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- Daryl Leto: The Vengeful One! It's on the same album.
- dbellsdb: "neon god they made" is celebrity in general listening to others views instead of your own thinking they know better when they are just another man/woman but you make them more
- BrisbaneAOR: Queensrÿche - Empire
- FimmelFanatic: Christian Kane - The House Rules or Rattlesnake Smile
- Erin Weatherly: 100% Howie Mandel!!!!!
- Lori Shoemaker: Metalica the song "One" video is Awesome heard the song a million times totally different thoughts about it when you actually see the video..😪😢
- Charity Dalton Crowley: "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd covered by SHINEDOWN or really any SHINEDOWN, would be great!
- Jordan Rivard: You guys are awesome! You should react to mammas song by Cody jinks
- Garland Pierce: One of my favorite bands, not only because of their music but they are pro Police, Military, and Veteran. Being a veteran myself that carries a lot weight
- G Red: Yeah I was one of those who was gonna give you a thumbs down... this is a powerful song that was written in the 60s about what we are living now.. to handle it with a little bit of triteness was... well I expected better as a first time viewer. I sub'd so I'll be back~
- Josh Bou': ♡♡♡ The most beautiful thing about good music is that regardless of the true intent of the song it's open to interpretation, like dreaming to instrumentals. Everyone puts a little bit of themselves into the music and so no two visions are the same.
- Soul Strike: I think this song is more about people falling in line like sheep. And it’s that cancerous silence that keeps them down. I don’t think it’s necessarily a division as much as a people who rather than ask why or express their own feelings, they just follow the herd and play their part in someone else’s plan. You might say oppression. Or like how allowing organized religion to dictate the lives of them all. This song makes me think of the Middle East and all the Muslim nations and communist nations are owned and controlled by those in power and the people aren’t able to or are too afraid to speak for themselves or sing their own songs. Maybe I want to say it’s about tyranny and oppression.
- WizardPandora: Those are piercings not a soul patch
- KRYS WELLS: choose another disturbed song any are good
- dexta32084: It’s a great cover. But best cover of all time? That’s a tall order. I probably give that title to Johnny Cash’s cover of “Hurt” or Hendrix’s cover of “All Along the Watchtower.”
- badbirdkc: If you want to hear a really cool cover, check out Exit Eden and their cover of "Unfaithful" by Rihanna. Exit Eden is a metal group made up of four incredible female singers. I'd recommend the video just to see each singer and how the cover it.
- Double FotyFo: That's funny you mention Howie because everyone thinks Howie looks like him! XD
- Catherine Pagel: Paul Simmon wrote this song after John F Kennedy was assassinated and was in silence in the dark. My mom told me she was in High school and the announcement came on all teachers stopped teaching turned on a tv to Walter Cronkite almost in tears. They didn't change rooms the rest of the day. Businesses stopped eyes were glued to television and everything and everyone was silent. Scared because no one knew who killed the favorite President and was Russia going to nuke us with the missiles now in Cuba. It was just a scary silence then came Vietnam. That is Simon & Garfunkel version.
- William Kitchin: I watch you guys all the time and love you!!! You should Do Tash Sultana "Notion" the girl is a genius and rising star
- brkntires: This video would have been better if they had listened to these prior.
- Douglas Crippen: Metallica turn the page is way better
- Berkay Demirer: Now you have to do Nevermore - Sound of Silence as well!
- Maurice Alves: There best song no doubt
- Rusbell: It's a good cover for sure but I dont really listen to it, I just prefer the original so much more.
- DAN CURRIN: The lead singer of Disturbed is David Dramin. I doubt I spelled his last name correctly. He is amazing. You need to review them more often.
- david fields: Lmao!!!!! Howie Mandel!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Epic!!!!! Thank you for making a extremely depressing song funny !!!!!!
- Pat Fitzgerald: An oldie, but a legendary album... Meat Loaf Bat out of Hell. Any from that would be legend.. the best album ever created in my view. I would be interested to hear your views. My best are the title track and Heaven Can wait..
- Implosionstechnologie: This cover is disgusting.
- Bryant Smith: The live performance on.. Conan, is actually much better than the studio version. Also heard em perform it at Ozzfesf '16 and it was quite amazing. Not a big Disturbed fan by any means, but I was impressed.
- Derek Raynaud: The Backwards Bear you’re literally complaining on one of those platforms. People have always been decisive and self indulgent
- Khalgaming: Glad you guys reacted to Disturbed. Certainly like to see you react to a orignal song of theirs since I can't find a video of you reacting to them besides this one. I would recommend Stupify, Stricken, or Indestructible. I find their sound is very powerful and your breakdown of the this cover regarding views on the music I agree was spot on.
- Laurent Dumesnil: Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower. Original by Dylan.
- FusionfallHQ5000: You should learn some respect
- GeeStang: It's dark...
- Hank Moody: I know this cover gets a lot of praise, but i personally think the original is a million times better
- Ralph Dougherty: K JAM Land Of Confusion is not an original of theirs...It’s a cover of a song written by a band called Genesis in 1985. It’s about the Cold War and the stupidity of the Soviet vs Westerners being fueled by those in power from 1945-1985.
- Mark Wildt: I think you need to revisit the Devin Townsend Project... Not Strapping Young Lad, not the Devin Townsend Band... But Devin Townsend Project... Perhaps Higher or something off Transcendence...
- Jerred Boshears: This is not a good introduction to disturbed. You have nothing to base how good this is off of. The people requesting did yall dirty on this one
- Ragnarr Loðbrók: where the uh ah ah ah ah! at?
- Weber Baker: You are right I think on many of your points. The song was written long enough ago that 'personal' technology did not really exist in terms of computers, etc.
- Doug Phillips: +Kevin B. I understand that.. But every other second make a comment..i am sure that if they disrupt it at the middle of the video it would be safe. I have seen several videos where people have listen/watched a full video and then made their critisizim aacter it was over and that video is up. Plus most of the time when they are supposed to be talking about the video they talk about everything but that.. Thats why i stopped watching it wasnt wasting my time.
- Steven Michael: Seether- Careless Whisper
- Cree Nathanson: A Perfect Circle - Freedom Of Choice Or Let's Have A War.
- Just Liz: I might be the only one who doesn't like this version. To each their own. 🤘❣️... LMAO,Howie Mandel.
- Yao Lin: What do you guys think about Episode 666 - In Flames?
- walter phillips: Cold ft Aaron Lewis - blood
- Brian Seymour: Chris Davies double on Knights of Cydonia
- Joop Berkhout: Honeys, nightwish..
- Zach Clark: +Matt Also, Josh and Zach are badass on this album.
- Robert Bryan: I'm impressed with your breakdown. Especially with the comment about it not necessarily being better than the original. The original is indeed subtle, and has an eerie quality. The cover is a power anthem, something completely different than what Paul Simon originally intended. He was happy however to give his blessing to Disturbed in covering it. As a side note, the songs of Simon and Garfunkel are pure genius, american poetry.
- Adam Denison: This is a poor introduction to Disturbed if you’ve never heard of them. Nothing against this song but it doesn’t represent the originality of their music at all. Go listen to “stricken” or “another way to die.”
- geezertd: Pearl Jam guys... you gotta get some Pearl Jam in here at some point. Go Once Rearviewmirror Hail, Hail Why Go ... take your pick.
- corry63: not a fan of disturbed or this cover
- James Sanderson: for Distrurbed you guys should have done Voices
- idontcare: I have to admit, I always thought he looked a bit like Howie too lol
- Z-Soul 512: Jam Sena that or hereafter
- eric dixon: they did a better job covering land of confusion. also the rest of the bands music sound not at all anything like this song again and again and again people keep giving these fanservice requests that arent the best representations of the bands. ryan and george over and over keep telling you guys to request songs that best represent the bands on a whole so pls guys get with the program. let them get the best rep songs first then request the offshoots.....
- Reed Baxter: Awesome cover guys. You should really give the Anthrax cover of Bring the Noise with Public Enemy. Its the song that got this metalhead into the classic public enemy albums and hip hop in general
- Tina Tidmore: I take it to mean that people are dealing with each other in a superficial way. Remember the time. The public politics discourse we have now due to social media wasn't that way back when the song was written. Day to day, the mundane instead of issues and love and deep philosophies were discussed. They reached for the neon god, the commercialism. But the deep thinkers, the ones with insight, the prophets, they were the ones writing graffiti in the subways and tenement halls. The song writers would write songs of deep meaning and human experience truth and love for humankind, but they dared not sing them or publish these songs. Love and noncommercialism and sharing and caring were counterculture. Those who wanted to speak these things found no one was interested. They were instead interested in their neon god (commercialism).
- LARPBeard: Great cover- but the best cover ever made is still Hurt in Johnny Cash's execution.
- The Dude86: Coulple references to the band in the song too. You hear the bands name as do you hear 10,000 people, they have a song called 10,000 fists.
- Benjamin Hughes: Powerwolf plz
- Neal Simon: Nice reaction vid guys! No problem with you breaking it up
- shiscarp: I'm disappointed. I love watching your reactions and I can usually predict when you guys are floored and blown away by a great song. It is clear that isn't the case this time and I'm not sure why. For me it's nothing but goosebumps from beginning to end every time I hear this remake and I can tell it just didn't quite do it for you guys. I'm a metal head but most everyone I know is not, and friends that have heard this song have a similar reaction to it that I have which tells me that this remake has a universal appeal. So... not sure if your system that you play your music on is not great? I do know that the sound quality of the music in all of your reviews isn't as good as others so I am starting to wonder if that could be an issue? I highly suggest that you check out the live performance of this song on Conan O'Brien (not for a review/reaction, just to see/hear it since it is that good). It is even better, and it's unbelievable how good his voice is live. Anyway, again I love your reviews, keep 'em coming.
- OmgItsZakkE: Disturbed is the best cover band of all time.
- Rook Dota: Finally !!
- Mason Crisp: Please try Pain of Salvation! Beyond the Pale or Iter Impius.
- Jason: Inserat the band how is this uplifting?
- MetallicA29: They said this was the best cover ever? Ha!
- moshwitz: OK,,,now listen to .....NEVERMORE...Sounds Of Silence
- Timothy Connolly: Watch the video of them on Conan doing this live, it’s absolutely incredible how draimans vocals are so good
- mike s: Here! here! one of my favorite bands , Closure is probably the best song to listen to for a 1st Chevelle song tho , but clincher and the red are also favs of mine.
- Thorstenator: Seconded. Muse . Knights of Cydonia. And watch the video, its ridiculous.
- Jealous Gods: I've been trying to get them to react to it (preferably not the live version) lol
- Chris F: You guys should do some Jack White - Over and Over and Over
- Tarek Jayde Rahman: Probably the most un-Disturbed-ish song they have. Try Disturbed - "Indestructible" or "Decadence"
- Tattooed Gamer: David Draiman is an insane vocalist. He doesn’t get credit for that because he’s in a heavy metal band.
- Philip Myers: had to turn off coz these twats keep pausing a great song
- Chad Miller: Van Halen - Eruption/You Really Got Me
- Amir Hill: Do shinedown’s cover of simple man!!!!
- Devil Sephiroth: About time I I think the message that is trying to be conveyed here is, the issues that were relevant at the time of writing this song are still as relevant as they are today. during the time of writing this song the Vietnam War and the Korean war was very prevalent.
- Hammond Chamberlain: QWERTY - Mushroomhead
- Jarl Trippin': Having heard some of Disturbed's catalogue (Stricken and Indestructible are fucking bangers... just sayin') I found this song extremely uncomfortable to listen to. I kinda like it but it just feels... awkward. Anyone else relate?
- IDoNotSow: I think the "silence" is people's indifference towards one another, and the "neon god" is in this version of the song is today's celebrity worship culture.
- Nicole Larsh: So ive commented and said this before, but I truly appreciate what you guys do. I absolutely love that you are so open to listen to any and every kind of music, but I also love how you really dig in and appreciate the music itself. Ive seen a lot of reaction videos...but most people are just doing just to do it. I love and appreciate your interpretations. Thank you.
- Being Baylee: I love this song. And they do have the best cover. But the version from Trolls is cute too. If y’all haven’t listened to them, then you need to list to Down With The Sickness. That’s like the one song everyone knows. I’d love to see y’all do Seize the Day by Avenged Sevenfold.
- S Toy: I would say that the original (which, BTW, was all acoustic, not the pop-ish version that everyone's heard on the radio) is sort of pointing out that people are essentially disconnected from each other in a subtle way, like going "Hey, things are kind of fucked up right now, maybe we should do something before it all goes to hell..." This version is basically saying "EVERYTHING IS FUCKED UP, STOP NOW BEFORE IT GOES TO HELL IN ABOUT FIVE MINUTES!!!" i feels like it's about degrees, really.
- Margie Reed: I like the guys voice, but it hard to understand half of his words. So eh. Johnny Cash cover of "Hurt" is so much better.
- Gleb Mikhalev: +Chris Wooldridge I don't know if I believe that he does posses that many semitones under his belt. I have listened to disturbed for quite some time and was never impressed with his vocal range and it was never apparent that he has four octaves. Ultimately comparatively to the other singers they listened to such as: Mike Patton, Devin Townsend, and Corey Taylor, David falls short since they have more semitones than even the singers you mentioned. Despite that though, if he actually does posses over four octaves and I just didn't hear it, then yeah, that is pretty impressive. The world record is 13 octaves by the way. This information isn't used to bash David or anything like that. I just think it's interesting.
- Dave Lovallo.: Neon God = TV
- AngeliseValenya: lol guys
- Leempo: Oh this is gonna get a lot of views
- knuckleknutz: No, the best cover of all is Blinded By The Light by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band.
- Gale Aumiller: Its a vision from heaven
- Zack Franklin: Y'all should do a couple more Disturbed. They are way different than this song.
- Ivan Pena: Neon lights to me also represents technology in today's world....cell phones for example, allows silence to grow because people don't interact with each other anymore. Everyone got their head down tapping the screen like I am right now....cell phones distracts us. Look at a family at a resturant and you'll see half of the table if not all on their phones and not interacting. Neon lights distract too...walk into new York city or Vegas and people looking up distracted by the bright lights...very prophetic song for it to be written in the 60s...just my opinion
- Paul Novak: Guys, that was a very good observation where you noted the difference in the power and inflection. The meaning did not change. but Disturbed took it from subtle and haunting, to powerful and hammering.
- robin singh: When are you going to do be'lakor for fuck's sake?
- TAG1138: They should have thrown in a WA AH AH AH!!!
- Myke Vasko: Audioslave like a stone...
- Levi Smith: John mayer live
- MrFandango: Yes. That's an amazing song. I wish I could listen to it for the first time again.
- Solo Spxro: Good man Tim McGraw. It’s a country song I think you two will enjoy reacting to!!
- brodemonz: I'm getting really great song writing.
- morgan little: Can't stand this cover.
- Brian Wilson: I've always taken the song to be social commentary speaking to the fact that modernization and technology have become more important that face-to-face communication. The song starts out as if the writer is just like everyone else until he has a dream about The Silence. Then he literally sees the light when the lyrics say that his eyes were stabbed by a neon light. This light split the night (or darkness) and in the (new) naked light he could finally recognize the scope of how The Silence impacts everyone. Great breakdown from you guys.
- Gumby Syring: Great reaction! I personally wasn’t a huge fan of this song but I can’t deny David Draiman’s amazing vocals. Dire Straits - The Planet of New Orleans It’s dope af I think yall will dig it
- Savage Dawgs Highlights: Brent House holy shit yes!
- Adam Mičinec: This version is pure shit.
- James Lucke: I'd say that one opened the door to new concepts on how to do covers
- rx7dude2006: This is much more passionate and powerful than the original and I love the original.He is a classically trained singer.
- Pete Galgano: Totally agree. I recommended Nessun Dorma when they previously reviewed Manowar.
- Mirko Žaja: If you want to react to pure trash metal, do metallica - the four horsemen
- Efe Karadağlı: Refused - New Noise!!!
- Harley Algarve: Really? This song is about depression, where the person is consumed by the darkest feeling there is.
- joseph h: Please do some Manchester orchestra “I’ve got friends” or “I can barely breathe” they are a different sound from most of what you’ve listened too
- mike henson: Please do Chris Cornell's cover of nothing compares to you
- Arizona Border Recon: Check out Seminole wind by John Anderson. A great song with a powerful message.
- Erin J: So I know that this is an awesome song, but I feel like all these reaction videos from people who have never listened to any Disturbed music before... it's hard for them to judge why it took everyone by surprise, because it's so different from the hits that Disturbed has otherwise. Plus I think it'd just be great to see some reaction videos for other Disturbed songs.
- Philip MacDonald: Yuck, what a disgrace. It takes a special kind of shitty band to turn an awesome song into decomposing trash.
- Rythan Hemphill: My interpretation based off what i heard was lion (lee-on) god they made, a false idol and nothing more. I thought perhaps the ability to convey sounds without making them/"talking without speaking" and understand them without hearing them/"people hearing without listening". Is perhaps more of a evolution and saying silence like a cancer was perhaps a neutral statement rather then a warning. The ship in the end may have just been bringing them instrument to perhaps "make music without playing" the next step in this evolution. Just what i thought of though and that feels very off the ball so take what I say with a grain of salt i just thought that was an interesting way of interpreting it~^^
- Willows Yeah: Man, great cover...but Shinedown’s “Simple Man”.... FIRE!!!
- kitty5964: oohhh hell NO
- k0bra 3eak: Candlemass - Black Stone Wielder
- Edwin Aguirre: Disturbed down with the sickness or stricken
- Paul E: O for crying out loud guys.....silence please.
- GRANT TRIBE: do you really appreciate the sound of silence lol people hearing without listening not LOL
- Allispie: All bald white guys look the same, huh George? Lol "The Waterfront" by Intervals.
- dagluke: Lmfao
- neil Mar: this song sucks lol listen to sober by tool
- Carlos Reyes: Betrayer - Trivium
- Joshua Atchley: Alabama shakes grimmie all your love....
- Wietse Pot: I don't mind the pauzing of videos, but it annoys the crap out of me when you don't use them to turn of the annotations on the video you're reacting to.
- Deena Schilling: I like the original version better.
- parsons69: Five Finger Death Punch Bad Company probably the best cover of any cover ever done
- Gustavo Amador: How I started by Isaiah rashad!
- Connor Wilburn: Them Bones - Alice In Chains
- Honest Rios: pocket full of stones- ugk
- Joseph Miller: Boy this song is so relevant for today’s political climate.
- Brandon Olsen: Do pearl jam black
- Ryan McKnight: BOOOOOOOO! WTF! This is the only song from Disturbed that you are going to listen to and analyze? This band rocks and has a major rocking sound. This song is a decent cover but does not define the band at all. What's next? Cat fucking Stevens?
- Ty Lewis: They already did that song.
- ben ridge: Live on Conan the instrument as a voice he has can be heard enjoy
- Espen Totland: Flatbush Zombies - U&I
- Josh Mayfield: Oh god yes. Great suggestion!
- Run n Gun: Y’all need to do Chris Knight- Down The River. It’s a great country song.
- AK V: Judge me all you want. I mean this is a good cover.. But I do think Simon and Garfunkel is different and mellow. I like that one better personally
- Keith Howells: great coverbut i like the NEVERMORE cover better and think you guys will enjoy it too! https://youtu.be/2Tuls4GTebs
- Cat Momma: Darlin, I'm from Va too and you've missed it entirely. The very first line, refers to his time living at his parents' house and that he'd go into the bathroom to play his guitar, with the lights out, because he liked the acoustics. As to the Rest... It was written in '69, at the Height of the Veitnam War, NOT the Cold War. It's about how no one listens to anyone else. The fact that it is Still so Relevant Today...is Incredibly Sad & Disheartening and speaks to how Little we, as a Society have changed.
- uncle B: Valiant effort.not a fan
- Jessica Norman: I just don't get the hype over this. Of course he has a great voice, but the original blows this out of the water. To each their own, though.
- James Williams: Trump is the neon orange god we just made. I know a woman who just got raped by her husband this morning. He's a big Trump supporter. Look me in the eye and tell me the national news this week didn't feed into that happening.
- toffe2ventil: Still pushin for Orion-Metallica
- M W: There are so many Disturbed haters out there, but they really made this song their own. Anyway guys, try Faith No More - Zombie Eaters next...
- Sombra SS: Can you react to Sabaton ghost division?
- Zebulon Swearingen: Heavy Critic Well said. That entire band is talented.
- sndvls: Yes something live
- dallas broders: down with the sickness
- Tiara Brown: You basically interpreted it the same way I do. Obviously cell phones were not a thing when this song was originally written, but I can't help but think of people walking around, heads down looking at a phone, and not really communicating with others around them (especially when they talk about the "neon god"). I know that can't be the real interpretation, but it's how I like to think of it.
- TheLeqendl: disturbed - stricken/down with the sickness/stupify
- 253MikeSouth: Sounds depressing lol
- Richard Fitts: You forgot to stop the video to point out he has earrings. Slippin
- david viteri: When the Crowds are Gone - SAVATAGE cheers!
- Rup Tratin: This one is horribly overrated
- seen123: The cover is gimmicky. No vulnerability, no nuance. Disturbed drained the power out of it. It’s a cartoon.
- Film Kini: Halloween is coming. What about a Helloween song? The great thing about Helloween: they are quite diverse. Sometimes it is hard to tell that it is the same band. speed: Ride the Sky, How many Tears epic: Halloween, Keeper of the seven Keys, Eagle fly free ballads: A Tale that wasn't right, longing speed (another singer): Push, Midnight Sun epic again: Time of The Oath, Mission Motherland, Revelations, Occassion Avenue Funny: Rise and Fall, Heavy Metal Hamsters, Perfect Gentleman; Lost in America
- Patrick Holt: I think Paul Simon was talking about the loud silence of the modern city, where it can be deafening while no-one is actually communicating, and if anything people are struggling to ignore the voices of others all around them, so as a whole there is silence socially, and people don't get to be heard, and stop trying, and those who really ought to be heard, the prophets and those who put the writing on the walls for society, like God in the book of Daniel, are right out on the fringes being ignored, in the subway system and the tenement halls.
- Dante: Oh what a mind blowing performance!
- Yakov Golencev: Metallica - Damage Inc. Please!!!!
- Gordon Young: Karaoke version sorry, maybe ok if you had never heard the original
- Alan Simmons: Great reaction you guys! I've been waiting to see this for a while now. However, still going to try for Battlecross - Push Pull Destroy!
- filip: Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses please react!
- Jeana Harris: It’s supposed to be powerful
- Dan W: Bad Wolves “Zombie” is another good cover
- Chad Stacey Hopson: Bruh’s!!!! If you think his voice is powerful here you should hear there normal, so to speak, music.... DISTURBED has been strong for an umpteen amount of years now!!!! Love the channel.... been rockin with y’all since Lil’ Dicky vids!!
- vedomedo: I mean.. it doesnt make as big an impact if you have no reference to Disturbed's original work. That's a big part as to why this cover is dope.
- Shelby Churico: The original is in Watchmen the movie
- Kyle Goblirsch: Brooks and dunn- believe.
- Anacronian: I'm probably the only the only person in the world who far prefers the humble nature of the original version.
- nick adams: React to the video of Slipknot- spit it out (live at download 2009)
- Jim Jones: Do Acid Bath
- Rhonda Marie: +JDizaster it's better then Mr Clean witch i've heard from other reactors 😁
- Steven Maxey: I think Simon and Garfunkel were writing about the increasing prevalence of television in their age of technology. In their perspective television took far more than it gave back
- Scot A. Griffin: Nevermore’s version of the Sound of Silence transforms the song and is much better than Disturbed’s version.
- Jason Webb: The original is a powerful song. He adds so much more depth in the cover.
- Alpha1Charlie: Kenny bathroom is correct. He went there because of the acoustics. He liked the echo the room gave off.
- ProgHead777: Now you've got to hear what Disturbed USUALLY sounds like. You listened to the original The Sound of Silence to compare to this cover, now you've got to hear a typical Disturbed song to contrast to this as well. I recommend Who Taught You How To Hate from the very same album as this song. It's more typical of Disturbed but still has some great lyrics to chew on. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you'd like it!
- Christopher Vilches: liked the impressions you got from the lyrics around the 5 min mark.....its a very dead and gospely type of song.....dramin sings it well...he is Jewish ...he is the niel diamond of metal.........lol...jk
- Tibro: You guys should check out Tesla. Their earlier stuff was heavier than the more recent stuff but an amazing band none the less. It's really a "pick any song" and you wont be disappointed. Great reactions! Keep it up!
- nmendels12345: The Satanist - Behemoth
- Mikel Tami: Aaron dude that shit is spot on and super profound. I wish I could advertise this comment.
- kevin harvey: You shouldnt be stopping songs to add goofy remarks. Listen, react, and respond after. You ruin the flow
- Heather Nelson: What I think of when the song refers to a neon God is that it’s talking about how if you think of a neon sign, it is often bright, gaudy, and kind of tacky for lack of a better word, and how is worshiping something that exists on that level as opposed to what an actual God would be like or would look like kind of refers to how we can worship things that are fleeting or empty. Settling for something so frail and powerless and thus missing the point of life. I think it is definitely open to individual interpretation.
- Niel Tulensa: Please react to the Conan version! His voice is amazing
- patti claude: Disturbed sounds disturbed. Not into his cover if other songs as well. You two however, really make me laugh
- Bobbie Robinson: I prefer the Simon and Garfunkel version. This man has a good version but nothing beats the harmonies of the original. This is powerful but it just doesn't suit the words to me. As for the meaning, it's different for everyone.
- Frank LeHouillier: Greatest cover of all time? Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
- RayniacW: You need to check Nevermore's version of this song
- That's Nuclear: Who in their right mind would pick this of all Disturbed songs should have their head examined!!!!!!! This is definitely not a true reflection of disturbed. Yes it's a good remake of an old slow song but clearly not of their powerful head slamming music. Please revisit another request and I think you will have a different opinion.
- J L: ROEM Of the 7.5 Billion people on earth, I’m sure there are people who enjoy having people shit in their mouth while wearing a suit made of pancakes. That doesn’t mean I have to respect their subjectivity.
- Todd B.: Basically if you never learned to read musical notes, you could pickup the greatest song of all time and never know because you can not read what is written. Wish I would of paid more attention in music class is what I thought when I first seen and heard this.
- Welcome!: The ultimate song that addresses the silent majority and what can happen when we don't speak up
- K JAM: I know. "Disturbed does another great cover of a classic rock song..."
- Grou Chung: Please do more grunge! You got to check out Local H, they have interesting lyrics and messages in their songs and some amazing composition and instrumentation. "Hands on the bible", "Bound for the floor", or "High-Fiving Motherfucker" is some of their best work
- J L: ROEM Millions of people liked “Barbie Girl” by Aqua. It doesn’t mean it’s good music.
- Capricorn 1979: U have to remember that this song was wrote back in 1965 which technology wasn't really as advanced as it is now and keep in mind who wrote it. Simon and Garfunkel were considered to be "countercultural" icons during one of music's social revolution decades. I think u guys are on the right track, but I think there's a huge political meaning behind it (maybe even anti-politics or anti-war meaning). Either way, this particular group is a hard rock group and the lead singer, David Drainman, was given the opportunity to showcase how beautiful his voice really is. <3 <3 <3
- Richard The Cowardly Lion: I was going to say something similar, but also that they are both symptoms of the same problem. The smart phones of today are the neon signs and television of yesterday. Same problem, lack of human connection and the empathy that builds in a person.
- Peg E: Mainstream
- Paul Morris: the vocal coaches all seem to review the version they did on Conan's show
- Blair Norton: For the love of God from G3 with the guitar pre song solo!!
- AgenteusaRR: im liking it because of the soul patch :P
- Collin Beal: Simply horrid
- moobang: Absolutely worth watching whether you like disturbed or not, "The greatest hit of disturbed" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66gSvNeqevg
- demos113: It's much better without you gobshites talking over it, that's for sure.
- Aaron Silver: Evanescence - Going Under
- Derek Niebruegge: Agreed!!!
- T Mosier: His live performance of this song on Conan received a Grammy nomination for Best Rock Performance. David Draimon was classically trained to be Hazzan or Cantor. Check out Down With The Sickness for his famous distortion. Also Godsmack when you get a chance.
- Jason Hosford: Disturbed - Sacrifice
- Zach Henderson: Give Shinedown's cover of simple man a chance. I believe you guys will enjoy it.
- Kiran Buzza: Master of Puppets full album reaction better happen soon guys!😉
- John Bachmann: Good request
- Joseph Buttrum: I've noticed you guys have liked Slipknots stuff so far. Surprised no one has suggested checking out mudvayne. Not falling or scream with me would be a good intro song for them.
- Ana Vuruna: Yay!!!! You finally did it! Been waiting for this one. Thank you guys
- Zebulon Swearingen: Darrell Crawford Right In.
- Christopher Black: I know you've done a few Chris Stapleton songs, but have you heard Death Row? It is so so good!
- Spooby: The whole point to disturbed’s music is to empower the listener. To bring across a message and convey there thoughts to the people. Love this band
- Enrique Sanchez: Please listen to Jzac
- crypticify: Kamelot - Abandoned . Please do it...
- ziad rishmany: Guys.... Tool - Vicarious
- Alain Leon: Iced earth!!! The coming curse!
- Don'ttreadonme: Johnny Cash - The Wanderer
- Steve Kozlowski: I'm not a big Disturbed fan... But this cover? Man, what a fucking masterpiece
- martinaee: I do like the cover, but I have to admit I'm not as enamored with it as a lot of people seem to be. Disturbed is sick overall though. Lost in Vegas should listen to some of their biggest songs if they haven't already.
- Christopher Frasher: Surprised ya'll didn't mention the blatantly obvious digital pitch correction effects on his voice in the beginning of the song
- daveau964: dudes figure Simon and Garfunkel wrote the lyrics Duh
- thomas harris: That one makes me cry every time
- evenflow1981: Decent cover but nowhere near the best of all time. Jeff Buckley, “Hallelujah” (Leonard Cohen) , Jimi Hendrix, “All Along the Watchtower” (Bob Dylan). Aretha Franklin, “Respect” (Otis Redding) , Johnny Cash, “Hurt” (Nine Inch Nails) and Whitney Houston, “I Will Always Love You” (Dolly Parton) are all unquestionably better than this. Personally I like Futureheads "Hounds of Love" (Kate Bush), Guns n Roses "Sympathy for the Devil" (Rolling Stones), Rage Against the Machine "Renegades of Funk" (Afrika Bambaataa) and Nirvana "Man Who Sold the World" (David Bowie)...in fact anything off Nirvana Unplugged! ( Oh Me, Plateau, Lake of Fire, Where Did You Sleep Last Night...whole performance is full of cover excellence!). Also props to China Drum's spirited cover of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights"!
- moffe2k: I've been at it for well over half a year now, still nothing. :P I hope they'll do it soon.
- Michael Tveten: What’s up George, Ryan? My free-thinkin’ brothers out in the LV! I first heard this song in the early 70’s as a kid. I always thought it was about how the educated elite try to keep the groundlings, or poor, in-check by promoting “Silence”. AKA—“Keep your mouth shut”, and take what we give you, and be happy we give you anything. And the disenfranchised masses responded by finding solace in expressing their discontent through “music”. They found a way to “break” the silence without inciting a “revolt” that they probably couldn’t defend......Just my take on it, Paul Simon would probably laugh at my interpretation. Love the channel, maybe one day y’all will react to the Chi-Lites!
- ddcraun: I've avoided this track for ages, simply because I didn't want to sully the original, which I listen to on an original piece of vinyl from time to time. I gotta give dude credit, he has pipes, and I have always written Disturbd off as a shitty Nu Metal band from the early 90s.....they get a thumbs up for this version.
- Trevor Book: MORE GOJIRA!!!
- Duane Eberling: +Roger Frost I saw that.
- Callum McHoul: Come check out me and my friends cover of this song, and leave us some of that sweet sweet feedback! https://youtu.be/7X_OX4i784k
- Pamela Coulter: Love you guys but the pauses were super inappropriate. Especially in the beginning with the nonsense. Not the kind of song you do that with. And then again in the middle of the song was so the absolute wrong time to pause and talk about the lyrics. You did seem to get the meaning of the lyrics pretty well. This is a super powerful song and you kind of trivialized it so I'm gonna have to call this one a miss. You didn't get it. But still love ya.
- Deborah Beck: Damn, you guys make me feel my age, lol. I've always viewed this song as a subtext to my memories of the noise and movements of the 60's. So much going on and leaders not listening. Civil rights movement. Antiwar demonstrations. Women's Movement. Two Kennedy's and King being murdered. The 60's were traumatic and this song captures that feeling.
- cap03: Can you guys do Royal Blood - Figure it Out
- *SymphonyBcn: Symphony X - the accolade.
- Herp Derp: blakloyd the live version has more auto tune than the studio version if you listen closely
- wvusmc: +moffe2k did you see the members of Machine Head are leaving the band after their current tour?
- Jeramia Valentine: Howie Mandel :D :D :D :D :D I'm floored that was funny as sheiza ;)
- Kjc Ile: Because the original came out the yr. I was born gives brownie points and I don't think it's fair that most examples they use to compare Simon & Garfunkel are a live performance late in their years. I hear many people comment on how David Draimon sounds exactly the same live as in the studio. I do love Disturbed's take on it the best tho. As far as these kids go. I think they were close on a lot of things. I just think that it's hard to imagine life without tech. so they don't get the concept of "the sound of silence"
- rishab Moza: John Bachmann wood of ypres - kiss my ashes
- Brent: Nice job George and Ryan! Not sure what I expected - maybe expecting the sensationalism and hype for entertainment's sake that is often (usually?) a hallmark of content creators. I was pleased to encounter an objective and thoughtful review of a song. I'll check out more videos - thanks again. I also enjoyed the side observations you expressed - he really does look like Howie Mendel :) .
- Peg E: Not a fan of this song, nor the way this guy sings it.
- Red King of Sulphur: Absolutely, High Hopes is one of my favourites by them
- Rick Seal: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other.
- David Burrell: Architects - Gone with the Wind August Burns Red - Hero of Half Truth Oh, Sleeper - Hush Yael
- Garrett Rehmer: PLEASE... PLEASE do Bone Thugs N Harmony- Ghetto Cowboy!!!
- Dr Rich F-G: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."
- Dan Masters: Year of Second Chance! Animals of Leaders - Physical Education
- FallenTrinty1991: Highly recommend you check out Ghost opera by Kamelot or their other song Up through the ashes Also you did Disturbed! FUCKING A MAN!!!! LOVE THIS!!!
- Pattrick Kipp: As far as I understand, Simon and Garfunkel wrote this song about Hiroshima. I could be wrong but it's is what I was told.
- jilllhunt: Do Carrie Underwood “How Great Thou Art”
- Mike Keith: Whats the difference between talking and speaking?
- Phillip Rhodes: You guys gotta do some Savatage! Start with "Gutter Ballet"... trust me, you won't be disappointed.
- Roger Barton: The song is great he’s voice is great. The song was from the mid 60s though so those were trying times for everyone. Fear of nuclear war. People struggling to accept one another. And Vietnam thrown in that mix. Everyone had opinions. And violence was everywhere. And peace was being dreamed of by everyone. Weird times.
- spencer hays: Crescendo.
- David Wiser: This song should be judge on its vocal and musical qualities of the band preforming this incredible song! Kudos to you Dave Michael Drainman, not every vocalists can switch from one singing style to the next as effortlessly as you make it look, or should I say sound. Great tone!! The fact that this song can be interpreted to conform to what is going on in the next generation just shows how incredibly timeless the song really is. Kudos to you as well Paul Simon! If Lost in Los Vegas wanted to dissect the lyrics they should have just critiqued the original. Just my thought.
- Randy O'Connor: I thought Neon God was Society or life outside of what he longed for... not necessarily Technology but a divided Culture lost.
- Kohlton Bendowski: Ted Nugent-Stranglehold!!!
- Jeffrey Reid Pittman: Holy shit. I literally got chills from dude. Um, yeah. Wow!
- Mallory Graves: I’ll give him that the soul patch is *only* acceptable with that piercing. 😂
- Adam Hawley: React to aurora, running to the wolves
- Mike Sykes: Please do ...the Dead South...in hell I'll be in good company.
- Casey Fraysier: 4th of July
- J Boogie: This version is awful, I will never understand why people love this... Hot garbage
- Tommy Knight: The band is what they're talking about when he says they bow and pray to the neon god they made as in the band's name is up in neon lights all because the fans made them popular love yalls vids guy's keep it up
- Bob Slaw: The song was written during the vietnam war
- Drop D: Do more Disturbed! The Night is my favorite song by them.
- M Power: Yall should react To metallica with the SF orchestra.
- Tarsis Drake: People are definitely hearing without listening.
- Eric Burch: Yeeesss thank you guys
- Joseph Supino: you gus suck
- wofra67: "people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening" i think the meaning is if you cut out all the useless smalltalk and all the trivial music this world would be very silent.
- Sam W: This cover was intense but I love their cover of Land of Confusion originally done by Genesis and would love for you to react to that.
- Kristofer Mincey: Listen to heaven nor hell by volbeat
- Bayou Biker: Garfunkel was discouraged from making musical noise in the house he grew up in. The "silence" is about music being "hushed". The words on the subway walls and tournament Halls are words of other people who have something to say but chose to write it instead of speak it. Those words are stories. Those stories are silenced.
- John Story: Backyard lullaby demain jones
- DillyD: That was painful. Great vid!
- Bob Morse: Ever try genius.com? Explains the lyrics of songs with input from the songwriter/artist.
- Filthy McNasty: I think Between the Buried and Me's version of Bicycle Race is a cover you guys will like.
- Kelly Foster: Paul Simon and cool hand Luke are trying to tell u in this song what we have here is a failure to communicate
- Nashvillekat: Paul Simon was originally inspired to write his "Sound of Silence" by the poem "Silence" by Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950). This poem was often included in high school American Literature classes in the 1950s and 60s. It's well worth reading.
- MarkB 1181: 😂 y'all right! The lead singer do look a little like Howie Mandel. I hadn't heard this cover, but they definitely didn't disappoint. Cool music video too.
- Robin Addis-Vaughn: First, I love this cover, it's better than the original. I think that Simon & Garfunkel were having issues in their partnership at the time. But, I have always taken it as the difference between the songwriters and performers vs. The ALMIGHTY record companies that they "created". So many young kids wanted to be signed that they didn't even read the contract. They were not paid for writing the songs they performed. So, there was a time when there wasn't a "strike" but the tension between the record companies and performers was coming to a head. I mean, Columbia Records cut Johnny Cash because in his 70s he wasn't at the top of the charts, but Columbia built its empire on the backs of artists like Johnny Cash. So at the end of this video where you see the writers and musicians coming together it's showing that they had to stand together because so many great voices were not being heard. Or at least, that's what I have always taken away from it. But, I really think this cover is better than the original, perhaps because it better conveys what I always thought the song meant. That's just my weird take on it. LOVE & PEACE OUT! ✌
- Collin Beal: Horrible cover. Absolutely horrendous
- William Visnosky: Great job guys please do overkill by overkill
- stratmatt22: Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Yahya Al Hajj: Uprising - Sabaton Armata Strigoi - Powerwolf
- megan kelly: Should've watched the live version
- Josiah Stewart: Nothing more- this is the time
- Stephanie Garza: I was iffy about this song when I first heard they did a cover of it because I was so use to old Disturbed but when I watched the music video I was shocked. Definitely impressed. I love it. Every time I hear this song I get chills and the video makes it even more amazing.
- Zundfolge: "The greatest cover of all time"? Really? I mean its a nice cover (although it misses one of the central things about this song that makes it great; the vocal harmonies) but "greatest"? I found it somewhat meh and pretty much forgettable. Now you want a great cover, you should react to Ronnie James Dio and Yngwie Malmsteen's cover of Aerosmith's Dream On. THAT is a great cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZamjrXCDvo
- Calvin Vice: You can almost see the lightbulbs spark on above their heads. BY GEORGE I THINK THEY'VE GOT IT!!!!
- TheSupradude26: +Joseph Druar song was released in 1963. Crazy how accurate it is now, 56 years later on how technology has silenced the masses...
- Tanner Babcock: Disturbed prayer
- Carl Butcher: this is gonna geta shit ton of views
- James Omodeo: You nailed it! When the song was written and it’s written as to what was going on during those times and it still exist today. There was a division and always has been and that’s what this song is about. I love this review and I’ve watched many and you came across would actually receiving this message. Great job guys
- str8tfashion: You mentioned you were looking at reacting to some Symphonic metal my request for that is Wishmaster by Nightwish
- Voldrani: What's amazing is that the original was written over 40 years ago but the lyrics are just as appropriate today. Maybe even more so.
- Sean Parker: Play Whiskey Myers - Stone next
- vicegripp: Disturbed - 10,000 Fists
- William Garner: Man David draiman killed this as a vocalist is it what I want to see from disturbed no not really but he covered it really well
- Godsban3: The live on Conan is amazing. So much better. It’s also hard to appreciate this song without knowing that disturbed will rock your face off.
- naildriver465: I hate hate hate when artists try to sing someone else's songs not saying he can't sing but that version of that song sucked to me there are way better disturb songs than this in my opinion. But you know what they say about opinions and assholes everybody has one
- Jake Rau: The original was in the movie The Watchmen.
- darkdudironaji: You guys should do: Proponent for Sentience III - The Extermination by Allegaeon Or Bilateral by Leprous Or Battle Creek by Bent Knee Or Atlas Stone by Haken. PLEASE!!!
- Invoke the 25th Amendment.: The first, Simon and Garfunkel, was written during the hippy movement, full of softness. This brilliant version reflects the current mood of the world. Both still relevant.
- Alfie Morgan: Please listen to more Disturbed! David Draiman is so talented!
- Lee Ann: Howie Mandel?! Love it!
- Francisco Bello: "Neon" God doesn't necessarily mean technology, but anything brash, flashy, eye catching or vapid. Neon isn't cutting edge tech, it's cheap street level advertising.
- Mike Alexander: First time seeing the channel. Interesting
- greg Alexander: this isn't even close to the best song from this band......... they have 5 albums of better shit than this.
- nr63kish: You guys already covered the best cover song, Hurt by Johnny Cash, but this one is pretty good too.
- billy sturgeon: Even though this song was written in 1963, think about the lyrics and how people are with their cell phones. It's scary how much I relates to the song.
- Adam Houlihan: Or the version with Myles Kennedy
- Kevin: you should react to Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars live rehearsal
- lvaliente87: Love you guys and your honest take on metal! For this song, you should have heard one of their original songs to hear what their typical sound is. Also, the live performance of this song on Conan really shows Drainman's vocal ability
- Chris Wooldridge: +Gleb Mikhalev Over 4 octaves is pretty good range. It's not Rob Halford or Freddie Mercury, but it's nothing to scoff at.
- B Dubs: Lol I love how people are always saying Disturbed is so generic and yet I can pick Davids voice out anywhere. Oh well.
- Andrew Gonos: I love that your react was very similar to mine the first time that I heard it. Even the interpretation. Simon and Garfunkel's version seemed to be coming from a viewpoint of despair. Disturbed's rendition seemed to come from rage, being upset at what was happening.
- Bobby: I'm not sure who said this was the best cover of all time, honestly it's not even close to as good as the original. Covers like The Man Who Sold The World when done by Nirvana make it to where you never want to hear the original again (David Bowie original).....covers like All Along The Watchtower after it was done by Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan said that it was no longer his song. That's not even talking about the many covers Marilyn Manson has done that are better than the originals.
- Austin Agnew: Anything from Metallica’s Kill Em All album, The Four Horseman?
- Kieran Shae: could you please react to Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall?? They are an amazing rock band from Finland who need more love in the US.
- James Brown: +J L I wholeheartedly disagree. A very poignant and powerful rendition of this song. The original is absolutely a classic, and will continue to set the bar. But as covers go, this one brings this song to the present and simultaneously acknowledges and decries the division and vitriol present in our society today. Disturbed mad it even more powerful that the original, and appropriate for the times. Rumor has it that Paul was impressed and agrees with that assessment.
- Cm Mosher: I don't quite know what it is but I never liked this guys voice. On the otherhand, Richard Cheese does an amazing version of Down with the Sickness.
- Julia Gonzalez: Listen to Sound of Silence WITHOUT the music...promise, a whole new experience
- Tim: neon god vs golden god(s) that moses saw people worshiping when he was on on top mt sinai. everyone worships technology now. even more than when this song was created.
- StupidGayBearName: Please Call Me, Baby would be good too, sorry got that album on now and prob gonna suggest each pne as it plays, always good to meet another fan though, cheers!
- Cody Cyphert: Zombie cover by Bad Wolves
- Hassan: We need PAC videos, i know you heard all his tracks but we like your reaction and the content in your videos, hope to watch it soon 🙌🏻
- Krista Small: I love this song, and this song is the only reason I can get my little brother to speak again ...Like you said it is more powerful then the original.
- zed4672: Um...
- Ty Sroufe: Saw them perform this live @ Pain in the Grass '16, WITH Myles Kennedy... AMAZING!!!!!!!! UNREAL
- The Mom: This version is just awful compared to the live version. It's just all wrong. His voice is too processed sounding. His voice in the live version is so pure and intense.
- Matt Palasch: The Sword - Dying Earth
- Anthony Cook: In order to understand the meaning of this song, you have to consider the era in which this song was written and originally released... during the 70's. The heart of the civil rights movement and anti-Vietnam war movement. Lots of protesting, the song is figurative and embodies the atmosphere of the time. You also need to look at the free concert that Simon and Garfunkel did in Central Park to understand the 10,000 people reference.
- Charlie hates you: Guns N' Roses - November Rain... Please please please!!!!
- grifmang: My dude said 'sub-tle' lol
- Dylon Person: Chris Stapleton's Fire Away with the music video
- Jonathan Noriega: Chevelle - The Red or Vitamin R or The Clincher
- Michael Whitted: Or Voices
- apb5000: The litmus test of a cover is if it would have been a hit in the era of the original. Example: Whitney Houston's cover of Dolly's "I Will Always Love You" would be a hit in any era. I don't think this version would have been a hit when voices mattered. There was no electronic help. You either could, or you couldn't sing. This version would have flopped in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's.
- Anessa Lyn: he is a trained opera singer... it is. how many timez have sat down to movie or dinner and people are texting etc and not talking to one anotber
- Kristen Kiernan: Can you do a reaction to Floor Jansen ghost
- The10Liam: Idk why people are shitting on this cover, it's distinct, unique and clearly different from its original. I love this cover, definitely not better than the original, but still great IMO.
