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- Ryan Wolff: Had a busy weekend so just now getting to this. Thank y’all for the Lupe! Jonylah Forever is my favorite for sure. It’s based on a little baby girl that was killed in Chicago. He actually made it back in 2013. Highly recommend a reaction! Haile Selassie and Imagine are awesome too!
- jamil ahmed: React to king Nas from the album
- kxng stxrm: Do Lupe MANILLAAAAAAAA
- ReverseTuring Test: I just realized, file means a line of people, so ".wav files" itself is a reference to the slaves shackled together jumping into the waves 🤯👍
- RG Fleuridor: I'd heard Tobe🔥, I gotta check out Kamau now
- Banzowski: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013)
- tee money: This really has a Kendrick Lamar feel to it🤔
- TheTinyTimmyTimTim: You guys did miss a tiny (but crucial) aspect of the song, which is perfectly understandable given how dense lupe makes his rhymes. The slaves didn't die when they jumped. "Thats a roll offshore like an AP, Davy, Jones locker on top of those, *hoppers off the side of the ship, suicide, didn't die from the dip* ". They survived the plunge. The water felt so bad for what it did, it let them breathe and live under water. The slaves that lived there were called the longchains, and they worked together to bring down slave ships. Some went back to africa, hence the "so we walking back to africa" and "to leave footsteps on the depths of the sea floor". "Shipwreck with us, grab vessels bring em down to the depths with us"
- jebus tavera: Daylyt is a student to lupe tell you that much
- Benjamin Shi: Love this. Lupe has been a beast from the beginning. Katts use to look at me like I was over doing it by how much I tried to push him on them. But now I see. Like all things when a person isn't ready mentally they wouldn't even understand. Lupe has now transcendent much more then a Rapper.
- Thon Machuor: Hey guys I love your reactions to the songs,the way you explain the hidden meanings behind the lyrics,I’m Nas fanatic,he is my all time favourite,so I’m requesting you to react his debut album Illmatic ,please,please...
- Jake C: Man you guys gotta listen to Manila and gold vs the right thing to do
- Sebastian Armas: Thank You Scientist - Mr. Invisible
- Skylar Green: Stevie Ray Vaughn “Life by the Drop”
- Curryman: Metallica -Eye Of The Beholder
- AhHa1: Treyvon Olden The Book of Ryan is real close with this album.
- Micheal Mcintyre: love it guys ! lupe is so crazy ! haha have yous heard right to left about the last supper ?
- Jesse Ruiz: Tetsuo and youth !! Album is meant to be played from back to front as well and it's better in my opinion.
- Kalamite: I feel Lu got some tips from Daylyt how to flow crispy on these types of beats. Cuz Lupe is dope over these beats but he seems to be in the pocket smoother than before he met Daylyt.
- Unpopular Popular Opinion: This is lyricism. Eminem is CRAFTY with words. That's different from being a lyricist. That's why Eminem doesn't get the respect many THINK he deserves. He could never write a song like this, and Lupe isn't even the best at it, but this is dope.
- Andrew Ogundele: Lupe did say this was a double album....track 1-9 is wave (long chain story)...track 10 to 22 is Drogas (more modern, based on concept of drugs or don't ruin us God said)....23 and 24 are outros/end credits
- Solluminati Legs: Finally lupe
- Sean V: Lupe’s style reminds me of Mos Def a lot. Lyrically, Lupe is ahead of course. Lupe is unfortunately underrated now. People only paid attention to him with Lasers, not surprised since it was his most mainstream sounding album. These people sleeping on Lupe need to actually listen to shit like this, be in tuned with themselves and realize there’s more to rap than “flash” and “flexing”.
- Jose_giantnipps: LM v 2.7 true
- Chet Lee Kowalski: For the love of God. Thank you. #FREETHINKERS
- Sean V: Obviously
- generic soundcloud rapper: One of the other best tracks on the album imo is HappyTimbuck2 Day. If you can check that one out, its dope
- Daniel Cooper: +FOOTBOX I'm just stating a reasonable reason why some don't get into his music like they do with Cole and Kendrick.
- Anthony Adams: I LOVE this song!...only part i dont enjoy is the third verse. Not as powerful as the other three verses.
- Brandon Radziewicz: If this was both your first time listening to this song, I'm impressed and encouraged by your ability to analyze this song in depth so quickly. It normally takes me hours or days to come to the same conclusions. Well done.
- Raging Alchemist: Lupe's arrival paved the way for guys like Kendrick and Cole, and sadly he's become the sacrificial lamb while the 2 MC's I mentioned have risen to prominence. To me, Lupe is one of the best to ever do it, and has a great case for being one of the best lyricists ever (even being THE best of all time!!). However, he wont be recognized as that compared to others, even though he's most deserving out of everyone.
- Abdiel L.: Rick Campbell Hes in his own realm , regular rap and word play is easy for him, this guy doesnt wordplay and give puns ... He Storyplays wordplays double and triple en tendrés and then paints multiple stories in a single track. thats Nuts!
- Dingie Mzila: Can u pls react to uk mc Cadet- slut freestyle 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/m1FeIlIU_d4
- jebus tavera: +Kalamite very true
- Kelli Atkins: U willl not not be disappointed!!
- Jose_giantnipps: Mural lupe fiasco
- Dylan: I'd put the album top 5 easily, but not number one for me personally. I'd put Swimming, Ta13oo, or Kids See Ghost above it for me personally, mostly because I feel like the Lupe album could have been cut down a good bit so it was unnecessarily long and that's my main thing with it. Though I do acknowledge the amazing writing on a good bit of the tracks, it was a bit too long for me while the other albums I mentioned are the perfect length for what they get across, not too short, not to long, and fully enjoyable with full stories and amazing lyrics with no filler.
- Terry Loza: Another great video as always 💞😍💞😍💞
- JD Williams: Jealous Man or Homesick by The Marcus King Band
- andrew celender: Never knew about the slaves suicides and the soul’s journey back to Africa. Insane. Shed some tears over this song. Really sobering. The hardest part of this album for me is trying to relate/empathize with the album theme, which is obviously the point. I almost feel like I’m not allowed to enjoy this lyricism, like I don’t deserve it since my ancestors were most likely part of the problem. Does that make any sense?
- LiquidEagle232: Do Gloria by The Dear Hunter
- Nate Baker: Everytime I listen to a Lupe record next listen after the next I find new things that I didn't catch the last listen and Lupe is a MASTER at that. His lyricism is really dense and what he says comes from that deep thought state of mind and is like one of those big ass puzzles thats like 1057 pieces n shit but once you finish building it you stand back and look at it like "Damn, that looks good" very Advance quality music right here is all I can say. THANK YOU for the Lupe !!!!!!
- Vex Rex aka Lionel Reachie: Good breakdown. 👍 The more I listen to their album the more I think it's the reason Lupe had an issue with kendrick. It seemed weird at first but if you really understand 'TPAB' and ''Damn' You can kind of see what his issue was with those album concepts and execution. Plus considering how long it took two make drogas wave. He probably thought Kendrick took a similar approach to his concepts.
