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- Lindsay Kay: Haha made you click!
- Koto K.: i think it is because some of the english sucks
- Dillon Gamer: Woomy
- matt kavanaugh: given the color of the squid and the constant in size and shape all being the same no matter the position on the picture (only one photo) im not saying fake but I will say bad photo shop.
- Richard Delwiche: Show me the footage.
- Slugk95d3y: this video sucks
- Lexxi Chen: fake..cant even use a real human voice to talk?? double fake!
- Francosteiner: +Tesseractor I second this!
- JBcaptian: So they superjump?
- Ryuko T-72: +Yukino Chan Its J o k e
- Media: Woomy
- Yanis Salah: Same
- Bernardo Ramirez: Splatoon?
- sscswimmer1: +Janice Alvarez This is real, though.
- MooPotPie: David Attenborough's fee was too high.
- Cody: This isn't flying, it's falling! With style
- LandonsGrampa: You get a thumbs down dude, only because your intro takes up more than 1/5 of your video. This is not acceptable. Either you need to shorten your intro (not recommended) or simply make the video longer, thus including more information. Just how much can one learn, in less than a minute? Further, I don't pay attention to anything that uses a robot voice. This is not only cheesy, but it also shows your lack of giving a shit.
- TheGolden Gamer13: You have no proof
- Janice Alvarez: they are fake!
- Shmil Krstly: F.A.K.E
- Random Player: gaijin goombah aki sent me here
- aquoslover200: Because the researchers only happened upon it, they didn't go out looking for flying squid, so they could only get snapshots.
- EdP IV: Lies. Die
- stupidpropaganda: glideとflyと区別すべきという英語コメント多数。滑空イカ
- Richard Delwiche: Boooooogus!
- Richard Delwiche: Beep boop boop
- omnivorous65: +Janice Alvarez No, they are not. I came here after reading an article on bbc about flying squids. And look at them, they clearly shaped for some sort of flight.
- Bagingi: same
- Shmil Krstly: +Erwin Im not in Japan.... And my answer is that flying squids are fake... And you're answer is that its real... So calm down
- Inkie: Super jump!
- Brain Boarding: Is this real or fake?
- Shmil Krstly: Those r not squids. Those are the fishes that can fly. Not fly like birds tho :3
- ThePositron2: It's a computer...
- Blockboy universe: There real
- OneMove33: +Janice Alvarez Use your eyes! They are beautiful : )
- Ryuko T-72: I hope when ur weeb ass is in Japan you get smacked by a flying Squid
- Aubrey Byrd: Seriously. Fuck this.
- Sylvan Zarwell: +Bob Willson They aren't legit anymore. They are only a purchased name. That's not a trust issue, rather one of observation.
- Majestyy_: i died
- Não Consigo Pensar Em Um Nome: those are the inkling ancestors
- April: Sure, they don't "fly", but they do glide. But if this is so worthy of criticism, why don't you care that people call fish that glide "Flying Fish"?
- Nicktoon Maniac: I saw Inklings!
- Fennec Besixdouze: Yeah, just how a bird "flies" just to have to fall back down to earth later on when it runs out of energy. Yeah, just how a rocket "flies" just by ejecting rocket fuel until it runs out of fuel and falls back to earth or is floating in orbit. Yeah, just like how a plane "flies" just to land later. Everyone knows it's not "flight" unless you remain permanently in the air for all of eternity until God himself grows old and dies. (That was sarcasm. I'm saying you're an idiot.)
- Marco Antonio Tavares Loureiro: Flagged as misleading content.
- Danny Peculiarbleeps: Why do people do stupid robotic scary voiceovers for videos? Why? WHY????????
- Nino Blarrow: Detector De Mendigos Alpha Darn right.
- Michael Masters: although this video was shit, these creatures do exist and can fly longer than 30 meters....
- ProtossExecutor100: This is awesome and very descriptive. Great work lady
- Sam Tani: no video? pfffff...
- LoneLuncherUF: why put it on youtube when there is no video? stupid ass...
- Igor Szyporyn: This just in - apperances makes fish fly....
- Bob Willson: THIS IS COMPLETELY LEGIT! EVEN NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SAYS SO (if you don't think nat geo is credible than you have got some serious trust issues). Nat Geo Article: http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/02/20/scientists-unravel-mystery-of-flying-squid/
- Soitgoes287: Are you fucking kidding? The video fails to show them on the move. Ugh.
- Nino Blarrow: Splatoon is near
- Nino Blarrow: Inklings Confirmed?
- Jamie Jones: Right geese
- PiranhaTheSpacePrince: Yogscast Sent me
- Keith Ruschhaupt: So these squid "fly" the same way a dolphin "flies," by jumping out of the water with a given vector just to fall back into the water. Hardly mechanical flight.
- LISA ROGERS: caught in camera shows fucking pictures
- DudeCrafter: Was about to say why before i realised it was just pictures xD
- Bruno Bahia: I thought I was going to see they flying
- SIDDHARTHA RANJAN GUHA THAKURTA: As because in 100 years they have a long jump race...so you have to wait for the next 100 years...:)
- Zombie-Process: Everyone wanted to see them do it.
- King Kazma: People are so closed minded, they have no sense of wonder or appreciation of life and only believe what they are spoon fed by the news or government, idiots...always thinking everything is fake, dont know that even if these things were fake they exist somewhere else!? There is no such thing as a fake anything. And yes these things were reported by the news of Japan, you pathetic tools.
- Crusader Soren: The clickbait here is worse than an Ali-A video
- Darren Paris: Why are there so many dislikes? They are serious, there actually are squid that can glide for 3 seconds.
- Neronix17: It's real, crazy isn't it?
- Cryptomaster Void: The title is extremely misleading. Now a bunch of closed minded people who need video evidence think that flying squids are fake, and people who just wanted to see squid jumping out of the ocean are disappointed.
- Igor Szyporyn: "Caught on Camera" kind of leads you to believe there are live images, not just stills that are being panned over to give the illusion of movement.
- manuel josephus petrus Boot: we had squid jumping into the boat so why not? But flying like the flying fish? Do not think so.
- Muhammad Ilham: Marco Antonio Tavares Loureiro YouTube doesn't nothing by flagging except copyrighting
- Awwa1: "we are squid flying, have photo now, you get it please!"
- Tezz: Mostly disappointment, due to a lack of actual footage, I'd reckon.
- Jonathan Smith: Dang, I guess fish and squid could be the next flying creatures, you know in the far future.
- Brad Rucker: title is misleading. little info that couldn't have been found elsewhere.
- Egaru Lastinn: They do eject water to aid the flight, so there's actually thrust after they jump out, meaning it's a real flight (and probably the only jet-propelled flight in nature). Also, they've been known to fly for dozens of meters.
Japanese Flying Squid's Caught On Camera For First Time | |
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154 Likes | 154 Dislikes |
Science & Technology | Upload TimePublished on 14 Feb 2013 |
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