- Thomas Eller: Clutch! Cypress Grove
- Jayarbal: Ok, it's done. Can we now listen to real music again?
- sgtchewy: The voice is in key, but super.. poopy. I don't mind the cover but come on, it's like swimming through syrup or something.
- Robert Oliveira: Since people are doing this, let me suggest the Simon and Garfunkel live version from the Central Park show in '83
- Grigoris Valsamos: React to Dio and Iced Earth!!!
- Jordan Pennington: THE DOLLAR BY JAMEY JOHNSON!!!
- JJS1296 ´: So I'm definitely biased cause Disturbed was the first metal band I really liked. You really gotta listen to some of their originals though, they are a really solid metal band. Most of their stuff is very appealing to people because it's extremely rhythmic, quite melodic and not that complicated. This cover though, in my opinion, was made just to highlight David Draiman's singing ability and honestly even if you hate the song for whatever reason you have to admit his voice is amazing. Personally I've never liked the original from s&g so this doesn't really do it for me either, but it's still a great cover.
- Jasper Arcadia: Imagine by a perfect circle would be another great cover to check out.
- Wesley Bootie: It was about the simplistic beauty of music don't need all this stuff added to losing touch with the rawness
- Brandon Lytle: Yeah that sucks that this is the first disturbed song that y'all have reacted to..this is definitely not Disturbed..react to down with the sickness or stupify which are the biggest tracks but personally my favorite is Dropping Plates..review that guys.....
- Christine Fairchild: I want to see an ‘In This Moment’ review
- Kaitlin LeVasseur: Down With The Sickness or Stricken would be a better intro to Disturbed 👌🏻
- AnthonyLeo: I've watched literally every reaction to this song since day one. Never once has anyone came up with a theory as strong as yours. You even made me realize a thing or two. Definitely subscribing.
- Ty Bladek: Best reaction video I have ever watched. I am a fan.
- CthulhuKittie: Howie Mandel, George?? Come on!! He's much better looking than Howie 😆😆 David Draiman has such a beautiful voice and a very commanding stage presence. I know Disturbed gets a lot of shit for being "too commercial" or whatever (for the metal community), but David is incredibly talented. To me, he has one those unmistakable voices - when you hear it, you KNOW who that is. Definitely check out some more Disturbed :)
- Tom Turek: No
- Jomari Santos: J.i.d working outtt please 🔥🔥🔥
- Jesse Smotherman: Like a stone- Audioslave
- Rob Erickson: Should have reacted to their live version on Conan. It's better than the recorded version.
- Joseph Scaramuzzino: The offspring "gone away"
- Wayne Whatley: Seether - Fine Again. I'm tellin ya, it will make the playlist
- Charles Vasseur: There's a lot worthy of reaction to by Savatage. Lyrically, once Jon partnered with Paul the songs became incredible. "Believe" is still one of the most beautiful songs written, in my opinion. This one is a classic as well!
- Luv Life: Freedom of speech has gone in Britain
- Mike Forti: That is NOT Howie Mandell... it's Dana White! PS - The "neon god they made" is television. The internet hadn't been invented when this song was written.
- John Bachmann: Woods of Ypres!
- HurtCow: Actually he looks like Evan Handler from Californication.
- ElephantDoorstep: Gojira - Pray
- Mark McConnell: agreed
- Heathens workshop: This song has always delivered the message of live performance and music vs. Tech and mainstream media and music of today
- Carolyn Sheean: The live version with Myles Kennedy is even better by far....
- aragorn771: It should be noted that even Simon and Garfunkel thought this version was amazing
- Shelly Graham: Ugh, not a big fan of this cover. Some songs should just be left alone.
- Tara Roberts: very good analysis
- Ryan Rudolph: If you've heard one Disturbed song, you've heard them all. Quintessential cookie cutter band.
- Jay R159: avenged sevelfold buried alive
- G-Funk 1: What?! Are you serious?
- kempf537: Sad but true by Metallica
- Jonathan Bouthillette: Eminem - Venom
- That Boy T: Both of those songs are equally great IMO
- Jason Husky: it's about the 60's ...telling people to wake up...kinda of a protest song
- matt johnson: I think he looks more like kevin pollack than howie mandell lol
- ZahGaming: Daylyt freestyle on flex!!! he spits so hard
- Skillett75: to bettter understand the song which is powerful now set it to the times in which it was made The civil rights movement and the peace movement
- Jennifer Williams: I read the Patreon comments and I didn’t realize how many people hate distrubed lol. Where I live they are deeply loved. They are one of my favorites. They so many songs that are great at least to me. I think you guys would really enjoy The Animal, Another Way To Die and Asylum. Please when you have the time, give those a listen. Love you guys and thanks for the great videos.
- Saint JP: I love how you break down the songs but with this, you have to remember it's a cover. They didn't write it. If you want to dive into the lyrics, that's for the original and the writers of the song. This performance should solely be on the performance and the delivery, not if you understand it or it has meaning. Covers are about the delivery and how it's represented based on the original. Any underlying meaning should be taken up with the original writer/performer. Nonetheless, good review, just take that into account.
- James Woods: Steve Vai - For The Love of God live with the Holland Metropole Orchestra
- EastNewYorkStyle Records: Kory Linn I’d actually really like to see them do a lyrical analysis of “a pair of brown eyes” by the Pogues (or see their reaction to the weird 80’s video for it) but Fairytale of New York is a classic.
- kim white: Loving you in Alabama, this version is great
- Gnosticman00: Wondering when you'd get around to this. Lol
- Kathleen: While I totally appreciate your reactions, and understand the stopping of the video, I hope you both give it a listen/watch w/o stopping the video. It's such a powerful rendition w/o the need to overthink. And I double recommend the Conan live version, just for your own sakes.
- nsampone3: If you haven't reacted to disturbed, this isnt a very good representation. It's not their normal sound
- abaddonearth: Read allegory of the cave by plato. To understand the lyrics.
- christianrutter: It's the year of second chances. Pantera - Cemetery Gates & Sepultura - Refuse/Resist please!!! \m/
- ItsReever: Check them doing this song live on Conan as well. David Draiman’s voice is even better live. And also... GO KNIGHTS GO!
- Shape Shifter: Great song, but too much for these lads
- SlashArmyPL: Now the live version with Myles Kennedy.
- Evernessa Nevermore: Evans Blue - Who we are
- J. Hayes: Now I cannot unsee Howie Mandel...
- adrian newman: ffs, get John Farnham on, Help beatles cover.
- Carsten: "NeonGod they made " Is the City´s people made. And this means always trouble !!! What a great song and theme !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- tRexArms: I prefer their cover shout 2000... but please do one of their pieces. I've been waiting for a disturbed reaction and you hit us with a cover... gaaahhh
- Paulo Figueiredo: Katatonia, Old Heart Falls
- tambor76: Van Halen - Mean Street
- Its DJ: Love that you covered this cover, but I’d love to see y’all hear one of their original songs, one of the beauties of this cover is just how different and unexpected it was compared to their original stuff... I know y’all are Korn fans, Disturbed (especially their first 3 albums) was very much in that same vein like Korn (differences of course but same genre) and Draiman is a great vocalist.... hit Stricken, Down with the Sickness, or Prayer next
- Cody Daniels: Dave had y’all shook. Had to pause to make a look a like reference? That’s when you know you shook em’
- Alexis Renteria: To be honest, I still prefer the original. Dio kills it
- Jared Lindsay: Disturbed down with the sickness
- baba black: He literally had autotune on in his live performance on that one talk show.
- Al Mendez: Should have done striken
- Janet Slater: He looks more like Mr.Clean to me.
- Robert Collinsworth: You missed the message by stopping the music and talking. You didn't let the music into your soul. You need more silence.
- OnlyTheRealist_100 1000000: Wrong song for disturbed try immortalised or classic down with the sickness
- Rob Hogate: +ShawnDon there is no original version meaning and this version meaning,the song means what the ppl that wrote it meant it to mean which according to what I found it meant what I posted,also in what I found Simon was referring to sitting in his bathroom with the lights off when he said "hello darkness my old friend"....you can associate lyrics of someone's song to whatever you want but it doesn't change the meaning of the lyrics and if the writers say what the song meant that's all there is to it, covering a song doesn't change what it means....it was apparently clearly stated that it wasn't about a war, which I'm guessing is what you meant,yes it's about ppl being unable to connect with other ppl not because that's what David draiman wanted to mean but because that apparently what Garfunkel wanted it to mean
- SamJ1441: Try Disturbed Down with the Sickness
- Willows Yeah: Just like Shinedown’s “Simple Man” cover....AWESOME
- Jerred Boshears: ABSOLUTELY
- Vasilis Metalhead: Hairs in the back of my neck still become like thorns whenever i listen to Davids powerful performance on the last verses like the first time i listened to it. Just for reference try listening to Nevermore's version of the song. It will blow you away!
- Darkhearst Toys: It's crazy how there are people that still listen to Nu Metal. I mean, I liked it at the time, but now it's just embarrassing.
- raider101416: This song is about Death
- TexanGrunt: Five Finger Death Punch - Gone Away
- Cheryl Nichols: Isn’t it amazing the way we interpret music! As a child of the 60’s and 70’s (yes that makes me old!) I remember when Sounds of Silence first came out. I thought it was a protest song. With protest marches agains/for women’s rights, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights, and everything else I thought it was protesting the inability if people to listen to each other. To see the argument from someone else’s side. “People talking without hearing “. The original was soft like a calming voice in a sea of angry rhetoric. Disturbed’s version is definitely pissed off. Like “How long do we have to go over and over this stuff before you get it??” Loved the original really love Disturbed’s version. But, I absolutely adored y’alls reaction! You had the deer-in-headlights look on your faces. And a first, no head-bopping. On another note, try St. Paul and the Broken Bones anything from their first album like Broken Bones and Pocket Change or Call Me.
- Lost In Vegas: You could be right sir!
- ayeee160113: This is Halloween by marilyn Manson!!!
- cameron paradise: Neon God represents fame and riches and that's what people are striving for these days and not focusing on what truely matters
- Jim Edwards: Neon god is the success and commercialism our society craves.
- willr455: the simon and garfunkel version is in Arrested Development a bunch
- jeffrey G: I think its the endless pursuit of money has caused us to become to self absorbed to resonate with each other. The hallmark of capitalism is the blaring advertisement, the neon sign.
- TRUEMIXEDBLOOD: Great pick! More Gojira song reactions!!!!
- BravoWhiskey: So uhh, not to be that guy but... the word "subtle", the word you said when the song ended, it has a letter in it that's silent. I'll let you do the research for yourself... It's the 'b'. The 'b' is silent.
- Alvaro Aguilar: Rage Against The Machine - The Ghost of Tom Joad
- April Ray Alabama Tall Chic: Not a "Soul Patch" Open your Damn eyes an it's bad ass piercings. I've been a fan since 2000 when they released their first Album. I was 20 & Now 38. He has one bad ass voice. Saw them 6 times live.
- David Hall: Jim James - state of the art
- Xplicit 275: It was a song from the famous film The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman
- Tenebris Rex: Lost in Vegas there is way too much hype on this drab cover. Simon and Garfunkel, who are folk singers, had far more depth and odd atmosphere than this "metal" vocalist. I am not impressed by this cover at all. It's boring. David should have at least paired himself with another vocalist to thicken what is supposed to be sung as a duet anyway. The video is just a self absorbed and stagnate Howie Mandel (I thought the same lol) look alike shouting into a colourless mirror. Side note: the meaning of "The Neon God" is the sensationalism of Celebrities who's names are written in neon lighting, this reference is dated as the old Stars of Hollywood once were light up in such a way, as were Broadway Stars. Now that light is symbolic of peoples worship of Celebrities in this age. Snore.
- Manuel Clavijo: Cynic how could i wacken version -,-
- Jam Sena: Architects - Doomsday
- kevin hurt hurt: This song was written over a huge Imoral injustice by a government on its people if you don't get it I'm saddened. It's in the lyrics geeze folks do your home work I'm old I saw this injustice use your phone to learn some histroy.
- Mr. Rafe: that's definitely NOT one of the greatest covers of all time, is actually one the biggest missinterpretations of a classic song ever made, this version sounds like a fuckin national anthem, that's corny af
- Daniel Perugini: One of the worst covers Ive ever heard in my life.
- Duffalias: This is his best song cause is a cover. Disturbed is really awful
- Marian M: This cover is so overrated, it’s so terrible. Original is 1000 times better.
- moffe2k: Not sure I understand your intention with this comment?
- Tana Williams: Much better much more passionate version of a definitely great song
- Daniel Romberg: Set it off!
- bennikk: This cover is so so overrated. Original is so much better.
- Louis Marino: Turned video off after the second pause of the video. Come on guys... really?!
- Shinobi Shikami: Dudes, y'all gotta get a couple more disturbed songs thrown in there. They're one of the best metal bands around today.
- Mari ZenSoul: He is trying to teach them , tell them whats in his heart, and people could listen but not hear what he was telling them. Its like being a parent lol
- OMG I'm Drunk: I get protests a bit from this song.
- John Bronkema: Ozzy, diary of madman! You guys need some Randy Rhoades guitar
- keeto787: Cattle Decapitation- Manufactured Extinct
- VinnySOB: You should have just done the original. This is tripe in comparison. Some songs should not be redone. Disturbed is a great band, but this song is not near to their best work and I am not sure why people requested it over their other songs, or why so many people request remakes at all, as rap, hip hop, and RB are your primary comfort zone. Even the originals will be something new to you, and a remake is rarely better. Johnny Cash's remake of Hurt is a rare exception.
- Dragon Tamer: +J L You Are correct. I was incorrect. I just remembered an interview. but it was not them. My Bad.
- neuroticgothguy: sorry but Nevermore did a better cover of this song, in my opinion more emotion and musicianship.
- Brikxz: Stoopid dropped today y’all should watch that
- Syn Dark: I rarely comment on videos, so I have to agree and disagree. The writing of the song, is beautiful..... Incredibly, but from hearing the original, to listening to Disturbed (and especially David lyrically) for making this song so much more then it ever truly was. To this very day when I hear the Disturbed version, I get chills. The effort, emotion and talent that they put into this song, makes it haunting and extraordinary.
- Peggy Penguin: +J L A sign of a good musician/band is that they are able to cross all genres of music and Disturbed can (and do) do this. Have you checked out their cover of "Shout" by Depeche Mode and "Land of Confusion" by Genesis/Phil Collins. They are awesome too. I don't know if you listen to Queen but the can't be categorize them cuz they do everything and everything. 🐧🐧
- Richard Clayton: These clowns are not qualified to judge this song. They start by stating that they had very little familiarity with the original and anyone who claims to be a pop music critic who does not know Simon and Garfunkle is certainly lacking.
- Marc Arsenault: This isn't too bad, but Disturbed has done some better covers. Queensryche's cover of Scarborough Fair is better that this, if staying in the S&G vein.
- SicklessHell: React to Code Orange - Forever
- travis42sb: For chuckles and giggles, you should check out this college a cappella group’s parody of the song called “The Walk of Shame” https://youtu.be/JXpO2fyL7xE
- Gloria Ortega Franks: Thing One and Thing Two should be quiet. You spend a lot of time cracking jokes and ruin the whole pupose of why you made the video!
- Troll: alice in chains man in the box live at the moore?
- James Sanderson: Although I really like their version of this song, i dont think this is a really good example of what their typical music is.
- sacredomens: +Dennis Cooke personally, my favorite cover of all time is Crazy in Love by EDEN Project & Leah Kelly
- Bill Holsopple: I’ve heard this song probably a hundred times and still get the goosebumps
- Davorin Jurišić: Actually disturbed's first live performance of this song (on Conan) was way better.
- Palmetto Prepared: Personally, im a fan of his "Hell broke Luce" tribute.
- YuckyPickles: You guys suck on this one review. STFU and listen!
- Kevin Dickerson: I have been waiting for you guys to do this song. It is hands down one of the greatest songs ever written and David Draiman is one of the greatest vocalists of all time.
- Zack Bridgeman: Yes!! Or "Gone With the Wind" been asking for months now. Haha
- J.t. Orem: Yessss
- brian carinder: disturbed is in a genre of their own
- Amanda Yates: Do "Asylum" by Disturbed, it's the best music video and the song just gets me pumped
- Mike Milligan: Dudes.. If yall think this is a great cover and it most certainly is... Please please please check out careless whisper by seether.. It was originally done bye george michaels.. And its a great song then. But seether did it so much better
- David Elrod: I think the interpretation that Disturbed took this song in, is that we all have an artistic creative nature inside us that we need to not leave silent. They're using music as the particular art to make the point. All the people with the music sheets, but without the instruments are the silent group, that has silenced their own creative spirit, in order to "praise the neon god they made" to be consumers of TV, radio, social media etc, choosing to be consumers only, instead of creators as well. Having heard the song before, but not seen the video, it's black and white nature (and the fact that it's a cover) reminded me of this cover, perhaps you guys could react to this next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phw49dse-J0
- Acemage: You are both so right, the song is about how people both back then and now today, loose them selves in technology and silence. Hiding from the pain it is to face the world problems. So if you open you´re mouth and speak, everyone says yes and agrees with you. But when it comes to take action and change things, everyone goes silent again. It´s that war against falsehood. Those in power want´s chaos, making you focus on the wrong thing. Like, racism, terrorism, and so on. So they in silence can do what they want, make more money, grow more power, make us "normal" humans more and more slaves to they´re system. We can ALL see this happening, but we chose to stand silently. As long as we have a mobile phone and internet we accept all.
- Geri Messina: OK - it is my opinion that "Disturbed" took this song to a whole other place. That is just by the inflection, visual images and facial expression, they are deliberately attempting to change the bring their own meaning to the song (valid with music). I feel as though they may be bringing it to a different, darker place. It's an intense, moving song to begin with, but my sense is that they are playing with the meaning and with how to do it with minimal change.
- PlushBF: How about Disturbed - The Light? Haven't seen that really in the comments and is such a song to listen to them if someone is trying to get into them
- John Robinson: Stevie ray vaughan guys check him out
- Petr Václavek: Disturbed - Down With The Sickness
- acidarrow: Was there autotune on this song?
- ronaldov09: If you want a metal cover, my suggestion is Hallowed Be Thy Name (Iron Maiden) by Machine Head. Would love to hear an outsiders opinion of both versions!
- Scott Bartz: Please do a SHINEDOWN song. Bully, Shed Some Light, Monsters, or any other one.
- Jordan Thompson: Disturbed is the Nickelback of metal.
- Robin: React to Pantera - Cemetery Gates
- Lutfi Makarim: I am so disturbed when people say this is the best cover of all time.
- The DillPickle69: This song still gives me goosebumps everytime i listen to it. This song was one of my best friends favorites who unfortunately passed away so this song has a lot of emotions attached with it. Great video guys and keep up the hard work.
- Boom Box: im confused as to why you say you know you are about to do something annoying yet still do it wtf
- Gville Jonny: SMASHING PUMPKINS ruled them all in the 90s. Pick any song from Siamese Dream. Thank you free thinkers.
- Damon Johnson: Disturbed is a great metal band in my opinion and I'm sure others would agree. I would love to see you guys react to one of their original songs.
- Jamal Sampson: This song is great. Softer than their earlier material; but I guess that's how the industry is. Great reaction!
- Sifu_gaming: The eloquence of your description of music and the artists is amazing. You guys are awesome!
- vegasnative83: Go VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS! (Can we ditch this whole Raiders nonsense though?) Once you got past the soul patch comment, I could see you both being pulled into the song. Your expressions changed, where someone can tell that the song is starting to inspire some deep thought about what the lyrics mean. People hearing without listening, people are physically hearing what other people say, but don't really try to hear what their soul is saying. People talking without speaking, makes me think of people that just keep talking, but there is no depth to their conversation. That lack of real depth in communication is the silence. Even music has lost the message that it once held. Yes, this is the silence that also drove people apart in Simon and Garfunkel's day in their social and political comment. Even more so than now, that silence is a roar, because nobody is truly speaking, just babbling on, and nobody is really trying to understand what different people are saying.
- MrTruth76: Original is timeless
- Joe Mokbel: It's time for Symphony X. You guys are missing out BIG TIMEEEEE. Do Evolution or Fallen, you will not regret it, by the hand of Odin!!!
- Some F-ing Band: U have to listen to other disturbed songs to understand why this is such a big deal
- AxelVictrix: Shinedown simple man, or 45 live in Kansas
- Nathan V: As hip-hop heads, you might like this bit from the lyrics: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls/ and tenement halls" Tenement halls are kinda like apartment houses for poor people. How are words written on subways and in cheap apartments? Graffiti. The words of the prophets are written in graffiti.
- ruca428: Great song
- Llew Silver: Always love hearing your reactions! Great work thanks fellas !
- Toney513: He looked like Howie a lot of bit lol
- Ryan Strope: S&G's version is a warning about what they felt was coming with our society when they wrote the song Disturbed's version is reflecting and righteous anger at the the fact what S&G predicted has already come to pass but in a far worse way than they imagined
- John Deming: Agreed about Grace by Jeff Buckley. One of my all time favorite songs. Jeff Buckley can straight up sing, and that's one of his most interesting compositions of a song. Also "Lover, You Should Have Come Over" is a great piece of powerful, emotional singing.
- sacredomens: I prefer this version because I enjoy this style of music more, everyone likes different things.
- Von Faahquard: this is one of the most overrated songs/covers in history
- Terezi Pyrope: I know you guys have enjoyed Rush a decent amount before, so if you're ever looking to do another Rush song, I'd recommend something from their synth era, like The Big Money or Grand Designs.
- Chuck D: Shut the fu#$ up! You f@#$ng rubes!
- wvusmc: I like Disturbed and I can't stand this cover. I'm surprised it got so big for them. It's their most streamed song on Spotify and thats a shame with their catalog.
- Alpha1Charlie: Cat Momma; Written in 64 released in 65. Sorry Edit* Added name
- Cynthia Howard: Great song!! Loved this version. I’m not sure if y’all have done this one, but Bad Wolves-Zombie is AMAZING. The Cranberries did the original! Definitely take a listen to it!!
- Jack Marchetti: This cover is terrible.
- Hollie Wardlaw: If you haven't listened to anything else by them you definitely should. It's pretty heavy but I love them. This song really showcases his voice whereas most of their stuff is really gruff. Until I heard this cover, I didn't realize how powerful and beautiful his voice really is. VERY talented!!!
- Skavar4000: No the Howie Mandel shit wasn't needed FFS...
- HeyYouGuys: The original song was made in like the 60s so I don't think the neon gods are technology
- Kryptonite: y'all seem to always go with the most boring picks lol
- DEVASTATE: Cannibal corpse - zero the hero Machine head - battery
- 1119 KHM: You guys catch on to the feel and the meaning of a song really fast, I'm impressed. Oh yea, this is probably the only cover I like better than the original (and the original was amazing too). Good god. This is what you get when you combine Classical Operatic vocal skills with Metal, Amazing.
- Sweez: Disturbed - STRICKEN
- Gary Elshaw: God, it's such a bullshit cover.
- Richard Bexborn: please remember the lyrics are Simon & Garfunkel
- mr198221: That is Howie Mandel, George.
- Nando Silva: Trivium - The Revanchist!
- briantelik12: Disturbed's live version is better that the studio.
- Whytepathe: From what I've read the song is supposed to be about how technology is separating us as a people, causing a silence (The people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made). Now, this next part is my opinion as I've not heard them state this, but, it seems that with the advent of cell phones and social media perhaps they meant this as a call to recognize what we're doing.
- Diana Stojkovic: This is the most calm Disturbed song I've ever heard. Not the best representation of their music.. At least 90% of it
- Charlie Brayson: Coheed and Cambria - The Gutter or The Dark Sentencer
- andre rodriguez: If you doing covers might wanna check out Postmodern Jukebox they cover songs in vintage format. My fave is the cover of Maps (song from Maroon 5 which is ehhh). Love what you guys do!
- MrTrackday101: Maybe see some slipnot "The Devil in I". Think y'all would like it.
- Trey N: I was waiting for a heavily distorted guitar to come in and them to start doing a heavy metal cover of this song but it never came:( = They are a good band and he is a good singer and it was a good cover but not at all what I was expecting.
- T C: Ffdp-gone away is a great cover
- caseydog3: This dude did an EXCELLENT job of this song!!
- Jill D: @call me Ishmael Agreed and I personally like the edgier tone of this cover (not just because it's Disturbed) because of the frustration that the widening bridges between people (aka apathy) is only getting worse.
- Greg Pasquier: Integrity- 'String Up My Teeth'
- Adalwulf: Some really cool Powermetal bands and songs to react to. Lost Horizon - Highlander (the One) or Sworn in the metal wind. Powerwolf - Night of the werewolves. Gloryhammer - The Unicorn invasion of Dundee. Other cool shit: Sonata Arctica - The Cage, Skid Row - 18 and Life, Manowar - Fighting the world, Black Country Communion - Black Country, Danko Jones - Had Enough. Rock on!
- Mikel Tami: Module79L facts.
- Nicole Jessica: This song is about how technology is going to disconnect us... It's very prophetic.
- Griffen Jenkins: You should react to chris knight. I would recommend beckys bible, enough rope or down the river. He doesnt get nearly enough attention for the stories he tells that will just tear you up inside.
- switchboardrevelry: Live version of Sound of Silence with Myles Kennedy singing with David is amazing.
- Elizabeth Smith: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."
- Pinball Wizard: Max Contreras everything about third eye is great 😂
- Rev Red Beard: I gave a “dislike” for you Mocking his facial hair choice.
- Mormont: Check out indestructible by disturbed
- Doug Johnson: What is soul potential? Get over it white folks have soul too. What, black singers have a patent? Racist.
- shb: Dear god... never listen to the version of this by Nevermore. I like me some Nevermore but that version is just terrible... Gotta give them credit for making it their own though...
- Misty Michele: I've liked Disturbed since Stupify, and this blew my mind the first time I heard it. I love it. One of my favorite covers.
- Yaliin Cruz: Mouth of Kala - Gojira
- Rikko5500: Lets hear some Pink Floyd, you guys have a incredible catalog but you are lacking PF so lets get with the program and hear some PF!!!!
- Dingie Mzila: Can u pls react to uk mc Cadet- slut freestyle 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/m1FeIlIU_d4
- Corey Jefferson: Funny you say that when i was little i used to think it was howie mandel lol
- Alex Ellington: Do some Audioslave!
- imaplatypus 007: In this river from black label society please
- Mark 16:18: Finally someone gets this song. I was born in 50s grew up 60s remembering the era personally. I have listened to oodles of people react to this song. You guys are right on. As always y’all are refreshing, honest and one of the coolest channels on YouTube. I wish you the best and thank you for making the world a better place. Y’all actually speak when you talk and hear when you listen. Simon and Garfunkel were ahead of their time. Who told them about Facebook 😉
- deansusandylan: Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel wrote this during unrest in the 60's over Vietnam
- UFmamba8: Pushing for KYDD. Guy has BARS
- Drunk but Truthful: Queens of the stone age-a song for the dead
- Tyrell Gunter: That's a great cover another powerful remake like that is Bad Wolves "Zombie" you should check it out
- michael new: Wouter you a motherfucker 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Deanna Morford: Pre metal glam rock, just barely . The band Journey with Steve Perry ,Don’t stop believ’n, or wheels in the sky! Simon and Garfunkel were during the Vietnam war era and wrote a lot of songs during this time period. I love you guys!
- Robert Rebecca: Love that you broke this up with humor. I think the video is taking itself toooo seriously. They lyrics are IT.
- Ron Mac: Very weak cover. Overrated!!!!
- Misty Summer: Now listen to Down with Sickness and you'll really appreciate his voice.
- Victor Rubio @vi20_v: SQUARE HAMMER, OR DANCE MACABRE BY GHOST 🤘🙏🙏🙏🎸👻💿💿💿🎙🎶
- Tnk4me: Neon Gods are the modern representation of Consumerism and the pursuit of money. Neon Lights= Flashy traps without substance.
- TheReincarnatedDeath: Isn't that neon god a symbolic naming of the TV?
- Dominik Wilson: BEST COVER OF ALL TIME
- Leslie Lang: It was a warning from a long time ago from people who were in the music industry and seeing where it was going or what was happening. Technology is made by man. Music being written, orchestrated, and sung by technology. But Simon said this about the meaning of the song: “The key to ‘The Sound of Silence’ is the simplicity of the melody and the words, which are youthful alienation," I guess I can see that too. Think of all the kids in schools who want to be musicians and how many songs they write that will never be anything.
- J Wilson Handmade Knives: Jan-Erik Svenning Willie Nelson’s covers of The Scientist and Just Breathe are very good, too. Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt is probably the greatest cover ever recorded.
- Jacob Doyle: This is a great cover no doubts, but I am sorry to say there are much better I would rather see them react to. For pure vocal performance Jeff Buckley and Hallelujah are one of the greatest of all time. For pure fun I Prevail remake of Blank Space is arguably better than the original.
- 2jazzyjeffer: Surprised that you guys chose the video versus the live version on Conan..
- Verna Bautista: Nightwish - ever dream live wacken 2013
- Freq OnnaLeash: On the original vs cover deal, it is a powerful rendition and they owned it. But,... Take a listen to Nine Inch Nails, Hurt, vs the cover by Johnny Cash.
- Howard Schindler: now listen to disturbed - down with the sickness 😎😎. their most popular song
- Laura Daignault: His live version sounds the same... his voice is incredible! Love this song and Disturbed
- ProCharged HD: disturbed - land of confusion.
- Rob Riginio: I cant breathe during the Conan version.
- Michael Richards: Dredg - Bug Eyes
- Joe Murphy: Godsmack abso-fucking-lutely!!! They are my favorite band besides Zepplin and The Beatles but Sully Erna of Godsmack makes that band all the way around. Lead vocalist, guitarist, drummer, song writer and just a bad ass front man. Great suggestion 🤙
- Ryder Knightly: this is one of those videos you dont get the full force if you constantly stop and start. everything you said couldve been said at the end. try it sometime
- Davemaster 43: Please, react to WHILE SHE SLEEPS - FOUR WALLS You won't regret it!!
- maxr4073: This song is a prophecy of mankind and their obsession with the cellphone and or social media. That they would rather be glued to their phones rather than communicate with each other face to face.
- Bob Hohman: Alien Weaponry- Kai Tangata or Holding My Breath. Interesting thrash metal band from New Zealand.
- billdude1313: Yes, all us white guys look alike.
- Mark Ambrose: Try, children of the sun - Billy Thorpe
- Jason Carroll: Bobaflex Sound of Silence. Closer to the original. I'm a huge Bobaflex fan so I'm biased, but I think it's better than this.
- Kevin Gorczyca: Just click almost any other disturbed song to gain a greater appreciation for this song
- Magus Trigger: I wanted to thumb down cause i hate this version so damn much, that wouldn't be fair too you two. But damn if it isn't a terrible version.
- JMG Darkest: YES
- anyware82: All the great songs people could have chosen from Disturbed and you guys choose this shit. Smh
- Like The Wolf: React to the live version of this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- alecfed: It's sad, but your a couple of bone heads.
- Brahm Tancredi: Where Dragons Dwell - Gojira
- jeroen middag: Theres another gret cover of Simon and Garfunkel. Patterns bij Warrel Dane (nevermore) check it out.
- Who Knows: You should do "Stricken" or "Sons of Plunder"
- nghtcase: I can listen to this song over and over. I'm older, so the Simon and Garfunkel was the first version for me. IMO, this one tops it so many times over!
- Lindsey M: mike henson Chris did an amazing job on that song, such passion in his voice
- Mitch D: Simon wrote "The Sounds of Silence" the year before while living with his parents. “The main thing about playing the guitar was that I was able to sit by myself and play and dream,” Simon later told Playboy. “And I was always happy doing that. I used to go off in the bathroom, because the bathroom had tiles, so it was a slight echo chamber. I’d turn on the faucet so that water would run – I like that sound, it's very soothing to me – and I’d play. In the dark. ‘Hello darkness, my old friend / I’ve come to talk with you again.’” In an interview with NPR, Simon explained the appeal of the song, which was retitled "The Sound of Silence" on later compilations. “The key to ‘The Sound of Silence’ is the simplicity of the melody and the words, which are youthful alienation," he explained. "It’s a young lyric, but not bad for a 21-year-old. It’s not a sophisticated thought, but a thought that I gathered from some college reading material or something. It wasn't something that I was experiencing at some deep, profound level – nobody’s listening to me, nobody’s listening to anyone – it was a post-adolescent angst, but it had some level of truth to it and it resonated with millions of people. Largely because it had a simple and singable melody.” Source: http://ultimateclassicrock.com/simon-garfunkel-sounds-of-silence/
- Nathan Rush: People's minds are so warped in technology that 2 people can make conversation but only one is physically listening the one on the cell phone just brushes the other person off that an awkward silence falls on both of them
- Travis belanger: +Zack Morse fair enough 😂
- Daniel Lucas: You need to listen to 8th of November by Big and Rich!!!!
- Zebulon Swearingen: TheUnholyOne I was thinking the same exact thing. That would be a logical song to follow it, 10,000.
- Topher Bec: What makes this cover work, is the building crescendo throughout the song.
- Scott Hughes: As a card-carrying metalhead, total respect to Simon and Garfunkel. This, unfortunately, sounds like terrible, overwrought high school poetry.
- Darren Emerson: Cochise
- Dustin Whitfield: Still begging for a reaction to Drunk Girl by Chris Jansen!🙏🏼
- Veronica Lake: Your Looking At Good & Evil In Life........
- Sherrie Morrison: and yet again, another reaction video done wrong! dont pause, speak over or laugh while the song is playing! it just ruins it! PERIOD!
- Phillip_ino: If you like a good cover, give Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley and Simple Man by Shinedown a listen.
- Kim Frebrowski: The neon God is a nuclear bomb
- Yahya Al Hajj: I'm not a disturbed fan, yet i agree this song is one of the best covers ever made.
- Kenny Haynes: You guys should listen to some of the Disturbed other songs to see the difference. Stricken is a good one. It would allow you to understand the difference between this song Sound of Silence and their normal which is very metal.
- laapache1: changing the music to sound
- Thrungey: Have you considered listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan? He was rather special.
- Soothsayer1356: Give me Simon and Garfunkel. He seems ominous. Little scary. Like a serial killer.
- TheHANburgler: Just noticed he was wearing a Golden Knights hat! Go Knights Go! (Not from Vegas, but still routing for the leagues newest and most refreshing team!)
- Collin Beal: This cover makes me wanna vomit, so their reaction was more favorable than I would have liked.
- Leon Lamby: Thy Catafalque, Serember. Amazinf metal with violins!
- gordinaw: Steve Vai - Tender surrender
- Vasilis Metalhead: Metal Church - The Human Factor their best song ever imo, all others on your list are great choices (not that Metal Church isn't)!
- Kerim Mejdoub: You were absolutely correct about the eery original and the powerful cover. I think the cover is musically and vocally awesome, but still like the original better cause the eeriness suits the message of the song better.
- Eric Weeks: Meatloaf Paradise by the Dashboard Lights
- Dejan Karisik: The Mars Volta - Drunkship of Lanterns
- tina solesbee: Montrose
- Davide Mazzucchi: check out Nevermore cover of the sound of silence, totally different but absolutely beautiful as well!
- caden brockbank: Y’all really need to react to Steven Wilson - Drive Home. The song and music video
- Maciah Blankenship: Avenge sevenfold-Buried Alive
- Brahm Tancredi: Oroborus - Gojira
- Adnan Hasan: Its really hard to say which is the best cover of all time. Like any well written song or music composition it is open to interpretation. As far as this cover is concerned its definitely in my top 3. Just wondering have there been other bands like disturbed who have done covers of classics like these or really covers of any songs which are outside their genre.
- Seedsower77 G: I don't know this guy singing, but i love the strength and power of his voice...its similar to the frontman of the group Creed. But, i have to say, this version kind of drags along. I'm all about the visuals....as simplicstic as the visuals were in this, I found it to be extremely creative and spoke volumes without actual words.
- Michael James: Can’t get the full effect of the music when ur stopping the video every 10 seconds
- Nathaniel mallinson: Yall should check out more of Disturbed's catalog. They have some hip hop influence in their first album for sure. Others as well. I call it metal you can dance to. Look at "stupify" it's got a dancy sort of rhythm to it. It makes you wanna move. Great for those cardio days in the gym. Ya know, when you dont wanna do it but you know you have to. It will make that run fun. I would even go as far to say that they are this generation's Metallica. One of the top 5 best raido metal bands of all time.
- Lone Wolf: House of the rising sun by The Animals
- Steve Patterson: I think you did a great job of unpacking the meaning of the song as you heard. Also, the occasional humor was great. In all, great job guys, giving you a like.
- Gen McCardell: You should have listened to the song and not watched the video. It's more powerful without the video.
- Supersonic Sarcasm: I like this cover way more than the original
- Ember Catcher: Chevelle - "The Clincher"
- MOONSHADOW 1918: Its about a nuclear war notice everything destroyed drum in a burnt tree. Neon God is the Nuclear bomb man created. 10000 people come together . I think also as i mentioned before people in heaven communicate with feelings not words . Because as Gods people we are 1 no matter what part of the world you are from.
- J.R. Sic: #chills
- KILLER BEE: lil Wayne big bad wolf reaction plz
- VogonPoet67: Because of the power and passion of his voice, I think it's easy to miss what is going on in the background in the video. It starts with destroyed musical instruments (the destruction of music). Then a guitar is pulled from the dirt and a drum is pulled from a tree. We then see the guitarist walking, and we see the drummer walking. The guitarist comes to a place where he can see hundreds or thousands of people on the other side of the water on their hands and knees writing songs, but not singing or playing them. Then one and another of the song writers begin to slowly stand, and on the other side the drummer plays the drum. We see a scene of all the song writers across the water standing, and their music shines with light. We see the guitarist and drummer joined by dozens of other musicians and their instruments on their side of the water. We see a view of both groups staring silently at each other across the divide. The video ends with the musicians crossing the water to the song writers - a hopeful ending in my opinion. It seems like the message of the video (perhaps not Paul Simon's original message), is that music needs both to exist. Notes on paper without voices and instruments results in silence. Instruments and musicians without a song to play also results in silence. Songwriters and musicians together, however, result in a song like this one.
- Blake H: You guys should’ve reacted to Down With the Sickness by Disturbed first. You guys totally got the wrong sound for that band to start off.
- Charlie Fay: Slip the void by alter bridge
- dantehikes: I like Halestorm's cover of Bad Romance.
- This Guy: that's one manly ass soul-patch
- pete perkins: Should've listened to Stricken or other title by Disturbed first for reference.
- Matt M: If memory serves me correct, it was in the movie The Graduate.
- cockedhammer72: Excellent reaction vid , here's a parody not for kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ2qal-P5RI seriously watch it is da turd pov
- Abel Mena: these fellas r awesome,as well as the music
- Khajiit Thundercat: Or A Moment of Clarity!
- Kevin Mayfield: They have already reacted to Hurt by Johnny Cash.
- Brunk Home: This is one that should have been a live video to really understand the vocal mastery of David Draiman. He kills this live!
- Adam Priestley: Really love the disturbed! Great cover! For another cover it would be cool to hear you cover Bad Wolves- zombie. Based on the cranberries song
- David Freeman: Accept : Fast as a Shark
- Drew Pratt: Conan version is much better than the studio version.
- Mathew Erenbergee: I love the original and I love disturbed. However I'll say this is not a starting point for listening to disturbed in my opinion
- Scott Fowle: Like our founding fathers with the Constitution; this song spans generations and is meant for ALL. The lyrics are timeless no matter who sings it.
- Patrick Peterson: Thank you for your thoughts, as usual you make me think outside of my opinions and I appreciate
- Brian Seymour: System of A Down - BYOB
- Zebulon Swearingen: R K It’s like people are paying other people to do things for them, and then the people doing those things get a big head about it and over-charge them for it.
- biggred333: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness...Oh Wah ah ah ah!!!!!
- S.L. S.L.: Found this channel by accident one night and ended up watching all your metal reactions all night haha...i love you guys...love openminded people
- healthaccountservices hbs.bankofame: The Sound of Silence was created in 1963. The neon God was the beginning of neon lights (gas light signs, such as OPEN, CLOSED, & BEER) in the early 1960's. The song also has to do with WW1, WW2, & the Cold War, as well.
- A Boy Named Charlie Brown: Am I the only person who thinks this cover sucks? I love Disturbed, but everyone keeps praising it despite the fact he sounds corny af.
- dextc: StephenRahrig well... Guess we just got different ideas of what common knowledge is 😊
- SEASONOF THEWITCH: I'm not impressed by this song. It's unnatural and put on... You're commentary is always insiteful, however.
- Sailing Kestrel: I have been waiting for you to do this for a long time. Got to say though I'm pretty disappointed. Go back and just LISTEN to this song without stopping it and talking about Howie Mandel and soul patches. Even though it was written in the early 60s, it is so prophetic as to today's situation in this country. Social media is the neon God that has been made and the people bow to it instead of engaging with each other on personal one-on-one levels. We no longer talk to each other. We no longer hear each other. The words of the prophets are found in the places where social media is not. Your grandparents homes your churches. Places such as that. The ability to write and perform music is a gift (some would say from God) and it may be his way of telling us all we had better wise up and realize the path we are heading down with social media. His words are the music and if you notice at the end of the video, the band is in an ARK.
- Parashoot: So many good songs from Disturbed, but I personally love Pain Redefined. Great riff and deep lyrics that you guys might enjoy.
- Z-Soul 512: Anthony Alejo I like royal beggars but I dunno if that’s a good starting point
- Sean Coleman: FIRE FROM THE GODS - EXCUSE ME. Is a good song to react to
- Hayden Rohs: Cody jinks- lifers
- T O': Audioslave, any song
- sgtpetersen: He had a dream of the future. Sound of Silence. Go to a place where young people and in many cases older people, all sitting around a table and no one is speaking to the group. Everyone is on the phone texting. Phone = Neon God. Text = Talking without Speaking. This is my 16th Reaction Video today. This song came out in 1964.
- joe fink: Long time listener, first time caller but I would like to see your reaction to a real disturbed song. This is a great cover but some down with the sickness, prayer or 10,000 fists would be awesome.
- Johan Schilt: Wrong version !!!!, you have to do the live version
- Rob Hogate: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other.
- Shaun Ketterman: Can we get some Avatar? You guys are seriously doing yourselves an injustice by not checking out Bloody Angel.
- summer magnatta: It's a song about not speaking out against the government... ....
- Nick: Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes is another GREAT cover..!
- Gleb Mikhalev: His range isn't anything special actually, however, the rest of your assessment is correct.
- Jon cain: midland - make a little
- Niece Rudd: Disturbed-down with the sickness! One of my all time favorite rock/metal songs
- Matthew Burridge: Hey, Lost in Vegas...the Neon God is Vegas - a place Simon and Garfunkel saw as the bastion of sins against human companionship. lol
- Annalina721: David Draiman is the vocalist for Disturbed. He has a stunning vocal range! Powerful and emotional. Wait til you hear him growl! Lol! Disturbed- The Game, Voices, Stupify, The Vengeful one, Liberate. And so many more great tunes! Love you guys reactions and videos! Rock on!
- Joseph Supino: you both guys keep stopping a great song and by changing to his way makes this a greatest song even done by coverbook
- macleadg: Harry J. White Paul Simon loves this cover, and said the song was “no longer his” when he heard it.
- Charles DeLancy: stevie ray vaughn - texas flood
- Azer: the song is a warning of sorts, cut the bullshit and reconnect, people have wondered why disturbed's version sounds more aggressive compared to the original, i've read some posts online suggesting the original, the original warning, convey it calmly and maybe people will listen get the message and change before it's too late...but decades later nothing has changed and disturbs version is like beat it into your head full on aggressive we need to change with urgency
- R0DisG0D: I was there and it was absolutely great. Would like to see a Nightwish reaction as well.
- C.J. Peri-Peri: I can’t stand Disturbed.. especially that cover. I love the original by Simon & Garfunkel. Disturbed are by far the most generic metal band of the 21st century. Anyway, just my opinion.
- Thanos Nikolopoulos: Your faces close to the end of the song were all it was needed to be said... Great, powerful voice that you don't expect to hit such high and powerful notes in this song... Great cover of a timeless classic!
- BBR BIGHR: Obviously these guys aren't voice coaches! Just picking apart old lyrics. Like he said, he just wants to get back to the the lyrics lmao. Just two of who the hell of our those wannabees. In ending here! Amateurs talking bull shit!!!!!!
- Pat Rauch: Soulfly - Jumpdafuckup
- Jh: If you like this song, check them out doing it on Conan.
- Tyler Miller: I like how this cover sounds, but I've heard it criticized as the original was intentionally quiet as part of the message and this cover is very loud. My favorite metal cover is Turisas covering Rasputin originally by Boney M.
- Edgar Reyes: Tool - Eulogy
- Metal_freak: I hope you guys haven't given up your day time job
- Traxxattaxx: Mistfits?
- Luis Nunez: I've been waiting for you guys to do Disturbed! But I was hoping for something by them not a cover. These are all great songs by Disturbed Decadence 10,000 fists Down with the Sickness Stupify Stricken Inside the Fire Voices Prayer
- Julien Le Cléach: they did it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6rv5Wb4LEE&t=626s
- HipHopAtHeartTilInfinity: I know y'all got a lot to do but when you get time check out: Rhyme Asylum - Poison Penmanship The Four Owls - Think Twice Mouse Outfit - Cut Em Loose (Ft. Berry Blacc, KinKai & Layfullstop) Peace and Love!
- Frank Marinucci: Wrathchild America - Draintime
- Connor Darrigo: Check out the live version on Conan
- Ass4ssin23: Body Count - KKK Bitch and/or There Goes the Neighborhood
- Paul Collins: Next best cover... Brass Against the Machine covers "The Pot" by Tool
- Tyler Jackson: I thought y'all would never do this one... so grateful!
- Benito Martinez: So you guys never listened to down with the sicknees by disturbed their signature song
- RavenSteal: Click so fast! I love this song though it doesn't represent Disturbed's other work at all. You've probably heard Down with the sickness. Reactions to "Indestructible" or "Inside the Fire" would be amazing!!
- goldtoaster1512: When he says 10,000 people it's a reference to one of Disturbed's older songs called ten thousand fists.
- Kevin Rogerson: Protest The Hero - Mist
- Mike S: Love Distrubed but not this song
- Gary Elshaw: Seriously, their whole video looks like an alt-right propaganda video.
- dsjoakim35: If Howie Mandel and Kevin Pollak had a baby...
- Justin Bauk: For the love of God someone please get LIV to listen to Bob Seger.
