- Dawit_K: ARW true af but he is still decent tho
- Stardust Cycle: they're just repeating it
- Tray Fredy: Ratt Pack Stand up ,
- Jules: Same with J Cole
- TioSeuss: You guys you should React to: Talk Dirty - by Mothod Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuJrRBUMTe4 Dope cut!
- Justice4 Harambe: Mr Zorg They all are, all of them have their moments too lol.
- Fso LEfajo: have you guys reacted to any czarface songs? inspectah deck is on those joints too
- Michael Hunter: Josue Galvan NWA is lyrically quadriplegic compared to the Gods!!
- Chris RTJ: I would love a Wu-Tang Video!
- Leslie-Symon Peters: Yall should react to Mindfucker by Sheck Wes🔥 Had me bumpin!
- Rielly Scott: Yall gotta do Run the Jewels
- Dylan Haynes: Yo react to flatbush zombies new world order its fire
- jutaro thug: WINTERSUN - TIME
- Qlfome666: React to Earl Sweatshirt - Wind in my salls Pleaseee
- St Matteos: Please do elephant in the room by mick Jenkins ... and his other song what am I to do .... the songs are both a little over 2 minutes so doing a video on one or both would be great ... ITS FOR THE CULTURE
- Andrew Reisch: Please do In color by Jamey Johnson
- Jeremiah Caicedo: YSIV please
- TheHaeretiker: And Burzum - Dunkelheit
- MFBloosh: Got my mind made up by Pac, Kurupt, Redman, n Method Man. Thumb this up.
- Blue J: 100 miles and running ft. Wale, ICONIC ft. Jaden Smith, and Street Dreams II, are all good listens too
- Mr Zorg: That's like a kid falling over and saying I meant to do that
- JZA: U-God really shined on this one... "I hit 'em in the head with the hammer of Thor Stars and bars, makes me a general Anything less, makes me a criminal Gotta dig deep for these Wu-Tang minerals"
- adam ring: do some joell ortiz. Hes got a new album coming out in a couple weeks and has put out a couple of singles, and his remix to get the strap should be replaced with 6ix9ine
- Ben gibb: Logic sounds just like j cole in a lot of this album, but I’m not complaining.
- Alex C: This video should just be a straight cypher vibe!
- Kane Baudart Media: LongLiveSteelo
- shivam khandelwal: porcupine tree - anesthetize or arriving somewhere with video , they were released live
- tuchesuavae: Been waiting for this.
- Eric Burks: You guys should listen to Tame Impala's "Let It Happen", specifically the live Deezer Session video. They've got a sick groove and you guys may dig it
- Mrs. Salgado: Michael Morgan exactly
- Ohsaint p: Vinnie Paz- End of Days
- Russell Wendel: Trivium - The Sin and the Sentence!!
- Jason Kifner: I would absolutely LOVE a Wu-Tang-centric video from you guys. PLEASE.
- SnowboardinMA: Good move by Logic getting the Clan on a track.🔥🔥 dope shit!
- Tejco: Listened to Wu before I switched to metal. This made me jizz my pants :D
- Aces & Spaces: Lol people used to laugh At me for listening to logic from 2011-2014 now everyone sucking his cock 😂
- TheAdamSmasher Multiverse: JEAH! Glad I wasn't the only one who though Method Man had the best verse Kidaf - Never Ending (ft. Shadow the Great)
- Cory Henry: Brooks & Dunn- I Believe 🔥
- ShootToMiss: Can you do iconic or ordinary day next ?
- The Skating Turtle: I was waiting for this since it released lol. Please react to Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage with the music video guys!!❤️
- Eddie White: Watched your Machine Head- Halo reaction and it was great! But you need to do Davidian! Just yesterday, Machine Head announces their break up. Do it in memory for Machine Head!
- Deniz Gunes: Tw Wop he is one of the most diverse song artists there are he does it all he is literally the opposite of what you just said.
- SOJOA: Your into is niggardly.
- John Kitchen: Cuban Linx 1&2 are some of my favorite albums, this song is sick.
- ConanEdogawa415: Also would love to see you react to some off Lupe’s DROGAS WAVE. Manila, Mural Jr, King Nas and Wave Files are all incredible
- ErrrrdayImShufflin': React to Lupe Fiasco - Wav Files
- Everyone said my name was stupid so I changed it.: J. Cole: “KOD is the album of the year!” Eminem and Logic: “hold my beer”
- KV-2: The Meth Lab is Method Man's best album imo
- brook Boussaken: +Evin yeah that would very enjoyable man
- Jare M: Opeth - Burden
- Joyel Lee: OMG!!!!! YES!!!!! It felt amazing to hear the WHOLE clan again!!!
- Jimmy Mccormick: PPPPLLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE react to ICONIC. Best song off the album 😫😫😫
- brook Boussaken: I've been waiting for this very specific reaction soo badly, thank you guys
- Mandurath: Would like to see a reaction/review to Marc Broussard - Home. Enjoy your open minded perspective. I have gained an appreciation for music I would have otherwise never listened to. Some I have liked, others not so much. Still, thanks for helping me see others musicians efforts..
- ARW: Every Logic song sounds basically the same, dunno why you guys review so much of his shit.
- Jay Davis: Check out People Say by Wu-Tang
- gCuezy: I was wondering why you were just pretending like GZA didn't exist. Song was awesome, I didn't know it existed. Major points for Logic.
- dadorage: We all need to recommend it until it's done, very few people are talking about this album so I guess it's our duty to spread the word. Cripple / Jonylah Forever / Kings Nas would be great
- Nick Locker: More Earl Sweatshirt 🙏🙏🙏
- Sou Foda!: EPICA- universal deathsquad 🙏🙏
- Ulysuss: La Dispute-King Park
- Yxng_McChicken: Do everybody dies
- BardiaOzzie: MOORRREEEEEEE :))))
- Sharrieff Muhammad: Do a hundred miles and running logic and wale
- liveforthis160: Ruler Zig Zag Zig Allah!
- Fabricio VC: Logic - YSIV title track fire
- The Truth Hurts You: Eminem studied the dictionary, Wu-Tang wrote the dictionary
- Frie Trustfull: Funny and still you guys nailed IT
- MichaeLSU: Because of you guys I stopped watching other reaction videos. Great job!
- Tomy Preku: You guys should definitely check out Iconic as well
- Evan Schneider: 100 Grandkids - Mac Miller
- Edward Shalash: FINALLLYY MY BRETHREN ... I gotta say I was mad how succinct GZA verse is , But they all went ham and this track is off the hook. I really appreciate you guys, y'all galvanizing me to excel with the shit y'all doing
- wes simmons: Guys please check out nutshell from Alice In Chains. It’s a beautiful song.
- Joseph McCallay: Tim mcgraw-dont take the girl
- Jeffrey Vences: songiso mac How you going to leave out Redemption by Jay Rock?
- Nick Rohrbach: RATM - Take the power back please :)
- velale: Hey guys this is the first time commenting on your videos but I just wanted to say I've watched your shit for over a year now. I started by watching your metal videos and how you open your mind to a different gengre and I'm proud to say you have become medal heads as well as keeping your hip hop head roots. That inspired me to open up to a genre I never gave a chance until recently. I am proud to say I am a hip hop head as well as keeping my medal head roots. Anyway sorry for the wall of text I hope you guys see this to see how much I appreciate you guys.
- Ashleigh Jackson: Both these dudes are mad good looking but I feel like the one in the Hat reminds me a little bit of Eazy-E
- Nathan M: This is dope, I love Wu-Tang. I'm sure you've heard it but I'd love to see you break down and hear your thoughts on Winter Warz by Ghostface Killah. Keep up the good content fellas.
- Rockkzilla TV: 4:44 me too lmao
- Kelz Pinero: Method man - smooth flow/beat ryder Odb - recklessness Ghost face killah - straight hood shit/story teller. Reakown - nasty flow/ hood shit Inspecta deck - nasty lyrisist RZA - dope beats/unorthodox flow UGOD - beat rider Masta killa - deep lyrics Capodona - hood shit GZA - nasty flow
- Ector Lopez: Review Logic YSIV- ICONIC ft Jaden Smith
- Ahmad El-Saadi: Best reactions on YouTube. React to Stack that Cheese from Lupe's new album,it's the sequel to hip hop you saved me
- Lets Go Blues!!!: I can totally understand why he don't like it, definitely. I however to like him.
- TheLonelyBrethem: Listen to YSIV the song with that crazy rhyme scheme beat switch at the end, y’all are really going to enjoy that
- Jarken: React to rage against the machine - Fistfull of steel It’s good especially the 1993 live version
- eric5280: bias or not, Method man part the best bar none..
- Deniz Gunes: Joey Badass paper trails bro
- moffe2k: Sick beat! 90s rap is more my thing. But metal is definitely THE thing, and Machine Head - Darkness Within is my request.
- Jesse Busse: Can you please do Gucci flip flops remix? I want to know your guyses perspective on Plies and Snoop Dogg's verses.
- Rafa Torres: Three 6 mafia is the best rap group ever.
- Michael Viau: I think this would be right up your alley. Billy Idol . Flesh for Fantasy.. Legendary vocalist with one of the most tasteful guitarists of all time. Steve Stevens.
- Travis Smothermon: Sharrieff Muhammad best song in the album
- sasuke14105: Iconic, YSIV, and Street Dreams II are must listens!
- lupe dafiasco: the new lupe song: "Wav Files" and "Manilla"
- Espen Totland: Great reaction
- SnowboardinMA: RIP STEEZ 4747
- nick shepherd: You guys need to react to dave east!!! Anything from him
- Daniel Cranford: Hey nice review... you guys should react to J.I.D Working Out it’s a Real but dope song
- Danny B: Next song .the conversation by hank Jr an Waylon Jennings
- Awesomebutter1: react to more songs from carter 5
- Matt Morbid: The Wu was special to us metal heads to... IDK if you guys ever heard the loud rocks album... but they invited metal bands to do versions of their songs with them... really liking what I heard I got the Wu albums... was strictly a metal head but absolutely loved them... so much so I went to see the tour they did with rage against the machine...it was madness
- sgtstreetmeat: Gza is fire
- Cesar Hinojosa: Yo @lostinvegas you should react to logic in sway in the morning to five fingers of death freestyle by logic if not at least listen to it I recommend it!!!
- TheHaeretiker: Venom - Black Metal Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills
- Bitsoev Eduard: Guys! I have a great idea! React to classical music. Smth like Prokofyev
- John Doe: Do russ kill em all
- Ray: Slipknot "Left Behind"
- Young Esco_93: Do a reaction to Kyle Bent - Devine (ft. Mick Jenkins)
- Chase Knapp: Y’all need to do Montana of 300
- Scott Johnson: Power Trip - Soul Sacrifice
- Caleb Cicero: React to dedicate by Wayne plz!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
- Tyler Cavallaro: Wu Tang Clan video would be sick!
- Young Phil: Silverbacc faxx, logic did his thang tho
- NotPharrell: Y'all need to react to songs from Lupe Fiasco's new album like Wav Files or Manilla
- Enes Aydin: This is what i was waiting for since the Album dropped, YOUR reaction to THIS song
- Matt Owens: the fever 333 - made in america (video)
- Beatriz Barbosa: Hey guys,love your videos!! Y’all should check it NF - outcast or real. He’s the realest rapper
- Bootyslayer Jackson: You guys should do reactions old songs that most people may not have heard of from legendary groups or artist just a thought. Ps Daylyt hot 97 freestyle
- Silverbacc: +Young Phil Lemme clarify, shit's still fire and Logic is one of the best lyricists of current times. I just find Joey's style more fitting.
- Marquis Butler: I have always felt the same of Rizza's flow. But if you pay attention to his penmanship. Dude is godlike...
- Hurll89: Rhyme asylum- poison penmanship. Really think you would enjoy it.
- thedreamtheater: These Walls - Dream Theater.
- JD Williams: Homesick or Jealous man Marcus King Band
- Jelly _: Do YSIV !!
- Suco De Fruta: REACT/ EPICA- (universal deathsquad ) please...
- yash budwal: You guys gotta react to YSIV, the song
- Ezekiel Jaramillo: can you guys react to the actual "YSIV" track? in my opinion it is the best track on the album, and has the best beat as well.
- Carl: Im not ready... goddamn
- Bilbo Baggins: Tribute by Tenacious D! Gotta check that one :D
- Shawny Deee: You gotta do Dedicate by Lil Wayne, he lost his mind.
- blahblahcgeth: THANK YOU!!!
- Zachary Babin: Inspectah deck is still making music today in a rap group called czarface, you should do a review on Bomb Threat
- Bobby Haro: Listen to balenciaga challenge
- Trinity Clark: Thanks guys I have said the same thing about RZA Flow is off to me also.
- Maxwell Eazyflo: Hi guys ❤❤❤
- Joshua Marc: Yo did you guys check out the wu tang clan album that came Out in 2017? The saga continues ? A Review of that would be crazy nice
- Pip Snippins: Hey Guys! Love your stuff and unbiased reactions/reviews Can you guys review some Coldplay songs? My recommendations (Magic, Shiver, Ink, and O)
- Moses Afonso: Not a huge fan of logic... but the boy can get busy, he can catch a beat an flow.
- Zach Litz: iconic is fire ya’ll
- Gabriel Malinis: Meth man killed this
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: 🔥 🔥 WHEREVER I MAY ROAM 🔥 🔥
- walker: Country song.... Seminole wind
- chaz kaz: You the black version of Logic. Long lost brother
- Esam Elsaket: Listen to ICONIC and 100 miles and running
- Mitch G: Chom You obviously aren't familiar with RZA's flow ! You may not like it and you're entitled to your opinion but the majority of us love RZA's flow on this track and beyond.
- Deven Muses: Review big l all black
- JOSH: Wu Tang!!! Good to hear something new! I loved it
- Miguel: Bunch of mumble rap listeners salty about the song being too long. Foh, this ain’t 69 or Pump..
- yash budwal: These millennials hating logic cause he don’t rap about lean and drugs and fucking bitches
- Calvin Horne: By 21 pilots
- Lutho Maswana: I plead with you guys to react to A- Reece meanwhile in honeydew his dope from South Africa
- omacmill: I first started listening to old rap because my brother had liquid sword in his car and that shit is just tight and beautiful in such a unique way. GZA is really something else
- Kenneth Karpuleon: Oh also wretch 32 daily duppy S:03 is pretty damn sick to if your looking for creative. Regardless it is just crazy good all around
- Atysha Smith: If y'all decide to do that, go with C.R.E.A.M. To me this song showcases everyone's ability. Maybe even 36 chamber. I don't know but this is just my suggestion fellas😉 #freethinkerfromcali😎
- M Porten: So many great memories are revolved around the Wu-Tang Clan... this was my introduction to Hip Hop back in the 90s. So stoked that logic would do this track
- No Name: Listen to what is and should never be
- Corey Reeves: Youre not the only one who never really like RZAs flow, but he fits into the songs, just never really stands out
- SumR4ndom: Please do a reaction to Khabib kicking McGreggors ASS :)
- PeRs ONiiC: Y'all sleeping on iconic that shit is my favorite on the album.
- lil cheddar: "that Nas dude"
- Ruben Sigala: react to j.i.d in the color studio
- cm91322 C: Ya'll should check out MGK's Alpha Omega, The Gunner, or The Return! No joke. A lot of us was hoping you'd hop on some of his stuff. If you want to see another of his freestyles you should check out the one from the LA Leakers. PLEASEEEEEEEEE
- Strika1184: Back when the planet was diggable!