- Big John Boatright: SoLLUMINATI Voice: I GOTTA GRAB MY LEGS! 😂😂😂
- Ison Iyatolla: This song makes me wanna cry, scream & shout its so fu*kin amazing ....please play this at my funeral
- Daryl Hicks: Streetlight manifesto: would u be impressed. The supper villians: oi's to the hood
- Mario U: Thank you 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
- RariGold: This sounded like a track not just about black ancestry but nature
- Angelo Pleasants: mural jr please
- TRILLY VEVO: Luv from Cameroon #Africa
- johnathan barnes: Another one?! It never stops with this guy. I love it
- Colin Estes: This dude is transcendent...
- jebus tavera: Lupe is also pointing out to be more in tuned with what God gave us which is nature...
- zerializing: The whole song is a double meaning.. When he is talking about slaves he's talking about artists in a 360 deal.. The water is debt. Like the phrase "under water". He's basically saying the label will deprive you and put you under water in debt by way of contract advances and then sever their ties with you. Urban entertainment is the newest form of slavery. By him saying he is walking on water he is basically declaring his independence. It's also crazy because he is using the ocean as a metaphor as in his record label he was in debt to was "Atlantic" records.. and the wav files are his sound. The product that the label consumes and distributes for profit is his sound. It is your creativity yet they prosper off of it. Crazy.. There is a lot more in their but, like they said you can sit and dissect this for a very long time.
- marc edingburg: Bro I was trying to figure out the title and you just blew my mind damn
- Zedze: Temple of the Dog - Say Hello to Heaven
- Kyle Curry: 🙏Lupe the man
- reshay mcqueen: That’s why I fucks with y’all
- Caleb Cortez: Please react to a song from the album Zoo by Russ
- Simon M: Dope shit guys, thank you for breaking this joint down. Lupe is so dense with the lyricism
- devon williams: Manila
- wes simmons: Y’all should check out before I forget from slipknot.
- Cody Tye: I've never really listened to Lupe but he's crazy, you guys are always putting me on to different artists. Love the breakdown! Been here since 1000 subs and you guys have grown like crazy, still waiting on a slaughterhouse reaction been waiting on that since I started watching you guys. Keep up the great work!!! 🔥💯
- Jay Seth: Saw a tweet about some teacher using this track to teach his poetry class about slavery. Lupe literally educating the masses through music #Top5
- D. PlanetaryPluto: Finally!!!
- Richard Kalaba: And convert to the wav’s with us..... these slave deals all the majority of rappers are in
- Brandon Woods: Courtney Murphy yoooo that shit is crazy
- Carlos Mcdaniel: Review radio silence talib kawli ft myka 9
- Cameron Something: React to "Juno" or "Beneath My Skin" by TesseracT!!
- John Wilson: I'm thinking lyrically Lupe is on Pacs level. His pen to paper skills is crazy. Won't anyone ever replace Pac nor will there ever be another. But damn. Don't hate on me for this comment y'all. Just the thought that popped off after listening to both song's George & Ryan did of Lupe.
- Macsimus007: Aside from a verse that was literally just the naming off of slave ships, that was a great song. That shit should have come at the end. He wasn't even speaking on their history, or making references to their travels. He literally just devoted a verse to making a list. That part either didn't need to be there, or needed to be relocated because that verse added nothing. That was just some straight up Hotep shit right there.
- Jeffrey Li: React to jid- Working out
- tj elisara: great vid check out Mysonne - Grind Mode Cypher (prod. by Lingo) everyone in this cypher is dope !
- Kevin Johnson: Ayo, I love all your breakdowns - however Im getting tired of you guys walking on eggshells when it comes to the hater comments though.. you dont need to preface all your opinions - just let it loose, George - u my guy. Love the channel, fug the haters
- TheTinyTimmyTimTim: Jaspal Singh happy timbuck2day would melt their faces
- J Langdon: Album of the year!
- Refillz *: Check out Dave East and Styles P project?
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace(unmastered). Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40
- GURU: Manilla please
- Grimz 928: Yall check out the kingdom track??
- KPGKurd: Can you guys do Kevin Gates - Find You Again or Servin H
- Jay Smith: Numero uno.
- Chris M.N Sarille: To go from drogas light .. the streets.. then go to drogas waves.. in depth.. just..; he planned this and i feel this 2:3 to a story.
- Angel Barraza: Up by EarthGang is a MUST
- Pondexes: Any recommendations for other verses or songs that are as poetic as this? Lupe is insane...
- Sanjay Bradford: Yeeeeeeessssss
- MrYtripz: Kevin gates
- heysus: React to Alan forever, it's a song about a refugee child that drowned while trying to reach refuge and his body then washed up to shore, there was an picture going around which made this huge tragedy come to light.
- Just Bcuz: It's funny how I chose this song off the album only because of it's interesting title to add to my collection and y'all chose this one to react to so I must've picked the right one.
- Anthony Allen: As much as I respect Lupe, I just can't get behind his music as much as I used to. There is such a thing as too complex or metaphorical. I'd rather understand the music after two listens or so, not after 3 months a dictionary and a stint on Wikipedia... Just my taste tho.
- Nacho: Check out samsara blues experiment - for the lost souls
- Nkosi Kamal: YES
- Just a Black Dude: Good stuff man. Gave you a like and sub.
- VinBakeShow: Listen to prisoner 1 and 2 on tetsuo and youth
- Nick Mcbride: https://youtu.be/x_322Ura5xE this funkin bruuhhh
- Nkosi Buthelezi: Kendrick and J Cole got the worst fans ever, fake woke fans, they discredit anything that's lyrically better than their favs, its ridiculous.... Lu is a genius and a phenomenal writer, with or without recognition this fact will remain, the dude is a genius and has the best concept albums of all time. This album is 10/10.
- Chris M.N Sarille: Same here!!
- Robin: React to Pantera - Cemetery Gates
- Mantej Singh: LUPE FIASCO!! THANKS Guys can u guys do MURALS as well
- Megan Formanek: Don’t blink by Kenny Chesney!
- Michal Nagy: rap album of the decade
- Jordan Pennington: The dollar by Jamey Johnson
- Billy Ruben: Love Lupe. I always know I'm about to hear some real shit when one of his songs come on. Real like Hero of War by Rise Against.
- jimigrunge: Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart Official - "I'll Take Care of You" Live at the Beacon Theatre New York
- Bob Marley: Student 1 plz!!!
- TonyHancock: I'm a metal head, and I usually only watch your channel to see your reactions to Alice in Chains, Megadeth, etc., but I'm so thankful that I was bored enough this morning to click on this video. The writing in this song is incredible. I'm going to have to explore Lupe's discography now.
- Cameron James Matthews: Lupe is a damn prophet. So sad that he's not advertised like others. Thank you fellas. Yall are legit messengers for real shit
- Shakes a Spear: Loved the breakdown, fantastic job again. Just wanted to share that when Lupe said the thing about "bones is why the beaches white," I also thought Lupe might have been talking about how white people now may be living on a metaphorical perfect beach but it was built off the back of dead slaves. That's just what I thought when I heard that line in this video. Would love to hear other thoughts :)
- kay Dizzle: You guys should do some Atmosphere, like Sunshine or Yesterday.
