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- thomas thanasis: This song is from their first album, they were really young, I think like 20, try a song from sound awake album, believe me!!
- Dutch van der Linde: React to fucking Disturbed Jesus Christ.
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- Ian Phillips: You should do "We Are" or "Goliath" by Karnivool
- OEDON_jax: You guys! Love your reaction vids! You've been sleeping on a new up and coming genre I think you would absolutely love! SYNTHWAVE. Check out any video by GUNSHIP, tons of 80s nostalgia but with modern production techniques!
- vampirekhaine: Ha, like this one. Have heard only 2 songs from these guys and didnt like them. Do like this however, so I'm going to give them a second chance. I think you are highly overdue on some scandanevian metal. Regardless of the genre, the north parts have some very populair. Try In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Children of Bodom, Amorphis, Keep of Kalessin, Nightwish or Emperor. On the other end of the spectrum, if you want something relatively new stuff that is closer to rap, go for Hollywood Undead. I don't like them, but you guys might.
- Frank Marinucci: Wrathchild America - Draintime.
- Music and Fishes: I wouldn't call them metal at all. A bit progressive but that's it. I love karnivool, they don't really fit a type
- arkhampatient76: Checkout Kataonia - 4th of July
- Chris Davidson: Two suggestions here. Nymphetamine Fix by Cradle of Filth, if you want to venture into Black Metal, and Through the Valley by Sean James if you want to have a blues-y song and another incredible voice under your belt.
- Mazda13bRotary: This was NOT a good song as an introduction to Karnivool. If you want to actually like it I would do "Simple Boy" , "Roquefort", or "Goliath"
- Kolby Artigue: Rodrigo Martinez the music night come off as a little much though. It’s definitely an acquired taste even for musicians
- Daniel Domínguez: Guys, RIVERSIDE. Please, RIVERSIDE.
- Polearm Ratnebula: ISIS - 20 Minutes/40 Years It's time to get some post metal up in here!
- Chrono S: React to Breaking Benjamin - Blood
- vampirekhaine: Also. If you want to go further out your comfort zone (alot), go for Sunn o))) or The Algorithm. Perhaps Arcturus?
- Damodara Rosalino: 11ª time react to LEPROUS - Forced Entry !!! it is, to me, the very best of prog today, and that song... mannnn, what a great intro to this band go go go! pick this random comment
- To Exipnokinitaki: Love your hat 😂😂😂😂
- Jared Larson: Check out Tremonti - Flying Monkeys
- suchabizz: Some Andre Matos song in Shaman period????? Pleaaase
- Bad News Barrett: Should do Karnivool - Goliath next, that one's fantastic.
- TOAOM123: +steveoooooo09 ive found themata is a great start, and new day gets people hooked
- Bill Vrabel: Cradle of Filth - Funeral In Carpathia
- Teleah Graaf: Janis Joplin – Piece of My Heart Joan Jett – Bad Reputation Heart – Barracuda Halestorm – I Miss The Misery
- Tyler Helton: React to lil peep and xxxtentacion falling down!
- TOOLnPRIMUS: Intronaut - Fast Worms
- Aj James: Karnivool is amazing. Themata is a great song. Underrated band. So good.
- Heycel: NICE!! Karnivool kicks ass, one of my favorite bands!
- Gisselle Palacios: I was expecting something else from Karnivool, like COTE or Change, but its nice eitherways. Love you guys!
- Chris Schneider: Cypecore - The Alliance
- Howard_the_Duck: I think doing a bit of research would make for better reactions.
- Bradley Peel: Intronaut - Milk Leg
- Julián Palacios: Leprous!!
- Rob Jarrett: The expecting harsher more aggressive vocals is actually stereotyping the genre. That's what someone who doesn't or hasn't listened to metal would say. There are tons of genres within metal who rely more on clean vocals. Prog is def one of them.
- Arcsector: to be fair, this isn't their best track. Goliath will blow you guys away. Also Simple Boy fucking kicks ass. Love ya'll, but I think you both will like those. Just glad one of you liked a band that destroys
- shraggrath: A thought just came to me. The main riff ( to my ears) is heavily influenced by eastern melodies and progressions. You seem to prefer cleans over growls or screams at least in prog, so perhaps you should react to shokran. "Firstborn" or even "creatures from the mud." Both songs come from their 16' record exodus, which is itself influenced by the biblical story the exodus
- K L: Dan Tompkins is back with the band. He replaced Ashe when he went back to Voices from the Fuselage. Tesseract came out with the album Sonder this yr. Need to get a copy of it.
- roquero03: Sounded too generic to me. I hate the muffled voice tone many bands do. For me it only fits Slipknot. Wich ya'l havent gone back to after duality. Or mudvayne SLIPKNOT -- WAIT AND BLEED, SURFACING MUDVAYNE--DEATH BLOOMS, DIG AMON AMARTH-- LIVE FOR THE KILL, TWILIGHT OF THE THUNDER GOD MACHINE HEAD-- IMPERIUM
- Victor Rubio @vi20_v: I Am The Fire by Halestorm pls pls 🤘🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🎙🎶🎵🎧🎸
- MissMojoRisin54: Thanks for the shout out guys! So glad you like the bracelets I sent out for you. Keep the awesome reviews coming!
- Matthew Mollison: Glad to see some Australian music on this channel! Gotta hear some Parkway Drive or Smith Street Band. Maybe some Aussie Hip Hope like Horrorshow or Hilltop Hoods!
- Ryan Wilt: George and Ryan please checkout Diablo Swing Orchestra. I don't even know how to describe their genre of music, but you'll probably never hear anything else like it. Try Age of Vulture Culture or Voodoo Mon Amour. Very original music that is anything, but boring.
- Oli Miah: Can we get some early Parkway Drive? Maybe romance is dead or anasasis
- Joshua Macal: How the hell did I miss this? I've been watching you guys regularly for a while, and this one somehow slipped past me. Glad I found it tho.
- Dean Little: Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere but not Here live. You won't regret it.
- Willow Sparks: Please react to 'Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus' by The Mars Volta. They're a prog rock band that is chaotic but extremely catchy with the chorus! I would love to hear your thoughts on it! Love the channel btw Xx
- Rodrigo Martinez: King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Nuclear Fusion (live on KEXP)
- Krispynachos 99: Graves
- Unknown Alien: Check out some songs by Thank you scientist, The mars volta and both old and new At the drive in. I think you are gonna like em.
- Jon Torres: Leprous for sure. Solid band.
- Doom v3: Wide Eyes - Colonization
- eric flores: Bruh! Should’ve started with a better track from Karnivool. This one is good but I say Simple boy or Cote or anything on Sound awake!
- Daniel Gentry: Y’all need to listen to BB KING
- MF STEEZ: Umbra The Caudal Lure
- mvunit3: Hey George and Ryan . . . Its funny that this is the 1 song that I feel, as a fan, is not their _typical_ "sound". As someone said; its got that NUmetal influence, and I'm not a fan of that music. There are quite a few bands with that "Tool" vibe (which Karnivool is known for). Tool, (later) Porcupine Tree and Riverside, has influenced and inspired many bands (Playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2DU3TBNutEcnr_Fjq-ZMNeALABnPjz_S Okay, you keep talking about GROOVE, well many of us will keep selling the GROOVE MACHINE *Kings X* to you guys! Its Time!
- educostanzo: I'm with George in this one. I've tried this band before but I can't get why they are tagged as progressive. Their music is very straightforward, and yes, very "young" and soft (even on subsequent albuns). Production and overall sound are ok, but far from grasping my attention. No offense, but to me it sounds like a veeeeery watered down Tool. Btw, how bout some Tool again, say, The Grudge?
- allmediareviews.blogspot.com: SET FIRE TO THE HIVE. However I have to mention for the 158th time, Sound Awake has pretty atrocious mixing per more than half of it the cymbals clip horribly.
- Pteribledactyl: Hmm your reactions are on point... my only concern is when something is said to be "metal" some may have sort of an expectancy of what it may sound like.. Karnivool is a prog ROCK band.. (as youre fully aware Rock has waayy to many subgenre's) Keeping that in mind.. Prog rock imo is closer to alternative rock than any form of metal. So where vocals is totally a user determined thing.. - Well im guess im just clarifying the sound and appeal. Your sentiments are totally on point and warranted.
- Andy Elsen: Three inches of blood : deadly sinner
- Pat Swett: Please react to Mechanical illusion : by Amaranthe!!!! They are swedish metal with a hint of electronic! Super catchy beats and an amazing balance between screams and clean vocals!
- Morojo: Adagio - Subrahmanya !!!
- venom2101: Check out apocalypse orchestra - the garden of earthly delights
- Michael Sprague: What happend to your Primus reaction?????
- James Dean: It's not a violin that btw it's all on the guitar
- Matthew Jelley: Must do New Day !!
- Kevin Lemley: Speaking of Australian Prog, you MUST do Songs to No One by Caligula's Horse. Or if you're feeling ambitious, the live version of Inertia + Cannon's Mouth.
- Alexander Coburn: The band formed in 1997. Their early music fell more under the criteria of "nu metal" however it was, as an album, progressive. Their next album, Sound Awake, is better, imo. You can always nod your head to most of their stuff. It's not as aggressive with its time changes as others. Glad you loved it Ryan!!!
- Gary Tackett: Yay!
- Alex Murphy: Yayyyy Karnivool!!
- Sam Tunnicliff: Totally agree with the vocals opinion George! Love them instrumentally but it just doesn't suit the sound they're going for!
- DeadEndKing: How about the Ocean’s “Bathyalpelagic” trilogy? Any takers?
- Jymel Ryan: I think Themata was a nu metal album but their second album sound awake they transitioned into prog rock
- Steve Martin: I know y’all don’t want to get in a rut of doing the same genres or a bunch of bands with the same style, so I know having done Karnivool it’s now less likely that you’re gonna do “Rust” by Caligula’s Horse but I’m still gonna keep begging for it. :)
- Remy Vogler: Moon Tooth - Igneous
- Antuan Mastro: Great reaction. I’m going to have to check out this band. You guys should check out the song Breadcrumb Trail by Slint
- Eetu Mellin: More Karnivool would be great! "We Are", "Simple Boy" or "The Refusal".
- James Barron: Also saying it again, Dance Gavin Dance - Deception :)
- glemden87: Vicarious-Tool
- Rodrigo Martinez: Kolby Artigue I'd requested for them in some vids. I think it would be dope too
- Heycel: Leprous kicks ass, yeah!!
- John Bachmann: If you want more prog, check out Rishloo
- Ian Davis: I liked the song, but how is it progressive?
- Tim Stevenson: Yah man! Karnivool! Waiting for this one for a while. This is their first album which was a bit less Prog and more Modern Hard Rock. I think you will appreciate how they have evolved since then. I’ll look forward to you checking out the next album Sound Awake. Cheers!
- Paul M: Dream the Dead is melodic and accessible enough for them to at least appreciate it, if not dig it.
- Angelo Torres: Please react to Savatage - St. Patrick (best lyrics about God and man)
- George Banana: LVL-ASAP rocky
- SoonerNCO: Definitely not my favorite flavor of ice cream.
- TheLocalFuzz: Perth represent! Now for Albatross - Corrosion of Conformity :)
- mike: one of you has there taste in music up there ass and so they are unqualified to give music reviews.
- Abhijeet Singh: Plz do Porcupine tree- Arriving somewhere but not here
- Andreas Meyer: Skindred - Kill the Power!
- David Paul: Paradise Lost- Embers Fire
- TylahFam: YES
- Nicolas Horvath: I adore this album. It's so well written and just...different than the doom that was coming out around that time. Everything they did was so good actually.
- IAm TheBlurr: It's so damn cool to have witnessed your guys' perspectives and views on this kind of music become refined as it has over the past year. I can't wait to see what the next big steps are for Lost in Vegas in time!
- Nathan Baca: The Grudge - Tool your minds will be blown🤯🤯🤯
- Amir Ahmadi: YES YES YES THANK YOU THIS BAND IS AMAZING. I hope you check out more by them. Their track record is perfect to some.
- Lugo717: React to “The Glorious Five “ -LOGIC !!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Zundfolge: The funny thing about watching you guys listen to Prog is that when you do jump cuts I'm never quite sure if that was your cut or just a time change :p
- rahkeem tha great: 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Chesty McUnderpants: Sikth - Vivid guys. That song is a trip and a half
- luke666808g: The vocals definitely work better on Sound Awake for sure.
- debee fowler: The favorite was simply the voice. The voice is clear but bot I couldn't listen to it all day. It felt almost Chaotic to me.. Here I go again....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE react to Carrie Underwood's "End Up With You". I honestly think that you guys would be pleasantly surprised **smiles** Thank you **********
- The Hawkeye V: Marc Broussard -- Home (Soul, R & B, swamp rock) The Band of Heathens -- Hurricane (Americana, folk rock) Uncle Lucius -- Keep the Wolves Away (Rootsy classic rock, country, blues) Chris Knight -- Down the River (Country rock, Americana)
- Tom Adams: React to some Architects
- Phillip Rhodes: You gotta do some Savatage. "Gutter Ballet" would be a great place to start. I've heard this song described by somebody as "the one song that makes you want to cry and head-bang at the same time". And that's a very apt description. Other good choices would be "Edge of Thorns" or "When The Crowds Are Gone".
- Darío Villanova: Symphony X - Egypt ppleeeaseee
- Robert Fuhrman: You need to listen to more of their music. The drummer is fantastic. Listen to Deadman or Goliath. Give them another chance.
- Eldoctorador: Amorphis - Towards and Against
- Dudeatrix: Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes Revocation - Grip Tightness Symphony X - Seven
- Arron Delman: Why listen to leprous when you can listen to the band they open for? Between the buried and me(leprous is good though!!!)
- Frederick Colley: conception - a million gods. heavy power progressive metal, sick multifaceted guitarist and a smooth vocalist (roy khan) that i know will win you over.
- Sam Kutz: Musical Chairs by Fair to Midland would be sick.
- aslam_t: If you guys wanna check whats best out there on edgy aggressive vocals (not growls), check Symphony X! Russelll Allen is a beast! From their most recent stuff, I think Dehumanized showcases that perfectly, but your review from any song would be great.
- Dee Cee: Karnivool was and is a big inspiration for Northlane
- Jim Schuler: Good job guys. I didn't care for this song either George. It just seemed to be all over the place for me
- fila365: New Day or Goliath by Karnivool guys, those 2 songs are just up your alley plz!
- Aredobleyou M: Belphegor: Devour this Sanctity
- Dave Noel: HAKEN - LAPSE
- Juancho's MRL: The next song.... the next soooong pleaseeeeeeee! (Shutterspeed). Cool reaction boyz, much love!
- bingokill: Sounds much more like neo metal to me than progressive! I can hear system of if a down in there, even incubus in the vocals ! Structure is very basic, and I can see where the riffs could be considered as progressive but overall, this is nu metal guys!
- Anthony Lyder: Yoo review Levitate by Twenty One Pilots! He actually spits!
- Mana-Ramp-Matoran: To George and Ryan: Karnivool is one of those bands where you have to check something from each album because each one is so different. You should really grab something off of Sound Awake for a good feel of what this band is about. Themata was their early nu-metal esque days. They really hit their progressive stride with Sound awake. I recommend Simple Boy, or Deadman if you really want a musical journey.
- departurehymnryan: or goliath or illumine
- Justin Burnside: i always dig the reflectiom in George's glasses. btw this could have been the contortionist ^.^ im never going to stop pushing them on you till you fellas react to it!
- Vatsal Purohit: These guys grew by leaps and bounds in their follow up "Sound awake". There's no bad song on that album.
- tRexArms: I got a bit of a chevelle vibe on this
- Dhruv Sinha: +Orphan Pipe I'll go with second life syndrome
- Marko Gacnik: Great choice!
- steveoooooo09: Omg I have asked for this for like 6 months on almost every rock video y’all post!! Thank you!!
- skoottar: Why did you guys chop it into pieces? Ruined it for me
- Isonomia: Leprous - golden prayers
- Metal Enthusiast: Yes Pop Evil please - Take It All or Deal With the Devil one of the best Modern Rock groups to date
- Hellcat M: George, I'm the opposite of how you think about melodic vocals in metal. In pop music with mellower instruments (computer generated music), I think the softer tone singers are too soft and it bores me. Now when you get into industrial where they have aggressive vocals and computer-generated music I like that. When it comes to metal with melodic vocals I like that as well, its kind of like the salty-sweet combination in desserts, the hard guitar is the salt, and the melodic vocals is the sweet. I also like bands like Metallica and Megadeth that have hard vocals and instruments. BUT there are a lot of people who feel the way you do, and they think metal bands with melodic lyrics is not metal, its to soft. I like it all and it depends on my mood at what I want to listen to. There is a band called Savatage that started out harder metal, then as time went on became more progressive. They went through some lineup changes which may have lead to this. Except for with one vocalist in a couple albums, they're vocals stay pretty rough (with some soft vocals but still with a slight edge). If you want to hear their harder stuff I'd say "Hall of the Mountain King" is a good song. I love "Gutter Ballet", "When the Crowds are Gone", "Believe", their all really good songs. The band has since broken up...kind of. Most of the band is in a band called Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Since this switch, they've had some platinum albums..2 of which are Christmas albums. The members are also in other bands that are harder. I guess this helps them get to a wider audience without alianating each type of music lover.
- CanadianBean28: I guarantee if you do Leprous you'll love them
- jgsmith013: this. introducing anyone to karnivool goliath should be first imo
- Joseph Wright: nah not prog-rock. Prog-rock is more Pink Floyd, Flaming Lips, King Crimson, King Gizz etc.
- Ryan Hanson: I've been requesting diary of a madman for a while now, it's a must.
- Daniel James: If all metal bands had aggressive vocals to match the style of the music, there wouldn't be much diversity. Metal unlike other genres is a playground for mixing and matching, we don't have to make sure we've got our notepads out, checking off all of the requirements for the genre before we finalise a song.
- genderlessperson: Haken - Atlas Stone or Cockroach King!! These guys are trendsetters in prog at the moment. I'd love to hear your reactions to them.
- Amberley Heins: You should check out Nathaniel Rateliff and the Nightsweats - Wasting Time
- Fernando Ferreira: do Rishloo!
- Huascar Rojas: the 2 mastersongs they did, and that are more progressive haha are Change from their first album and Deadman fromm their best (imo) album Much more emotionals and intricate songs
- Arcsector: Holy shit yes the price please
- Wubba Rocks: After the burial a wolf amongst ravens
- Mohand Kabeche: Yeaaah prog !! Now Leprous - Forced Entry !!
- D. Ryan: BORING!!! sounds like a boring repetitive version of “Evans Blue” meets “tool” with a “Lacuna Coil” type groove
- Vince Sanhueza: Dudes... Waaay too much editing on this clip. Not real pleasurable to watch. It's ok when you stop to talk about the parts throughout the song but not all this cut cut cut business. Feels very rushed. Only saying cos I like you guys. And the band would have been 23 or 24 years old in 2005 when this was released. Not real indicative of their sound now. Goliath would probably be the best representation. Peace. And Khabib FTW!!!