- Gurgling Hermits: I should probably add Step by Step to those suggestions, which he did under the pseudonym “Oliver Hart”
- Tahcsic: You gotta get some more Tyler Childers guys. Listen to the Purgatory album. It'll blow your mind some awesome stuff! Keep up the great work!!
- Dan Rossa: First comment on the channel! Had to. This is straight FIRE. You cannot tell me that any mumble rap song on the charts can stand up to this. Wu-tang 4 Eva. Mad respect to Logic and the Wu for this collab!
- Curtis Jordan: The dopest shit about the Wu was different styles... Vinegar & oil don't mix but taste great together... MARINATE
- Jordan Taylor: I was waiting on this!! Fun fact logic opened up for ghostface when logic was first getting big that's how we was introduced to the guys
- Robert Munroe: Avalanche- frontier psychiatrists. Best record scratching sampling I have ever seen. I haven’t met someone to not like it
- Daniel James: React to Wretch 32 Fire in the Booth part 5, one of his best
- bmoneybby: Haha I've always loved Rza flow!
- Caleb Harrington: Y'all should react to an Old dirty bastard song! xD
- old_school_4ever: R.I.P Old Dirty Bastard
- JDMC Music Aus: INS is so underrated
- Alexander Plimack: “Oh, oh!, oh! OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!..........uhhh!!>whoooooo!!!!”
- Joe Saunders: Please do ocean wisdom ft method man - ting dun. Massive that method man features on the track, same as this one espiaclly being that ocean from the uk
- djc reptile: Ya'll def need a day ya'll listen to old school
- Rayna Butz: React to tom Macdonald
- grillchirre: Second chance SEPULTURA!! *Desperate Cry *Territory *Nomad *Sarcastic Existence Come on guys, you are long overdue!
- Đorđe Marjanović: SEAN PRICE - STRAIGHT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WU TANG IS FOR THE CHILDREN
- John Dupree: Sorry I meant go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- slim pickens: ODB was always my fav wutang member
- Mike G: Or flawless real talk - doctor. trust me !!! His lyrics in that rap, TRUST ME! Its amazing
- Hobo Jim: Mastodon-Jaguar God
- Brien Irving: i liked ghosts, ugods, and methodmans parts the best. shout out to ODB and look forward to more wutang videos
- BOYxWORLD: J.I.D. - Working Out (Colours Live) !!!
- Parth Sharma: Mofo why you keep cutting the song . it's takes away the joy .
- YungLuv 1997: Tasmanian Devil by Chris Webby is one you guys should do
- Joseph Dougan: Meth on this was nuts. Guys. Guys. Seriously. Do some High on Fire. 10000 Years Rumors of War Silverback
- ENY Chica: This track is nostalgic. If it makes the youngins check for Wu...cool. If it’s about paying homage cool. But otherwise I wouldn’t necessarily revisit this. I can just listen to old Wu like I already do.
- Menson Gbor: pls react to up by earthgang its fire
- Ronald Desjardins: Listen to Czarface, it is a collaboration group consisting of Esoteric/7L and Inspektah Dek.... All their albums are dope, the Rebel INS hasn't stopped making music..... Just not in the forefront. Please do a video of Conway the Machine "Rare Form" or anything he has done.... For the culture!!!!
- Ahmed Bosh: 100 miles and running PLEASEEEEEE Logic has the fastest rap verse in the world with 11.37 syllables in this song. Please react to it!!!!!
- oFesp: Hideotic I’m dead 😂
- Morgan Lynn: Also, if you guys haven't already. You HAVE to check out Tori Kelly. She's one of the best vocalists. And Carrie Underwood's "Cry Pretty" is out of this world.
- sjonninn: She's gone - Steelheart!!
- TonyUnplugged: Vanishing: https://youtu.be/Pjb6wEVyiYI
- Char: Rhyme asylum - iller instinct
- Moist Moose: YSIV and Everybody dies gotta be next!
- ethan williams: Young Sinatra IV now lol
- A55KRK GAMING: I love you guys but I have to be honest, for you to have an entire video about the greatest rap group of all time and not have 1 shout out to ODB is disrespectful. Like I said, I love your knowledge and your love for music but paying a little respect to an all time great would have made this occasion perfect.
- Mclongmire1210: Y’all ever heard of one of the best duos in hip hop the all mighty Ces Cru? If not you guys should check em out I think you’d like what you’d hear
- SPK: Hit that 100 miles and running track
- Dalton Layton: Rick Ross devil is a lie
- Jay Money: K.A.A.N- Concealed The Outro
- Jack Ramey: I highly recommend the jid colors show where jid performs an unreleased song from his album, as well as the earthgang colors show, which is crazy good
- Mihkel BS2E: yes guys very good reaction. yes do every single wu member´s reactions would be very dope :)
- Mrs. Salgado: You don't understand my words ... but you must choose
- Declan Homan: shadow box with the L.O.G.I.C..... my favorite part
- MuMu124: This is a wing tang clan song featuring Logic Inspectah deck and method man should be in the convo of the goats
- Carl: Choose the ball and you join your mother
- PaytonTYG: the fact that they all came hard and didn’t throw bs verses together is dope
- ATL Knowledge: I’m still waiting for a OB4CL or Liquid Swords song to react to guys !?
- Kobenat: please react to 100 miles and running
- Rob Oliver: Not really in to Logic but The Wu!! Hell yeah. Bomb as hell, yall should finish out Gojira's The art of Dying with the next 2 parts, "Esoteric Surgery" and "Vacuity" 2 for one, hurry up and buy! Lol, stay up.
- Ricky Spanish: Where are the new reactions of songs I like?
- Morgan Lynn: You guys should react to "Drunk Girl" by Chris Janson. It has one of the best messages I've heard in a long time!
- MoJo Pro: +John You'll get one one day
- kobe!! bryant: Jid - working out (colors)
- Mr.Valentino: YSIV or Iconic are my other two favorites on this album so I'll recommend those, but the whole album is great imo
- Issac S: M E T H O D MAN M E T H O D MAN
- Branden Arndt: Would’ve loved to see Joey Bada$$ on this and give his take on boom bap! Great vid!
- james heerschap: Rest In Peace ODB man would love to see him on this song
- soul stalkerz gaming: Can you guys please do p money fitb
- Manny Mijares: I love the fact that you guys appreciate 90s hiphop. Besides appreciating it you guys are educated on it. Just amazing content guys. One million subs around the corner 💪🏼
- PromptOrchid: Lol
- D. PlanetaryPluto: +Will Ford I Feel You On Both Fam.
- Dillon Williams: React to DAX - slave master ! Trust me you finna love him
- matizz: I like how you stopped the video and changed your mind about the genius. Cant figure out how you hate rzas flow though, he serious
- Nikki Cooper: _ Bonescythe _ I’m here for it, I saw that and you not lyin
- Mos Def: 😍😍😍😍😍
- FalconCzar: can you guys react to Jon Bellion?! He just dropped a new album. The song “Adult Swim” has a very Logic feel to it which I think you guys would love. Or any of his songs. He writes, mixes, and masters his own music. Undeniably talented guy!
- Jean-Hugues Gilbert: Omg, you still didn't reacted to The Contortionist - Language 1 & 2? Go for it! 😉
- Mike Souter: Love this. Please react to STORMZY - 4PM IN LONDON its leading up to his second Album release!
- Antonio: Meth murdered this track
- thegreatbaertino: Do darude: sandstorm
- Stillfly412: My mans
- Adil Messi: Amazing breakdown here. I expected y'all to definitely like this song cuz, Wu-Tang lol. I'm pretty sure you'll like YSIV, I'm anticipating a reaction to that.
- mark Bowins: React to adventures of Stoney bob !!!!!
- RaZa Guice: Street dreams II PLEASE!!
- ohSevenn: #Rattpack
- Jonathan Collins: PLEASE do that Wu-Tang video!! I'm just beginning to look back at 90's hip hop and have become addicted to GZA's Liquid Swords. It would be awesome to hear your thoughts on the other members so I know who else to look into further!
- Michael Hunter: eric brown Lolol
- Timmy George: Please. G-Eazy - The endless summer freestyle FT YG please
- Jacky Lindor: 100 miles and running ft wale is nasty too!!
- Pat Kelly: Method Man always ready
- Tedy Rose: I'm here for it lol, i knew they would of done it #WU
- S. MARQUES: Loved this vid ! Real recognize real!!! Dope song, been listening-to it for the last three days straight on replay
- FaTe Nebula: React to YSIV and The Adventures of Stoney Bob, please? (I said “please” so you have to react to this after you react to the other people’s recommendations)
- itsStawny: Check out YSIV the song
- Amber Mora: mac miller - jet fuel , mac miller - 2009....
- Mr1sammyd21: You know Rza made that beat.
- Mac Overton: Here's a band you'll love and totally surprise you. You'll be asking, "why have we never heard of these guys?" They are awesome! Multi-racial rock/funk band - taking no prisoners. Baby Love by Mother's Finest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC7_LAklaHo
- elwynisdead: You guys are the best Reaction Channel! Check out “The Glorious Five” next !!
- Logan Chaszar: Craig Morgan: this an't nothing.
- Vexelpops: original was better
- Athel Miller: Gravediggaz
- makis dhmhtropoulos: react to eminem venom music video
- Marcus Engdahl: Great video! Please take a look and review some Dave East tracks! Yes Indeed Eastmix is a great start!
- Usama Urfi: The beat generally stays the same with Wu because their whole style is like a huge cypher. It highlights the lyricism more, but also flows well with the beat. The best example of this is Meth vs. Chef on Tical. RZA is just a genius.
- Lucid Pain: Do 100 miles and running! It’s that rapid fire Jack the Ripper style! And wale was a very good feature
- Caleb Lickliter: LIL WAYNE - DONT CRY!!!!!!! PLEASE
- Taylor Casteel: Please do “Three Wooden Crosses” by Randy Travis!!
- Daniel Hunt: Deck is definitely a sharper lyricist than GZA
- Drewz0r: Liquid swords.... 4th chamber and shadowboxin back to back imo
- Josh Maccallum: Lookin Back by Chevy Woods
- -Sir WESLEE-: Just going off what ya datos in the beginning...... Wu-tang dropped a album not too long ago 😕 it was either last year or early 2018 I can't remember. *But it was a good album tho.*
- focusdakid: Definitely different, it sticks to me though. And his production is A1.
- jade palmer: can you please review sir d' evils. I realise from some of your older videos you recommended carribean music. this is a mix of that and rnb
- OmegaSaiyan92: react to respect 4 grandma or S.C.O.M by fort minor please
- Jake w: you guys would love ocean wisdom and method on ting done, wisdom reppin the uk properly
- IAm TheBlurr: Can't wait to see that video breakdown about Wu cause I could probably use the schooling lol
- Kelly Pagano: Just putting it out there. Method man is my all time favorite rapper... well second favorite. Del the funky homosapien is my favorite
- Daanyaal Latif: Love the reactions!!!! React to Street Dreams II - I think you guys will love the storytelling in that song!!!!!!!!
- Proxima Centauri: Aw man I loved this
- Alex Stavrian: Pull Up (Beastcoast Remix) is fire!
- ATLX43X: Amazing Reaction brothers! 👍 id love to see you guys react to "Slow Dancing in the dark" by Joji song is lit 🔥
- Tristan Stephens: Why dont you guys just do a whole album reveiw😣
- cassie skipper: Do a Jason Aldean song or look up Upchurch haha
- XxUliboneZxX: Alright boys,its time to try a new sub genre of metal. I like your thrash/heavy/rock reacts but I'm curious for you guys to try metalcore or maybe post hardcore? Try I.H.E by MISS MAY I
- Samuel Phalen: React to Montana of 300! Either OUUU Remix or Busta Rhymes! 10/10 on his lyrical skills
- Tyler LaPointe: Hey! They listened! Good stuff guys.
- John Hammond: RA Rugged man and Vinnie Paz "uncommon valor"
- Sebastian Armas: Thank You Scientist. Mr Invisible
- InsaneJuggernautMM: That deep dive into the Wu Tang would be dope! Great vid as always guys!
- Kentoniic: Yooooo Lost In Vegas! You gotta react to J.I.D's new song "Working Out".
- Dillon Williams: React to DAX - slave master (fat joe lean back remix) ! Trust me you finna love him
- Mystik301: About being a student of the game?
- Angelo T: Do street dreams II
- CK: react to 100 miles and running please!!
- Saidou Bâ: Love this vidéo. Waiting for the wu vidéo also. Good job guys!
- Hunter Noble: I think you guys would really enjoy Ave Maria and Diablo by Mac Miller. Check em out.
- Keani Edwards: Triumph - Wu Tang
- Yaliin Cruz: Mouth of Kala - Gojira
- Hannah M: Y’all should react to “Offering” by Jaden Smith
- I Love Food: Cap's verse hit the hardest home for me, because as someone who grew up in a Chicano environment, I can see that that type of anger and violence doesn't discriminate between Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos/Whites or anyone really. If you from it, you are from it. If you have seen it, you've seen. How I wish my Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles hoods could drop the beefs and unite to make our hoods what they were in the past: communities where any ethnicity and race were welcome and helped to flourish. One love to all our bros and sisters and all human kind.
- blazeesq2000: Try "Sunday Morning Coming Down" by Kris Kristofferson just for the lyrics.
- Steve Death: How you gonna claim youre a wu fan then get mad at a 8min track with no hook just straight bars of fire lol
- Harry Ross: How can you hate RZA’s Flow? He got one of the most unique flows ever
- Đani Petani: Logic- Iconic is next level
- McDowell Fool Reselling: Everyone is On Google... Who is Wu Tang Clan?... search.
- Edgar Gomzalez: +Visionary I see
- Feyn: please do j'ouvert by brockhampton..
- Jbabco: My dream is to have as nice of a smile as Ryan and George
- Frank7G: Can you react to 1. Miky Woodz featuring Anuel AA : 50 Cosos 2. Anuel AA ft. Nengo Flow and Almighty : Soldado y Profeta remix
- Adrian Humphries: Cote- karnivool you'll love it
- Sebastian: react to YSIV title track ASAP
- Zhur Taa: Protect Ya Neck best Wu song in my opinion , great reaction
- Patrick Belleville: Gangstarr feat Inspectah Deck- Above the Clouds. Fire
- Mrs. Salgado: Daniel Perkins yeah listen to the uncontrolled substance album.... It’s fire upon fire .. very slept on album
- Dustin: Wish they had done something to rep ODB but otherwise this had me bopping my head the whole time.
- Buddha Mind: I absolutely loved this song. Couldn't buy it up fast enough! Thanks so much! Hope you'll give Rivers of Nihil - "Where Owls Know my Name!" a go. Side note : Make sure to return to Sevendust! They are on of my favorite bands and worth looking into their new material such as "Dirty"! Honestly Lajon Witherspoon's vocals and Morgan Rose on the drums is something I cant live without!
- Jose Castillo: If logic had the beat changes like on the track 44 more this song would be awesome !
- JohnFromAcounting: bobbi digital !!!!
- Ben Bauder: You guys HAVE to do 100 miles and running
- Connor Raabe: Please do "Evil Ways" by Santana
- devyn mitchell: Saw it come out and already had it downloaded and on replay
- Tony McCabe: I wanna see your reactions on logics 100 miles and running 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
- MrPranker247: No😭
- Brayden Saavedra: Iconic and 100 miles and running!