- Karl Burrow: Crowdfund the video for this song.. it deserves a full length feature.
- punjabsmw: I’m not gonna lie, I lost respect for George after watching his biased Eminem review, but you guys killed it with this one 👌🏽👍🏽
- Blue Black: Dope review guys✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
- pdg90: Man.... I've been listening to "Sun God Sam & The California Drug Deals" over and over, and over and I still don't know what that song is about. Can y'all please break it down for me?
- Tez Wood: Alan forever❤️
- Uncle Cock: Y’all should react to “this ain’t nothin” by Craig Morgan. It’s a great message
- UTxManson Knowz: As "free thinkers", how do you reconcile the belief in God, giving the lack of evidence?
- OOF BEATZ: Sun God Sam would be a dope reaction.
- AnonUniversal: Thank you! This review made me appreciate the track even more. Now let's see if you guys can decipher Cripple. All have failed.
- shane jones: Can you please react to lupe fiascos Mural?
- Refillz *: Faxxxx
- Krishach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvkvHMlhk3U&t=414s
- Michael Cooke: Lupe is disgustingly underrated. Lupe is an artist. And Drogas Wave is his magnum opus
- ElephantDoorstep: Gojira - Pray
- haterdeg3: Thank you!!
- Yiorgios Vazouras: You guys should do a reaction video of Dragula by Rob Zombie. You guys haven’t really covered Industrial Metal, and it’s a shock rock classic as well. Really worth a video.
- Daniel Raychev: The universe allowed it because suffering has the greatest potential to transform into beauty as is evidenced in this song.
- LM v 2.7: Lost in Vegas and Lupe = instant like
- macaragga22: You should definitely listen to Anderson Paak’s new song with Kendrick Lamar - Tints, it’s one of his best
- Riqui Padilla: Yes! I couldn’t wait for you guys to react to some new Lupe ish. The way you guys breakdown his music is reminiscent of a professor dropping knowledge in the classroom. Outstanding interpretation! Please react to Conor Maynard ft. Anth-“unforgettable”. It’s a deep and soulful version to French Montana’s track, “unforgettable “ it will not disappoint!
- BB B: Need a full album reaction, or else react to some more songs (Manilla, Down, Jonylah Forever, Kingdom)
- weirdo number one: Loooveeee y’all #lostinvegas4ever
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: 🔥 🔥 WHEREVER I MAY ROAM 🔥 🔥
- Elijah Robbins: Knowing Lupe there is some more layers to the songs on this album.
- Joseph Johnson: +Mylo guess I should have investigated instead of just believing my friend lol my bad
- figger son: Alan Forever off of the album! It’s one of the best tracks also.
- The Truest: +TheTinyTimmyTimTim Lupe takes artistic liberties as does any artist. He recently tweeted that the verse mentioning the constellations was about celebrity. I think we all know, as Lupe Stans, that there's usually more than meets the eye to a Lupe song. So while it is based on the Longchains, I think the lyrics support what I proposed.
- Ryan Bader: You guys would really enjoy Say it Ain't So by Weezer and the cover of The Chauffeur by Deftones!!!!
- Jamal Sampson: I totally miss Lupe Fiasco. His earlier material was fire! Glad he's back. Great reaction!!!
- Matthew McDowell: Thanks guy, I love your reactions! I love how you put everything into your reactions. You realize that each artist puts their heart and soul into their music no matter how good, bad, complex, fluffy it may be. I love Lupe, so I'm happy when people give his music the effort it deserves and don't just try to judge it based upon what they want or expect from the music. Thanks again.
- Rick Campbell: Gotta do Alan forever
- askmyself whoisyouisthatme: This song touches my soul💞💞
- zerializing: The whole song is a double meaning.. When he is talking about slaves he's talking about artists in a 360 deal.. The water is debt. Like the phrase "under water". He's basically saying the label will deprive you and put you under water in debt and then sever their ties with you by way of contract advances. Urban entertainment is the newest form of slavery. By him saying he is walking on water he is basically declaring his independence. It's also crazy because he is using the ocean as a metaphor as in his record label he was in debt to was "Atlantic" records.. and the wav files are his sound. The product that the label consumes and distributes for profit is his sound. It is your creativity yet they prosper off of it. Crazy.. There is a lot more in their but, like they said you can sit and dissect this for a very long time.
- ImCreid: A wav file is a file that holds more information than other files such as mp3. Just the title alone is saying this song has more depth then a regular mp3 that we listen to daily. Brilliant.
- Joseph Caldwell: That first verse I think maybe referring to the Igbo landing. where the slave went to the water after taking over the ship that their god could allow them to walk back.
- Bruh Smh: Y’all the best!
- Vulture Slots: Check out The Company Man's video about this album AFTER you guys are done with the album. This album has been on repeat for me! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Manilla review next please.
- RG Fleuridor: Beautiful song, beautiful reaction, thanks fellas
- Galacticmoon: Check out twenty one pilots new song my blood. It would be great to hear your take on the video and lyrics.
- MrKiingpin: Joseph Johnson did he really produce this I didnt think lupe made beats, he still has the best pen of all time
- superdemon27: I'm not huge on most rap and i don't care much for the sound of this song and his voice but his flow and lyrics are really good.
- Philly B: "I think what he's saying in a nutshell...." *5 minutes later "We could do this all day." Lol that's Lupe for ya
- Oscar19041: +BB B It's funny how a lot of people say Down is a song about nothing, yet it ties everything together
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- no introduction
- David Capstick: I've been following your channel in silence for a while. Just wanted to say that I love your lyrical breakdowns. One of my favourite parts of hip-hip is looking into the lyrics, and you guys really appreciate great lyricism as well. A breath of fresh air!
- BuckMarley: andrew celender yes.
- Rachel McDuffie: God, that song is crazy good!! I would love to hear them react to it, too!!
- Skylar Green: Just trust me, YOU will NOT be disappointed
- Treyvon Olden: Lupe Has the Album of the Year, but it will not be acknowledged.
- Daryl Hicks: Everything but ska and reggae... Be unbiase try a new ganera slightly stoopid: Wiseman (live at Robert's tri studio)
- Basick JS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6apVcAZVRAM&t=251s
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- pound cake
- Ben B: This album was so easy to listen to, it makes me want to sit in the dark with a glass of whiskey & drift into the art
- Robinson michel: People would say ghost write frf4
- Tony Ward: 1 slave is horrible enough,let alone one slave ship. Yet you think putting people on game and naming all the ones did is somehow pointless and a waste? Do you understand the story of the song?. On top of it that one verse contained more impact,and substance than most rappers entire albums.
- K- Mac: Amen
- loaditz: The Misfits (when Danzig was singer) please
- Evan Bulliner: Micheal Young History
- Rup Tratin: +BJAdamBarry I don't think it was a solid album.