- 4 7: CAPITAL STEEZ FREE THE ROBOTS, most conscious artist I’ve ever heard
- Arron Delman: Table Cloth contortionist < between the buried and me
- Bence Hankószky: Finally!!!! Next from them : Karnivool - All I know / COTE 👌
- Teaser 2: Karnivool goliath, it has the meatiest bass in the world
- Austin Blake: Bomb reaction again fellas! Imma keep postin it man Ice Nine Kills is an awesome metalcore back y’all need to check out! Thank God it’s Friday from their new album is Phenomenal IMO Keep doin good work guys thank you 🙏🏻
- 338 WM: I’d love to see you guys do a few PARKWAY DRIVE songs
- Terry MTBnurse: Yeah man I hear you. Great song selection. I really hope they give Riverside a chance. Peace out.
- SixBoiledFrogs: YSIV and 100 miles and running!
- Danielle Parks: Yes to Dillinger!!!!
- and tonight: YESSSSS!!!! KICKASS BAND! Saw them live during college days, talented musicians, great pick and reaction as always.
- Justin McMillan: Yep. Totally agree. Really liked the instruments but the vocals just weren’t doing it for me
- Brian Newton: Symphony X..... Inferno
- Dayne Taylor: This is a really basic Karnivool song. Definitely recommebd COTE, Simple Boy, New Day and Deadman.
- Scoss Tard: Just to see them react to Anaal Nathrakh would be awesome :D
- David Burrell: Architects - Gone with the Wind
- tambor76: Van Halen - Mean Street
- JHAN1212: Awesome video as always, guys! Y'all should do Origin of Escape by Monuments. Its progressive metal, but has a killer groove.
- Nicholas: George: Bad day? Cheer up. Buttercup. Guitarist = Drummer (same) musician on that cd.
- Trav Price: David Lang absolutely man, Dreadnaught also 🤘🏻
- Kaushik Sethunath: As many people have pointed out, this album was a long time in the making. And by the time it came out, the band had finally come together and their sound really evolved. Its their Sophomore album "Sound Awake", which is widely considered one of the best Progressive Rock albums of the last decade, and each song on it is phenomenal. They had their roots in Nu-Metal, but evolved into this wonderfully unique Progressive sound with time. I'd recommend "Simple Boy", "Goliath", or "Deadman" from that album. Otherwise, try "COTE" from Themata. Hope you give them another shot soon!
- Jare M: Opeth - Burden!!
- Kevin Li: liv- you guys are growing up man :')…. recognized that this just wasn't 'hard' enough!!! getting real metal guys!!!! keep it up! check out some TooL- Sober or Schism, both please. and jambi, lateralus, lol….
- Dustin Clark: Not their best song, but it’s still pretty good. We Are or Umbra next!
- Jeff Sdao: Nice work guys! I love prog metal and I have never heard of these guys, I’m down!
- Doug Moore: DevilDriver
- Maximillian Shaughnessy: Hey guys great work! I know big bands usually get shown and you try your best to get smaller ones out there. Theres a band called Sleep token, incredible and blowing up like crazy. Not only would you love them but showing them on your channel I believe would be the final kick starter to setting the band off. You guys have grown amazingly as a youtube channel. My request is Sleep token- Jaws.
- DES S: Ryan, George great reaction! I haven't heard of Karnivool before this reaction, so kudos for that. Musically sound band, I like the singer's voice, its almost like a comfort band to me. I wouldn't go out of my way to turn it off, but I wouldn't rush to turn it up on this song. Well with that being said I would like to put in my request as always for a reaction to Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix George Lynch guitar (Dokken) and Corey Glover vocal (Living Colour)z collaboration, the songs "Crawl Walk Run" or Counture Culture" featuring Dug Pinnick from Kings X. Corey Glover's solo release Hymns the songs "April Rain" or "One" Living Colour's "Open Letter to a Landlord or maybe Kings X "Over My Head." And on the country side Dwight Yoakam's "Thousand miles from nowhere" "Guitars and Cadillacs or Fast as You". And underrated artist Ian Moore the song "Satisfied" off his self titled album, in my opinion the whole album is top notch. Keep on rockin' peace ☮️ ✌️ !!
- Chaz Phill Newton: This song (and by extension, the album Themata) has more of a Nu-Metal sound, mixed in with a bit of Prog. I'd absolutely suggest trying any song of their perfect second album Sound Awake. That one was a little more Progressive, but I wouldn't say it was 'Metal' necessarily, which hopefully means that you might perhaps appreciate Ian's higher ranged voice a little more George? And boi he's got range. But I wouldn't call it Prog-Rock either. They occupy the in between for me which I can't think of a decent name for. Man, genres are weird.
- Liam Fitzpatrick: So glad to see another Australian band chosen! But bit disappointed that you didn't give the same level of feedback that you usually do. I was waiting for ages for you guys to pause and cover some of the first part of the song. No lyrical analysis either. Short on time this day? If you want to give Karnivool another go, I suggest either 'Set Fire To The Hive' if you want something heavy to groove to, or 'We Are' if you want something which may match the vocals more and has some great lyrics to check out.
- Cameron Fox: need to do Karnivool rochforte the version with the horns. MINT.
- SephL: Slipknot - The Nameless please
- Jason Nolet: Great songs from this band: all I know, COTE, and Simple boy. At least those are opinions
- DiggerBear: Tool - Eulogy
- Dax Hogno: Proud of my aussies 👍🏼 check out Karnivool - deadman
- Sprnklrmn: You guys should check out the latest Tesseract album “Sonder”.
- BasedGod YD: Deadman or Change by Karnivool would be awesome, you'd definitely like his vocals more in that and they are longer more prog style but Karnivool always have that groove whether its in their prog stuff or their hard rock style stuff like Themata
- Tiernan Flaherty: Eventually, do THRICE - Red Sky
- god child: Cote and thermata chills
- Ash Err: The metal tag threw you off, alternative progressive is likely a better tag
- Jordan Wilson: Anesthetize- porcupine tree
- TwoandaHater: Skyharbor- Blind Side, or Evolution.
- Jon D: I agree with the people saying Cote would've been a great Karnivool song to react to. A good place to go from here would be either Caligula's Horse or an Arcane song like Promise (Part 2). Aussie-prog is wonderful and I'd love to see more people checking out these bands.
- Gamers Bane: review! struggle jennings
- Alex220v: Leprous - Slave (Live)
- genderlessperson: Fates Warning - From the Rooftops! You need to hear the OG progressive metal band. Fates Warning was there before Dream Theater and Queensryche. This is a song from their most recent album, but imo it's one of their most accessible ones. Otherwise you can do Part of the Machine or Guardian if you want something older.
- Torben Oßwald: Please do Leprous - Illuminate next ^^
- rayisawesoem: Not their best intro song. All I know would have been better.
- Djuggernaut: May I recommend "Excuse Me" by Fire From The Gods? A good blend of metal and hip hop from a group out of Texas. I think you guys would really like them.
- Piers BS: Check out another Australian prog metal band, Chaos Divine - One Door
- Womp Womp: Karnivool - Deadman
- Ken Maliwat: George is slowly turning into a KVLT TRVE METALHEAD lol
- Shezmu: Late again but please check out this is the time(ballast) by Nothing More. Great content as always keep it up!!!!
- timothy Wilson: Checkout the amity affliction
- Andy Payet: Check out cog next
- Yaliin Cruz: Mouth of Kala - Gojira Please!!!
- Paul M: As an Aussie its awesome to see you guys do Karnivool. I would have gone with Simple Boy or New Day myself. Sound Awake is by far their best album.
- Andrew Diaz: All Out by Snak The Ripper.
- Josh Grooves: Music is decent but the singer is awful lol
- Jordan Pennington: THE DOLLAR BY JAMEY JOHNSON!!!
- Aj James: Dude cote is such a good song. Not sure they can handle it.
- Ben Byrd: Why not do some breaking Benjamin!!? Anything by them! Get into some more Hard Rock
- Philippe Sauvage: Hello from France, You should have a listen to this track from Karnivool from their third album, You 'll see their progression in thier way to progress in composition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_E5ae9ZTwk
- LandoCowDelicion: Check out deadman and or change by them next its off thier second album and they matured in thier sound a lot. Very prog and interesting to listen too. Also yea they were really young when they wrote this album but i personally love it and they are very talented.
- wvusmc: Grey Skies & Electrical Light is one of my favorite albums. Almost haunting on how he passed not long after considering the theme.
- Daniel Mekler: Caligula's Horse - Inertia+Cannon's Mouth Live in Brisbane........mind blowing.
- 52ndWarhawkGerbil: Please react to We Will Fall Together or Would You Be Impressed by Streetlight Manifesto!
- dave miller: Deadman will make your playlists!
- Shannon Emanuel: Nice! Karnivool's older stuff was definitely a little less prog and experimental than their more recent albums. Themata was great for songs like this. Sound Awake is their next album and really amps up the prog element. They have been around a looooong time now, but have only put out three albums. Not many would call them metal music either too. Definitely more rock music, and Ian Kenny's vocals can be an acquired taste. Only gets better though!
- Nick Sandt: When prog goes commercial? I’d call it technical rock because it’s above standard beats and riffs but too repetitive for me to call it prog. Maybe their other songs have more depth sonically. I didn’t like it, but I’d sign them if I were a label executive
- Chrisaldo Fundora: please please please do a reaction on alien weaponry Kai Tangata
- That Guy 1981: Wrong song choice for this band for you guys. Try Set fire to the Hive.
- Kyle Morris: I'm a metal head and love rap too .i totally agree with gorge. Great job guys keep it up
- Cringelord Divine: "Themata" stands for "Issues" in Greek.
- beebala3: React to Goliath by Karnivool. It's a better song and the groove will getcha.
- Tim Lunceford: circus maximus or symphony x - those two bands are some additional progressive bands OR porcupine tree is ANOTHER VERY VERY good progressive group. Any of those 3 are great to check out. Keep it up fellas, you are doing great! I would suggest: "Futile" by Porcupine Tree (Rockpalast 2006) "Architect of Fortune" - Circus Maximus ........ actually any song by them is really good. "Nevermore" - Symphony X .......... again anything from them are equally as good.
- Sean Gill: You guys have to do something off of Sound Awake or Asymmetry. George would love Karnivool if he heard the right track!
- Mark J: Great reaction! Please check out the band Architects
- Eric Stashuk: Why should I value your opinion? You know nothing about this band (or music in general, but hey that's my unbiased opinion) so that's the key to your videos? I know nothing about a lot of subjects so should I start making videos? You have an audience, keep doing your thing. I just don't get it.
- John Bachmann: Check out Woods of Ypres!
- Nathan Cardosi: Between the Buried and Me: Prequel to the Sequel (album is Colors from 2007) is a good entry point into their sound as prog-metal, and the Proverbial Bellow (song from this years album Automata) is a good song to see where they are now musically. Longer and very diverse songs, though the transitions aren’t quite as jarring as some of the bands you’ve listened to thus far!
- AverageMatt: That band sucks. Check out Kamelot for some better thematic style music.
- shadowzone69: +Jim Martens eww no. Helmet only existed when Stanier was drummer.
- Adrian Humphries: Cote- karnivool you'll love it
- Maximilian Schultz: Listen to this man.
- Law of Decorum: Deadman has been slowly creeping up on my most played...
- mdd47: Don't know how you can do prog metal with some Between the Buried and Me. If George likes a balance between smooth/clean vocals and the edginess of the harsh modern vocal then he would not be disappointed. Colors and Parallax are their best albums but they're so concept-oriented that you can't just dive it with one track. Having said that, some suggestions as starting points: Astral Body Selkies Prequel to the Sequel Fossil Genera Mordecai
- Igor Ulbrich: What the hell George? The vocals are my favorite part of this song lol
- Cheese Bandit: You fuckers finally did it
- Dom Turner: Judith by A Perfect Circle
- Fetor: Yay, something I requested! :)
- Boobajew: Gojira album react please! Any album will do lol
- genderlessperson: Karnivool - Deadman From their next album Sound Awake. A lot more prog than on Themata and in my opinion, the better record.
- Miguel Riveros: This one was heavily edited!
- Jam Sena: I like this song. It's from their debut full-length album of 2005. I suggest you guys to check out their 2013 song "We Are". It has an awesome groove, an odd time signature typical of prog songs and a beautiful melody. I love everything about it, especially the bass and drums lines.
- Brady Price: If you ever get a wild hair, look into Mudvayne. Any song will do 👍 Love the channel!
- Mike Hanson: Dethklok - Laser Cannon Death Sentence. The drumming will give you a stroke. :P
- Darren Collins: Never heard of these guys ... Dokken!
- Will Mosedale: Will Varley - 7 Days
- Jason Dole: Love that you did Karnivool. They are pretty great!! Check out between the buried and me - coma mavhine
- Jacob Jartin: Monuments- Quasimodo
- Ashy Larry: Thorns of Crimson Death - Dissection
- Steven Smith: Electric Wizard-Funeralopolis
- Christian Iñiguez: We are Karnivool!!!
- Bailey Charter: Cmon wheres the amity affliction
- Jifa 92: Please react to Davidian by Machine Head!
- Aaron Garcia: Hey George listen to Sevin ft Hurt- somebody lied to us. I think youd like that song
- Phil Unnholm: Great damn channel guys! Can you’ll please, please react to EVERGREY - Harmless Wishes or - Paradox of The Flame. The breakdown or what you call in the later half of the song will definitely move up some emotions! Keep it up
- Иван Майборода: WOW, love'em! Check their "Cote" and "Set fire to the hive")
- Ryan McKnight: This is a good song. You should listen to one of their newer songs and albums with new members and better sounds.
- Jmac920: Listen to chalk teeth by Toska, they sound a bit like karnivool and they take quite a bit of inspiration from them
- hildormuthafo: I've never given these guys a shot, but damn that was goooood.
- Cody Hanson: If you guys claim to not look up info prior to listening, can you explain choosing not to react to Cemetary Gates by Pantera? I'm not really a Phil Anselmo or Pantera fan, but that song is legendary. I would appreciate it you could look past the artists personal views and enjoy it as a work of art. I mean, historically, tons of the artists you react to have questionable histories or views on morals. I dont see how it's any different.
- Carl Porter: Rush Lavilla Strangiato🤘🤘🤘
- Chris Kek: Meshuggah- Straws pulled at random Tool- pushit Opeth- burden Porcupine Tree- shes moved on (deadwing version) Steven Wilson- Drive home The Mars Volta- Conjugal burns Blackfield- pain Dream Theater- Count of Tuscany If you guys could react to one of these songs that would be Grrrreeeeeaaaaaattt. cheers!
- Metal Enthusiast: More thrash: BioCancer: You Scream You Die
- Killa117er: Awesome awesome !!!!! Guys check out woods of Ypres! It’s a band you could spend hours analysing !!!
- Robert Wenger: Insomnium - while we sleep I think you guys would appreciate this
- Javon Funchess: Greta Van Fleet- Watching Over, Lover Leaver, When the Curtain Falls, well I guess anyone of these are fine as well Black Smoke Rising Safari Song Black Smoke Rising Edge of Darkness Talk On The Street Flower Power
- Me Daza: Baroness- Shock me
- Carolyn Sheean: Aussie....Karn-i-vool. Lots of great songs, totally kick-ass live!!
- Ohsaint p: Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days
- TheLocalFuzz: Na, he's good.
- Bryan: Have you guys listened to Run The Jewels yet? Its Killer Mike an El-P They are straight FIRE. Please react to one of their tracks.Keep it up.Love yall!👍👍
- Cleveland Brown: Check out these metal songs I think you guys will like them a lot. Sleepers Awake- Throat of Winter or anything else from the album Transgression (some of my favorite vocals, and great instrumentals, as with all of Sleepers Awake’s songs) ISIS- Celestial (Groovy Prog, you guys would love it) Mastodon- All They Heavy Lifting (I know you guys haven’t liked mastodon before, but this song has a clearer sound and smoother transitions)
- Lead The jack: Also for jinjer
- Will Korzi: I'm with you there, those two are insane and the White Walls solo/finale is legendary
- 0s1r1s: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick track
- Michael Perez: This song is cool and all, but I'd have recommended something else to introduce you to Karnivool.
- xMamba: Fack yeah!!!! This is so good!
- Tristan Hejny: Man! Another cool band I’ve never heard of before! Thank y’all for the fantastic review! Also, would love to see y’all review Orden Ogan - Gunman for a great, underrated power metal group!
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace(unmastered). Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40
- gripenfelter: Let's get it...Chevelle to keep it going.
- Freeman Demeatris: WoW! cant believe you guyz did karnivool before the MARs Volta that is a head scratcher. please do a rock band with some soul The Mars Volta - Day of the baphomets( it has everything guys)
- The_Legend_27: Trace Adkins till the last shots fired plz plz plz
- and tonight: Also please do Shutterspeed by Karnivool. Probably one of my top 5 Karnivool songs.
- Alan Doughty: Seriously spent 6 hours watching you guys in one go. Couple of suggestions for you to try that I can't see you've done... Protest The Hero - Tilting Against Windmills Haken - Cockroach King
- Devon Nyers: I know what you mean by the soft vocals with metal. It took me a while to really appreciate those kind of vocalists but now they are my favorite.
- Thelema: Most people don't even bother reacting to the videos, they just suggest their own shit.
- Skylar Green: Stevie Ray Vaughn “Life by the Drop” I’ll keep it coming till it happens!!!!
- Disfig Music: I didn't even know people out of Australia knew of karnivool.
- Clinton Perrin: George if your looking awesome melodic voice mixed with good hard riffs you will love chevelle
- Luke Hayes: As much as I love everything KARNIVOOL have done I agree with most comments suggesting to pick a song from Sound Awake. Haven’t seen a suggestion for the track “change” in the comments yet so this would be my pick as it’s one of my all time favourite songs for the VOOL lads, Sound Awake from start to finish is one of the greatest albums I’ve ever listened to, not one single weak track
- Matthew Jelley: Finally!!!!! Karnivool are my absolute favourite, great to see you checking out some of the Australian modern prog giant!
- Citron: Karnivool!? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! Awesome.
- Michael Manners: Such a sick song
- Carson Grubaugh: Prog? Pretty bland for prog. He Is Legend - (((louds!!!
- Waru Halliday: Logic or KAAN😉
- purdo84: Should have done Cote, first track same album.
- epicshot2000: Literally gasped when I saw this in my notifications. Love this band and love y'all for doing this!
- DeanKnight333: TooL - The Grudge
- Osgilliath: You should go for some Marduk! Try out any track from Panzer Division or Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered.
- folyhuck87: I agree with my fellow karnivool fans here. I mentioned in your twelve foot ninja video to check out karnivool. As other people are saying. Give "New Day" or "Deadman" a go. Longer songs. Much more progressive with more shifts. Also his vocals fit the sounds more. Which you like a bit more George. They still find the good groove that you liked Ryan. I'd say New Day has better lyrics. Deadman is also amazing in it's own way. If you do either of those 2, you'll make many Karnivool fans happy! Love your work lads
- Matt Huston: Thanks so much for doing Karnivool guys. Check out roquefort and simple boy for other great songs by them. Peace, and merry xmas!!!