- Anthony Dimas: Fellas!! Dope reaction. Let me request another legendary crew so u can school the new upcoming hip hop fans that y'all got? Jedi mind tricks. To start off: -Blood runs cold feat Sean P Or -I who have nothing
- Thelema: You dudes should react to Da Mystery of Chessboxin'. Masta Killa's verse absolutely destroys everything.
- Mcfuzzy 24: Try out some King Iso! Interested to see what you guys think of him. Song- Wrs
- Baggetto Tonio: You Should listen Cream and Triumph
- Apbowler: Would love to see that video on the Wu-Tang members!
- Cynaster00: Yeah man
- Dylan Hedderich: Raekwon - Snake Pond
- Sebastian Salerno: I used to go every week after getting paid to The Wiz, and buy 2 Wu tang cassettes, Killa Beez, Sunz of man, anything Wu Tang! Love The WU!
- PAT2E: The song has hidden gems a 10/10
- HighlyCruciferous: Bob Dylan - Subterrenean Homesick Blues Frank Zappa - Trouble Every Day JBs - Breakin Bread Kool G Rap - Ill Street Blues Gravediggaz - 1800 Suicide Brother Ali - Uncle Sam Goddamn Ideal J - Hardcore La Rumeur - le Coffre-Fort ne Suivra pas le Corbillard
- Amanda Dean: YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 90s self is loving this!!!!
- FÃ CLUB DO EPICA: Please.....REACT TO EPICA- universal deathsquad
- Liquid Swords: I would love a Wu Tang video from you guys. Or even from the GZA even more
- Clayton ,that's me: A Reaction/Review of Triumph by Wu Tang is needed for me!!
- Andy Vargas: Yes make that Wu-Tang video!!!! People need to know the history!
- Sam Davies: you gotta check out the highfocus youtube channel classic boom bap rap by english people, try dirty dike, four owls, coops
- Nereik: React to AVELINO DAILY DUPPY S05 EP03
- datsikmastaayaaa: AntonioReventon689 usually I’d agree but I thought it was good to hear everyone spit to the same beat. Anyone know if they’re making any more new music?
- Ryan Chomps: It would dope if you guys could check out some hard artists from Australia. 360 isn’t rated by most aussies you should check out ChillinIT. His best songs are Women “Weed and World play”, “One Breath”, and “Underrated” Great video! Big support from down under!
- Fernando Castaneda: MOOORRRREEEEEE
- Y’all Boo Boo: React to Big L-All black!!! Y’all sleep.
- Yiorgios Vazouras: You guys should do a reaction video of Dragula by Rob Zombie. You guys haven’t really covered Industrial Metal, and it’s a shock rock classic as well. Really worth a video.
- Vova Melnyk: This ones to all my uk fans you guys have to react to Krept - last night in Lagos you guys just have to react to this one
- Corey Grimes: Two realest guys on YouTube 💯
- CSGO.młody SAMPLE: Talk more jackass
- Vivryn: YSIV..... you guys need to do that song
- suspectblack: i'd love to see you guys do https://youtu.be/lcUeothSPyc
- Quinn Shobbrook: I would love to hear your thoughts on Wu-Tang Clan, I'm definitely from younger era of rap (I'm 22) so even though I'm into old school hip-hop my tastes are probably much different from yours. Keep up the good work!
- Jesse Gonzalez: can you guys react or review (Gotye somebody that i used to know.) thanks!
- Jens Ragas: I MISS THIS SOUND AND THOS BEATS! Nice to here it :)
- Chris straubel: Beanie Segal., Cypher
- ByMaximum: Man someone that really knows their shit lol I’ll be honest I never really listened to much wu tang but it’s cool seeing this from you guys and I really enjoyed this song 🔥
- eric brown: Liquid Swords is still their best album and Inspectah is not the best lyricist , Cappadonna is.
- D Sword: React to ROC Marciano's New Album release. He got collabs wit Busta Rhymes, Black Thought, & Action Bronson. Plus a track produced by Q Tip...Shitz 🔥...
- clu77bs: Wu tang video would be awesome 😊
- mark eadie: A video on your top 5/10/20 whatever you wanna go to, with some snickets of each rapper would be dope.
- TreeBark Monster: Eric Church - Mr. Misunderstood, kill a word, record year, cold one, talladega, drink in my hand, cold one, Springsteen
- Carlos Solis: Two seconds into the song : “ so far so good”
- Cormac Guerin: I just can't get into modern hip hop, I gave up. But man I love Wu Tang / de la soul / a tribe called quest etc.
- Justin Osborne: We need you guys to react to Lupe. Either WAV Files, Manilla, Sun God Sam & The California Drug Deals, Imagine or Mural Jr.
- Daniel Deavers: YSIV is a musttttt!!!!!!
- Enrique Mandas: react to joji - slow dancing in the dark please!
- James Bond: Where was Reggie?
- Marlon Cole: It would have been awesome if I'm more Superior MC like Jay Electronica would have had the Wu-Tang on something but then we got to get an album from this dude first SMH.. I say that still with respect to Logic because I like him just that Jay Electronica is that dude
- Ray Ward: Speaking of wu tang....I still get hella goosebumps listening to decks opening verse in "triumph". If you haven't heard it, do your ears a favour.
- C TR: I mean they literally aren’t anonymous everyone knows Damian Albarn he’s a huge figure in the British music industry
- Will Barnard: please react to potato salad
- terrell jenrette: Im not feeling the working out single.
- ToddyA: Yessss please 😌
- Ravi Deol: I am a very big fan of you guys. I have a very humble request regarding a video I want you guys to react to. It’s a track by J.I.D and it would mean the world for me if you guys reacted to it. https://youtu.be/FzpJl-i7ZRg
- Shibby Dibby Doo: GZA 4LYFE
- OuterThought: FINALLY love when yall react to Logic Also I feel like im the only person in the world who loves RZA's unorthodox flow
- luckylaex: the Indian boy can make great hip hop beats
- tumeone83: Do Locksmiths Louder. Thanks for the great content.
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace(unmastered). Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40
- Mark: Brooo the second verse of YSIV song by logic crazy react to it
- Victor Vedsted: Please react to Young Thuga new ep On The Rvn he got features with elton john, 6lack and jaden smith
- Greg Loeb: Run The Jewels
- eddievangraham: Yung, I can almost guarantee you that I know more about rap than you do
- Divine_Darkness: Eminem x Sway - The Kamikaze Interview (Part 2) somewhere around 10mins clears up the blackball thing that MGK brought up.
- Kwasi Wray: Yeh I don’t know if they’ve done a chilled JID yet
- Isaiah M.: I know it isn’t really that popular of a song but “To Me, To You” by Royce da 5”9 and Jay Electronica would definitely impress you guys. I know you guys would love it
- Alex Castorena: You guys should react too some joey badazz !! :)
- Cory Proctor: Method man is faverite rapper alltime. Flow and voice
- Enjii: 100 miles in running is my favorite song. Love to see you guys react to that!!
- ben7930: Lol get this odb years and years back making all that money rapping never reported that shit to government and actually took mtv with him when he picked up food stamps in a limo lol
- DadCarTakeover: I agree a wu tang video would be awesome.
- brandon casey: 8th of November - Big and Rich
- Grayden Cramer: React to Iconic logic
- erik brækkan: Nice vid! Can you please react to Antwi by Wretch 32? He raps about his past and the prejudice. I believe George will love the lyricism and Ryan will love the flow and his cadence :) love from Norway
- Texas duck hunter: Y’all need to check out Aaron Watson!!! That look by Aaron Watson.... one of the best country songs!!! Y’all won’t regret picking this!
- Bradley 301: Gotta react to 100 Miles and Running
- christian Guzman: React to 100 miles and running by logic it’s a must see
- Eric Reeder: Appreciate you guys Paramore-Misery Business
- Chris Harting: PLEASE review an old GZA song!
- erwen702: They said it’s coming soon
- MacBigAttack: Logic is ok not great
- deZusCHRIST: Logic’s Wu Tang Forever > Drake’s Wu Tang Forever
- Ethan Kicklighter: This is a little out of the usual range y'all do, but I think you'd like The Who a lot. Something like The Real Me or The Punk And The Godfather, with some of the best drumming, bass, and vocals ever.
- Craven Moorehead: Introduce yourselves to kool keith. Black Elvis, dr octagon, whatever.
- Daniel Rivera: Pull Up By Don Q G Herbo and Dave East Or Intro By Don Q i Think You’d Guys would like The Intro
- It's Akile: I waited to listen Logic with you guys, didn't feel like risking my time on Sub par rhyme/repetitive
- Pat Kelly: Harsh yo
- Anil Vellanki: Nice
- dcthegreatest24: Ryan and George yal are killing it! Never stop with the great content. #FREETHINKERS
- Sara G.: Doing a Wu-Tang video like George suggested would be great. Like always a nice review!!!
- Kannon Price: Anderson Paak and Kendrick Lamar just dropped a single! It’s dope as shit. Please react to it if you can!!
- Confused Prick: I beg you react to montana of 300 - busts rhymes
- Vighnesh Naware: You guys still have the rest of the album left. ;)
- Jacob Manthe: FINALLY
- booty call911: Man my problem with logic is like I'm listening to the same thing but with a different beat.
- Joshua C: Thank you for getting me on Logic. OK so, GOAT Wu Tang or Outcast?
- Ethan Rothrock: Anthem Greta van fleet reaction!
- ok: I love this album but all the reaction channels can't compare to you guys. super stoked you're hittin it!
- El_REY_LEAL809: Josue Galvan nwa doesn’t even come close as far as catalogue. Wu tang put in far more work
- Michael Hunter: Layla Sabrah He has the second highest vocabulary of any emcee..Peace to the gods..
- Frieder Zacharias: 623k subscribers? I could have swore I subscribed a month ago and you had like 120k hahahah
- Avenge Fear: Need more wayne reactions!
- Dizzzy101: I for one love RZA's flow.
- Nikki Cooper: ImAbraham that’s a man doing it bc he loves what he does and I don’t know a lot about him but I respect what little I do know. You can tell who’s in it for the bag and who just loves making music.
- Unknown Unknown: Wu-Tang over everything.
- Jay Seth: Meth BODIED his verse. I wish the Genius had a longer verse tho, hes my fave Wu member. I agree that Deck is arguably the best lyricist in the crew next to Genius. His verse on Triumph is probably one of the best verses in hip hop history.
- Trinity Clark: 🔥🔥🔥 Hey guys checkout JIDs "Bruuuh" and "Working out" from his new album! Great vid as always
- David Copperfield’s Love Child: I loved this video guys. You guys are having a blast and this video made me happy. Great song!
- gCuezy: PLEASE do a Wu Tang video... for the children!
- bostonredsoxruleable: @lostinvegas react to don't laugh at me by Mark wills
- Evan Securo: More Zac Brown Band. Junkyard is a good narrative country song with some hard rock/heavy metal influences. I’m confident you guys will like it.
- Trafalgar Law: Hi, react to Iron maiden - For the greather good of god
- reshay mcqueen: Thanks fellas
- Corn 9: Great video! Can you guys react to Street Dreams II? It’s on this same album.
- Zach Petro: Sorry didn’t mean to spam that. It was lagging
- Cmackk72: Y'all gotta check out Czarface. Deck never rusted, his verse on this is okay but he's been putting his efforts in the Czarface projects.
- Connor Born: YESSSSS
- kn0wsk1lls: Also the Mona Lisa remix. Left to Right - Lupe Fiasco
- efrain iniguez: White Zombie - more human than human
- Ronnie Balcazar: React to iconic
- Cole B: PLEASE REVIEW Colicchie " Drug Addiction " 1 or 2
- Josh Grasmick: Please someone do something bout these tik Tok ads
- Alan Airth: I see a notification about a new video from LIV. Then I see Logic w/ Wu Tang Clan. Automatic like.
- insertnamehere: You guys are one of my favorite channels on youtube. I would love to see your reaction to Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Curtis Loew" It is my all time favorite Skynyrd song right in front of Simple Man.
- TITAN INC.: NF https://youtu.be/fbHbTBP_u7U
- blahblahcgeth: Lmao I was throwing left hooks with my head at Meth's verse too hahaha
- Hippidy Hoppidy: J.I.D- Working Out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it please!!
- Pedro Augusto Rodrigues: Maximum the Hormone - Bu-ikikaesu or Koi No Mega Lover! You won't regret it! Trust me!!!
- Buckaroo Banzai: Massive Attack - "Butterfly Caught", you won't regret listening to/reacting to this!
- Zayn Rivers: Shreyas Ganesh Iconic was too good to be on Bobby Tarantino lol.
- Noah Parton: J.I.D - Working Out... You two would love this track, it's so damn smooth
- Michael: But he's BI-RACIAL
- Jehovanny Garcia: I liked the idea of this track bits it’s way too fucking long lol cudos to Logic though
- Pyro Bandit1: Do a review on some songs from the group Alabama
- Dominic Dosdos: was waiting on this one! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Juan Cordova: You guys need to do run the jewels legend has it
- Gustav Gurke: +AntonioReventon689 it's a dope song, just appreciate it for what it is. For me personally it definitely isn't a playlist song.
- BaseGodKel: Ghostfaces intro is the best
- Lets Go Blues!!!: Best opening verse ever by Inspectah Deck, Triumph!!! I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies And hypotheses can't define how I be droppin' these mockeries. That shit is so amazing!!!
- CsTeamKillerxD: Guys, react to Ocean Wisdom ft Method Man - Ting Dun. You won't be disappointed! Great collab and it also has this old school vibe and killing it lyrically!
- Yung Senatra: Haters are mumble rap fans
- mariohnyc: Yes! Please do a Wu-Tang review video.
- Hova: Anyone know what ghost meant by "Twin nina sisters with the beam, we all soul mates" at 3:29
- Phillip Taylor: i know this video aint that new but yall need to do a review on J.I.D.s song bruuuh
- Adria Mourad: Im still waiting for that lupe shit... hahaha much love!🔥🔥
- TeeCaTisBack: For the new peeps, click the red button that says subscribe and make sure you press that bell because you hella dont wanna miss a vid from these guys!
- Brian whyte: Logic held his own to be fair 👍🏽
- Edwin Reyes: This song was dope man wu tang will always be dope wish ODB was still with us would make this track 100% perfect
- Diego Nunez: Listen to phora - no scope. He dissed logic
- cooper kangas: Logic street dreams II PLEASE U GUYS WILL LOVE IT
- jacob price: Cappadonna is my favorite lyricist next to E40. I'm west coast. Everyone on the west hates Cappuccino the great. I rock with that dude
- John Bachmann: ngl that's part of the reason I want them to check Inanimate Sensation. You're not wrong tho
- FiveNine: Some recommendations K-Rino The Maven Tech N9ne Sickology 101 Chino XL Wordsmith
- Marcus Mayer: RZA verse the hardest.
- Warrior: YSIV and iconic. im sure you both will enjoy it
- Pat Swett: Please react to Mechanical illusion : by Amaranthe!!!! They are swedish metal with a hint of electronic! Super catchy beats and an amazing balance between screams and clean vocals!
- Charles Harrison: FIRE REACTION! #freethinkers You guys rock it! Always great....
- Michael Smith: Yes please react to pretty much anything off the supreme clientele album!!!
- J Compass: It's really crazy how Logic got this accomplished. HUGE ups to him and HUGE ups to you guys for progressing this channel the way you have been. Solute!
- Phillip Lomax: Im down for that Wu-Tang video guys!