- White Wolf: Yeah total tools
- Dennis Empey: Also you should do audioslave - like a stone
- Reuben L sailo: Bro all the way from India I like you guys alot I even shared to my friends about your reactions I want to request if you can do a reaction on November rain from guns and roses will be very happy from here all the way from India
- Cassie Wells: That’s deep.
- Bobby Rundle: I know I'm way late to the party, but Simon and Garfunkel wrote this in the mid 60's about the rise of television dividing society and entrapping people into cocoons of silence, ergo not communicating with each other anymore. Yes, the "neon God" is technology
- Silver Mercy: explain yourself after the video, instead of knowing you piss people off and pausing anyways. -_-
- xxsloppyonexx: Machine Head - Sail into the Black
- Stacey Herald: This cover is garbage.
- Jake Hornberger: Any disturbed song ya'll do I'll thumbs up
- Hector René Segovia: RECOMMENDATION: Not by any fault of your own, but I'm seeing many missed opportunities here that can be remedied. 1) I understand you guys look into what makes a great song (as a whole), but there are contexts that contribute to the meaning and impact of a song as well. Structuralism is a form of Literary Theory that examines the world events, political climate, living conditions, and even mental state of the author of the works. I've seen you guys try to do this... but perhaps a solution (explained later) should allow for a better examination of the work. (For example, Phillip K. Dick's works are better appreciated when you realize he firmly believed much of his work as a paranoid schizophrenic). 2) I understand you guys must pause and explain what you are feeling and seeing as you react to the song - it's important that you do, and that's the charm of the channel. But many times a song must be heard in silence as a whole to be appreciated as well. To better resolve this, perhaps add a "Review" section to the "Reaction" videos where - at the end - you pause the recording. Do some research on the song and see what other people's interpretations and extrapolations may be (instead of having to wait for the comments, you can find commentary that has already been made). Then give the song a silent review in it's entirety to "confirm" or "retract" your previous thoughts about the work for a more "complete" closing. Sam's assessment below - for example - would have been great information to have and hear your assessment on it. I mean, I don't believe that reading other people's assessments are counterproductive or contradictory to free-thinking. You are still free to disagree with the information you find, but it would by nice to hear your thoughts about the piece after hearing it uninterrupted and in its full context.
- realmscat: You should listen to Indestructible by Distrubed.
- BulheddEd: Or Five Finger Death Punch's House of The Rising Sun.
- Kenny Roberts: Here's an interview of David Draiman about The Sound of Silence. https://youtu.be/8JoCUpV3Hgw
- Korolex: In terms of covers I prefer Disturbed - ISHFWILF (I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For)
- Rahman 82: Of all the songs in their library, people were pushing for this song?seriously? Down with the Sickness, anyone?Stupify, Stricken,Remember, Vengeful One, hell their cover of Land of Confusion is better than this.
- Jason Nickel: Dream Theater - Pull Me Under!
- Patrick Whitney: Devin Townsend - Deadhead ( live at the royal albert hall )
- Григорий Табакаев: Devin Townsend is also a beast when it comes to combining clean vocals and harsh screaming.
- amadeus: Hmmmph,...…..Orestes or 3 Libras
- Nathan Cozart: Best cover!
- greatnezz10: Ozzy Osbourner-Dreamer
- MVX: Not sure if this is going to be red, but my understanding is that the song was actually written in reference to the atomic bomb and the Damage it does because when it explodes is like a neon light splitting the night in reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki when we drop the bombs and utterly destroyed them and then the silence I just stayed afterwards, and then the whole worry of nuclear war between Russia I'm pretty sure it had to do with nuclear war and the end of civilization
- Negasilver: Do Soothsayer by Buckethead
- Chris Jhum: You guys are awesome!!!
- SevenOneFive: The next Disturbed song you should listen to is "Down With the Sickness", it's a RIDICULOUS contrast from this.
- Mrakas Stef: You guys should try Disturbed (The light )
- WelbyIsYourGod: If this is the only Disturbed song you've heard then obviously you NEED to listen to Down With The Sickness, but I would also reccomend Dropping Plates, Stupify, Remember, The Game...there are so many more but those are definitely a start
- Ira Dean: I just found lost in vegas tonight, you guys are great
- RapidDecisions: you listened to the wrong version. You should have listened to Conan version.
- Rich Reid: Billie Jean by Chris Cornell is another amazing cover
- SoapyPingu: +Randy Garrett oh I know my music. And the original was boring. I don't know anyone in person who actually likes the original. Obviously you are the type of person who doesn't have actual music taste.
- Shane Hamilton: coheed and cambria-feathers
- wvusmc: +moffe2k it's a bummer, for sure. I was gonna skip their show this tour because I don't like the new album but I think I will go now to see this line up one last time. They always put on a killer show. Hopefully the guys revisit Machine Head again. Darkness Within is a great choice.
- Mike Storr: Another awesome cover to check - especially since you guys like Rush, is Subdivisions by Allegaeon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnyNjQVEZ4). For me The Sound Of Silence was always about the hollowness and lack of meaning in pop music and pop culture. Music that makes noise but doesn't actually say anything.
- Simen Fulland: Best cover ever candidates: Jimi Hendrix With Bob Dylan's "all along the watchtower", and Eddie Vedder's Version of Dylan's "masters of war" live from Dylan's 50'th birthday tribute concert;-)
- Dave Bentley: I am 65 years old. I have seen how you all pray to your glow from your new hand held wonders. learn to communicate with your children or the human element will vanish. Take notice of the machine like violence our young are showing without remorse. They are rejecting their families, schools, and churches. We need to get "Reactionary" with our kids by putting the love back into their lives through face to face communication... Or we will end up with a bunch of non emotional "cyborgs". Enough of that... Good job guys, I love all of the music and your opinions.
- Seth Hale: High on Fire -- Fury whip!!! Also if you want to check out some DOOM METAL try the band Conan. Something off their new album like Eye to Eye to Eye or Prosper on the Path would be great. Prosper... leans a little more toward the usual slow side of doom. Best DM album I've heard in ages.
- Dave J: Dont talk through the video, talk after
- Randy Garrett: +SoapyPingu obviously you dont know what you are talking about. Anyone can cover a song and put there own spin on it. David could never write anything like this. This song is the best "disturbed" song because its not a disturbed song.
- Hunter Martin: Shawn James - Flow
- xkevxxr: I would love to see you guys react to Legion of monsters or save our last goodbye from their newish album.
- James Moncrief: I believe this song is about living without music which would be tragic. Check out "The Face" by Clutch. It's says the same thing basically.
- Metal Enthusiast: Technology does have its way of disconnecting people from each other: social media sites, etc. Have a way of allowing people to live fake lives and be different, which can cause disconnect between people who actually know them. Or technology can make people to invested in the current state of the world and media and politics and they forget themselves. But I think what the song is actually saying is emotional connection. Or maybe even depression. Because, he says he feels that no one is on his level, maybe he experienced a loss in his life and no one is sympathetic to that. Great cover song by Disturbed guys. Disturbed is just one of those nu metal bands that sort of veered more towards alternative metal in the later years. Then again you could argue that they were even different from the rest of nu metal bands that came out because the lead singer David drainman was influenced by reagae music not much rap. Other songs by them: Stricken Voices Indestructible You should check out the modern rock group Pop Evil and check out that song Deal With The Devil. They are one of the best modern rock groups to date. Please do a reaction to them.
- Novaximus: Everyone tries to analyze the lyrics. It's poetic. It can mean different things to different people on how you personally connect with what the song is saying to your own frame of mind and maybe life experiences. In other words... what ever you'd like it to mean...you're not wrong. There is a common undertone that most understand of being in the dark and then accepted by a lot of beautiful people who were just like you with a very spiritual element.
- Tip Aly: David D. said in an interview that they received a call from Paul Simon (I think) telling and the band that it was a spectacular spin on their song. That sort of praise is invaluable, it’s also very old school (imo) to be accepting of another group using your music. Tom Petty was cool with it....
- Noah Shaffer: Have always really liked Disturb's cover of "Land of Confusion." Personal favorite cover.
- Tim Morrell: This is coldest cover of a song by far that voice is literally disturbing in a good way excuse the pun but it makes you feel like stuff really is messed up like the lyrics discuss
- Lia Toupin: Thanks for the honest reaction. Disturbed is one of my all time favorite bands. Like top 5 for me. I've seen them in concert 6 times. I've been a fan since The Sickness album in 2000. I highly recommend them. David Draimen is a great singer. Every album has at least a few great songs that even years later i love to blast and scream/sing along with. Check them out some more.
- Deborah Beck: There's such a feeling of indecency and rot with this current Admin and to me it makes it even worse. It's as if we took the three steps forward and are now being positioned to take seven steps back. Are all of these fights going to have to be reinitiated?
- Rodolfo Cedillo: Dystopia by TesseracT please!!!!!
- azaman4: Steve Vai please
- Nick Kapa: Save Me by Avenged Sevenfold!
- Dawson Ruth: Black Dahlia-Hollywood Undead
- Jackie Binns: He must of scared the hell out of you lol !!!
- IamBigNizz: This song is tight if u like transitions
- Tommy Buchanan: You guys have to do Down With The Sickness by Disturbed.
- Josh Kensinger: August Burns Red - White Washed and/or Marianas Trench, two of the best songs from their album Constellations.
- Plinkage: i really hope they react to cocorosie at some point. would make my day. "werewolf" is such an amazing song. second and a close third imo would be "jesus loves me" and "uno beso"
- Francisco Lozano: Stricken please By Disturbed.
- radekbonk: people hearing without listening are people who keep hitting pause, chopping up a song that wanted to be heard in its entirety.
- AKI D 7030: Not sure if it's old but i really like another way to die
- David Barri: Greatest cover of all time my ass. It's not even the greatest cover of this song; Nevermore did an phenomenal cover of this.
- Espen Totland: this one is just beautiful on so many levels
- GANN010355: "My eyes were stabbed by the flash of a Neon Light" can possibly refer to the dropping of Atomic bombs in two Japanese Cities.All the musical references seem to me to portray that Music is indeed the Universal Language that most everyone understands. All differences aside, everyone Loves Music.
- Nick: Please do some Disturbed that rocks....Too many to list, but The Game is a good one.
- kiteflyer2000: Yep, I thought it was Howie too the first time I saw it on the Internet. :)
- Steve Kozlowski: +Matas G they did? I missed that somehow
- LibrlRevolution: I really don’t like Disturbed but this is a freaking amazing song. I remember when I first heard it on the radio and really liking it and then being surprised to find out it was Disturbed. I still like the original better (because it’s a timeless classic that I’ve loved for so long) but this is a damn good cover.
- Les Warry: Not the greatest cover of all time. In the interest of free thinking, I'll say no more
- gnar dawg: You guy's gotta check out my favorite stoner metal band KYUSS - Gardenia or Whitewater ! ! ! ! !
- Amy King: Always agree with Tool anything. Actually MAYNARD anything! But yeah Tool is my favorite of the 3. I honestly would recommend something like H., The Patient, and Pushit.. Because just from watching you guys for a while now I can guess what you will or will not start feeling.. And who doesn't want to start a song off being badass immediately? And don't get me wrong, I damn near worship Tool. They can do no wrong. In fact, of my twenty something tattoos, The Tool logo is the only band I love greatly enough to be an old ass lady in the nursing home with a sagging old ass Tool tattoo on my upper arm ☺️💜
- Tiffany Cutshall: We actually used the lyrics as a prompt in the writing group I belong to.
- Dinyo Donchev: Please do Pink Floyd - Higher Hope
- Finkeren: Best cover ever? Not by a long shot. Even just Disturbed’s own cover of Genesis’ “Land Of Confusion” is a much better cover (of an inferior song - but the cover adds so much more to it, than it does to Sound Of Silence)
- Aaron Clapper: Or if you want to do another cover, Chris Cornell did an amazing job with Prince's "Nothing compares to you".
- 2xkiller: Paul Simon wrote this song while/after working for 2-3 years as a songwriter for a company. His job was basically to sell songs to other bands, he never sold one song. This experience can be heard in the lyrics. The song was also nearly given to that company by Simon until something happened and he withdrew it. Upon its first release, it got little play. Afterward, Simon moved to England. Later his manager redid the song and released it without Simons knowledge. It made it to the top 20 before Simon found out about the rerelease. Please feel free to google search it on your own, interesting subject.
- Gerardo Gallardo: The flavor saver lol
- Curt Seubert: King's X "Over My Head": so much better than this, and a cover (of sorts).
- chrisbrown667: Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing
- Thayer Yates: Glad to see that you guys finally got to Disturbed, they're one of the bands that got me into metal and still one of my favorites. If you ever revisit them I suggest Legion of Monsters. It's a lesser known song by them because it was a bonus track but I think it's one of their best and a good display of what the majority of Disturbed's music is.
- Malinda Hasten: It's speaking about before we reach Heaven. We speak to each other but not by verbal words. :-) I love you guys!
- Pedro Blaidd: Protest The Hero - Skies
- sherrijean03: What I love about this song, is although it was written in a different era and its original meaning is completely different, I feel the lyrics fit for modern day issues, with peoples obsessions with technology, and no ones willingness to listen to each other! This current world definitely serves a “neon god”
- Misty Hulsey: 21 poilts Neco and the niners
- wrangler Dave: It's a anti war song from the Vietnam era
- Aaron Silver: Listen to more disturbed:: Down with the sickness Indestructible Stupify Into the fire Stricken
- ThrashGod Cid: distrbed was one of the bands in queen of the damned, yall have definetly heard down with the sickness. also the howie thing .......thats what i said when i first saw him lol he looks like the dude from disturbed lol.
- Whytheguy 37: The Contortionist - Language parts 1&2 please.
- Linny AtHome: I think you’re way right on!
- Nadpu: The live version is so much better!
- Bonzoso21: The original is a classic and Disturbed did just fine with their version even though I prefer Simon and Garfunkel. Still, I could think of so many covers off the top of my head that I would place so far above this, many with more unique spins on the originals and some that were so iconic they became the definitive version: Stevie Wonder - Superstition, Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower, Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused, Tool - No Quarter, Johnny Cash - Hurt and Rusty Cage, Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Joe Cocker - With a Little Help From My Friends, Chris Cornell - Billie Jean, Guns N Roses - Live and Let Die … … …
- Yiorgios Vazouras: You guys should do a reaction video of Dragula by Rob Zombie. You guys haven’t really covered Industrial Metal, and it’s a shock rock classic as well. Really worth a video.
- Carson Grubaugh: Hush Yael FOR SURE!
- Luis Cueva: Rodney Farrar they’ve already done a reaction to it! Their reaction is quality and spoiler alert they loved Chris Stapleton. Which is definitely expected lol
- Joni Johnson: I really like this version as much as the original. Great presentation!
- Modnar621: Try some symphonic metal! Good songs to start with: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score live at Wacken; Epica - Unleashed; Within Temptation - A Demon's Fate
- Ethan Abernathy: Zztop 25 lighters is a cover of lil keke 25 lighters. They even used part of the first verse.
- Alex Agranov: Do Animals- house of the rising sun
- Midnight Murder99: Disturbed also did a cover of Land of Confusion by Genesis. The music video is animatied.
- Mirajane Fey: This is an amazing song, one of my favorites. But really not a good example of Disturbed at all. The biggest hits have been Down with the Sickness, Striken, Believe, Stupify, Prayer, Violence Fetish (not as big but good song), Indestructible, Ten Thousand Fists, Land of Confusion (Genesis Cover), Immortalized, Light it Up (newer sound of them), and then Droppin' Plates, which is just one of my favorite "deep tracks" of theirs off their first album.
- PilferTheLightOfDawn: Guys - Disposable Heroes by Metallica. Really. You'll love it.
- buzz killington: Trashed it? lmao please.
- Christopher Rossi: Wish you would have done anything else from Disturbed😞
- Matt: I think they may like this way more than they liked Welcome Home now that Claudio's got a more appealing vocal style and smarter, more grown-up lyrics.
- aceholeas: I'm just going to say it. I didn't much care for this cover.
- dick casablancas: No way. The vocals in this song once you hit that halfway point are just rediculous. Listening to most disturbed music then this next to it you can tell how amazing this is. I also love the original. This is not the best version of this song though the S&G version I think at the Rock hall is spine tingling.
- jonathan woolworth: Disturbed, fear
- Patrick Tavares: You guys need to react to their song The Light.
- Mass Pyro: What up boys
- Misty Michele: That's deep... I can totally see that now I never thought about it like that.
- Oilid: Best "The Sound of Silence" cover ➡️ Kmac and Drewsif!!!!
- Kal Zos: They should check out Communion of the Cursed by Ice Nine Kills. Their new Album The Silver Scream dropped today
- Michael Tracinski: Y'all should have stayed"Lost in Vegas",an,learn to appreciate music,not just,R n B,rap,ect,you both are bias an should"NOT",be judging any song,singer,ect. That is all. Michael T.,,,,,✌,an just my opinion.
- Skampyyy: Maximum The Hormone - F
- Punky Skunk: GOOD cover. NOT the greatest cover ever. The original is a classic. To make a great cover it needs to be better than the original and become a classic in it's own right. i.e. Joan Jett's - I Love Rock 'n Roll. (Originally an Arrows song) It must be iconic to the artist. Disturbed has a lot of good songs. This one doesn't make or break the band.
- Thane Griggs: Hey guys I was wondering if you can react or review a few of my favorite songs from variety of artist Last in line by dio Losing my insanity by dio Paradise by the dashboard light by meatloaf In the land of the pigs the butcher is king by meatloaf Monster is loose by meatloaf Bullets in the gun by toby keith I will never smoke weed.with willie again by toby Keith Come to my heaven by cryoshell
- Peter Brown: Next time do a real Disturbed song like Down with the Sickness or The Night.
- Greavor00: Oh hell no. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7RVw3I8eg That's the version you want. The video doesn't do it justice. I try to actually not watch music videos because I don't want to be influenced by some director. Take away what the song means to you, not what and how someone else want's you to interpret .
- Spinning Top: could you do a first reaction to Babymetal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro-_cbfdrYEA The link is for the final track in a five song line-up for a first ever appearance outside of Japan. The three young teenage Japanese girls supposed to be playing in a side tent to their few fans (at that time) at a large festival in the UK, at the last moment they got bumped onto the main stage. So, instead of playing to 2500 fans, they were now opening in front of 60000 metal heads who, for the most part had never even heard of them. Fear and panic that would have rendered normal humans to a standstill was overcome, and by the end of a five track set, they not only survived, but totally won over the whole place and have gone from strength to strength since.
- insertnamehere: Curtis loew by Lynyrd Skynyrd
- dcarota: The autotune on this song has always been really distraction for me to ever get into this cover.
- Perktube1: I hate to stop the flow(not really) but I gotta say Beyonce had the best song ever…. Might as well put Kanye in the breaks. Please please react then save commentary after, then you have the whole song to review in its entirety. 😀 imho.
- Noricavus: This is definitely a great cover. Could you guys please react to Hum - Stars? It would be greatly appreciated!
- GimpNinja 33710: This song, this cover, is more powerful has more gravitas. This song has biblical undertones, to me. At the time the original song was written, we were in the midst of the Cold War with Russia, at the time the USSR. We had Nuclear weapons, they had Nuclear weapons. Everyone was afraid of nuclear war. The concept was known as, M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction). If everyone that has, or had at the time, nukes set them off in war it would turn the world into an uninhabitable smoking crater.
- Blakkout 77: Do more disturbed!!!! Pleeeeease
- carolyn sullivan: Love this version. The way I see it is the whole world needs come together and see what is happening and listen to what we are are saying. Then maybe we can move forward and live in peace and harmony as one.
- Cordell Warren: If you ever watched "Watchman", the original version is played during the Comedians' funeral.
- Chris Landrum: Disturbed: prayer
- Roger Barton: Not the greatest cover. I still say wtf when it comes on. Before realizing oh yeah. Bleh.
- Matt Allen: Portishead-Glory Box if you want a different sound thats equally awesome
- Darren Hirschey: +Bill Burki he doesn't use it.
- Teq Bob: My first hear of it, too. Great cover of a song I'm familiar with. I'll add it to my play list. Thanks for sharing. Having said that, I don't know that it is the greatest cover of all time. But, I do put it up there with the Pointer Sisters' 1978 cover of "Fire" by Bruce Springsteen. Please review and react to their wonderful cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNCIs3eTP-U
- EarMode: You really should do Disturbed's "Down with the Sickness" for comparison. I think you'll be amazed.
- Some White Guy: Rime of the Ancient Mariner-Iron Maiden Flight 666
- Hexx Bombastus: Sound of silence is a great cover by Disturbed, but you should definitely listen to some of their original songs. Stupify, Liberate, Ten Thousand Fists... They have tons of great songs and also tons of great covers.
- Rhys Kerr: Big fan of Disturbed here, especially this song! Really like that no matter what you always try and break down the possible themes/symbolism that a song brings. You guys understand it’s more than instruments and words. As a request, you HAVE to react to J.I.D freestyle on Funk Flex Hot 97! It’s craaaazy!!
- Nasir Sharaf: Please react to Death Grips!!!
- Darkhorse393: One of the biggest things you need to take away from this cover is how well he was able to sing this. If you compare this song to other Disturbed music you will be in shock. Thats one of the main reasons its so popular. Not only because its a classic song but the fact that Disturbeds cover made it EPIC!
- dirtygore: Please don’t ever do another disturbed song ever again. None of there songs are any good and they all sound exactly the same.
- shannon moak: this song was written back in the hippie culture type.. it was an cry against "the man and big government.. at least that was my take
- Denisse Espinoza: Can you guys do Angel of Mercy by Black Label Society? It's one of my favorite soothing jams \\m// thanks in advance 🌸
- Jekker: Mushroomhead - Qwerty
- Kyle Fletcher: His stage presence is soooo boring
- miconis123: I love Disturbed but I prefer the original to their cover
- Jordan Ryan: Theres better disturbed songs lol.
- Dano Steel: this version just sucks. it teases you with a build up to the finale and then nothing comes. the original is so much better.
- EL Phx: check out Dynoro & Gigi D’Agostino - In My Mind something different but good def would be an interesting review
- Thrator: More disturbed please <3
- Jay Hamilton: You're right George, Dave Draiman does look a lot like Howie Mandel. Oh, and this is not the best cover of All-Time. Johnny Cash's cover of NIN's Hurt is a lot better. You guys need to do more Disturbed, because they sound nothing like this normally.
- H.E. Pennypacker: Dimmu Borgir - Gateways (live)
- Kate'z Kitchen: I realize you guys go with what ranks in the comments, but if you wanted to react to this song based on interpretation and imagery, check out the Maccabeats version. Very poignant.
- MetalizedButt: React to dimash s.o.s
- Keunt: its sounds like a cheesy talent show cover to me.
- jose maciel: Yo !!!! Love this cover hella excited for this attempt #22 Alex da kid ft Joseph Angel American funeral
- Nicolas Broszky: This is a cover you fucking morons.
- Brian T: Disturbed also did a good version of Land Of Confusion by Genesis - I think you'd enjoy the original. Great video too.
- dylan omens: My fav tool song
- 1gitarz: LOL...."Howie Mandel"
- Dark Side Bricks: It was written about technology and humanity disconnecting from each other
- YungTabernacle: Could be worth doing another song of Disturbed’s to hear what they usually sound like. You’ll probably appreciate this more when you realise they can pull off two completely different styles. Try Prayer, Remember, Stricken or something like that.
- My first day on the internet: Sound of social justice by free press of kekistan.. check it out ! Best version of this song
- goodride2004: Not even close
- Rygirl Urso: Yes!!
- luke taylor: Audioslave like a stone
- Megan Formanek: Don’t blink by Kenny Chesney!
- Kayla Thigpen: also, thanks for saying he looks like Howie. I can't unsee that now.
- Erathizzle: Babymetal will blow this channel up as well
- david webb: the video with miles kennedy is better
- Chromodar: I think the greatest cover ever made is A Perfect Circle - Imagine. By changing the music and singing style, they update the atmosphere of the song from Lennon's hopeful naivety, to a more currently relevant desperate pleading. I think that's incredibly well done.
- Clint Westwood: Tool - The Grudge
- Shawn Lunsford: Please play stricken by them
- Rebecca H: David, the singer, has always been powerful. Definitely check out 'droping plates', it's and older disturbed song that doesn't get the spotlight it truly deserves. The lyrics are insane!!!! Much love.
- Darren O'Donnell: Imma stop you right there. Love covers, love this cover, but my fav is Jeff Buckley - hallelujah
- Nobdy Doh: The original is just one of those songs everyone has heard.
- Erin Weatherly: Let’s get some Corrosion of Conformity fans to soma these dudes!!!!! Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity
- Puddin's Mama: David's voice is amazing. Great reaction video. Thank you. 👍✌
- Asa Carr: Best cover of all time either goes to the Animals House of the Rising Sun or Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You
- Dimebag Metal22: Tool- parabola
- The Ted: I believe the original song by Simon and Garfunkel was written about a friend that died of brain cancer.
- Scott Richards: David Draiman is, in my opinion, the best male rock vocalist of modern times along side Ann Wilson who is the best female rock vocalist. I wish Draiman had more room in Disturbed to show off his vocal chops.
- Brian P: Do yourselves a favor and avoid all Disturbed songs. Unless you have insomnia, this band would help.
- Chazz Shook: Down With The Sickness by Disturbed!
- TheAxlSnaks: This may not be the best song to react to when it comes to this band because it isn't very similar to the rest of their songs, it is important to note though that Disturbed is famous for applying their sounds to covers for the past decade or more (Land of Confusion cover is almost 15 years old now, damn) Still pushing for Mr. Bungle! For something pretty: Pink Cigarette For something weird: Merry Go Bye Bye Bear in mind that any song you listen to by Mr. Bungle will never give you a full understanding of their sound, because they're so experimental
- Scot A. Griffin: And I like a lot of Disturbed’s stuff!
- Phill Rufus: To me, personally, this cover feels like it is mourning the loss of something in the music industry. People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening and people writing songs that voices never share? People who sing meaningless and generic lyrics just because they flow together, people who listen and consume the music without thinking about it or questioning why they should like it, writers writing songs for labels that is never used and just sits away forgotten among the thousands of other ready to churn out tracks. The neon god we made is basically the modern pop music industry, songs about the same three things with over produced and effortless music tracks that lacks soul. It doesn't evoke emotion, it doesn't raise questions, it doesn't have a lesson or a message, it just brings in money for a while before the next thing takes over. I'm not saying all modern or pop music is like this at all, but it feels like it is a large part of the music industry. The video, with the broken instruments, the clearly destroyed landscape, the imagery just feels like it's talking about the death of music. Is what I take away from it, anyway.
- Buddy Duward Jr.: been waiting awhile for this lovin the vids.. try helloween I want out
- ALet338: One of my favorite things ever is when hard metal bands do quiet, slow songs. It shows a depth of talent and a love for the artistry that you don't see very often
- Gruen Jill: It was written in early 60s. It's about television taking over.
- Kevin Warburton: i like this cover but i think land of confusion is better.
- Daniel Fomenko: if you like this, check out "Easy" by Faith No More
- Honey: Please review “Asylum” by Disturbed... it’s incredible...
- Travis Rose: I didn't know I wanted this reaction until now.
- transmit13: Your defending Disturbed. lol @ you. Shut up, clean the wax out of your busted ass ears, learn how to listen and discover better music. By the way. It all checks out. Google the stats on LASTFM and find out what Disturbed fan's listened to. On page two, of Disturbed's "similar artists" you will find a band you probably have in your collection of compact discs with no cover/cases, and that band is Nickelback. Told you they're one in the same. Generic music, for generic people. Same fan base. But whatever dude. Sounds like you're already down with the sickness. Sorry about that. Hope your hearing gets better.
- Chris Myers: The Agenda- galaktikon
- K: There is better way to enjoy the song! just listen it w/o this 2 idiots...............
- call me Ishmael: The BEST cover of this song..I absolutley love that you did a video for this song..David Draiman puts soo much emotion into this song..I also feel like this song applies more to this generation than any other..I really hope you guys appreciate this song and remake.I watched your faces as you were watching and listening and i could see it on your faces and you were taking it in..The original writer look it up, I think it was Simon had this dream during the 60s and it encouraged him to write it.
- Bipolar: Do little research on Disturbed. You will be surprised.
- ayylmao69: Please review lil dicky’s “how can you sleep” it’s so hard
- M Porten: Rise Against- Savior
- jason thayer: Their new album is coming on the 19th!
- Aaron Hickman: This is playing when the van door shuts and you realize there is no candy.
- cole Marie: It’s a great cover.... and I like very very passionately *hate* Disturbed.
- iblamegravity1: +TOAOM123 Haha, right! I always thought that of this saying.
- Tartuffe the Spry Wonder Dog: Where, I can't find it.
- snakehips3131: God I hate this song
- Porkchop: You gotta listen to another Disturbed song to get the contrast between this and their actual songs. Listen to something like Stricken, The Game, prayer, or even down with the sickness
- Pug Shorty: I would also add "Into the Fire"
- Doggo: We need more Disturbed!
- Pete Authelet: I like how you guys critiqued this.
- sean hurley: The best cover of all time in my opinion is either Simple Man by Shinedown or Hurt by Johnny Cash
- Kinksutin: Didn't know Charlie Runkle can sing 👍
- Natasza Frallicciardi: Gentlemen, may I suggest, JUICE, by , Steve Vai? I think you will like it.
- Digi - Double: I hate you both for stopping the video so gosh dam much
- Juan Carlos Ascanio: Entombed “Wolverine Blues”
- Raoul Duke: Primus deserves a second chance!! To Defy the Laws of Tradition or Jerry was a race car driver
- ProCharged HD: its another cover of the original song by genesis but they nail the emotion to it as well
- Alex LePeter: This is nowhere near Hurt as the best cover of all time
- MegaSickcat: As an AVID lover of good music, I usually like original version better than any remake...but I have to admit in this, this version just brings the words to a whole other level! And to whoever said that 'Simon and Garfunkel's version was a warning...and Distrubed's version is rage because the warning was ignored' NAILED the meaning behind this song....This version is chilling...his voice is somewhere between an angel and a devil (if there is such a thing lol)..I like this version enough to actually spend money on iTunes to own it...something I hardly ever do.
- Morgan Waller: You should watch the live version from the Conan show
- kmcclinton71: Corrosion of Conformity please - Albatross or Clean My Wounds
- Kevin Babb: Joe Cocker has a litany of covers as good, if not better than Disturbed
- Manoj Kumar Baruah: React disturbed - the night.... Greatest guitar solo ever
- illegal kiwi: Are there really any people that like this band?
- Matt's Models Customs: The stopping sucks but they have to stop the video every so often otherwise the video will get flagged by YouTube for copyright infringement. They say this several times in other videos.
- andyisyellow: Yall should react to something by Tool
- Roland Tembo: You have to do slipknot- spit it out You guys will love it, corey has bars my dudes
- Bobby Baker: Please check out this song live with Disturbed with Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge.
- Charles Willig: If that's your first time listening to Disturbed, check out "down with the sickness" and understand his vocal range. they've been around for awhile.
- Nick Kongos: this song helped me get through a really dark period of my life. It allowed me to see what i had become and how i needed to change. For me, it's the greatest cover song of all time and has changed my life
- Ron Timmons: You really need to watch the video of them playing live with orchestra on Conan. Makes a major difference... I think the song is about nuclear war
- Infinite Fantasy: I’m just more surprised people still listen to Disturbed.
- Bene: Than there must be "Black Ron"
- Phillip Masters: Disturbed sons of plunder
- Nolan Doehass: Audioslave like a stone is an awesome song they should review I agree hole heartedly. Quad Clops
- Grunge Tone: Sadboi song s like u said by lil peep
- randy rocket: imagine dragons-radioactive
- Most Deadest Pool of em All.: today a 16 year old told me they don't listen to rock because they are 16 years old.
- TheUnholyOne: 10,000 Fists is gonna be the next song you listen to from Disturbed, right?
- PhantomRisk: What a good birthday present 😁
- David W: Assessment was good. Song warning against apathy.
- Becky Neufeld: That's disturbing sounding
- lbialk: Extremely rude.
- tony tilleczek: Things that hurt my ears: Finger nails on a chalkboard. The sound of babies screaming in a grocery store line-up. This song.
- David Vanpelt: #1 You have heard of Disturbed. They did Down with the Sickness, a cultural milestone for some in their late 20's to early 30's. You cannot say ooA-A-A-A without knowing that song. It is impossible. #2 I fully agree with your assessment that this version has much more feeling than the Simon & Garfunkel original. I think that this is a symptom of the times, though. In the '70s when this was written Simon & Garfunkel were known as a political protest band and were certainly speaking to that crowd. A crowd that knew their style and was listening specifically to the lyrics while expecting something a touch trippy (it was the '70s, you see). That crowd cared far more about the words than any song structure ((see 95% of Bob Dylan's catalogue) excepting Tears on the Tracks, because that album is a masterpiece and you should do a reaction to Tangled Up In Blue to draw in the 60+ age bracket because it is an awesome story-song in itself regardless of it's massive demographic appeal) and were conditioned to live with and interpret these lyrics for months on end. on account of the time between album releases. #3 You guys should do something in the 'dad-rock' / 'yacht rock' genre. I suggest Steely Dan: either Deacon Blues or Hey Nineteen. Deacon Blues is a better song but Hey Nineteen is an easier listen to and review.
- CHUNKYbeef soup: Another great song ruined by the prick on the right. don't ruin the experience of witnessing a songs atmosphere the first time around k let everyone including yourself witness the song without interruption then brake it down at the end. Its so simple. Lost sub
- Natalia: If you want something unique and , at the same time incredibly sad, I would love a reaction to "Mother Love" by Queen. "Mother Love" is especially powerful because of the fact that Freddy Mercury died before the song was finished and Queen guitarist Brian May had to finish the last verse. The song ends with a montage of every song that Freddy ever sang. Very powerful and beautiful song.
- o0jordie0o: Disturbed - Another way to die
- Jake Fry: He does look like Howie thank you! I've been saying that for years lol
- E Kramer2: That also explains why it goes from Simon and Garfunkle with tragic sadness, to Disturbed with absolute rage. They sang a lament. This guy sings as if it's being ripped out of his own guts a bit at a time.
- LeNa: OVERTHINKING IT ...... Lost in Vegas.... so PLZ PLZ PLEASE REACT to D O W N with the S I C K N E S S w Disturbed All the best, <3 <3 and Success from Arctic LoVe Islands, Northern Norway
- Brian Madigan: I absolutely love this version of this song! It gives me chills every single time I hear it.
- Wayne Jones: Do an upchurch review
- Cathy Garcia: The original was from 1964. I don't think the neon God is technology. Could be wrong but....
- kennyonthecobz: These guys don't know how to appreciate music. What a shame. Much more emotional when u just stop and listen. Give your thoughts at the end.
- Scott Watson: Man I been requesting mudvayne world so cold for close to a year come on cuhhhh
- phantom4x4: Blasphemy!
- Richard H: IWrestledABearOnce-"Boat Paddle"
- Phill Rufus: +Ashley Collins Not right, just what I interpreted and took away from Disturbed's more emotional cover and imagery
- Eric Xu: This cover is just okay for me. I can appreciate some parts of the song. But it makes me sad that Disturbed is becoming more well-known for a cover song played in a style that is not their own. Any song that's a cover loses its magic for me, simply because it is not the artist's own craft. When people think of Disturbed, they should think of masterpieces such as Ten Thousand Fists, Prayer, Inside the Fire, and Down with the Sickness.
- recyclingeyes: Disturbed- "Indestructible", "Down with the Sickness", and "Stupify"
- Silverblade Dagger: "People bowed and prayed to the neon god they made" is probably talking about TV, and nowadays technology like cell phones and computers, but at the time it was originally written, it probably referred to TV. I know that Paul Simon wrote the song by going in his bathroom with the lights off, which is where the line "Hello darkness my old friend..." comes from. I remember him saying he would go there to think about songs to write. It was on a documentary or video clip interview with him explaining how he came up with the song. I think the song is about a lot of things but mainly how we talk without saying anything, hear but don't really listen. It is sort of how people don't dig into things and are fake, or just paying lip service to things, or going through the motions without passion or intent. It could be talking about music, where people listen to garbage, soulless music, and the songs of meaning and soul aren't listened to, or at the very least aren't truly being heard. That's my take on things.
- dextc: StephenRahrig dude... i'm not offended. I don't take offence to anything.. i'm baffled... How a band like Simon & Garfunkel has missed the radar is something i just don't understand. Especially if you are a music lover. - oh and i'm in my 30's 😊
- That's Entertainment: It is about institutional poverty. Neon God is capitalism.
- Raymon D: Mac Miller - diablo promise banger
- Robert Hejduk: I hear the original version and all I see is the 2 young girls from the Shining Movie singing. Freaky Like the disturbed version better
- paul burton: Howie Mandel 😂😂😂 dead
- Nuggets, Boi: Despite it being written in the 1960s, that is an interesting interpretation that is totally applicable in this day and age.
- Mandurath: Marc Broussard - Home Would like to see a reaction/review to this song/artist.
- Jonathan Gawke: Rollins band: liar
- Jose Diaz: Peleaste do Who thought you how to hate from them!! Great song... thanks for doing my favorite band... keep it going
- Zandman26: My opinion about this version is that it is better, just because I feel the words more in this version. However I would like to suggest Versailles - Remember forever, this band is really talented but sadly get very little play in the western world.
- Spencer Rosario-McCabe: The wonderful thing about music is it’s up for interpretation. Yes there is an authors intent which is what the song meant to them - but people can extrapolate their own meaning from this legendary song. Good review and interesting take on it.
- Shawn Hendricks: WEEN
- Mike Romano: Awful band. Please don't go down this road.
- Peccath: *cough*autotune*cough*
- monicajean37: Would'nt it be great to hear them do some HEART? LIKE LET'S SAY..................BARRACUDA????????? LOL
- Mirko: You should check how Nevermore covered this song :)
- Skilgannon the Damned: It's funny how different folks hear the same song and have two totally different take aways from it. For example, my self personally, I had never heard of this song by S&G before hearing this cover and seeing this video first. I was blown away, goosebumps, I still get goosebumps when I hear this cover. But after hearing it the first time I wanted to go back and listen to the original by S&G and I thought it was Boring As Hell! I didn't even get all the way thru it and still haven't to this day Cuz to me this version blows S&G original version out of the water hahaha! Isn't that funny how people hear things differently? :D
- Stefan Matic: There are a lot of singers in metal that are clasically trained. You for sure need to expand your metal diet.
- Adam Schulte: Roman Cotruta I think this song is requested in the comment section of every video. They have to get to it eventually.
- nigga: Can u react to xxxtentacion new music video plzzzz its called moonlight
- Jeff Hall: You guys suck save your bs comments to after the video
- aiden mcneil: Thank you guys for responding to my request for this song. Love your takes!
- tyler anderson: People are hearing without listening the world is blind bro
- Nelson Market: Kyuss - Demon cleaner Kyuss - Whitewater Metal Church - Anthem to the estranged Moonspell - An erotic alchemy Vektor - Collapse Edge of Sanity - Enigma
- Ginger Hammer: Hey you guys like Myles Kennedy? You guys should listen to World on Fire by Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators. Don't watch the video though as it contains tiddies lol
- Kryptonite: disturbed did some good covers, too --> land of confusion... but not this one lol
- hoosd42: Bill Burki no it’s an echo pedal
- Jucas Lohnson: More Disturbed
- Toney513: The Dude Looks Like Hannibal Lecter and I'm get nothing from this
- Nikhil D Rao: Original was better ...
- Ray Sechrengost: Foo Fighters - Baker Street Cover
- Paul Retzbach: Mr Dave Draimen!!
- Benita Van Vuuren: I live in South Africa and I grew up with this song. It was a worldwide hit, I loved it as a very young child and today at 57 I still love it. Simon and Garfunkel’s version is sooo depleted of anger whilst I find the Disturbed version an angry warning to where we as people are heading. Both versions are differently portrayed but they both hit home. It’s also important to note that this song was written in the sixties and the reference to neon lights where some of the technology of that time and people where already became slaves to tegnology back then. Although today it seems irrelevant with the internet and social media but I think what Paul Simon and David Draiman is warning the people about is not to be slaves to technology. I think the warning is for people to listen and to really talk to each and put people first, before your I-phone and the technology that can so easily devour us.
- Seven Bundy: Omg this song is as old as NAM. Its about the government kuruption,war and bombs as in my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light and drugs of course
- Josh Orr-Fahey: Two for one special on tired and worn out YouTube cliches? I get, not one, but *two* black guys reacting to other people's content, which is ironically passed off itself as content? I'm sold! I mean, how else a brother gonna get some of that sweet YouTube ad revenue if he don't have any discernible talents, am I right?
- Ginger Bruner: Down with the sickness by disturbed .. Would be great to watch your traction to that..
- Juan Schweizer: It's not "silence" the elephant in the room, but "copyright". It's funny how some people just come clean and say it and others choose to get creative.
- Patrick Schmidt: Nevermore does a far better cover of this song!!!!!!!!
- LiquidEagle232: Do Gloria by The Dear Hunter
- namttip2: This is a great song, but it is not a good feel for the real style for Disturbed. You should check out "Down with the Sickness" or "Stupify". There are other great ones beyond those, too.
- Xenophon: More Disturbed please. Try Down with The Sickness, their most popular song. Totally different vibe from Sound of silence.
- mike s: I think the song has a church angle , people are not coming together in worship (and song/community) instead they just listen to their neon (media) god.
- Kyle Brokaw: Been waiting on this man
- Spookychris01: Im pretty sure Art Garfunkel said of this cover that, ' it was far better than ours'. Dave Draiman is just awesome.
- Andi Randolph: Another great cover: Bad Wolves "Zombie."
- Connman: Definitely check out Stricken by Disturbed to get more of a feel for their normal sound. Then this song will be more surprising.
- Don: Finally! Been waiting for this reaction.
- Caleb Vinson: Y’all gotta do some josh turner for your next country one
- Arne Helland: It's a 70s protest song.
- jjames e: Vektor - Recharging the Void, this is a great track!
- Pedro Marques: Fu Manchu - Evil Eye pleeease 😀
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- Dee Colburn: Voices!
- M: Who cares? It's not like he wrote the song.
- Tony Plunkett: You should react to some classic rock like Ted nudgent or deep purple something like that. I will live song choice up to you guys.
- Tracey Pacheco: This is the first time I have watched your channel and it will be the last. Your stoppage ruined the build up of the song. Your opinions could and should have waited to the end.
- Nick: I'm still asking for some SEETHER.... The Gift, Walk Away From The Sun, Nobody Praying for Me, Words as Weapons, Weak, Needles, No Jesus Christ, Like Suicide.....
- Tomasz Antochów: Please react more to Disturbed. Disturbed is one of, if not the most popular metal band in recent years. You have done quite some digging into the genre, but i think it would be good to experiment with the popular sounds as well, that way you can paint more of a picture of the sound for yourself and you can form better judgements. Also, disturbed is quite unlike you have ever heard, coming from a fan that subbed when you had 20k subscribers :)
- LeBraun Newkirk: DISTURBED - Decadence
- TreeBark Monster: Eric Church - Mr. Misunderstood, kill a word, record year, cold one, talladega, drink in my hand, cold one, Springsteen Jason Aldean - the truth, any ol’ barstool, drowns the whiskey
- S Kirk: Come on guys...this is a serious song.
- Vetted Warrior: The song disturbed's version is people not remembering the past and we are following the same dark path as before that will lead to death (Holocaust) and destruction (Nuclear war)
- Chris Tackett: stratmatt22 you deserve to be banned!
- Kevin Plummer: Please check out Metallica performing with the S&M orchestra, it’s somewhat old but I think you both would appreciate the blend of thrash metal and orchestra together, it’s very beautiful.
- Blackeagle1120 87: Need to listen to old Disturb to truly appreciate this one. Listen to Down with a Sickness as a good starting point.
- John Gilbert harleyrules: Yeah Quad Clops... good call, please Lost in Vegas.... check out Chris in this song...
- Adam Hendricks: You guys should not have analyzed the lyrics for this version of the song, as you know it was not written by Disturbed, and was written quite some time ago.
- Jordan Mannix: Snakes for the Divine would be sick. That intro riff is so killer. Turk and Fury Whip too. Just do a High on Fire song please!
- Gofu Ckurslf: I love this cover unfortunately, disturbed got Simon and Garfunkles original intent of the song completely wrong. The video disturbed put out while could be relevant if not taken literally made it completely confusing for people that dont know the original. I suppose it's all relative but for the musically ignorant the original message is lost on a young generation of new listeners.
- imshannon nottellin: they are bringing the music back to the masses
- Annalisa Pizzuto: Keep watching the video and comment after
- Jay Money: K.A.A.N Conceal The Outro Please!
- The Lone Outlaw: Why am I seeing comments from 4 months ago?! It just came out???
- Myrzghe: If you are doing best covers now (and I think you should!) you should check out : W. A. S. P - The real me (original by "the who") Dimmu borgir - burn in hell (by twisted Sister) nocturnal breed - under the blade (by twisted Sister as well) Five finger death punch : bad Company (original by bad Company) These are all bands doing covers of bands they grew up with, and adding a heavier touch to them. Some of the best covers in metal!! Make sure you hear the originals first!
- jonnygoat15: Love it! Unbiased and real!
- thatwascool012345: SPOONMAN PLEASE
- ulisses salvador: I tell you what the meaning means that the human being is increasingly distant from each other, how many times have you entered a public place and saw a group of people who are together and nobody talks to each other are all time mobile phone technology
- Salemvet: It is a cry for help but also for action. “Silence like the cancer grows” because inaction and silence condones those that are speaking. Think in terms of protests and political upheaval. This was during the Vietnam era and the Civil Rights movement. Inaction and apathy spread and nothing changes. Speak out. Speak up. Neon god is the artifical construct that “everyone” tries to get - wealth, fame, money. It is a fake light, fake god. Great song and super powerful. True poetry.
- Bradley Burton: Not bad. The original is much better though.
- Adam Gillespie: Need more Jamey johnson and rittz..
- Gary Spaziani: It’s about a cop who got shot again and dying on the ground
- Tha13uttabean: The Vengeful One - Disturbed
- Thy Huynh: Death - Spirit Crusher
- Troy DIOSO: The live acoustic version is just as badass
- Zebulon Swearingen: Swiggy Swagg Great idea, they’d love it. That’s an awesome song.