- jesse zimmermann: React to some stuff from “architects”!!! Amazing band
- Pasza Dem: There was long time since Slayer reaction! And I am still hope for Angel of Death!!! Give one more shot for Mastodon they deserve it - Sultan's Curse will be best choice! And my dream come true reaction, Myrkur - Ulvinde!!!
- Stuart Chadwick: Primus sucks!
- ManchGuy22: A Martian Winter - Angel Vivaldi Funeral - Silent Civilian Be Quiet and Drive - Deftones
- Hols: Agreed
- genderlessperson: Karnivool - New Day
- Micossaurus: You should react to this live at sydney, this or golliath
- Aveek Biswas: Guys!....Down With The Sickness by Disturbed...just listen and watch your own reactions
- Greg Bourne: I never thought this band was Metal, they were always more of a Rock band to me.
- Matt Petty: Eluveitie-Kingdom come undone!
- Diego Souz: i dont consider themada progressive
- genderlessperson: Caligula's Horse - Rust
- M DeBehnke: You guys are awesome!
- Bo Jordan: Black Mammoth by Fit For An Autopsy!!!!
- Hann Pungartnik: DEADMAN!!!!
- Nick Kirker: The respect y’all show to each other and the viewers is the reason i subbed a while ago. Keep the uploads coming boys very well done.
- The Joe Show: ********** Intronaut - The Unlikely Event of a Water Landing **********
- sethikins57: Please check out turnstile-new rules
- riccardo barbato: Luminary - Tesseract
- Sprnklrmn: “Deadman” and “The Caudal Lure”
- T W: A great melodic progressive metal band from Melbourne, Australia are Vanishing Point. Try 'Let The River Run' off their last album. They are subtle in their prog-ness unlike Dream Theater et al, and have a focus on huge melodies and big choruses.
- Mogs: Enslaved ISA.
- Invisible Man: Karnivool - New Day. It's a great musical journey. :)
- Gunnar: One word - roquefort
- Kian MacLeod: Also you gotta try Sonne by Rammstein!!
- Oilid: Karnivool = cannibalism of Tool. This is so Tool "inspired" it's a carnival fool...
- Beyond Daylight: Wonder how you'd react to Blotted Science... I don't think you're ready for that yet :-P
- marsvoltian: Kayo Dot - Manifold Curiosity
- marsvoltian: It's interesting that you said his voice suits Pop more because the vocalist fronts the band Birds of Tokyo which were extremely popular a few years back, at least over here in Aus
- Bonzoso21: Ants of the Sky is my favorite BTBAM song, but I've gone with Lay Your Ghosts To Rest each time I've asked for them because I thought that was one of the best tunes to represent what they are and the many different parts they put in their songs. I can't imagine they would like BTBAM, but I still hope they react to them one day.
- PsychedelikMonk: Was so excited when I saw this I went and grabbed a beer! This was the first Karnivool song I ever heard - but it was 2005. Different musical landscape. I agree with others that a song from Sound Awake would be a better example of their... I don’t know what? Thanks for giving it a spin!
- livvi67: These guys are prog, but this song is just a straight-up jam from their older material. I love the vocals so that's probs just horses for courses.
- Eric Goodman: Please review KREATOR - ENEMY OF GOD. They have been around since 1982 and are still the ultimate German thrash band.
- Thomas Eller: Clutch! Cypress Grove
- Alexander Meyer: Karnivool - New Day, Deadman or Change are way more progressive. Really sad this was the top requested song.
- alan meyer: Haley rinhrart "creep" cover. !!!!!
- Terry MTBnurse: Not yet. Heading to the record shop today to pick it up. Cant wait, I'm sure its amazing.
- Nashed Potato: You guys should react to rise against!!! They have a lot of good stuff but I recommend the make it stop music video it’s very moving.
- Joe Davies: More Gojira? 😁 Toxic Garbage Island or In The Wilderness? :)
- Ben Shandrow: Metallica - Blackened
- Descant Music: I think its time for another Tool song. Schism, Right in Two or H. please
- 9eCn3: Amorphis - Sampo!
- Keunt: Karnivool's later albums are more prog than Themata, if you want to check out some more aussie prog type stuff check out a band called Cog
- Steven Puckitt: They're rock, not metal and their first album (the one this track is off of) wasn't all that proggy honestly. I will say that when I show people Karnivool when they don't like them it is almost always because they don't like the tone of the vocalist. I personally like it, but it isn't for everyone. I feel that way about Geddy lee in Rush. Love them, but I tolerate his singing more than enjoy it. Can't always hit the right marks with everyone all the time.
- Shashank Subramanian: Karnivool- Goliath. This song has a little more progressive elements than Themata.
- paulieg1980: Fair comments... Now you've done Austalian metal though, how about some of that UK shit?? Architects yo! I ain't gonna say it again! Early Grave or Doomsday!
- robingustafsson: You have to react to At the Gates - slaughter of the soul! The pioneers of the famous ”Gothenburg sound”!! Cheers (Skål) from Sweden!
- kaiketto: Hollow by Pantera or Right in Two by Tool I know you’ve done both bands, but you NEED to hear these ones. At least listen to ‘em in your private time.
- Stefan Hohneck: sylosis-to build a tomb studio live session Please! I think you guys would like it!
- Watership Alan: You guys have literally listened to Karnivool the way I do, I just trance out and take it all in and appreciate what the hell I'm listening to. Just waiting for a new album now. If you're not sure on Ian Kenny's vocals, get on Birds of Tokyo instead, same vocalist bit different genre.
- Gino O'Doyle: WHY HAS NO ONE MENTIONED SHUTTERSPEED !??!? I'm appalled lol also... We need a reaction to just about any Mars Volta song. That would be pure entertainment
- Nespelem Michael: Falling Apart at the Seams- cinderella
- Fitchie Sikamikanico: Karnivool - Simple Boy... please
- Allan Blocker: Need to react to Dream State- In This Hell. They are a brand from the UK. She has a good rock singer voice.
- Becerra24x16: Would love to see y'all react to "Tame Impala - the less I know the better" its alt. Rock with a funk bass line and a Pink Floyd/disco sound. You guys are the best at reactions. Love the way you guys break down a song. I pay attention to music the way you guys do but I don't explain on the same level as y'all. Thank you!
- Shrey Kundra: Dont know who's suggesting you these tracks, but wrong choice for a first Karnivool song, in my opinion. You should have done 'New Day' or 'Simple Boy', or even 'All I Know'. EDIT: And please get back to TESSERACT. Their song 'Of Matter' will change your life. Not even kidding, I'd bet my life on that one epic song.
- Melody Notmylastname: Themata is still my fave Karnivool album but Sound Awake is definitely more sophisticated and progressive. Simple Boy is all class 👌
- Hogsty: Do no sad no bad by killy lmao
- Jean-Pol Jacques: This is from karnivool's first album. They were more like alt/nu metal at the time with kind of a progressive approach on sonorities and rhythm, but their two other album are really at another level (in the prog rock point of view). If you want to try something a bit more... prog, try a song like The Caudal Lure.
- Roy D. Alba: Man! Turn Soonest to the Sea is one of my all time favorite for them... But for a 1st reaction to the band I still think Sequoia Throne is the best option, maybe Blindfolds Aside
- Vasilis Bakoyannis: Burst - Nineteenhundred, from Lazarus Bird. One of the best prog metal albums of the 00's.
- Yodavich: As much as I love this band as an Aussie but also as a guitarist, I agree with George about the singer, I've always thought that he was a bit "soft", sorry to say. The musicianship from this band though is outstanding. I've been playing for 20 years and this song for me is up there for challenging to play. To the singers credit, I have seen them perform this song live once and he absolutely killed it
- Alex Kulp: Yupppp, would be interestes to see how they like this jam.
- Shawn Mackes: You would dig The Contortionist Intuition, Thrive, or Godspeed.
- Adam Lefebvre: Y'all are killing me! As always, love the reactions. You got to get on Mudvayne- Not Falling. You have got to be sick of seeing my comment requesting it by now 😆
- Arvelle Whitaker: crazy, i randomly hear this song not too long ago and got hooked lol!!
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- David and Laura Klochko: I would recommend looking at the vocals in this way, or at least this is how I have always perceived less aggressive vocals with aggressive instruments. It really is art imitating life. Things can seem scary, intimidating, overwhelmingly, but there can also exist a beauty to that. The dichotomy between the aggressiveness and calmness to me has always been a balance that we all kind of experience both internally and externally. I love music that does that.
- Nate Baker: Dope song and I thought it had a a really nice build up to it when I heard the intro and the did-bits hear and there from the vocalist doing good with the lyrics transitioning into long notes. If theres one thing I wished (maybe from the engineering) is that the voice be a little bit more at the same audio levels of the instruments because there are times where you hear the vocalist go into a high note kinda and its on par with the soundness of the band but then get drowned out later when going back into a regular verse. But that doesn't take away that they did a solid job on this song. Kudos on this one guys.
- Brian Sanford: dillinger escape plan
- Seth Gecko: Tool- Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned
- Mark M: Soilwork - Father and Son Watching the World go Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Brandon Therrell: Dream Theater - In The Name Of God
- Jason Coburn: Hey guys ci am at chris stapleton now in indianapolis In. Bang bang
- BuzzaB77: Karnivool's only failing imo is that they are so obviously influenced by Tool that Ian inevitably gets compared to Maynard, and that comparison is never going to go well (through no fault of Ian you understand)
- Opinionated Idiot: Myrath - Tales of the sands. Similar style. Progressive Metal from Tunisia (or was it Morocco? Heck, can't remember).
- DanteDarcangelo: Great Song by one of the best live acts going around. "A New Day" would have to be there pinnacle so far, though.
- Rei Ryokazaki: I am going to start my campaign for Myrath - Believer
- Garrett Coon: I'm stoked you both found these guys! "COTE" is a killer Karnivool track, as is We Are." I'm willing to bet you'll love some the European progressive band Soen's song "Sectarian", too.
- scb0212: Dillinger Escape Plan - Widower. The craziest, most chaotic band ever!
- John Doe: guys, you have to react to Jeff Buckley's Grace, one of the prodigies who died before time
- A.D Swing: Check out COG.
- Kratos isFunny: Simple Boy or Shutterspeed.
- Ben Turner: My boys!! Thanks so much for covering them.
- Tracy Street: Check out Unleash the Archers track 10,000 Against One. Imagine Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones put to metal. What a huge track!
- Takanashi: This was a popular request, but I've always thought that Sound Awake is a step above Themata as an album. I think they realized that the borderline nu-metal sound of Themata didn't totally suit them. If you guys want more Karnivool, give "The Caudal Lure" or "We Are" a try. My very favourite is "Deadman". That's a long one, but it's excellent. edit! I forgot to say, it's awesome that you guys checked out this band. I really think they deserve more exposure.
- TheMetal750: Man ian kenny is a brilliant singer! KARNIVOOL are a band best seen live,their sound just pumps.
- SudsRegal: Karnivool are a fantastic band, incredibly skilled at their craft and are outstanding live. For the record, the band get amused at the constant reference to them being a "Progressive Metal" group. They don't see themselves at all being categorised with the genre. 'Themata' is the first song I ever heard from Karnivool back when the album of the same title was released in 2005 and it caught my attention instantly. At the time two singles were being played from this album (Themata and Roquefort) on the national youth radio station Triple J and was hooked instantly. I loved their ability to have a really strong catchy vocal hook while throwing some pretty complex instrumentation around it. Their arrangements for the most part are multi-layered with both guitarists, the bass player and vocalist separating their melodies and parts to create some serious sonic depth. There is very little doubling up between bass and guitar. The drummer is also a magician at times. A super strong unit of individual brilliance from all band members. Bassist Jon Stockman has a tone in some of the songs that is truly massive! A great band but 'Themata' really is a a small snapshot into their quality.
- carlmanu: Out of all the better Karnivool songs why do people keep recommending Themata??!
- Tyler Davbrad: Between the buried and me
- chrisxdeathxinfiniti: Pleaseee react to karnivool- lifelike , is better than theamata 😊😊😊
- divided123: I went to the Leprous/Dear Hunter/Between the Buried and Me show and despite being a big fan of all three bands, Leprous was the best set of the night.
- Simon Rourke: Please please react to a US band called JOLLY. They are an incredible prog/rock band and their song Firewell is a masterpiece.
- scott Red: These guys are sick live seen em twice. Reminds me of tool!!!!! Plz guys react to Tool Pushit salival version. It’s awesome
- Trent Matthews: Was hoping for COTE, but ah well - great reaction!
- SuperSteve120: Would love to see you guys do some K-Pop! The group BlackPink is blowing up right now and I'd love to hear your opinions. Try BLACKPINK - WHISTLE with the music video to start!
- Juani Martinez: Epica - Consign to Oblivion live in Zenith
- Rodrigo Miranda: Ian Kenny is one of few who actually sounds way better in his live performances! SECOND CHANCE FOR SEPULTURA - DESPERATE CRY
- drunkenmoosedk: Progressive rock .. not metal.
- Julián Palacios: Yes please!!
- Tanner Erdman: love the video guys. need to hit selkies: the endless obsession by between the buried and me and also something was always missing, but it was never you by misery signals! keep up the good work!
- Duncan Park: Ey George my man, becoming a proper metal elitist - vocals aren't hard enough!! Need that metal music to sound DANGEROUS!! I like it - keep em coming!
- Ancient Ruins Official: What about ICED EARTH😱😱😱😱 Travel in stygian Alive in Athens Version please 😫😫😫😫
- MegaIronica: Great review as always. I ll have to agree with George on this one. The music is nice but the vocals could be a little stronger. There is at least a portion of metal elitist growing inside you without knowing George haha. I also find it not complex enough. I dont mind some simple beautiful song writing but when you are in between you sometimes fail and dont reach any side. Ok now that you are doing international metal you should definetly check some arab prog metal from Tunisia Myrath - Beyond the Stars is a great track to start with.
- Luke Reynolds: Steve vai - Tender surrender and The sentinel by Judas Priest.
- activemessiah: Why Replica? its so safe... go for Zero Signal
- Griffen Jenkins: Do chris knight -beckys bible or down the river. Really any of his songs he tells some amazing stories and doesnt get the recognition he deserves for a long time artist.
- Randy Cluever: How weird...I just listened to this song for the first time in awhile today. Then BAM, you guys drop a hot reaction to hit. Good shit.
- Steven Samuel: Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
- Jaminn Sinte: Dissection - Maha Kali, a masterpiece
- Piyush Kumar: Some of my suggestions would include: *Porcupine Tree*: Arriving somewhere but not here, Anesthetize *Steven Wilson*: Drive Home, The Watchmaker *TesseracT*: Of Matter *Leprous*: Restless *Kernivool*: Deadman I appreciate what you guys are doing and the way your channel has grown to appreciate every genre of music. Keep up the good work, guys! Love and respect.
- JLog1c: Karnivool is the GOAT for me. Definitely one of my least favorite songs from them (I think it gets a lot of requests because it's a more straight-forward rock sound), but everything they make is great. Check out songs from their Sound Awake album! That's where a lot of the goofy time signatures and chunky bass grooves are.
- Scott Pizer: New Day. Their best song!!
- Floyd Hollingsworth: Still not Clutch.
- a b: Loved this one !!
- Arcanineisthebest: React to Joji!!!
- Kolby Artigue: Yooooo the first person I’ve seen recommend these dudes and hell yeah. This or gamma knife would be dope
- Sir Cosumar: Awesome track!
- Gabriel Nixon: Love Karnivool! Great band and their second album is even better. Do some more Industrial! KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel/Money or Front Line Assembly - Liquid Separation!
- TheMuhahaa: Nice to see you reacting to some more metal! Your metallica - one reaction got me into this channel, it's rare to find a reaction channel that gives out real and honest opinions. keep it up guys! And could you maybe react to Carbine - Violation, I haven't seen any beatdown reactions on your channel but I think you really would headbang to it.
- Greg Quady: Country of Origin: Australia Year of release: 2005 Band lineup on this recording: Ian Kenny- Lead vocals Andrew Goddard- Lead Guitar, drums, backing vocals, string arrangements Mark Hosking- Rhythm guitar, backing vocals John Stockman- Bass
- Marcus Brown: Ian Kenny's voice is so fucken good! and a little piece of info, the guitarist wrote this whole album and recorded the drums as well as the guitar parts. Probably not the best Karnivool song for first time listeners though, should have done Shutterspeed or Simple boy. The 'soft' vocal style is great with heavy instruments... Look at Deftones
- Karson Palmer: You guys have got to check out the gorillaz they are an anonymous band who are making a statement about how the music industry are filled with fake celebrities there big songs are feel good inc and Clint Eastwood but if you’ve heard those check out saturnz barz or melencholy hill love you guys !! 💙💙💙
- Zeke Lara: React to some spm
- David and Laura Klochko: Also Caligulas Horse Dream the Dead...since you love non aggressive vocals with some aggressive instruments lol
- joakim karapapanikos: 1000mods - Vidage
- rude_mech: I think to understand the vocal + musical aggression combination, you need to hear something by Australian band The Butterfly Effect. They were - to the best of my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong - the first heavy alternative band here in Oz to have a truly shit-hot melodic singer. They were on heavy rotation on our national youth-oriented radio station, and were quite commercially successful. They did, of course, spawn many, MANY imitators. Anyway, this was one of their first singles, "Crave": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhQBeBZmwDs
- Michael Zeigler: The time has come. You are ready. Lowlands by Gojira.
- Hammond Chamberlain: QWERTY- Mushroomhead
- Pinball Wizard: Third eye By tool!!!!!!!!! Judith by a Perfect Circle!!!!!!!!! Great reaction guys keep it up!
- ironcaua: +David and Laura Klochko dream the dead would be great too!! I totally think they would dig band.
- Anurag Singh: Guys checkout more songs by these guys like Umbra or Roquefort with empire horns. There is an original version of Roquefort as well.
- Mister Person: yes Karnivool has some killer tunes! If youre up for a second chance on Periphery, I swear Stranger Things is a much different take on the band.
- TB 7788: do white dove by dorje
- Marcus Engdahl: Great video! Please take a look and review some Dave East tracks! Yes Indeed Eastmix is a great start!
- caden brockbank: Dream theater - Octavarium
- TOAOM123: I love all i know, but i feel like: if he hated the vocals on Themata, he might not dig it I think new day or we are would be more palatable for him
- skeletank mcgraw: Voyager - The Meaning of I Another great progmetal group from Australia.
- Pteribledactyl: Wow Themata... no shit!?.. Do work!
- Rodolfo Cedillo: Check out Dystopia by TesseracT!!!!
- shadowzone69: Good choice. Now for Unsung by Helmet!
- Adam Denison: Pop Evil- “Waking Lions” music video. Pleasse
- Steven Hazlewood: Here we go!
- Cam Young: Pallbearer "Thorns" Khemmis "Isolation"
- Freddy G.: Pleeaaaaaazzzzeee do a reaction to Shawn James - I Try (Macy Gray Acoustic Cover) And to anyone who hasn't heard it or know him. You gotta listen to it and come back and request it. Thank me later.