- Phillip Castro: lets do a reaction to "haile selassie" it on drogas wave but, i first heard of this track on "lost in the Atlantic... lets do it
- Carlos Mcdaniel: Alpha and beta line was a shot at black frats
- FrxshLxrd: ugu lugu Daytona is fire album, brilliant production and great gritty delivery from Push. It’s top 5 this year.
- Yash Hegde: Would love for you guys to do Cozz-knock tha hustle remix ft j cole
- Andre 1997: Damn yo the guy on the right talks to much lmaoooo let the guy on the left talk a bit too fam
- pdg90: Brandon Woods Facts! It's the best song on the album man. Wav Files is great too, but that chorus on SGS&CDD. . . 👌🏾A fuckin' +! I can't wait to see Ryan's reaction to the Chorus !o!
- Leif Erickson: Lupes best song in years
- Shawn Mitchell: Can we get a whole album review maybe? Maybe on Patreon? This song is perfect with slave ship before it. Definitely AOTY an this year has been CRAZY on amazing hip-hop projects.
- Russell Williams: SLAVE deal with ATLANTIC (ocean) Records? #mindblown
- Soul Rebels: I want a comic or art visual based on this album
- A P: Exactly. I still listen to F&L and The Cool 10+ years later and catch new things.
- Brian Barker: I'm going to have to relisten to those lyrics but I might use that song when I teach my students about the middle passage. good job guys
- SephL: Slipknot - The Nameless
- Original Autochthonous: Rather than be baptised by a person intent on makeing you a slave, jump off and bathe yourself! We forget that in the good book Jesus was a rebel
- Iknowmyname: Please react to Mural by lupe man...that is the most lyrical rap song of all time.
- CJ Hubbard: So happy you guys got to lupe. He is always one of the most underrated storytellers with his lyricism
- The Hawkeye V: Marc Broussard -- Home (Soul, R & B, swamp rock) The Band of Heathens -- Hurricane (Americana, folk rock) Uncle Lucius -- Keep the Wolves Away (Rootsy classic rock, country, blues) Chris Knight -- Down the River (Country rock, Americana)
- Craig Youngbear: You guys should listen to Happy Timbuck2 Day. Shits too ill.
- Ali Allaoui: do manilla next plz
- Brandon Carter: +Itz Swifty You are tragically misinformed my G 🤯🤦🏿♂️🚶🏿♂️
- ErrrrdayImShufflin': "Summon the forest Talkin' to trees like how could you be in the chorus With something so horrid? You became boards for the floors and the doors of the warships Anthropomorphic, the forest returned with a match Made from itself and said, "Burn us with that" Then left again and came back with an axe We can serve you as furnish or FURNACE US BLACK" Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn! The last part gave me chills. The trees are so sorry/guilty that they are willing to be burned with fire until THEY are black like the slaves like... in solidarity with them.
- Red Mounsey: Yoo, Listen to King ISO - BYOB ft. Rittz. BITCH
- Curtis Cobb: Sun God Sam and The California Drug Deals!
- Thabo Dalmini: "You can survive anything if you survive blackness"- Lupe Fiasco
- Marshie420: you gotta do some death grips! "the fever" is probably my favorite song
- Brian Correia: love your breakdown on music. Always gives me a new outllook!
- Dominic' Wooten: Awesome review! Song is beautiful
- cainification: It's a god damn shame how few views this video will get
- Brandon Woods: Jaspal Singh he murdered that son god
- Abdiel L.: AOTY!!!
- Braxton Brown: Also really love the line in the verse with the stars "Those with Americans, guide them to places much safer" referring to how slaves used the North star to run to run to freedom.
- San Dkhuka: More carter V!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kev On The Beat: You can't FULLY take this in without taking in the full album thus far...
- RaindropBebop: +ENJ4321 Best thing of all my mother says that I'm very sweet // Jonylah said "it's all cool, but what about school? // And ain't you Muslim? You can't talk 'til you marry meeeeee."
- Arcsector: THANK YOU
- BuckMarley: Have to keep rewatching y’all Lupe vids. No one else is coming correct since the release
- Jose Hernandez: Cripple or Alan Forever are two other great records from the album. Lupe>>
- Marcus Evans: Lupe too raw for y'all non hip hop heads
- Joseph Johnson: I was hoping so much that you'd hit this album. Lupe is one of the best lyricists of all time. He produced this track and several others on Drogas Waves, which I feel establishes him as one of the best all-around talents ever to grace hip hop
- Griffeny Young: Thank ya'll! More Lupe songs please! And Royce Da 5'9! Check out Power!
- Andre Abreu: please react to mural jr
- Jacob Peermamode: Do Reason - Better Dayz he’s on TDE and he dropped a new album
- TheAdamSmasher Multiverse: Hell yeah! I actually haven't heard this album yet. Kidaf - Never Ending (ft. Shadow the Great)
- Brent Strickland: You have to do 3 Inches of Blood - Hydra's Teeth a Canadian Band.
- Rah Sheen: Lupe arguably put out the best hip hop album of the year and it’s going to go over A LOT of people’s heads unfortunately. One of the greatest rappers to ever do it who has had both mainstream and underground success without the recognition he deserves. People need to listen to this masterpiece of an album.
- Abbey Moore: You should react to KIP MOORE- LAST SHOT
- Antonio Williams: I guess its moreso related to the subject matter but, Tobe Nwigwe and Kamau are both insanely conscious and lyrically gifted. I suggest checking out The Icarus" or " PohLease" by Kamau, and "Heatrock " or "Fallen by Tobe Nwigwe. You won't be disappointed.
- Chris Sheets: Its me again guys! I will continue to pop up on one of your reviews from time to time until you review Foy Vance's original cut of Make it Rain. Ed Sheeran re-released it but Foy Vance's version is the version that is absolutely mind-blowing. Foy Vance guys....Make it Rain...you will be absolutely amazed by it.
- Ricardo Palomino: His next best concept/lyrical album is the cool
- freekmccoy1: Can you do a REACTION to the band Symphony X ..The Odyssey https://youtu.be/MaN3pwBsRf8
- uzah88: Emotional song
- IDRIPONYOUHOES LIKEWATER: Your intro always takes me back to a better time in my life....thanks for the good reactions and good vibes.
- TheMrKeats: Lpp
- Mike S: Igbo Landing is the story and monument to the slaves who did exactly that in coastal Georgia.
- 11/10: React to Manilla - Lupe!
- c. pza: if lupe cut this album down to just the tracks relating explicitly to the longchains story and made even the tiniest bit of effort to promote it this album seriously would've gotten so much more attention. it's sad how overlooked this album went, especially when T&Y managed to get people's attention and let them know Lupe was back on top of his game
- The Truest: +Flint Cole yes, but I think given the lyrics that people are taking the they didn't die too literally. Think about the main character in The Cool. He's dead, but he's animated. And the characters are metaphors for certain ideas. Same thing here IMO.