- Ken C: Good call with the Howie Mandel...I'm not really a fan of this group but this song version is great. Free thinkin fellas
- Tim Hecklinski: I've been waiting a long time for CLUTCH guys...still waiting. X-ray visions, Burning Beard, Elephant Riders, Electric Worry, Crucial Velocity
- B W: Ah man you guys gotta do "down with the sickness"
- Peter De Man: Would you guys like to do a review of https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+world+is+yours? Powerfull song, Even more powerfull female vocalist :D
- ChimourTheBatFurry: Oh! Or, if you want a BETTER Simon & Garfunkel cover, try looking up Elvis' cover of 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'. Be warned, though. That cover is like snorting a rail of cocaine. It's powerful shit, man.
- Adam Porter: Yup. You guys are way off. This is about the long hard journey to making it to the top of the music industry. A reminder of those who cant seem to get their music out there. A reminder of the ones who can play the instruments but are never heard . The failure to bring these people together. It's all about lost music. Nothing political. Just simply lost music never to be published. Never to be heard.
- Evie D: Your videos are awesome!! Have you ever thought of the song “A Reason To Fight” by Disturbed? Also, anything by Alter Bridge or Tremonti!
- Bambam NJ: This version is OK but I still say Simon and Garfunkel's version is better. Remember the time period. Early 60's. Lots of turmoil. JFK assassination. So lots of imagery. Ultimately Paul Simon's intention for the song was generational separation and youth separation. He was 21 when he wrote the song and he was feeling that no one was listening to his generation.. for numerous reason, including societal upheaval.
- Stephanie Botts: Listening to this song to the video of the 9/11 tribute will give you goosebumps.
- New York Giants: Bullet for my Valentine-Tears Don’t Fall
- necromorph88: My recommendation for the next song you fellas do is Sabaton : The Price Of A Mile or Cliffs Of Gallipoli
- Innoculate: The silence are people murdered by the U.S. military. This is an anti war song. >.>
- Bill Serad: Disturbed is one of the best metal bands there is. Some "metal heads" who like to be edgy hate on them because they actually reached mainstream success but that's because of how good they are. Down with the sickness and Striken would be awesome videos to react to.
- TOAOM123: Im particular to bad meets evil, personally
- MsPinkwolf: 'people are hearing without listening'....never a truer word said.
- TheSupradude26: The song is about how technology is silencing people. Tech ology is changing people for the worse, and what's crazy is the song was finished in 1963, and yet is far more accurate today than it was 55 years ago when it was written.
- SteelNomad: You guys should check out Metallica's live performance of "Creeping Death" from a 1991 concert in Moscow. It took place shortly after the Soviet Coup attempt and four months before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. There was roughly 1.5 million people in the crowd, of both civilians and soldiers.
- murfienhawaii: Bad Wolves - Zombie another great cover that This song reminds me of.
- Thomas Boyer: This was a song written during the Vietnam war and was a protest against the politicians for starting it . And the people who died up to 1968 . We left in 1975 . The neon god was politics and money . This was to wake people up
- Sophia Bogard: Some once said. " Don't die with your music still inside of you." That's what I get from this song.
- Play4Blood: Unfortunate choice of songs for your introduction to Disturbed. Hopefully you guys come back soon with an actual Disturbed song.
- Bob The Boss Saget: This song is trash. NEXT.
- Tara Gragg: Nobody can cover them. Ever. My ears are bleeding. Check out Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard. No offense.
- Enrique Sanchez: Anybody that reads this, please give Jzac a listen
- Justin Constable: +Dick Van Dyke I saw them live at Ozzfest/Knotfest within the last few years and people were talking shit on them in the crowd. They did a really good job and I've been a fan for years though.
- Jetski: They gotta do this one !!!
- Duje Kesić: Do the Nevermore and their cover of this song,they gave to it a proper treatment! And you also liked Nevermore so...
- Donna Ransom: Still think he looks like Howie? Hahaha
- Sean Addis: Found this version of a classic song to be totally dull and dreary- it definitely wasn’t powerful!
- Robinson michel: I'm a hip hop head but the sound of silence was a huge song in the 70 or 60 but it is a great song.
- archiveit1: Even though you only touched on the original version a little bit, I think it would be interesting to hear you guys compare more songs to their covers.
- Distortia1994: Oh, hell yes.
- Dave R: This song is prophetic for the time it was written. For me it always has seemed to be about technology replacing real communication
- Rodrix Rockz: You guys are amazing and funny af! Keep up the good work :D Please do some original stuff of Disturbed, like "Asylum" , "Inside the Fire" or "The Infection" 🤘 Cheers from Brazil o/
- Joseph Wolf: Bruh react to logics new album please!
- Shawn Taylor: Thank you for finally reacting to this song! One of my favorite covers of all time
- ron milman: Orphaned Land- Halo Dies!
- Nate Fontana: Disturbed-Stricken
- Kevin Barker: Covers? Love this version. Try Chris Cornell's cover of Billie Jean.
- Erin Greenlee: That's a great way to put it!! I didn't think of it that way.
- Adam Vargas: Five Finger Death Punch Wrong Side of Heaven
- Jennifer Nein: I am a fan of the original also but this version is powerful. The video and the song speaks about the difference between classical music and new age music. In my opinion, The neon god is referring to new age music and instruments again in my opinion. I am a Trombone player, went through Concert, jazz and marching band in school. It's a dying trait now a days. kids aren't learning from the former masters in the music field anymore. We're raising them and they're not being taught about them. They have no idea anymore about those musics that came before this day and age of music.
- Liquidation King LA: The Song is about those that a Killed because of War, Sickness and Famine.... They can't speak or hear or see; so we have to finally communicate for those that can no longer let their pain be felt... Simon and Garfunkle wrote the song but it is so melodic that you ignore the words... Here you Can't Ignore the Message!
- Will Jennings: This is me by keala settle the greatest showman soundtrack
- Marshie420: hey, you should react to the experimental rap group death grips, the fever, on gp, and i've seen footage are great songs to listen to
- kandy goodwin: Should have listened to a Disturbed song before you listened to this.. then you really would have been in awe. He is amazing.
- Michael Motter: Incredible vocals, great song! Absolutely beautiful cover, but Johnny Cash cover of hurt is still the BEST cover!
- anthony prato: Finally!!!!
- The Backwards Bear: +Derek Raynaud good point. I never claimed to be exempt.
- qazrapt: Muse - Stockholm syndrome
- Robert Chappell: Where is some shinedown. Their cover of simple man
- Evan Phillips: Disturbed rules but this song is not that good. Do land of confusion, deify, or forgiven
- Goldenthrone Music: Yes, I want them to do Nightwish so bad. With all the Nightwish requests they have been getting, it's only a matter of time. Hopefully they choose a good introductory song though.
- Thayer Yates: Well it was mainly Metallica, Judas Priest, Avenged Sevenfold, and Disturbed. But they were among some of the first metal I listened to.
- Mark Fox: What makes it great with alot of people is what they normally singing....down with the sickness is somethin of thiers that you may have heard theyre hard rock band
- Cortland Wheeler: Rittz "Top of the line" full album Rittz songs: "Crash and Burn" or "Amen"
- Michael Woods: Thank you guys for finally reacting to this song. David Draiman is a classically trained singer and you're spot on with your understanding of the lyrics. It's about we as humans losing our humanity by being consumed by our reliance on technology. Keep them coming.
- Tartuffe the Spry Wonder Dog: freakshopusa They never did Tommy, unless it's not on Youtube.
- bonnita- marie decarvalho: The first song was a warning ,this one is a reminder 😁😁😁😁😁
- Pokafalva: The best summation of this song that I have heard. Well done!
- Tom Dundon: 2:14 mother fuc*er take your hand of that god damn mouse
- Jessica Fifelski: Check out Garth Brooks “More than a Memory” pleeeeeeeeaseee!!!!🙏
- James Lamb: Awwwww yeah!
- Chris Heim: Really need to do the bad wolves cover of zombie probably up there with this song if not more
- Evan Hill: What if they are talking about musical artists when it says the neon god line.
- muddinmann: Love you guys keep it up check out other disturbed songs
- Syco4121: Listen to the live version with myles Kennedy singing with him!!!!!!
- Frosty The Snowman: Rush - Spirit of the Radio
- Christopher Peters: Yawl are such beautiful souls!!
- Steve Kozlowski: Volbeat please! Either Seal the Deal or Dead but Rising
- Cora B: Love to see your reaction to Bad Wolf’s cover of Zombie!
- Eskil Tester: the song is about war. Simon and garfunkel sang this as a warning. disturbed sings it angry after hell broke loose because we didn't listen
- boot system: I thought I saw Idris Elba so I clicked now disappointed
- CLureCo: Great cover, but I really like the original better.
- olalj123: False idols?
- Seth Adams: definitely not the greatest cover of all time. Or even 2015. Lets hear Draimon do it like Simon with no autotune....
- Tha Deka: Reaction of Dimash Kudaibergen - S.O.S Plz
- Juan Vazquez: Creekboylloyd "You are having a good time baby, but that won't last..."
- HanoverYakker: If you go back and watch the video, the instruments you see are staged in the manner in which those elements of the song are introduced.
- Raiderblack: Disturbed , Down With The Sickness!! If you wanna know what they really sound like.... The sound of silence is so classic and David Draiman did it total justice!
- Stanislav Katkov: Should have just reacted to a song by Disturbed. Any will do since all are the same :)
- Ultimate Warrior: we are living in some fucking seriously dark times in society when the general population thinks this is anywhere close good. i am so lost in life from everything that happens around me. i dont know what to believe, whats even true anymore. this song is SHIT. its not my opinion. it should be a fact. i honestly get choked up about things like this help its ok u guys dont say its a bad song i know u guys know.
- Jeremy LeBlanc: awesome video, i never saw it that way of a divide, so thanks for another perspective. a great song you guys should react to is bullet for my valentine's "Hearts burst into fire". its such a good song.
- ficklefingeroffate: Guess I’m in the minority but this cover sounds horrible.
- ThatGuyLikesCarsAndStuff: This song ALWAYS gives me goosebumps/chills when I listen to it. Also, I always listen to this song with the windows open and as loud as I can bare. It will forever be that good. I am so glad they did this. I am so glad you guys reacted to it. As a viewer, you can see that you guys were completely pulled in by this song. THAT is and always will be a HUGE mark for a properly great song.
- Kevin Warburton: The Neon God is Mammon/Dis/Pluto, God of Wealth, Avarice, Greed, Captalism/Corporatism, Materialism, Consumption, Gluttony, Disharmony, Thievery.
- Kevin Mathers: If we are keeping it rap then you should react to Yelawolf- Love is not enough or Til it’s gone but if we are talking expanding then I suggest System Of A Down- Soldiers Side
- Veepedaldude: This song is so bad you guys get a down vote.
- Edgetheripper 22: The movie you herd the song in was probably old school, when will ferrell drowns in the pool
- DXfan4ever100: Tool - Jambi. Please..
- Jornstjerne: Guys, there is a version of this with Myles Kennedy, it is even better!
- Michael Perez: If you have heard anything from Disturbed, it is the song Down with the Sickness.
- LDon13: Great review. His voice is incredible and glad you got a touch of Disturbed.
- Janderson Dias: Red Fang - Wires
- Brooklyn Stitcher: @Tim None Paul Simon may not have attributed deep meaning to the song, however the great thing about music is that it can mean something to the person listening that the writer never intended. The reason this song meant so much to those who heard it back in the 60s was because of what was going on at the time. The reason this version of the song touches me is because of what is going on now. The song doesn't have to mean the same thing to everyone. However, regardless of when it was written or who is singing it or what Paul Simon intended when he wrote it, it moves people. And that is the mission of all art.
- Pablo Richard Fernandez: The neon god they made = consumerism = the thing that keeps us from community...
- GuitarsNStrings 4Things: Maybe do more Disturbed then! -Down With The Sickness -Remember -Ten Thousand Fists -Perfect Insanity
- Dave Alan: Check this out. Great to hear powerful vocalists covering amazing songs in their own way. https://youtu.be/wKMP81DVLLk Axel kills it.
- chris soto: There's power in lyrics. And there's power in vocals. This is a prime example of both coming together beautifully.
- Mark Fox: Their luve version on Conan is just as good or better ....live
- Michelle Frost: This song is all about the meaning of music...
- Kylea Michele: David is actually an opera singer which is how his vocal range is so fucking crazy lol
- Brad Cooney: +Collin Beal If you're referring to the singer, you are simply ignorant.
- Korey V: Loved your lyrical analysis.
- Anthony jasso: I think you have to listen to Original Disturbed songs to really appreciate the range of the band. Listen to Down with the Sickness or Stricken real quick then go back to this song. You'll appreciate it more. Keep up the good work guys
- gypsy rose: So you should take your own advice and LISTEN before you interrupt and jabber. UGH.
- Tyler Street: You guys don’t know DISTURBED?!?!?!? Then you HAVE TO react to DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS!
- Jo Jo: I hate this cover. I think Disturbed destroyed it.
- Ty Sroufe: YES, Helloween, something from Keeper of the Seven Keys I or II.
- wofra67: People talking without speaking People hearing without listening = in my opinion it´s like when you cut out all the senseless small talk this world would be very silent.
- Keith Nickalo: I think it's "hallowed darkness my old friend" not "hello darkness"
- Robert Calhoun: Its passable, don't hate on me but S&G's is much better but decades of the original may have made me earblind.
- Perfect Human: Nevermore's version of this song is amazing. Definitely worth a listen for anybody who dug this one.
- David O: Would like to see them react to an In Flames song, like Trigger or Alias... Something melodic, but still reminiscent of the Melodic Death Metal Roots from In Flames' past. Rock on!
- Anthony Joseph: Unfortunately either people hate this cover or praise it way to much when in reality it is a good cover of an. Even better original. I do hope you react to a song that is more indicative of what Disturbed is about though.
- Marcus Lopez: Bout time lol do Bad Wolves - Zombie ...its the best cover of the cranberries zombie
- David [WeaponMasterX]: This is a cover song Disturbed isn’t the originator
- matt74moses: I prefer the original version of this MUCH more.
- Shailove Ranjan: Why you gotta kill it with the explaining haha
- eodmike33: The neon god in the original version is the television What it means now is up to interpretation
- Alan Foster: Morons who think they have some miniscule talent. Sad.
- Deorman Robey: You got it. people not communicating.
- Kyrie jankins Johnston: Like a stone or black hole sun would be nice from y’all☝️🙌
- DucksOnQuack: If your gonna listen to Disturbed you have to listen to Down with the sickness, Stricken, Ten Thousand Fists, Indestructible, Another Way to Die, or The Vengeful One
- MegaZiod: Kid Rock - Bawitdaba
- Sebastian Armas: Thank You Scientist - Mr. Invisible
- Kristi Weltin: Disturb.....down with the sickness!!! This song never gets old ..it gets u pumped up!!- I think U both would enjoy it.. I belive, maybe ryan a lil more.. love it when he Looses his shit...but the drumming alone is worth hearing.!!
- Jokster91: to fully appreciate this you definitely need to hear the live version! his voice is incredible live!
- Jack Gonzales: To get an original Disturbed track on here I would recommend Stricken or The Night. Just know this is not typical Disturbed sound
- Lobo Prieto: Can you guys PLEASE REACT to Vo-Perfect Mixture! You guys WILL LIKE that dude! #Barz #LYRICISM
- Ray Kennedy: lol It was written in 1964,I believe. Before cell phones. They were talking about TV and the influence it has on the youth of the time. I remember when the song came out. It still has the effect that it did back then, brilliantly redone by Disturbed. Back before 8 track became really popular. For those of you who don't know, 8 track came after records and before cassette tapes.
- Coon & Friends: +Ricky Spanish eddie vedder is better cuz he's not dead
- Brandon Gerber: BENT LIFE- WAR !! This is a great example of hardcore metal. They are an underground band. Let’s give all the free thinkers a damn good band/song to hear that they’ve also never heard before !!!
- Kenny Alderfer: Incredible cover!!!!!
- Drew R: When are you going to do Nightwish "Phanton of the Opera" (Watch the live version) or Nightwish "Nemo" Also, if you like covers do Chris Cornell's "Nothing compares to you" cover
- ryan kumm: No leaf clover!
- kayakchrispy: Tears are falling...
- King Kennedy II: Do Soundgarden - Black Hole Son
- Jon Stobbs: 10,000 fists, decadence, down with the sickness. You guys need to check out some of their earlier stuff.
- thomas idunno: If you wanna hear another amazing cover that’s better than the original in my opinion check out Gone Away by Five Finger Death Punch.
- Steven Busch: Been rocking out with disturbed since 99 there are great
- D.Spellerb.: Avatar - Tower / Paint me red / House of eternal Hunt / or any song from the last four albums really... Its about time you do some Avatar
- john perry: very could not best cover i dont it could haven i had a stroke month ago and no talk and hear . im do metter and i know my songs but all words are gone but i think joe cocker is the best coders of all or are to best sorry imy words not good
- Kory Linn: EastNewYorkStyle Records OH GOD YES!!!! I want to see the lyrical analysis 😂
- Jeff Nicholson: Shudder Before The Beautiful - Nightwish
- Tenebris Rex: +Ryguypie17 will do, thank you.
- Akiman Barwa: I have not seen any reaction vide of P.O.D...they wwere great. Do a reaction of "Youth of the nation"!
- Butay: Thank you for saying Howie mendell. I actually made a gif of myself with howie's and this guys face on mine with before and after the sickness signed below lol
- zombiepixlez gamer: I know it wasn't that big of a problem then but now it seems to be about the left silencing others beliefs at least in a more modern take
- Keep Calm and Hakuna Matata: React to Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen
- MOONSHADOW 1918: People talking without speaking . Is Heaven we communicate with feelings not words
- Chickmamapalletfarm: He does look exactly like Howey Mandel!
- Whiskeys Demon: Best cover ever? Hahaha. This isn't Johnny Cash Hurt. Or Anthrax Pipeline. Or Metallica Am I Evil. Or Cradle of Filth Hallowed Be Thy Name
- Plankton Revere: A Perfect Circle : Imagine
- Chris kingdom hearts: Can y'all react to Jay rock- win
- eddie56120032003: Paul Simon wrote it about the assassination of JFK
- Gordon Mccullagh: A better cover of this song is done by a better band called Bobaflex.
- Alexander Watson: You guys did a good job understanding this songs. I love the original and this version just the same. To me songs in any description describe the majority and the non majority. We have to see both. Look at everything
- Oscar Robayo: Hey guys, whats up? i would like to watch u reacted with "Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen"... Good luck and hugs!!!
- john barschat: Metallica's Garage days is full of a ton of great covers, Seether's Careless Whispers is great also. A Perfect Circle also put an album of all covers that you should checkout
- GregDaGoblin: Roller by April Wine. Under-rated band that never gets the love they deserve.
- SoonerNCO: This is probably one of the most overrated covers ever. I feel bad that you guys had to sit through this in it's entirety.
- rayisawesoem: “NAMANA NAMANAMA NAH NAH NAMA” every disturbed song ever.
- dingdonglouie: SEAN ROWE- SOLDIER SONG
- Kevin Parizek: "It's religion that separates humanity, but it's music that brings us together." This song is great but this song doesn't represent the true sound of Disturbed. Listen to Down with the Sickness, 10,000 Fists, Stricken, Stupify, indestructible, or Voices that's there true sound.
- Tijuana: Best cover ever? I mean, come on tho
- ec1122: https://youtu.be/FKyKC5UzRzI
- Fabian Lelo: Inferno (Unleash the Fire)! :D
- Ron Wilson: Always like hearing your ideas with the lyrics
- Georgie Girl: Listening to the original Phantom of the Opera theme song and comparing it to Nightwish's version would be interesting to watch.
- FateMediaNet: Greatest cover of all time? HAHAHA XD
- ayeee160113: Starlight by muse!!!
- DIY and PRO: Silence...please! Just let it play and LISTEN!
- Michael Tabor: David Draiman is probably the only metal lead singer who was also classically trained in Opera. I think the fact that he has such control over his voice is why people who are used to the heavy stuff from Disturbed freak out when they hear this
- renee allen: If this song doesn’t give you chills, you are dead inside.
- Tana Williams: The song was about the government not listening to the public we were out there Marching for civil rights a basic decency we were marching against the Vietnam War a war we should never have been in and War in which I lost friends we were protesting against the people in Washington who just like now weren't listening to what the people wanted! Simon & Garfunkel were quiet and silky voiced this is how this song should have been song right from the beginning because we felt rage back then we felt isolated because we were different we didn't dress like our parents wouldn't think like our parents we felt we had the right to self expression and we felt we had the right to make the world right again. We won some we lost some but we did change the world forever
- Omar Rodriguez: Do Avenged Sevenfold - Blinded in Chains or The Stage.
- Mike McGinnis: Disturbed - Stricken
- karend169: I think the neon God, is the like golden calf made by the Israelites, when Moses went to Mount Sinai.
- Chris S.: Let's see some more prog/power metal reactions. Here's my list in no particular order: 1) Virgin Steele - "The Wine of Violence" 2) Soilwork - "As We Speak" 3) Pre Cowboys from Hell Pantera - "We'll Meet Again" 4) Kamelot - "Lunar Sanctum" 5) Shadow Gallery - "Legacy 6) Pain of Salvation - "Water" 7) Symphony-X - "Of Sins and Shadows" 8) Kalmah - "Hades" 9) Demons & Wizards - "Blood on My Hands" 10) Masterplan - "Black in the Burn"
- Eli Fierro: Avenged Sevenfold - Dose Or Mad hatter
- Temporary Rare: Audioslave - I Am the Highway/Like a Stone, should do both in a single video... a reach I know. RIP to one of the greatest singers/frontmen of all time... still haunts me.
- Jason X: Guys, please do some original disturbed song...such as stricken, overburdened, ten thousand fists, prayer, remember, indestructible, asylum, I could go on and on
- Brian Bulluck: NO NO NO NO best cover was Foo Fighters Bakers street!!!! Plz review
- Renee Zemlock: It's a great cover, but I think the thing that makes it SOOO good, is that it was done by Disturbed. This was such a far departure from what they usually do. Listen to "Down with the Sickness" and you'll be even more impressed with this cover.
- Kevin Clement: The live version of this from Houston with Myles Kennedy is the best version
- Josh Norko: Is this the cast from "above the rim"?
- Jordan Tso: Cattle Decapitation - kingdom of tyrants
- Dean Adams: You guys would dig Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold
- Tony Viner: I'm so sorry you guys had to sit through this.
- Rokk O the Krinns: The singer is such a pretentious asshole. I hate this shit. Anyways, I love your channel. Keep doing what you do.
- Ron Foster: The singer's take on covering the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JoCUpV3Hgw
- kriselda gray: +Gretchen Schulz Riding Zeppelin's coattails? Uh, I don't know what you've been listening to, but Floyd and Zep are quite different.
- jandvadams: Fellas. Trying to help you with the explanation of the lyrics. This song was actually written around '63 or'64. It was about the Civil Rights Movement. It is a beautiful song that is written in contrast.
- Nacho: bro! this cover is trash. they ruin this song.wtf are you talking about?
- Exia: Ne Obliviscaris - Intra Venus
- Eddie Carraro: Ryan and George- Amazing insights on interpreting the lyrics! The lyrics were eerily prophetic in the original recording and more relevant now then ever in the Disturbed version. About a year ago, I stumbled across a modern yet retro animated interpretation called "The Sound of Silence - slaves of technology" performed by an artist that goes by the name Allison. This version graphically shows exactly what you described and evokes some raw human emotion! Here it is https://youtu.be/7apLcaSvZlw . Enjoy and thanks for all the great Reactions! Love your channel and all the free thinkers listening to it
- Todd Hall: Agreed. I actually prefer Bobaflex's cover of this to Disturbed's although David has an incredible voice.
- Robert Pautsch: Nicholas Pumphrey already done
- Carlos Sorrentino: This song was written during the Vietnam War era so it’s somewhat about people, government, politicians, peace ✌️Love and war
- dan moore: imagine that there is no music, music is the tie that binds all humans together.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Push it" by Static-X.
- firefist x: I feel like maybe the sound of silence is about judgement like musicians writing songs that they are afraid to share due to the judgement of the audience
- Jeremy Breland: Keep pushing it. That song will blow them away!
- Dave Bentley: +Kevin Jones I'm planning on 65 more. I doubt I'll make it but you gotta' stay positive.
- Chris Pearce: Have to listen to the live Conan version
- Igor Pantelic: Gojira-Vacuity/Gift of Guilt/Oroborus
- Rich Veeck: Wow, you guys have to do some Disturbed!!!
- Marcelo Melgaço: What cool theme is that at the beginning?
- BBEDrummerAK: If by "best", you mean best butchering of a song, then sure! 😂😂
- jacobian2666: Prayer by Disturbed is fantastic. Also inside the fire. I would highly recommend much of their music. I saw them live shortly after the release of this song and it's even more powerful in concert. They were touring with breaking Benjamin at the time. I would highly recommend that band as well
- Valjean666dk: Shinedown has done an excellent cover of Simple Man. There are some different versions out there, but this is the one I prefer: watch?v=wGrPn1fSy1E&t=0s&list=PLzafzEDTJ5UWR7t0oP_C94K_vrDKmT0kk&index=9
- Terry Cairl: Texas Hippie Coalition - Pissed Off and Mad About It
- Georgeanne C: The way i interpret the lyrics as used in the video, at the end you see the writers of the music, the words, meeting those who have the ability to bring their music to life with their instruments, finally causing the darkness to lift and chase away the silence/darkness.
- FromVtotheD: Do more disturbed!!!
- Stan Lo: Where should I request songs at. I'm not a fan of this cover, rather have seen a reaction to Down with the Sickness.
- Dina Huston: Just found you guys tonight. Happen to love this song. Both versions. But i was thinking I should look up when this was written and consider what was going on at that time. It’s crazy that it seems like it could’ve been written today. I subscribed. I’m intrigued!
- toolmanick: You heard it in the movie "Trolls"😄
- Todd Pidgeon: Nevermore - The Sound Of Silence
- 1bls: I think you guys got it, exactly. Your take on the song and lyrics are dead on.
- Moon Gazer: Korn - Wicked
- UroborosFriends: How about some Lordi? Songs I think you may enjoy: Hard Rock Hallelujah Naked In My Cellar Would You Love a Monsterman Deadache
- Evaldas Bumeika: A second chance for Machine Head,please. A Thousand Lies maybe?
- Marc Rikmenspoel: You guys already listened to Rush - The Spirit of Radio. Peart adapted part of The Sound of Silence for that song, writing, "The words of the profits were written on the studio walls, and concert halls. They echo with the sound of salesmen."
- Shane Hackett: You should do A Reason To Fight by Disturbed. Another awesome song by them.
- austin clark: Guys havent finished the video yet. Rewatch this video of yourselves. You can see on the screen how taken in you were by the song. That's the point of music. It's awesome to see.
- Jealous Gods: +taup184 symphomic/power metal
- FeedingThoughts: Lost dog street band! Please for the love of God!
- Brandon Austin: Zombie by Bad Wolves is absolutely amazing! Y’all should listen to it next
- s g: Nate Fontana please
- Matthew Willinger: He looks a lot like Andre Agassi
- Jackie Tearie: Nah, check out "Prayer", about 1/3 of the album is like this. 'Darkness' is just as soft, but a bit slower without the atmospheric tone.
- Ty Cobb: Great song. Original and cover. This guy has some insane pipes.
- spikeconley: Why do people bother speculating? Paul Simon already said this is about lack of real communication among people. Not to disagree with Denny's interesting observation below.
- Luis Angel: WINTERSUN - TIME - LIVE AT SONIC PUMP STUDIOS (WintersunJari youtube channel)
- Paul Budd: Check out the live version with Myles Kennedy - it will blow your mind!!
- Mark Oliveira: Have you guys ever reacted to Deep Purple? Highway Star?
- The Forlorn Knight: Do some more covers. Especially of songs or from bands you've heard already Death - Painkiller Metallica - Mercyful Fate Dream Theater - Master of Puppets Others I can't think of right now!
- Jake Wright: Chris Stapleton - fire away
- Keykers77: I clicked so damn fast! Been waiting awhile.
- David Good: Live version on Conan was unbelievable! You guys have to check that out PLEASE!!!!!
- IAm TheBlurr: Great cover to react to! Really glad that you guys broke down the lyrics down the way that you did. You've gotta react to Oceans of Slumber's cover of Nights in White Satin. It's an unbelievably powerful cover and I dare say better than the original.
- Forrest Commander: Just a pop culture junkie with a passion for music’s guess.
- Brian Oxford: I don't care for this mellow stuff they do. I love their metal stuff they do though. Checkout there other stuff no a cover song.
- brian seccomb: This is a Simon and Garfunkel cover!!!
- Metallife420: That Howie Mandel thing cracked me up like granted
- Jan Post: I think you got the gist of it, but the very last part.whispers written on the walls, in subway stations and tenement halls. So it speaks of the unrest, the want for change written in grafiti on the walls. If you look at any of the oppressed countries, where voicing your opinion will see you get shot, people will write their ideas on walls just to get them out anonimously. a silent protest
- Frame 313: You guys are slipping......... just saying. From the horrible song choices to pausing the song to make comments that have nothing to do with the song. I’m heading to see what King KTF is dropping, that guy has been ON POINT
- EastNewYorkStyle Records: Christmas is still a few months away but throwing out a recommendation for you guys: A fairytale of New York by The Pogues
- lucifer lavey: Although this is cool, Nevermore's cover is significantly more potent and heart-felt.
- mark shipley: Shut up, listen, then comment.
- Mari ZenSoul: the song was written in his bathroom, in the dark where he could concentrate, he said the tiles in the bathroom served as an echo chamber, Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other"
- weasle min: To further explain why this is impressive look up down with the sickness
- Rage Rider: Frank, guilty pleasure lol?
- Truth with the Cajitaldian: sticking with covers THE BEST EVER !!!!! Bobaflex Hey You Pink Floyd https://youtu.be/rm5eWLXW6l4 runner up Hellyeah https://youtu.be/nYXYfdsaHxg and better than disturbed version of Sound of Silence; https://youtu.be/y-1D5N7Bzrk
- Mia Benoit: There's a live performance of this song with Disturbed and Myles Kennedy together, loved it!
- Ad Delirium: I like these guys, never seen them before. I actually wrote a paper on this song in high school. Said it was about technology, how it makes the world smaller and yet isolates us from one another. I liked the thought they put into their analysis. Cracked me up when he stopped to say DDraiman looks like Howie--he so does.
- sacredomens: +Dennis Cooke it was a Beyonce song
- Cruiser Power Ranger: Disturbed 10,000 fists in the air.
- Dandy Sabbath: God this song still gives me chills
- thatguymage: Interpol - the new
- Julie Wilson: STFU!!!
- Chris Long: I guess all white people look alike...
- David K: Great reaction you guys have to the video...
- Ryan Bader: You guys would really enjoy Say it Ain't So by Weezer and the cover of The Chauffeur by Deftones!!!!
- James Anderson: Panic! At The Disco: Death Of A Bachelor Something different I think would be a fun reaction.
- CthulhuKittie: +Wickerrman Prayer is definitely good one!
- Pinball Wizard: Infinite Capacity I agree
- taup184: +Jealous Gods I don't share that opinion but to each their own. Also Kamelot is Power Metal, not Symphonic. At least not to my knowledge as I haven't hear all of their material.
- ManchGuy22: A Martian Winter - Angel Vivaldi Funeral - Silent Civilian Be Quiet and Drive - Deftones
- MddlHeD: Mudvayne - Death Blooms
- Jacowboy: Do people really think this is the best cover ever? I mean, sure it's okay, but it's not even the best cover for this song... and it's definetly nowhere near an actual top 50-100 covers ever... Btw, Nevermore did an interesting cover of this... VERY different and not for everyone, but a lot more interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAt86XflsOQ
- MonkeeBoi1960: BTW, if this song doesn't give you chills, check your pulse! :)
- Eric Slupe: Got to remember guys this song was wrote back in the 60's when there was a different world going on. Paul Simon was a brilliant song writer and him and garfunkel harmonized so well together. That being said love your guys channel watch your reviews all the time and your unbiased opinions.
- Kitra Terrell: I never get tired of this version. The power in it is amazing and yes, one of the best covers ever.
- Christopher Galat: Hey, maybe I'm alone but Wintersun "Sons of Winter and Stars"
- G Pleasants: Jimi Hendrix w/Band of Gypsies "Who Knows"
- drummerfromhell1000: Savatage - Hall of the mountain king
- INZANE VIKING: React to Metallica: Nothing Else Matters awsome song!!!!!
- Christopher Frasher: +Carl Portermore like a God among men but not a creature necessarily lol
- wrongguyrob: Try Staind Something to Remind You.
- Chris Brummet: Do some The Smashing Pumpkins songs.
- Oli Corrivo: @Lost in Vegas 7:55 Its a way to express the tragic side of technology on art. There are still people writing songs and singing because they know that silence is cancerous. Technology allowed us tocreate gods of music so to speak. The top pop artist gets all the attention and radio, internet, all that technology enables access to music but create a bigger divide between the neon gods ( that we collectively made ) and the modest songwriters. My words like silent raindrop fell, its that too right ? Personally, i think its a human problem , not a technology problem. And all corruption aside, is it a problem that there is a majority of people sharing an idea of what is beauty and what is good ? Can a majority of subjective opinions become an objective opinion ?
- Dale Dubose: JC Hurt may be the greatest cover.
- Cheanno Respo: Please, Metallica- Creeping Death
- stealthRUSH: (hed) PE- Swan dive
- Jimmy C: I do not like this song.i do not know what the message is and its just depressing to me.but they guy can sing for sure
- rrr579123: Look up touch of class cover. Even better
- D. Ryan: Warrior is a badass Disturbed song
- LeeAnn Pratt: You should listen again without the video. Less distracting then you can focus more on the singer and song than the images shown. Sit back, close your eyes and just ..experience this song.
- hans maulwurf: Perfect Circle not Tool
- Brent Anton: now listen to something heavy by them like Inside the Fire. Heavy stuff man. Especially since that song is about his ex girlfriend committing suicide.
- Richard Douglas Helms: I pretty sure you guys felt your hair lift and maybe even had goosebumps listening to this song! It's ABSO-ROCKIN-LUTELY AWESOME!
- Jason: How long has this channel been deleting comments for?
- Angel Grider-Sturgill: The Conan performance is so much more powerful!!! For a truly mind blowing version... watch that one.
- James Hartwell: Yes. He does look like howie now that you mention it. Lol
- The Poor Conservative: Or 10,000 Fists
- Brayden King: Stevie Ray Vaughan please!
- Samwise Richard: Deli Creeps - Time
- Richard Bowers: Now do the version with Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge joining Disturbed live. I'd also recommend "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest. Also... "Haunted By Design" by Myles Kennedy. Off the best record of 2018 so far - Year Of The Tiger.
- Mood Hot: disturbed make this song looks like it comes from the viking
- Blake Miles: Before I watch this...WOOO finally y'all get to some Disturbed. One of these days if you'll do Breaking Benjamin you'll finally hit everything I've advocated for.
- James Rutherford: Oh he'll yes please,!
- Joe Dixon: He's classically trained
- Lisa Burris: Paul Simon wrote this song during the Vietnam war. During a time of great division, much like now with the left and right.
- J L: Dragon Tamer That’s complete and utter nonsense. Sound of Silence has nothing to do with the Vietnam War. Either you made that up yourself or you read an article that retconned the lyrics to fit their agenda.
- dawn henderson: Ooh also!!!!!! PLEASE react to the Black Crows, She Talks to Angels!!! I promise you if you put up a poll for this song it will blow up ur IG! 1 of the most powerful, moving songs of all time! It means a lot to me because I listened to it thru losing my father and my Aunt (who was more like a mother to me)... My dad, a Navy Vet, to Pancreatic Cancer and my Aunt, who was only 40!!!! To a brain aneurism... This song may help someone else who hasn't heard it yet. Extremely powerful and moving. I honestly think that you guys would love it and it would mean THE WORLD TO ME! I hope to see you guys do it sometime. I will be looking out as I watch all your vids <3 Keep up the amazing work! Love the REAL reactions I have come to expect and love from 2 of my favorite YouTubers out there! #FreeThinkerSquad
- Salvador Delgado: 👍🏽 great song!
- Xavier Vega: 10,000 Fists.
- Chris Wilcox: Check Nude from Radiohead. Not metal or hip hop so maybe its a left turn for you guys. Anyways, i enjoy the channel
- driver4music: Lost in Vegas you both looked lost in the song towards the end. Was captivating to watch.
- Robert Rohde: The best is when Disturbed did this live!
- tra731: Only for the weak by In Flames! Super catchy guitar riffs
- Daniel: Audioslave - Cochise Do it y'all. Playlist for sure.
- Larry Forman: Jackpipe - Take Me To the Buffet
- Muntaser Barhum: it's time for Gojira - The gift of guilt
- Anders Danbolt Ajer: More like the worst cover of all time. None of the soul, solemness and beauty of the original. This is such a trashy cover.
- Natog: incorrectamundo this is garbage
- Eric Anderson888: Brazil 66 Fool on the Hill is the best cover.
- Sam Bentham: It's almost like things are a matter of opinion and not objective in any way
- SlimGoody: Sinea O'Connor - Nothing Compares To You 💗🎼🔥💗🎼🔥 PLEASE PLEASE
- Elidor Madar - Music Producer: Katatonia - Hypnone. Not sure if this is gonna get a ton of likes, but hell I'll try :)
- grjt4: The live version of this song featuring Myles Kennedy is amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3By4DZyTNM
- Glenn 9K: In Flames - Come clarity
- WickedTSW: Billy Talent - Nothing to loose
- Derek Buhse: You are correct it is about the society and its dependence on technology and our self absorption.
- Jay Smith: Disturbed- Stupify. Far better song to give you an idea of Disturbed!! Anyone agree?
- Robin Web: Is the boat at the end supposed to represent Noah's ark?
- Per Svensson: Between the buried and me - Extremophile elite (live basement video) | prog metal
- Eskil Tester: people sing about war but those words mean nothing because nothing changes. nobody does anything. that's the sound of silence.
- le Bookcase: I never even knew this cover existed, very uplifting. I highly recommend you check out something else from the band to see the contrast to this. The Night!
- Blode Kont: Simon and Garfunkel wrote this song after the assassination of JFK and how media and people reacted.....
- Colloquialism And The Like: The Devil Wears Prada - Hey John What's Your Name Again?
- Dakota Lee: Yeeeaaaahhhh, I don't really know why people would request this song over songs like Prayer, Asylum, The Night, Inside The Fire, Stricken etc. which are all originals. Requesting someone to listen to a cover for their first experience with a particular band just seems odd. Obviously this is an incredible performance from Draiman, not taking anything away from it. Also, this isn't really a song that would make someone like a band and want to delve further into their catalog, this is a song that makes you respect the band. Two different things. Anywho, before I bury myself any deeper, anyone who hasn't should check out Nevermore's cover of this and my boys in Lost in Vegas should react to Savage Messiah - Insurrection Rising.
- John Beardsley: Cheap figure heads in a digital world . . . trapped in "reality" programming . . . neon gods like Trump . . . our country and our world is more divided than ever because we don't listen, we only talk and shout . . .
- Toss: Gotta be the Alchemy live version.
- pjanderson66: "Heard of it"??? Damn, you just made me feel so old!!! :)
- Dermot Monaghan: Dope video again although i would of reccomended the live version. You should do Ted, Just admit it ... - by Janes Addiction. Y'all being free thinkers should dig it.
- Robert Fritz: They disturbed a great song , some stuff should not be covered
- JCORE01 jjaastad32: Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive Alter Bridge - Calm the Fire
- Lisa Smith: This song has transcended time relevant then and again now..
- Mainor Murillo: If this is the first song you guys do on "Disturbed" // Down with the sickness// will punch you in the face and make you bleed anger.
- Shadow: Another good cover to check out zombie by bad wolves
- Bjarki2330: We need more Gojira!!
- KindredGh0st: Holy shit. Awesome inference!
- RudeBoyisSkankin: Hate to say it but this is a bad cover. It takes out all the spookiness of the song
- Eskil Tester: you should've listened to the live version on Conan obrian
- Robert McCoy: After this you need more Disturbed in your lives. Down with the Sickness Stricken Land of Confusion (cover)
- Jay Terra: Shinedown - Simple Man is imo the best cover but this comes close.
- Vova Minakov: Sepultura - Ratamahatta
- greg d: Nope nope nope........a couple of minutes in and I have to go to a reaction where the vibe isn't COMPLETELY DESTROYED by constantly pausing the song. Sorry fellas.
- justaphasebizarre: Just discovered you guys today! Cover Indifference and I am still here by Pearl Jam!!!
- Jacque Renee: I’m sorry I was bored with the video, the words, the group. He can hold a note though🤷🏽♀️
- Norsemen Danes: I liked the video only because of the howy reference lol
- Lawfy D. Ace: Ashy Larry I am in
- ItsJustMe: to me it seems to be a reflection of society, and the fear to speak out against tyranny and the powers who control our lives, essentially leaving the 'common' person alone and worthless, even though we are great in number..
- Conner Cross: Glad to see you guys doing some Disturbed! I don't like this band as much as I used to, but they do still have some good songs. You should check them out again, Sound of Silence is very different from their usual style. Down With the Sickness is their biggest song, but I'd also recommend Ten Thousand Fists, Indestructible, or Asylum
- karl white: Garbage. This sucks. Mr. Whattttttttt
- Cory Seronick: Slipknot-Eyeless
- checkle1: This was a shit cover in my opinion. It sounds like a Christmas anthem and it took all of the harmony and disconcerting feeling out of the song. Love the band though. Just kind of shit on the feeling of the original.
- Rafael Reus Brocca: I love you
- Homo sapiens: Naaaaw dude why The sound of silence? It's not even their song. Do The Night or any other song that's actually by them
- John Medved: Please review Harlequin Forest by Opeth. Thanks.
- Savage Dawgs Highlights: Ice Nine Kills - Stabbing in the Dark! Just came out yesterday and it’s about Halloween and Michael Myers. The whole album it’s on is about horror movies. Great metal band. Very theatrical.
- Bills World Of Metal: Always wishing Ryan and George would do some NEW Megadeth from the 2016 album dystopia!! The title track DYSTOPIA won them their first Grammy guys🔥 worth a reaction for sure.
- Intrepid74656: Sabaton
- Hellcat M: If you like that song you'll love this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4382UVl0oc Its a new original song from Disturbed and its amazing!
- Matt Morrison: You should try "Stupify" by Disturbed.
- Dante Lima: Really don't know why people love this cover so much. It sounds exactly what it is, a shitty nu metal band striving for legitimacy by covering a classic. It's trying way too hard. The music and lyrics themselves do all the heavy lifting in the Simon and Garfunkel version, but this version just reeks with "we've got to make this super serious, look how serious we are guys."
- MJNation: I’m divided about the cover but I am a disturbed fan. You should react to Replica by Fear Factory and Egypt by Symphony X.
- Mu4dD1b15: I've been saying that for years lol.
- A Boy And His Lion: Korn - Wicked
- Thomas Kilavoss: How could you leave us by NF
- Nathaniel Reynolds: bahahaha no he looks like howie
- Robert Doumeng: Lol , Howie Mandel . This version is awful . Cake - Short Skirt , Long Jacket. Matisyahu - King without a crown ( live at Stubbs)
- E Kellett: For a feel of a real Disturbed song try down with the sickness
- A goat clown: I like your interpretation of it. Keep it up you two.
- imshannon nottellin: he has no soul patch. they're piercings mad to look like that. his voice is amazing because he is classically trained in opera and sings for a metal group
- David Boucher: Oh and do a reaction to GWAR SLAUGHTERAMA!
- adikaland: Nevermore - Sound of silence
- Ruthanna Tepp: +PalmDesertRockI never claimed it was the best cover ever... I do however feel this is the best version of this song.
- bri marie: If you haven’t heard the first this is useless
- gnarkilleptic: I don't get why this song is so popular. It's a mediocre cover at best. Disturbed has many original songs that are better. I feel like I've been waiting months for you guys to do another great metal song!!
- 9eCn3: Amorphis - Sampo!
- Emily Robinson: https://youtu.be/MLeIyy2ipps Shindown "45"
- BoojumFed: Disturbed - Stupify
- country Cox: This song was wrote after John F Kennedy got assassinated
- TB 7788: do Outspoken by Dorje
- Fresh Nips: That Howie Mandel comment had me rolling xD
- PhoenixRise25: its about sadness/depression of society's lack of comunication...(that's my take on it)
- Jeremiah C: Wow amazing how awful that was. Very poor cover, completely disconnected from the lyrics and meaning of the song. Looks like he's singing in the mirror trying to hard. Wish they would have done the original.
- Bella Biesel: You both suck.
- Anthony Garcia: Led Zeppelin- Achilles last stand. Please.
- VincentSnow9: I always interpreted this as not about literal silence, but about lack of substance. “Talking without speaking” referencing meaningless chatter that doesn’t actually matter, “hearing without listening” being only receiving the surface level of a conversation, not paying attention to what is and more importantly is not being said. I always felt the song was about feeling disconnected from other people. Anyway, I enjoyed this cover, though I wouldn’t say I love it, but it is very atmospheric, that’s for sure!
- David Boucher: Johhny Cash - Hurt. Originally by Trent Reznor NIN and Israel Kamakawiwoʻole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Originally by Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz are two great cover songs!
- Brandie Baker: Their live performance of this song on Conan was amazing
- RachKY: https://youtu.be/foNN0ID_Fpo
- chris adams: Days of the new- touch peel and stand. Great heavy acoustic 90s rock. Awsome instrumentation
- Travis O: He cant hit those notes live ive seen him live with killswitch emgage locuna coil and chimaro disturbed the the mane act last i left before it was over he's horrible live thats just computers and studio you 2 should watch donny darko its the mane i thimk by the original singer but deep movie lol anyways he sounds nothing like that live.
- Angela Stumbaugh: No, y'all are right on the mark on everything. Y'all got it. If yall loved this cover, these guys did 2 more covers that are just as visceral as this cover. They ate shout 2000 and land of confusion. Shout 2000 is a cover of the 1980's band tears for fears and lamd of confusion is a cover of the band named genisis. Both covers done by disturbed are in my opinion really epic.
- alicekralice: *React to Anderson Paak and Kendrick Lamar- Tints*
- Joemylefttoe: There are many cover versions of this song out there. Many are better than this one IMO. Of course the original version by Simon and Garfunkel is by far, without a doubt the best version available.
- Steve Loring: This song is about oppression we bring on ourselves in our modern techno society.
- Glenn Thomas: Everyone bitching because they keep stopping the music. ITS A REACTION VIDEO. If you want to hear the song uninterrupted then look it up and watch it !