- Ian Chavez: Cote- Karnivool
- STATiS MUSIC: set fire to the hive is my favourite song they made
- Cookedaburra d: You two got the pronunciations correct. :) And believe me, this is about the simplest song that they have ever done, listen to some of their songs like A.M War, the timing is in 17/16, good luck headbanging to that hahahaha They constantly do songs in odd metres and time signatures.
- John Daly: Pink Floyd - Comfortably numb (live version on Pulse) #5
- Chris: I'd say Egypt is one of the most accessible Symphony X songs. Evolution is also a good choice.
- sicdedworm09: This! Illuminate would be another choice. Both accessible while still showing their technical side.
- Shaun4891: Didn't expect this one. Great track - "set fire to the hive' is a more aggressive song with mixed up time signatures for you to try
- Drew Ebert: Moon Tooth, either Queen Wolf or Igneous. Moon Tooth mixes prog metal with blues elements and they kickass. A newer band definitely worth checking out!
- Jason Armand: 'Blind' by Korn
- toddlerwipes: Pantera. Cemetery Gates. Live. 91
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- no introduction
- honkforpeaceandquiet: Please do Katatonia!
- Whytheguy 37: The Contortionist - Languages Parts 1 and 2 please
- Joseph Pretorius: Love this band! You should review A Dying Machine by Tremonti! You will love it!
- Dandy Jon: Avatar- let it burn. Avatar - murderer. Avatar - bloody angel. Avatar - eagle has landed. These are all great metal songs by a great modern metal band.
- Dan Luke: Caligula's horse for sure. Top songs are - Dream the dead. Marigold is the most accessible for the uninitiated closely followed by Rust and Turntail. Their true work of art is Graves but then again I can probably rattle of another 10 plus incredible songs. They are in my mind the best progressive rock band around.
- Goth 21: Morbid Angel Chapel of ghouls
- Gus Richards: This is the first Karnivool song I ever heard and fell in love and it's still my favourite song by them to this day...
- Suco De Fruta: REACT/ EPICA- (universal deathsquad ) please...
- Knight Stryke: Still pulling for one of these; Freedom Call- "Edge of the Ocean", Iron Savior- "Titans of our Time", or Gamma Ray- "Valley of the Kings"
- Nick Frampton: React to Melvins - revolve
- E Biddy: Go back to the beginning of Prog with the band Yes! Roundabout is probably the best place to start. A lot of the prog metal bands cite bands that cite Yes as one of their main influences, including Rush!
- M. Hall: Incubus a certain shade of green
- Brent McInelly: Ready for you guys to do another red dirt country tune. Check these out. Wade Bowen -Acuna Wade Bowen -Anchor Or do bothfoe a first ever one artists double feature unbiased real reaction!
- illegal kiwi: Ironbound by overkill
- TESLACE1337: Bloodbath - Weak Aside, Lamb of God - Embers\Now You've Got Something To Die For, Deftones - Beware, Audioslave - Shadow Of The Sun, Tool - Jambi, Gojira - Wisdom Comes \ Remembrance, Entombed - Won't Back Down, Necrophagist - Only Ash Remains, All That Remains - The Weak Willed \ It Dwells In Me.
- BBbacker511: Porcupine Tree - Trains The starting place for a lot of PT fans. You gotta do a video on it guys.
- gregory granger: Simple Boy !
- Jesse Boag: Aussie Tool time
- Mirta Gev: I'd say Contaminate me or Rewind by Leprous :3 but anyway just... just any Leprous xD
- GrizzlyPwnage: You guys need to listen to Deadman by Karnivool. Its a 10 minute journey of a prog rock masterpiece. The transitions, the build up, and the combinations of the instruments and vocals make for a extremely please listening experience. I beg you guys to give them another chance and take a view of their more progressive side.
- Carlos Morales Ascuasiati: To be honest, this is a great song but...it´s an early version of the band, it´s like their musical infancy...you should hear newer stuff like ¨We are¨ or ¨All I know¨ or even ¨Set fire to the hive¨ ...wild, experimental, mindbending, everything a tool-child should be --An absolute surpassing of their forefathers. If you couldn´t tell, I love this band HARD
- Tyler Miller: I don't know, I found it a little boring. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it. Edit: To be clear, I found the song boring not the reaction video.
- BarakalypseNow: I can't believe y'all sat in silence for so long on this song lmao. I thought you were both loving it for sure because of that
- IAmTheWar: Please react to Simple Boy from their next album, I think you'll be really impressed with the vocal performance on that track. Amazing song, solid review from you guys! Keep it up!
- Nox Fox: More deftones
- Jet Anderson: I’m a massive prog metal fan and I love Karnivool and you’re right, thats' not prog.
- Pirate Aleks: Adam Ewart they do that for copyright reasons
- Chad Cassidy: Karnivool is awesome, but they are not metal. Maybe George would have liked it more, if he took the metal factor out of it lol. But the poppier direction with the vocals is huge with the younger bands, so you're hearing it more in a lot of different styles of heavier rock/metal, or whatever the hell subgenre you wanna call it haha thanks for the great vids guys!
- Pechy40: Please do Marc Broussard As good as Chris Stapleton. You'll love this. PLAYLIST ADD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuWPseegaKw
- sodog44: If you want a harder edge Karnivool song, "Set Fire to the Hive" is my theme song.
- Richard Moran: I'm going to suggest Dillinger Escape Plan (who pioneered mathcore) for ever. Also, I'd love to see a reaction to Mr Bungle - "Quote Unquote" aka "Travolta". Possibly one of the biggest influences on modern metal, genre-mashing, and totally unique.
- Lead The jack: One of the best voices in metal
- Henry Paulsen: New day karnivool dudes
- Dion Semitekolos: Karnivool - A New Day. One of their best! Thanks for the vids, big love
- Arthysanal: Calling a Djent band Progressive. Be more picky, you people in the comments !
- Basil Abdalla: Lupe Fiasco - WAV Files
- Jackie Binns: Not my favorite, but i enjoy your channel 😃
- William Lloyd: Children of bodom. If you want peace prepare for war.
- Chris Povey: Check out Violet Soho, another sick Aussie band, listen to Covered in chrome 1st🤘🏻
- Eldoctorador: Gentle Giant - Cogs in Cogs
- Leon Russell: You need to do something from the album Sound Awake... Simple boy New day Deadman Change
- Vitaman D: Noooo do Karnivool- Cote! :) plss reciew that one the entire package is there and badass but on this one the vocals are slightly lacking
- Hikigaya Hachiman: You should listen to "Amusia/The Last Few" by Karnivool, it's what you're looking for.
- MAXX WICK: KILLSWITCH ENGAGE "In Due Time", to hear the difference between Jesse And Howard. Both Rock in there own way. Jesse has got the edge you guys are looking for in Metal vocals.
- Nothing_2_ Say: Anything on Karnivool - Sound Awake is better...
- By Principle: I think it's time to rip off the band-aid. Between the Buried and Me - Viridian + White Walls 2 songs, but first is a short intro. Make prog metal great again
- Yiorgios Vazouras: You guys should do a reaction video of Dragula by Rob Zombie. You guys haven’t really covered Industrial Metal, and it’s a shock rock classic as well. Really worth a video.
- FUSIONESS 24: Huseyin. Not sure if he criticised this song 100% correctly... He said the drumming was "not bad"...
- Law of Decorum: Altered State is an absolute beast of an album!
- Kevin Lemley: I think they'd really dig this one. The hook is crazy strong.
- rude_mech: Here in 'Straya, they're generally referred to as 'The Vool' :)
- Brandon Ellingson: You guys NEED to do kamelot- liar liar. It may be a but busy for your liking but its crafted beautifully, and the band is fast and tight.
- Justin Anton: These guys felt very cookie cutter hard rock. It's not on my playlist personally. On a side note... Byzantine - the cicada tree!! 🤘 🤘
- 3amsleep: The cuts are strong in this one...
- ArisenMind: You guys need to do Simple Boy by Karnivool. It's a superior song in my personal opinion.
- Raymond Cardella: Primus- My name is Mud
- Matt S: Got to give BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME a chance. COMA MACHINE or VOICE OF TRESPASS these two songs don’t have as much of the harsh vocals, but VOICE OF TRESPASS needs to be approached with an open mind! It’s a masterpiece.
- Meaches Peaches: You gotta do the ghost city sessions!
- Adam Ewart: Really?? Well, that sucks... Yet most other "reactors" seem to be able to play any song from start to finish, as long as appropriate credit is given to the artist/s...
- James Costello: Death Angel Hatred United/ United Hate
- Janie Miller: Second Chance x Shinedown Sound of Silence x Disturbed
- Jaxon McGregor-Dey: Needed to be Cote by karnivool, its shows off his voice so much more
- Ryan Brooks: Ya'll picked the wrong Karnivool song. Their first album IS NOT progressive in any way. You need to watch the live version of Deadman. Karnivool's second album, "Sound Awake", is - by far - the fan-favorite. This song will blow your mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyJQwZcnVM0
- Arron Delman: Significant Otter yes vein, harms way, knocked loose, Kublai kahn
- jose eduardo maguey nocedal: It's about time you guys get into some nightwish with Elàn or Nemo
- Table Cloth: The contortionist language - Intuition
- Naum Alberto: Tool - Parabol + Parabola. It's looming.
- Tom Barndt: Dang... Shoulda done Simple Boy, the bass!
- Roy D. Alba: If youre into progressive again... Please react to Protest the Hero - Sequoia Throne
- shmuvvy: The Winery Dogs - Elevate (rock) Tame Impala - Mind Mischief (psychedelic alternative) Mother Love Bone - Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns (one of the first grunge songs/ballads) Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe (one of the first thrash songs) Van Halen - Everybody Wants Some (80's rock) AC/DC - Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution (80's rock) Jane's Addiction - Mountain song (When this song first came out, it's when I knew the rock/metal scene was changing) Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be (one of my top 5 Metallica songs) Tool - Stinkfist (One of the best album starters) A Perfect Circle - Judith (I just think that you guys would dig this tune) Slightly Stoopid - Top of the World (ska/rock)
- Clint Friar: DEMON HUNTER!!!!!! cold blood, gasoline, helpless hope, in time. Literally anything by demon hunter and you won’t be disappointed
- Hawkan Johansson: Tool - Vicarious. Lyric video. Pretty please? 😊
- swamdono: Wait wait wait.. so now George is complaining that the vocals are NOT harsh enough? Welcome to metal, sir.
- Victor Garcia: It’s time us freethinkers expand genres. A perfect start into rock/alternative genre is Jeff Buckley- Grace Live on the bbc or album version. He has an amazing voice and was a great songwriter taken too soon.
- ironcaua: Angra - Hunters and Prey! Please do this reaction for your Brazilian brothers down here!
- Danny P KNT/33/HB: Good Lp ... it builds on you, the more you spins you give it Aussie prog Rockers🎼
- B. Scott Farthingsworth: This whole album is awesome. After I listened thru it the 2nd time, HOOKED. Give it a try the vocals will grow on ya
- Sean Coleman: Fire from the gods - excuse me. Is a very good song to react to
- Micah Young: I would love to see them review Leprous. Specifically the song Mirage! I think they'd like it too.
- MegaIronica: Check some Arab Prog Metal from Tunisia Myrath - Beyond the Stars is a great track to start with.
- gajark1: Haggard - Awaking The Centuries
- FÃ CLUB DO EPICA: Please.....REACT TO EPICA- universal deathsquad
- Kevin: interesting...didn't feel very progressive at all; got some tool and breaking benjamin vibes from this, though...actually liked the vocals; they were a bit vanilla leading into the first chorus but after that they sounded great
- Jessie Towle: React to little piece of heaven from avenged sevenfold for Halloween.
- Luke Brown: Ocean Grove are fire. If you want heavy and melodic Feed her to the sharks - Memory of you
- Andrew C: Gojira - lenfant sauvage
- Karl Hungus: Please react to the mars volta - ouroboros
- Uwais Cuff: Yes!!! Thank you!
- Scott Schoenkopf: Gojira Global Warming...in studio
- Paulo Borba: Pain of Salvation - People Passing By
- Jim Martens: Crashing Foreign Cars
- Fredy Flores: Deafheaven - Honeycomb Iced Earth - Wolf Kamelot - Karma
- Wizard of Aus: Thanks for doing a band from my hometown
- goryimages1: Caligula's Horse - Dream the Dead and Leprous - The Price! ya GOTTA mannn
- PhiNick EVE: You guys should react to Thank You Scientist. "Psychopomp" is so good. Or listen to basically anything by The Mars Volta
- The Electric Monkey: Ayy, some Karnivool! Easily one of the best prog rock bands out there, although this is when they had some nu metal influence. Yall should check out Intronaut. Their fusion of metal and jazz is super awesome. Australopithecus is on the heavier side, and Harmonomicon is on the softer side, but they're both fantastic songs.
- JamesFenczik: FREAK KITCHEN from Sweden - Confusion to the Enemy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhrR7-CXUNQ&list=PLKr3OFdQ7SGdxHI_ckP_ciiWXMEXOQFQ8
- Ubi9Gaming: Yeah dude, "rise my minions from within the deep abyss"
- Melvin Jones: "Monster" by Skillet.
- Afrobatic: If you guys do them again, COTE is a great song.
- ObZen 000: Leprous - The Price and Agent Fresco - Dark Water!
- Yaseen Nasser: Check out a metal band from Tunisia called Myrath. It'll be good to get a mix of metal from all over the world in here. :)
- Eurynome X: Aussie fan here. Love seeing you guys get into some homegrown bands. Definitely check out some more Karnivool, they're an amazing band. Some other Aussie bands to check out: Ocean Grove, The Butterfly Effect, Northlane, Thy Art Is Murder, Dream on Dreamer, Make Them Suffer, Parkway Drive, Birds of Tokyo - just to name a few.
- Maggie C: Letters From War - Mark Schultz is a great song
- Joonas Puuppo: Ah, Jeff Buckley, I haven't listened to him in years, going to fix that right now.
- DeeZ154: Holy crap I haven't clicked on a Lost In Vegas video faster than this one.
- Ewan Valentine: Not their most proggy track at all, but a solid track. Really appreciate you doing Karnivool! Do The Contortionist next!
- Xervath: Suggestion: Diamond Head - The Prince I did not expect to see Karnivool on here! :O (then again...free thinking gets you places.) Good to hear you guys enjoyed this one (or at least Ryan XD) If you ever give this band another shot, I'm putting up 'Eidolon' for the vote. That's probably my fav.
- luis ossandon: The only thing that i've ever heard before of this band was its name lol. Good song, liked a lot the rhythm and as always, nice unbiased reaction guys, keep going!
- SJ Johnson: Black keys please! Or The Broken Bells!
- Panagiotis Vedouris: mars volta - l'via l'viaquez !!! Thats be wonderfull to see reaction on that!!!
- AtMostFear: Protest the Hero - sequoia throne
- Dire Despot: Jizzlober by Faith No More pleaaaase guys!!!
- Scoss Tard: I guess this is the right video to request for some Leprous! From the Flame, The Price, Illuminate, Third Law, any of those for a starter, this band can do no wrong. Otherwise Hacride - Overcome!!! Or some Igorrr :P
- therainman: Btw these guys started as alternative/nu metal and over time incorporated more and more prog rock/metal over the years. This is their first full-length album and so it has the least progressive elements. This song is just basically alternative metal with a tiny bit of prog.
- Cole French: Easy Prey - teeth
- Kayenaat Sandhu: YAY
- Schlenderman 8492: Please do a Fear Factory review, you guys don't understand just how much you need to! They combine mid-paced groovy metal with Industrial, and hip hop. They write their music in a more pop stylized structure while still being crushingly heavy. I doubt you guys would be disappointed
- Chirag Chittar: *tempo changes
- Nik L: Leprous! Anything by them
- Daryl Hicks: Cool beans! I bet slightly stoopid: closer to the sun would make your playlist Ryan.
- FuyGawkes: Since it has been asked "Themata" comes from the greek word "Θέματα", so the pronunciation should be "ThEmata" and roughly translates to "Issues" or maybe "Chapters". Aside from that, this is Karnivool's first album released in 2005, so there's a strong nu-metal-meets-Tool (they weren't so subtle with their name and their influences) sound to it. Ian Kenny's voice resemblance to Maynard's makes it even more so Tool-ish, although their sound changed somewhat after Themata, crafting their own signature sound, which helped to establish an awesome alternative/prog metal aussie scene, with bands like (my personal favorite) Dead Letter Circus, The Butterfly Effect, Cog, Caligula's Horse and many more.
- Justin Sanchez: I second this
- Mikkel Scott - Guttural Slug/Septic Congestion: You guys NEED to react to this song live at Come Together 2006, It has the most beautiful intro you'll ever hear
- wvusmc: The best Australian band ever was Blood Duster.
- 4 8 15 16 23 42 - LOST: Fates Warning: The Light and Shade of Things Redemption: Walls Porcupine Tree: Lazarus or Blackest Eyes
- Kian MacLeod: LOVE THIS SONG!!!
- Adam Richardson: Any track from the 'those once loyal' album
- goodpunker: Dream Theater - The Best Of Times Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
- therainman: After Themata you guys should check out something from their album Sound Awake. Something like Goliath, Simple Boy or Set Fire to the Hive. They're a fantastic band!
- J B: Decent song, but like Dylan N Alice, they sound like many other bands that have come before them.
- Robert Beecroft: Karnivool - Roquefort!!! I wish you guys did this song, I really think you guys would love the different groove to this, and the singers voice is much suited to this song better. Majority of Karnivool I find quite dull and generic but Roquefort is much better IMO
- David Vargas: 🤘🇯🇲SKINDRED- “Kill the Power”🇬🇧🤘
- karmaofgood: I haven't even watched the video but I'm so glad you are looking at karnivool.
- Bobby Willingham: Riverside’s Driven to Destruction is epic my friends. Another tasty song if you like the Tool vibe
- 88winsn08: Tim Lunceford Definitely Circus Maximus. Michael’s vocals are some of the best in the world!
- Bailey Charter: The Amity Affliction too!
- Judas Maccabeus: Karnivool - "Goliath" is much better.
- Arron Delman: Alright, people like this comment, guys love the channel but stop fucking around with these sub par prog bands!!(Personally I love them) BUT get the point, go the core, listen to between the buried and me!! No one... no one does it better right now. Period. Anything of the automata album(s) will serve as a good source material for you. I suggest goodbye to gallows not because it’s my fav but because it’s robust and will serve as a good intro that hits all their layers fairly well with polish. Again love ya guys but go for the jugular go for between the buried and me. Community! Help me out on this one...
- Carlos Gomez: Anything by Tool please!!
- james fulton: dannng i remember this band................from New Zealand \m/
- Rick Cooper: heres a more "mature" Karnivool - really see the talent at work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z_alJd8Oyc
- Mark: Lamb of God - Set to fail!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pirate Aleks: Oh damn this is cool
- Clarity Through Catharsis: HAKEN ATLAS STONE PLZZZZZZ
- allmediareviews.blogspot.com: FAIR TO MIDLAND - DANCE OF THE MANATEE
- TeeBest: You want a good progressive song by karnivool, check simple boy or Goliath! Or the whole album sound awake! A fucking masterpiece
- Khalgaming: Man I love this song, I only had recently heard them when it was suggested to me by spotify so its cool to see you guys react to it. React to anything from Disturbed possibly Stupify if possible.