- BJAdamBarry: +Itz Swiftyis ❄🍼😭 - 😂
- Flicks & Kicks: Been waiting for this
- eric: Great review! There's so many songs on this album that would make fantastic reactions. Definitely check the rest of it out
- E. Seraphim: Lupe Fiasco - kingdom
- Nr4747: I think Lupe is actually telling two stories here. He is telling the real, tragic tale of slaves committing suice during the voyage - but also about a mythological tale of the slaves actually surviving the dive and becoming Atlantians.
- James Hill: Good content always 💪🏾👍🏾
- Aadil Pervez: Buy the album you man.
- Michael Bland: After watching these lupe reviews I just listened to the album and the shit was tight. I knew he's a legendary mc but he really showed off his full scope of abilities on this one
- AmatureVets: Lupe Fiasco/ Double Burger with cheese is FIRE!
- Asef Alexander Noorzai: 🌊🌊🌊
- Marlon Garcia: Drogas Wave a rap album of the year contender, great video from you guys
- galen stone: The Pretty Reckless: Heaven Knows
- Steven Stifler: Y’all please check out Django Jane!!! If y’all don’t like it I’ll donate 50 dollars to yalls patron, on god
- owned powned: Drogas wave greatest album of all time
- Evan Cargile: “Yeah Lupes an alien”
- Holiday X: You guys most do Lupe fiasco new freestyle left and right
- Pat Swett: Please react to Mechanical illusion : by Amaranthe!!!! They are swedish metal with a hint of electronic! Super catchy beats and an amazing balance between screams and clean vocals!
- Kole Sherrill: Wanilla and Alan Forever
- Brandon Carter: FIRE!! 🔥🔥🔥Them boys went ALL THE WAY IN.
- Mike Jiggetts: My fav track on the album
- rikoLas: BJAdamBarry George definitely biased against Em, probably since Hov got murked on Renegade :|
- Shakes a Spear: Alan Forever gave me chills then Jonylah Forever was the final blow that made me start crying. Beautiful songs
- H.K., the Poetic: damn I was just listening to this in the afternoon
- Jøseph Grøøver: You guys gotta do ‘Manilla’ if anything. It’s soo good. Great reaction as always guys.
- Kiran Buzza: Master of Puppets full album reaction better happen soon guys!😉
- figger son: Please listen to the whole album, it’s a masterpiece
- Matthew Mickel: Plz check out Dayne Jordan, I want it all
- TheFlySociety32: Lupe is an alien!
- taup184: Please react Nightwish! It's Symphonic Metal; a sub-genre you haven't heard anything from yet! You are truly missing out Ryan and George! Most people request Ghost Love Score from their Wacken concert, but honestly you could pick literally anything from Wacken 2013. It's all gold. They are one of those rare bands in which the studio, while still very good, is not the best version of the band.
- Dej Life Chronicles: This and Gold vs the Right thing to do are masterpieces
- Ruben D: M U R A L J R
- MarkB 1181: Man y'all are always awesome with breaking down the lyrics, and conversing together. This song is so incredibly written though, sheesh. Phenomenal track!
- Jay Seth: GOD DAMN!
- 809 Blanco: The guy on the right gets it.
- patti claude: Heavy...thanks for the share.
- Bruh Smh: I’d love to hear you guys opinion on the entire album whenever you listen. If you guys could make a Twitter post or something.
- Cody Sanders: You guys should react to the Black Friday songs by J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar
- LeVelle Coley: Thank you for reacting to the song. Seriously enjoy that you broke it down. People out hear trying to dissect the whole damn album in less than 30 minutes.....wtf......how?? (Jackie Chan meme) 😂 it’s way too much substance in this album for even an 1hr. There needs to be 3 part video reactions for the album.
- D Patel: Fantastic reaction and review. Loved your breakdown. Please do more Lupe!
- HipHopAtHeartTilInfinity: Keep up the good work! Can you react to.. Rhyme Asylum - Poison Penmanship The Four Owls - Think Twice Mouse Outfit - Cut Em Loose (Ft. Berry Blacc, KinKai & Layfullstop) Peace and Love!
- Baba Kabba: Nice reaction Lupe Fiasco s one of the goats i will love more reaction from this album pls
- MonsterBaby Steve Wilson: Vinnie Paz featuring RA The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor. Pleeeeeassssseeeeeeeee react!!
- the hound: React to Chilean singer Mon laferte
- 43VA: Cozz Ft. J. Cole - Knock Tha Hustle Remix
- Daniel Lawrence: Lupe truly is the most gifted emcee we have ever heard.
- stayoutallnite: thannk
- Thomas Eller: Clutch! Cypress Grove
- Nick Mintz: Yeah man better late than never. To me you are not late but right on time. Lupe should really start writing movies. I think his just due is going to happen because the album Drogas Wave is one of those albums that in my opinion will be kind of evergreen instead of microwavable. I can share it with my kids and kids, kids. I'm curious to see what you guys think of Quotations From Chairman Fred. It reminds me of a song Pac would make today.
- dakidjahsiah: "It's hard being a Lupe stan. Go to Harvard to be a Lupe fan." these dense deep esoteric lyrics are not for everybody. this is not microwave rap at all.
- Wanjay48: I enjoyed your review so much. You did him justice where as some people try to do a review but he is sooooooo far over their heads that they can't even hear what he said let alone comprehend like we Lupe's do. Wave rushes right over them, lol looking forward to your next review.
- Moses Brown: Rah Sheen Thank you, people got it twisted with this guy
- K: This is what art is. The album has a deeper message that needs to be understood in order to create change. Great song review. The whole premise of the album is about him making his first independent album! The Atlantic Ocean = Atlantic Records. The slave ship = the record contract. Being sold by African chiefs for Manilla = being raised improperly by ignorant role models (Don't Ruin Us God Said). Babylon = North America. WAVE = the ups and downs while being signed to Atlantic. Sinking the slave ship = being released from the contract. The voice telling you to just breathe = letting go of the fear you have when you go independent and not apart of the system. Africa = freedom. Walking on water like Jesus Christ = being pure. Some went back to Africa = some went independent and gained freedom but didn't stay to help. Some stayed to help sink more ships (longchains) = some are trying to show the other ill-informed about the beauty of being deep (intellectual) and not staying on the surface level and eventually being captive in Babylon (Western Society/Materialism). The stars in the heavens that shine but didn't try to save the slaves from reaching Babylon = the celebrities that know the pitfalls of the industry/society but don't help. It's only the ones who are deep and willing to stay in the depths of it all that can save the unknowing ones (slaves) from being ruined. Because God said! Lupe's point is to save you.
- Phillip Crook: By all that we hold dear on this earth, thank you for reacting to this lol
- Cebrin Pitts: Lupe is so damn underrated. Probably my fav. I haven't heard this record yet. Glad y'all posted this, cause I was about to wear a hole in Tetsuo.
- RT: GIVE THIS MAN A GRAMMY FOR THE ALBUM ALREADY!!! But naaaahh, they won't get it... fu** the mainstream
- Denise Oglesby: Check out Words I Never Said. I love rock and that song made me turn my ear and listen. I highly recommend it.