- Dale Dubose: Have any of you seen Sean Rowe doing 1952 Vincent Black Lightning? His performance on it is pretty awesome.
- Atomic Squid: Whatever else might be said, David Draiman has some horsepower behind that voice.
- madmanmatt12: Tyler Childers - Nose on the grindstone
- semiserioussam: They are hated because they are still associated with Nu-Metal trash, and they are objectively boring and uninspired. Only Americans into mainstream rock music are super into Disturbed.
- Andrew Ray: Lol mother fucker does look like Howie Mandel
- Jarsh019: How about Nautical Disaster - The Tragically Hip
- Lurch685: Elijah Hernandez Cornell’s vocals are horribly annoying in Like a Stone. So whiny and droning.
- Ja Ova: Haha people get so asshurt over an opinion. Defending disturbed will not make someone who dislikes the cover, like it lmfao
- Heather Arbuckle: Being written in a tense time in our history, it is important that it was brought again in today's climate in our country. The message, still relevant, needs to be heard. So grateful for this version. Beautifully disturbing.
- CDMz Legend: They finally did it, also please react to asylum by disturbed
- David Freeman: Disturbed: The Game
- William Roop: 50+ years ago - Simon and Garfunkel wrote timeless lyrics. Add in an beautiful voice from David to take the song to amazing. Then add in the video to SHOW what the lyrics and vocals are presenting and you get an AMAZINGLY POWERFUL piece that brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. IMHO I think that the neon god reference goes much deeper that the "electronics" of the time. Mankind has always looked to something bigger for answers and leadership. They have ALSO attempted to use religion as a tool to enforce their views and beliefs on others. Throughout history, biblical and otherwise, there have been people who have moved to the leadership roles in society and people following them stopped thinking for themselves to follow blindly the influence of a powerful leader, even to their own undoing. While neon god WAS Simon & Garfunkel's reference from the time they lived, it also reaches back to people following whatever is flashy and distracting. The silence in the song refers not only to their lack of voice, but lack of critical thinking and holding themselves and their leaders accountable. In the Bible, God commands that no one worship false idols; THOSE are the neon gods.Thank you for your reaction.
- Jesse Mccullough: disturbed is just embarrassing
- Stuart Lumsden: ...and a bald, pierced Kevin Pollack
- B1 Merry: Finally YES! Live version better. You guys So engrossed. Love it. His voice is amazing especially when you know he has a lisp. And he is a super smart guy. The original was written in a hotel room with a neon sign flashing in the window. Can’t remember which one wrote I think it was Simon.
- Shape Shifter: Well, I understand what you're saying. But judging from their videos, they'll either listen to crappy new In Flames and won't be impressed or old In Flames and it'll be too much for them. So, maybe they should stay away from In Flames for now.
- shocalremix: Truly funny, but Simon actually wrote this song as a teenager/young adult and honestly was just jaded that nobody listened to him since he was young and was ignored, along with other people his age. Teenage folk agnst
- seen123: kitty5964 The original is honest, this cover feels contrived, without any empathy or vulnerability. It’s expressively flat, no complexity. It’s like comparing a Hostess Twinkie to a fresh croissant in a French bakery, sure the Twinkie is good, but...
- Savage Snayle: this is the shit version not the original version.
- The Dream Catcher: Ik ive been commenting this on all the reaction channels for a straight year
- Kevin Kuenn: Sorry, this cover is perfectly fine, but you have to expect some backlash when people try to claim that this is one of the best covers in music history. They took a great song, removed the vocal harmonies which was the original's most defining feature, and put mushy synth strings underneath it to make sound quote-unquote "epic". It's not epic, in fact it's kind of lame. Maybe if they'd gotten a real orchestra it would've sounded better, but this just sounds like a guy who selected "ORCHESTRA" on his Casio and is just playing very basic chords.
- Soviet Gaming/DecepticonBlackout: For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica
- Lori McKinney: I love this cover probably even more than the original...I was surprised to see so many comment that they didn't like it at all,not even a itty bit.
- transmit13: Howie Mandel would be a better front man for this comical joke of a music atrocity.
- paolo paolo: stop stop stop stop stop .....
- Creekboylloyd: Black Sabbath’s “hand of doom” is worth a listen
- WowItsFrosty Games: Kevin Kuenn not there’s a wrong way to listen to music, but the way you listen to music is very limiting then. Your listening to this as JUST a song, not a message. I’m 19 almost 20, but even I’ll admit that most music today is JUST music. There’s no real emotion behind any of it and as such it’s easily forgettable. It SOUNDS good, but it doesent matter when the song didn’t speak to you to keep you invested in it. THIS song is simply done, but it speaks to you. It speaks to most of us at least those of us that actually tried to truly listen to it. Your just letting the music go in one ear out the other, your not letting I resonate with you, which is perfectly fine listen to music how you wish music magical like that, but your limiting yourself. At least with this one.
- labbybear2294: There is no doubt that this is a great cover of a great song. However, the best cover ever made was Johnny Cash doing Hurt from Nine Inch Nails.
- Dylan Underwood: The Dillinger Escape Plan- Milk Lizard
- Eddie Trucker: Decapitated - Nhility
- Marin Malatestinić: the meaning in the song should be a muse... in his dreams he is dreaming about a song that disturbed the silence,and now he dares to do that song to reach the people,cause you guessed right ,about the technology, that took over the world and how we r dependent of it! and now he thru this song is trying to reach them again,neon god! we r so disturbed by the tech that we dont write songs anymore ,but sampling the old....the song writer the original one was way off his time and he knew that in the future we are going to be connected by tech,and not by talking,and mingle one with other! thank u ,and if i can make a recomend.... band: KORPIKLAANI - Wooden Pints, you will laugh at the first but at the end is a great song!!!!
- Mark Swinsick: This song is all about the Vietnam War.
- kirk morton: Chris Stapleton- Death Row, you won't b disappointed!
- Siendorf: Periphery - Stranger Things. From this video definitely a great cover!
- Bob Boynton: sometimes you just have to go with it and don't look to deep into the words literally. allow it to create a frame of mind
- Kevin in the back: Hey fellers. This band is AMAZING live. I recommend watching some videos of their live performances.
- Joseph O'Toole: A Perfect Circle - Judith
- Ben Byrd: Stricken by disturbed bros!! Thats the one dudes...or either Prayer by disturbed
- Monique M: This feels like the older, angry, cynical big brother to the original.
- PunisherBatmanFan: Why react to a Disturbed cover song? You guys need to do Down With the Sickness or Stupify. Disappointed this is the Disturbed song you guys picked to review.
- Jake Trewartha: First off, huge fan! Been watching for a long time. I really really really prefer when you guys react to songs and not music videos. Totally different experience. In my opinion most music videos take away from the music. And it often becomes about what you expect a person to sound like or trying to find meaning in stuff that's not important to the song. Anywho maybe it's just me. Keep reacting!
- Colin Dunbar: personally i prefer this version to the original
- steven rusnak: Disturbed-Down With The Sickness....please its fantastic
- R K: Well really if you want to see disturbed basically flat out explain the song have a listen to Open your eyes from the 2017 Album. Basically we are all be lied to on a day to day basis by news outlets/politicians/social media and instead of questioning it we are lapping it up, which makes it hard to tell the difference between fact and fiction real and unreal.
- Lemmy Winks: Estas Tonne, Song of the dragon
- Eric Atchison: I’d love to see them do a reaction video for Overburdened or even Prayer
- Volaire Larp: You should react to Dog Fashion Disco- War Party or Polkadot Cadaver- Last Call in Jonestown
- John Mortimer: React to more Disturbed
- XerDav: i can tell this wasn't quite their music, but they are good at being unbiased in their reviews
- Skip Wiseman: Got dang it Bobby. You can't get a true emotional reaction when you stop every 20 seconds. It's a journey in it's entirety. Not in bits and pieces. Gahhhhhhhhhh lol.
- Jakespeare93: Finally!! <3
- jacob092: React to Animal Magnetism (song) -- Scorpions
- Foundations Medical Informatics: Hey Guys, It should be noted that the original version of this song was created in 1964, long before the advent of the “Distraction Culture” that we’ve grown accustomed to with Smart Phones, Laptops, and 475 TV Channels. I always took the song to have a meaning more centered around a feeling of silence brought on not from external factors or distractions, but from a core element of human nature which can leave us feeling trapped in a silent void as we pass others in silence as they remain trapped in their own voids. Regardless, the song serves as an excellent example of how composition can have different meaning and can resonate in different ways from person to person and from time period to time period. As always, loving the content guys! Keep it up :) Best, -Jon
- Kaylib Jones: Please do this
- Craig Cook: I hadn't heard this version before. At least they remained true to the core of the original version. I did like it, but I'm trying to decide if I like the aggressive shoutiness in the last third. Overall, not bad.
- DR0CK69: Guys, do yourself a HUGE favor and watch the live duet with Myles Kennedy of this tune, 100 time even more powerful... please.
- Bryan McDowell: I avoided this for a long time because I despise Disturbed. Saw they did a reaction and said screw it I'll try it. Meh. Dont care for it. Definitely not "the best cover ever."
- LucianoG Benitez: Polo Polo and 3 jaja
- kathy smith: 1st anti war message. 2nd no one listened to the first so now anger and only money counts
- Wayne Coleman: "In restless streets i walk alone" people walk around all day looking at their phones ignoring everything around them. "people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening" makes me think of text messages even the "neon god we made" makes me think of digital screens, even more eerie its that the song is presented as a prophecy, but hey that's just one man's opinion and a perfect example of great song writing it can be interpreted many ways across many decades
- Mistress Pupper: Sabaton - The Price of a Mile Please ^-^
- Randolph Hoganzer: Talking about looking like Howie Mandel? Isn't the guy on the left Hootie?
- stewy37: Jennifer Williams There are a lot of elitist metal fans that hate everything except their own personal favorite genre and bands. Obviously a ton of people love them, because they have sold and continue to sell a mass amount of albums. Are they the best ever? No. They can't get a bit samey after a while, but I damn sure love them, and so do a lot of other people.
- Anthony Nastasi: This dude is annoying as f***. Get over yourself broheme.
- Jackie Murphy: Hi Lost In Vegas, shhhhhhhhh :-) Can you save comments until after the songs you react to is over? Most of the time when the song is constantly stopped and re-started it loses its momentum. Especially, in this song, as it begins building its strength, you keep interrupting it and the song is then unable to convey the power that the singer has given to it. This is just my opinion. .
- Tarek BENALI: Opeth - would ! Please guys
- Peu Oliver: Fort Minor - Remember the Name
- Timothy Kyser: The silent life - Rivers of Nihil The unknowing - Omnium Gatherum
- Dediguise 001: Frankly I’d be cool with anything off of those albums
- Aa A: Gonna take another stab with Sleeping My Day Away by D-A-D! Love the vid guys, I really enjoy this song and I used to sing it with my friends during drunken shenanigans.
- Curryman: Metallica -Eye Of The Beholder
- Alessio Lo Vecchio: The Sound of Silence - Nevermore 🤘
- Per Svensson: Wanna hear growling but at rap speeds? Try Archsprie - involuntary doppelgänger
- Davide Leardi: Please try to react to some SAVATAGE songs, I suggest you start with "When the crowds are gone", "Gutter ballet" or "Edge of thorns", I seriously think you will like them...
- Vatsal Agarwal: This song always gives me goosebumps
- Avei Clark: Now watch the ice skating video with it with Vanessa James and Morgan cipres
- Tiffany Cutshall: Yes! The division on people in general!
- B E: Sound of Silence is the fact that people are talking but no one really listens. Simon wrote it when he was 21, he thought it was a simple song with simple harmony if I remember correct.
- J B: I like Disturbed, but this is a poor choice for a first listen, because it doesn't represent most of their songs. Even for a cover, it is not better than Land of Confusion, in my opinion. I would have suggested Stupified or Want before or many other songs before this one.
- Robert Diakiw: In my opinion the live version on Conan O'Brian is much better. Check it out.
- Genevieve Beyer: Neon god, could stand for a man made god or idol, imo.
- Preston Sligar: If you wanna check out another good cover check out Bad Wolves Zombie
- D.J. Hicks: The video detracts from this song's true meaning.
- Growler King: disslike thiss iiIi.
- ricardo silva: Now listen to NEVERMORE's version of that song to see what a real cover is about
- stratmatt22: original is way better. this cover is overrated. its just dramatic and lacks the subtleness and harmony it should have
- Swamp Fox43: Rosetta Stoned!!
- GRANT TRIBE: yap yap yap yap
- Lucifer Isgood: Um Tool No Quarter is the best cover ever :D
- jay legere: Amazing cover. But Johnny Cash Hurt is the best cover of all time.
- taup184: Please react Nightwish! It's Symphonic Metal; a sub-genre you haven't heard anything from yet! You are truly missing out Ryan and George! Most people request Ghost Love Score from their Wacken concert, but honestly you could pick literally anything from Wacken 2013. It's all gold. They are one of those rare bands in which the studio, while still very good, is not the best version of the band.
- USP .40: Great guys! You are so close to the meaning of this song. Keep digging into the lyrics. It is so encouraging to see young people (our future) that understand we as people need to realize we are all one. Good job.
- Joseph Capone: Parkway drive-Chronos
- Dave Neely: Id love to see you guys react/review Anthrax "Bring Tha Noize" with Public Enemy, damn good song by two damn good groups!
- Hampaaton Läski: Look up some paintings and shit, then you may understand the video :D
- dextc: "Cover of what!??" "We googled it and found out that Simon & Garfunkel did it"......... WHAT!? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 how can a fan of music not know this!????
- Adam Schulte: It’s not a bad cover, but my favorite covers are Johnny Cash’s version of Hurt, and Marvin Gaye’s Heard it through the Grapevine.
- Dragon Tamer: this was originally made about the Vietnam war. Neon god would refer to the military complex and the central government.
- Elijah Hernandez: Yo!!! Y’all should react to Audioslave!!!! Either Like a Stone or Shadow on the Sun. Who’s with me???!?
- H E: he's a classically trained vocalist but does mostly metal
- God Emperor Robert Arrowsmith: Great choice fellas.
- J.t. Orem: Tool Vicarious Fellas lyric video!!!!
- Jordan Burke: Another great video! Would love to see you react to Death's Great Black Wings Scrape the Air by Being As An Ocean. Dont think you have reacted to a melodic hardcore group yet. Dont know if you'd like it to be perfectly honest but lyrically it's one of my favorites and am curious what you guys would think of it.
- 123froozen: Anderson Paak - Tints(Ft.Kendick)
- Ionut Tudorica: Boring
- ErizotDread: I really thought it was a misstep to not have the harmony vocals on this one, since I think that was the best part of the original. I appreciate they tried to do something different and make it their own, but I'm not a fan of this one.
- kareem hosn: YES! that entire album is just an amazing experience alltogether
- Connie Power: Random fact: Paul Simon wrote this song when he was 20 yrs old living with his parents. He would go into the bathroom to play his guitar because he liked the acoustics, and he would turn off the lights. The first line in the song "hello darkness, my old friend" is in reference to this.
- Hyperion1977: "Simon and Garfunkel's version was a warning... Disturbed's version is rage because the warning was ignored." ~ Random comment on another video
- GutterBallEZ: You've probably heard "Down With the Sickness" -- it starts with, like, gorilla grunting "Oh-wah-ah-ah-ah!", and it got approximately all the play when it first dropped -- and that one's fun, but you might also give "The Game" a go. Honestly, this cover is so different from the rest of their music, which tends way heavier. But I think that's why he was able to lend such gravitas to a song that's always held such symbolism and emotional impact. He's a hard rock/heavy metal singer who actually has a good singing voice, and he uses it very, very well. They also did an awesome cover of "Land of Confusion", another oldie from a time of social unrest. As you can tell, I really like Disturbed.
- Shayn Patrick: Try the cover by "The "Kransky Sisters" for another take on hidden meaning guys!
- Lucas Riedler: I actually met Dave Dramen at a show in FL. He was cool, he signed my shirt, I lost it the next day. :( I was at a guy's house. He was a total D.
- patkajape: DANZIG - MOTHER
- Susan Crawford: Stop pausing the video....it's Disturbing...
- XzCoMaNdOzX: Love you Ryan and George. No one else on YouTube enjoyable to watch like you guys. Y’all really need to listen to these three: Gojira-From the Sky, Ra-Do you call my name, Audioslave-Like a Stone. Keep up the good work boys
- Emaicty: you guys should do indestructible by disturbed as well
- Kenneth Frank: "Lungs" by Townes Van Zandt. The lyrics are a little cryptic but a quick scan of his Wikipedia page might provide insight into the man's thought process. Anyway no matter, I love this channel.
- Hermes Raggio Adorno: Excelent song! Please...react to "SOS Plea for help" (Live)...by Dimash. It's very emotional! Thank You!
- DaP84: I really thought it was the Disturbed dude in the jury back when I first saw a TV show with Howie Mandel! ;D Thought so for a while.
- Tijuana: Metal band covers 60s song at the tempo of Silent Night. Ok then. You do you, Disturbed.
- Happy Camper: Hallujuah By Jeff Buckley!!
- David Rodriguez: Pleaaaaase react to coming down by five finger death punch its a great song!
- Big Bud Wiley: Howie has some good pipes! Who knew?
- MrDisturbed33: Do not ever compare David draima n to Howie... Come on guys... Lol
- jkay3161: The reason why you don’t know what you listened to is because you paused during the song 4 times this is a song you need to listen first then talk
- Guilherme Omlo: Freewheel Burning - Judas Priest
- TheRokunana: Reaction videos are a cancer to YouTube.
- J Duff: "Hello Darkness my old friend" is a reference to mental ill health.
- John Pyron: In this moment - whore
- Alvin Lim: Snuff by slipknot plz
- peolesdru: You should listen to "Remember" by Disturbed.
- transmit13: I'm no expert on shitty music, but something tells me that Nickelback and Disturbed probably share the same fan base.
- Jimmy Lester: All I want to do is listen to the music without a bunch of click-bait talking heads.
- Aknight292: The second word of the song is literally "darkness"
- jay 86: You guys want a good cover of a song you should react to zombie by the cranberries cover by bad wolves.
- Michael Crichton: You should listen to never again by disturbed... one of my favorite songs of theirs. Their songs have very strong emotions and meaning behind them when you sit down and really listen to the lyrics.
- mrgarina: Orphaned Land!!!!
- Allen Vrabac: Well it's a smart move to get views.
- April Poucher: The Night by Disturbed is my fave!
- Michael B. Titman: Fabulous commentary. Well done.
- Roy Mendez: Band-Maid -Dice Great Rock song with a Japanese twist
- 1ofsolitude: My name is mud, yes
- 777 shieldoffaith: please play pink Floyd shine on you crazy diamond
- Roberto: Megadeth - wake up dead
- Scrobbles: Greatest cover ever? Lmao. I love Disturbed but they have so many more songs that are better than this.
- NjIceTea: Nevermore covers this same song if you want to listen to that version as well just for fun. Its like a metal cover while this is more of a direct cover of it, except for the end.
- Micalena Riche: Check out Asking Alexandria
- The Eighth Sin: Shoudl definitly listen to more of disturbed, skipping over down with the sickness lol.
- stewy37: hey jay Yes please! Stricken!
- Red Skeletons: Well if you’re not familiar with Disturbed start at the beginning (before a bunch of idiots start telling you their favorite obscure Disturbed song) check out ‘Stupify’ or ‘Down With The Sickness’
- Kashmirknight: Way better than the original.
- Joseph Dougan: 10000 years, Bastard Samurai, Rumors of War, I could go on and on
- Laura Schuler: Do Some TED NUGENT good guitar riffs.
- Rubee Verno: This band is so good and his voice is amazing❤
- Charles Bryan: This song is extremely metaphoric. Kudos to Simon and Garfunkel. It is basically about two different groups of people who are separated by silence, even though one has music and one has words. But once they get together, than the silence dissolves when the music and words become one. And that is merely one interpretation based on the video. I think the original song is also referring to how different cultures, or even merely individuals, have different ways of reacting to our reality, different ways of describing their experiences... yet no one is "really" communicating. There is a silence in our spiritual connection.
- Mr05chuck: Love this one. It is the best cover of a great song. This is a good one just to enjoy
- SevansVII: I prefer the Nevermore cover of this song; it's a completely different beast.
- GasparLewis: The band itself is alright once in a while, they had a few moments here and there that I'll give them credit to, but I am... I'm not a fan over their covers. And the video being so literal to the lyrics is corny as hell, man. "Doesn't he look like Howie Mandel?" KILLED me though LMAO
- darynx: For anyone who wants a great parody of this song check out "The sound of social justice"
- ZealotSE: All of you guy and ladies must check out Chimaira - Nothing Remains.
- One Man Electrical Band: I wasn't a fan of this. The harmonies are such an important part of this song.
- Juan Cortez: You ruined this reaction with your pausing...cant feel this song with so much stoping gj
- Pete Smith: black hole son. LMAO
- Eliana R. Casella: I love this song guys. Well.. time for request, "ill niño - Unreal". That's it, take care!
- call me Ishmael: No it actually wasnt..it was a dream or a vision that I think Paul Simon had about people no longer coming together and even though this song was made in the 60s i feel like it applies more to todays generation.
- TheBoot: Simon & Garfunkel wrote, then sang the message warning us. They, in their brilliant writing of lyrics, sang that to us in a brilliantly soft, yet stern. Begging for us to hear their warning. David Draiman sang that song in a "Disturbed" and emotionally angered, soul touching way. because we didn't head Simon & Garfunkel's warning.
- Cameron Something: React to "Juno" or "Beneath My Skin" by TesseracT!!
- Brad Williams: You guys hit the meaning on the head. Paul Simon originally wrote it to challenge the idea that technology was keeping people from interacting with one another. It's so much more meaningful today where everyone is walking around with their heads buried in their phones.
- theengagedfew: Paul Simon has written so many great songs over the years, and this one is right up there. But if you wanna hear his best songs, you'll need to pick up a copy of "Graceland." Good video, guys.
- roneit: There is a version of this song with them and Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge). You guys should check it out!
- Gizmologist1: The original by Simon and Garfunkel gave us a gentle warning. THIS rendition delivers a rage that we ignored the first warning. Yes, the neon god is technology.
- MichiganFresh 0013: To truly inderstand the depth of this song you need to consider it was released in 1964. It puts a lot of things into perspective about the type of technology that was abundent and how people were so seperated with segregation and politics. This was a time of silent protests for many while also watchi lng those who did speak out get beaten, unjustly imprisoned, and killed for going against the norm. Wjile on the otherhand tje US was reling from the death of JFK even though he was most likely to lose has re-election from rocling the bpat a bot too much, this shook the world. But if more people spoke their true feelings and broke the silence that perpetuated these atrocities then the small voices would have broken the darkness.
- Dave H: Juuuuudiiiiith!
- Jr: If only you guys played the live version.
- David Miller: The original has been one of my favorites for decades, and this cover is powerful and even reverential. Glad you enjoyed it...and it sparked discussion. I've always felt that it was something of a lament for a society that doesn't listen to each other anymore, caught up in their own lives.
- Wysteria Herr: Garfunkel and oats-handjob song
- Robert W.: David studied classical voice and opera..
- Connor Flynn: Unpopular opinion: this cover is awful and does an injustice to the original
- MrFylledal: Intronaut - Killing birds with stones
- Michael Stuart: Ten thousand fists by disturbed
- joe kennedy: Its suppose to be about people inability to communicate. There is also a rumer that its about the jfk assassination.
- Outcast wanderer: Everytime someone shaves their head- especially light skintoned people- ...... Maybe they went bald, when a girl never grew boobies- can we see a coment?
- tzDub92: you guys should have done the live version on Conan's channel
- PIPER DOUG: George defo got what Disturbed were doing here, and no not all bald guys look alike. rme.
- zeb souza: David Draiman is the frontman for this band. Definitely has one of the more unique voices. I'm glad you guys got to do this review. Can I suggest another by Disturbed... "Warrior" or "10,000 Fists"
- terry meeks: Guys do Jason Michael Carrol, Allisa LIES. GREAT AWARENESS VIDEO... THANKS
- Matthew Onstott: Hex One Where I’ll go
- Augie Tremmel: I think turning this masterpiece into an orchestration of this magnitude robs the song of it's haunting solitude. This song stopped being about people and relationships, and became about how super-cool Distubed is supposed to be. I dislike this song. And Disturbed. I liked the video, though. LISTEN TO NIB BY BLACK SABBATH INSTEAD.
- Sarah Seemann: Amorphis - Sampo Solstafir - Fjara Candlemass - Bewitched
- Mika Blaikie: Please react to eden rock + roll 😁😁😁😁😁😁👑👑👑👑👑👑🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
- KyuzouTV: im still going for it, Iced Earth - Dracula
- _utsavnayak_: disturbed- down with the sickness
- stewy37: This is cool, and I love this song, but it isn't really Disturbed. I'd still like to see y'all react to Disturbed: Stricken, but at this point I'd be happy with any of the major Disturbed songs.
- Skeptical Ginger Beard: not best cover, great though. I still think is All along the watchtower, Jimi Hendricks covering Bob Dylan. Or Tool's cover of No Quarter, a Led Zep song.
- Wristwatch Addiction: One of the best metal covers (also of a Simon and Garfunkel song) is Queensryche- Scarborough Fair. Seriously metal version of a folk song. You guys are due another Queensryche so I’m gonna bug you guys till you do another one lol! https://youtu.be/A7LYghvNyTw
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- pound cake
- Sam Counsell: S***, I got onto this same guys do you guys always do that? You always stop the video okay I'm going to see how many times you stop it in this one so far at the beginning he stopped at once
- redfurrymonster: "Silence is the elephant in the room" I love you guys. You do your research!
- Jason Dole: My interpretation is overall. The songs be I g sung have no meaning, you hear with out listening. Bowing to a neon god... Music has lost its way. Consumerism has taken the place of any art crrated for the sake of art.
- JeffOf813: To be honest, I've always disliked disturbed for the same reason I don't like Nickelback... Because they both take their naturally decent voice, and purposely exaggerate certain qualities of it to give them a unique voice... Like anyone can go from a phyll Collins style, without the autotune, to a Creed or pearljam style as long as they don't have to do crazy hard notes. Like try it yourself, try to sing ordinary people by John legend, and notice that you will go deeper than normal because statistically your voice is higher than his... Now just put a lot of air and pretend your Creed... You and everyone else in the world can do this, it's like a form of falsetto... It's false, it's not real, if Nickelback stopped doing it they would sound like foofighters voice wise but the music wouldn't be as good as foofighters. If breaking benjamin stopped doing it they would sound like new found glory before they tried to change their vocal style to be more like simple plan cuz they were popular at the time. It just feels like talking to a stripper, like really? You can't hear the insincerity in her voice?
- Denny Sensation: "People talking without speaking"= Texting "People hearing without listening" =Internet "prayed to the neon god they made"= Smart Phones Paul Simon can see the future
- GeirGunnarss: The problem I have with a lot of the reactors that react to this song is that they have no foundational knowledge of Disturbed. They don´t know if this genre is unusual for the band or if this is right up their alley. I wish that reactors would check out things like Down with the Sickness, Prayer and Stricken before reacting to this song.
- filippolo7: Yes i see the correlation
- Story Long: lmao love this cover so much...and no he doesn't look like Howie. lmao smh I suggest Tito y Tarantula - Strange Face
- Lunar Legend: that 2:30 pause really killed the momentum. pausing even a few seconds earlier would probably have fixed that
- Electric Vodou: Hendrix's cover of Dylan's "All Along The Watchtower" is THE cover.
- J Thiccy: I really think the next metal song should be Eulogy by Tool. You guys will love it and it's been awhile since we've seen Tool on here!! 🤙🤙
- Brian Daniels: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other." It sounds like the original was a warning and this cover is the anger and frustration caused by not heeding that warning.
- gareth roberts: Guy on the right your a dick, OK we get it you like the sound of your own voice, Play the song listen to it, then give an opinion. Work on being a pro rather than a dick,. Good luck with that
- Nerzenjäger: *_I N F L A M E S - R E R O U T E T O R E M A I N_*
- theMike97_: lmao he does kinda look like howie mandel
- Tiffany West: I love that you did this! They have an amazing live version of this.
- Can't Kill A Cowboy: Nice to see you guys check this cover out! It definitely lacks context without hearing their previous work, IMO - it is a drastically different sound from anything Disturbed had released beforehand (as they are predominantly a hard rock/metal band), and really left an impression on those of us who had followed them from the beginning. That said, check out some of their previous work like "Down With The Sickness," "Stupify," "Prayer," and "10,000 Fists" to really get the picture; and if you are checking out metal covers, their version of "Land of Confusion" is pretty good, too! Keep on keeping on, Free Thinkers!
- Keith Evans: Average,karaoke style cover when every ageing punk knows the best cover ever is the Stranglers cover of Walk on by!! Try that ,still like your show but choices getting very samey.
- ace frehley: This cover gave me goose bumps. Well done Disturbed
- Daniel Tanaka: Bad wolves - zombies (cranberries cover)
- Colleen Kooser: Peep Down with the sickness. It's probably Disturbeds biggest song.
- Testiclopse: Disturbed are only good at cover songs. Please DO NOT waste reacts on this band. Thanks in advance from a long time subscriber.
- Diesel_addiction479: Yes! I requested this yesterday! Awesome!
- Sam Psyhakis: Check out down with the sickness by disturbed to hear disturbs real sound and the rang of David’s voice
- Ruthanna Tepp: Disturbed took a good song and turned it into a piece of art! Beautifully performed with passion and feeling! Absolutely love this version!!
- Zangdar01: I prefer the original and the Sharleen Spiteri's cover. Request : Audioslave : Like a stone.
- Billy Ruben: Hero of War by Rise Against! Please and thank you
- tlopes: Outstanding choice. Come on Ryan & George. Some MEATLOAF!!!
- Scott Thomas: You guys have been on a pretty good roll with song choices here over the last couple weeks...keep it up
- huck l berry: guy on right needs stfu and listen more to songs rather than himself. pay attention to your partner on left. respect some talent. no one likes hearing your fail attempts at being eddie murphey
- GWAILIN: The performance they did of this on Conan a couple years ago (wow time flies) did it for me... https://youtu.be/Bk7RVw3I8eg
- wantedcolt: Please react to YSIV the song
- John D Gowrie: Maybe you should Listen to the song in full before you interrupted the song !
- Tiffany West: Yes!
- Nathan Hall: Hurt - Rapture would be a great pick for you guys to listen to. Awesome sound, outstanding lyrics.
- Howard_the_Duck: Draiman is such a fucking douche. This cover sucks. You guys gotta do a redo for amon amarth. Do "twilight of the thunder god".
- StrangMuZ6: OMG!!!! I've wanted you guys to react to this for so long!!!!! Gahhhhhhhh!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!
- theCTCamp: I'd put Kamelot, Hammerfall, and Nightwish on the same plane personally. I love them all lol, but they all hit different emotions for me.
- Laura Tieffel: Should see the 9/11 tribute of this song!!! AMAZING......
- Mike Biggums: High On Fire - Snakes For The Divine
- Gilbert Duke: Ass clowns
- Robert Barker: Wasn't expecting you guys to do this song. Please do iced earth's watching over me.
- Shawn Lupori: Do more A Perfect Circle guys!!
- jack Massry: React to Anthem by Greta Van Fleet!!
- Kayla Thigpen: the song was written in 64, it could be about fame, or a musical interpretation of segregation.
- tRexArms: React one of their songs. One of their older songs...
- BENJAMIN RISLEY: You guys should do “The Dance” by Garth Brooks
- ugh no: It's a great improvement that you include the video of the song you're listening too. And btw I love how glasses-guy always pays attention to the lyrics. Of course always apprieciate the smiley guy's contagious laughs and yells 'it's fire!'' i guess this wasn't that much :D :D
- Mook Wolf: Geek with glasses you're annoying and because of you I'll never watch another video of yours
- Yo can I get a BING BONG: Pearl jam black unplugged you will not regret
- Lez mokercrew: ULTRA TRASH by CRISIX. You won’t regret🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
- John McKenna: I’m not the keen on this. There’s a lot of artists now taking songs and playing them slowly and softly which to me is a cheap trick. It’s so easy to do. I don’t think there is genuine emotion behind it since it’s not their song and musically it’s less interesting than the original. Compare this to what Hendrix did to All Along The Watchtower by Bob Dylan or LED Zeppelin To InMy Time Of Dying. Or what Joe Cocker did with With A Little Help From My Friends by the Beatles. They took a song and added to it. Added textures and changes to it that elevated it but was also their own. These stripped down versions just leave you with less. By the way, recommend The Who - Behind Blue Eyes or Won’t Get Fooled Again
- DES S: Ryan, George great reaction! Sometimes a band gets slighted because they do a ballad, but I think Disturbed did this song justice. Yeah David Draiman is a powerhouse vocalist and the band does something that's hard to achieve, they made the song theirs. As far as I know the meaning of the song is about Paul Simon's writing adventures, starting with him in a dark bathroom and the sink dripping causing a comfortable writing space for him. Even though a lot of people think it's about JFK'S assignation, it was released slightly after that happened, but Paul Simon wrote it way beforehand. And cool thing is both songs resonate with people. So with that being said I would like to put in my request for a reaction to Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix Ultraphonix a collaboration of George Lynch guitar (Dokken) Corey Glover vocal (Living Colour), the songs "Crawl Walk Run" or "Counture Culture" featuring Dug Pinnick from Kings X. Or Corey Glover's solo release Hymns the songs "April Rain" or "One", Living Colour's "Open Letter to a Landlord" or maybe Kings X "Over My Head". And on the country side Dwight Yoakam's "Thousand miles from nowhere", "Guitars and Cadillacs' or "Fast as You" would be cool as hell. Another artist you guys should check out Ian Moore especially the song "Satisfied" off his self titled album, by the way I this whole album is pretty cool. Keep on rockin' peace ☮️ ✌️!!
- Kevin Parizek: Ya they do and they're new song doesn't sound a whole lot different then there old stuff. Plus this cover was done for fun and turned out to be a great cover that the band went with it on the CD. Otherwise it wasn't a song they initially were going to put on the album.
- Firan25: +Ricky Spanish yea but lets be realistic here. There are A LOT of musicians that have done covers of songs. Some people dont even realize they are covers either.
- mssrus: This rendition shows, I think, a restoration of what was lost. The instruments covered in dirt, hanging from the tree, and and lying on the ground, are all gathered for the journey across the water that separates the writers who can't hear the music from those who play it. The ship closes that gap. Amazing imagery!
- Ryan McAllister: I'd love to see an Architects reaction. I do think Doomsday is the best song for George and Ryan to hear based on sound and lyrics behind the story of losing Tome Searle to cancer. However, Devils Island and These Colours Don't Run pack a real punch when you watch the video with them given the strong political message.
- Mika Vanonen: The "neon god" is obviously the sign pictured earlier in the song. But why is it a god? The sign is a god because people made it a god ("the neon god they made"). In praying and bowing to the sign, they made it into a god. What the sign represents, though, is harder to answer. Many interpretations I've found have said it represented advertising and TV. Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."
- Not Rick Sanchez: inside the fire
- Zathrus Pridham: I saw a comment somewhere else but Simon and Garfunkel was a warning disturbed was the anger the warning was not listened too
- Tony Lauder: Listen to the original by simon and Garfunkel
- JD Williams: Jealous Man or Homesick by The Marcus King Band
- King_Kong05: Volbeat: warriors call ... I believe volbeat is a very underrated band, not the best band by far, but definitely worth listening to. They’re a high energy rock band and it just kinda hypes you up
- booty call911: I love distrubed music, the vocalist is absolutely amazing. That whole album is insane
- Jar Hiker: STFU & listen then make your jokes imo
- Mike Hughes: Blackberry Smoke - Bottom of This
- Cliff McFarland: Avenged sevenfold - I need You tonight.
- Vinicius Leão de Almeida: Down with the sickness!!
- Scott Feeney: Sorry guys but what you’ve failed to comprehend is that when this was written and performed originally, there were no clips accompanying each song, it was a SONG that reflected the social times that were current. It was as a haunting piece that spoke to a new groundbreaking generation. Your comments unfortunately are mere hyperbole when trying to explain the lyrics today.
- David K: What a Strong and Powerful voice he has !!
- James Shol: Randy Travis - I Told You So
- Jvaughn: Hahaha...my reaction too!! Listen to Down with the Sickness!! Better representation of the band...they are awesome.
- meowpurpur: The song needed to come back. The song was originally a profacy about the future, that no one listened to. And this version was more of a wake up call. Almost showing the truth. Neon could just be something bright such as a phone as when the original came out there were no smartphones. I personally believe which ever one (Simon or Garfunkel) wrote it had a dream or a feeling about it.
- Ms Behaven: First timer on your channel! Enjoyed your reactions and thoughts. I say "history repeats itself"! Subscribed!
- Diana Stojkovic: Please listen to this. This is Disturbed. That rocks. You don't have to react.. But please check it. 😊 https://youtu.be/09LTT0xwdfw
- B-Down HBunZ: I'm telling you all the BEST ONES LIE!!!!! (Next Disturbed song)
- Luca Signorelli: This is nowhere near the best cover of all time. Not even the best cover by the band - they did a better job of land of confusion
- Jonathan Rudolph: If you look for more from Disturbed, any song off that album is incredible. Definitely give them another listen, 2018 is the year of second chances!
- NiceguyEddie17: I haven't even watched your review. This song is incredible!
- Brent House: Seether - “Careless Whisper” , AWESOME cover of a classic song!!!
- wikawldgrl25: Love this version so much better. Not taking anything away from the original but just my personal preference. I think this version has a more powerful meaning and feeling behind it when I listen to it. My take on it is that people are so into themselves that they are missing everything around them. People talk without even thinking and hurt people with their hurtful comments without caring about other's feelings. People hear what they want to hear and not what other's are saying to them. Most individual's are not empathic towards one another and if more people could put themselves in one another's shoes and try to understand what the other may be going through, stop thinking about only themselves and the money they make or material things they acquire and even did one good deed a day without expecting something out of it, the world would be a better place than what it is heading towards today. Disturbed's newer music has awesome meanings behind their words, like Disturbed's The Light (making this a request please). Sometimes the videos that we watch get in the way of the actual lyrics and the meaning that is meant behind it.
- Rebekah Burris: Please make a reaction video to jj grey-this river
- dafunkmonster: What adds to the power of this song for me is the fact that it’s such a departure from Disturbed’s typical sound. If you are familiar with their work, you come to this song expecting heavy guitar riffs and brutal double kick drum pedal sequences. And then they deliver this power ballad with such restraint, and it really makes it even more profound.
- JAYCOLL: Please do more Disturbed, they're an amazing group!!!!!
- Govuu Vecece: wow!!!...hadn't heard the song before?...it's almost iconic...
- irishgrl: Paul Simon himself liked this cover. That’s pretty significant. I think the message is that people have a voice and they aren’t using it, and there is much that people should be vocal about. Remember when the original was written it was the tail end of a major protest movement and perhaps it was a call to keep speaking truth to power...
- Gale Aumiller: Message from God Mans gods, anything clinging to earthly things. Brings silence being without God and his grace Lost is a good way of putting it
- sandbox242: Money for nothing?
- Bill & Zuleika Marallo: Kamelot-- The Black Halo
- aldersmoke1: I'm glad you dug into the lyrics. Paul Simon is one of the very best songwriters of the last century. Right behind Bob Dylan.
- jserrano0711: I second this!
- Christopher Crowder: Disturbed has had something like 5 straight Billboard #1 albums. Probably one of the biggest modern metal bands around. Songs you could react to that were popular are "The Sickness", "Prayer", "Indestructible", and their cover version of "Land of Illusion" (originally done by Genesis). Also, "10,000 Fists" and "Stupify" were other singles they released.
- rob procctvcameras: Its the people that qrote songs who cant play them and rhe people who play them cant write them And finally in the end they get together. Thus the sounds of silence Bc of no music there is the sounds of silence They would rather have no music and look at the tvs instead of music. No playing music and no writing music just tv
- Ripplin: It's...a'ight. I much, much prefer their cover of "Land of Confusion."
- triplebackspace: This song is about the plight of urban poverty , and how people remain silent and ignore the plight of the poor. How some people will treat people suffering under the condition of poverty as being invisible . How people remain silent on the issue because there is no easy answer and it makes people feel guilty,uncomfortable , and powerless.
- gaming freaks: +transmit13 I guess "something" refers to your pea sized brain here. Ok, I get that.
- MonkeeBoi1960: Keep in perspective that this was written in **1964** - a time of great upheaval in American culture and the cusp of many social movements that would build throughout the remainder of the decade. In many ways, it is very sad that this song is now even more an appropriate commentary on our society than it was then... So many years have passed, yet (if anything) we have regressed and become even more divided. This powerful cover is perfectly suited for our current state and should serve as a wake-up call -- or will it "like silent raindrops" fall?
- Nacho: this cover is straight up garbage. they shoudn't toutch this song. Check out samsara blues experiment - for the lost souls
- Katsi: Now you've got to experience the true metal that is Disturbed. Enjoy!
- MasterPotSmith 420: You guys really gotta listen to some Shinedown, their cover of Simple Man is perfection. You guys could react to Multiple Shinedown songs, “Shed Some Light”, “I’ll follow you”, “45”.. There are many more Great Hits..
- Jason Taylor: Nevermore did it better! RIP Warrel Dane! 🤘🤘
- Jeff Nix: Great range
- Kalle Karlsson: Plz do Eminem - Venom, new song that’s super cool.
- BK Mark: Neon god = television. He is speaking to the loss of art due to the dumbing down of society and the boob tube. He saw it before TV was even prevalent in society. Paul Simon is a genius. First vid I’ve seen from you all. Love it. Good job.
- Vision Serpent: Their cover of Genesis was better
- David Morris: I prefer passengers cover :) Life's For The Living - Live at Spotify Amsterdam by passenger it's my favourite song ever and that version is amazing. Thanks love the channel
- Giuseppe: As wonderful as this cover is, and it really is, it's also completely unrepresentative of the style of Disturbed. I find it funny whenever I hear people say they love Disturbed based only on this song and the reaction they have after listening to, I don't know, Down With the Sickness :))
- Rodrigo Martinez: King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Nuclear Fusion (live on KEXP)
- Molly McCleerey: Learn your music history
- Cindy Chavez: I’m still waiting on fairies wear boots by Black Sabbath 🤷🏻♀️
- Disturbed Pyro: Great reaction! As you can tell by my name and pic, Disturbed is my favorite band of all time. You guys are awesome. Keep up the great reactions. I know i said it already but please FLEETWOOD MAC-THE CHAIN!
- Kathy Howard: So Paul Simon wrote the song and he explained the meaning here: https://www.quora.com/What-do-the-lyrics-of-The-Sound-of-Silence-by-Paul-Simon-mean
- Robert Sensabaugh: Music from A Star is Born maybe? Either Shallow, or Maybe It’s Time(Written by Jason Isbell). Also Coheed & Cambria-The Gutter or Old Flames.
- Ryan Hanson: primus- these damn blue collar tweakers metallica- the thing that should not be
- South Paw: todays neon god is cellphone
- itsmezed: One of the greatest covers, without a doubt. Paul Simon himself endorsed the performance. Now if only I could convince y'all to give a Halestorm song a listen -- Black Vultures or Takes My Life, maybe?
- CipherBytes: I think if you listen to the two, you hear the original sending you a message, and in this one it's like "listen this time!". It's a very good version.
- TOMMY SALAMI: Shouldn't have stopped it. Now I wont watch the rest of the video.
- BÖC ROCK ROB: Supremacy by Tarja please!!!
- Christian Gonzalez: React to the devil in i by slipknot
- Tavaija Stevens: Yo i got put on to Down with the sickness in high school never knew how much I liked rock until then
- Zach Clark: If you havent listened to Disturbed before this then you should do Down With the Sickness or Stricken as a sort of reference point.
- Jeff Parker: George had an academic reaction and Ryan had a more emotional reaction. Both were great reactions! To me, the live version of their cover was even better. Thanks again for another unbiased reaction brothers!
- hUGO Lopes: And "Aunts all over" would be nice too
- Jordan Larson: Love this cover. To switch it up if you want to hit the country genre try out Dixieland Delight by Alabama
- Stinger2578: Disturbed also did a great job with "Land of Confusion" originally by Genesis.
- Noble Stone: Hero of war: rise against is a great story song
- Villager Mercury: This song is about depression
- uest super: Wow what a douche
- Frank: Rage Rider They need to experience the beauty of early 2000's drivel.
- JIPunisherIL: LOVE this cover but Johnny Cash's take on Hurt is god tier.
- Eric Holladay: I never understood this song's popularity. In my opinion, it's not a good cover of the original and not a good representation of Disturbed.
- Thomas Cahill: It’s funny, when you were discussing the lyrics, people hearing without listening, all I can think is when you go out in public now everyone has their cell phones on and no interaction with the world or people around them. This song resonates across time and people’s race and religion.
- DragonsKindler: I agree the radio edit kills all the emotion
- Michael James: You want another powerful cover of a Simon and Garfunkel song check out Queensryche's cover of Scarborough Fair, well they didn't write it. But the most famous recording of it.
- jhowell1030: Yall like Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge right? You should check out this song performed live with him and Disturbed.
- Trenton McIntyre: Espen Totland tool is just a beautiful band in general haha every song by them is perfection
- Ran Wolf: The original version was used in The Watchmen movie, during the Comedian's funeral
- Nicole Jessica: Can you please react to Elvis Unchained Melody LIVE 🙏 It's his last performance before he died 😢 it will grab your soul! I know you go by popularity, and I know you won't get another request for this song, it's a buried treasure. I will just keep suggesting it, lol. Pleeeeeeeeeeease!! I promise you will love it! 🔥 🔥 🔥
- Melanie Edwards: I love the original . The harmonies are beautiful. First time hearing the Disturbed version . Second listen liked it better. I think the most beautiful part of the original is the oblique lyrics . The music in the disturbed version and the way it is sang it’s as if there is a clear message that can be heard and I think this song is really more of a subjective message drawn from experiences of the writer . It just ended up sounding overblown and pompous. For me it is about people worshipping consumerism and getting wrapped up in their worlds and pursuits without connecting or hearing or seeing the truth , but the truth is only the writers truth . I suppose everyone has a subjective interpretation,but I think that’s why it is such an elusive , mystical and beautiful song . This version is way too direct in my opinion and it’s sounds too slow . Just my opinion.But awesome voice
- Cindy T: You guys did great with your interpretation. And yes, very powerful song...both versions...but Disturbed's version hits the grand slam on it.