- nno2012: Common people ! give a chance to Symphony X - Of sins and shadows
- Adam Ewart: Umm...so...you know how skipping and jumping thru a song totally destroys the vibe and progression of that song? Yeah, maybe don't do that any more. Sorry, got two minutes into this video and switched off. I love Karnivool, and I love this track...really not sure what you guys are wanting to achieve by chopping the shit out of it... ☮️
- Tyler LaPointe: Karnivool is great. Sound Awake is an amazing album and so is Asymmetry.
- Trent Scarborough: Here's some more progressive rock/metal that you guys might be interested in checking out, I know I would love to see you guys do: Earthside - Mob Mentality, check out the video!
- El Fuego: 👍https://youtu.be/6OZ65kn5WDQ
- james fulton: yeah check out the song C.O.T.E. from that same album its pretty good ...........kinda gives me tool vibes for some reason haha Bless yall <3
- Chris Crim: If you like this, but want a little heavier, check out Monuments!! Monuments are absolute shredders with polyrythms and heavy 7 string guitar riffs. Groovy as all get up...
- Barnz Barnz: polaris - lucid. another good aussie band
- Mike Romano: Try something from Sound Awake. That earlier stuff was super weak.
- Jay Boesman: This is why I love you guys. You spit it real. One likes it, the other says "nah". Plus, I get introduced to new stuff every once in a while. Keep up the great work. Music is the bridge of all cultures.
- Moni TVish: Awesome!! Vegas people reviewing music I love 👌🏻here for it 🤟🏻
- Steven Puckitt: Themata is as good a song as Cote, but suffers the same 'pitfalls' George disliked about this track. I'm thinking a revisit of Karnivool should definitely be a track from Sound Awake.
- Chris Wooton: BTW guys, progressive metal has a lot of groove these days. You just gotta find the right bands.
- Rav Phull: Guys thank you for reacting to this band. I would highly recommend the song called Cote by Karnivool from the same album. Has more progressive elements and it is more creative vocally.
- Scott Hughes: Fun to see a split decision! It’s great when you guys don’t agree and you talk it out.
- damienkarras: Whitesnake still of the night
- Chirag Chittar: I am a massive fan of this channel and really like what you guys do but sometimes I feel that in your metal video reactions, your preference of how vocals should be in a metal song that is 'gritty' and 'aggressive' but 'melodic' can be really specific. That notion can really narrow down songs you really like and the ones that don't. I feel as a listener one should really appreciate a genre based on what it's strengths are for example in rap, the rapping, the flow, the hooks and the lyrics get more priority than the beats itself. No fan of rap music is gonna be like those beats don't have time signature changes, solos or even tempo changes therefore that rap song is trash because that is not what the rap song is about. It is about rapping skills based on a rhythm assigned by the artist which is the primary criteria for judgement. This appreciation based on it's strengths and what it sets to offer/intent is applicable for every other genre as well. The way one judges one genre doesn't always work for the other genre. In metals, vocals especially the death growls are more of an accompaniment and an instrument for the kind of music played in the background. It is not always center stage it's more about what the purpose of the vocals is. In metal, good vocals should always be a bonus rather than another set of criteria because it can really take away from the appreciation of the music. There are some bands that you haven't shown in this channel have really questionable vocal decisions where Joey Belladonna of anthrax will feel like a god. Vio-lence is the best example but despite this they were a fantastic thrash band and eternal nightmare is an amazing album. Yes, it is initially distracting but it grows on you. Sorry for the long post but I have been feeling this for a long time
- Colin: Thanks for the rock video. Please react to Death- Voice of the soul or Mac Miller- New Faces V2. Thank you.
- Zephyrous6669: Haken - The endless Knot... a perfect Prog metal song!
- Naytone: You guys should do Cote - Karnivool that song has an AMAZING groove.
- Aaron Brenes: Mastodon High road Last chance ,Opeth Demon of the fall Last chance pls
- Matt Lin: High On Fire - The Black Plot
- Moon Gazer: Not my favorite Karnivool song, but still a good one. I prefer something from the Sound Awake album like Simple Boy, Goliath, All I Know or Deadman.
- piotrsledzik: 85/5000 Finally, it's one of my favorite bands. Great choice. Greetings from Poland :)
- Nolan Smith: epicshot2000 same
- Brian Costa: My comment will probably be lost in the sea of requests....However, I would love to see your guys reacting to Chevelle - "The Clincher". I love the channel guys, keep up the good work!!
- Jeremy Warren: Chris Young "Rainy night in Georgia" Vocals comparable to Chris Stapleton. Know yall would enjoy
- Nat Julian Belza: Thanks! Please react to Glass Prison by DT!
- Gary Tackett: Birds Of Tokyo, please!!
- Jason Rogers: Might be that you guys are getting used to the progressive rhythm, One thing with Progressive Rock and Metal is that sometimes they don't accentuate the beat with the snare or Bass and do it with the cymbals instead.
- kenneth laterreur: Death angel discontinued guys please give it a shot!
- Noah Hamilton: There's a whole mid to late 80s era of metal I dont think you've touched yet.used to call it hardcore metal until that "changed". Bands like S.OD,M.O.D.,corrosion of conformity, nuclear assault,D.R.I. CHEC
- Isaac Morrison: Leprous Leprous LEPROUS LEPROUS
- Placeholder Name: Leprous - Bonneville
- Jeff Smandych: This is Nu-Metal. Gross.
- Wolfie McFox: Yes, can't agree to this enough. The Grudge is my favorite Tool song
- Drew Norris: DVNE - The Crimson Path It's their first album, but it's the best new prog metal I've heard in a while.
- Jeff D.: Hey guys, check out the band SOEN - maybe start with the song "Opal" or "Sectarian"
- Ian Thomas: MAKE THEM SUFFER! Do make them suffer, great Australian band
- jljreo: Please do New Day by Karnivool. They're fucking great.
- Migz - Kun: I respect whoever requested Karnivool! Hahahahahah I was thinking about this before but never thought it’d be requested
- muntificator: These guys jam at the same rehearsal space as my first band did. Probably the best band to come out of Perth!
- MJNation: React to Replica by Fear Factory and Egypt by Symphony X
- james fulton: theyre not from austrailia theyre from New Zealand........mehh wutever :)
- Shadow298: Karnivool isn't prog in the proper sense but have pro elements to their work. Nice guys too. Roadied for them a couple of times back in the day. If you want good Aussie prog you have to check out Caligula's Horse or Orsome Wells (especially their track Swim).
- David R: If y'all want something to groove to..... Polyphia - James Franco. Just go ahead and do the reaction because if you don't I'm going to start spamming your videos.
- AndyBraz: It's kinda hard to please the gentleman on the right. It can't be growling but it can't be too soft either LOL but I do agree with him...they have always sounded too "teenage" to me.
- GeomorgusNihili: Let's spice it a bit guys, try some oriental bands, or some far-eastern bands... For start I suggest Myrath, progressive metal band from Tunisia with obviously lots of oriental, middle-eastern, Arabic influences. I suggest song called Merciless Times. Lyrics are in English mostly. For far-eastern bands, I suggest Chthonic with the song called Takao, lyrics are in Chinese and English. I suggest watching the Takao video too.
- LakeVermilionDreams: 1st reaction comes nearly halfway through the video. C'mon, give us some substance!
- Benjamin Smith: I'm very surprised to see Karnivool on here. Talented group!
- James Long: You guys are Legend's. Love from Perth Western Australia ( where these gents are from).
- Gabonzo: Frost* - Black Light Machine
- Manuel Clavijo: Cynic how could i wacken version
- John Wayne: moon tooth - belt squeezer or moon tooth - igneous or moon tooth - queen wolf
- emilolsson91: If you wanted something more prog, listen to anything from the "Sound Awake" album, like New Day or Simple Boy! Great stuff as always!
- Joemylefttoe: Sounds good. Chorus is pretty boring though
- 3sPROne1: Please do Smashing Pumpkins - Geek USA.
- Joey Garcia: Fear Factory - Dielectric official video please
- GooseGumlizzard: Not the price, Rewind!
- matt mooney: I think the most interesting part about this channel is seeing how your tastes in metal are different while still having common ground in other areas. Ryan going the more melodic route while George preferring the more aggressive. It's what keeps me coming back to this channel.
- leprakonman: Ryan is a rocker \m/
- tornoutlaw: Never listened to Karnivool. First impression: A blend of Dream Theater, Tool and SOAD.
- Krzysztof Palczyński: React to Leprous - Rewind
- Manowire: Goliath from Sound Awake....... Please
- kmcclinton71: Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross or Clean My Wounds
- Denrico Watson: Hey what’s up Guys i just wanna ask you guys to do a Reaction on Trevor Jackson Right Now Song cos i know that Ryan loves R&B so i hope you do it tho 🙌🏾🙌🏾
- Christopher Ocker: Hey guys, i think "we are" or "deadman" by karnivool should be songs you check out. They're more dynamic and go in different directions compared to this one in particular
- Exia: +Steve Martin Wish they could listen to this guys once. They and The Ocean. They would love 'em.
- MetalliBucket: Sanctuary by Elder! PLEASE I BEEN ASKIN FOR LIKE A YEAR
- Killpopkulture: THANK YOU GUYS FOR FINALLY GETTING TO THIS!!!!!! horns up \m/ \m/
- Mark 'firefly 'Miller: Dudes , New day by karnivool please guys , 8 minutes of pure class. Off to listen to it right now. Keep up the good work guys.
- mark allenayers: One more try with Anthrax, Got the Time. Get ready to live
- Tim Thornhill: Bryan Call Ticketron 👌🏼
- Table Cloth: Arron Delman valid argument can’t complain.
- Albino173: I just clicked so fast and I am excited I love this band and this song. I enjoyed how quiet you were through the whole song. If you listen to more Karnivool, I suggest Goliath. It was the first one that got me into them and it blew my mind.
- James Dean: The band are in their late 30's early 40's this album came out 13 years ago
- Kerry King: Meh.
- Pedro Augusto Rodrigues: Maximum the Hormone - Bu-ikikaesu or Koi No Mega Lover! You won't regret it! Trust me!!!
- The Angry Fisherman: Bloody awesome live band
- Jon Torres: I'd also love to see you guys react to Textures Awake Messengers Two of my favorite songs by them.
- V.F.D. [Vicariously Feeling Demographics]: Motionless in White: Voices
- Caleb Elliott: Themeta was before they were really progressive. I think you should check out something off of Sound Awake or Asymmetry
- Pietyr Ayday: They've reacted to a King's X song ("Dogman") on Patreon. If all goes well, maybe it'll make it's way to YouTube eventually.
- Michael Richards: Scar Symmetry. The Illusionist!
- Seta Asesina: Strapping Young Lad...Shitstorm!
- Joseph Bastidas: How have they not done this yet?
- IronTusk29 AP: I don’t know. Unfortunately I don’t see any way they come out really liking BTBAM based on their particular tastes. BTBAM is hard to get into if you like smooth transitions and steady rhythms like these guys. BTBAM is phenomenal, but I don’t know many good entry songs that actually showcase everything that BTBAM is. “Telos” might be a bit overwhelming in parts, but I think they could take away some positive things from that song. “Turn on the Darkness” wouldn’t be an example of BTBAM at their very best, but it might be a little easier to digest for newcomers. I am trying to think of so gs that have solid riffs these guys can get into without the bulk of the so g being overly chaotic. BTBAM is a three part band: one part heavy, one part beautiful, and one part weird (I say that affectionately). For an entry song, we should try to recommend one that showcases some of the first two parts with a really catchy riff in the heavy aspect.
- REVOisMYname: Check out Plini - “Cascade”
- Pajama Muncher: Between the Buried and Me - The Coma Machine
- McDeez A: Heretics and Killers, Turn Soonest To the Sea, Bloodmeat, Harbinger, Blindfolds Aside, Devine Suicide of K...
- Katsi: Please revisit Twelve Foot Ninja! Songs I recommend: Post Mortem Vanguard (this is sick) Mother Sky Kingdom
- spykp: I love this song, I love Karnivool, a very special band, indeed.
- Jonas Perez: one of my favorite song from them!
- Pavithran K: Getting to my favourite bands now! Love it!
- Lewis Brannigan: https://youtu.be/48BhGFkATwQ dunno if this is your thing but react to this bad boy fire!!!
- Dinamo: ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ Kings X - Dogman ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
- J Alaimo: Ever think about exploring EMO genre? Story of the year?
- Kyle Bonner: Holy shit finally! Gotta listen to “Aeons” by these dudes!
- William Spence: Karnivool is prohressive, you just happened to choos a less progressive song of theirs. "Deadman" would be a good one to listen to.
- alnomind: its a song from their debut album (Themata, 2005), which was not prog. first Karnivool were nu-metal'ish band, their EP and debut album sound like that, but after that - they've found themselves. please check something from the 2nd album (Sound Awake, 2009) or the 3rd one (Asymmetry, 2013). something like Deadman or Immune, or Sky Machine. also, if You want to hear something TOOL'ish - Karnivool has got 2 tracks - Change pt. 1 on Themata and Change pt. 2 on Sound Awake. and the Vocal in this band is really something YOu have to get used too. but if You'll check overall vocal parts - You will be amased by how they are crafted.
- cmedina10: review Havok-insgoc
- AndroidParaPC: Symphony x - Eve of seduction
- Robyn Lester: Voyager - the meaning of I
- cheriberrymuffin: hey guys , would you do a reaction to something a bit different for me? be cool as if you could do a reaction to 5 Seconds of Summer- Youngblood official music video. ❤❤❤
- Bonzoso21: My brain when I see this link: "They did Karnivool! I've been asking for this for ages! … … … NOOOOOO! They did one of the most basic, alt-rock Vool songs there is!" Not that there's really any "bad" Karnivool (although Scarabs is pretty harsh), but damn, it happens every time! File away "Karnivool - Deadman" if you give them a 2nd chance, and "Caligula's Horse - Graves" and "Leprous - Slave" for some more great prog you can still groove to.
- DiggerBear: Checked oit Karnivool a bit ago, but wasnt a big fan. After hearing this, I think I'm gonna have to take another look.
- Nuggets, Boi: "I'm questioning whether this is progressive metal!" Haha that's a good call, in reality Themata is more of a collection of nu-metalish, hard rock songs with some metal and prog tendencies. It's a reasonably generic album with the lead singers vocals as the point of difference. As everyone else has said, their second album Sound Awake was when they really solidified their prog sound, while it was their third album Asymmetry they went full steam ahead with the prog metal sound and tempo changes. If you are to listen to Karnivool again, I would recommend Goliath, Deadman, or Umbra from SOund Awake, and probably Aeons or We Are from Asymmetry. Great reaction! EDIT: Also, interesting comment from you George about the vocals, they do tend to be polarising from what I have seen.
- Rodolfo Sobral: Please please! react to Nails -Open Wide Wound!!! i'll keep leaving comments until you do it ahah! THANK YOU
- Manuel Schneider: Rishloo - Freaks and Animals!!
- Luke Cowley: Slash- beneath the savage sun
- Preston Shewell: Please do Nothing More's song "Jenny"!
- Weslee Rozell: Destroy and Dominate or Everything You Love by Chimaira
- rob hovey: Yay Aussie band! I’d also suggest The Butterfly Effect. Great alt metal band from Brisbane. Anything from their ‘Final Conversations of Kings’ album. Although, I’m partial to ‘World of Fire’
- Avetarx: Karnivool - [We Are] is one of my favorite songs EVER, don't miss it out!
- J Donner: Time to try some doom metal and black metal.
- Cookedaburra d: Porcupine Tree - Way Out Of Here, the live version! You guys will be AMAZED at their drummer Gavin Harrison.
- LandoCowDelicion: This song was what got me into them. Its thier anthem and everyone loves it m8. They still play it at thier gigs and its what sets everyone off. Its a perfect first song.
- FUSIONESS 24: Prog rock.
- Nick I: Lamb of God - Walk with me in Hell
- DaltonThomas: Opeth - Burden You guys gotta do an Opeth song without growls!
- kyler oliver: Haken - the endless knot **************************
- David Lang: Check out the Aussie band Frankenbok or Dead Kelly. Very heavy but cool as an ice cube. Cheers from down under
- Ehsan Rahee: Symphony X
- Chris Kek: OPETH- THE GRAND CONJURATION if this song doesn't put you onto growling vocals I don't know what will. its got a nice mix of clean and growl tho so don't get too scared
- Andrei Neculai: Upvote party for Porcupine tree- Arriving somewhere but not here. The live version is perfect.
- m prior: Want Progressive music? One answer: ARCHITECTS—Doomsday or PERIPHERY-Absolomb
- pakakola: Cave In - Big riff Ozzy Osbourne - Mr Crowley
- Raff AR: Yes! I was waiting for this one. Thanks for doing it!!
- Peter Brown: The reaction list that will not die!!! 1. Metallica-Whiplash ( If you heard it Motorbreath!!) 2. Megadeth- Peace Sells but Whose Buying ( If ya heard it Rattlehead will do!) 3. Metal Church- Metal Church ( If you heard it try Beyond the Black!) 4. Celtic Frost-Procreation of the Wicked!( If you heard it try Jewel Throne!) 5. VoiVod- The Unknown Knows ( If you heard it try Ripping Headaches!!) This song is okay. Glad you like it.
- Ahmed Safdar: Muse - Knights of Cydonia
- kaiketto: Please listen to Fast Worms by Intronaut!
- Z R: Caligulas Horse. Do it nowww (or later)
- Raul Mora M: finally guys!!!!
- efrain iniguez: white zombie - more human than human
- Hilal Welelaw: Bros u got to listen to this https://youtu.be/sDXmX9L-uZo It french, but am sure you gonna love the vibe.
- daevisdead: Stop cutting the songs!!!
- G.Punkt.ART: Karnivool - Simple Boy ! You won't regret ! And you won't say that his voice don't fit!
- Dustin Sweeney: One of my favorite live in studio performances...ever
- anthrax442: Please do ABIOGENESIS - Visualize
- Reckoner: Karnivool are one of my favourite bands but I've never really liked this song that much. Try something from the Sound Awake album if you guys attempt them again.
- Anderson: They're not a prog metal band, but they have some progressive approaches in some musics. They're alternative/nu metal with some prog. You could listen to L1FEL1KE from them.
- Vasilis Vic: Always loved this song. I am pretty much with Ryan, although I agree with George about the vocals. It's a style that you hear a lot the past years (esp., in the neoprog genre but also in mainstream metal bands). But the groove and musical themes make up for it. Riverside - Panic Room. It would go wonderfully with this and I am fairly certain it would make Ryan's staylist! Helloween - Ride the Sky. You've started doing power metal. Time to do the beginning and foundation. INTENSE, EPIC. Helloween - Halloween or Eagle Fly Free. From the blueprint albums for the entire european power metal genre (Keeper of the Seven Keys part I and II respectively). Savatage - Hall of the Mountain King: Pinnacle of the US Power Metal scene (different from the european, in many ways). This song is just HUGE. Crimson Glory - Lost Reflection The pinnacle of theatrical performances by any vocalist. Madness. Guaranteed fire: Grip Inc - Rusty Nail. Strapping Young Lad: AAA or Detox Gojira: L' Enfant Sauvage and Silvera. GUARANTEED.