- RD14: You gotta do "The Glorious Five" or "YSIV" next
- Dominique Ballou: Best song on album bc logic is barely on it
- David J Brazas: I really think you guys would appreciate Dead Letter Circus- One Step
- Mister Mayhem: I love rza flow.... Its off on purpose
- SunshineStateGaming: Faces by Mac miller guys I promise y’all won’t regret y’all boys are awesome tho
- big balls: “Even if I didn’t like em I still like em cause it’s wu tang” - truth
- TheLast Dragon: R.I.P O.D.B
- Jaystar2222 C: Logic will be the Tupac of our era
- shithawk89: review ASAP Ferg ft Bone Thugs - Lord
- Red Mounsey: Please check out King ISO - BYOB ft. Rittz. King ISO is an absolute beast, and Ritts kills shit too!
- Rochak Pandey: Do JID working out
- Valetz: Yep, you're the best reaction channel out here, period. You know your shit, try to be unbiased all the time, and when you aren't you let us know. You dive deep enough to deconstruct and analyse as much as possible, but don't dig too deep so that the reactions flow stay intact. While we're at Wu Tang style, I'd really love for you to react to Dabbla - Psychoville, cause I'm getting serious "Gravel Pit" vibe out of that one but with Dabblas original, UK based spin on it. Peace!
- Yung Senatra: Massimo Amato 😂😂 true
- Better Call Saul: Brian whyte nah
- zCxlm: Do phora- no scope. Now!!!
- Charles Shandu: Please React to Dave East, Styles P - Load My Gun ft. The Lox... actually the whole Beloved Album
- Jemuel Flecha: I just feel all this time RZA still dont know what timing is lol Haha dope though
- Guilliam Neoc: Request : UK artist Big Narstie - Link Up TV Behind bars freestyle
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: We in 2018 wtf you expect??
- Foresight Mystery: Method Man's verse was the best. Love everyone else, but his stood out
- Luke: I would watch the shit out of a "waxing poetic about wu-tang" video.
- Othmane Bellamine: Lupe fiasco - WAV files pleaaaaaaaaase
- Noah Rice: Street dreams 2 pleaseeee
- Ppoopp: Can you guys react to everybody dies by logic
- Will Taylor: Only thing missing is RIP O.D.B.
- Davis Gurosky: Been watching a lot of yalls videos... and y’all gotta go Stranglehold by Ted Nugent
- Enfo_Knoxville: YSIV reaction!!!
- Komo Lee Ray: Love the Wu Tang and all the verses on here but Raekwon( in my opinion the killer sounding voice of all of them) RZA and Meth were my favourites..INS was cool but not his usual high standard
- Narhyl Bennett: yessssssssssss thankyou for this been waiting for it
- samuraimaster99: I had a great time listening to this album and this song! great catching the references and stuff. definitely didn't notice some of those. Y'all should listen to 100 Miles and Running (on the same album). its got like this upbeat funk beat going on and its something I haven't heard in a rap song in a while!
- Zigur Eru: TESSERACT - Of Matter (Live at Sphere Studios). Check this out now! It's so good!
- Bryson Haley: Snowgoons
- Daniel Perkins: Been waiting for this one!!! Dope reaction. Just the background knowledge alone you guys have on Wu-Tang has opened another whole pocket of music to me. George you're right, I checked out Deck and he is straight flame !!
- Marlon Cole: Definitely do like a Wu reintroduction of the greatest rap group of all time
- siccore: ok so i'm not a hip hop head, like u guys are metalheads. but u appreciate good music like i do. i listen to good hip hop and know some classics. sure i do know wu tang. when i saw the logic track in my feed i thought this is a fan made track. but damn. i was smiling the whole song.
- Gaptastic: excellent...the length comment made me clap out loud --> COL
- Johnzombi: Astro87 ik it was a joke
- Taylor Guenthner: You guys should really react to the rock remix version of "Bring the Pain" by Mindless Self Indulgence. Its dope as hell
- Young Sosa: Three Wooden Crosses - Randy Travis Believe - Brooks and Dunn Help me hold on - Travis Tritt Something to be proud of - Montgomery Gentry Austin - Blake Shelton All very good songs
- Anthony123: George Strait Easy Come Easy Go
- Samuel Martin: Ocean Wisdom Swoosh or Revvin, havent seen many americans reaction to these ones
- Cam Dylong: Yesssssss!!
- Glorry: GZA always been my fav. Idk what it is but I guess liquid swords has always been an incredible piece.
- tbonegrimmett: Today I Decided-Snow Tha Product
- mariohnyc: Wu 4 Life
- Rico 497: Time to react to some beatbox and loopstation
- FO: Jethro Tull - Aqualung
- your dumb: Less talk a lil more music. Don't hate its just an opinion I think these guys are dope af and deserve more views
- Jcraig 8: Been waiting for this one!
- Boom Boom Billy: Civil war-guns and roses. Do it. Do it. Do it. You’ll have no regrets
- Pablo Juncos: Do 100 miles and runnin
- David R: If y'all want something to groove to..... Polyphia - James Franco. Just go ahead and do the reaction because if you don't I'm going to start spamming your videos.
- Malcolm Purple: C.R.E.A.M. Was literally the first rap song I ever listened to, before that I only heard what my parents had on. My oldest brother introduced me to Wu and they've been my favorite ever since.
- JOHN GAILE: Thank you, this was awesome. Classic wu-tang, method man killed it and that beat 🔥 ghostface just dropped a new album too - the lost tapes, should check it out. Watch em holla ft Raekon, masta killa, cappaddona. Buckingham palace ft KXNG crooked Also could you react to wale - dummies 🔥🔥
- trueimages93: I appreciate this channel because they are really dissecting the music instead of just listening to the beat and not the words
- The Wu-Cepticon: I bomb atomically... Deck had one of the greatest hip hop verses of all time.
- Samantha Palus: LOVE this
- Benjeu: You need to try Give It Up Wu Tang Clan ft R.A. The Rugged Man and J-Live or Czarface (Inspectah Deck + 7L & Esoteric) feat. R.A. the Rugged Man - Good Villains Go Last Rugged Man is a Legend men
- Jonathan Aponte: Big fan since day 1 and I love the Wu idea. You guys can cover allot and even one hit from each dude. Not to mention the group albums. If anyone can do this with class and honesty it's y'all two. Big ups from Western Mass!!☝️✌️
- Do Mo: Logic is the youngest old head in the world I swear to god.
- Dan Cleary: Still need to react to Joey Badass and CJ Fly - Hardknock, The most slept on song in the past 10 years
- Strange Halo: Make a J.I.D - Working Out reaction!
- NoChillChance ,: Keith Whitley - don’t close your eyes
- BB B: Lupe Fiasco - Drogas Wave (Album Review)...
- Alejandro Richarte: Yes get it right George, GZA is lyrically the sharpest.
- Sumumba Sobukwe: Fire!
- 2303JG: J.I.D "working out"..... He really should his versatility in this one by adding his on vocals... If you get a chance please review
- Ryan Lindsay: Method man and black thought on Sway! You will not be disappointed!
- Aaron Leeb: React to J.I.D - Working Out (A Colors Show)
- Dreco 36: Historical legendary shit
- Mihnea Cristea: Guys check JID - Working Out , its again amazing!
- Eric Holladay: Meth might not have the best catalog, but he's the glue, the heart, the voltron head. At least, the way I see it. Tedeschi Trucks Band - midnight in Harlem
- Levi Blalock: Iamtherealak lucky you remix
- Gurgling Hermits: I’m not sure you’ll see this, but I’m wondering if you’ll ever be down to go back to Eyedea. I think the last song you reacted to (Even Shadows Have Shadows) wasn’t a great first impression and left you guys with a bit of an uninformed take on who he was as an artist. I think songs like Smile, Powdered Water pt 1 & 2, Glass, or Paradise might be better songs to look into from him. He’s a great lyricist and a well established figure in some sects of the underground and it’d be nice to see him given a more fair representation considering his range and variety. I hope you’ll take another look back and thanks for the honest and fair content!
- Polenguinho: React to Working out by JID, it's on the Colors show. FIREEE
- Sober Hippy: GZA is still a monster at 52 years old!
- Peter Hernandez: Meths voice is smooth as butter. Voices of my youth are Method, Big, Pac, and DMX.
- Franco MatherS: lupevillagomez82 facts
- KoloheWarrior1: At this point just do the album 😂
- Keenan Nash: J.I.D - Working Out
- OmNi Blaze: tech support I absolutely love the analogy you just made. [W]
- James Charles: Bon Iver - The Wolves part 1 and 2
- Norman Tompkins: They say the wutang and the shaolin can be dangerous
- Your Disappointed Father: Zooooo
- 4 7: CAPITAL STEEZ FREE THE ROBOTS, he’s the most conscious artist I’ve ever heard
- Rania N: Have you reacted to the song YSIV !? If not, you GOT to!!
- Rob Glowacki: Can you guys review this underground artist??
- Ewan Malcolm: Dave - Question Time !!!
- Alexander LQ08: YSIV plzz
- Hazel Amarie: YES lawd....They have to react to this!!!!!
- Dreamville 100: Lost in Vegas never disappoints 💯
- ED: How haven’t you reviewed anything from Drogas Wave?! 😤
- yepitsme9128: EARL SWEATSHIRT - EARL !!!!
- Ronak Raja: Dont see the same enthusiasm wen they listen to Eminem
- Karson Palmer: You guys have got to check out the gorillaz they are an anonymous band who are making a statement about how the music industry are filled with fake celebrities there big songs are feel good inc and Clint Eastwood but if you’ve heard those check out saturnz barz or melencholy hill love you guys !! 💙💙💙
- Christian Highland: Beat is straight fire doesn't get tired even over 7 minutes
- Shannon Sharpe: Lupe just dropped a top 3 rap album of 2018
- jonathan vazquez: Iconic by logic🔥
- John Habig: GZA and the REBEL INS are the most underrated rappers of all time. If it were Method Man, ODB, Raekwon and Ghostface were the only members I wouldn't be a fan
- joshua parsons: This track was alright, but it's nothing compared to some of their older work. George and Ryan, you have to touch the 36 chambers album. Please
- Dejan Cuk: I dont know man, sometimes they like shitty music.
- aryana flores: Leon Bridges-Bet Ain't Worth The Hand
- Kickinthescience: Jose Alzate Liquid Swords is a classic
- Basil Abdalla: Lupe Fiasco - WAV Files
- Versa Legion l Advanced warfare Gameplays: Would love to see your reaction to pyramids by frank ocean it’s a masterpiece
- Zeira: I enjoyed as much as you method's verse, so on point ! so smooth ! the king of flow
- Gamerguyzy: I only really liked a couple tracks off logics album but this one is by far my favorite. Wu-Tang Forever👌🏻
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TB 7788: do white dove by dorje
- Will Ford: I'm hoping for WAV Files, but I'd take anything at this point
- Roger Walker: How about Token - Flamingo?
- A Dub: Hands down, the best hiphop track of 2018.
- II Controll: You should definitely check out "Policy of Truth"- Depeche Mode
- Mike S: This beat is an instant head knocker
- veekay: Kobra I am pretty sure u love nicki minaj farting.
- brandon jack: Logic- YSIV, Street Dreams II, The Adventures of Stony Bob 🔥🔥🔥
- D. PlanetaryPluto: No Drogas Wave Stuff? 😧
- Mohamad Mehio: Do Tints - Anderson. Paak ft Kendrick
- dadorage: The album flopped hard sadly, 5k physical on first week because of the leak/pre-sales, the reactors might save the albums sales at this point tbh, we need a reaction
- Pranav Balan: Do the glorious five
- Chris Paul: Márton Nagy that project was incredible thank you for the recommendation. G Rap still top 3 alive
- Hazel Amarie: React to J.I.D- Working Out!!!!
- Jason Smith: Not on social media but want to say love the segments! May I suggest Led Zeppelin "The Rain Song" very lyrical G strung guitar, or Stevie Ray Vaughn "Little Wing"
- Brandon Martin: Everyone saying that logic says the same thing isn't getting it. Hes pushing his message in his songs. That's why hes saying the same thing. He's more of a message pusher than a lyricist and that's not a bad thing at all in his case.
- zacktaylor43: St paul and the broken bones is a good band for yall to try. Completely different than what you've listened to. Amazingly soulful
- Tone DiLo Music: You should react to Fight The Feeling- by Mac Miller
- Strika1184: He had that Mos Def flow on it at the beginning.
- GhostDaDog: WuTangs music carried me through the hardest times of my life. They will forever be remembered as the greatest rap group of all time. Their significance cannot be understated and their music will never be forgotten. WuTang 4Eva
- Waste Hazey: Nails- You Will Never Be One Of Us
- Misa Spasic: As soon as i heard the beat on this song i knew George is gonna go crazy over it
- Nicson: J.I.D - Working Out
- Ant D'Amico: please do 100 miles and running by logic you won't be dissapointed
- MisterGreen: Big up fella's ...Can you do a masta ace/Marco Polo review when his new album drops in November..... he's actually got a video for his joint with Smith and Wesson out now
- Ethan Abernathy: That was dope. Check out: projects too hot-50 ft Nas Who you rep wit -50 ft Nas & some other cats who kill it Bravehearts I think
- Jonathan Aponte: Big fan since day 1 and I love the Wu idea. You guys can cover allot and even one hit from each did
- Anjelahh Bueno: yooooo check out my man, J.I.Ds new song he did on the colors show !!!! shit is mad soothing y’all should def give it a listen
- blue AJ: Please react to emphatic Do I or remember me Newer band great songs !
- Daniel R.: Hey Ryan, Flyers vs Golden Knights, who will win?
- Steven Smith: Electric Wizard-Funeralopolis
- LoonHD: you guys should also listen some older tunes from logic for example: -Juice -All I Do -Mind Of Logic
- Eduardo Moran: We want TOOL 👏👏👏 we want TOOL 👏👏👏 we want TOOL!!! 👏👏👏 - "Parabol + Parabola" or "Jambi" PLEASEEE!!!
- gouchegang: Yes
- Jeff Morgan: Would love some Ryan Adams or Frank Turner
- Evin: brook Boussaken they should podcast
- A. R.: I like seeing people that look like me being into different music. I appreciate you guys listening and reviewing all types of music. For country I'd say listen to : Brothers Osbourne-It aint my fault Midland-Drinking Problem And you cant review country without doing a Carrie Underwood song.....you can do Cry Pretty, Toy Guns, Two Black Cadillacs....I mean the list goes on. :)
- ItsLethal: Please do 100 miles and running by Logic ft Wale
- Brandon C: I hope the Wu Tang clan emitted doing this and loves the fans response that they drop at least a mixtape
- Sean V: They said they'll be putting it up soon. They're big fans of Lupe
- Gregory Campbell: Maybe I'm alone here, but RZA has always been my favorite WU member. He's not as lyrically gifted as some of his fellow group members, but I always loved his energy, voice and overall style/swag. And he's my favorite producer all-time too sooo. With that said, the WU is the greatest rap group ever and i love every member for different reasons. I'm blessed to have seen them live twice.
- Travis Smothermon: logic recorded this in one sitting on a fucking bus
- Team Adapt: React to ICONIC please!!!!