- BLCREAM: Intelligent Feefo with the breakdown
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- Hayden Decker: D
- Calvin Young: In debate terms, Anthropromophism is the notion that human lives are valuable above everything else. I feel as if that just adds to the thought of, how can a human do that to another human.
- Tigrisinntalute: The man, the name, the legend, and the force. It's time for the Jedi rap to end. And the Rap sith to bring peace and hate away on all enemies.
- Will Ford: Yes. Thank you.
- Keenan Nash: I was starting to think you wouldn't react to this album lol better late than never.
- Delicate Gee: check out "Hermit and the recluse" sometimes or anything by KA. He is a lyrical genius
- Ladbrokes: God bless this channel!! They listened to our requests :) Thank you very much
- Vine Ent: Like,sub, comment done I’ll do the same
- Jaspal Singh: Happy Timbuk2Day, Cripple, and Imagine are amazing hip hop pieces Lupe did 🔥
- Courtney Murphy: Please react to Lupe Mona Lisa remix (left to right)
- John Macaspac: Oh man I’ve been waiting for more Lupe since the Hurt Me Soul reaction. Awesome work guys
- Dat's Son: Saw lost in vegas. Automatic like
- Paul Wilkerson: 2 lupe reactions, lets gooooooo
- William Holland: The industry is punks -tech n9ne. Old but still speaking about now.
- Lord Explosion Murder!: On my 1st listen i was confused. I listened to it a 2nd time and it hit me. I was on the way home crying like a bitch. Shit is hhhheeeeeaaaaavvvvvyyy. I lost it when he started naming the slave ships. Lupe is in a League by his self
- FOOTBOX: Daniel Cooper Maybe you just don’t like his style.
- SYXX6_STREETWORKOUT: i like the song XO on he album , its godly
- Ethan Rothrock: Anthem Greta van fleet reaction
- fly woods: He should make a video for this song and let me direct it i have a crazy visual for this
- 414malmal412: I want them to but that would be like an hour long reaction vid for 1 song lol.
- Aredobleyou M: Belphegor: Devour this Sanctity
- K0opa: Do Manilla and Mural Jr. Both amazing !
- LUKI: React to J.I.D working out plez
- Michael Zeigler: The time has come. You are ready. Lowlands by Gojira.
- ezwar99: Manilla and Alan Forever!! They're amazing!
- lupe dafiasco: Finally! Thanks fellas
- Jaspal Singh: React to SUN GOD SAM & The California Drugs and Manilla!!!!!! #DROGASWAVE 🌊
- Josh Blaine: Aye guys another dope reaction! Love you guys keep up the good work! Check out JID Working Out on your guys own time !!
- S[ake] Official: Smh do some shit by Tonedeff already
- Kalamite: This is more conscious rapping, not a slave to corporations, don’t be a slave to what others think basically.
- Malcolm Hughes: MANILLA!
- Mr & Mrs Plummer: Song breaks my heart but also very inspiring and beautiful at the same time. The way he weaves Jonylah into Alan's story is so dope and heart wrenching. That hook: Teach you how to swim and then we'll play Nintendo" my goodness.. They get married and live forever..
- dinga dick: React to jonylah forever please!!!!!!
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: This is stunning, very impressed... Fantastic reaction fellas. Nice work 🤘
- Brandon Woods: pdg90 bruh that song so hard
- Matthew Mickel: Plz check out Dayne Jordan, I want it all
- TheTinyTimmyTimTim: +The Truest The album is about an actual myth, the longchains, and about one specific slaveship, the duro, in one part of the history of the slave trade, the west atlantic slave trade. The bones washing up on the shore thats referenced are the bones of the previous slaves that died after being thrown overboard or were thrown overboard for insurance policies/sicknesses.
- Ty Hamilton: This song is Epic, but Alan forever was even more incredible. He is one of the slave children of the sea, who because of his living conditions has super human abilities.
- ChilledLion: Feffo what happened? lol
- David Rains: Russ- kill them all
- Chris M.N Sarille: Dont think he cares about mainstream success because they dont believe in him.. but always always thought he was way ahead of ppl want. Even when he goes backwards he pushed alot of listeners forward. Dude is just a true poet.. since mixtapes before popularity.
- GodspeedHero: I GREATLY appreciate how intelligent and insightful you two are. This was an excellent choice for a song to react to. I have a lot of respect for Lupe Fiasco and I've been enjoying your videos very much lately. Thank you for such great content!
- Chris M: Yessss!
- Mike Jiggetts: Walking on Water, W.OW., W.OW.!!!!
- Red Spade: If he puts out a music video for this and it has anything to do with walking on or under water I’m gonna lose my mind🔥
- JD631x: DJ Muggs + Roc Marciano - Shit I'm On
- TheCandymusiclover: He left Atlantic too? I thought only Snow left...
- codlack whitemane: Atmosphere just released a record, mi vita local lets hear you guys do a joint from it!
- Andrew Diaz: Please react to Virgo by Atmosphere!
- Buddy The Elf: Listen/react to Everything I Am by Kanye! One of the few true pieces of art in music!
- MidNite303: This song is about the music industry. More specifically streaming. Its a narrative of Africans walking back to africa, also going to an artist run music Business.
- Len Leneezy: LUPE IS GOAT!!!!
- Matthew Mickel: Plz check out Dayne Jordan, I want it all
- Zafilio: Smokin and drankin and really enjoying this video lmaoo
- Mathew Schertzer: Please react to Tom watts hell broke Luce music video
- Christopher Jones: We need channels like this to discuss and break down music like this. I didn’t even catch a lot of metaphors until watching you guys. The wow part being a acronym for walking on water and just other deep layered lyrics. Great song and reaction.
- Kelli Atkins: issa drink who u telling? Lmao
- Gary Bush: Brilliant breakdown guys
- Chris M.N Sarille: Tetsuo and youth was crazy good.. but drogas waves was like another lvl for this dude.
- Brandon Carter: I didn't know music could make me feel this type of complete bliss. And I listened to Tetsuo and Youth ONLY for 6 months straight when that came out. THIS SHIT AINT FROM HERE 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽
- skullccutsew: You guys should do Words I never said ft skylar grey
- rotflolextreme: DO THE ALBUM!! Please.
- PlanetaryTDK: I don’t care if y’all react to it but you gotta listen to mural jr, especial George!
- Jon Jon: Masta ace young black intelligent
- aubrey james: Lupe kingdom fire
- Marty Mcfly: dakidjahsiah yeah it’s like impossible to tell any average person how DOPE Lupe is. Like normal 10 min convo is enough really.😂😂
- e money: Thank y’all! 💯 Sun God Sam PLEASE
- ICEMANxx22: Plies-Whacked
- Spencer Bainbridge: PLEASE do Manilla off this album
- Exit: mac miller 100 grandkids, diablo, new faces v2
- Sean V: Lol eew
- Greg C: One word Genius thats all I have to say just one word Genius
- Khaled Abbas: Please do an Eminem - Venom reaction!!