- Christian Williamson: Ahh if you want edge from them. Then check out "Set Fire To The Hive". Much more angry a song from vool. That said, you need some cinematic metal in your life. Check out Earthside. I feel like your caps would get blown back more by mob mentality feat Lajon Witherspoon and the MSSO would do it.
- Aidean: check out the Karnivool song SHUTTERSPEED
- David Ayers: Heard these guys before, and really enjoyed it. I may need to dig more into their catalog because much of what I've heard (which seems to be from this album) is more nu/alternative metal, similar to Taproot (I recommend So Eager), or Ra (check out Supermegadubstep - great song, but do it just for the title!), or Sevendust (So many ... I suggest Sorrow, mostly because Myles Kennedy guests on it and you guys love him). Still, I really like this one, too. Love it when you guys dig into the more obscure stuff! As always: Fair To Midland - Musical Chairs :)
- Steven Carver: If you like this.. Then listen to "lifelike" by Karnivool.. This is by far my favorite band to listen to.. They have multiple songs that scream artistic progression..
- Moises Alvarez: Rust - Caligula's Horse
- Schism88: Seether : diseased
- addikt: Should have done "Deadman," or "Cote" from the same album. This song lacks the signature Karnivool sound.
- matt risenhoover: I love all music.I dig the raw reactions keep em coming. I would like to see you guys react to Parkway Drive: Idols and anchers, absolute power, dedicated, in blood, wild eyes! Please and thank you!
- Daniel Kahinga: Dead Letter Circus - I Am, and Karnivool - We Are
- Digital Sarcomere: The Karnivool guys are all in their thirties, but the boyband comment was hilarious. It makes sense though. Ian Kenny's vocals a very melodic and higher pitched than most. His other band, Birds of Tokyo are quite poppy and have topped the Australian charts. Great to see you guys checking out Karnivool, I would recommend something off Sound Awake or Asymmetry as their writing and performance has progressed a lot since Themata which was a very new metal style album. Keep up the good work gents :)
- thedreamtheater: Serpent's Kiss - Symphony X. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????
- Itamar Zemel: That's a nice introduction for them in my opinion... been suggesting them for a while :) next up is the more proggy Sound Awake. go listen to Simple Boy, The Caudal Lure... any song from that album will probably be great
- Breno Iglésias: Yeah!!!!!!!! Karnivool
- Rich S: The Karnivool guys are about same age as you guys. This is one of their best known songs, but maybe not indicative of their whole sound... There is a fair bit of light and shade in their music and this is probably one of the heavier ones... If you want a heavier one, try: set fire to the hive But more of a challenge would be: deadman
- RictorIAG: Two more recommendations for Karnivool: - New Day - Will have you reconsidering how you feel about the vocals - Roquefort (with Empire horns) - This song is somewhat unique because there's a horn section with the band that just rocks.
- BestUsernameIGot: Intronaut - Fast Worms please!!
- Shawn Walldren: Avatar - "Bloody Angel" Hollywood Undead - "Undead" Ministry - "NWO"
- Noah Hudson-Dawson: The band were doing this stuff in high school and the singer Ian Kenny plays in a far softer rock band called Birds of Tokyo which is going downhill
- ElectricEndeavor: Guys, definitely check more of them out. Lots of different time signatures and the 2 guitars are tuned differently. One in is B and the other in standard. Makes for such a cool sound. Shutterspeed for sure. DO IT!!!
- Richard Morea: Corrosion of Conformity (C.O.C.) ..........pick any song.
- Kyle Snyder: Do Animals as leaders - physical education
- sam28810: It's for copyright reasons
- Eamonn O'Boyle: I agree with these comments. Themata is a good tune, but there are other songs that would serve better as an introduction to the band. The Caudal Lure would be my pick, just because it really shows what they're capable of, and the outro is amazing. I've seen them live several times and have a ticket to see them again in January, they're incredible live too. Simple Boy in particular is way better live, as they give it more bottom end and the heavy driving riff stands out more.
- frank unodostres: imo all 3 albums are amazing in their own right
- Raul Mora M: I hope one day we can watch a reaction on a symphony x song and that they like it, love to see Symphony X reactions because it is always a surprise for them.
- Tim Lunceford: Yeah, Circus Maximus is one of my favs.... I always thought that either Circus Maximus or Symphony X were in my mind what Dream Theater should have been. Mind you, I love Dream Theater, minus James LaBrie's vocals. Never a fan, especially live. Sounds like he's trying to have an intimate relationship with the mic when he sings. For me, if they (Dream Theater) would have had a better power metal (progressive) singer, it would have better. Their earlier stuff, like the music I grew up with in the 90's, THAT is and always will be Dream Theater to me. Once Mike Portnoy left, its never been the same. Mangini is a great drummer, but robotic. Just my opinion.
- Hvypower 24/7: Yeah awesome ! Back to prog ! I like it ! Caligula's Horse Turntail or Leprous The price !
- B1tterAndThenSome: Dudes, you need something more exciting than what you've checked out lately. THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - 43% BURNT.
- Ryan Nelson: 21st Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson!
- chin383: JID- Working out check it out
- Michael Bryan: Amorphis - The Bee
- Shemsuh0r: Karnivool does not get enough love.
- Adam Mičinec: PAIN OF SALVATION - On a Tuesday
- Gary Tackett: Vola! Vola! Vola! Vola! Vola!
- Mike Fezwaldo: Themata is great, but it was more of an Alternative Metal album. Sound Awake is a masterpiece; check out New Day; it's prog, but not technical. You will not be disappointed.
- Jacob Hite: Caligulas horse is fantastic please check em out
- wvusmc: Fear Factory
- Raymon D: Mac Miller - diablo pleaaseee!
- ProgPro96: divided123 I went to that tour too and I thought Leprous was the best set too even though BTBAM is one of my all time favorites.
- da5id1an: Completely agree on vocals. Whiney boyband. This has become a plague in a lot of modern metal. Its a shame cus they are good musicians.
- The philosophical headbanger: Alice in chains angry chair
- Heycel: Dude, Caudal Lure is one of the most amazing songs in existence.
- Cleve Crudgington: This is their first album which is a bit less prog and more straightforward. Their second and third albums are more proggy. They never get overly busy or complex like Dream Theater but have more of a Tool vibe. In regards to the singer Ian Kenny, he just sounds like that. I don't know how old he is (I'd guess late 30s) but this album was released 13 years ago and he still sounds the same today.
- Spiritual Summer: React to Cult Leader - To: Achlys https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=156&v=dhzARXlxrt0
- Anthony cook: Karnivool - Cote
- Toxxed Gaming: I like Yellow Eyes as an intro actually
- Thomas Edvardsen: You should check out Leprous - Stuck! 😄 Norwegian progressive
- MockingBunny321 B: Saw this band live! What a life changing experience, and one of the greatest shows I have seen
- Exia: Fit for an Autopsy - Black Mammoth This is kind of heavier metal, deathcore to be exact + a hint of Gojira. Would be interesting to watch you guys listen to this with the official video. Cheers.
- Gabe Parrish: Still no Mastadon reviews?
- gksafford1: Chaos Divine is another solid Australian progressive metal band, often mentioned along with Karnivool. Chaos Divine - Beautiful Abyss is a great intro to their sound.
- Bobby Willingham: Do the The Contortionist. Return the the Earth is a good tune to warm up the ears my friends
- ErrrrdayImShufflin': Lupe Fiasco - Wav Files or Alan Forever
- RTEK: Bout time you check out Karnivool
- Stephanie Moss: Parkway Drive - Bottomfeeder
- Heycel: DEADMAN!
- Exia: Ne Obliviscaris - Intra Venus
- I_of_the_Storm: Nice! I didn’t think they’d get on the channel. Their first album is pretty easy listening and not too wild. Their other two albums get crazy with it.
- Davide Silva: Haken - puzzle box
- Sebastian Armas: Thank You Scientist - Mr. Invisible
- sßss sss: Ryan! Get you a guitar in your life! You guys both have an above average ear for riffs and that goes a long way when learning. Just give it a try for a week. If you don't like it, hang it on your wall, haha.
- JJ Ulizio: If you do another Karnivool song definitely do All I Know.
- Devin Garrett: I noticed you guys haven't touched on industrial metal yet. You need to do something like "Fear Factory" or "Rammstein". Also sludge metal like "Mudvayne"
- YetiVision Gaming: You could tell George wasn’t into this song at all. Cote is much better imo. Ryan tried lol
- GRY L: Please react to Madison Ryann Ward cheating on me
- Leandro Arevalo: cote!
- mvunit3: Now we are talking! Though, I'd start them out on "White Flag" from Fates Warning since its more straight forward, as an introduction to them (and that their catalogue is HUGE and of various styles). I LOVE "Light and Shade" but it may be too long for them, but I would hope they'd love the "change" when it becomes heavier and up tempo :). Redemption, there are so many songs, where to begin? . . . Porky Tree - Arriving Somewhere, Sound of Muzak, Trains, Blackest Eyes, Shallow.
- Marko Preradovic: It's not prog. I like Karnivool, but this song is boring
- Andy Payet: Never clicked so fast awesome Aussie band
- tishuggah: I suggest DEVIN TOWNSEND EARTHDAY. Prog and so powerful!!
- discofeel: Guys! You MUST do Fates Warning! Since you are doing some prog stuff! Fates Warning - One
- Dylan Smith: Pantera- Cemetary Gates or Domination, love the videos guys
- Nir Zipris: You guys should really check out Halestorm, a hard rock band with an amazing female vocalist. "I Miss the Misery" is a simple and effective song, or "The Reckoning" which is an amazing and special song. Cheers guys love the content
- Theis Bejlegaard: The Dillinger Escape Plan - Farewell, Mona Lisa ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
- Jonathan Gonzalez: You've gotta do a newer song like the refusal. It's got that aggressive feel you're looking for while still being a very karnivool progressive song
- chardos: You guys should try out New Day from these guys next!
- fila365: Wtf u talking about, GOLIATH NEXT
- James Charles: Bon Iver - The Wolves part 1 and 2
- Mirta Gev: Leprous, Haken, Riverside... ^
- Nympo: I mean...I think I've found a new band to listen to.
- redfurrymonster: Oingo Boing , Just another day.
- Vlad Pallares: Never heard this before, it is kind of Tool ish, isn't?
- Chris Pfister: Can you guys do Voivod Obsolete Beings!!
- Felipe Abbamonte: This is a single, made to sound more like non-progressive things, but it's not the reality of 90% of their songs, some of them 8 or 10 minutes long actually. And this boybandish vocals is something that I can't stand outside metal and even more in metal. But in the case of this band, I don't know why, it pleases me a lot. Maybe if you listen to more interesting and less repetitive songs, you'll feel that like I felt. Believe me guys, I'm a boyband vocals hater in a way that you are not hahaha, so give it a second chance! I think you should try Goliath, definitely.
- Satan-san: Persefone - The Majestic Of Gaia please!!
- Hols: Agreed
- redfurrymonster: Nope.
- Josephious Brosif: Alter Bridge - "This Side of Fate"
- Scott Hughes: Would love to see what you think of “Kai Tangata” by Alien Weaponry ... a lot there I think you’d enjoy.
- Jamie Mills: Sylosis - Servitude!
- Patrick Shelley: Whiny boy bandish vocals.... Future metal elitist detected and his name is George.
- chase jones: xandria call of destiny
- Kolos Sipos: Ohh yes please!
- Alex Kulp: I am too going to recommend Leprous - The Price. Keep it up!
- Justin Sanchez: Jeff Buckley Grace Live on BBC Thinking about it now I think the studio version is a better fit for a reaction.
- neocommenter: Do Skindred (reggae metal)
- Watership Alan: One hell of a band, Eidolon is heads and shoulders above everything there done in my opinion.
- Positronnn: Welcome to the side of windy prog vocals. prog bands like tesseract. Love the music but the vocals ruin the music for me.
- mike moore: Wow, you guys actually did karnivool. That's awesome. This isn't my favorite from them, but I'm glad yall did it! Great stuff as always
- Unknown HK: Check out badflower "Ghost" trust me man, feels city
- D Hamon: Bit of an average Karnivool song. Deadman or New Day would have been better
- Jordan Carrier: I can’t believe you two did a reaction to Karnivool. You two are all over the map.
- Ricardo Barros: Pain of Salvation - Rope Ends
- Mohand Kabeche: Guys you should give another chance to Dream Theater ! Take a look at Constant Motion from them ! :)
- Jim Jones: do acid bath
- OgDerpy: doood please react to Architect’s latest 2 Singles; Hereafter & Royal Beggers 🙏
- Logan 68: love your channel guys, honest opinions by down to earth people. I re-watched your holy wars review and just thought you would like to know that when Megadeth recorded that album they were listing to a lot of Annihilator (Alice in hell) and on a side note Dave tried to hire Annihilators founder and lead guitarist Jeff Waters, one of metals most under appreciated guitar players ever. you got to give them a listen. ( The rush / the blackest day, Live / King of the kill / and of course Alice in hell ) Peace from Canada.
- Arron Delman: megapengproductions i still say between the buried and me but this dude knows his shit with leprous songs
- Alvir Latt: So glad Karnivool is getting more and more recognition, but you should have done cote instead of themata if you wanted prog!
- Alberto Joez: Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize (Live Version), so you can hear their fantastic live performance. Thanks for your videos, guys!!!
- Thanos_Lcf: Great one guys! There is prog and then there is prog!!! It's a wide genre... Check out Hacride (any song from back to where you've never been album which is more accessible) and between the burried and me extremophile elite!
- Nerzenjäger: *_IN FLAMES - REROUTE TO REMAIN_*
- Brandon: Voice of Trespass by Between the Buried and Me!
- Gustavo Mendoza: Hey guys, now that you are all the way down under in Australia, you might want to check out another aussie band that is awesome named “Cog”, song “The spine”
- Troy Worden: This band is from my home town and none of the metal heads here can stand this shitty band
- TheMan750: PTH will blow their minds
- AdamVanZuydam: Rush - Tom Sawyer
- andrew burzynski: Coheed and Cambria 21:13. Do it!!!!
- Mike G: React to flawless real talk - doctor. Thats all i gotta say. Its a great rap song.
- Kristoffer Bæk Kortegaard: Fucking nice! Love that you brought Karnivool in!! Check out Goliath as well, that will make your head bop - and, if you check out TesseracT again, make SURE to give “Dystopia” a go. Grooves like fucking hell 😱
- Stuart Jennings: Please react to Symphony X or Kamelot if you want to hear some of the best vocals in metal!
- Cameron Duplin: You guys should really do some The Mars Volta, they're a solid Prog Rock band!
- Todd Panning: Parts of this song is very "Godsmack-esque" . Solid...good sound. When all I saw was the band name, I was scratchin my head....(like I did when my brother brought home 'Mott The Hoople' on vinyl) . But good thunder-rock.
- Zigur Eru: TESSERACT - Of Matter (Live at Sphere Studios). This will expand your mind to the point of explosion! Check it!
- EOTE: I agree with the few below Sound Awake is their best work.
- Victor Montiel Fontes: Haken- Cockroach King
- Mr. Vader's Cards and Games: Sinch - To Die In Fall. I always describe Sinch as the best band that no one has ever heard. They had one song on the radio way back in the day but it was during the boy band craze so they never went any where. Check them out.
- Matt Weber: Should of reacted to C.O.T.E then you will find your progressive rock!
- John Bachmann: Haken might be another band to check out after this
- Dutch0524: I completely forgot that I had this song in my library...liked it long ago and still liked it today in spite of my musical tastes changing
- Rusty Johnson: It's about damn time gents! Goliath is a great song as well! Cheers!
- Dokrau: Fire from the Gods - Excuse Me
- Brooke Adams: Hey! I wanted to hit up most current video. You guys should check out: Beth Hart/Jeff Beck’s tribute to Buddy Guy with their version of “I’d rather go blind”
- Jon Snow: shouldve listened to goliath or set fire to the hive
- MatthiasCorvinu: I wonder how you guys would like some instrumental virtuosic songs. I think you guys would dig Steve Vai - Tender Surrender.
- RaiKarim9: There was a wide contrast between your bored-ish reactions to the song and your positive review. You're really expressive when you really like a song you're reacting to, so I think you found Karnivool's Themata quite meh in complete honesty. xD Time to react to Dream Theater's Blind Faith, or In The Name Of God. :D
- Carolyn Sheean: Also, have a look at Dead Letter Circus and Sleepmakeswaves....😎👍🇦🇺
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- pound cake
- cmedina10: it was hard to get into this groove I've never heard of this band but it wasn't bad just not my cup of tea.
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: 🔥 🔥 WHEREVER I MAY ROAM 🔥 🔥
- Josh Grooves: +Reeroy Life I'll check it out!
- Cameron Something: React to "Juno" or "Beneath My Skin" by TesseracT!!
- Janusz Młynarczyk: Said that long time ago, about time the got on this one
- metalheavythrasher: Seems that Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin has been a huge request for a long time
- james jones: Norma jean i planet
- Jared S: Glad to see you guys doing more prog. Even though I know you'd love to just react to Logic every day. You said you've been kind of up-and-down with prog. I think since prog is like jazz for rock/metal, you're necessarily going to see a lot of variation in the genre, and that creates a lot of polarization. I love Charles Mingus but have a hard time listening to Count Basie. Same genre, wildly different approaches. I LOVE that you guys are getting to the point that you're identifying what might NOT be characteristic of a genre -- and a subgenre at that! You've really trained your ears well. You guys should check out "Yas" by Polyphia. Seriously.
- Eric Horsley: Oh hell. If you like karnivool you gotta try someone like 10 Years and a song like Wasteland there’s a lot of good ones.
- james fulton: i like C.O.T.E. better shudda gone with that one same album i think...........its pretty good tho
- L Cz: Check out Grizzly Bear - “Ready, Able” or “While you wait for the others”. Composition is fantastic and some of the most beautiful music you’ll ever hear! Also check out Odesza - White Lies
- Daniel Le Lievre: +1 for Deadman
- Marcos Orozco: Dead Letter Circus is another great Australian band! I'd check out Here We Divide, Big, or One Step.
- Gespeg Drummer: Oh yeah! Karnivool!
- Sebastian Trejo: Karnivool - Lifelike please!!!
- RocketPug: I would love for you guys to check out Mars Volta, amazing band that fuzes prog rock, psych rock ans punk (with some elements of latin instrumentations. Either intertiatic esp.(short song) Or L'via L'viaquez (long song) Much love from Norway
- failtolawl: Avenged Sevenfold - Strength of the World!
- Drew Liedtke: It is so difficult to stand out in metal nowadays. This doesn’t do it for me... Yeah they can play, but that’s not everything.
- GoReHoRsE: Bad Wolves!!