- Dmart 360: Donnie Darko ♥️
- Haas _Delgato: Hero of war - rise against Disturbed the sound of silence
- kathy crutcher: Oh you have heard down with the sickness from disturbed.awesome video,George is hilarious,soul patch😂😂😂
- Cliff Scowen: Though it’s a cool version,for me it’s not a patch on the original.
- Helen Breakiron: I was playing this song on my cellphone; my husband walked in the door from work, and immediately stopped in his tracks when he heard it.....
- MrPittsburghJ: Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing or Money for Nothing, unedited version
- Ethan Topper: Highly recommend if I get high by nothing but thieves
- Usman Ramay: What exactly are you supposed to look like to sound good?
- Michael White: Shout2000 by disturbed!!!
- BlackMoridin: +Ivan Novak The original was a warning about the direction we as humans are headed in, and disturbed their cover is meant to be interpreted, as anger and a touch of sadness, that no one listened!!!
- Silke Jakobi: he does not look like Howie Mandel
- Brooklyn Stitcher: You have to remember that this song was written during two major events in time, the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam War Which I think is why it caught on and meant so much to the 60's counter culture. I think this version speaks to an anger we have about not being heard at a time when politically and socially we are divided. We are being shown everyday that while we have made progress, we actually haven't come that far. To me this is illustrated by the lines "people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening, people writing songs that voices never shared and no one dared disturbed the sound of silence" and are sad in a devastating way in that as much as they spoke to everything that as going on in he 1960s they still apply to everything that is going on now.
- Timothy Stoneberger: Do Far behind by candlebox one of the best songs ever
- vinicius stankowitsch: Rage against the machine - Bulls on Parade !!!
- grimesjon1: Keep laughing! That is Disturbed! Fucking laughable fools. They just don't know when to quit.
- Goldenthrone Music: Been wanting them to do a Nightwish song for a while. Hopefully they get around to it soon.
- Mehmet Ergin: Certainly a great cover
- Shawn Reynolds: You guys would probably like smooth by Santana
- Wardo Melena: React to some joy division
- Zack Morse: They had email in the 1960’s when this song was originally written? 🙂
- Michael Balxwin: A decent enough cover, but whoever said it's the best of all time was clearly high. A few better covers: Van Halen "You Really Got Me" Jimi Hendrix "All Along The Watchtower" Nirvana "Where Did You Sleep Last Night"
- GlobalistEnemy01: Death- “Keep On Knockin’”. Not the metal band but the protopunk band.
- Trenton Turner: I love disturbed yall shuld react to there song "down with the sickness" it's a look into there main music base love yalls reactions keep up the good work
- jamelle qualls: I love this better then the original
- AJ Wooderson: you guys need to get into some tragically hip for your canadian followers. older stuff like new orleans is sinking or ahead by a century would be a nice place to start
- Charlie hates you: Children of Bodom - Are you dead yet?
- Cristian: Please do more Disturbed, especially Stricken. That's an all time classic
- Stan the Man: Great cover. Would love to hear some Stevie Ray Vaughan–don’t know if you guys would want to sit through a 4 minute instrumental, but Little Wing/Lenny are both awesome places to start in his cannon.
- seen123: Sam Bentham When you’ve been listening to and are in love with music for 40 plus years, the sheer volume of accumulated information alone makes for a more discerning ear. Also, other artists do what ‘Disturbed’ is trying to do with more artistic nuance Tom Waits and Nick Cave for example.
- Pablo Richard Fernandez: Living life by the drop.
- E Rock: I'm trying to stick with these guys reactuons, but Ryan must be in a dark place lately cause he has been unbearable lately on white folk music...
- Michael Hillmon: O&A tried to reach people with this one, but fell on deaf ears and I feal the Disturbed version is clearly more powerful and meant to drive it in our heads what the message of O&A is. At least that's what take from it.
- Eric Reynolds: Take into consideration that this song was wrote in like the sixties.
- Paul Haney: Shinedown Simple Man- amazing cover
- redhotchilifan98: One of the most beautiful covers ive heard and i prefer to it to the original might be an unpopular opinion but i think this cover just portrays more power behind it and more feeling
- boogiedads: seems you guys were mesmerized by this one--- i've watched most your other vids,, this one had you glued to the screen !!!
- ReverenXero: Naw doggie, that Howie comment was perfectly timed lol
- illegal kiwi: Iron bound by overkill, pls no more shitty covers
- Wickerrman: Hey guys, great video. Love this song and interesting to hear your thoughts on it! Some thoughts on songs to recommend: League of Legends is currently holding its annual world tournament. One of the biggest eSports around and they have produced some great music for the tournament since 2014 (including big bands like Imagine Dragons). I would love to hear you do a few videos on the LoL World's songs!
- Kelley Vanderwerf: It's shocking to me that some people don't immediately recognize this song - it's a classic that's been played over and over and over again for about 50 years. It's an extremely well known song. Disturbed's version is incredible - gave me chills.
- AB0L1SH3D: Black Label Society - Lost Prayer..........Also dont know about best cover ever!...great and all but Chris Cornell covering Billie Jean is mind numbing
- Jane Hall: This guys voice ain’t that great,if it was that good he’d be world famous,haha but he ain’t,this is nothing but overrated shit,end off,people have been sucking this shit take off for years now,hahaha never even made the top ten,you don’t need to be an expert to know this is overrated GUFF
- Sood the Unknown Musician: Disturbed released a version featuring Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge). Go check it out it is awesome!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3By4DZyTNM
- GANN010355: It's hysterical that a Professional, classically trained Singer is being judged by a couple of gum chewing, blind glasses wearing, nodding, weaving dolts, trying to be relevant Mother Fockers that wouldn't know Music if it hit them in their "Rap Ass". The only music blacks like is destructive.
- Calvin Gordee: The song was originally written for encouraging communism.
- bigoz1977: Or a bald Kevin’s pollock 👍
- ChrisTopha 34: The best songs from YSIV Thank you The Glorious Five Wu tang forever (already done) 100 Miles and Running YSIV Street Dreams II Adventures of stoney bob Legacy (already done) ICONIC Last call PLEASE PLEASE do these !!! I know it's hard work but the beats are so fucking good!!!!!
- Brad Cooney: Pretty weak reaction to be honest. I've watched about 20 reaction videos to this song, and it's funny how so many reactors are cracking jokes about his appearance, and clowning around, then at about the 3 minute mark the smirks and jokes disappear. This singer is brilliant. Simply brilliant.
- Tana Williams: And the uncanniness people who are bowing and praying instead of to their God to their real god a man who lives in the White House
- BottleFed_ SS: not a soul patch, its piercings
- metch: but you guys dont have enough good reactions check out some more 90s grunge bands.
- Alpha1Charlie: Lost in Vegas... You almost had it. There was a division. Mid to late 60's, between the Government, the media outlets. The peoples voices were silent to their ears. Simon tells the story, but Disturbed takes you on that journey. Voices being held prisoner.... It is a deep song, filled with the anger felt, the sadness and sorrow of being ignored. Edit* spelling correction
- NickisAwkward: Metallica- Disposable Heroes Gojira- Backbone Led Zeppelin- Rock and Roll Black Sabbath- The Wizard Electric Light Orchestra- Don't Bring Me Down AC/DC- Let There Be Rock Rage Against the Machine- No Shelter System of a Down- Sugar Queens of the Stone Age- No One Knows Nine Inch Nails- Where is Everybody? Thin Lizzy- The Rocker Pantera- Cowboys from Hell Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia Gorillaz- Saturn Barz Korn- Clown
- Brent Cagala: Coheed and Cambria - The Dark Sentencer
- mnyfrnthg: I still like the original better.
- Obijo Kenobi: This song is missing the higher pitch of the second singer.
- Mystical Ronin: Yall late for this
- cajunO21: only the brothers talk during the most important parts of the movie/show/video... you know yall do!.. it drives me nuts! anyway, great response/review. The point of the song was to make people think about the less fortunate and stop being selfish. In essence stop ignoring your surroundings. (Tenement Halls was a place for the homeless in the 60's) the "writings on the wall" was a cry to the public to recognize the current issues.(just like today's graffiti) As for the "neon god" referance is multi layered and has multiple meanings. In essence, what is more important to you then your fellow human? Your car, oversized house or mayby a boat? what do you covet the most? (as an example, what flashes or outshines to you the most?) When the original song was written, it had a much deeper meaning then today. (sorry guys, write your own songs!) While it still has meaning, Simon and Garfunkel tried warning us 50 years ago.
- backspin123: you should react to the original
- TheSombersky: Yeah that’s the song right there ! Or reach down !
- bitecha bitechabitecha: Best remake ever!! Didn't know that dude would sing instead of just screaming
- Mercedes Miko: +SweetLikeCyanide no doubt. It was more artist appropriate.
- Film Kini: I believe they won't like Kiske's vocals, so How many Tears, Victim of Fate or Perfect Gentleman might be a good start.
- Rares Ionut: You should have reviewed the live version of this cover which features none other than Myles Kennedy(of Alter Bridge).
- Brian McAlpine: Fame and gloria by Ambrien Dawn :)
- Malik Hart: J.I.D work out
- Pete Smith: This song is just terrible. Some over dramatic wannabe bullshit but biches love this song so got to suffer this trough to get laid. Stop over analyzing this turd.
- ColinFurness77: You guys should really check this out. Metal combined with J-Pop with dance/choreography. Just wow!! https://youtu.be/WIKqgE4BwAY
- Edoardo Alves: Disturbed is a metal band, if you hear another song from them you'll understand... I recomend Prayer or Down With The Sickness... This is a really great singer!!!!
- kotelikessweets: Mercenary - Firesoul I dunno if posting it again and again, and again, but on patreoned reviews gonna work. That`s definetly a song you will enjoy and get into.
- Andrew Bowen: Stricken has to be one of their deepest songs, and it sounds very good too. That should be the next song you check out by them, whenever that may be
- Maurice Alves: Do there song inside the fire it’s so badass
- inashentears: High On Fire - The Falconist please... or finally Primordial - The Coffin Ships
- Joseph lee: Do buckethead soothsayer
- Evident Nonownership: Silence , undeniable,in which all appears,no song,no speach,no listening/effort of thought ,can ever move us from, or return us to what is,we pray to the neon God we made,while even the words of the prophets are only whispers in the silence.Judging on the comments,maybe I heard the song differently,but wow man,10000 people maybe more,coming together without words.
- Patrick Luce: worst cover song ever.....
- paul gillenwater: To me I think the lyrics are more about the music industry as a whole. The line "people hearing without listening" means people hearing modern music without listening to what it actually means. And when he says "And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made" he is taking about how we hold massively popular artists above others even though their music may not be as well written or the words aren't as meaningful as some of the smaller names who churn out extremely high quality music. To me those are the groups or people who are being silenced by the majority of people (portrayed my the people with the sheet music in the video). Just my thoughts.
- Joshua Bulger: Great channel keep up the good work
- The Jersey Ninja: When I was younger and just started getting into disturbed the first time I saw the singer I thought it WAS Howie Mandel lol
- Mark Nicholson: Try Lecrae, Run on the album "After the Music Stops."All I can say was that 'wow' bumpin, totally unexpected.
- Frosty The Snowman: I must have missed it, i always think of that song when I hear this one
- Joe Caballero: Suggestion reaction to Joyner Lucas sorry
- bornagainwierdo: You had to google the sound of silence?? You guys are really not in a position to be reviewing music. All your videos are from such an uneducated standpoint. So annoying
- Jason Rajpaulsingh: Please do The Night by Disturbed. Excellent song.
- jimicrack29 thibodeaux: sucks this
- redstarsot: OK OK now you've listened to disturbed's cover , just give a chance to the REAL cover of this classic by Nevermore. Whole different level
- Random Person7754: This song is the best cover because of the emotion he put into the song. You guys should try to find the vocals only version of this one. It's honestly better than with music
- The philosophical headbanger: Metallica kill em all full album reaction, megadeth a toute Le monde & Alice in chains angrychair.
- StephenRahrig: dextc Uhh dude. If you are using the term “elementary knowledge” and are “shocked” that someone doesn’t know it.....I honestly can’t think of a better way to describe a music geek!!
- peter lennon: The original version was great and strong and beautiful; this version had an uncompromising immutable message, a last shot urgency, it was classically not beautiful, a revelation, a warning of desolation about it, certainly visionary not to be taken lightly....it was dirty I loved it, thanks, OLD PETER U S A
- RED MOBILE uk: man that is a song that could depress anyone
- RysonArc: Metallica - Halo On Fire
- Jordan Robinson: Like a stone by the late great Chris Cornell Acoustic at AOL video is amazing!!!
- The Backwards Bear: I think the writer of that song had a prophetic dream about twitter and face book. Its is a perfect description of the decisive self indulgent atmosphere you can find on the platforms.
- KennyRooks: More Disturbed please. "Remember" easy choice bitches
- Zebulon Swearingen: “10,000 Fists” by Disturbed. “Land of Confusion” written by Genesis? Phil Collins? & covered by Disturbed. I think this is 1 reason they call themselves Disturbed. Because their music contains references to popularly disturbing things, things that probably disturb Disturbed, etc. Black Eyed Peas did “Where is The Love” which reminds me of “Land of Confusion” lyrically. They also did “Anxiety” featuring Papa Roach on the same album. Anything by Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble. “Crosstown Traffic” by the Jimi Hendrix Experience if you wanna hear a truly disturbing, interesting song written in 1968.
- J L: filip Do you really need to hear from someone else that Bed of Roses is a garbage song?
- Pwn: My interpretation of this beautiful song. I think it is refering to peoples failure to communicate. "prayed to the neon god they made"= Media
- Andrew James: I think the song is about oppression of governments on the freedom of creativity. Seeing the creativity of the people through the oppression of silence by the government.
- Stacy Schauls: Disturbed is by far my favorite band <3 do more of them!
- Dennis Cooke: +sacredomens haven't heard that one until now. That's a nice song. Any idea who did it originally?
- THE CRONIC: Yall should do either ten thousand fist or indestructible by them
- Disturbed Pyro: Fleetwood Mac- The Chain!
- Deadly Dongslap: The original is from the movie The Graduate. Great film!!
- Dan Wallace: How about a reverse of this video. Instead of a cover of a famous song, do a reaction of a song made more famous by someone else covering it. Dolly Parton's I will always love you (Covered by Whitney Houston)
- Joe Brown: Clutch, please.
- The Lonewolf: React to time by pink floyd
- Leonard Huber: I believe the reason so many people love this cover us because it's the first time they've ever heard him actually sing
- Long Lemon: Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer
- Richard C Autorina: I’m an old dude and when this is played in its entirety... I get chills from this
- Robert Chappell: Audioslave like a stone
- Zach Clark: This
- Jka Vill: Dislike. For Georges corny jokes.
- HankHardcore: Had no idea that a lot of people think this is the best cover of all time. I always thought (and still think) it's a pretty bad cover, but hey, to each their own.
- Christopher Vilches: https://youtu.be/Bk7RVw3I8eg thats Disterbed saw them on the first headline tour amazing!
- Explorer766: The greatest cover of all time??? Snooze fest. And the definitive moment Disturbed has left the building.
- Cereal Killer: Simon and Garfunkel were warning us about what could happen if we didn't change. Disturbed sung with anger how we didn't listen. The theme as well as the words used by Simon and Garfunkel are incredibly representative of the present time. "And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made" That can stand for consumerism, technology or capital gain in general. It's the modern day version of the Golden Calf and it's unfortunately accurate. Paul Simon definitely wrote a masterpiece
- Brandon Richard: Rock the rebel / The devil's Yell would be a great choice.
- gCuezy: Do Skindred - Nobody Reggae Metal... metal's not something I listen to all the time but I love this track.
- Serai3: The neon god is the 20th century version of the golden calf. It is the fascination that comes with technology, the obsession, the willingness to turn over our lives to it. The prophets inveigled against wealth and privilege because they bring strife and war and suffering not in their wake, but as part of their being. Now the wealth lies not in gold, but in the imaginary world of money that exists only in the machines we depend on more and more for everything - and that is the god we have made.
- six ink: Nice. Since Disturbed is new to yall, check out Down with the Sickness, studio version not video version. It would be awesome to see that.
- TX Rider: Give a listen to Simon and Garfunkel "The Boxer"..
- Susan Zapata: Yes, people lost. Silence is peace (divinity). Darkness my old friend (has been here a long, long time) ...trying to convince me: Fools said (darkness said), "that silence like a cancer grows." Talking me out of my peace (divinity). A world of lost people - bowing to something (outside) false, they made. Why is this so powerful? It's reminding you to be you: peaceful /divine. For all the darkness - he did a brilliant job!
- Paul Mc1: JUST Discovered you guys! Very fun to witness your fresh views. Might I sugest a classic by Ozzy and Black Sabbath called "Electric Funeral." Lots of spooky guitar that you will Love! #TheGuysWhoStartedItAll
- gwolfe333: This song is awesome live as well. David has a great voice.
- Pandora Fox: Lovely interpretation of the song. Great job, Guys!
- Jeff Mcardell: I think it means different things to different people. I feel that some of the meaning is that if you are abused, keep your mouth shut, no one wants to hear about it. And I think it goes down that type of road.
- Henry Rollen: Guys love your channel. Disturbed is in my top 10 for rock. This is a fantastic cover. I like the way the band puts their own twist on it. The thing is, this is not really how the band sounds. They are a heavy rock group. I really hope you guys do another disturbed reaction video. Next time around check out something from my favorite album of theirs, The Sickness. Any of the songs from that album will do. They are all amazing. If you want some suggestions though try out stupifiy, down with the sickness, the game, or another cover they do, shout. Thanks guys for all the work you put into these reaction videos. Keep on "droppin plates."
- Anna-kay Chaplin: PLEASE DO A REVIEW OF: Gimmie grime freestyle- Lady Leshurr. Barzzzzz for days you guys will love it!!!
- digger muehlenkamp: Check out Slipknot " The Devil in I" great vocals from a metal band
- Cliedo Cladidahopper: review a country singr who is black so many songs people do not know who they are
- paraNORMALity 505ABQ: Keep in mind the original was written during the height of the Vietnam war.
- Marco Furtado: TOOL Grudge, 10000 days or Rosetta Stoned!! Don't do Vicarious.. It's a great song, but not as special!
- Maurilhio Nobrega: Hi guys! How about some reggae?!?!?!?! Just to help you out a bit: Steel Pulse - "Chant A Psalm" or "Taxi Driver" (musically they are very interesting) Lucky Dube - "Cool Down" or "Soultaker" Beef - "Late Night Sessions" Alpha Blondy - "I Love Paris" or "Rocking Time" or "Ragga Gangstar" Morgan Heritage - "How Come" Gentleman - "Dem Gone"
- Joseph Druar: The original song was about the JFK assassination.
- holleyman1970: I love buckethead
- Geneva Smith: YEASSSSS! I wanted you to react to this one! I requested this a while ago. YEAASSSSS! Thank you!😁
- Joe Kelly: Wasn't it also about the nuclear bomb victims of Japan? Idk who told me such but I remember hearing that for some reason
- Doc Lewis: It's about war...and the history of repeating it.
- zuparoeban: This is a really good cover but unfortunately it doesn't really represent the music that Disturbed makes. You should do a reaction of Inside The Fire Also do Sabaton sometime
- Nakita Butcher: I can't get enough of y'all tonight!
- DaMangs: Disturbed are dad rock at best. You guys wanna be impressed? MEGITSUNE BY BABYMETAL
- dumplingshakes22: Should do perfect circle- Judith or 3 Libras... has the lead singer from tool and both are amazing songs
- Andrea Young: You guy are great, but not this cover song.
- Jason Parks: Good shit as always. Again I'll throw out "Keep the Wolves Away - Uncle Lucius"
- The Metal Pig: Geez this song is ass! Will never understand why ppl like this, just Disturbed attempting to stay relevant by doing a cover rather than write something of any quality for close to a decade. They have nothing worth listening too beyond their 3rd album.
- Ryan Hart: Michael Richards Ohhhh hell yeah, great request, cheers 🍻
- Benno Benno: CHIRAQ -MONTANA OF 300
- Milissa Silks: The neon god is television....
- Amber Gordon: The song is about apathy, this song and Pink Floyd's On the Turning away.
- dbbatel: Thanks to you two and this channel I went to my first country concert last night: Chris Stapleton! It was great!! For the past four years it's been metal and rock shows straight. Now I know it's worth it to branch out a little bit and learn to appreciate live music from other genres. I would have never given Stapleton a second listen if I hadn't heard your breakdown of his ''Tennessee Whiskey'' and hearing it in person was a highlight of the night. Cheers!
- Kyle Barnes: This cover is an absolute masterpiece. Like many people said in the comments, this is not a "typical" Disturbed song, this cover kinda came out of nowhere as they are a metal band. Their best known songs are Stricken, Down With The Sickness, 10,000 fists, and possibly Indestructible. Should check those out.
- Nathan Baker: From memory, I remember reading that this song was about the division & lack of communication between Big Corporation/the Government and the common people. “Neon god” being all the billboards, adverts, TV and internet etc. So it’s how this (as you said) divides people and stops them communicating too, in order for them to see what is creating the ‘silence’ and division. There was a lot of other reference points I read about, but that’s the easiest.
- rhonda hester: This song was written by Paul Simon during the chaos of the Vietnam war and the race riots of the 1960’s in the US. John f Kennedy, Robert f Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assasinated. The song is a warning of what will come if we don’t change our ways and learn from our past mistakes. It is a vision of a dystopian future.
- jim Jennings: Static X - Cannibal Clutch - Careful With That Mic Both great songs, different vocal styles I'd like to hear your takes on.
- TheEnd: you guys... SUCK
- Susan Meador: Like this version so much better than the original.
- The Gabe Watkins: Simon & Garfunkel-The Boxer
- Polo Polo: Both pt 1 and 2!
- Daniel Gable: I've heard this song many times, and in the rest of my comment, I'm, in part, trying to get my own thoughts on what the song means to me straight, and communicate it in a meaningful way to others. Forgive me if I've not got my point across clearly. @ 3:40 (not about the song specifically, but having to do with the visual used) Just saying, if I write with the ink I made, using a metal pen, I can expect the plating on it to dissolve. My ink is oak gall and it will dissolve metal. Better for me to use a glass pen, a quill pen, or use a commercial ink that does not dissolve metal. @ 8:36 You may be right. If people do not communicate, it can give rise to misunderstandings that separate people, and create divisions that cause problems. @ 10:09 No, I don't think you're way off. In my personal experience, communication is the key to prevent misunderstandings. So, don't turn a deaf ear to what the people around you say. Listen and understand the message. Then you can discuss it in a reasoned format that can break down the barriers. There will always be people, however, who refuse to hear, or only hear what they want to hear.
- Payton Lawson: You guys should do another Avenged Sevenfold- The Stage or Shepherd Of Fire
- clone120: Sepultura - Ratamahatta
- Adrian Humphries: Karnivool cote you'll freaking love it my dudes
- Michael Richards: ScAr SyMMeTRy - The ILLuSiOnISt!
- DreamForger: Jaden Smith - GOKU
- bashbrannigan: Once he made the joke about Howie Mandel I quit it. Give me a break.
- Evan Davidson: honestly I'd rather hear the original...though it is a good vehicle for draiman's voice...good timbre...a little melodramatic....
- Mike Kuykendall: Lead singer of Disturbed could totally play the Phantom of the Opera
- jorge villeas: George you are my tocayo
- Compendyum: Best cover ever? It's not even the best cover of this song, let alone the rest of the trillion covers out there.
- stealthRUSH: prefer the original 100x more than this ver...
- NotASqueaker 13: Breaking Benjamin Dear Agony or S.i.x.x am skin
- smithg63: Listen to some earlier Disturbed and you’ll appreciate the song more.
- Bryce Taylor: Down with the sickness
- Brian Barker: I'd much rather listen to Simon and Garfunkel's version, but I'm also not a big fan of Disturbed. but whoever said this is the best cover ever is a moron. What about Jimi Hendrix's cover of all along the watchtower or Hey Joe, or what about Led Zeppelin's many blues covers? Led Zeppelin- I Cant Quit You Babe
- Wicked Acid: БълхатаНаКотката НаНикиБанков or sweet nurse or idle blood
- burntheashesband: I’ve been push for this since the channel started basically. Like literally for over a year. They ain’t gonna do it
- Nate Eller: I would love to hear you guys react to the group Home Free! They're an A Capella group that is considered "country", but they cover a lot of songs that are Pop/Blues and Country. They have 4 guys that have amazing voices and their Beat Boxer is incredible!! They just came out with a new video for their cover of "Man of Constant Sorrow" that is fantastic! You will not believe that their are no instruments involved! They have over 100 original songs & Covers.
- April Ray Alabama Tall Chic: Love them. I'm 38 and I went to my first concert where Disturbed was the opening act in 2000. Now I'm 38. 18 years and they are still my favorite!!
- Adam Richardson: Seriously give bolt thrower a try. Sooo groovy. See if you can listen without head banging, it's a challenge
- Cesar Almeida: These song lives from the build up and you guys stopping it so many times ruined your reaction to it for me...so in my case you guys were right about the dislike. First time I dislike one of your videos.
- John Zimmerman: Next up – A Perfect Circle's cover of Imagine
- Kevin Curley: This song is tryhard nonsense. A band that used to sing about killing their mothers (literally. Check out the song “Down with the sickness”) now trying to appeal to moms far and wide. Band has always been and always will be a complete and utter joke. Juvenile Dingaling rock for braindead meat men
- shy Bunny: Considering the context of the original time period in which this song was written, I think this is a politically driven message. I keep thinking about politicians/media who say a lot but don't have anything worth saying, the general population who listens to the surface of the messages from those sources without understanding the context or intentions behind them, and the suffering and lost who are voiceless because of stigma and oppression.
- Lucian Warrior: Shut up and listen.
- Jason Young: The neon god they made, television, later the internet, mobile phones. People are focused on these tools and don't actually talk to each other, and silence like a cancer grows. I've seen people break off conversations so they can stand in silence and focus on a text message, I think this song predicted that.
- aplny: I liked the live duet they did of this with Myles Kennedy.
- GrizzleyBear: Honestly not a fan of Disturbed. But this is pretty well done. David has a pretty good raspy range. Great cover IMO
- Go Jenny Go: Love this cover but you guys should check out their original stuff. "Stricken" would be a great one!! You guys are awesome, by the way!
- proelf100: It was originally a protest song. the "silence" was the loss of meaning in communication. Basically, everyone is talking but not saying anything real especially the media. The "neon gods" was television, telling everyone who is/ what is bad which, and the famous people (stars) are given a voice, whether or not they had anything real/ important to say. Leaving wisdom behind for the sake of entertainment. "the words of the profits are written on the subway walls, etc" we as a society began to ignore wisdom and knowledge for what was fun and popular. The "Cancer" was this growing meaningless noise from the TV, radio, and the news that spread into conversions, beliefs and even changed how people thought and acted.
- Robert Beckler: Talking about people without souls. Rock on
- Sticky Bandit: MrAdidas1980 Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Bill Withers, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, James Carr, Otis Redding, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Jim Croce, Robert Plant, Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, Prince, Smokey Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald, Elaine Paige, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Simon and Garfunkel, Axel Rose, Billy Joel, Jim Morrison, David Bowie, Anthony Hamilton, Ginuwine, R. Kelly, Lenny Williams, David Ruffin, Dennis Edwards, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Thom Yorke, Gladys Knight, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, Hall and Oates, etc...I mean there are so many people with a better voice than him that it’s stunning you could even suggest he’s a top ten vocalist. He’s not even on this list, let alone near the top.
- Peanut Rambles: I think this is that song left up to listener interuptation. According to the always accurate internet,😁, Paul Simmon wrote this at 21 years old. After being asked how a 21 year old would, I guess, have the experience to know what he was even writing, he just said I dont know. Apparently he would cut the lights in his bathroom and play his guitar, hence, hello darkness my old friend... however, it does go on to say that it was a song about people unable to communicate. Not internationally but love. So yeah, I think your summary of this song is more detail than the writers, lol. Definitely a haunting song. Seems like it fits right in to our present time. Like all the voices cancel each other out til it just noise (or silence) bc no ones actually hearing anyone else. So what are we really learning from each other? I'm not political but this could get a way with being what I learned as a demonstrative song like in the 60s with "War". But more subtle. Great song though!:)
- Stéphan LAPLAGNE: i would like to see your reaction about this band from France : Atlantis Chronicle with the song " upwelling part 1" from the album The Barton's Odissey . Regards
- condutchak: Inside the Fire by Disturbed. Song that made me start listening to music in the first place
- Amer532: Yo people been sayn he look like Howie since Deal or No Deal
- grillchirre: WRONG! :p NEVERMORE did a much better cover IMO, they really made the song their own. Please check it out sometime.
- David Boucher: NOW.
- Shelly Rae: Seriously, you couldn't listen for more than a few seconds without interrupting with lame comments? Thumbs down.
- Kayla Napier: Please do a react for Highly Suspect Lydia
- TheDaysleeper40: Civil Wars - Barton Hollow please!!
- FallingFromWillows 511: I always felt like neon God's meant neon signs. Simon and Garfunkel didn't come from too much technology era outside of television and radio. Love both song. But Disturbed made it something to hit me hard on the days I need a big ol slap in the face. You guys did good. As usual. I think i even subscribed to you two a few months ago. I dunno. I never subscribe anymore to anything. YouTube does it for me. Pisses me off. So I refuse to subscribe to anything out of silent and pointless protest. But you guys are on my subscriptions and I'm pretty sure I was the one to hit the button and I'm glad I did. As close to unbias as human beings can get. And incredibly open to all genres. That's whats up. Do you only do songs you don't know? Would love to see throw backs or your fave classics. Raekwon's Purple Tape, some classics on there, would be cool to bring it back a little. My personal favorite. Or some old Camp Lo. Or anything from the older days. No one plays anything that gets the juices flowing anymore. But if y'all only do unknowns then I get it.
- ScottieBoi12: I don't think you should watch the video when you listen to songs. I think it's distracting and can sometimes steer you away from your own imagination. Love you guys! Keep up the great work!
- BlackSeries: When do we finally get RAMMSTEIN?
- Robert Bruce: I actually like the idea of this song - a very dark and slow version of an earlier pop hit. Like Gary Jukes' slow serious remake of Tears For Fears's hit "Mad World." But a BIG NO to Disturbed's use of obvious AUTO-TUNE. Meanwhile, we Baby Boomers are loving the Millennials recycling our best stuff! Chers
- johnathan hernandez: Tool - Parabola full video, Avenged Sevenfold Little Piece of Heaven Video
- eargrind: 1 year strong on my request!!! Dechristianize by Vital Remains!! Thumbs up for Metal!!!
- Timmy Presley: Alright now kick it notch. Indestructible by disturbed
- preziveoklot: You just overdid with your fooling around for me, missing the whole point of the song. Unsubscribed....sadly
- david panda123: HellYeah Love loves is another emotional song you guys need to check out
- Tim Hudson: Do a reaction to chimiara split!!!!! Awesome song
- chris hall: Please do korn black is the soul or rotting in vein
- dtmuffinman: Definitely a top tier metal singer for SURE, and I think Disturbed is a great band for these guys to listen to as kind of a "gateway" metal, or more accurately just a more accessible metal.
- Cas9a: It's about the Vietnam War Bros
- Marc Becknell: Charles Bradley - Changes, his cover of a Black Sabbath song
- colin flaherty: I hope one day you get into amorphis incredible band that not many seem to mention daughter of hate is my song of the year so far this year it's incredible
- Will Schmidt: Please listen to the bobaflex version of this song
- Justin Tumeinski: The Howie Mandel thing killed me. Tool - 10,000 Days (Wings for Marie Part 2). Legit, the only song (so far) that brings tears to my eyes. I am all in your reaction to that one. Love your videos. Keep it up.
- doug marcus: no, the best is william shatner's cover of pulp's "common people" pure punk from the shat!
- leo: Massive overated.
- Tiek: the voice of a generation
- Randy Cozza: React to anything by Stevie Ray Vaugh
- Chris Costas: This is a good cover, however Bad Wolves cover of Zombie is the best cover of all time (in my opinion).
- me codes: look into the age the lyrics were written. In those times, the TV isolated people in houses and people just stopped coming together like in the ages before the TV. TV made prisons out of houses in the XX century. Now, in the XXI, we are more isolated by the internet and smartphones although there are people speaking everywhere (youtube and facebook). The lyrics are a calling to togetherness and unity by understanding and kindness. You dont need words to communicate and understand. But you can talk without saying something useful or true. Lies separate us, truth unites when understood.
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace(unmastered). Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40
- wawawawawiwa: You should compare this to Nevermore's version of the song.
- Blue Falcons Suck: Y'all talking just to talk... And the pauses... STFU, Listen, think, then comment. You were right about the 👎 though.
- Aredobleyou M: Try Belphegor: Devour this Sanctity!
- Kashmirknight: Fucking song gives me chills!
- Daniel Doss: Howie Mandel LMAO
- Justin Greene: To me the dark vibe created and the changes to the instrumental make this way better than the original. The lyrics are too dark for the upbeat feel of the original and it doesn’t mesh well at all. Amazing cover and done better than the original. The tone doesn’t match the vernacular in the original.
- Tim Murray: Helmet-Unsung
- nick w: when people say best cover their not always just refering to this title. . but alot of people say best cover of any song ever
- Buddha Mind: Rivers of Nihil - "Where Owls Know my Name"
- Pockit: I've never heard anybody say it's the "best cover of all time" but it's definitely a great cover.
- Zathrus Pridham: The neon god they made was Capitalism
- April Poucher: Down and out by Tantric is really good and really deep.
- Energies1111: Nah, you guys have great points but I see different versions. Agree w previous comments about future being seen, with lack of human connection through technology--- but also, prophets words throughout history and today being ignored. People still sleepwalking through life, and arent waking up, 'hearing' the truth in so many areas of this 3rd demension, and staying 'silent' b/c for fear of judgement by family and society. Neon God they made? When do we stop the constant input of fake media news, social sites, and unplug....so we can truly connect...not only with each other, but with the Divine Creator? We pray and pray....yet how many people stop to listen?
- Joshua Graves: Please do Ghost - Year Zero
- Thunder978: Know who else looks like Howie Mandel? MACHINE HEAD DAVIDIAN.
- Terry Beaton: Perhaps the Neon God is the Entertainment Industry. (?)
- sam sweetheart: the song in rhe air tonite by in this moment would be great!
- Chris Ward: Puscifer- Mama Sed or Potions
- Omkar Bharambe: Better late than never. Atlast you guys react to this cover by disturbed. and btw......you guys heard the original song in memes probably..'hello darkness my old friend'
- OEMR: what defines "good" is completely subjective, like it or not. I do agree Barbie Girl is horrible, but that doesnt make it true for everyone
- e115x525: So what about Metallica and their 2 disc album of covers?
- dirtygore: Justin Barabas no they don’t.
- Grifter 182: Disturbed - Sticken
- theCTCamp: There are a lot of songs by Disturbed that would great to see y'all react to. It may be a real surprise coming from this song to rest of Disturbed. David Draiman has an insane voice (as heard in this song especially).
- Dj May: This song about smartphones?
- Dilios Spartanetz: After he said that Rap Devil is a better diss than Kamikaze i just can't take the guy on the right seriously
- Mathew Cameron: Big fan of you guys and what you do, I can't say the same for the song. Simon and Garfunkel are beautiful musicians and definitely something to treasure in American music history. The sound of silence is so iconic and timeless that it continues to inspire people in a way, I love Simon and Garfunkel through and through. Disturbed not so much. That band falls into a pool of bands that I call "Tweaker music". There's so many ex junkies that listen to this band and breaking Benjamin....even Nirvana. Bands that display non stop suffering throughout their careers and profit off people's troubles. When I hear S&G sing it I get a sense of inner and outer exploration that collide somewhere in the "noise" of everyday life. Disturbed sounds like a person shooting up again and blaming the world for it. Sorry, but self pity should never be popularized.
- JediEdin: I cant stand this song. So overrated. The original is way better and nevermore did a way better cover of the song.
- Mike Sisley: Humanity is senseless, that is his point. They have forgotten to understand what humanity is, what humanity feels, what humanity says, and nobody is listening, feeling. Wake up.
- Cheri Finkbiner: Disturbed totally deserved there award. Crazy about this song!!!
- James Miller: This song surely has to be put in the context of the late 60s. It does have meaning beyond that of course as well.
- The Elite Onyx General: Aw man I was hoping you'd watch the live one they did with Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge that one was really good
- James Conley: I think he looks just like Howie
- Cristian Lopez: You guys went down 1 knotch
- Joe: I can't recall if you've done Disturbed before, but if you do another please do Voices, Stricken, Remember, Numb or Violence Fetish
- Clyde Guzman: Do God smack voodoo soon I enjoyed this
- Wintermute vs Neuromancer: No. Live wasn't that good.
- Teets_McGheets: I'm just now realizing you guys haven't done ANY Disturbed yet other than this song. Crazy. Y'all definitely need to hear more of them. They're incredible.
- petar vasic: You guys should listen to disturbed songs
- bronco66r: i" m gone at 222
- Armando Fragale: Fear Factory - Shock
- Kevin Li: coulda sworn y'all already did this one.!!!! odd.. !
- Kathy Lutz: You guys should listen to Down With the Sickness from these guys! It will give you a much better feel for who they are as a band!
- Tyler Rancour: A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold! It'll be one of the most unique things you've ever heard!
- Robert F. Doyle jr: Just saw your reaction to Disturbed, Sound of Silence. It could mean that music is dead since electronic music
- David Driscoll: Definitely need to do the live on Conan version now!
- Tim Leuyckx: Or the black plot, or electric Messiah. Since it just released. High on fire all the way!!
- Ryan McAllister: Understanding the story of the band behind the song makes this track even more powerful. I'm not sure the LiV guys will be into the vocals, but nonetheless, I'd love to see them hear Architects.
- bjeffreywallace: There are really people that think this is the greatest cover ever?
- Longmorn16: Remember this was written at the beginning of the Cold War
- Heartbreaker Relics: Powerful is correct! I think more than anything else it's the juxtapostion of the two versions of the song that hits everyone so strongly. JMO It is also my opinion that it is one of the greatest covers of any song of all time. To me, the lyrics are suggestive of a time when people have lost track of what's really important in life. Really it works out its own meaning in your mind. It's probably different for everyone. Thanks guys.
- Jesse Turcotte: A little piece of heaven-Avenged Sevenfold The grudge-Tool
- krulldunk: All these songs are also awesome, i love in flames esepcially old! But i think this is a good starter song for them judging from the videos ive seen! If they start with this one they mosty likely will do another one.
- chiefmegadeth: Amazing cover if not the best cover ever! This is one song that he sings better live with the orchestra. So epic!
- Michelle Richardson: This song was placed with photos/footage from 9 11... That is so moving and worth a watch...
- Brandon Dye: You guys Rock!
- Peggy Sullivan: Get the chills every time I hear this cover , I can tell you were both very into it !
- John Bachmann: Not a huge Disturbed fan but this song is fantastic
- Carissa Marple: Definitely check out some more Disturbed.
- Ellie Specht: Yall gotta do turnpike troubadours gin,smoke,lies.
- Trent Timoy: You should ALWAYS LISTEN to the song/music BEFORE commenting. You ruined it for me by interrupting it to say that the lead singer looks like Howie Mandel. I'm done
- Zack Reed: love this song but it doesnt really reflect disturbed style hope to see some of their original pieces like 10 thousand fists or droppin plates
- King David: Wow. I waisted my time with this video. Stfu then comment at the end.
- B B: Should have done the live version.
- Call Of Caymen: Pantera medicine man
- 501Bloo: +Ivan Novak some ppl have a problem embracing their dark side, thus crying for help.
- Exerev: The Contortionist - Language I and II. Best combination of trance and metal of all time
- Jeremy Breland: Jimi Hindrix All along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan is the greatest cover of all time. But good song, I just don't want y'all going crazy with best of all time.
- Lizard Man87: Orbit culture- Redfog
- Max S.: I think this is a great take. Paul Simon said this song came to him when he had a dream about 10,000 people worshipping a neon god. I definitely think that’s the meaning of the song, but this song is timeless because it’s even more relevant today than it was in 1964
- gree: Love you guys...Subscribed
- Sherry Lockwood: Who would give this a thumbs down???
- Mark M: Soilwork - Father and Son Watching the World go Down or Nerve!
- tom hamilton: Skillet - Feel Invincible
- IronInfidel: You two tools made yourselves insta-memes for retardedness. Congratulations thats hard to do.
- Prince Castro: if you ever watched wrestling in the 90s you've definitely heard a disturbed song lol
- Calvin Howard: Neon gods is a metaphor of the bright lights in a city guys
- patricia b: To be fair, try Peter Hollens & Tim Foust's cover of Sound of Silence. Epic! Or their cover of Bridge Over Troubled Water.
- William Sigwalt: I've read a lot of the comments and heard your reaction to this song and I believe most are right on the money. If I may add, I think that although this song was written during a very trying time in our country, the message is very applicable to today's society. We have such a division that we are living the lyrics. We talk without speaking, we hear without listening. The extremes in our society believe theirs is the only correct view and they say what only promotes their agenda or tears the other's down and hear only what confirms their belief or condemns the other's. There seems to be no common ground anymore and I am saddened by that. We will never be able to be one Nation until we all are willing to listen to each other and appreciate what each has to say and find that simple commonality we all share. Like you've said, I may be way off, but that's how I see things. Thanks.
- Natasha Rainey: I fell in love with this song when I heard it in the movie The Graduate. I was stoked when this cover came out.
- mark mccombs: Come on clowns!!!!!!!!!
- LC Ashba: U guys should do HIM for us goth fans❤
- Joseph Palaszewski: Need to do What it’s Like by Everlast
- Joseph Reece: "And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made". Seems to me like the visual description of people on their cellphone.......hmmmm.
- Bernard H: he sounds like the guy from silence of the lambs....PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET...can,t listen further....well I put a comma instead of the flying comma....ok I will listen.
- LikeWoahh: I agree with quad clops, please react to Audioslave- Like a Stone!
- DragonsKindler: there are a few covers. I think Disturbed has put a cover in every album. The first being 'Shout 2000' cover of 'Shout' by Tears For Fears
- TRINITY MOFFETT: Love this song. First heard the original in junior high. But the remake..the orchestra is freaking beautiful. His voice, amazing. Just a beautiful remake through and through.
- Thomas West: these guys are right to be confused, its a 40 something balding white guy with shit sticking out of his bottom lip in an attempt to be cool, or relevant... he is neither. It IS probably one of the greatest covers... in headphones. I'm not hating, the live version on Conan was just as powerful.... the dude can sing. I'm gonna click on these two watching Rush YYZ now. It's all family, fuckers. Vote in November.
- Alec Long: Could you guys take a look at "Street Life" from AZ. Think you might like it
- Stephen Pelletier: He looks like Dana White from MMA
- Shawn Walldren: Still hoping you guys check out Avatar - "Bloody Angel"
- Dani P: Please react to ERRA - Dementia
- Adam Adam: Heard that .... Nice reference 👍
- Ed Stewart: If that caught you by surprise, you´re in for a big one if you get to hear some of their best songs like "Down with the sickness", "another way to die", ""the light", "Stricken", "sTUPIFY", etc. Also, you definitely need to check another powerful vocals in another band from the same time as them as MUDVAYNE: "The end of all things to come" or "Pulling the string". Specially cuz I know that even if you guys have it hard to dig this type of singing you can´t deny the appeal in these particular songs. hearm me out guys, and i love your work, never get tired of your reactions, though I don´t comment often. Keep it up!
- Charles Harrison: Great REACTION to this version of the song. Very haunting. Please critique Judas Priest's Beyond the Realms of Death, Porno for Pyros, Pixies...
- Robbie Bowman: Talking heads stop making sense album/concert
- Chris Longshore: VooDooGamingPT They’ve reviewed that song already
- James Brown: For the very first time, and perhaps unfairly because my history with this song goes back almost to the time when it was written, I am disappointed in your reaction. You hit all of the recognizable high points in terms of vocal power, etc. but somehow failed to recognize or experience the very visceral feelings and emotions this song can and should evoke, especially as sung by Disturbed. I am, as a general rule, not a fan of covers...but THIS song is one of only 2 covers I have ever heard that both captured the feel of the original AND elevated it to another level...the other being Stevie Ray Vaughn's cover of Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" (which you should really listen to if you have not done so). As for the meaning behind this song...it is like a really excellent poem. It is specific enough to evoke certain emotions and yet general enough to apply to a number of issues and situations. It applied to Simon's personal situation when he wrote it and later applied to the counter-culture movement of the 60s. It can now easily apply to the current political division in our country as well as our fixation on technology. That is what makes the song one of the most brilliant ever written...it can appeal to a broad spectrum of people and issues across an enormous span of time. For perspective: this song is over a half a century old and STILL relevant.
- Rich Campbell: You pretty much nailed the meaning, lack of communication in society. This isn't typical Disturbed, although i'm not a fan because most of thier songs sound exactly the same, "Down with the sickness" is probably the best known and most popular.
- Desaree Bourdon: It was actually about the bomb dropped in Japan .. Hiroshima... After the Pearl Harbor bombing. That's when the US joined in on World War II .. The bomb the U.S dropped on Hiroshima was named The Little Boy... It was an atomic bomb... The first time an atomic bomb was ever used in warfare. And the light (and radiation) was so bright that there were actually x-rays sadows of people that were standing when the bomb went off... Hence the neon light reference .. no one had ever seen such a thing .. people bowed and prayed after that bombing ... 😟
- dirtygore: Thayer Yates 😂 disturbed got you into metal 😂
- Björn Eriksson: It is imo overrated, the cover added very little to the original. More like karaoke. But absolutely good, just maybe it is good because of the source material
- Mon Veloz: Write your own music Disturbed u lazy fooks
- Strung Up: The singer from Powerwolf was classically trained to sing opera in Vienna
- Geoff Wheeler: No "OOH WAAH AAH AAH AAH" = fail for Disturbed. Nah just kidding they nailed that song
- weed lmosa: You guys should do Cult of Luna/Julie Christmas - The Wreck of S.S. Needle.
- MADD MATT Hutchison: Who else cried
- Gretchen Schulz: Come on pink Floyd sucks their sick of riding Zeppelin's coat tail.
- Garri: Metallica - The four horsemen
- Module79L: No, you were not off. Back in the day, the Neon God was the TV. In today's perspective, it's the dumbphones and all the technology that makes people talk without speaking and hear without listening, even when they're physically in the presence of one another.