- The Hawkeye V: Marc Broussard -- Home (Soul, R & B, swamp rock) The Band of Heathens -- Hurricane (Americana, folk rock) Uncle Lucius -- Keep the Wolves Away (Rootsy classic rock, country, blues) Chris Knight -- Down the River (Country rock, Americana)
- KtmSimba: Every single person who has a twitter and see this, Go Tag logic and tell him to come check out this channel. Thumbs this up so everyone sees it. I'm not in this for likes or anything, I honestly want this channel to blow up because this is hands down the best reaction Channel Ive ever seen on youtube (music) Logics Twitter is @Logic301 and theirs is @LostinVegas83. Seriously, if you enjoy this channel do this, imagine how much theyd blow up if logic tweeted them out
- Brandon C: Blue J ysiv last verse was something else to
- Jason Niggemeyer: If yall like short and to the point songs then you gotta try some punk. Check out Operation Ivy - Knowledge
- Jakob Donoghue: Never Recover by Lil Baby & Gunna ft. Drake
- Dustin Bohn: Please do 21 pilots - neon gravestone!!!
- Daniel McClain: You guys are great, Thank you for entertaining the masses, The bald OG and young buck with glasses. (Btw, Deck is best Wu)
- Chris: Walk on by logic
- Jonathan Huntzinger: And Wu has been back. Meths work on The Saga Continues was really dang good and really some of his best
- T Pickens: Brah where's Lupe Drogas reactions!!!
- Jord: You must react to COLORS: UP - Earthgang and working out - J.I.D
- Common Danny B: Thanks for correcting George, GZA is a genius.
- Lucas dlg: Y’all should react to The Chair - George Strait
- Kickinthescience: This definitely felt like a long ass track. Vintage Wu right there
- Geneticfreek: Rza has always been my fave...followed by Method and ODB...least fave is UGod lol
- Aaron Jacobs: Love love love you guys! I think you'd dig a song by Diamond Rio called "I Believe". Yeah, it's back in the country, but I know how much y'all are audiophiles, and would be blown away by it.
- Griffen Jenkins: Chris knight - beckys bible or enough rope or any of his songs really theyre all great country songs from a guy who doesnt get nearly enough recognition.
- John Sar: never clicked faster on a video.Already know this reaction is fire
- Anthony Allen: How have these guys not reacted to ab-soul yet? Round out the TDE all stars.
- Manav Kathir: Great reaction! Btw y'all are the reason I actually appreciate bars and punchlines now. Battle rap wouldn't be my shit if it weren't for you guys, so thx. Wu-Tang - Pearl Harbor is a nice one. Its from their album last year. Could y'all react to that?
- Hooked on Chronics: Album was dope. Technically a DJ Mathematics project
- JP Sterling: Seether - Broken (version feat. Amy Lee) Evanescence - Going Under R.E.M. - Losing my Religion
- Big Bang Blue: G Herbo fight or flight
- Dominique Calvillo: As someone of the younger generation I thought this track was 1 of the best of the album and I was engulfed despite it being a longer track. I like longer tracks if they’re quality and I think this track was
- Jose 205: Been waiting for y'all to react this
- 5280z007: I'm a big logic fan but his verse in wu tang forever was soft. ... His delivery and flow was to the max but his lyrics were the simplest bars anybody could have wrote
- Teleah Graaf: Janis Joplin – Piece of My Heart Joan Jett – Bad Reputation Heart – Barracuda Halestorm – I Miss The Misery
- JAV: Do boogie fade freestyle
- JonDeBerg: Please Please PLEASE listen to Dean Town by Vulfpeck. You WILL NOT be disappointed!!! The Bass is beyond sick AF
- Logical Jordan: rattpack
- Jon Devine: Guys you have in my opinion the best reaction videos. I noticed you have not checked out Home Free!!!! Seriously check the channel out and just pick a song....these guys are crazy talented!!!
- owen d: This trend of hating on Logic has gotta stop man. This man spitting fire on every song on the album and still getting slept on. Logic is a genius who appreciates old rap and mixes it with today’s style. Mans a legend
- ConanEdogawa415: I’d actually like to know your top 20 rappers if you ever want to do a video on that.
- Vic Beasley: This is awesome. Love y’all. Please do Harlan alive- brad paisley
- nhlanhla ntusi: That's the axact reaction i get when I'm playing the song...... Every time and I play it every day 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- Kuzon: Jid Colors
- JD Williams: Yall needa check out THE MARCUS KING BAND
- New Perspective: POTATO SALAD by Tyler The Creator please
- Never Not Phil: RZA reminds me so much of Mos Def, although Meth will always be my favorite.
- 42brownbomber: Back then I was a Hit Squad headbanger. Banged on some Reggie Noble, Keith Murray, Diggy Das and EPMD but started bumpin' on Wu because of RZA's verse on Sway & King Tech's The Anthem. Love RZA's ruckus (voice, delivery, bars, etc.) - still my favorite of the group. Meth has the voice but not the prison yard hard bars.
- ozzyzak: FWIW, I think Inspectah Deck has been dope as hell on the last two Czarface albums :)
- tropihcal: That video about you guys talking about the wu clan would be really dope, lots of people would really enjoy it
- Gabe Ellis: Shit just got me hyped .. Straight from a metalhead.. True music coming back!!!!!
- larry ealy: Love the channel. Can you guys react to Fade by Boogie
- Dakoda: Method so ill
- Jack: Can't help missing ODB...
- Ben B: I just found out that Florida Georgia Line & Backstreet Boys did a mashup...You guys should definitely NOT check that out!😂
- jimigrunge: Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart Official - "I'll Take Care of You" Live at the Beacon Theatre New York
- TXC_ Vidal: 6ix is hella underrated.... He's up there with Metro and Murda
- FreshmindLA: Always look forward to your reactions. Full YSIV album reaction is needed. The whole album is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- J.Frank James: how hard is it to copy a wu beat? you kool aid new school wanna be(s) is co-signing bullchit to seem relevant, or up on it. y'all wrong. Logic is whack. and im soooo dissapointed in the wu - i guess when you can get a check offa a sucka stick rida.... then get it.
- Mathias Mørk: eyehategod- nobody told me
- Natasha Riley: Htf dont u Like rza flow shits nasty
- RHH911: Check out Anderson .Paak's Tints feat.Kendrick.
- John Dupree: Elton John ft young thug
- ALEX: 100 miles and running
- kmcclinton71: Corrosion of Conformity please - Albatross or Clean My Wounds
- Volaire Larp: You should react to Dog Fashion Disco- War Party or Polkadot Cadaver- Last Call in Jonestown
- Infestidos: On the topic of Inspectah Deck, you guys gotta listen to some Czarface! I’d recommend Czartacus
- K. Block: songiso mac supreme blientele was majorly slept on, thats my shit right there
- ©LDEW FILMS: 6ix God on the beat 🐐🐐
- Matt Maccay: drive by truckers sinkhole
- wheresatari: Man. The Wu. Wow. Makes me wanna hear Breaker, Breaker by GZA. Good times with that beat and him driving that semi with all those speakers in the vid. React to that jam fellas. Heck, do an old classic by Meth from Tical for an old classic throwback.
- Jake Martin: Chris Stapleton and Justin Timberlake CMA's Tennessee whiskey/Drink You Away DO IT!
- sports talks: You should do Johnny cash ragged old flag
- washthebrain: I know everyone is suggesting something different but I think you two would love The Glorious Five by Logic it has a great story behind the lyrics !
- alberto64650: As always a great video. Y’all foreal gotta listen to When the Lions Come by Jon Bellion ft Logic, Castro, and Black Keyz
- Cordell Warren: Just run a clinic on rap collectives, start with Wu-Tang "Triumph". Transition to Odd Future.
- Mountain Rain: Do a review on Denace,
- GodSin: Yes! Wutang video!!
- Brandon Lee Hernandez: Good vid....👌👌😎😎😎
- Jerry Williams: George and UGOD could actually be related. Lol
- Tony Brown: I honestly thought rza was on the beat...that sounds just like some shit rza would make
- Liam Dolan: 100 miles and running logic and wale it’s by far the best song on the album
- _Babby _: You should react to Buckethead, like Jordan or Soothsayer, he's a dope guitarist
- Alexander Ortega: https://youtu.be/ptqKJsGK0YY
- Josh Blaine: https://youtu.be/VM76LAJLWqo check this out guys. JID ... Working out .. kind of jazzy. You both will like it
- Keyon Lewis: #8 by Jean Grae
- Gwen Stacey: could you react to twenty one pilots new album? songs like Levitate and Neon Gravestones.
- Volvandese: I love this track so much. Deck was a little off, though. Odd, too, because his Czarface stuff is current and mostly really good.
- julien tremblay: Fuckin epic, i am a metal head but love me some great hip hop!!!
- ProdByDede: Do YSIV and Iconic
- Mike G: Viewer from guam ✊. Please react to asking alexandria not the american average. Not the best lyrics lol but it will get you so hyped with the instrumemtals.
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- no introduction
- Nelson Garcia: The bias for method man lol,homie was critically thinking until he pulled up with that grimey feel
- Relentless Ohio: Do Flipsyde - Someday. Promise you will love it.
- Alysson Gustavo: Now I'm dying to know the George's top 20!
- Big man on campus: Mural by lupe fiasco
- Tieflingamer: Do some Run the Jewels plz like Crown, Early, Thursday in the Danger Room, Thieves!, or Hey Kids plz! You guys will most likely luv 'em, a great combo of lyrics and production
- Dreamville 100: It would really mean a lot if u guys could react to Cozz - Knock the hustle remix ft J. Cole plz
- VietnamD0820: Dejan Cuk I would imagine they've heard that song when it came out...I'd still love to see a reaction
- MitsubishiEvo9 Singh: Can you please have that bald dude yell “All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!”
- Matte H: I totally agree with George which is unusual. Judas Priest Jawbreaker please
- American Akita: Do a method man reaction man pay homage
- Dave Skowronek: I'm a rocker who listens to all types of music and I have been really getting into hip-hop lately looks like I definitely need to check out Wu-Tang
- Tómas Jökull: +Johnzombi In the U.K. they spell things differently. Still correct
- Stonesorrow: So this is Wu-Tang? I've heard tons about them but never heard them. You should def. do a WTC song here for us metal heads who know little about hiphop, but wanna learn!
- Doug & Ashley Wiltse: Please do Kanye's "I Love It"....
- Taylor Dawson: Been watching you guys since the beginning and just waited for some Wu-tang love and when this song dropped I knew THIS WAS IT! I would love to see a Wu-tang inspired video to get these kids learnt on the The wisdom of the Universe.
- burritoboy76: I listened to ordinary day a little bit more and it's kinda growing on me but ya should check it
- Peter Hernandez: Got a sub and like. You Wu history alone gets my respect.
- Matthew Miller: Can you do a street dreams ll reactions 🔥
- COWBOYZ1960: Can’t wait for y’all to do iconic!!!
- SGT. Outlaw: Could you guys react to Long Road by Mud Digger.
- Jonathan Aponte: Big fan since day 1 and I love the Wu idea. You guys can cover allot and even one hit from each dude. Not to mention the group albums. If anyone can do this with class and honesty it's y'all two. Big ups from Western Mass!!☝️✌️
- Trap Squilliam Fancypants: It was nice to see you guys crazy over who produced the beat, I feel like sometimes they get slept on mad when they doing major things
- Mr Shane Patch: Nice Vid!! https://youtu.be/FzpJl-i7ZRg Check out new J.I.D
- colby greenville: Do believe by brooks and Dunn
- AnonUniversal: please do cripple lupe fiasco
- davidwilson626: Tim McGraw- Don't take the girl
- 1ofsolitude: I appreciate these reviews from you real cats who have an appreciation for the culture and history of hip hop, thank you✌.
- Reese NineEightNine: I hate RZA flow too but he made some of the greatest beats ever so it evens out lol
- Blake Thompson: How about this cowboys hat by Chris ledoux
- Ben Zerler: YSIV Album review! Also take a look at Chance the Rapper - Acid Rap
- Prodigy Sebazzee001: When you think 90s hip hop, you definitely don't think Jay Z. Just saying.
- Cody Allen: Ever listened to any $uicideboy$ there pretty good.
- PRoPHeTSKR: 👐👐👐👐👐
- animeisballing1: Why aint yall jamming some Immortal Technque... Speak Your Mind, Creation and descrution, the prophecy, etc
- Jimmy Mack: da illest !
- Umino Kao: I still don't think I've found a reaction channel as intellectual
- wonderwall135: do YSIV, the titular track off the album!!
- REVENGEFUL15: Lupe fiasco king nas is NASTY lyrical
- Venom 26: React to 100 miles and running ft wale
- spikerlj: Please do a series on WuTang
- microdroid: Hey! Really love what you guys are doing and what you stand for on this Channel 🤙🏾Check out : Celldweller - The last FirstBorn
- El_REY_LEAL809: Me too rza is nice
- Unimpressed Alchemist: Armand Hammer - Alternate Side Parking Paraffin = hip hop record of the year. You will not regret checking out this track and album.
- toxic wolf 1995: Do more of him
- big oof: you guys should react to brockhampton
- Ray: metallica don't tread on me
- WolfWood: J.I.D workout new video on the colors channel
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- isaac boyyy: Logic iconic react to flow was hard
- mrdozo23: I’d like to see some three six mafia or DJ Paul reactions
- Cassidy Robinson: Love to see you react to the mashup "Wugazi - Sleep Rules Everything Around Me." It was my intro to Wutang, already being a huge Fugazi fan.
- hUGO Lopes: Please do Collective Soul - Heavy. Thank you
- Im Shook: Haven’t even watched it yet and I already liked it. 😂😂🤟 love these guys!
- Josue Galvan: to me nwa was the graetest rap group but i like wutang a little more
- El_REY_LEAL809: MrPranker247 he’s just unorthox but makes it work. Rza been nice
- Colin Fales: 100 miles and running next please!!!
- Jason Ross: JID - Working Out
- Hector Readigos: Do jacquesse trip remix . The live video , worth those 1:20 mints .
- Daze B: I apologize by five finger death punch. It’s a great heart felt song and video
- Nick McKee: Love yinz!!
- Young Tarantino: Finally!!!!!
- Zachary A.: Please react to Alan Jackson “Remember when”!!!
- Aveek Biswas: Please do a reaction video on Rammstein's Engel !
- Thabang Mutendi: Fellas I would like request this track or MC Cambatta god lived
- Romério Evaristo: Do Grace by Jeff Buckley guys!
- The_b055: We don’t neeeed!! We don’t need no hoook!!!! Old school reference right there.
- Jonathan Solorio: 100 grandkids would be dope!
- PrimeGamer _: Please do ICONIC
- Lance Stokes: I think y’all should do a video one a song called “David Ashley Parker” by Travis denning. It will take you back to your teenage years! AWESOME SONG!
- nobulli: I would love to see you guys reacting once more on JID, he had a wonderful performance at the colors show with his song working out. Thanks! Love your content and the knowledge you guys bring to the table. Much love from germany
- LightRhombus 133: This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- David Serey Vang: Wu’s best song in like 10 years
- Tommy Booz: Glorious 5
- Icarosz: More Metallicaaaaaaa The Day That Never Comes!
- Travis Krzemienski: Dad’s Old Number by Cole Swindell (saddest country song ever written)
- joe Lasiter: You left out pac my man.
- Angelo Torres: Please react to Savatage - St. Patrick (best lyrics about God and man)
- Teresa Goebel: Please do Gary allan get off on the pain..
- Gino Benatti: Y'all need to check out Insp Deck in the group Czarface
- Koketso Mokone: RZA never been on beat. And I love it!!
- Venderlon Hickman: Old Heads goin crazy 😂😂😂
- veekay: luckylaex Who produced this ???
- aaron weathers: Would love to see you react to Paulo nutini - iron sky
- m alive: Damn.. Cappadona still hungry with that flow
- Sage G: La the darkman, lucci or shine🙏
- Zack Franklin: Best group? You better be excluding duos then, cause Outkast is undeniable!