- Chad Quallo: HUGE Karnivool fan here. Patiently awaiting next album. But as far as vocals so. He's one of the best out there. He's a monster live too. No where near whiny, but u guys prob need one more song to convince you. Themata is ok but it's one of their weaker tracks. Try Deadman, New Day or Caudal Lure. What I really want to draw u guys to is La Dispute tho. Specifically Harder Harmonies. I really want to see you guys break down the lyrics. One of the best story telling bands out there. It's very similar to the way the best rappers write their lyrics. Keep it up guys.
- Hana Bakhouch: please do COTE, new day or Eidolon by them. While I do love themata, I don't think it has one of their best musical moments
- Skillethead90: Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine(overdose)!!
- cinlocybin: Yay!!!! I'm soooooo happy you did this!!!!
- 19ThreeLions97: It was super statisfying to watch them live in studio, bc of their cooperation Their progressiveness comes in rather ambient guitar sounds and unique use of bass, etc, the vocals are mainly simply clean. Alternative music with prog influences, i'd say
- The 8 Bit Guy: I vote Goliath. Deadman is an excellent track, but a little drawn out.
- BlueSuns: periphery - mile zero
- akjoao: at the time this music was released, they were quite young indeed. Check out more stuff from them, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
- zed4672: So stoked to see you guys do Karnivool!!! One of my favorite groups!! A lot of the songs from this album are more rock than prog, tbh. Though COTE is a masterpiece. But if you want this style with actual prog aspects, Sound Awake is one of the best albums in existence. Songs like Deadman, Simple Boy, and Goliath will kick your ass
- Greg Selwah: Haken - Visions Evergrey - Black undertow
- Charles James: Leprous - Restless !!
- Ian Bridges: Can y’all please check out Suicide Boys - Kill Yoself part 3. It’s really deep and something new for the channel.
- ProgPro96: I completely agree with all the Leprous comments, a great band that deserves way more recognition. I also hope you guys will react to Vein soon.
- krakdmonk: Alestorm- Shipwrecked or Drink
- ABlackTransexualMuslim OffendedByEverything: Lol anytime there’s massive editing you know they don’t like the song. Still Entertaining dudes
- Tarquin: You guys gotta check out Fade, or L1felike from Karnivool. They're much harder songs.
- David Tarasov: Karnivool are amazing. Ian Kenny's voice live is just as good as it is on their tracks. So underrated!
- loaditz: The Misfits (from when Danzig was the singer) please
- Esben Topland: Porcupine tree - Anesthetize (Live in Tilburg)
- Lucas Carabias: I mean if you´re looking for progressive you gotta go to their newest album...
- A.D Swing: Karnivool are 1 of the big 3 “progressive” bands in Australia with COG & dead letter circus that just get compared to TOOL. Themata is from 2005 before they found their own sound. SOUND AWAKE is their master piece. New day & simple boy are amazing.
- Dylan Underwood: The Dillinger Escape Plan- Milk Lizard
- RaptueCity C.C: Please do Voices From The Fuselage - The Principle God. Kinda djent prog, but is very very good, also Tesseract - Singularity would be awesome to have a reaction to.
- i eat major ass: Periphery-mile zero
- megapengproductions: You gotta check out Leprous! From The Flame or The Price would be good starts
- JonnyPhive: You gotta check out Fair to Midland - Musical Chairs
- Just Liz: Liking the time changes and the vocals are pretty good. Keep up the good work guys.🤘
- Francois De wit: Guys prog perfection is Between the buried and me. Start with Blot or Swim to the moon. But the best is Son of nothing or ants in the sky.
- Cassidy Robinson: I agree with George on this one. Too poppy for me. A little bit of Tool worship going on, but musically sounds more like rappy Nu-metal, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but not done very well here.
- Toby Appel: React to Nothing more "go to war"
- Michael Fletcher: Man, it bugs me when you guys skip bits, i want to see the reaction, even if it is indifference. I love Karnivool. You did it on the last Tool review as well.
- Michael Bland: I think you guys would love Reason, give him a chance! Ex hooper turned tde lyricist and he's ill. "The Soul" is a good starter as he talks about signing
- Tim Evoy: Protest The Hero - C'est La Vie Fair To Midland - Musical Chairs CAN - Vitamin C
- Daniel Michels: Great band and great song. But basically anything off of Sound Awake is better. All I Know or Deadman are a must!
- Livin' Rob: I can't believe you're doing a Karnivool song. They're one of my favorites!
- Lee Kendrick: Yeeeeeesssss! Yeeeeessssss! Great song choice! Keep up the good listening!
- Bart Crisp: Karnivool are the truth. I'm just going to keep requesting Frost/Hail by Uneven Structure though
- Stars Die: Karnivool sounds like Tool if Tool were influenced by Chevelle. Which is ironic because of how Chevelle is influenced by Tool. I like the Toolsy stuff, but don't care for some of the "generic radio rock" aspects they creep into their music. Decent stuff.
- BoutDatMetalLife: Dream Evil - Book of Heavy Metal
- x: At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
- Devan Griffith: this shit is hot
- Spoonfed Syrup: Slipknot- People=Shit
- Dan Sterling: I'm surprised you guys haven't done Katatonia
- Dirk Diggler: Nooooooooo not this one....Jesus these suggestions
- Noricavus: It would be cool if you guys could react to Hum - Stars. Thanks?
- Josh Christensen: Any of these songs are a great choice. If you read the comments, you'll see most of them have been requested. Karnivool - Goliath Karnivool - Simple Boy Periphery - Prayer Position Periphery - 22 Faces Polyphia - Nightmare (Instrumental) Polyphia - O.D. (Instrumental) Polyphia - The Goat (Instrumental) Twelve Foot Ninja - Liberation Twelve Foot Ninja - One Hand Killing Leprous - The Price The Contortionist - Language 1: Intuition
- Joshua Marc: Redman - Tear It Up (Official Music Video) PLS REACT TO THIS JOINT.. Dropped recently <3
- xknottykidx: Try Oceansize - trail of fire. You guys talk about transition and layers, well this song got it all. This band was one of the best from the last decade
- John Medved: Please review Harlequin Forest by Opeth. Better than Bleak.
- lamezorlord: Dunno how you guys are for international songs, but if you want an interesting break from the norm, try Sva by Arkona.
- João Reis: Listen to something from the last two albums of Bring me the Horizon
- AGJ 12: Shinedown
- AtlasMeCH1: I totally agree that this song simply didn't have anything identifiable as being a progressive element
- Greg Quady: Be Quiet And Drive would be another great choice from that album.
- chaosultimamage: yeah, Karnivool is a pretty good prog rock band, they're def not metal. good stuff, though.
- Popabuddy1: If you're going to do another Karnivool song you have to do New Day. By far my favorite by them and honestly might be one of my favorite songs of all time.
- Ruben Vela: Just do the album version!
- Sou Foda!: EPICA- universal deathsquad 🙏🙏
- Charles Harrison: Dope song....getting better as it goes...like the beginning! A little like Linkin Park. Not playlist though. Please listen and react to Judas Priest’ Beyond The Realms of Death. Nice breakdown R&G!
- Dylan Condy: Do VOLA - Stray the Skies, they've got some damn good grooves.
- GuitarAndHow: But nah for real, please react to Polyphia's "G.O.A.T."
- James Dean: Themata is more of a nu metal album, there second album sound awake is prog rock, you should check that. I've always said checkout their song deadman or new day
- Samuel Corbett: Awesome. You guys got to check out TESSERACT - Of Matter (Live at Sphere Studios) and Periphery - Stranger things
- JonathanMuhl: Allen Stone-Unaware (live from his mothers living room)
- The Great Gazoo: Van Halen - Mean Street
- Steve Martin: Hell yes. That, “Colossus”, and “Isle of Solace” are all on my “Lost in Vegas wishlist”.
- mike c: rishloo rishloo rishloo rishloo lol try dark charade, winslow, or freaks and animals
- galen stone: Heaven Knows The Pretty Reckless
- Greg Loeb: Pantera- 5 Minutes Alone
- U Mirin Bro: Simple Boy - Karnivool would be good to review. Been listening to these guys whilst waiting for the new Tool album. Also Karnivools lead singer is from the band "Birds of Tokyo" 👌
- Brendan Hengle: Please do some more Gojira! EXPLOSIA would be amazing!!!
- Jim Martens: Wicked! You fellows should do a BORN OF THE STONE song. bornofthestoneband.bandcamp.com It's one bloke who plays all the intstuments.
- Judas Maccabeus: Porcupine Tree - "Sound of Muzak" (for that killer fucken drum groove)
- BestUsernameIGot: I'd love to see their reaction to Roquefort!
- vettehayhurst1: Do Alan Jackson drive
- Banzowski: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013)
- Nika Shikhlinskaya: Do Porcupine Tree - Sleep Together
- Aryal: Best reaction channel by miles! Can you do a Rush-Tom Sawyer reaction please?
- 412 Gamer: Do cane hill it follows
- NYspeedDrummer: Awesome song, awesome band...whoever gave you this tip, thumbs up!
- Pekka Huovinen: Exactly what I would've suggested.
- James Barron: Never clicked so fast on a reaction.
- Lyle Leclair: do goliath by karnivool!!
- Terry MTBnurse: I really enjoyed this reaction. I thought the band sounded really good. I'm definitely going to check them out. I Love being turned on by new bands. Thanks. Please give RIVERSIDE a listen, Egoist Hendonist. Great prog rock band from Germany.
- NoEntryCZ: Yeeeeeeeeeah Boiiiii!!!
- Placeholder Name: Soen - Lucidity (live in Rome). It's just beautiful
- Harris Ayyub: I agree wholehearted with George. They sound a lot like Boy Hits Car from back in the day (check them out). So here's my spiel again: Guys, I have to say. I've been a metlhead since 1999 and I only NOW got into Gojira all because of you. So thank you for that. I absolutely love the album 'Magma.' To return the favor I'm going to post a recommendation list of which songs, which I believe you should review along with the reasons why. Hope you guys like my recommendations: 1). As I lay Dying - Through Struggle [Genre: Metalcore] (You probably will not like the screaming vocals , but the intensity of the song makes it a worth listen. Oh and for George, the drummer is bananas). 2). Byzantine - Jeremiad [Genre: New Thrash] (The vocals, intensity and the unbelievable guitar work on this track make it a must listen). 3). Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog [Genre: Black Metal] (Perfect song for Halloween. Dani Filth's vocals are an acquired taste, but the song's musicianship, guitar and piano breakdowns and intensity are just gorgeous - one of my absolute favorites!) 4). Deftones - Romantic Dreams [Genre: Pretzel music ;)] (Deftones is my fav band of all time, and you reviewed two of my favs songs of all time off of white pony...that is how I really became a fan of yours. This is possibly my third favorite track and is off their album Koi No Yokan) Let's leave it at that for now. Hope you guys enjoy the above tracks. Much love from Toronto. Harris \m/
- Nathan Baca: You guys should go back to A7X, your afterlife reaction was 🔥🔥🔥. Chapter 4 will likely make your playlists. Some sick guitar work for Ryan and stellar drum performance for George.
- Philip B: I’m still wishing you guys would play mudvayne- not falling
- Bryce Buchanan: I would recommend you guys check out "Of Matter" by Tesseract. Kind of similar to this track with the softer vocals. I feel they pull off the sound with a little more clarity. Great reaction, keep it real!
- Outrage: Mikasa by Veil of Maya please!
- Ángel Signes González: Please Symphony X "of sins and shadows"
- Martin Crisafulli: You should try the Soundawake album next time, its better crafted and the vocals are more edgy in a way. Goliath would be my go to song! Thanks for this reaction!
- Reini Eden: I love Karnivool! Some of my favorite boys.
- Dominic DeNardo: +ironcaua Marigold. Totally
- MockingBunny321 B: Goliath next please!
- Dave9k: FINALLY
- derfy: Need to have a look at King gizzard and the lizzard wizzard
- Ryan Halien: Please please please do Tonight We Ride by Unleash the Archers!!!!!!! You guys did Awakening by them and I know you liked it but that video has been way over done in react videos, you guys gotta do some of UTAs other stuff! I promise Tonight We Ride will blow your dicks off!
- madabaum: More Jinjer!
- Devin Vez: Please react to Vince gill when I call your name
- Anthony Hill: Check out Cote!!!!!
- Bas Pvn: Leprous - Contaminate Me (Live at Rockefeller) would be so sick!
- fellogoodfella: wow thx for doing this. As someone with picky tastes it's epic to find a new band that I've never heard of and like them. Man I swear Australia has the best rock groups right now!
- Ryan McAllister: So stoked you reacted to this. I love this band. Thank you for checking them out.
- Pietyr Ayday: That's a fantastic new song from a superb album from one of the best and most under-rated prog metal acts, hands-down! It a real shame that after 35 years of releasing one unique, ground-breaking album after another, still almost nobody outside of metal musicians and a handful of core fans have ever heard of Voivod, one of the hardest-working and visionary bands in metal.
- Bryan Behrent: Iced Earth, songs Anthem , Black Flag ,or Dracula. Please
- Significant Otter: Leprous - From The Flame
- redfurrymonster: Escape the fate. Issues
- Alex Kulp: I respect your opinion, but... Ian Kenny (vocals) is amazing fam! Lol
- Miguel Machain: Beyond the Pale - Pain of Salvation
- Jackson Grealy: WOOOOO! PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA REPRESENT! My hometown boys! LETS GOOOOO! THE VOOL for short \m/
- Yvette Hernandez: Go fallow me on Instagram @madison252189
- fuzzie ian: If you guys come back to these guys lifelike would be a good choice and yes they where in there twenties when this song dropped.
- the1980dex: " this is fire this fire!! " trademark ... keep it up guys
- Luke B: God Forbid - to the fallen hero
- Nuggets, Boi: Yeah, COTE shows off Ian Kenny's voice in a song that really suits him. Do you think they would like Shutterspeed?
- Kiran Buzza: Master of Puppets full album reaction better happen soon guys!😉
- The philosophical headbanger: This was cool. Never heard of these guys. Didn't sound proggy to me.
- xSpirit_ Fox: Should have checked COTE instead
- TheIndiferrenceEpoch: I'm gonna throw one out of left field and suggest you all react to Cradle of Filth's 'From the Cradle to Enslave' (the video preferably). I believe you WON'T like it but I think it would make for a fun react.
- Dillon F: Primus - Groundhog's Day Nevermore - The River Dragon Has Come Tool - Stinkfist A Perfect Circle - The Outsider Alice In Chains - Would? Dio - Rainbow In The Dark Death - Voice of the Soul
- Daniel Le Lievre: Hey Fellas. I'd like to suggest two for ya: Bad Wolves - Remember When Fire From The Gods - Excuse Me
- adikaland: Protest the hero!!!
- 1pspgofan: Please react to hexes by tesseract!
- Tuco Rodas: I have a Love/Hate relationship with the song, its cool.... BUT IT REPEATS ITSELF TOO MUCH
- Joseph Wright: Karnivool have never really been Prog metal, it's more alternative metal with prog themes. As you said, there's heaps of "groove". They build around hooks a lot. But album wise they have a prog outlook on writing
- vivek chauhan: KARNIVOOL-Cote,thts progressive.
- PADG3Y: Holy Crap guys! Can’t believe you are doing Karnivool. Such a great Aussie band. Definitely hitting that sub button. Plenty of great Aussie metal/rock bands out here. Keep it up. Straya
- SicklessHell: React to Code Orange - Forever
- TheLevitator 94: React to Stray From the Path - the house always wins music video
- Jonathan Rudolph: What's up fellas! Another fantastic video, keeping doing what you do! Hope to see you guys react to Two Weeks by All That Remains!
- Andy Payet: They r not metal lol
- Bryan Blackburn: Check out Mono Inc. - Children Of tthe Dark. It's like an ode to the goth culture
- gungutuzero: Exodus- Pleasures of the Flesh #SECONDCHANCESIN2018!!!!!!
- Balaji Reddy: Karnivool - The Caudal Lure
- Simonniz: Thank you for doing karnivool!!!!
- Bryle: I'm glad you gave these guys a shot. I also think you picked a really good intro track for Karnivool. Themata is a rare straight ahead banger by Karnivool standards. I'm happy to see Ryan dug the track, and I think he's going to enjoy it even more on repeat listens. Karnivool may not be for George, they usually draw a few parallels with porcupine tree whom I recall George didn't love either. George's main criticism was that he didn't enjoy the contrast between the light vocals and heavy instrumentation. If you do give Karnivool another listen, like other commenters are recommending, I'd suggest something of their Wide Awake record. Simple Boy for example is very dynamic with light and heavy instrumentation, but ultimately I doubt Karnivool would fair any better with George. I'd also like to see you guys comment more during the song like you used to. Please give TesseracT another chance! They have the best production and one of the best vocalists in the game. TesseracT - King
- gocubs1815: At first when they went stopping I was worried, but he's right when he says it's one continuous groove, this is one you have listen to a few times and read the lyrics to really process it
- WeIsDaTyrantz: Can you guys react to Ihsahn - Samr?
- Reeroy Life: Their album after this is way different. Check out Sound Awake, huge departure from their nu-metalesque sound on Themata. This guy is a good vocalist, he just hadn't found his groove yet until Sound Awake.
- Gary Tackett: Atlas
- Luke Reynolds: I was so happy to see the notification for this video come up.
- papagriz33: Hmm, this sounds like a watered down version of Myrath's epic song "Under Siege." Actually George & Ryan would probably love some Myrath. Tunisian metal!!!
- boogabuga: Not the best Karnivool song, not a bad one though.
- NoChillChance ,: Keith Whitley - Don’t close your eyes or When you say nothing at all
- Neon Onion: Northlane Quantum Flux
- skottish1: Lamb of God - Redneck. Easy song for you to attack. Greetings from Finland
- Zack Bridgeman: Another good one from Karnivool is "Cote." Check it out! Also... Architects "Doomsday" or "Gone With the Wind"
- jeta ban: Let's try this https://youtu.be/a0QbmHvXqzI
- Matt Owens: the fever 333 - made in america (Video)
- Gemma Niles: It's an intro creating an atmosphere to put you in a mind set to listen to the rest. More like a score in a film does. Headphones a must. But I agree with others I would have started with New Day.
- DaviDamir: Good on ya mates......karnivool set fire to the hive next plz
- Nikola Stojanovic: Dream Theater - As I Am It needs to happen guys, I'm positive that you'll dig it. It'll be a good redemption for DT, it has a hard groove, great drums, guitars, the vocals are also pretty clean but they do have more grit than they did in this Karnivool song. Like I said before, I'll keep pushing for this one ;)
- Richard Chilton: You should react to something from either Kate Bush or Chris de Burgh
- TPike777: Save me by Avenged Sevenfold!!!!!!
- Huseyin.: hi guys, really love the way you critisize songs, nice to see them from another point of view. i would really like to see your reaction to guthrie govan, incredible guitar virtuoso. wonderful slippery thing is a really good song, waves too is a good one. the genre is fusion. (i have to warn you dough, his songs are instrumental.) seen you guys react to his songs im sure would make everyone happy. and thanks for creating this channel.
- Adam Richardson: Dudes, try some bolt thrower, absolutely rad death metal band who had their own sound. Groovy simple but effective
- dmg: Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane!!
- Kym Brown: Please reactto their song cote....