- Richard Underwood: I want see if you children watch the video and listen to the cats in cradle by ugly kid Joe and that song has a lot of meaning behind it and I would like see what you have to say about it
- Brian Coghill: The song as described by Simon & Garfunkel is about censorship. The “Neon God” they made is media/TV. Not my words, from the writers in an interview. Google It.
- 0zzyaddict: August burns red please
- Mariotron 8: Alice In Chains again please
- Chad Killey: YES DISTURBED
- Laura Ylönen: You guys motivate me to do video about explain this video ,MAYBE I WILL
- BuckeyeTilIDie: The neon god they made i believe is referring to the television and/or technology
- GrandFaja Armani: And then listen to the lounge version of THAT song from "Dawn of the Dead".
- KatieRose: Disturbed - Stupify!!!
- wstuart913: Please do Parkway Drive - "Dark Days"! Heavy ass song with a mazing lyrics!
- I EAT ASS: Y'all need to react to Danzig-mother
- armadillotoe: Try Blues Traveller "Run Around."
- Randy Garrett: David PERFORMED this song well. However this cover is sooo goddamn overrated. S&G's version is much better.
- Chris Read: I liked 'Prey' or 'Prayer' and bought the album ... no surprise to me that the first Disturbed song you review is a cover ... this is a band of small talent ... a band whose best stuff is because of the production rather than the songs ... if you like them fair play, but you just havent heard enough good music ... still it has prepared you for metal as a whole and that can never be a bad thing ... big love to you all x
- John Gowen: You guy should react to kids cover 46 and 2 by Tool. Its amazing.
- Geno Breaker: You have to just stop, and listen quietly to get the full effect of the song. When you stop and speak, or over think it, you miss it. Just listen. Feel it, don't think about it.
- Darren Corder: I wish my earhole never heard this shitty update tune. The sound of silence would be a gift instead of the sound of this rag remake.
- Lone Wolf: overrated song
- Scottie Fisk: The neon God they made Is the music industry
- Debbie A.: Great response, and I totally agree.
- JAYJAY TEE: Haven't really been a Disturbed fan since the Down with the sickness album...…..But this is awesome! How about some Faith no More for a second chance? I Started a Joke is an excellent Bee Gees cover you guys should hear.
- sanityisrelative: I used to loath this version. I blame you guys, and one other channel, for opening my mind more to this cover. I still don't love it, and I'll always prefer the original, but I can now appreciate that this version isn't complete trash. So thanks, I guess, for keeping me open minded against my will. 😊
- Indulging Idiot: "we don't know what we just heard...", "My words like silent raindrops fall...". I take away from this visualization that's the masses, "ten thousand people maybe more..." Have the answers to their problems ie they're holding all the music sheets but "they dare not disturb the sound of silence" they would rather remain silent or they don't know how to express their issues. But a small group of people can understand them, the musicians can read their music sheets, "people writing songs that voices never share...". "Fools, I said silence like a cancer grows..." The longer you avoid it the worse it gets, "the people bowed and prayed to the neon gods they made..." They seek comfort in the materialism and consumerism of society rather than face "the sounds of silence" and hear the music they've written.
- Martin Schuster: People which don't speak, people that don't listen. I believe the lyrics are about increasing fail to communicate, which is a cancer in our society. But then again, considering the year the song was initially released... Probably Simon and Garfunkel had something else in mind
- klinger420: You guys need to get some static x on this channel...such a great, unique band. Let's get Static-X Push it
- Bobby Dillashaw: Maybe it’s my age, and growing up with Simon and Garfunkel, but I like Simon and Garfunkel’s’ version much better
- Tiffany Glaspie: Omgosh you’re killing me with this! First video I’ve watch of y’alls and at every building moment right before the kill that really hits the soul you PAUSED IT! Lol.......could tell the one in the hat loved it though......🖤🖤🤘🏼
- Sontar: Keep in mind the time when the song was actually written.
- sandeep hyd: George you are a genius man !!
- Joseph Parris: Overrated
- miconis123: Garden of Eden - Guns and Roses Sweating Bullets - Megadeath Devil's Dance - Metallica
- Morgan Zakhary: Someone get Paul on the phone. He wrote this song when he was 21 years old. I think you got everything right about the meaning of the song. There's a part in the video where you have instruments on one side and song writers on the other. No one can understand each others music because they're both missing vital components. In the end it shows a Noah's ark type thing where the music is United.
- PIET POMPIES: Devin Townsend. Deep Peace.
- Piisuke: I would say this is one of the best covers of all time. Staying true to the original, but placing enough flavour to make it their own. The best cover of all time is of course Johnny Cash - Hurt.
- karatekick66: Love the unobjectionable review! We’re the same.
- Charlee Bunch: No dudes,u r right even though this song was originally from the 70s,it has the meaning that u ascribed to it,Love your analysis of songs,God bless
- tyler somerville: IMO he absolutely looks like Howie lol
- smokymiktoky: Now that you heard the soft side of disturbed you show listen to any song you choose from them he is trained in opra great voice and he is a great artist that has been around for a long time
- michaelpf1: Disturbed- the darkness
- Chas Phares: You don't really need to do Disturbed ever again.......please.
- Chris Wilcox: *Nude
- Kristian Bodbacka: nion god is chrianaty. je is the dewil. hail odin
- NightRoadth66: It seems to me thae line "and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made" was a reference to society creating and worshiping false gods. But thats just a thought
- Tomas Hamberg: Hardly a good cover, Johnny Cash cover of Hurt (original by Nine Inch Nails) is way much better. Even Placebos cover of Running Up That Hill (original by Kate Bush) is much better. Or why not Entombed cover of Night Of The Vampire (by Roky Erickson). Other _great_ covers are made by Ghost B.C., Waiting for the Night (by Depache Mode), Here comes the son (by Beatles), Crucified (by Army of Lovers), I'm a marionette (by Abba) are all great songs that Ghost B.C. has covered.
- jens möller: Original is a billion times cooler and better..this sounds unnecessarily heavy, dark and sad...there is much more joy and space in the original
- Brian Humphrey: Their performance on the Conan O'Brien show was pretty great as well 😊
- Frank: There's no pleasure there, it was a dark time.
- Darius Briggs: Could you guys react to Body Count - No Lives Matter Body Count is Ice T's metal band, they are legit!
- droid1963: Rosie, Ol’ 55, or The Piano Has Been Drinking.
- Stephen Beddard: Surprised you haven't done this song yet. Good choice
- William Neeley: That is a crappy version of the original by Simon/Garfunkle. This is probably the original here without the drums. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4 They did not find real success until they added drums to their songs like they did here at 14:00 minutes. https://youtu.be/SACeGmvxE1A?t=801 You cant no that unless you was alive in the 60s.
- smo1001: I don't think I've ever seen you guys this transfixed by a song. That has to be a record for the fewest number of pauses during a reaction!
- VooDooGamingPT: Rage againt the machine - Bulls on parade!
- Chris Waltman: You guys are watching the videos now? Nice touch, I like it.
- Doris G. mc: a Masterpiece💥💥👍👍🤘😗437 Mio. views.....😛
- Nutricidal: Gigantic by the pixies. Double dog dare!
- JMG Darkest: Avenged Sevenfold- Buried Alive one of their bests!!!
- Salvatore Baleno: Most under rated channel on youtube, I swear!!
- Andrew Saylor: Yall need to do more disturbed songs
- 𖤐Not Satan𖤐: Anyone remember Cog - doors?
- Jon HArdy: I have been watching your videos for awhile now. I appreciate your opened minded approach to music. I have been called a music snob by friends and family...you have inspired me to be more open minded to music...i still can't do you try though lol....if you could check "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown would be awesome!
- Robert Reichle: Greatest cover ever? No, just the trendy one right now. It's cool though.
- Mary Davis: He was a little scary to me. The darkness reminds me that the rapture had taken place. He has a good voice.
- Naum Alberto: Boy Hits Car - I'm a cloud
- Matt Jordan: The "neon god" is TV, cell phone...technology. That's my interpretation.
- Nuggets, Boi: @Kryptonite, agreed, their cover of Land of Confusion is terrific.
- Conner Gegare: Tints - Anderson paak & Kendrick lamar
- Nick Kempster: This channel still needs to feature some more melodic death metal. Do "Moonshield" by In Flames or "Uniformity" by Dark Tranquillity. Also, if you ever feel like checking out black metal, you couldn't do better than "One by One" by Immortal. Edit: Also do "Stabbing the Drama" by Soilwork and "Anubis" by Septic Flesh.
- KJ Williams: Would like you to review, “Down with the sickness”.
- Cerise Wilson: Would love you guys reacting to The Gin Blossoms, maybe Hey Jealousy or Found Out About You. Please please please!
- MichelleFC72: The original version was beautiful but so filled with sorrow I've thought for over 20 years that a harder version should be made. Hearing Disturbed's version was like having my thoughts brought to voice. This version gives an outlet to the anger and frustration rather than just the sorrow that those who are forced to endure in silence feel. Either version tears at my heart but Disturbed's really speaks to me personally. Thanks for the reaction guys. Keep it up.
- Kevin Miller: The only thing more embarrassing than that cover is the video that accompanies it. If you want a solid metal band cover of a Simon and Garfunkel tune, try Queensrÿche’s version of Scarborough Fair. As for Disturbed, I have no problem with them, but this droning vocal over a snoozer of an “orchestral” arrangement isn’t even the band’s best cover, let alone “greatest cover of all time”.
- TheMasonator777: Nice job guys. I much prefer the Disturbed cover of “Land of Confusion” to this myself. I miss the amazing harmonies from the original tune on this one. I did see a live version of this where Myles Kennedy sang the harmonies. I enjoyed that more. To me, the best “Sound of Silence” was the Simon and Garfunkel live reunion show in... I think Central Park. The harmonies are hair raising.
- Manny Davila: You guys did an awesome job! Love the breakdown.
- Cleve Crudgington: His singing is great but overall I'm not a fan of this cover. It's too loud and busy but also seems kind of safe and overproduced. It reminds me of the kind of thing a bunch of record label executives and producers would put together to try and get their up and coming new pop star onto the charts as quickly as possible.
- Laurette LaLiberte: This song was written during the Vietnam era, post-Civil Rights era, I think it's reflective of the times.
- Chris Wooldridge: His vocals are this band's focal point, as they should be. Great range, control, tone, and power.
- gungutuzero: Exodus- Pleasures of the Flesh!!! #SECONDCHANCESIN2018!!!!!!!
- Elmo Little: Too much chat, guys. Sometimes you just have have to experience. This was Simon and Garfunkel 2.1. And the movie was “The Graduate.” A Classic.
- JMG Darkest: +burntheashesband they need to react to songs like critical acclaim, almost easy and buried alive
- Bobby Moore: Check out Todd Hoffman do this same song. From what I understand, he quit the show Goldrush to follow his music career and with good cause.
- Eric Laube: Awesome review, but it’s a little weird how you interpret the lyrics as if he wrote them...
- Johnathan Richards: Holy hell you finally did it!!...Last to the party but finally!
- Darrell Crawford: Disturbed felt they would present this as a warning to schools who have eliminated music departments. If you notice at the end, there is a boat filled with kids that have band instruments. Band gets a lot of gruff in school and the term "band nerd" is tossed about but a lot of the artist you enjoy today first got their taste of playing music in band class. This is a warning for us all not to abandon music instruction in schools or just art in general. When all they learn is route teachings and their creativity is silenced, silence will be all we hear.
- cigarley: Really wish you had listened to the original Simon and Garfunkel version, this is just a bad band making a sappy cover of a good song.
- resident9011: shut up
- MravacKid: I've been a fan of the Simon & Garfunkel original for almost all of my 40 years of life, but this cover is so well done, with so much passion and feeling, that I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like better. :) And considering I don't particularly like Disturbed's usual style of music, I can only give them mad props for this one.
- M Porten: Highly Suspect-Lydia please and thanks.
- Nicholas Trahan: I “liked” for the Howie Mandel and soul patch comments alone haha
- Brian Plunkett: Love you guys !! awesome reviews and reaction. If, you get a chance check out Randy Rhoads from Ozzy Osbourne (songs Mr.Crowley and Crazy Train ) and check the band Warrant out. song ( Uncle Tom Cabin ) You guys would love these songs!!
- Bobby Muscarello: I like the original better
- shane talbot: listen bro no good having a go at David drayman and his band they just sang it in there version how they interpreted it and by golly they made the best version ever Simon and Garfunkel wrote it and disturbed sang it the best that's MUSIC TO MY EARS
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Nicholas Watson: David is more masculine than Howie Mandel will ever be first of all and that's not a soul patch that's massive piercings on his lower lip or maybe they're not that massive maybe there's a staff out there that's way more I'm not that experienced with that
- CFHforever: Sounds like an American Idol audition... cheesy
- Mayor of R'lyeh: I never saw the point of cover versions, especially of songs that are legendary in their own right. Disturbed's version is well-executed but adds little to nothing that would justify the hype. The original beats this sterile version out of the water any day and Disturbed should better focus on writing great songs themselves instead of cashing in on other people's creative output. Add this as a hidden track or whatever if you want to pay respect and homage to S&G but putting this out as a single is just lame and lazy and a tell-tale sign of the ship of your own creativity sinking.
- JR Howell: It's a cry for help... S ound O f S ilence
- ese.hombre: The deaf use sign language to communicate. People talking without speaking. People writing songs that people never hear.
- Leboman: This isn't a bad but it isn't even close to being the best cover ever.
- Bob Marley: Student 1 next plz!
- Tbone Done: Love you guys but save the REACTION and thoughts for when the song is done. Get the impact of the flow of the song and then comment. Peace.
- CBChamberlain: This Song is about the Holocaust, and how the Nazis were going after multiple people, and Nobody said anything. As well other Horrible atrocities, and no one spoke about it.
- Ian Hernandez: This is the first time I think I have ever heard this version, but I still prefer the original. Great reaction as always guys, and could y’all please react to Letter To Me by Brad Paisley?
- llllllllllama: On touring with Alter Bridge, Disturbed performed this song with Myles Kennedy, and that is on another whole level. You should definitely check out that version as well!
- Guilherme Omlo: yyz - Rush live in Rush in Rio
- shivam khandelwal: Porcupine tree - arriving somewhere but not here , anesthetize better than any other song you heard till now
- Deb Bradford: His voice rocks, cool cover, but a bit DARK.
- Rusty Shackleford: One more thing. Please do Bo Burnham “Kanye Rant (can’t handle this)”. It’s amazing and no serious reaction channel has reacted to it. You guys are trend setters of the YouTube reaction world and I want to see everyone react to it!
- Alisha Hatcher: I would love for y'all to react to "Would" Alice in chains. Also thank you so much for getting around to this song.
- Travis belanger: From what I gathered is this is about technology. Talking without speaking: texting, email, etc. Neon God: technology. Hearing without listening: how technology has sort of made us become lazy and not actually listen to one another, sort of become desensitized.
- Aaron Todd: Knowing disturbed vocally he sounds great
- David and Laura Klochko: Caligulas Horse - Dream The Dead
- Dragonfly: Here's a decent interpretation I found. Can't cite the author as they are unkown: I feel it is an allusion to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." While the ideas of commercialism (the people bow and pray to a neon god they made, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, etc) run throughout the poem, it also has to do with a frustration the narrator feels with humans in general. They are content to "hear without listening," not willing or interested in focusing on anyone or anything too intently. They are not willing to go beyond the superficial, but merely to accept the world around them, as no one "dares disturb the sounds of silence." The allusion comes into play in the beginning, as the narrator has a revelation, a vision, that awakes him from this superficial, merely shadowed world. He rises, walks alone as the man in Plato's story did, and he sees the light. He tries to tempt others out of the cave of ignorance and look beyond teh surface of things, but his "words like silent raindrops" fall. His attempts are futile.
- Scoobay: If you haven’t heard anything from Disturbed prior to this, you have to check out *Disturbed - Down with the Sickness*
- Native Injunn: Neon God = Internet and AI crap maybe?
- Chris Sees: Uhhhh watch the live version please
- Lieutenant Dan: Cowboy Hat - Chris LeDeaux
- Tiffany Cutshall: Honestly this version and the original both could be interpreted in so many ways to so many things. Technology, politics, humanity in general. It’s one of those songs that everyone takes something different from it.
- Anthony DeSimone: +Gabe Lopez She had planned to earlier in 2018, just before her untimely passing.
- paul mallon: This song is meant to be done as a duet but I still like it
- Neceros: I know Disturbed can sing, but it just sounds autotuned. I don't like this song for some reason. The original is better.
- Jonathan Noriega: Do another Tool song Jambi or A Perfect Circle - The Outsider haven’t seen a reaction to any A Perfect Circle
- RiderofStorms: Johnny Cash-Hurt Disturbed-The sound of silence the best covers by professionals(big time names) Anything by Leo Marachiolli tho thats some good metal covers
- Jack Wareham: Zombie - bad wolves cover
- NobleBoysProduction: White Trash Story-Casey Donnahew
- Sticky Bandit: Shadow On The Sun - Audioslave
- Stuart Pickup: Down With the Sickness (Disturbed)
- Greatsky: I'm probably alone being the one who prefers the original version of this song. I find this cover to be very pretentious and non-genuine. As for those who claim it to be the greatest cover of all time... You're entitled to that view, but I don't share it. Ryan, George please consider Queensryche - Silent Lucidity - for a future review. Cheers.
- few4th: The live version they did on stage at a concert with Myles Kennedy was amazing too!
- dagluke: Odd first disturbed track to listen to
- Big Ice: Disturbed - The Night
- Brady Heath: Alice In Chains! Rain when I die!!
- Tatakai no Kami: This song teases a crescendo that never happens. For that reason I don't find it as good as many others do. It needs to break into metal in the second half.
- ICEMANxx22: Plies- Whacked
- Forrest Commander: If you’re trying to recall where you heard it by Simon & Garfunkle, it was immediately following Will Ferrel falling in the pool after shooting himself with a tranquilizer dart in “Old School.”
- bri marie: It’s like Dolly Patton’s I will always love you then Whitney’s version, same song but could be totally different/ this guy as far as I know is in a scream band he hasn’t sung like that since he was in his teens ; when he heard himself sing he cried ,obviously a waste of talent cause dude can really sing !
- Lou Cypher: Haaahahahahaha howie!!;lol
- Pinball Wizard: Third eye By tool!!!!!!!!! Judith by a Perfect Circle!!!!!! Love this song keep it up guys
- StephBer1: Deborah Beck, it feels like the 60's all over again at the moment. The establishment not listening, the Women's Movement, Civil Rights, injustice, young people feeling disenfranchised. It's 50 years later, and they still haven't learnt.
- Wicked Wings: It was annoying as anything everytime you stopped the damn video. Wth.. Clearly you didn't enjoy it.
- Amy King: Yessss!! If not, A Perfect Circle "Choke." Or literally any APC, Puscifer or TOOL ... Because you can't go wrong with Maynard. Ever.
- taup184: Yes, orchestra and metal blend together beautifully... In fact, there is an entire sub-genre based off of this that I keep trying to get them to react to... Nightwish guys... react to Nightwish. 😉
- Dominik Wilson: idk if either of you have a kid, but there "There Goes My Life" by Kenny Chesney is a MUST for this channel.
- Ashy Larry: Thorns of Crimson Death - Dissection
- Cpt Murica11: The inability of society to communicate with each other. Division amongst humanity solely based off of our differences between cultures/religions etc.
- Barbarus Bloodshed: This song can't be covered. Any attempt automatically fails.
- Gruen Jill: It's the advent of Television
- Douglas Bailey: If this just came out today how are they comments from a month ago
- Serenadium79: I'm just gonna start by saying my opinion is bias to begin with here,but I'd much rather hear Nevermore's cover of this song instead,plus I've never been Disturbs biggest fan either
- Tartuffe the Spry Wonder Dog: Patreon subscribers get early access.
- Traxxattaxx: Can you guys react to The Misfits -Saturday Night? It’s a good song since we’re nearing Halloween. Love the videos as always!
- Joe Murphy: Hell yes!!!!!!
- Alec Bromero: CHON - Perfect Pillow
- Sam Dickson: Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin
- Rasmus Peter Mathiesen: Take a listen to some more Disturbed. Ten Thousand Fists in the air, The Sickness, Prayer, just to name a few.
- Henrik Frederiksen: didnt know simon and Garfunkel made sound of silence .. holy shit ..... you guy's it's a frekkin classic for gods sake .. gezzz, BUT i agree, it is imho the best cover of it
- Chase chadwell: React to war pigs
- James Allen: It was worth stopping the video to say he looks like Howie! ROFLMAO
- Mark Sosa: Listen to Draiman's performance before you make remarks on his appearance, laymen!
- Neil Tipton: Can you tell me something about this song? Do you know anything about it?
- Ryan Vaughn: It’s not a soul patch. It’s a piercing
- Nikki McSwain: This video to this song speaks to me...js. https://youtu.be/AMXbM35fIdI
- Michael Arntzen: Yes. Just.... Yes. More Disturbed, please! :D
- heather westover: When this song came out, it was like nothing they had done before. You really need to listen to some of their earlier songs to get a feel for their “usual” sound... much harder than this.
- Matthew Blakey: David B Please! I’ve been leaving that suggestion on here and twitter for months
- Robert Brennan: Do more DragonForce
- Brandon Lytle: And also because of what you said about 10,000 people you should definitely review their track Ten Thousand Fists... There's a reason for this...
- Kathryn Edwards: Yes! Yes! Yes! That is exactly!!!! What the original was teaching! The neon god is technology and "progress" over people and community! Omg so perfect! Great video thank you.
- Zach Clark: I havent heard the Wacken recording, but that's one of my favorites from them.
- Christina Dupont-Demaison: Please react to black parade by my chemical romance
- Curtis Smith: I think Simon and Garfunkel one is better this isn't bad I just think the original in this case is better
- marine6680: +Rob Erickson LoL.. it's not outgrowing angry music... It's that particular type of angry. Like Staind back in the day... Their music appalled to the teen and early adulthood angst, but so so much when you reach the late 20s. Doesn't mean you hate them after you grow older, they are just less relevant.
- Blub blub Mc glub glub: Oooo ah ah ah ah
- demonswithinusall: Music bridges all gaps. Those who were silent could not connect to the others. The music, and possibly the artists, at the end could be their guides to connect to each other. Music has no language boundaries, nor the boundaries of race, religion, class etc.
- Justin Barabas: You gotta listen to one of their original songs, they have way better songs than this.
- Tarush Airi: Guys please cover My name is Human by Highly Suspect.
- Vy Vy: Hello! Have you heard Vietnamese music? :) Please react MVs "Chay Ngay Di (Run Now)" and "Lac Troi" of Son Tung M-TP - Vietnamese artist. He's so famous in Vietnam and his MVs are so amazing, modern and update world trend. I'd like to hear your thoughts about his music. So please react about his MVs, please!!! Thanks so much!!!
- Cindy Weinstein: I think you are spot on with your analysis of this song! I have been a Disturbed fan for years because he IS unexpected and does sing to a level one would not expect in heavy metal music. But that is why I pick groups to like...because o powerful singers.
- Mel Lopez: would love to see your reaction to Marc Broussard- Let Me Leave, it's bayou soul and boy can sang. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMPuQvTHQ9Q
- vanessalenorac: Stevie Ray Vaughn Couldn’t stand the weather
- John Meade: Marc Broussard " Home"
- Nate Currah: Give Disturbed- A Reason to Fight a try, one off of newest album release last week!
- Marie0220: If they do Stevie it has to be live versions
- Michael Zeigler: The time has come. You are ready. Lowlands by Gojira.
- Sherry Garcia: You got the meaning of the song well...but stop and consider the generations. In the Simon & Garfunkel era...things were..."Love one another, Peace not War, Stick to the man & Don't Conform! Now we have a new version! Don't let technology rob us of our voice! The song will always be accurate for every generation and for different reasons. However, it IS one of the FEW covers that all generations appreciated...Keep up the work & God Bless~
- 21voltz: You should check out the video for A Perfect Circle - Disillusioned.
- metal warrior: E Kramer2 it's very pointless! Metal music exists since 1970 and there are hundreds(or even thousands) of bands all over the world who are waiting to be explored from the fans! Metallica are famous and billionaires, they have already gained all the recognition they deserved(and maybe more than they deserved...). They don't need more attention!
- Ja Ova: This shit aint the best cover of all time, and its not even as good as the original. They trashed this song. And i like disturbed
- HighwayRamos: Urgh, do the original Simon and Garfunkel version. It's about a million times better than this.
- Kevin B.: sinnedam Well this is the best song they’ve got so...
- smilanovich07: You should listen to Disturbed- Stupify and - Down with the Sickness. Great covers- Metallica- Turn the Page, Seether- Careless Whisper, Five Finger Death Punch- Bad Company. Love yall! #freethinkers
- Jonathan Kozakiewicz: Just found you guys and I have never "subscribed" to any channel.. TRUTH. However, you guys are awesome. Non biased opinions and genuine and sincere thoughts. Keep up the great work guys! Love it!!
- stephane alie: silence represent society
- Yash Raut: +Nacho this cover rules what are you talking about!
- Moldy Bread: I like their old stuff. Disturbed - Meaning of Life Is a good one. Good reaction thanks.
- Tom Holden: He used to be an opera singer. Incredible range, and interesting turn of genres.
- thedreamtheater: Metallica - Blackened!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cody Campbell: So, after looking at your country songs...I SO NOT know how you've gotten by without doing Tim McGraw or Alan Jackson. THEY ARE COUNTRY ROYALTY!
- Umbradens Wolfking: A different reaction I mean lol
- IamBigNizz: Sho nuff
- Steven Stifler: Django Jane!!! If y’all don’t like it I’ll donate 50 to yalls patron
- David Ayers: I really like this cover. Disturbed seems to like to do a lot of covers, because I can think of 4 more without evening trying hard. Among their own songs, Remember will always be my favorite, I think. Just a great standout song. Hopefully, you can get to that one some time. Fair To Midland - Musical Chairs rocks, too.
- Corker x: It was interesting to watch you guys spend more time reacting to and interpreting Paul Simon's 1964 lyrics than Disturbed's rendition. SoS has been covered countless times during the past 54 years. The original was powerful but also reflective and haunting. Disturbed's version doesn't excite me. After all, how can an orchestra with pronounced tympani result in reflection or silence? If you're up for a stunning acapella rendition of SoS, I invite you to react to (or at least experience) Julia Westlin's version (@ You only have to listen for 10 seconds. If you don't have goosebumps, feel free to bail. Her performances are studio mixes of her one voice performing multiple acapella tracks. The result is perfect harmony and depth from one voice rather multiple voices (like Pentatonix) on one track.
- David Burrell: Ryan McAllister yeah absolutely why I’m pushing for it. As much as doomsday is more accessible, it’s better after Gone with the Wind.
- Thomas Gannon: Another good Disturbed song is Stupify, way different then this, much more heavy metal, Ryan you would dig the drums
- Bob Schneider: "Moments Like This" - Alison Krauss & Union Station. That song will change your life.
- Michael Quallet: These guys never stfu. Simon and Garfunkel lyrics, slim...
- caden brockbank: Or Parabol/parabola
- WingsofGaben: please do Visualize by Abiogenesis, it is an amazing song!
- Adam Mičinec: Pain Of Salvation - On a Tuesday
- Christina McGill: Parkway Drive, wishing wells!
- Scoss Tard: I've personally never understood the success of Disturbed. They are just a basic Nu Metal band that arrived years later after other bands (Korn, Deftones, ...) paved the way. Their biggest hit "Down with the sickness" is a gimmick of Korn's early albums...5 years later. Regarding this particular song it is beautifully composed and that's it. For the rest it is extremly cheesy and exagerated. When I listen to it, I have the impression they thought : "Yeah let's make a song just to make people cry!". The beauty of the original song was due to the combination of SImon and Garfunkel voices and also due to the minimalism of the song since it is almost sung a capella. I just don't feel that Disturbed intent to make it sound "epic" fits the song very well and one more time I really don't see what the fuzz is all about with this cover. Please react to Hacride - Overcome Or some Igorrr Or anything by Leprous
- theshape1984: karnivool roquefort
- Jeffrey Goodrich: lets get something to near bring a man to tears, how about Price of a Mile by Sabaton
- Joey Arce: Myles Kennedy- Love can only heal
- Amir Javadi: FINALLY! thank you guys
- The Madness and The MadMan: The best heavy cover of this song is done by Nevermore. I like this one too....just two very different takes on the same killer song.
- Steve Martin: It would be really cool if y’all would occasionally do a sort of “original” vs “cover” series. Like, start the video with a quick review or reaction to the original (or most well known) version and then immediately listen to a recommended cover version that you haven’t heard before and while you’re reacting to it do a compare and contrast to the original that’s fresh on your brains. Might be an interesting way to expand your repertoire and put even more distance between y’all and all the other wannabe reaction channels.
- Ecaidian TwitchTV: Still need that 3rd dose of JINJER...should give Cloud Factory a listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg8tiRyXujQ
- Muhd Adeeb: And that's your opinion
- young mommy02 NC pony 37: He does kinda look like howie hahaha but this is a beautiful version.
- Francisco BVRC: If you notice in the end, you have the musicians coming together with the writers. Only then can the silence (which is represented by that river or lake) be truly broken. I think that might be the message behind the video.
- David Dickson Jr.: Yall should try to find some time to squeeze some Evanescence in here. You will not be disappointed. One of the most powerful voices ever!
- Mark M: Soilwork - Father and Son Watching the World go Down
- Deb Bradford: yeah right, that is what a COVER is, right?
- Chris Davies: Audioslave - show me how to live Muse - knights of cydonia
- Clairvoyant81: To me, the original is eerie, as you said, and also angry. IMO, the lyrics are about our inability to really communicate. People talking without speaking, hearing without listening etc. boils down to that people talk without really saying anything (not speaking) and are incapable of actually understanding someone else's point of view (not listening). Disturbed's version is pretty much kitsch, which just doesn't work for this song for me. I actually prefer Nevermore's cover of the song quite a bit, although it is really taking things very far... but that's how Nevermore's covers of Simon&Garfunkel always are. Still, they fit the meaning of the covered songs a lot better, IMO. So, if you want a nice contrast to this, check out Nevermore's cover.
- Ryan Baker: Fiiiiinallly! Lol. Good stuff. Aaaaand stiiiiillll. NOTHING MORE - This Is The Time.
- dvm0retti: I love your reaction to this version. You mentioned you listened to the Simon and Garfunkel version. My question is this: was it the 1964 original version or the 1965 studio remix/release where instruments were added. You can hear the tonal differences between those two songs. I truly appreciate and love how you guys dove into the lyrics. Considering that Paul Simon wrote this in his bathroom in 1964, the neon god can be a reference to the changing times of the 60s in NYC and the US. The song wasn't originally a big hit as that album sold on 3,000 copies in '64 but the lyrics seem timeless and very fitting for today's society. I personally didn't mind the times you paused the video so you could comment or grasp his vocals. This was my first time watching one of your reaction videos and I have to admit, you guys are great. Thank you
- Warren Kennedy: To understand why this is such an amazing cover, you need to listen any other song by them. Not as a review, just to see their background.
- Devil Baby: The song is about people of years ago want to sing but they didn't have the technology that we have.
- Bryce Sause: React to war eternal by arch enemy
- antdude93: if you guys haven't checked out beast and the harlot yet, you need to
- Phillip Patakos: Backfield - my gift of silence
- John Livingston: I think it is the divide between the left and the right of today no one listening to each other no one talking and the world just getting more and more divided by the stupidity of all the garbage we have created in the world and that's why it's touching to you and having a feeling cuz you're seeing it cuz you're living it
- Zigur Eru: +Mike Calvert Keep it coming! I request it every single video! Something that should be heard for the good of the public!
- Scott Ch: I'm not exactly sure of what the lyrics of Sound of Silence mean, I think you can read into them on a lot of levels, maybe it is technology or maybe it's cultural or racial or societal, who knows, maybe all of the above are correct, but I do know this, the live version on the Conan O'Brien show kicks ass over the studio version. Listen to this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7RVw3I8eg
- Bama Rush: Disturubed ruined that song.
- Darren Reichert: All white guys look alike, right? 😂😂😂
- Mike Milligan: Its a very powerful song to understand the words. Which it sounds like yall do. You just dont get that yall got it. Yall are the only reaction vids i watch now. Yall guys give county rock amd metal a fair shake... And i like that
- Vishal Panicker: Iron Maiden - The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
- JessieMcD: This song was from the early 60's - lyrics just as relevant today.
- Rich Courtney: My favorite lines, I've always loved since I first understood(Or thought I di) this song as a teenager. Because I have heard this song and album(Simon and Garfunkle) since It came out, was My Mothers favorite all time Album. any these lines just are haunting to me... And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls And whispered in the sounds of silence And I think, to me, the meaning is about not listening to the suffering masses, the poor, the disenfranchised, the Lost and helpless... and what really is meaningful in life ….
- Mike Tackett: It's about the Vietnam war and the fact of so many musicians died that there is a sound of silence because of the music that will never be because they died
- TrenchToast: @Cat Momma, thx for the clarity. I remembered seeing some VH1 special a -long- time ago. Ft. Simon&Garfunkle (Mems a little fuzzy) i just remembered them saying that he'd go into a dark room (no specifics) to come up with lyrics. And that this song was written during hard times between the american people and its government. And yes... this song was released in 65 but was written in 63-64 (just after the cuban missle crysis in 62) my mom has told stories of how scary it was to conduct nucular bomb drills.. (i cant imagine) And yes.. Simon wrote this song in youthful frustrations because he thought that no one listens to him. (He was 21) My point is.. where some songs are written in different context by the author, depending on what is happening in the world and peoples lives when they hear it is what gives it different perception. This song later became a song representing the anti-war movement.. not just for the cold war or vietnam, but for all war..
- Danny Goldstein: I always find it interesting when you have a majorly produced version of a song that was originally a very simple approach and the result is the same as far as the general emotional impact. It just goes to the show how strong the writing is if you can strip the song down to one instrument and a vocal and still have a huge impact. It's the one consistent thing in the ever changing landscape of popular music. Every single year there's a few huge hits that are just guitar or piano and a vocal A great song is a great song, no matter how produced it is or isn't.
- Nate Eller: In my opinion, "And the people bowed and prayed, To the neon God they Made" is the most important line in this song. Too me, it means that we have replaced God with things such as, Pop Culture, Technology, money.....etc etc.
- Baby Sloth: You guys should have reacted to something that's actually from them like Stupify or Liberate you guuuuuuuyssss
- Dustin Hahn: Oh man, that was bad! Give me simon and Garfunkel any day. Would love to see some Pig Destroyer. The new album is a bit more accessible and the song “Circle River” rips!
- Ian McGregor: Hey guys, this song is dope as shit. But y’all should really check out the “Whiplash” version of Caravan. The drumming is fucking crazy
- Joe Kent - the Magical Gent: Nessun Dorma by Manowar
- pennylane36: Technology didn't really exist back in 1964 so I don't think that's what they meant as far as neon
- billy bones: my man breaking the stereotypes rockin the golden knights lid
- evilbunnysanta: Entombed - They!
- Rusty Shackleford: I haven’t watched the video yet, but thank you for this!
- John Palmer: Believe--Brooks & Dunn
- Alexis Ribas Homebox: No reaction from the dude in the right at all
- Valid Point: If you guys like this you have GOT to do Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt by Nine Inch Nails. It’s so good that Trent Reznor has basically said it’s not his song anymore.
- Daniel Castilla: Powerwolf - Amen&Attack
- MrBearsox02: Sure wish the hosts would have used a bit more silence while song was playing !
- infonator1: This is another request "Redemption" song is "Echo Chamber" its insane insane f!@#ing good!!!!
- Robert Schneider: I'm still "meh" over this cover. Maybe because of my love of the original in its simplicity and harmonies.
- philipem1000: I hated your interruptions but you NAILED the meaning of the song. It is about the alienation of society and how people cannot connect, one speaks nothing important, one is not heard, one reaches out and is unheard, and the neon god is technology. "And the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, tenement halls (Grafitti) and whispered in the sound of silence... " The Simon and Garfunkel version is less angry and in some ways more creepy because of the contrast between the music and the lyrics; this is angry and dark and powerful. I am told but dont know for sure that Paul Simon has said this is a better version than the original. It is the ONLY cover of that song that I think has made the song new and deeper...
- Raoul Duke: Godsmack- Whatever (that’s the name of the song)
- Zach Samulka: You guys gotta listen to other Disturbed songs before hearing this to appreciate it
- Hyperion1977: Simon Garfunkel wrote this song when he was 21 years old, written in his bathroom. He stated that he liked to play the guitar in the bathroom, with the lights out, and the water running. He said it took him 3 months to write this song, with it being finished on February 19, 1964. Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other." In a more recent interview, Simon was directly asked, "How is a 21-year-old person thinkin' about the words in that song?" His reply was, "I have no idea."
- Christian1403: Royal Beggars by Architects!
- REDJ530: Disturbed- Down with the sickness
- J L: dirtygore I second that.
- David Perez: Love the original song, and also love this stunning cover. You should also check the live version of this cover, sung along with Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge.
- JDIZZLE THEPUNISHER: Ransom- no introduction
- Chris Raj: Subtle
- kassan williams: Down with the sickness is their most popular song i ussd to constantly listen to them but havent in a while lately so cant suggest others
- GuitarsNStrings 4Things: Arch Enemy- My Apocalypse
- tailsof1Leo: This is a beautifully done cover. But it’s not a typical sound for Disturbed. They are one of my favorite bands. I encourage you to give some of their other songs a listen. Some I would recommend are “Legion of Monsters” & “You’re Mine.” A couple of their new songs that are new are “A Reason to Fight” & “Are You Ready.”
- David Bustamante Ventura: Finally! I've been waiting for this a long time ago!
- Yelle Hughes: Yeah, I was just watching your faces when it got to the bridge, lol. It's a good song and IMO it's not one of my favs from this band. But, I do think that you guys would really appreciate some of their other works: Remember, Stupify and Down With the Sickness. Yes, they are dark but the lyrics are deep. David Draiman has a very powerful voice, which the Sound of Silence didn't quite do his voice justice. Excellent reaction.
- Jason Stone: Working Man by Rush!
- andrew kennedy: The nevermore version is better imo.
- American girl: Hearing implies something has been told to you instruction perhaps or are a sound a tree has fallen..Listening implies a meaningful message understanding has been recieved. You hear the tree but now you realize a tree has perhaps died and is no longer provide shade or home..meaningful LISTENING
- Jennifer Carroll: Can’t believe u guys haven’t done this one yet... or I’m oddly just getting a notification for it
- Jason Allen: Nothing against this version, but there is no way that this remake is better than the original, the voice is too grating and overly forced. If you want to hear a better remake of a song, listen to Bob Dylan's All Along the Watchtower, then listen to Jimi Hendrix's version.
- Kirk Bienvenu: Howie might be older, but David was in the public eye way before "Deal or no deal". It is strange to me when people have no idea who David Draiman is.
- Dennis Cooke: +sacredomens I think my daughter sang that at a competition a few years ago.
- robert de vries: i totally love you guys, you're openminded to the music you're reacting to, trying to understand the video and the lyrics going from great depts till:"dude looks like howie mendel" seriously awesome!!! greetings from the netherlands
- mistah pelican: Do more Brockhampton please
- M: Slipknot.. Snuff!! Yes please!!
- sassypants chisholm: Depression man.
- BoutDatMetalLife: Dream Evil - Book of Heavy Metal
- K JAM: Disturbed does another great cover of a classic rock song: "Land Of Confusion". "Stupify" and "Down With The SIckness" are probably their best original songs.
- Cameron Monahan: In a way, these guys listening to this song is prophetic. You two are breaking a silence through your open mindedness that this song begs to happen. Interesting stuff.
- J D: MVP - despised icon.....you won’t be disappointed
- David: they are in for a surprise for the next Disturbed video they react to!
- Tony West: Down with the sickness
- Pat Kelly: I bet this is the sort of band Vets play whilst they shoot up their local mall/cinemaplex
- William Leonard: Nah not Disturbed's best work by any means and definitely not the best cover ever. Chris Stapleton holds that with Tennessee Whiskey
- Jacob Hight: Houes of the rising- sun five finger death punch - one of the best covers ive ever heard
- sixt9coug: StupidGayBearName It’s a great album, and there’s lots of good selections on there that aren’t too “out there”. I busted out some vinyl this morning and had Rain Dogs on. Not a bad way to start the day.
- Benjamin Rowlett: This cover sucks. Whoever told you guys that this was the best cover of all time is on crack. What a boring, brooding song. This guy just simply planned to rip off an existing song and add brooding modern metal feel to it. Not impressed. Please review some more old school Van Halen. Maybe Panama, Hot for Teacher, or I'm the one.
- Helios8: All of the yes!
- thrilla69x: Silence is a person; it's the devil. The people are in Hell writing the rock music for the neon God we created, the entertainment industry. It's about selling your soul to be a musician.
- Jason Roe: You are all over it. This is a message to the world, let music reach you and by opening to the music you open to each other. (Simon and Garfunkel were at the end of the 60s peace movement and the origin of commercialized music) Neon God is pop, bubble gum, meaningless.
- Dwayne White: Very astute analysis. Paul Simon himself said that the song was about how people don’t actually communicate anymore.
- Michael L: As usual, good work, but this song is atypical for Disturbed. If you want more traditional Disturbed material, go with the rockers such as Stupify, Down with the Sickeness or Ten Thousand Fists. You could also go with their more up-tempo covers such as Shout and Land of Confusion
- BuffaloSpirit: Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel originators of the song Paul being the one that wrote it; took place during the Vietnam war, civil Rights movement, John f Kennedy assassination it has deep meaning during those times... People did not communicate during those times and they don't today; that is what the song hits on.
- Michael Butler: Great channel!!!!
- Jason Saunier: I can not stand this rendition. Sounds like a drunk Michael Bolton
- Geir Ove Eilertsen: 0:45-0:49 Maybe you've heard it in a Simpsons-episode ("Hello Grampa, my old friend..." :-D )
- TheTonyahawk: I'll buck the trend and say I prefer the original to this. Ultimately it is Paul Simon's visions and the soft vibes the original delivers for me work better than the intensity of this version. As for best remake too name two I enjoy much better than this 1: All Along The Watch Tower: Jimi Hendrix from a Dylan original 2:Blinded By The Light: Manfred Mann from a Springsteen original
- 1 jay: AFI
- dahanks1: Let us not forget that George Noory played this on Coast to Coast and called it creepy.
- Teejay Jones: Live version is better.
- Chris Latham: Good cover but I can think of 10 songs that represent this band better. Warrior, The Animal, Prayer, Indestructible, Stupify, Just Stop, Stricken, Ten Thousand Fists and Down with the Sickness. And Metallica"s cover of Turn the Page is a better cover.
- Mani Raptora: Bad Wolves cover of Zombie
- oekomaniac: I fucking hate this Coverversion!!! Just gturned it into lame version of the origal song. Listen to the Coverversion of NEVERMORE. They made it into one of their own songs!
- Ancient Ruins Official: Iced Earth Travel in stygian Alive in Athens Version please 😎🤘😝
- ged glass: bolt thrower bolt thrower bolt thrower, rebirth of humanity (please)
- Joe Dawood: Bad wolves zombie
- HarbyDrenden: I think the original meaning of this song is a warning to all of us to not get to a point where we can't talk to each other. Sadly, I think we've gone past that point and I don't know if we can get back there without something terrible happening.
- April Poucher: "The Offering" and "Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest are excellent songs and not really that well known
- Cordero: Stricken by Disturbed come on man
- Simply Amazed: He's lead singer of heavy metal band.
- Dale Thompson: Dude on the right THINKS!
- Dandy Jon: I will forever push for avatar let it burn!
- Steve Hammer: I don' t get it, this song sucks, HARD! It's amateur hour and they completely butchered a great song. They suck.
- ExuberantRaptor: You've reacted to 'The Vengeful One' by Disturbed.
- MrShucklers1: Whitechapel "Bring me home"
- Adrián Pedreño Olmos: Very good reaction!!, this is a good versión but if you really want to listen disturbed i strongly recommend you Stupify, the game, down with the sickness, 1000 fists, the night, prayer,... in all these songs the singer shows his power and also the whole band with their powerful and characteristics riffs!!!!
- Sophia Limestall: Ozzie Osborne - dreamer
- efrain iniguez: white zombie - more human than human
- Big Daddy Barb: Do some Iced Earth!!!
- The Patriot.: Look to the time in which the don't was written, and who they are, perspective. Neon God's they made is a biblical reference paraphrase to the intertainment industry, Vegas. Instead of seeking the good path, people are making their own path, a book of Moses reference. People are hearing and speaking, but saying nothing, and not hearing others perspective, gods word. Others are choosing to remain silent instead of speaking up/ singing praise to God. Alot of symbolism and parallels.
- brye N: Subjective which is the poetry. Y’all get a lot of it, also it’s everything that keeps the spirit down. You may produce nurturing beauty such as rain but it falls on deaf ears/senses.
- Sticky Bandit: I’ll be happy with any song just more Tool!
- stewy37: Edwin Aguirre Stricken!
- Tritium: an island by chevelle. y'all haven't done them yet!!
- majurbludd: Disturbed -10000 fists
- Jimmy Staley: Out of all the songs that’s Disturbed has, you guys want to introduce them to a cover...... what a waste.
- Andrew C: Gojira - LeEnfant Sauvage
- imzul: You should do some other Disturbed songs to hear some of their heavier stuff. This cover is very different from their usual sound, it's still very good though!
- OJuggernautO: Do “Bloody Angel” by “Avatar”. Recently found them and this song is amazing. It’s Metal, btw.
- Metal Head: In an interview Simon, of Simon and Garfunkel said this revision made him cry when he first listened to it. It is the greatest and most worthy rendition ever made of this piece... the only one he has ever heard do the song justice.
- Rob Scott: How eerie is it that Simon & Garfunkel were able to see this coming... "The people bowed and prayed to the Neon God they made..." Our heads and eyes on fixated on our phones, tuning everything else out. My interpretation, anyway.
- Harley Hunter: Those are piercings not a soul patch he had them removed not to long ago
- Zamppa86: I would really, really like to see and hear your reaction to ZZ Top's Legs and/or Whitesnake's Fool For Your Loving(the 1989 version).
- Just a Bloke: Hurt by Johnny cash is the best cover ever imo
- Michael Bochar: React to the live version featuring Myles kannedy
- Peace Sells but WHO'STURNINGTHEFRICKIN'FROGSGAY?: I hate this cover so much lmao
- IGottaBasketballJones: Disturbed does some of the best covers, they have become known for them, among other great songs.