- xZiNKx310x: react to Young Gully - Criticize me (interlude) / Be Myself This dude a bay area rapper whos been rapping for a while now and these past years he's been grinding hard. He put out 6 albums in the past 3 years. He's now barely getting some recognition after dropping his latest album. He's an underrated rapper, he's not on J Coles/JID/Rittz/etc level buts it does have that real rap feeling
- michael ceballos: The thing about Lupe is he goes too far over peoples heads. Like you can't get his music just by listening to it. You need footnotes in order to understand it because no one can get his lyrics without it being explained further. That's always been my gripe with lupe. He can rap tho so shout out to him. Not my favorite artist but I will never not respect his skill.
- ADÍ Rodriguez: Saw lupe. Automatic like
- Sean W: Pushit by TOOL tomorrow?
- HiimjustDavid: hey guys love your work keep it up, i would like to request Twenty one Pilots Neon gravestones
- Kalamite: jebus tavera oh I know. But many times through history, the master teaches the student and the student teaches the master.
- bowling 4clarity: if Kendrick or Cole would have made this exact album, the whole damn industry and social media would be saying Album of the Year, Masterpiece, a GOAT . I love Cole and Kendrick, I just hate how ppl perceive them as the foremost examples of keeping lyricism alive in the new era . Lupe's depths in conceptual genius makes a lot of cats talk seem like kiddie pools .
- BJAdamBarry: Yes, Lupe's album is best of the year worthy. George does like Em, he like a lot of hip hop fans just aren't soft peddling Eminem 's mediocrity over the past decade. Kamikaze was a solid album.
- TreeBark Monster: Eric Church - Mr. Misunderstood, kill a word, record year, cold one, talladega, drink in my hand, cold one, Springsteen
- Rick Campbell: I had both alan and cripple on so many times i think im ready for karaoke. Without the lyrics...
- Tristan Acterman: Are u going to react to more justin freeman?
- DiscussedSpy: Lupe is the goat hands down
- Nick Mcbride: https://youtu.be/ZzOMGLftLh4 go head funk this out. Easy country review break down the best vocalist
- Jay Smith: Wow. This song is beautiful. I write poetry, and I love history and this song is so inspirational. Great choice y’all 👌🏽
- Rich Whitelatch: Whiskey Myers broken window serenade you'll love it
- mdd47: What's incredible about this to me is that socially conscious music usually criticizes human societal issues and ills. Lupe takes that and applies it to nature as well. WHOA. Don't know that I've ever heard anything quite like that.
- Trey L.: Liverpool - JID feat. Earthgang This needs to be heard, and broken down, by YOU. It's Masterful.
- zach johnson: Shout out to no one watching this video because it's real hiphop
- TheMujka: I was subscribed to this channel without my knowledge... Wtf TouTube
- Michael McMaster: The best album I've heard in years. There is too much to dissect in even a week of listening to it and it gets deeper with each listen Absolutely genius, Lupe Fiasco.
- TONY DOOM: Havent watched yet but finally! Should have done the whole album so you could get everything but at least you guys showing the 🐐 some respect! Hope you do more Lupe! You guys are awesome thank you
- andy f: Who in their right mind clicked dislike? Sorry...silly question. This is big on so many levels and thank you to these 2 brothers for breaking the track down, excellent job! 👍🏾
- noe martinez: Y’all should react to j.i.d working out!!
- Conrado Muluc: Thank you for this y’all. This is my favorite album of the whole year.
- Chris Check: Haven't listened to Lupe since Tetsuo and Youth (which I loved). Love the way he switches up his flow here. Almost like that modern soundcloud sound, but then back to something more traditional.
- o0JBELENOS0o: I had the biggest smile seein yall react to this!
- Rgv_ Gamers: Superstar - Lupe Fiasco plz brothas
- peace peace: stack that cheese by Lupe please its classic!!
- Slick Bryant: Hahaha the comments.. Thanks guys!!!
- Bryan: Watch "Run The Jewels - Blockbuster Night Part 1 (Official Video)" on YouTube https://youtu.be/uuWQyfGa1yI
- Emilio Ginóbili: DROGAS Waves is top 3 for me.
- Terrance Johnson: Great breakdown guys.
- Denise Oglesby: You guys should react to Words I Never Said by Lupe
- Nikhil Kumar Ramreddy: Great reaction.
- Itz Swifty: +Noble Walker you cant tell me he doesnt push the liberal agendas. He shouldnt have
- X I A O: Solluminati Legs lol Solluminati’s influence seems to reach all parts of the internet
- Jakob Danielsen: Avenged Sevenfold-mad hatter
- Oliver Ruud: finally lupe, he is a lyrical monster
- Mona Omar: Thank you for finally reacting to this. Masterpiece
- chris murdock: Also, making "Waves" in music & within his targeted genre/audience, by speaking out in the manner he does...rather, did herein
- sinshenlong: please do kingdom or manilla!
- ErrrrdayImShufflin': +Just a Black Dude Me too. Great break down.
- Kíre Howard: Finally you got to LUPE!
- Daniel Cooper: +Rick Campbell Some of us don't have time to sit with a dictionary all day and listen to super complex Lupe album full of big words and deep meanings.
- Richard Moran: Great discussion, really enlightening. The concept reminded me of Saul William's The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! If you ever get time to review that album, the concept is mind blowing. Lupe has taken it to a different level, but Saul is incredible and deserves more recognition
- Noble Walker: Lupe himself doesn't believe in voting and has called Obama a terrorist, your comment makes no sense
- Mozart Duarte: Helmet - In The Meantime
- Karl Hollett: Don't be sleeping on Manilla, amazing track.
- Avalon Garrick: I saw Lupe and came here immediately DONT RUIN US GOD SAID
- Haa Baa: Here's a fact: Lupe is lyrically the best in the game. End fact
- Jason V: Oswin Benjamin Doomsday Cypher is what you really need to check out! Would love to hear your reactions!
- Sean V: When my kids ask the following: “Where did sand come from?” “Why is the ocean salty?” I will now say: Sand came from the bones of the African slaves that jumped off the slave ships to escape the white devils from hurting them The ocean is salty because the ocean cried when it saw the white devils hurting all the African men, women and children
- Micheal Mcintyre: damn you guys were in your bag breaking this down nice job guys!!
- Omar Hakim: Thank you so much for this!
- jesse zimmermann: Thanks for reacting to lupe boys. He needs the recognition. You guys are starting to gain some authority on criticizing music on YouTube cuz it’s all unbiased (for the most part)
- Raging Alchemist: Check out his mixtapes as well while you're ahead. Fahrenheit 1/15 Part I: The Truth Is Among Us, Fahrenheit 1/15 Part II: Revenge of the Nerds, Enemy of the State, Friend of the People, and even check out the Pharoah Height 2/30 tape as well.
- Chet Lee Kowalski: Jay Jay yeah it is. He went in on this album.
- Jay Jay: Chet Lee Kowalski Timbuktu Day is crazy o
- Tupac_Senpai: OMG YES, Thanks for reacting to Lupe. DO MORE SONGS FROM THE ALBUM PLZ React to Manilla and Sun God Sam.