- Matt Haun: I would really like to see you all do Cult of Luna. They're sludge metal. "In Awe Of" would be a great song to do
- G.Punkt.ART: Finally Karnivoooooooooool!!!
- Shane Bond: Damn that was boring.
- John Bachmann: great song
- Marshie420: you dudes totally need to check out death grips, good songs to start with are "the fever" "on gp" and "i've seen footage"
- Ryan Langell: WE ARE by Karnivool!! Go back to the well boys.
- thomas thanasis: Finally, thank you!!! Pls do more of karnivool
- Sonny Papilioullys: La Dispute - King Park
- Bones12x2: Karnivool is a really talented band and I enjoy them but I've always felt that they were only kind of a prog band. They have prog elements but imo they kind of play it too safe to be really progressive. They don't really do much that feels adventurous or ...well....progressive. Ironically, some of the same things that turn many people away from prog are the things that this band doesn't do. This band always feels like they are trying to find a happy middle ground ...which is understandable, but for me, that defeats the whole point in being prog. Their music is kind of like food that tastes fine and is made with high quality ingredients, but it's missing some flavor that would make it great.
- Betuins: You should react to the song Change, here is a link to the video great song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JwRWCkEu_s
- Matthew Tough: Fear Factory: Replica, H-K, Pisschrist, Resurrection or Shock. Archspire: Remote Tumor Seeker or Involuntary Doppelganger
- lucifer lavey: gentlemen - I implore you to check out KING'S X. they are a mix of progressive, soul, funk, metal, Beatles-esque harmonies, and, well, just everything that's great in music! they offer groove, melody, great lyrics -- the total package.
- nowheretoday: Shouldve done C.O.T.E
- Jenni Williams: Birds of Tokyo. Same singer as karnivool and just as good too
- Billy Ruben: Hero of War by Rise Against!
- Kevin Grubb: Love u guys but song selections are becoming disappointing.
- Ryan C: Meshuggah - New Millenium Cyanide Christ trust me on this
- conandeuce: Noooooooo that was a mistake, I mean themata is a great song, but trust me, DEADMAN was the one, or maybe All I Know or Simple Boy because deadman is 10 min long, you NEED to hear more from them guys
- Exia: In Mourning - A Vow to Conquer the Ocean
- mattie_vooijs: Awesome! These guys are great, glad you did this one! This is the first one I heard by them, have been hooked to lots of their songs ever since. They're not THAT prog, pretty much on the outer edge of modern prog in my opinion. But their last album was really experimental. You should check out more by them, All I Know is a great song.
- DAC222: I love karnavool but I probably wouldn't have picked this one for your first song. A pretty basic song of theirs. Change is a better one that you guys would dig
- Michael Young: 67th like, I think that's the same as last time
- V.F.D. [Vicariously Feeling Demographics]: Motionless in White: Voices
- Lucas Thompson: Would you do reaction to Christian song
- Peter Thrupp: Check out Roquefort by Karnivool. I believe it's off the same album, one of the more prominent singles and I feel it's way more solid than Themata (which I feel is one of their weaker songs but it is very accessible so I can see why it gets suggested a lot).
- Zach Ansley: I second the Leprous and Caligulas Horse comments. Two of my favorite bands. I actually interviewed Caligulas Horses singer on my channel!
- IcyDeath91: Whenever you guys need another metal song on the play just throw a dart at an avenged sevenfold dart board.
- Geoff Nolan: My first listen was "Goliath" and oh man.. That is definitely "second chance" material right there. The groove at the beginning is similar to a Deftones song. His vocals, which George said were kinda whiny, really play well to the darkness of the groove. And then he puts that edge in it that George is looking for. I think Goliath has everything you guys could want in a second chance.
- Micr0cut: This is one of the less progressive Song from Karnivool. I think you should try songs like goliath or change, and I even think you guys would like them because they manage to be proggy without throwing you off with abrupt changes. All the progressions these guys do feel very natural
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Darren Pinson: Shame On the Night - Dio
- michowski1: Shinedown - Sound of Madness
- yarbgreat1: Plz react to Shame by The Dear Hunter Audiotree live.
- Pietyr Ayday: You know, I know absolutely nothing at all about the Emo genre? It's the punchline of a thousand music jokes, but I, for one, have never actually given it an objective chance. I'll put a thumbs-up on a request for an emo song request, and would be willing to give it a listen. (I can't make heads or tails of your request, though - is "Story of the Year" a song, the name of a band?)
- Malherbe Lombard: Please do Thrice - The Earth Will Shake.
- Stoyan Rusev: Guys,guys ,it's all about the reaction,so please,please,please try some IGORRR.It's a trap offcourse <3 but it's all about the reaction :))))))))))))))
- Volaire Larp: You should react to Dog Fashion Disco- War Party or Polkadot Cadaver- Last Call in Jonestown
- NoChqnce: React to j.i.d working out !
- Grave Mike: Karnivool is great, but they are so different in each album. Themata is like progressive nu-metal, while Sound Awake is more complex, but still groovy. Assymetry is full-blown progressive rock/metal, hella atmospheric and cool. Instead I'd pick Roquefort or L1FEL1KE (both of them have this extra punch) from Themata, New Day or Change (just freaking epic) from Sound Awake, and if you want to soak up their ethereal vibe - Sky Machine or Eidolon. This is just another level. And Themata was released in 2001, the dudes were very young. I like Ian's vocals, you just picked a wrong song:)
- allmediareviews.blogspot.com: SET FIRE TO THE HIVE.
- BManchego: Awesome as always. Check out Haken for your next progressive metal band.
- The philosophical headbanger: Metallica kill em all full album reaction
- LedPESRule: *Porcupine Tree* - Arriving Somewhere but not Here *Leprous* - Acquired Taste *Ozzy Osbourne* - Diary of a Madman
- brianbp4f: React to Caligula's Horse - Marigold or Will's song >>>> Progressive alternative rock/metal
- MusicCity Byrd: Now how about that Demon Hunter song GodForsaken😉
- Uncle Cock: “Don’t take the girl” by Tim McGraw is amazing. Y’all would love it
- taup184: Please react to Nightwish! Symphonic metal band from Finland!
- Saud Alterkait: Themata album is the band's first LP and its more of a nu metal album. All their other work is progressive. Next time Try listening to deadman by karnivool. Its the shit.
- Isonomia: Rewind, acquired taste, forced entry or golden prayers
- Night Knight: Man, I've been watching a while and I know the editing is necessary, but it feels really over-done for this song more so than any I've heard before. I'd prefer more pausing than this level of cutting, personally. Not sure what others think.
- Käptn Haddock: Yessss, finally!!! Check out Goliath, Set Fire to the Hive or The Caudal Lure! Anything from the Sound Awake Album really! It's when the turned more to Progressive Music – Still groovy as hell though, don't worry ;)
- EKM Beats: Tesseract - Juno
- Joseph Bastidas: Karnivool - Simple Boy Karnivool - All I Know
- Nathan Baca: Oh and Eternal Rest. How could I forget that one.
- Knux576: I've been waiting for a Karnivool reaction for so long man! Such a sick band. My favorite song from them is Roquefort, it's groovy as heck man.
- Paul M: High Road or Crack the Skye. If they don't like those then yeah I'd give up on them ever digging Mastodon lol
- zaarthal24: @Arron Why not both?
- Will See: The Human Abstract!
- Ryan Baker: Interesting! Hadn’t heard them before. Aaaaaaaaaaand stiiiiiiillllll NOTHING MORE - This Is The Time!
- Cancer Söze: another cheap copy of tool
- soso meladze: HAKEN - Cockroach King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Joe Tumulty: I mean, this song is 13, almost 14 years old. Their sound really has matured a lot since then. I think George might enjoy something newer of theirs such as “We Are” since it definitely a more serious vocal approach. As fans of Tool I know they’d both appreciate “All I Know”.
- Josue Ignacio: Excellent reaction. Karnivool is one of the great new bands!!!
- Matt Shaw: My top two band picks. Maybe followed by converge, but that's a different thing entirely. 😄
- gardedog: FFS if you gunna check out aussie bands then you have to listen to "parkway drive" ... aussie metal at its best thats taking the world by storm! "Crushed" would be my choice of song but theres many you guys would dig
- Elsa Gate: Nothing More -This is the Time
- Jason Nickel: Dream Theater - Pull Me Under
- Taylor Smith: Treasure Train by HORSE The Band!
- Metguy123: If you did this, then check out Leprous - Down. Or Leprous - The Price.
- Hugo Fernandes: Greetings from Portugal. Here goes my usual suggestion to 4 portuguese bands. 1) Process of Guilt with "Feral Ground": https://youtu.be/g8iTsuwWxjI 2) Dollar Llama with "Louder": https://youtu.be/-ultHdm1pcI 3) Sinistro with "Abismo" (they sing in portuguese): https://youtu.be/mKO3vUlhSZQ 4) W.A.K.O. with "Drifting Beyond Reality": https://youtu.be/lRXJvDejSrQ Give a try to the unknown and Keep on Rockin' in a freethinker world! \m/
- MfEuTrArLy: Check out Polyphia next! Icronic or O.D.
- matthew myers: this was the first karnivool song i heard, and i agreed with george , but still gave them a shot and listened to their other stuff. and know karnivool is easily one of my favorite bands. however i wouldnt call them metal. theirs a metal influence, but i would argue firmly that this is progressive rock
- killerpeaches7: ORPHANED LAND - Ocean Land
- Greg Pasquier: Integrity- 'String Up My Teeth'
- Harry Rowe: Themata is far more a rock oriented album - check out anything from Sound Awake! A New Day, Deadman, Change! Love from Aus.
- Royce Norris: Breaking Benjamin- Diary of Jane or Firefly
- Micossaurus: I see lost in vegas + karnivool i hit click and like immediatly
- Lucas Tommasini: From Leprous I would suggest Moon. Baard Kolstad drum playthrough would be really nice to see. Maybe they won't like the vocals, since they didn't like Karnivool vocals, but it is a different and nice modern approach to prog
- Scott Welinski: without a doubt your next review NEEDS to be Disturbed , The Sound of Silence!
- Shane Bond: Dillinger Escape Plan - Milk Lizard
- MrSacrifist: Absolutely love Karnivool. This is from their first album, which is really subtly progressive. The albums that follow are more inventive and experimental. As long as you're doing Australian prog, why not some Caligula's Horse?
- Kindly ASMR: my fav songs from karnivool are roquefort, umbra, set fire to the hive and illumine
- Sean Coleman: Fire from the gods - excuse me. Is a very good song to react to
- John Bachmann: I've been listening to that whole album a ton lately. I think they should check out Traveling Alone, but anything they chose would be a good choice.
- Robin Morris: I am a huge Caligula fan... one of my favorite bands, but Rust is one of the only songs I don't like.... Definitely the weakest off the last 2 albums. They will hate that song, so please stop requesting it! I don't think Caligula is for them... not enough groove, but if they ever try them, I think Turntail has the best/easiest to get into groove.
- Master Vol: Fire From the Gods - Excuse Me
- HunterGatherer: Themata is the better album in my opinion
- g96: Porcupine tree - arriving somewhere but not here
- Drum Guy: Great musicains in this band. I first heard them in 2007 and I was blown away.
- Alex Summers: Porcupine Tree - Trains and Blackest Eyes
- Jon Mccallum: Karnivool - we are
- HellaJ 84: Awesome, never heard these guys! I dig it a lot! Can you guys please do Funeral Hymn by Exodus!? I would freak out!
- fila365: If youre reviewing Karnivool you need to start with A New Day or Goliath my bois! Themata is not a good entry into Karnivool, they havent developed their sound and feel until Sound Awake!
- Jeff Morgan: We’re overdue for some Ryan Adams!
- Mara: Vola - Alien Shivers. Song is brand new and amazing.
- Jack O: Hello there, Sithposting
- Diesel On Radio: Alien Weaponry are a metal band from New Zealand that writes using Maori language sometimes. Give those guys some love. If you do Kai Tangata you HAVE to do incorporate the video too.
- mr coeboeng: MESHUGGAH - Rational gaze. Meshuggah the father of DJENT
- Eric: I agree with George about the vocals. I mean the singer of Karnivool, generally speaking, is pretty good. But like you said, there's not really a "next level" type thing to his voice that can really match the aggressiveness and intensity of the instruments. That being said, I feel like you should give it another listen or two.
- Garrett Hudson: Themata is a fairly toothless Karnivool song. It's fine, but nothing to write home about, one of their more generic/straight forward tracks. I'd send you towards Roquefort for groove, Simple Boy and Goliath for bass tones that'll make you blush, and All I Know and The Caudal Lure for interesting melody. Any Karnivool gets a "Like" from me though.
- Ian McGregor: I’d really love to see you guys check out the “Whiplash” version of Caravan, the drumming is NUTS in that song
- TheAbortionMachine: Thanks for checking out the Vool, dudes. Glad Ryan liked it. Hopefully you’ll give them a second chance down the track and maybe try something from Sound Awake.
- Grant Perkins: I am so surprised you did this band! This is awesome!!! One of my favorite bands! The only thing for me....themata is not the best song on that album. Cote, Goliath, and Roquefort are all much better songs. Even if you do not react to those songs please check those songs out they are so much better.
- FlexCut: Love me some Karnivool, great video guys. I feel like their style was a work in progress until their album Sound Awake. If you come back to them theres plenty of great tracks on there - Simple Boy, Goliath, New Day, All i Know, Change, etc.
- Matt Shaw: I've been saying this exact combination (the colors live DVD, to be exact) of songs for forever! And people always hate on the suggestion. It's awesome to see there's more of us!
- Ruben Gz: It's funky. Not playlist for me though. It's aaaaaight. Eluvietie- Rebirth or A Rose for Epona : two digestible songs from Eluvietie for your first impression of them. Try 'em out. Peace!
- revocation3x: (Obligatory justification) This is some early Karnivool and they've only gotten better, they only put out an album every handful of years but there's so much thought and love put into each one, it's palpable
- Sean W: Would be also if you guys could do "pushit" by TOOL
- Frank Marinucci: Agree with George, the vocals killed this for me. Nasally, weak, tinny vocals. I can’t do better, but that doesn’t make this good. Music was good but I didn’t share the opinion that it was something catchy that I could get into because there are too many changes.
- Raul Mora M: accessible ones like run with the devil, nevermore, evolution to start, no?
- Jonathan Hicks: Really wish they would've picked a different song. Shutterspeed or Mauseum would've been great from this album. Then both albums after this one are more progressive but still have a consistent beat to Bob your head to. Simple Boy, Goliath, and Caudal Lure would've been excellent choices. Anyways, I'm glad you guys finally reacted to Karnivool and I'm glad Ryan enjoyed it . Been waiting for this since I discovered you guys.
- Moon Gazer: Deftones - My Own Summer
- Heycel: Yeah dude. Song is too god for this earth!
- Theo Scheresky: THANK YOU FOR DOING KARNIVOOL! Do "New Day" by them at some point. You'll be happy.
- metallizedmind: Try something from AYREON - "The day that the world breaks down" or "Star of Sirrah" from the newest album. Amaaaaaazing transitions!
- IcyDeath91: A classic
- Mitchell Taylor: You guys should check out "Six" by All That Remains. They were one of the best metal bands last decade with some crazy talent.
- K L: Mauseum, Simple Boy and Synops are all good tunes by them.
- Luke Roush: Love the channel guys. Please do Machine Head Imperium
- ThisOmnivore 50: One of my favourite bands! If you want to check out more of them, I would listen to Roquefort, set fire to the hive, or we are. Edit: and each of those songs are from a different album
- Noah Hamilton: Check them out.my bad lol
- clone120: Sepultura - Ratamahatta
- Unearthlywhales: YEAH BOY FINALLY!!
- Carlos Velez: Leprous - The Price!!!
- Harry Rowe: Also this album is oooold.
- Robert Paulson: Great stuff as usual guys. Would love you to do Soulfly, Fear Factory, Parkway Drive and please give Sepultura a second chance.
- JOSE PAULO ZANCHIN: Angra - Carry on Dream Theater - As I Am Metallica - Creeping death
- Allen Hoti: Can we get some Logic in this joint
- K L: good song and album but like Mauseum better.
- fuzzie ian: Fear factory replica plz
- MddlHeD: Mudvayne - Death Blooms
- OEMR: yes, but a reaction to the live video....it's so amazing and perfect, its ridiculous
- Jake Karslake: Check out "the funeral" by turnpike troubadors
- Romério Evaristo: Do Grace by Jeff Buckley guys!
- Petar Pavasović: +Arron Delman Personal preference -.-
- Terry MTBnurse: I just listened to celeberty touch again, your right on, that would be a great introduction to Riverside.
- alexlanza7&9: Great reaction as always, keep it true! :) To me though C.O.T.E. would have been a better choice, this is a good song too, but C.O.T.E. it's much more revealing of their prog style to me! And if it sounds they were young it's 'cause this was from their first album.
- Chris W: Love Karnivool, great band. Check out some Alexisonfire- The Northen.
- Xenophon: Love you guys but you really need to invest in some better quality audio for your vids. I see channels with a fraction of your subs who have better audio.
- Mike P: Fear Factory - Edge Crusher c'mon its time already. plug your subwooofer in, you won't be complaining about soft vocals
- Steve Roney: Epic album! Go the Aussies 🇦🇺
- Plankton Revere: Fair to Midland : Musical Chairs
- Jen G.: I know you guys see all those requests for Leprous, Ryan and George! Do iiiiiiit. 😊
- Bilal Satar: Zeal & Ardor - Ship on Fire. just try. You're gonna be surprised.
- EZtutorials Español: Periphery - Erased Ft: John Petrucci
- Nathan Baca: Or any song off waking the fallen for that matter. Desecrate Through Revenance, Second Heartbeat and Radiant Eclipse are other tracks off the album I’d like to highlight.
- 21DaHoagie12: Karnivool is great haha this album also has Roquefort and Cote which are also jams.. Their next album has some killer jams as well, Goliath, deadman, I mean all their stuff is good.
- Simba Rivers: Omg yes yes yes yes yes yes i love this song!!!
- Nick Grajczyk: Bout time guys. Shouted these guys out a while back. Check out C.O.T.E by these guys.
- Chris Wooton: PLZ do Periphery again.. They have some great heavy, beautifully melodic songs.. groovy AF. Somewhat like Karnivool, but more progressive. Thx guys, enjoying ur ride thru new music 🤘
- madabaum: Parkway
- Zachary Allen: What happened to this band? I remember really liking their first 2 albums. Then they kind of fell off my radar and I never got into their third. They still active? Better first song from them may have been "Set Fire to the Hive" or "L1FEL1KE". Rock on LiV! Baroness - Take my Bones Away
- Travis Gallagher: Amazing band! Love Karnivool. Check out Nothing More "Jenny" or "Go To War!"
- DiamondJake01: I'm a big fan of Karnivool but, imo, i think New Day, Change and Simple Boy from the Sound Awake Album are better songs (Miles ahead) than Themata. Next Karnivool suggestions : Simple Boy and/or New Day! :D
- Aidean: PLZ do more INCUBUS
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Karnivool - Themata (REACTION!!!) | |
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