- Michael T. Odom Jr.: You guys need to react this record off of Nicki's "Queen" album called "LLC"!!!!!!!
- chrissy sarata: #rattpack
- Mitchell Kalkenings: Yall need to review Boogie - Wont be the same!!!! the lyrics are to fire, and just please guys im begging yall ahaha
- Derek White: Man if only Red
- Lee Reynolds: I love yall's channel. Y'all remind me of how me and my boys act, just the love of music and having fun. Could you react to Krayzie Bone - practice. He's still got one of the sickest flows, I really don't think anyone can touch him
- Afshin Hamidi: JID just performed a new song on ‘Colors’ called Working Out. Yall will love it, and we’d love a reaction to it!!!!!
- Louise Belcher: yo.! no disrespect... but how & why would you stop+start the track when you're listening to it for the first time? .. and trying to broadcast your 'reactions'. just listen to the track and communicate nonverbally as much as you can, and then spit what's on your mind. Anyway. Peace.
- Mark Arandjus: Hah listened to this song just earlier today, it was meant to be! ♪ _WU-TANG! WU-TANG! WU-TANG!_
- Banzowski: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013)
- Jeremy Fowler: Yea Method always kill the damn thing. Has to be my favorite of all of the clan.
- SweetLikeCyanide: I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but have you guys ever noticed that most notable rappers from the East Coast tend to be at least subliminally influenced by the Five Percent Nation?
- Rick Gould: Wu-Tang Forever......Meth and Ghost were my two favorite emcees of Wu.
- Calvin Horne: You guys should react to Neon Gravestones
- Sakmood Tsuyoma: 0:12 Right Guy ''Tas rai meh jahuehduhsudajhueetinkes of course'' Wtf.
- Joey Dorion: Check out the Czarface albums by Inspectah Deck, 7l and Esoteric. Especially that first one, lyricism at it's finest
- hopheny desir: Listen to Benny the butcher cold November
- Candy Banks: I know you guys are bombarded with suggestions because of the well deserved success of your channel, ( congrats by the way!) but I know one of the things you love is how music unites. In that vane, I would recommend, in the strongest possible terms, that you do a longer episode and review the " O Brother, Where Art Thou" sound track. It's a tour of the history of early 20th century American music, of ALL colors, produced by T-Bone Burnett, and IMHO, the best sound track to a movie ever. Great movie and an even greater album.
- BenRad524: Hey guys, Im really loving the breakdown you do. I dont know why buy its somehow more fun listening to tracks with you guys. Keep up the great work. Respect! I'd also like to suggest a track to make a vid on. Its not a new track but I think its pretty dope. Ta-ku and Jaden Smith - Beast Mode. Its a long track like this video but unlike this track the beat changes a number of times during the track.
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- chris stevens: Seeing on Saturday at A 3 C all members. 25 anniversary of 36 chambers shit will b 🔥✊✊✊
- Eric Holladay: Antonio what's new?
- Seth Gecko: Flatbush Zombies- Hell-O
- Zach Clark: Please, please, PLEASE, do some Wu-Tang reviews. I've been listening to rap for a while now but I havent done much listening to what lyrics are really saying. I love watching you guys break things down where I can understand more of the nuance, wordplay, and deeper meanings. Love your channel!
- Duran Lawson: You guys need to do one of Vic Mensa freestyles Sway or funk flex https://youtu.be/tGHqaluF2fQ
- Keani Edwards: Thank you guys
- JohnIn3D _: React to Happy Timbuck 2day from Lupe Fiasco from Drogas: Waves
- Heath Bley: Mac Miller - Diablo, please guys!
- Darius Briggs: Could you guys react to Body Count - No Lives Matter Body Count is Ice T's metal band, they are legit!
- StrawberryPancakes: React to Fall Out Boy "What a Catch, Donnie." It's not one of their most well-known but I love it.
- unknown: This is rap
- Cody Bargeron: I recommend YSIV by Logic or Dedicate by Lil Wayne.
- Phillip Lomax: I watched Shogun Assassin last night!
- 2303JG: By far the greatest review channel created!!! I been a fan since day one. I do not comment alot but the channel is in heavy rotation. I respect you guys ability to article music to the world and your platform is CRITICAL to this generation. Thank you for expanding the minds of listeners globally.
- Jacob Johnson: Do a reaction for Screamin' Jay Hawkins- Portrait of a Man. If you don't know it, I think you'd really appreciate it.
- Xavier Flavor: Mystik301 yeaaa student of the game man 😂😂😂
- klaw547: This is such a DOPE track!!!
- FrankWonderBeantown: He did what Drake was supposed to do.
- Anthony Mitchell: https://youtu.be/294CcK9UBcU lowkey fire
- Mitch G: Chom You're crazy
- Tony Luong: i would love to see a history of the Wu video. I was excited about this reaction, and you guys didnt leave me hanging. Thanks for the vid.
- S Dot Dolla: YouTube.com/xsadollax check it out u might like it
- Swarm: Please god do Koe Wetzel or Parker McCollum give red dirt country some love
- Jędrzej Grodecki: Keep it coming
- Jose Alzate: Layla Sabrah he is the Genius Mc, top lyrics Mcs of all time
- Chico Haze: The Truth Hurts You savage thoughts💭 💭
- Dylan Ellis: Method man killed it thanks for the video guys!
- VelociKappa: Anything with Wu Tang gets a thumbs up from me. And I'm with you on Method. He was always the stand out star of that group to me. Between him, Dirt and Ghostface.
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- LostBoyNoctis: I was hoping that RZA made the beat 😂 but still the producers nailed this beat
- Kazz Ruto: People keep putting you all on the wrong metal. You need to listen to come and get it by I prevail
- Miles Meraki: Jagraj Bassi XO till i overdose 😂
- Watership Alan: Ocean Wisdom featuring Method Man next please! Method Man flowing with some UK talent is fucking insane!
- Josh Thomas: Hey guys please do a reaction to WISHING WELLS by Parkway Drive. 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
- Sage G: And Acid Bath🙏
- JMC JOSE: Hate rza flow? Shame on you. His voice sounded a little weird on this one but dope verse
- UFmamba8: You guys should check out KYDD. Millions of views on this guy. His freestyles are crazy. I doubt you’ll get around to it because of so many requests but this guy will change your life. I’ll be looking out for it!!
- metspin1: Royce and DJ Premier- Rock it (Or PRhyme -Rock it) I think you'll love that.
- David Jones: Loved it. I didn't even think it was too long. "Bring Da Ruckus" -- if you're going to do a Wu Tang song, that would get my vote.
- venom2101: Check out apocalypse orchestra - the garden of earthly delights
- Heath Barkley: Alter Bridge - Words Darker than their Wings live at the Royal Albert Hall please :)
- Brandon: Have y’all reacted to RAP GOD by Eminem??
- Brian Chavez: Yoo react to J.I.D working out🔥🔥🔥
- MoJo Pro: +John That doesn't apply here buddy
- Danny P KNT/33/HB: #LiquidSwordRhymes 🎼 #WuBanga 🎧 #ShaolinMicSkillz 🎤 Keep 'em coming
- Matt Gordon: George would you happen to have a relative name Ernest who lives in Houston ?
- Big smokes Order: Pearl Jam - Even Flow
- nesta ali: I told you guys this track was going to make your day ✌
- Elvis Gutierrez: @lostinvegas George, Ryan I hope you can hold NY down and react to Dave East/Styles P "Its lit" this is class NY gutta rap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQAQQxrsRXE
- Sadie Bulldogs: Yes do a Wu-Tang video .. The Purple Tape is the truth legendary !!! The entire Wu clan was super talented and very unique so many great memories listening to these guys ... Reakwon was always my favorite
- Chris Salinas: Chief this is most definitely it
- chrisrisky: Capadonna is the Adam Dunn of hip hop. He either strikes out or sends it over the wall. No in between. (He crushed this one)
- Russell Varner: Do jelly roll and struggle Fall in the fall Dearly departed. Glitter Outlaw shit
- Sergey Avdeev: hello its me potusen
- CaptainTaco97: Inspechtka Deck has been consistently rhyming. And currently is with his rap group Czarface, dude hasn’t lost a step. Him, Ghostfsce, and Raekwon are still releasing music consistently.
- Justin Lawton: I was just listening to Bobby digital on the way home. I love RZA's flow, the unspoken word is insane. But so happy for new Wu Tang. Props to Logic!
- KiiiNG KOOPA: I actually love that the song length and the fact that there's no chorus. I'm definitely adding this to my workout playlist!
- Clark Townsend: Deck still making music with hos group Czarface
- hpensive: I mean that must be your radar, cause there is really an abundance of great music that barely scratches the surface.
- Kenneth Karpuleon: Just saw your guyses channel I like what y'all do and you guys break down bars very well I enjoy watching. Have a really great meaningful video I don't know if you guys have done it before but I'm going to add the link and be great to see your reaction. Dude name is Rapman. Tells great stories. Look into the blue story he raps.. it is a must review for y'all
- paypal me: do 100 miles and running
- Adam Norris: Listen to wu tang clan - 3 bricks remixed by izzamuzzic. Just vibe to the incredible beat
- Tony R: Peace to the GOD
- Juan caban: Back from the dead ... A little too long ... a beat change, either we hella spoiled, or mad picky LOL The track, in my opinion, is fire, extreme fire, perhaps the hottest track to drop as this year comes to an end, and hopefully a sign that rap has moved past mumble and back to lyrical content. Great reaction vid, I'll be sure to check the others, peace.
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- Jackson Dieter: Street dreams II?
- Sir Daniel: Niggaz know by j cole
- Yin Liu: Method murdered this track
- Ron: Love your guy’s’ videos. Might be time for a mic upgrade tho
- Hunter Boone: I would recommend reacting to Trace Adkins, "You're Gonna Miss This"
- Josh Grooves: I agree that Gza and Deck are the best lyricists, and maybe Gza has the slight edge but Deck has the best verse of all time IMO which is in Triumph.
- Spencer ward: La the darkman- polluted wisdom
- J Compass: Method man is in my top 10 for sure
- Francisco Fuentes: Please react to, The Last Emperor - Secret Wars Part 1 and 2
- KingMeeqs: They gotta stop letting GZA get away with these 6 bar verses man. Need some more Cold World length verses.
- Martin Ramirez: "Who the F*ck made this beat?!?" lol...love the song, awesome reaction!
- Devo The Ambivert: Wu-Tang is the greatest group of all time in my opinion. I saw Wu perform live before in Chi. I love Wu. Rest In Power Ol Dirty Bastard. Word to Ankh. Wu-Tang is Forever while mumble rap will blend into ephemera like Mos said on the song History with Kweli. Check out Triumph by Wu-Tang, Wu Block by Raekwon, Ghostface, Sheek, Jadakiss, and Styles P and Y'all Ain't Warned by Wu. Check out What People Say by Wu and Redman. GZA and Inspectah Deck are top 10 lyrically of all time. @Lost In Vegas
- Mario U: Drogas wave please🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
- drummerfromhell1000: Savatage - Hall of the mountain king
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: They've done Primus
- No days off: Tints Kendrick + Anderson Paak just came out today check it out!
- Bosko: React to 100 miles and running, Street dreams II, and The glorious five
- Kennard M: Ya rza sounded horrible on it
- Brandon Macleod: Jarren Benton - Don't Need You ft. Hopsin
- Dragin: M.E.T.H.O.D MAN, M.E.T.H.O.D MAN, M.E.T.H.O.D MAN, M.E.T.H.O.D MAN,
- galen stone: Heaven Knows: The Pretty Reckless
- Volvandese: Maybe it's just an aquired taste, but within the confines of a long group track like this, I think his very distinct style makes for a welcome change of pace. The reason big Wu group joints work is because of all the distinctly different voices and styles.
- bronzygaming: Hey could yall do kieth whitley when you say nothing at all?
- -Sir WESLEE-: Hooked on Chronics Yea it was suppose to be him and Meth, but the way it went down it basically ended up being a Wu-Tang album....clearly hearing Meth dominance on songs you can tell the album was for him
- hellyeahjames: I'm a metal head (but love some ol' school rap) and I am missing ODB on this. RIP
- Eqoy Force: Logic - Icon ft. Jaden Smith 🔥. Also YSIV PLEASE.
- Chase Duckett: You're gonna miss this -trace Adkins
- _ Bonescythe _: J. I. D. - Working Out.........please it just came out on COLORS channel for a video and its dope PLEASE ITS 🔥
- Zach Petro: Avenged sevenfold buried alive please!
- 1501277: React to the whole album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- OmNi Blaze: YSIV is the last last song I’d say to listen to from the album (Lyrically the best song on the entire thing) but lots of people enjoyed Iconic.
- Jacob Mays: Logic the glorious five, ordinary day iconic and last call and you’ll both be logic fan boys again
- tj elisara: Mysonne - Grind Mode Cypher (prod. by Lingo) everyone in this cypher is dope !
- kn0wsk1lls: You wanna hear some dope INS? Check out 2 to da Chest or Sabers by Czarface.
- Fiskgyrl2: JID working out is a vibe! It’s not his typical hard hitting music but it’s so dope! Please react!
- miconis123: Wu-Tang. Enough said right there to get a thumbs up. I miss them
- Mantej Singh: Wu tang! Wu tang! Wu tang! Thanks guys great video really enjoyed it !
- Hac4istan: They say unbiased but They clearly lick logic's balls
- Phoenix Winterrose: *unbiased real reactions* Ryan in every video *I'm a little biased towards this*
- thaddeus swiger: Had to go check out inspectah deck (after learning how to spell it correctly) and was blown away!
- Cristian Jorza: Hey both! I can’t find a lot of reactions for “Uncommon valor” jedi mind tricks rugged man. Any chance you can do one? Even if you heard it before ... probly been a while. Its such a fundamental piece
- I don't have A name: felt like? it WAS a long as track it's 8 minutes long
- K Van Impe: Produced by 6ix my guys
- SnowboardinMA: Exit New Faces v2 FTW!
- adam omar: Do J.I.D - Working Out | A COLORS SHOW
- cainification: Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better. Please react!
- Angel Salas: George since you love Meth you needa listen to Trillmatic - A$ap mob ft Meth. it has that 90’s vibe and ofc meth kills it
- songiso mac: the book of ryan KOD Nasir daytona Ye YSIV Kamikaze carter V milk wayswimming kids see ghosts ..............2018 had a year to remember
- Alexander vargas: Mick Jenkins- elephant in the room
- Rusty Shackleford: Dis high yellow mufucka has no idea what good rap is. Sayin this song was long is like saying a Avengers movie was too long.....shit wasn't long enough!! 2 min of bullshit modern auto tune shit....that's TOO LONG. Fuckin half/half.
- Im Trapzz: Do ysiv
- RonaldoR9: Next please do react to: Rittz - LAF Remix (Feat. Yelawolf, Royce Da 5'9", & KXNG CROOKED), the flow of those guys and the lyrics are fire
- Jon Jon: Czarface meets metal face
- Sammy Salguero: Great analysis of the track...I highly recommend doing a reaction on "Superlyrical" by Big Pun ft Black Thought
- OGToxic: Tristan Stephens wish they did but I think they said they just don’t have the time for it.