- Chris M.N Sarille: Lupe has to be considerable arguably one of thee greatest to ever emcee,, touch the mic! Hands down! I wana hear what the old heads like rakim nas or even a west great like e40 think about this. Like whooaa. This is fucking good. Excuse the words. But damn he got it.
- Cullen: React to Screaming Night Hog by Steppenwolf!
- Tats Tdawg: Please Do Manilla on the same album!
- Ada Ejika: Lupe is known for dropping some really deep rap. There’s so much to learn. You all need to read about this to understand it. I’AM NOT A SLAVE!! But, I AM A SLAVE TO A LOT OF THINGS. I’m a slave to cell phones and laptops, internet and “likes” on social media. Most of all, I’m a slave to “money” . We are all slaves, somehow. Just try to read.
- RaulC316: Mural - lupe fiasco
- George Jones: Needed this. This is one of my favorite songs of the decade. Amazing storytelling. The album is a masterpiece.
- Professor Griff: Chet Lee Kowalski lol
- LM v 2.7: That would be an hour plus video like their black though freestyle video
- Kev On The Beat: Just heard yall context, fair enough lol
- Christopher Chambers: This song made me cry honestly
- Josue J: Been waiting for the reaction from you guys
- kmcclinton71: Corrosion of Conformity please - Albatross or Clean my Wounds
- Itz Swifty: i am not, he feeds off racism..when the real enemy is the people trying to divide us...he is just being a sucka spreading false word..racism is a excuse to create more racism +Brandon Carter in this day and age noone cares about your skin color, unless your the dude crying about it (lupe)
- Kryptonite: lupe is the josh ritter of rap lol
- Cebrin Pitts: Same!
- Armando Pichardo: Joey Badass - 5 Fingers of Death freestyle on Sway
- R.: W O W
- Ernest Arrellano: Favorite song on the album by far. Even made my own reaction to it cuz I had to lol
- Castle Ford: Hell, Im still finding new meanings/entendres from Lupes mixtape series to this day. Always catch something new when I listen to Lupe
- ADÍ Rodriguez: Big facts!
- markhamisbest: Poodieville- be a slave. Hungry upcoming rapper your channel could help someone talented that needs more exposure. It’s fire
- Malik E: It’s worth noting that the slaves that jumped off didn’t die, they found a new existence under the water and dedicated their lives to sinking slave ships, the group became known as the Long Chains. <— that’s the idea he’s conveying with the album. Good review. Been waiting for y’all to touch in this great album
- Assite Kpekpe: Can you please react to Mural by Lupe Fiasco
- C Baker: Another good video, thanks! Gotta add the obligatory request for some soul music: Vox Vidorra and/or The Suffers
- Caio Lima: Honestly, you guys need to do every track off this album!
- MrKiingpin: We need more lupe
- LivingInTheKaliYogurt: Lost track of Lupe over the years. This and the King Nas review has excited it me so much. Going to be getting this album and doing a full listening session now!
- Itz Swifty: Sjw lupe...lupe is such a democrat pawn
- 1987chrystian: Love the way he 💣💥 our minds with his stories, references, metaphors and word plays CRAZY. Absolute 🔥🔥
- Adam Denison: Lupe is quality..interesting... Y’all skipped pretty much the entire Kamikaze album because George doesn’t like Eminem but you give Wayne & Lupe some extra love. Very interesting consider 1 of them might win album of the year..and it’s not even close...
- Me Mr. D.: I’d love to see your take on Bodycount. This is why we ride.
- Bryson Scott: Yo Lupe is Deep & ima let y’all finish lol but can y’all please review J.Roshon-Hasta Luego 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Really like to get y’all thoughts on it
- Mylo: He didn't produce this actually or any other song in the album. I've seen the production credit and this one i believe is all Soundtrak. The only song i know for sure lupe produced is Dots & Lines which had very good production so he may actually be good at but not that interested in it.
- Aadil Pervez: Lupe is the goat imo
- Donald Kimbro: Brothers please consider doing Cripple of of the Drogas Wave CD.
- efrain iniguez: white zombie - more human than human
- troy marks: Rash Kass-Nature of the threat
- Karan Singh: Mural Junior next, its amzing
- CafeNightster: Do Manilla, Alan Forever, Haile Sallassie, Imagine, Stack That Cheese, Kingdom, Happy TimBuck2day, lol or basically the whole the album.
- Latoya LatoyaWilliams: Man I feel everything Lupe said cause nobody can never really understand slavery no matter how many names u give it I love Lupe Man
- pdg90: Thumbs up this comment if y'all wanna see a "Son God Sam & The California Drug Deals" reaction next.
- issa drink: Damn. I've never clicked on a notification faster.
- YahPasion David Hollins Jr: Review Lupe song "Manilla"
- Stephon Clay: Don't forget iTuned to the future I believe is the line, when you save a song to iTunes I believe it's saved as a wav.files so it's a double entendre.
- Cason: I like the double entendra of Jesus Christ. I feel it more like the saying than specific reference there.
- superdemon27: I just want you guys to know that any time i give a thumbs down its never a reflection of you. I just don't like the song. I love hours open you guys are to all music and can see the good in every song.
- V Williams: ooooohhhh oooohh. Okay, I'm starting to understand the correlations between Wav Files and the Slaves. First of all a Wav File is computer terminology. It is a file of sound. In the beginning Lupe said that he wasn't going to be a slave. So HE jumped off the ship. He meant slave, as in slave to the industry. In my opinion all Lupe's albums talks about some struggle or life changing event that he is going through at the time. He ties that event into bigger concepts. Those concepts parallel with each other. I think Lupe is paralleling his struggles and the struggles of us all, to that of the slaves. Sort of like, if my ancestors survived this, I can survive too. I can breath under water too.
- Caleb Villa: Roy woods -love you
- Ian McGregor: Y’all should check out Caravan from Whiplash. That specific version of the song has some dope ass drumming, so I think George will dig it a LOT
- PacManLyrical: Ryan always sounds awkward when he reads the lyrics lol Great video!!!! Love you guys
- Charles Lee Ray: Listen with headphones 🤯 https://youtu.be/_YeFoyx7o10
- FOOTBOX: Daniel Cooper oh... well yeah. That’s probably part of the reason. Also the majority don’t like to think to much when it comes to music, not saying that you don’t need to have some deeper level of though when you listen to Cole or Kendrick.
- TonyDont PlayThat: 🔴I know it's old but would I be able to find Lupe's SRL2 in your reviews. Did you guys even do a review on that one???✌🏾
- Nick Solomon: Yall would kill any college poetry course. Just saying 😂😭😂😭
- Wanjay48: I been on this Lupe high for about two weeks, I have other stuff I need to do but I’m obsessed...some of the sea sand is composed of specs of bones y’all. I’m done goodnight. I have to pray for sleep now .
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Entertainment WAV Files Lupe Fiasco | Upload TimePublished on 5 Oct 2018 |
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