- TITAN INC.: Hey have you done Godcore Metal yet?! Nope lol I’ve watched everyone of your videos. Here you go!! You’re welcome https://youtu.be/iHRj4iqo6vA
- Yung Senatra: True
- Amos Lopes: New to your guys channel viewing the recent Eminem album and beef with MGK lovin the in depth breakdown and appreciation of everything you guys watch. I feel you guys would have some interesting feedback toward Tom McDonald - whiteboy and the backlash it got and then his follow up song - This House in regards to the backlash, underrated artist, unreal lyricist, won’t be disappointed. Interested to listen to your interpretation and pure honesty of the tracks
- Ronnie Balcazar: If you react to iconic the beat is kinda a mix one of jaden Smiths beats for one of his songs and a mix of 6ix work.
- dadorage: It got leaked and boycotted by the media too lol
- Where's Jal?: Starts at 1:30 Cheers.
- Víctor Yagüe Izquierdo: Great video again, of course... you guys would definitely enjoy Caleborate - 4 Willem. Fresh flow and really good lyricist
- Pedro Reynoso: The glorious Five
- Nikkei Gupta: joke???
- Anthony salmeron: Listen to 100 mile
- Donald Tilton: Garth Brooks the thunder rolls. You'll love the story.
- Ethan Hunt: I'll shoot you guys $20 if you react to HSG 2012 cypher, it's only 3 minutes. They're Crooked I's little bros, they're dope AF trust me.. They deserve some recognition. /watch?v=LnknJ7sYyv0
- James Allen: Reunited and Triumph was my shit.
- Pat Kelly: Ryan never liked the Wu dungeon sound
- Silverbacc: Would have rather had Joey and Wu Tang :))
- Noah Hamilton: My man X-RAIDED just got out of prison off a 25 year bid and he's already in the studio.already releasing videos you should help him get his career back on track by doing a reaction.
- JZA: +datsikmastaayaaa yeah, all the Wu-albums combined with the affiliate Wu-Fam make well over 50mil.
- Antonio Fernandez: ScHoolBoy Q!!!!!!!
- Stephen Thompson: Do the wu tang video
- Mrs. Salgado: Naaahhhhh you just have to understand RZAs flow..... And his lyricism is ILL ... and YES please do a wu vid!
- Blake Rogers: Well logic actually opened for them way back when he was like 14 or 15 amd so met them way back at a show so ya they got love
- Stefan Halvardsson: Stone Sour - Say You'll Haunt Me Slipknot - Snuff Mastodon - The Motherload Five Finger Deathpunch - Life Me Up (feat. Rob Halford) Fozzy - Judas Volbeat - Lonesome Rider Ghost - Dance Macabre Pain - Shut Your Mouth In Flames - Alias My Darkest Days - Every Lie do one of those ^^
- Tyler Pease: For the love of the game do an album review on 36 Chambers.
- Thomas Eller: Clutch! Cypress Grove
- 7avernz: 6ix is hands down one of the most underrated producers in the game
- JeckyLL Gaming: Does the dude wearing the glasses rap? He's very opinionated would like to hear his perfect tracks.
- Spladam: Son, come boy, choose life or death.
- Brandon Carter: RZA MURDERED THIS SHIT 👊🏽🔥👊🏽🔥👊🏽🔥👊🏽
- Chris Oakley: Starset demons
- GnutAh: YES do a Wu Tang video!
- BardiaOzzie: YSIV is a must
- Goku Black: Lil Wayne-Hittas, Lil Wayne- Used 2 Lil Wayne-Dont cry (Carter V)
- loaditz: The Misfits (from when Danzig was the singer) please
- John Deming: Man, I miss boom bap so much
- FProd10i: Know we all need that jid working out reaction!!!
- Andrew Diaz: Give this group a look guys. You will NOT be disappointed. It's right up your alley. https://youtu.be/U4PSdVCBl0c
- Bablo Biggins: rza always sounds congested
- Carlos Guardado Guerra: I've been waiting for someone to react to this hopefully they will
- Kelly Pagano: This is classic 90’s shit. Sitting in a hotboxed room with a mic taped to a broomstick, plugged into fruity loops with a notebook and a 40 and a blunt, just writing and taking turns spitting into the mic, nodding heads and chillin.
- Shak: All must be listen
- Joseph Brawn: I love what you guys do! Have you heard of Banks and Steelz? It's a super-group with RZA and Paul Banks (the lead singer and guitarist from the rock band Interpol), featuring Ghostface Killah, Method Man, and Masta Killa. I think they would be perfect for your channel: part rock, part hip-hop.
- kheo: React Gang in the Building! Remember dont just request songs from your fav artist discuss the video/song! Meth killed this the most definitely! But the whole song is bananas! I knew INS wasnt gonna go crazy cuz he didnt set it off. SALUTE to the OG JAck Pot Scotty a Staten Island Legend! #lostboys #vegasgang
- The Xmoda: dadorage lol not his best at all
- oscar perez: Thank you guys for doing this. Honestly loved the track for the same reason. Wu-tang on the track is amazing... saw in the comments below and will hop on the train... 100 grandkids by Mac Miller. If you will be doing wu-tang songs, something from liquid swords, supreme clientele, and only built for Cuban linx
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- Food For Thought: Thank you Logic! Real Hip Hop <3
- Roy Richards: Hello Ryan & George. Please react to African Hip Hop. It will help in setting ya'll apart from other reaction channels and you'll also be amazed by the jewels these kids drop. Leaving a few links below for your consideration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umfTWm7wqlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFtvlHaB-zg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtgG2utqHs8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEkSviuAVas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18s_gwZKD4k
- LiquidEagle232: Do Gloria by The Dear Hunter
- Vladimir Svh: Coal Chamber - Loco
- Chris M: I'm eating Wu-tang soup
- Brandon Wagner: would be cool to see a reaction to Awon and Phoniks - Certain Presence
- Julian Magana: THANK YOU pls more YSIV
- Ainsworth Lawson: J.I.D - Working Out
- Vexelpops: i meant to post that the motorhead cover was better on enter sandman but i was really high
- Spender604: Agree on RZA's flow. I like his stuff from early Wu-Tang and the first Gravediggaz album, but at one point he switched up his flow and it's just wack. It's a bit unfortunate since his lyricism is usually great.
- TheMrElPato: YSIV the song
- Big NiBBa: Man..luv your reactions ❤️
- John Bachmann: Definitely check out Death Grips. I think I've Seen Footage or Inanimate Sensation are the first songs they should check out though
- George Henry: If you want to hear new Inspectah Deck check out his project Czarface
- SquishyPlush: The Glorious Five! Shits real
- SnowboardinMA: FlyOrDie722 I mean I guess so. Still fuckin kills it everytime
- Latinos unidos: Jefferson starship-white rabbit
- Mark Schneider: Listen to kaan the song all day
- Maurilhio Nobrega: Hi guys! How about some reggae?!?!?!?! Just to help you out a bit: Steel Pulse - "Chant A Psalm" or "Taxi Driver" (musically they are very interesting) Lucky Dube - "Cool Down" or "Soultaker" Beef - "Late Night Sessions" Alpha Blondy - "I Love Paris" or "Rocking Time" or "Ragga Gangstar" Morgan Heritage - "How Come" Gentleman - "Dem Gone"
- Griffin Moore: Tints Anderson Paak ft. Kendrick
- Yung Senatra: eddievangraham nawwww
- Chillster: Man i want a Lost In Vegas podcast...
- pinskeel: ¡MAYDAY! - "Run Up" Ft. Tech N9ne - New Song, very chill but hard at the same time.
- owen d: Alec Dalton never said this verse was genius, this verse was one of the weakest on the album, was just talking in general
- Chris Plissken: Haha RZA sounds like a god rapping from the clouds xD I love his verse
- Krillindude: I think y’all should really give brockhampton another chance they’re a great group try doing songs like star, Gold, heat, sweet, bleach
- Mike Stranéus: First of all. Keep up the great work, really enjoying the relaxed and passionated pace in a time where everyone seems to be shouting. With that said, I would really like to see a video where you guys go trough your favourites, say the top five five rappers in your book. I believe this would give (me at least) a better understanding of who you hold as your best lyricist, best flows and so on and so forth. I think that would be both entertaining and interesting to hear your thoughts and arguments of why you guys believe that rapper X and Y deserves a top spot in your book. Keep dropping them vids. Big up from Sweden!
- Jon Moore: You guys should do "lion King" by lil dicky
- Aaron Garcia: Love how you guys break it down. Yall need to do a reaction to Dance with the Devil- Immortal Technique. That track is straight crazy but fire. Its an old song but I just wanna see how yall react to that underground rap lol
- datsun drifter: Its sick but i wish logic came back for a second verse.
- datsikmastaayaaa: topbud21 what does he mean by 36 million? Is it 36 million album Sales?
- Jonathan Liddell: Wale washed logic on that 100 miles track
- Maggie C: Here's a long list of (in my opinions) the best country songs that I think people would like (Starred are the ones I think y'all would like to react to the best). I made the list long for anybody looking for good country music recommendations. Hope people like this! *Houston, We Got a Problem - Luke Combs She Got the Best of Me - Luke Combs *The House That Built Me - Miranda Lambert The Dance - George Strait Yours If You Want It - Rascal Flatts Independence Day - Martina McBride Help Pour Out the Rain - Buddy Jewell *May We All - Florida Georgia Line *Tin Man - Miranda Lambert *Fly Over States - Jason Aldean Amarillo Sky - Jason Aldean Over You - Miranda Lambert *Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw Cowboy Take Me Away - Dixie Chicks *Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks Greatest Love Story - LANCO *Tequila - Dan + Shay I Was Jack - Jake Owen *Drunk Me - Mitchell Tenpenny The Truth - Jason Aldean If You're Reading This - Tim McGraw *Mean to Me - Brett Eldridge Travellin' Soldier - Dixie Chicks Johnny and June - Heidi Newfield *Something to be Proud Of - Toby Keith Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) - Alan Jackson Check Yes or No - George Strait Livin' On Love - Alan Jackson Free - Zac Brown Band *Highway 20 Ride - Zac Brown Band American Honey - Lady Antebellum Whatever It Is - Zac Brown Band *Why - Jason Aldean Toes - Zac Brown Band Without You - Keith Urban Strawberry Wine - Deana Carter Love You Like That - Canaan Smith Sweet Annie - Zac Brown Band Red Dirt Road - Brooks & Dunn
- Michael Rodriguez: YSIV is a master piece
- Hideotic: 11:20 unintentionally singing Ordinary Day lol
- War: Weedeater - Weedmonkey
- ThatOneDude702: Meth's flow is silky as shit. He went in.
- hunter boutwell: Cozz and j cole- knock tha hustle
- Dr. Sticky Thumbs: Shits Fire
- Sean Stewart: This the one!! Wu Tang was huge for me growing up! Liquid Swords was one of the best albums!!! And RZAs the producer!!
- Kenneth Karpuleon: It is called blue story trilogy my bad guys
- Preston Martin: Tim McGraw Just to see you smile!!!!
- Cory Proctor: Favorite
- Rob Glowacki: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217227935508984&id=1189133258
- -Sir WESLEE-: Glad I'm not the only one that don't be feeling RZA only flow lol and then he always sounding like he recording on a bad mic
- Sir Cyclone: The glorious five
- chin383: JID - Working Out. its Fiiireeeee... Check it out pleeaase.. gotta hear ur reaction on that one
- Allen Trevino: Can you review Miranda Lambert Tin Man. The Live version.
- Damien Jemison: I knew you guys would do this one! Loved it! Much love to Logic for the Wu Tang reunion. I could see a Triumph review coming. I bomb atomically!!!
- braden adams: Do 100 miles and running-logic
- Davidoestuff: I really appreciate the little side notes you guys put in the videos because for a guy that’s relatively new to rap a lot of the references the emcees make fly over my head, much love!
- Jagraj Bassi: Yo we need some more reactions to The Weeknds music on this channel
- Travis Michael: Logic - Iconic ft. Jaden Smith 🔥🔥🔥
- Kyle Sedlacko: Do HighHopes by Panic! At the Disco, that shit is Grammy ready. The lead singer is the only member of the band left and quite literally plays every instrument when recording songs...just transcending music at the moment. You will not be disappointed.
- Corey Rees: CZARFACE feat Large Professor- World Premier https://youtu.be/MeE6i_fYAVw
- michael hall: RZA had the rawest verse. Check pearl harbor from wu-tang saga continues
- Carlos McLaughlin: 6ix
- Matija Dragojevic: Yall need to do ysiv iconic and the glorious five... Fire review tho as always, yall make me like a song 100 times more after you review it... thanks guys
- Ben Biggs: yo you guys gotta reveiew Up by Earthgang
- Hec Zeroni: Yall should react to “mind of logic”. One of his earlier songs but its got a dope vibe.
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- CJ Scott: _ Bonescythe _ FACTS
- Scott Welinski: without a doubt your next review NEEDS to be Disturbed , The Sound of Silence!
- WWE Mark: But thank you for doing this! And Ryan, hell yeah, Method killed it!
- Mehuja Cruz: If y’all do Iconic next I’ll let you have my sister
- Lok 2thaBrain: What do you mean it’s been awhile😂😂😂😂 they just dropped an album in 2017 but they deff didn’t have a song with all them on it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Spladam: Those are exactly the groups you think of when you think of hip hop in the 90's. Nas, Mob Deep, TuPac Biggy.. AND THE WU. You guys should do a reaction to GZA's solo album track 4th Chamber from Liquid Swords. Would love a Wu-Tang video.
- Pinball Wizard: Y’all gotta do the whole album! I swear bros, at least after wu tang because every song after wu is straight heat! Come on like this guys this has to happen
- jon bowser: Y’all need to react to what it means by the drive by truckers!!!! I know y’all like Jason isbell he was a member before his solo career
- Mikre: Can you please do hive by earl sweatshirt
- TallicaMan1986: RZA style. He's so sharp but off kilter for most.
- Mrs. Salgado: blackpixels RZA once said he could fart on a verse and still be on beat. His rhyme style is unique. But the RZA is the RZA. 🤷🏻♀️
- Aaron Averheart: Hip hop is still young. So you can't say that people are too old to be rapping. Because the old ass rolling stones still roll and other old rock and roll groups. Hip hop and Wu Tang Forever.
- Randy Moes: Love all the wu tang, funny you're not a big fan of rza's flow, just something about his voice I always liked, just raw and unconventional. And I'm always big on gza, but I enjoyed the whole thing.
- Cameron Alsbrooks: Fire
- No Name: Please
- The Reynolds: I think they blew their wad on 36 Chambers. They never got back to that level. There was some good flows here and there, but they never matched 36.
- The Wotan: Too stageeee...
- Daryl Hicks: Be unbiased try listening 2 something deffrent. Slightly stoopid: 2am The grateful dead: the music never stop Streetlight manifesto: would u be impressed. Every video y'all post is under the same umbrella of a ganera y'all done all ready. I don't even like this style of music n I could appreciate it.
- WWE Mark: Y’all gotta do YSIV, Iconic, & Street Dreams 2, & 100Miles and Running. Pleaseee
- Zach Petro: Avenged sevenfold buried alive please!
- octavio rendon: You guys should react to rapsody, amazing mc
- Ny Fitzgerald: Wheres Red Man 🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏽♂️
- Luis Medrano: FINALLY!!!
- Ben Walker: Logic - The Adventures of Stoney Bob ft. Kajo, Slaydro & Big Lenbo this needs to be up next!
- Johnny130498: Hey guys don't know if you've looked at it yet but Avelino Long time coming is helps good. https://youtu.be/kGN2cnBn3X4
- Dejan Cuk: GangStarr - Full Clip Please listen to that song!
- Jeffrey Porter: Glad I came across you guys. You have shown me so many new things. If you ever get time Enter Shikari is a great band, zzonked is interesting. Keep up the good work.
- Cullen: React to Screaming Night Hog by Steppenwolf!
- Jüńïør Šøüžå: react my morning jacket
- Kaleb Pyle: I mean I would say greatest rap group ever das a stretch
- 123froozen: A song with great and many beat switches is You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train - Vinnie Paz! Love Wu and Logic!
- Joeyclubbin: Lupe, Lupe, Lupe, Lupe....
- Jonathan Huntzinger: Yeah, this was the weakest Deck verse in a while. I think you did your fans who might not know him as well a disservice by making it sound like he's fallen off. Dude has been killing it with Czarface.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Push it" by Static-X.
- Tuco Rodas: I think you guys would really be into Steely Dan
- Chase Redden: Red sovine - teddy bear
- MagusKali: Bringing them back from the dead? Wu-tang is forever.
- Elizabeth Cruz: Yes please do wu tang reviews!
- Mason Arbo: You need to do a review on scarlxrd nowww
- John: +MoJo Pro R/Woosh
- Chris Oakley: Check out default wasting my time
- Noé Quiroz: I love Last Call! But what did he say? I'm curious haha.
- Microphone Fiend: React to Hyperdermix by Inspectah Deck!!!
- dfre$h177: React to iconic,everybody dies and the title track
- KennArts: React to Streat Dreams and Streat Dreams II
- Ratboy 21MC: Listen to ysiv and iconic
- Philipp Anderson: PLS REACT TO. SERIOUS KLEIN - VOODOO MONEY!!! German Rapper who raps in English, killin‘ it! Love from Germany ❤️
- J.Frank James: i wish you two corny dudes was really lost in vegas
- Kavaski: this the stupidest shit i've heard yet
- Cray Holland: ICONIC BY LOGIC
- Jose Jauregui: Mac miller diablo
- beatboxd92: This is on the gym playlist! But yeah, a deep dive into WuTang's history would be dope.
- Kique Gonzalez: System Of A Down - Shame
- angrygingerboss: Do Eminem and Busta calm down
- GSSThomus: Iconic and Street Dreams II are real good
- garyape: You should listen to thats what i love about sunday by Craig Morgan. I love your guys reactions.
- Chris Violante: Please react to WAV files by lupe fiasco
- Neal Crabtree: Gary Numan - My name is ruin plz =)
- jastaR S: I freaking love RZA's Flow
- Omar Dom: Street dreams 2
- Alan Perez: One of my favorite tracks I wanted more bars from Logic, but at the same time the track would have been long. Not that it's a bad thing, but I did see some people say the track was too long for them.
- zatchk: How dare you #teamrza haha
- joe ortiz: I dig y’all videos. I appreciate the real reactions to metal from non-metal heads. Have y’all ever reacted to a Behemoth video or Cannibal corpse. Those bands are on the heavier side of what y’all have done already but it it’ll fun to see the reaction.
- t series NPC gey: T pose
- The Rock Jr.: Could y'all recact to Anderson Paak- Tints ft Kendrick
- Bryan: Can you guys react to a Run the Jewels track? They have three albums and they are all🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 RUN THE JEWELS.
- Ulysuss: If Inanimate Sensation is the first DG song they check out, it probably will be the only DG song they check out too. I don't think MC Ride making car noises for six minute is quite their lane, but I've Seen Footage would be good.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Ænema" by Tool.
- marchman3000: Street Dreams II or YSIV
- Kyle Doody: You guys should react to Roast Beef by Jarv. Talented MC who doesnt get enough love!
- Idan Gaming: Merriam did it first bro
- Phil Heise: You know the songs fire when these guys dont even wanna stop it to say anything ...
- David King: It' would be Stevie Ray Vaughan's birthday today if he were still alive. React to Voodoo Child or Little Wing covers of Jimi Hendrix songs or Pride and Joy / Texas Flood
- Edgar: CHILL by Tobe Nwigwe. Dude sounds like Andre 3000. He’s worth checking out you won’t be disappointed. He also has a freestyle on sway
- mike ash: React to Never Again by Remedy from the wtc!
- John Godwin: This is a good WU track Wu-Tang Clan - Six Directions of Boxing
- John Dupree: go off feat Kendrick lamar ace hood
- Doug Bourassa: How the hell did Logic pull this off? I wasn't giving him any attention but he has it now.
- Axel E. Avila Jr.: Iconic has some zesty ass bars! With a clean switch! 🖖🏾🌌♨️💯🤙🏾
- Diego Banuelos: Rip ODB
- Medusa: Logic - number please !
- Zach Hannah: Comments arguing over Logic, just let him be, (I don't care about him one way or another,) this song is about Wu, LiV came for the Wu, and let's be real, Wu is this song and Wu killed it imo.
- alicekralice: *React to Ari Lennox - Whipped Cream*
- Mantej Singh: Can u guys do FANTASTIC 4 BY DJ CLUE. LEGENDARY TRACK
- 49ersMetallica: J.I.D NEW SONG!!!!! Working Out. Please do it https://youtu.be/FzpJl-i7ZRg
- Dew The Dew: Joyner lucas - frozen Joyner lucas - frozen Joyner lucas - frozen Plzzzzz review this
- Jreid 313: Elzhi- Egocentric is a must review.. One of the most slept on individuals in the industry
- Derril Pramana: Enjoyed so much and has been anticipating for this! I know the criticism was a nitpick but I disagree though, I think the monotonous beat helps put focus on each of the Wu Tang and how different and awesome they all are. As a young guy that never heard Wu Tang, their verses and the differences between them blew my mind given how it all came from the same beat. Like holy shit, so many different awesome flows at show that all works!
- Ethan Bolton: you guys should listen to the newest song coheed and cambria made old flames
- JDMC Music Aus: It's that classic boom bap shit
- Niko Lacasse: Would be fun to see r.a the rugged man ft vinnie paz-uncommon valor 👍👍
- Thomas Howard: Been waiting for this boys
- Daniel . OP18: Thank you so much 🙏 I been with you since the logicthon and was waiting for this for so long
- IKONIKx1: GZA smoothest criminal smartest in tha subliminal legend in hip hop his time indefinite he'll, always be relevant his words always bring a settlement to the emotions
- im white: RattPack
- kaylushhh yo: Method Man did that!!
- Manav Panchal: STREET DREAMS II
- Zach P: You said “it’s been a while” for Rebel I.N.S.?! Y’all not hip to CZARFACE?! Do some reactions to THAT! Which track?....close your eyes and pick one!
- Dt Snizzley: Whoever readin’ this: Hope y’all doing well, hope you make it rich. Keep grindin keep strivin’ stay true to the real you. Don’t conform for NO BODY. Be YOU only. ✌️
- seal sniper03: Phantom 309 and teddy bear
- Amber Brown: 💯
- Shawn Castillo: Where is the Lupe reactions?
- Chom: i haven't listened to his music other than this track, therefore i'm only giving my opinion on his verse on this track
- Aaron Acosta: Listen to Sirens by Coasta the Messenger https://soundcloud.com/coastathemessenger/sirens-prod-donato
- UFmamba8: Any of his freestyles really. He does Gucci Gang, Goosebumps, and others. Even a couple singles out right now
- tucker hayes: You need to do a reaction to, drunk like you , by Cadillac three
- Lilium: Honestly this song just felt like Wu Tang Clan ft. Logic
- littlelennyb2727: what happened to your Mac Miller Tiny Desk video? I would like to watch it again if its available?
- bigwillblahblahbla: The new fight night should have this as its main song or at least the beat
- Ryan Atkins: talk you out of it florida georgia line
- Exit: mac miller 100 grandkids, diablo, new faces v2
- Rezwan: clicked like before I even started the video
- chabo: Fax
- El_REY_LEAL809: Exactly man GZA verse was too fucking short smh
- Manofunctional: yo whatsup guys! would love for you to check out some mathrock, like invalids - a rather mediocre genius or ttng (this town needs guns) - baboon
- Ben Mulvey: GZA - greatest m.c. of all time
- Craig Peters: To me, Gza is probably the most underrated member of the Wu.
- Yung Senatra: Massimo Amato you shouldn’t be saying anything about rap.
- Anthony Garcia: Please review a GZA ALBUM🙏🏿
- Brayden Saavedra: Wale KILLS his verse
- Charlie: No Primus yet? My name is Mud or Jerry was a Racecar Driver
- Azcension Seven: the beat sounds similar to the Funkmaster Flex song Wu-tang did.
- Devin Brown: Do radar love by golden earring
- Firesquad 77: React to Lil Wayne- Can’t be Broken on C5
- Alexander Sparber: Go watch ‚Working out’ by J.I.D fireee
- ThrashTheUterus: it's been a while since you've done megadeth. next one you listen to should be good mourning black friday, you will not regret it
- Usama Urfi: Haha, I love RZA too but he cannot flow 😂 Shout out to Abbot! 👐🏽 GZA is the best in my opinion. I still rap Clan In Da Front everyday in my head
- Aaron Garcia: Oh you guys already did lmao mybad! Peace and love!
- CarloGuil Figueroa: I’ve been listening to logic around when Bobby Tarantino came out. I feel as though Logic’s quality of music when downhill once Everybody came out. That album was underwhelming and not like logic the logic I listened to (yes he said he was biracial in other songs but it wasn’t repetitive and wasn’t like the “I’m looking for acceptance” type of bars). Compared to the mixtapes and albums that came out before BT1 that was his lyrical prime. I personally think that Everybody and Bobby Tarantino II was trash. This makes me not a fan but YSIV was a step in the right direction even though for me it didn’t feel like a Young Sinatra album
- Cygnus Vismund: Head nodding cannot be avoided
- gee: React to: Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato White Zombie - Super Charger Heaven
- Dillon Williams: React to DAX - album of the year remix (j cole response) it has fye bars , trust me
- Outlet: You guys need to check out belly. Maybe the song papyrus. The flow is so nice and lyrics are pretty good as well
- Mrran4life: My three favorite rappers of all time method man, Em, Kendrick Lamar
- yuzurname: Deicide- In hell I burn Testament- Legacy Suicidal tendencies- You can’t bring me down Gza-Fame Ra the rugged man- Uncommon valor Tech nine- Worldwide choppers Immortal technique- fourth branch, cause of death
- Monica Aguiar: LOVE W Tang and you can't go wrong with Logic.
- Tenebris Rex: I was thinking the same thing across the board for all the different music reviews rock n roll, hard rock, heavy metal, punk rock, jazz, blues, rockabilly, soul, doo wop, funk, Country Classic hip-hop and rap
- Ronnie Balcazar: Iconic is possibly the best in the whole album
- Ozonnee: That boy 6ix🔥
- George Banana: LVL-ASAP rocky ples?
- JDMC Music Aus: Bobby x Wu = 🔥 🔥 🔥
- Michael Davis: Don't know if you guys follow you tube artists but VO...has been spitting fire for years check him out
- Two Pe: Let's go
- BartSimp Son: He coulda had them just adlib n itd be dope
- Oscar Garcia: Please react to Logic- Street Dreams 2
- Flame of Anor: Like GZA said make the verse short but twice as powerful.
- joe •: "Yeea maan!!!"
- LucidLife :b: you guys should buy the merch on the ysivshop to wear while reviewing to more logic songs😂
- Logan Ewert: RIP ODB
- Troy Fisher: Yelawolf reaction please.
- fresherthanamutha: Where was Redman in this.
- Karen Forbus: Please React & Bring back some 90s Throwback R&B! Jodeci “Lately” Cover (Unplugged) It’s on my playlist! 😏
- dcthegreatest24: Method definitely took the trophy on this
- Flamma: The Notorious B.I.G - Gimme The Loot
- bumzilla 85: Please do GODIVA by heaven shall burn
- Gün Rodoplu: That was a smooth 'we out' brotha
- Roy Koch: Yo Inspectah Deck is still going crazy man! He dropped a couple of hard albums with Czarface! Check out Czarface ft Large Professor - World Premier
- Liam Ord: Eminem ft joyner Lucas lucky you🙏🙏
- Spence: React to Mahalia - No Reply - a very dope, not really known yet, r&b artist.
- Desorbing: I don't request for much... But please watch this James Vickery - Until Morning | A COLORS SHOW
- freekmccoy1: Can you do a REACTION to the band Symphony X ..The Odyssey https://youtu.be/MaN3pwBsRf8
- cainification: Omg yes this!
- dadorage: Lupe dropped album of the year, surprise y'all didn't react to any song from it yet since y'all loved Hurt Me Soul, this might be his best album. It's really long though, a Kings Nas / Cripple reaction would be great !
- Andrew Ferguson: React to YSIV
- jakeyp123: react to the asap forever music video
- edgär: If you get to read this can u guys please react to Nipsey Hussle Double Up🙏🏁would mean everything love your channel guys
- The10Liam: Guys I think I speak for everyone when I say we would love a Wu-Tang video! Wu-Tang Forever!
- Ryan Angeline: Haha y'all referenced slang editorial, "The Pillage" was my shit. You two are real ones, always real, always objective, much respect
- Daniel Wilhelmsson: React to Akala Fire In The Booth Part 4
- That's Nuclear: They can't even get themselves together, Lol... You guys are the best!! Wu-lives on!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HOW ABOUT SOME GODSMACK, DISTURBED, VOLBEAT, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH AND TECH N9NE...
- drew5363: BEST BEAT OF 2018!
- Matthew Onstott: Hex One Where I’ll go
- jesse zimmermann: Yes they need to do many songs off this album. Plllzzzz the people need to know!
- JC S: React to the new twenty one pilots album: Morph!!
- FARIS HARIRI: Yess thank u! Ysiv (that 2nd verse is so well written I get chills Everytime I hear it) and street dreams II next please!!
- Zeke Lara: I was about to ask you to react to this. But you already did.
- Jose Barajas: React to SICKO MODE
- Bruce Wayne: Im not a fan of logic but why does he get hate? He sounds pretty talented to me
- Rogan'saFag Bear: Method and Gza were my favorites back then. I don't think Method had a bad track ever. Speaking of older stuff I would love to see you guys do Classic by KRS, NAS, Rakim etc.
- Joshua Vogsland: You guys should listen to "People Say" by Wu Tang!!
- Maestro 96: Wu tang wu tang wu tang wu tang
- Nate Baker: The Boom Bap and Wu Tang is a DEADLY combination shoutout to Logic for getting them together for this joint. O was taken back through time listing to this one. All I can say hats of for everyone involved for making this collaboration happen. Terrific Job Lost In Vegas !!! When you get a chance y'all need to listen to this young cat named Shawn Smith on a track called Heaven he got my stamp of approval for being The Truth man.
- Lost In Vegas: We have! She's dope! Check out our 'Brokenhearted' vid with her and Jeremy Passion. Thanks.
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- pound cake
- OmNi Blaze: Method Man fucking snapped, even Logic said that Methods was his favorite.
- Pickel Rick: Gooooooood reaction waiting a log time😇😇😇
- xLukeJx: Would love to see you guys react/review all the classics from the 90s. Wu tang, nas, gang starr?
- Jeff Parker: 5:05 "everybody loves Wu Tang" , "they have a pretty dope following". The classiest comment I've heard on YouTube. You guys rock!
- DayniqSteel: They probably don't have the time and I'm sure the video will get blocked. Which means they will have to heavily edit the video and that's just more time they don't have.
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Logic - Wu Tang Forever ft. Wu Tang Clan (REACTION!!!) | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 3 Oct 2018 |
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