- jeff Preininger: Please listen to this song live on conan o'brian. It is so much better. More feeling
- Matt Carter: just a few suggestions disturbed- Stupify traitors- Nu hate wage war- stitch
- Cotton Hill: Howie probably could cover this song as well! Audioslave---show me how to live
- Christa Bartz: I've never before heard a band so completely not understand the song that they're performing. This cover was way over-performed and I found it deeply disappointing. Used to like Disturbed, but this turned me off totally.
- Nathan Clarke: This cover is amazing. It brings a very dark realness to it! Basically they are 2 different songs and it's amazing! Also David Draiman is a classically trained singer though if you listen to his other stuff It comes out only slightly!
- AoAunrealrob: Okay, well now you guys absolutely have to do Inside the Fire by Disturbed.
- Tracie Nielson: Are you guys open to listening to some Classical or Broadway music? Anything by Andrew Lloyd Weber or maybe Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
- Tio Nino: Wouter I thought he was father Gabriel from the walking dead.
- megan hunter: I saw them in concert back in 2001 the first 'music as a weapon' tour, think I was 15 or so. Even-though it was my very first taste of heavy metal (aaand, mosh pits) and I went home with some broken ribs (and a broken drumstick), it is still sticks in my memory as the best show I've been to since.
- nick.mason: I live in Vegas too been wondering if I’d ever run into you guys, haven’t yet
- Penny Haynes: Check out Alice in Chains- Man in the Box!
- Nathan Cozart: Seether! Careless whisper!
- Lori Shoemaker: With this song listen to it again , close your eyes in a dark room and just let his voice take you to Heaven, and give your soul a treat, he has the voice of Angel. Strong and powerful ,
- Rose Ryan: I clicked thinking it was the Simon and Garfunkel version. Didn't have a clue what Disturbed was. LOL.. While this version is ok, I still think Simon and Garfunkel's is better. The slower haunting tempo of their version affected me more than this one. Love that you guys are bring different genres of music to people.
- dearashad: Disturbed is just amazing. David Draiman's voice is fabulous and Dan Donegan is brilliant on guitar. This is not solid Disturbed, though.
- MrRoztoc: I can't believe you guys here are listening to that song for the first time. Come on! And the guy to the left looks like Idris Elba's younger brother, hehe! Look at him!
- Jakob Danielsen: Avenged sevenfold-mad hatter
- Keith Bittinger: Check out Disturbed cover of Land of Confusion!
- Dave Bentley: +Kevin Jones No that would be insane. I was being sarcastic. I do love life and cherish each day.
- Matthieu Quintana: How about Innuendo by Queen?
- Christopher Villafuerte: Still hoping for some Adele 👏🏻👏🏻
- Trevius Rex: Very good, but I would recommend Johnny Cash's version of Hurt, originally by Nine Inch Nails, as the best cover ever. I don't remember if you guys may have already listened to it, but if not, you should.
- ShabobaX: the howie mandel comment took me tf out lmfao
- Matt O'Neill: They do nail this, but the best cover of all time is Chris Cornell covering Prince's "Nothing Compares 2 U"
- Turtle: That's actually a piercing called snake bites not a soul patch.
- Daniel Harrison: Rob Jarrett I miss the harmonizing of the original. I prefer the Shaw Blades cover over this one.
- usaidemon: I think you guys would really like Nothing More! Great lyrical content, amazing energy, tons of talent and very original especially with their live performances!
- Leeloo Minai: I wondered about the "neon god" myself, so, I went to check when the original was released and, damn, it's older than I thought - 1965. That, immediately, narrows down the technology idea to one possibility -TV (CRTs) and people being glued to them at that time. However, "neon" could just mean "shiny, eye catching" in some general sense, and be applied pretty much to any concept, ideology, religious, or not, that people focus on so much that they lose a way to communicate with each other. Like YouTube or something like that. Wait a minute... never mind.
- Pug Shorty: This is not the right introduction to Disturbed. Y'all missed the mark again.
- count down: Cx
- Keith KC8TCQ: You need to do Disturbed "Down With The Sickness"
- Aussie Bogan: Sleepwalker by parkway drive with the filmclip.. good aussie metal band boys 👌🤘🤙
- semiserioussam: r/iamverysmart
- Sherry H: this 54 yr old song lyric, reprised in such a magnificent cover, surprised me, especially by the passion of the vocalist. george noory, the coasttocoastam host, often plays this version by disturbed. thanks to these 2 awesome musical viewers for their appraisals on this and many other songs. even though paul simon wrote this song for a different purpose, it could've been a prophetic reality for the impact smart phones have created today, texting as talking without speaking, preoccupied in hearing without listening, bowing to the neon god they made-heads bowed to interact with their phones, etc.
- Ceej's Pain Train: Lest we forget that Paul Simon actually wrote to Disturbed saying that it was the greatest version of the Song he had ever heard
- John Strika: At least one person actually did research. 👍
- Red King of Sulphur: Goddamn, I still get chills listening to this song
- Jim Papachristos: Do more from Disturbed guys. They are the shit! React to Prayer
- Sebastian Sanchez: Disturbed - down with the sickness
- Jason Moccaldi: The original was talking about the movie screen. Neon God is exactly that. We all sit and stair at the screen, silently.
- poorest*mans_gaming 6991: Yo do Shinedown devil or simple man!!!
- Peter Brown: Still pushing my list boys: 1. Metallica-Whiplash. 2. Metal Church- Metal Church. 3.Megadeth- Peace Sells but Whose Buying. 4. VoiVod-Ripping Headaches. 5. Celtic Frost-Procreation of the Wicked. Let's make it happen boys.
- Steven Scoville: Godsmack - 1000HP
- riec0123: This version of the song is awful. Just terrible
- Mickael Drouet: the Live version with Myles Kennedy is unreal! The harmonies are off the charts
- jackielynnredwood: The Sound of Silence has a deeper meaning of Suicide.
- Ree McLaughlin: Please don't attack. I think the song is, and has always been depressing. He's got a powerful voice, but this is too dark. I want to be uplifted by music. When I'm down I blast 'Dee-Lite, Groove is in the Heart'. Really love you guys, and this channel. 💋✌🏼
- Banderascubsfan: I rarely"like" videos but I had to hot like when he said that "it wasn't necessary better, but it was more powerful" I completely agree. You guys earned a new subscriber
- Sam: Paul Simon commented on the cover when he sent an email to David Draiman (Disturbed's singer) telling him that the performance was "powerful". He was referring to a live version he saw on Conan. After an understandably enthusiastic response from Draiman, Paul Simon also posted publicly on Twitter that the performance was "wonderful". Also, I don't think there has been any word from Garfunkel on the cover (though considering Paul Simon wrote it alone, I don't think it matters too much).
- Charlie Smith: You guys are in the house. Its art. But you have the basics of it. Now............lol............you get to dive in to DISTURBED!!! Oh this is gonna be fun. WAH HA HA HA HA!!!!! You have heard at lest THAT before.
- Justin McClain: Kinda like Howie Mandel. But it seems to me like a really weird Mr. Clean commercial.
- Thedoctor133: If I understand the lyrics as they were meaning hear, they are talking about how in modern culture we put more emphasis on catchy mean nothing songs from low talent hacks, instead of people creating music from the soul from experiences they had. That covers "talking without speaking" , and the people who just eat it up are the "hearing without listening". The "neon god they made" is the modern music publications who push more and more of that low effort junk making people want it more so they do it more, creating a causality loop. The "song that voices never shared" are the artist who struggle to create real music that don't get picked up by the major companies who produce the music that people listen to. As to the visual of instrument being scattered and destroyed it is a jab at the fact that so many people now days use electronic instruments instead of gaining the skill to play the instrument themselves or to hire a struggling artist who can play it, if they even use instruments at all.
- nos4atu666: Man they fucked this song up.
- Bill W W: Too funny you got a like after Howie Mandel .
- David Tate: Its about losing our identity as a people. It is a conspiracy of silence, to not speak of issues that need to be addressed. Not talking about violence, ignoring the homeless, hoping these problems will just fade away. .... and the hope that one day we will come together as one people with no color, no prejudice, and no hate.
- bogartleeblues: Listen to the entire song before you react. Incredibly annoying that you keep interrupting.
- Sincerely Stacey Karen: Y’all are SO awesome for doing this song! I’m new to your channel, (as of this video-a new sub) so, I apologize for addressing you as the guy on the right, but I just want to take out a moment and express how deep and truly thought-provoking your take on the lyrics are. (time stamp: 5:15ish) I literally had to pause this to comment. 😶And, again I apologize but, the guy on the left, I’d like to tell you how cool you are, in the way you’re watching and listening with such sincerity of trying to grasp the vision and sounds. Y’all are a great duo and I look fwd to diving into all the content on your channel. 🖤🤟😎 I’m totally sharing this to my Facebook and I rarely stumble across stuff on my own on YouTube, that is worth sharing. ✌🏼, ❤️ and prosperity be unto you both and your futures. XoXo-Sincerely, Stacey Karen
- Ara Kawa: Please react to their other songs
- Eric Wilhelm: If this had the harmonies like the original I'd like it more. So that's why I like the original better.
- ransom rotering: You guys should react to blood and thunder by mastodon! Super tight
- Tanya Flathers: When Simon and Garfunkle did the song it was in a way to protest the war that was going on, with the loss of life. Jump head to Modern times we have phones that run our lives. You have people who text and drive that cause accidents. "Praying to a neon god they made" When our cell phones are out if you look at some people they have it in both hands looking like they are praying, interlocking fingers, and phones look neon compared to the black and white televisions of the 50's and 60's.
- Andy Reid's Mustache: You guys should do Pearl Jam - Black
- Sky Fayette: Hey guys I’ve got one of the best metal songs and breakdown for you to check out. The song is absolutely brutal but the riffs will have you bobbin.. As Blood Runs Black - My fears have become phobias.
- Dennis webb: and to your point the song meant something different to Art than Simon "Art Garfunkle in an interview clearly stated it was about the inability of people to communicate, not in terms of plain language, or international issues, but rather spiritually and emotionally. The result being, an inability to love one another. Paul Simon on the other hand literally said, I don't actually know. I wrote my parts on several occasions, while sitting in the dark, in the bathroom of my parents house, while playing my guitar."
- allison winchester: I really want to see you guys react to Panic! At the disco - Pray for the Wicked (Saturday night) (Or a 3 parter where you watch all 3 videos in that trilogy)
- IamBigNizz: While we're at it, my top classic rock covered by metal covers: five finger death punch- the house of the rising sun. Bad wolves- zombie. Metallica- am I evil. Avenged sevenfold- wish you were here
- Ruan Singh: Bring back some slipknot
- Franomaly: Bro metal.
- KLASS podcast: seriously fuk thia cover do the origional.
- Leslie Mccormick: Simon and Garfunkel were incredible writers and harmonized so well.
- Jare M: Opeth - Burden
- SouthPaw718: Curious to see what they'd think of female metal band leads from Kitty, to Otep, to Nightwish.
- Penny Haynes: You guys need to listen to Disturbed- Down with the Sickness or Audioslave- Cochise!
- Matt Carter: before you paused at the 1:48 mark.. i was thinking he looked like 2 people in this song... 1st ine was dana white from UFC.. soon as i said he also looks like howie is when u paused and said he looked like howie 😂😂
- krulldunk: In Flames - Only For The Weak !! (Amongst many good old songs my ) my friends!
- John Story: Dumen
- Dan Farr: yo guys, love that you done this song, I'd reccomend that you try listening to other songs by disturbed, they are a heavy/nu metal band who have BOUNCING riffs, personally I would say my favourite songs are 'Another way to die' and 'ten thousands fists' definitely a band that gets pumped in the gym, shits like musical steroids
- moska21: please react to johnny cash a boy named sue
- legenddean1969: Love y'all, but Disturbed SUCKS
- mizzpeller gingersnaps: Best cover of all time is ZZ Top's cover of Hendrix's Foxy Lady
- Ethan Abernathy: Lmao killed em with the howie joke 😂🤣
- aderi31415: +Igornopolis Gonna have to disagree with you there. Eat The Elephant was a pretty good album.
- Aveek Biswas: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stricken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- William Edmiston: Tesseract - Acceptance
- Harmony Wisdom: RUSH paraphrased a line from this in their "Spirit of the Radio" song. "..and the words of the prophets are written on the studio walls"
- Chris S.: So you might say that George is... Disturbed by the soul patch. LMAO! Sorry for the terrible pun guys, I just couldn't help myself.
- Tony Moll: Awesome reaction guys!!
- Ryan McCumber: Check out "Clarity" by Protest The Hero
- Jennifer Sheppard: Please react to Kane Brown's songs
- Spline Reticulator: I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, but I like the original song better. This one is too polished and comes off as kind of try-hard-ish to me. The original is more genuine in my eyes.
- Andrew Gann: Stop focusing on the external. Give the song a chance. Please. This song is awesome and David Dramin sang his ass off. And if you're looking for a drop beat. You're not going to find it here. No drums. But this is still one of the baddest covers ever. And yes, I'm 2000 and late. LOL
- DPSufferer: Soilwork- Nerve
- 12th Man: *He's facial expressions strong ASF*
- UnWastedMovies: so much. It's barely a cover anymore as it's the best Tribute to Dio there is!
- Brent Strickland: You have to do 3 Inches of Blood - Hydra's Teeth a Canadian Band.
- Luke Dahart: Steve vai - tender surrender live version
- Joseph Campbell: KING'S X - We were born to be loved! Fade! It's Love! (Any Song!)
- Corrie Nye: If you've heard "down with the sickness" then you've heard disturbed, this isnt really what they sing like anywhere close to what they normally sing but definitely the best cover to exist
- Markus Antonius: Or Say Hello 2 Heaven
- Joellen Wortham: It's about technology the first was Neon lights and then advanced to phones,Speaking without saying a word.TEXT hearing without speaking TEXTING songs wrote without anybody hearing people writing songs but never putting them forward.Neon God is people hurting, stealing,over phones.And people being killed for the neon God they made cell phones.
- DEXTER NEWMAN: I know of the reference to Anti War, and liked the Idea of Television being the 'Neon God' but also think it could work with the thought of Advertising changing from "word of Mouth" to Flashing Billboards making claims without any proof or evidence. Flashing repeated slogans that become truths without any need for personal reviews or being backed up with any facts. "no other aspirin works better than Bayer" in no way means Bayer works better than any other aspirin, but we buy Bayer, without speaking to another person or doing any research.
- Jordan Pantaleo: Do "The Bazaar" by The Tea Party
- Banzowski: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live Wacken 2013)
- John H: Dudes, do a song by Nightwish! And check out the song The Mercy Seat by Johnny Cash.
- Janus Jónsson: Fear Factory - Final Exit !!!
- J L: The original is far better.
- Edward Loves crypto: Pls gentleman do more Alice In Chains ... rotten apple, God am, nutshell pls
- Susan B: tv is the neon god
- Jeff Creed: Wow, these 2 have no emotions...haha
- Zman Jace: Personally, not a big fan of this version. Its a bit overwrought and the music is too melodramatic. Please don't misunderstand me, it is a pretty good cover but it doesn't hold a candle to the original for me
- Les Lawrence: When you’re not touched in the first minute, it is not your style of music, lyrics. Or your soul and your mind is empty.
- StephenRahrig: Second chance—Sevendust “Black” please!! Song will rock your asses 🤙🏼
- Jerred Boshears: TOOL- PUSHIT
- Todd Brakefield: Doomed by Bring Me The Horizon Their lyrics are pretty fun to try and figure out
- Ian The Geek: C.J. Peri-Peri ok little millennial. It’ll be alright.
- tyrant: look this song live
- Dabadger 2025: Dreamtheater- Octavarium
- Aaron Abernethy: I fucking HATE this cover. Takes a beautiful fragile song and then lays a bunch of bombast and bullshit over it, and mistakes power for importance. It’s subjective, sure, but if you grew up loving the S&G version this just feels shallow and try-hard.
- Darren Everett: Great reaction as always, and speaking of covers you should try out Shinedown's cover of Simple Man. Absolutely great cover. I personally prefer that version over the original.
- Tool4APC2012: You don’t have to listen to anything else by disturbed. This song is great but the rest of the songs blow
- Joe Glauner: The og song was a hippy song. It talked about the war back then. But lots of the song holds true to day. Makes ya think.
- Paul Retzbach: John-boy haha....he does!! 👏👏
- David Schreiber: Please do "Ænema" by Tool.
- Kevin Blincie: Disturbed did a good cover but you should look to doing more from than not just this song. Do more avenged sevenfold
- Nothing but Sandy: Pink Floyd- comfortably numb (live in pulse version)
- Yasser Jamil: Avenged sevenfold buried Alive please!!!!
- terry snipes: Damn I am old... as the old fart in the house I love listening to your comments on songs. First you were both right on the "the sound of silence" was first released I think in 1966 which was a whole lot different... the vietnam war, civil rights, a generation asking to be heard, a music industry set in its' way.. I think they all contributed to the lyrics... You were right there was a 5000 pound elephant in the room and no one wanted to talk about it....good job
- Kabz: David Dramain is a great vocalist, its a bit melodramatic as a cover, but as somebody who only listened to Disturbed as a younger kid, this song kind of made my ears perk up and I remember when it was released I was impressed by the reaction I had combined with the cover of Phil Collin's Land of Confusion - which has a sick video too.
- Freak Azoid: He looks EXACTLY like Howie, without the gloves. If this version doesn't grab your throat and choke you up at least once then you have no soul.
- markeldamgaard: I'd say the hearing without listening is the news. People hear but they don't really get what's really going on. They don't know the truth.
- Kenny Roberts: He's just as good live
- Growler King: (^^^)
- Drew Mitchem: I like the original better
- Riki Schell: have yha all did/done "Living Colour - Cult Of Personality" ???
- Darlene Perry: This song was written during the Vietnam War era, and when technology was really taking off and the war was not popular with the young ppl protesting.The government was more into going to the moon, and this was concedered a protest song at the time it was written, toward the war and trying to go to the moon.??
- Laurette LaLiberte: That's not a soul patch, it's a double labret piercing.. lol
- Simeon Dobrev: Avenged Sevenfold - Save Me, for the 37th time!!
- jaystonepk: I’ve always likened the neon god to over consumption and consumerism. People bowing and praying that if they buy the latest and greatest things at the store fronts with neon signs saying “Open for business” that they will be happy with their lives.
- Tyler Talley: Would really love to see another reaction to Nickelback! It's been a year! I think you guys would like "If Everyone Cared". You should also check out "Its a Great Day to be Alive" by Travis Tritt! Keep it up!
- Alta Graye: Shinedown- 45 Pearl Jam- Jeremy (They are heavy songs but lyrical masterpieces) As a pick me up: fountains of wayne- stacy's mom.
- Rachel Sviantek: I think you should listen to another song by Disturbed if only for reference of how unexpected this cover was for fans. Part of the reason I think people love it so much is how different it is from their norm. That said I do love this version, another good cover is "Gone Away" by Five Finger Death Punch. The original was done by Offspring.
- Steven Tunis: Silence like a cancer grows is one of my favorite sayings ever.
- Zedze: Temple of the Dog - Say Hello to Heaven
- Cliedo Cladidahopper: try puddle pitty party some of his covers are amazing
- JWP 1964: Gary Allan - It Ain’t the Whiskey
- Becerra24x16: Would love to see y'all react to "Tame Impala - the less I know the better" its alt. Rock with a funk bass line and a Pink Floyd/disco sound. You guys are the best at reactions. Love the way you guys break down a song. I pay attention to music the way you guys do but I don't explain on the same level as y'all. Thank you!
- Heavy Critic: What's amazing is that David Draiman does those transitions exactly as effortlessly live as he does in the studio version - that's a lot harder than he makes it look. The "metal grittiness" of his voice at the higher register, isn't something he *_has_* to do due to limited range, like a lot of other singers. It's something he *_chooses_* to do, to give the song more power. He's got an awesome voice.
- The Hellblazer: This is far from the best cover of all time. It's okay but Johnny Cash's Hurt cover and Dead Kennedy's viva Las Vegas are better then this for sure, but that's just one persons opinion
- nno2012: Symphony X !!!
- Koningkriebel: lol the glasses speaks allot and says nothing. prototype
- 52ndWarhawkGerbil: Please react to We Will Fall Together or Would You Be Impressed by Streetlight Manifesto!
- Adam Cobb: Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros! Sigur Ros!
- Kashmirknight: I really like wooden jesus too
- M Holb: Ok, here we go: this song is allegorical. It's talking about the masses of people all over the world and our country caught up in the miseries of modern life to the point that they will not listen, will not speak about the atrocities perpetrated upon them by, I'll say, 'those in control of our society'. They will not listen to voices of dissent, they will not speak out against violations of human rights, the murder of our citizens, the debacles of our government. The song is saying, musicians are a venue to get this message out---or it used to be, until now it's all about the money and the trash that is modern music. This is a protest song, pure and simple. It's brilliant and this version of it, apocalyptic because, regardless of the wake-up call it encompasses, the sheeple of our world couldn't fucking care less. Smug slaves of their corporate masters, they will ignore the death of our freedoms and the massacres of the innocent as they sit in their contemptible 'silence'.
- Far Too Much: It's simply about people disconnecting from other people, withdrawing from society and becoming a giant pile of consumerists. Also, this song is WAY more powerful if you listen to it loud, on a good sound system, with some medium-heavy bass. The drum beat really brings home the power....trust me!
- BigB9778: Gotta do the sickness brothers love your work
- Shibatron: Todd Hoffman from gold rush did a better cover of this song.
- TheWompinator: Bad Wolves- Zombie
- Kevin B.: Doug Phillips If they don’t do that then YouTubes copyright algorithm will get the video taken down.
- Vision Serpent: Where the sinners go Seven bells of 7 hells
- Steve Akerlund: I would like to request: Audioslave - Like A Stone RIP Chris Cornell
- Charlie Vincent: Taproot-Art or anything by Taproot!
- crosier 357: METAL CHURCH, IN HARMS WAY! PLEASE!!!!!
- Tim None: Simon, the writer of the song said there's no real deep meaning behind this, it's about how he would go into a dark bathroom to write music
- SweetLikeCyanide: Guys, I know it's soon, but you should do another Opeth. The second suggestion, Bleak, was honestly terrible for you guys, and I dont know why anyone would've picked it considering you didn't like the growling in Ghost of Perdition. Please react to the Roundhouse Tapes version of Face of Melinda! Or Sorceress from Red Rock Ampitheater! Pretty pleeeease with a cherry on top! Those two suggestions are entirely clean vocals, and my first (FoM) still maintains their harshness despite it being all clean, and the second is a bit more progressive and is off their newest album. Either one displays how amazing this band is live, and how beautiful Mikael's clean vocals are.
- marvelmaniac88: Chevelle - Any of these songs: Family System, The Clincher, Safer Waters, Humanoid, A New Momentum, Clones, An Island.
- EGC. BH: Yngwie Malmsteen- Seventh Sign
- Havel the Rock: People be trippin' in your comment section. This cover is powerful and great. Not gonna lie, as a man, I fangirled when I saw this video in my notifications. I'm glad you guys liked it. Another really good couple of songs by Disturbed would be Innocence and Facade. If you guys want a longer song Clandestinity Now by Solution .45 is a great choice. It feels like 3 songs in one. Dare I call it a masterpiece. P.S. Glad I found this channel because Ne Obliviscaris is in my life now.
- kevinnelson9588: Do one for Run To The Hills-Iron Maiden.
- Dave Janes: Guys, still holding out for Onset by Band Maid.
- Patrick McKennedy: Every time I hear Disturbed, I will think of Howie Mandel asking if we could escalate this matter with my manager.
- Harry J. White: Not familiar with Disturbed at all. I am only familiar with the original Simon and Garfunkel performance (a folk song with acoustic guitar only). It's hard to shake the sound of a classic song and the original performance from your head when listening to a cover. Seeing the singer yell some of the lyrics of this song like a demon at the camera is just funny to me and then it irritates me. His performance is so over the top it ruins this song for me. I think this was a bad song for them to cover.
- Kaylene Smith: it was at that moment he knew he fucked up,pls do not pause
- Steven Busch: Disturbed is a very good band gotta do land of confusion another good cover. Do into the fire has a great back story
- E Kramer2: Hey it's never pointless. Just have to spend more time listening!
- Heather Pursell: I really really loved your take on this. It was really interesting to hear you breaking it down like that. Thank you. You made me see a lot of parts in a different light
- Tim Rogers: Commercial music vs music as art.
- Collyn Colecchio: This song is not even the true disturb. There more of a metal/hard rock band. You need to check out some of there old stuff next time you Liston to these guys
- QDIID: So, here's the score: Wanted to kill you-7.5, Changed my mind-8.5. (the .5 fluxuation is due to me saying "He doesn't look ANYTHING like Howie Mandel...Holy fucking shit, he looks exactly like Howie Fucking Mandel.) That realization has taken up PERMANENT residency in my head so, if one day some white guy sucker punches you while simultaneously saying the word "Howie" that was me & according to the revised Bro Code, you can't get mad.
- Amber Yocom: Oh okay, i missed that in the beginning of the video, thanks!
- NPC #1716382: When they performed this on Conan boy was it beautiful and inspiring.
- Brandi Summers: Hozier take me to church
- Steve Kelih: Good cover of a great song but you definitely need to check out their music... Stricken is a great song. Thanks.. You guys are Kool! 👍
- Jan-Erik Svenning: Of the top of my head there are two covers that I prefer to the original version. Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt originally by Nine inch Nails and Gary Jules' cover of Mad World originally by Tears for Fears Would love it if you reacted to both.
- Joseph Thrasher: you guys should do "Stricken" by Disturbed
- Shawn Goad: When you guys hit old country again, you should check out Boy Named Sue, by Johnny Cash. Great story and funny.
- Stephen: You want an awesome metal cover? Listen to Beat It by Raintime.
- evilbunnysanta: Please hate this please hate this please hate this please hate this I NEED VINDICATION
- Eddie Majors: Me again, still gotta say do the Butcher Babies
- Dale Martin: Sounds of Starbucks
- Music_360: The neon God I believe is Wall Street.
- Nathan-DTS: Highlight of this is the steady volume increase juxtaposing the lyrics.
- Ryan Farrell: Should do Stupify or Down with the Sickness by them
- erakus: You should listen to some other Disturbed for reference. Like 10 thousand fists. Also another cover.. they did shout. And land of confusion
- sinnedam: As much as I like this cover, it’s not a good introduction to disturbed as the majority of their songs sound nothing like this.
- Romério Evaristo: Do Grace by Jeff Buckley guys!
- JJP90: disrespectful shits
- Sarkast: yeeeeees
- Chris Sebastian: The meaning of the song is that people have inability to communicate with each other, and therefore, can not love effectively. Neon God is technology, but not only computers, When this was written Computers were not household items, but there were Neon Signs for businesses, which there are now too. Simon and Garfunkel were thought to predict cellphones and social media. Best cover? Probably not. Great cover. Yes. “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton(David Allen Coe) is a cover. “Jolene “ by White Stripes (Dolly Parton) is a cover. “Respect” by Aretha Franklin (Otis Redding) is a cover. “I Love Rock N’ Roll” by Joan Jett (The Arrows) is actually a cover. So is “When the Levee Breaks” by Led Zeppelin(Memphis Minnie).The best covers seem to be ones that people don’t know are covers.
- Mercedes Miko: +SweetLikeCyanide she owned it only because it was a B side for Prince. I had never heard Prince's version until I heard hers. To me that was the difference.
- Sally From London: Sound of Slience 1964. Neon Lights (no web then) guess they mean the changing times after recovery from WW2 and how people then became more insular, swinging sixties and neon lights..... Switch to 1971 and Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On’, Mercy Mercy Me. Again recognising the fast changes in society. Maybe........ Either way a superb cover of a song I never really liked that much......
- Vikes218: Cool Show. Everyone has a Storied, although Rushed Existence. Do Not Let The Snake Bite You In The Ascot. Just Ask The Smart Rich People Advertising 'No! It's A Scam!', to use Poetic Paraphrasing. Isn't it Ironic, FTW.
- INTIMIDATOR0108: This has probably already been mentioned in the comments, but if you guys ever do Disturbed again, I recommend listening to either Down With The Sickness or 10,000 Fists.
- April Ray Alabama Tall Chic: YES!!!
- Joey Huk: Do Elvis Presley suspicious minds or poison by Alice Cooper!
- dumplingshakes22: I’ve been waiting for this legendary cover!!!
- Tim Raulerson: This cover is garbage, thumbs up if you agree!!
- Jellybeansbud: It’s one of the few covers I like better than the original. Still love the original, but this one gives me chills every time I hear it!
- Helen G: Maybe listen first you missed all the feelings and emotions of the dong. U guys suck you ruined a song.
- Zebulon Swearingen: me codes Some good points here. Disturbing. Of course, I’m using tech to write this, so did you? YouTube has brought people together — well, it brought their opinions together. YouTube channels are cool. I like it better than TV in some ways. Tech brought the phonograph (vinyl record player) which in turn was the medium used by Simon & Garfunkel. And while we’re at it, did tech make human or did human make tech? What came 1st, the chicken or the egg? Disturbing.
- Super Sam85: Why does every single person featured on these damn Wix commercials annoy me so much?
- ChimourTheBatFurry: Takeo Ischi : Einen Jodler Hor Ich Gern.
- Jake Karslake: Do turnpike troubadors - the funeral
- William Cavallini: Guys, could you pleeaase react to Nevermore's version of this same song? I think its so unique and kinda underrated cover
- louofm1: Yes, Volbeat dead but rising, doc holiday, or hangman's bodycount
- Richard Bexborn: Please understand. There are two versions of the original. You ahould listen to the guitar based heavy one.
- Gina R: This remake sucks!!
- George KAISER: Wouter Dana White with Eddie Alvarez mixed in.
- MrNas921: Great breakdown
- Tanner_N: You've done this song and no one seems to be asking for disturbed- " down with the sickness"
- Bummi: Sorry my english is not so good, so i tell it in german, Der Neongott ist nicht die Tehnologie an sich, es ist die Ablenkung vom Wesentlichen.
- Jawbreaker 1999: Disturbed - Stricken
- William Mueller: Definitely NOT best cover ever. Whoever told you that doesn't know ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER by JIMI HENDRIX... or doesn't know that it is a cover too.
- chris gomez: Queens of the stone age, no one knows, a song for the dead
- Powg: If you guys revisit Motorhead do Orgasmatron
- moffe2k: This song is magnificent! Another magnificent song is Machine Head - Darkness Within!
- Fallen Ghost: You have 2.1k dislikes :)
- Caleb Butler: You guys should totally do Drift Away from Rittz. It's a good backstory rap about him
- Pat Swett: Please react to Mechanical illusion : by Amaranthe!!!! They are swedish metal with a hint of electronic! Super catchy beats and an amazing balance between screams and clean vocals!
- Christopher Haselden: I love when you guys break down the lyrics and give your thoughts.
- karen salomonsen: Paul Simon wrote this song in 1964 and you have to understand what was happening at that time in order to understand the lyrics.
- ruoF owT: I disagree that its the best cover ever, that would have to go to Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World
- Todd Hall: There's a band called Bobaflex who covered this, check it out. They aren't an extremely well known band but they're talented and write super catchy songs.
- samuel rivera: have you done slipknot- snuff? or vermillion pt 2?
- Sorley Mackay: This version is just so over the top. Honestly just a fucking terrible interpretation of a great song, I'm all for reinventing and putting a spin on stuff but to totally disregard the key elements of the original has just ended up in a big fucking pile of trash
- William Mueller: The song spoke to its time in the 60's but was also well ahead of it's time. Like a prophecy. The neon god was television. But has now become (anti)social media.
- Sandy Hicks: It was a war protest song
- Obey2388: Please do! DEFTONES: DIAMOND EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- GKeeper316: the best simon and garfunkel cover is actually the bangles version of hazy shade of winter. listen to that sometime.
- Thomas Page: It’s over the killing of Kennedy just a remake
- Lunzatis Palemoon: @Lost In Vegas A song can mean different things at different times. The Sound of Silence, and how both of you interpreted it, could very well be what Disturbed was going for while it meant something different to Paul Simon, the original writer of the song. Another example of this is the song Hurt that the two of you watched a while back. The original by Trent Reznor was about drug addition but the cover by Johnny Cash, thanks to the images and old video footage in the music video, was about reflecting on life at the end.
- Josephious Brosif: Alter Bridge - "This Side of Fate"
- Rodrigo Cardoso: Nervermore version of this song is so much better than this one...
- Gregg Reaves: Gotta react to Deftones - 976 evil
- diggler diggy: I wish you guys would have just played the jesus song
- Dave Christie: I think you guys are looking at the wrong era for the meaning. Remember, David Draiman did not write these lyrics - Paul Simon did - 55 years ago. The world was very much difference and technology was something completely different than today. I have always taken the "neon gods" to have some relation to how big cities were becoming colder and colder - symbolized by all the gaudy neon signs that were overtaking the landscape of those cities.
- Cat Giles: This is a very spiritual song!
- Shiby23: seems like you're reacting more to the lyrics than the person and performance but i'm glad you enjoyed it
- Tim Behen: this about ppl having free speech
- Mathew Cameron: Do a live Tool video. Tool Parabola live at the Gorge 2017 is unfuckingbelivable!!!
- Laurie de los Reyes: Try watching them cover this song live....the song has lived on because it's open to interpretation. I liked yours. The song is amazing but--this cover gave me chills.
- Daniel S: Born in winter - Gojira, you just need to do it
- jmpmusva: Look how words written by Paul Simon in his early 20's, still ring true today. This was written in the early 60's
- wayne saward: Green day basket case
- takerionut: What a bunch of retards.
- Mike Calvert: +Zigur Eru I kinda gave up on requests, after the choices of other band material, was poor...glaringly obvious choices ignored in favour of the obscure... So I figured, no chance in hell Tesseract will see the light if day, never mind this 15 epic minutes of mastery! Cmon boys!!! Make it so!! And whilst we're at it, if you're gona revisit Slayer, do South of Heaven...if you're gona revisit Megadeth, do Good Mourning/Black Friday...+ if you're gona revisit Metallica ffs do Blackened!!! ✌️🏼😁🤘🏼
- xXG3TPWNEDXx: hey guys, whats going on? i never would have figured you guys would listen to this kind of music? why the sudden shift or you just wanted to broaden your horizons? just looking for a bit of insight. much love.
- Keith Beaver: you guys are so screwed up. You didn't know this song. The song made the Graduate the movie that it was. I can't believe you have a show!!! Have you ever heard of the Beatles??? You are over thinking this whole song. Right BRO?
- Elizabeth Salvatore: this song was written for the movie the Graduate, by (Paul) Simon and Garfunkel especially for the end. the song is more effective to hear at watching the movie the Graduate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEl-J7lTkKU
- Orel Arokidas: I really hope they listen to the way of all flesh by gojira
- seen123: The original is way way way better. This cover is a lame gimmick.
- theRealClaW: Rivers of Nihil "Where Owls Know My Name"
- Pete Welsh: I hate this version. The obvious auto tuned vocal (as an effect he doesn’t need it) and the excessive yarling just suck. This recording makes me cringe. When it came out I thought oh Disturb’s label needed a commercial hit let’s release this as a cynical money making hack cover. It sounded like that then, it sounds like that now. Also as a reaction this just feels really awkward- just say it suck guys! Analysis of the lyrics when it’s a cover is just weird too. If you’re going to do that, then do the original and credit the lyricist.
- Anthony Saunders: No offense, but that's a bad audio feed. I can recommend proper wires and other audio feeds if you want. Mono is a bad way to start, and the wow, flutter and hiss don't help.
- Todd Lehman: Chris Cornell doin I Will Always Love You is Great too
- Bradley Atchison: I got a "1984" the book feel. The silence (division) is participated in by the lost people (the silent people), and the "god they made" is industry telling them to be "good silent workers" and forget about the "beauty and the power of the people." Represented by the group of people on the boat bringing the artistry and enjoyment to share with the lost people.
- On Standby: I only know it cause it was in the kids movie trolls 😂😂
- Thomas Moore: U know fuk ol
- Evets Zerimar: Almost disliked y’all for the stops, ugh But I forgive ya Bc of this song
- FallenTrinty1991: Another one to really recommend is a slower song called The Humbling River by Pusifer. Pusifer's lead singer is Maynard from Tool so it would be someone you are familiar with!
- Michael Kapty: If you're gonna do a cover... do Nights in White Satin by Oceans of Slumber
- James Sullivan: Dave drayman looks like howie? Wtf and this version is better
- Jacob Fischer: In celebration of Halloween, Witchy Woman by The Eagles
- Zebulon Swearingen: Rachel Sviantek Never heard either version of “Gone Away” but I liked Five Finger Death Punch doing “Bad Company”, that was a good version too.
- Crazy Gamebino: Since we’ve done some disturbed do inside the fire next time
- ThrashGod Cid: only thing to improve that cover would be some saxophone
- lupe rodriguez: Disturbed has a thing about using "music as a weapon" at least the old stuff did, new Disturbed is more like mildly deranged
- Aaron Sallee: You need to react to Stricken by Disturbed
- MetalliBucket: Ticket to ride at the troubadour
- Lance37a: I think this version sucks.
- Michael Kirkland: Ive watched just about every video you have. And subscribed. I actually love an unbiased and honest point of view plus an even dialogue. You guys are real. I love your channel. Keep doing what your doing.
- Ieatass69: Whiskey Myers - broken window serenade
- Steve Pechar: i think this song is about what death might be like so what if dying is like a dream that never ends this song is about that
- Zebulon Swearingen: Sam Very well said. I always have been fascinated with Simon & Garfunkel, especially taken with the literal thing that there are sounds heard during complete quiet. Personally, I hear a ringing in my right ear & constant difficult to describe subtle high-pitched “static”.
- Ej Bhojie: A7X - Save Me
- scurry_away: The Sound of Silence... Patients with invisible diseases live this song. Last 40+ years no matter how we shout, medical science won’t hear us. The psychiatrists who research our disease assumes we are not capable of rationality. Must be our imagination they say. We don’t exist in the medical knowledge base. Our researchers did not include us in their research data. Dangerous for us to go to ER because policies and procedures not designed with this disease in mind. Pharmacology... medications have not been studied against this disease, so medications can be unexpectedly dangerous. Therapies they developed can cause permanent harm and disability. We live an Orwellian Nightmare. Medical Science is in error because they refuse to believe us. No medical or disability insurance, no physiotherapy, no understanding, no symptom support, no family support. No matter what we say, how we say it... Medical Science had Proved we don’t exist. Just our imagination. World wide delusion, perpetrated by psychiatric “science”. The Sound of Silence
- Justin Towns: Best cover of all time? No not hardly. Hurt by Johnny Cash the cover of a nine inch nails song is definitely better
- sherrijean03: Y’all should do more “Disturbed”, go with “Down with the Sickness “ or “Stupify”
- shellyme e: Hey guys, The one with miles Kennedy and disturbed together singing this is WAY better!!!!💥 Check it out sometime, you guys love miles in Alter Bridge:)
- Goth 21: Morbid Angel Chapel of ghouls
- Christopher Kovalyak: Please do XZIBIT- the foundation. Ur all around my age. This is the dopest song from the west coast about xzibit children and everyone children and just in general a fathers love of his son and protectiveness. And its a dj muggs classic beat!
- J Ryan: People have been calling it the best cover ever? Massively overrated. Queensryche's cover of Scarborough Faire is better than this.
- Francisco Berbel: Pleas react to Arch Enemy - Nemesis, live in concert. Is mindblowing
- stapler: Down with the sickness or prayer is the best old school nu-metal from disturbed
- DragonsKindler: I dont ever hear ppl recommend dropping plates but it would be interesting for them to react/review Disturbed's "rapping"
- Jan J: I hate his voice ... totaly grap. They ruined the song for me
- mdav30: Do Afghan Whig's Gentlemen - you'll love it! One of the best songs of the 90s.
- joe utley: Is it just me or does he sound like Winnie the Pooh?
- Leona Picklesworth: This one is much better check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_7zghWA6QY
- Max Contreras: The intro to third eye is great
- nejdoful: Avenged sevenfold - natural born killer! do it!!!
- Tim Kinisky: someone explained it like this: The original was a warning of what could come and the newer version is angry because that warning wasn't heard ... I can only think of that every time I listen to the disturbed version .. we dun fucked up.
- blackcountryme: It sounds like if we don't talk, if we dont get along we're doomed...
- g96: Porcupine tree - arriving somewhere but not here...
- Suzanne Marie: Silence in the face of injustice equals complicity. As someone who grew up with Simon and Garfunkel’s original version, I loved the song but felt it lacked the passion the lyrics seemed to demand. Disturbed’s version gives us that passion; this is a call to arms. This is a plea for reason! And this is highly relevant NOW! We ARE divided, we see our politicians fighting each other but not listening to each other’s point of view, we see Americans enraptured by their “neon god” (with orange hair), and as a result, we live in a country rife with social and racial desolation. What happened to the words of our prophets; Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, FDR, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy? Their voices have been lost ‘in the sound of silence.’
- Carson Grubaugh: He is Legend does a badass cover of Fancy, but also, listen to their tune (((louds!!!
- Nita B: You need to listen to Paul Simon's work. He's brilliant.
- El Presidente: Sweating bullets seriously y’all will love it!
- L Chiong: Paul Simon wrote that song when he was 21 years old, according to Wikipedia. And I still think he and Art Garfunkel sing it best. I also think Dolly Parton sings "I Will Always Love You" better than Whitney.
- Steven Salembier: Great video, guys! But I think it's that time again... Gojira - toxic garbage island
- Logan Craft: Check out upchurch duke nukem you want be disappointed
- lily dawn 85007: Neon gods = celebrities.
- Eric Spargo: Metallica Orion
- divinechaos_78: I would love to see your reaction to A Perfect Circle - Judith.
- solorgana: Lookin' for U2 or The Cure, Depeche Mode, and how about some Gregory Alan Isakov???
- MajorOcelot: 12 Stones - Kiss From a Rose cover is a good one.
- Smokey Rockwell: God I love that one.
- Mitsune Kusajishi: the death of music or rather the death of sound
- James Englebert: Have y'all watched the music video for Forever Country from the ACM awards? If not it would make a good reaction video.
- TrenchToast: So first great reaction guys haha! As for the lyrics of the song.. "Hello darkness my old friend" is a reference to how they would inspire themselves to write lyrics. They would go into a concentration chaimber and it would be pitch black in there.. This song was written durring the peak of the Cold War and the US and Russia were testing nukes left and right.. those are the reference of the "Neon gods" This is an anti-government song perceiving the separation between the people and Government that was extremely high during these times.. Disturbed's cover of this is powerfull yes, but what aids that power is how relevant the lyrics of the song are in todays time and how almost all of us can relate to in one form or another. Sorry Go Caps! Im from VA cut me some slack! Haha!
- goodride2004: Billie Jean is way better
- Tim Behen: they were talking about today , the crazy libs stopping free speech
- TheSimplyQua: Song written and recorded in the sixties during Vietnam and the war protests.
- Kevin Warburton: disturbed's one of my favourites.
- Kim Nolan: +Patricia Peterson maybe this version is a different meaning for a different time...The video definitely has a resurrection of music(real music with real instruments) which people seemed to have forgotten....and music, as something that unites us, needs to be brought back to people to find a common ground...get our heads out of technology and go back to the simplicity and creativity and connectedness that makes us human, and that music creates... (phew, ....lol!! at least that was my take on it).
- Janet Stafford: What a effing a@@hole stopping such a dramatic song to make a joke and then making more. I have watched and subscribed to you and I just unsubscribed. Adios a@@holes. This is supposed to be a reaction to the music isn't it? You should be having the discussion after and not during. Some songs are not a build up and these jokes and stop and start and comments during this type ruined this song. Not all songs are equal and the tempo of this song should have told you to stfu. This guy is classically taught. If you have the lyrics you should be able to decipher the meaning. smh
- LedPESRule: Yep, there's a lot of classically trained Metal singers... Hell, Manowar did a "cover" of a quintessential Opera song with a little metal twist, it's quite awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6SssLxzg14
- RosettaStonedTV: Sleep - Dragonaut has
- convoy 13: Should check out some breaking benjamin. Maybe Breath or dance with the devil.....plenty of great songs otherwise.
- Ryguypie17: Tenebris Rex for that “duet” factor, check out the live version they did with Myles Kennedy. That was pretty cool
- fuck you: You're right man. Only people that eat this shit up are radio rockers. The people who eat up anything disturbed, 5fdp, or avenged sevenfold does. This cover is bad. And the covered 5fdp did are bad.
- Morningglory Vine: When I listen to this song.. Maybe it's my Generation but I Imagine how we wernt allowed to speak about the Vietnam War... And we certainly were not allowed to be taught about it in high school.. ( Shout out to the Vietnam Veterans of America) they( VVA) came to our schools and homes if we needed support as a family. I was raised by a veteran my Uncles were Veterans... The education I was given because we were so involved has helped me to become a better, more supportive woman than I ever would have become. Thanks for reacting.. If you read this.. And you served.. Thank you, but most. Importantly, Thank you for your service.. ALWAYS THANK VETERANS!!!
- Rodney Farrar: As far as covers go yall already did the best cover. Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton.
- Michael Brown: David draiman is a fanomanal vocalist, my favorite song is called darkness. The depth that and range of his voice, I can feel the emotion of every note. Fantastic song , have a listen, please tell me what you think.
- CLureCo: With your lyric insight in mind, check the date on the original.
- Renée Tyler: I've always thought he looks just like Howie Mandel!
- Erin Schrader: Vietnow- RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
- Andrew Winick: Please check out some Disturbed originals. Try The Light Another Way to Die Are You Ready or Who Taught You How To Hate. They really are a great band.
- Brian Hall: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other." as for the Neon God that could be anything from religion to technology that creates division among us to the point we are set in our ways that we can not see past our on beliefs, thoughts or opinions to think of others and have compassion and love to even try to understand one another.
- william skrainski: If you had to Google the original, you couldn't really appreciate what you're listening to.
- Baby Sloth: Puscifer (another band of Maynard from Tool) - Momma Sed
- jhill76john: Please react to the BYZANTINE song GOD FORSAKEN! Great track.
- DJFireHawk: The original artists, Simon & Garfunkel, said this cover was the best they'd heard and they love it.
- Chris Smith: you guys souldent make fun of this song
- Tazmanian66devil: David Townsend?
- James Graham: I like your channel, but it's better when you review just songs, and not the videos that come with them. They're two different types of media. Here, you're reacting to a video with a musical background. Which were you reviewing - the music or the video? How did your reaction to the video affect your reaction to the music? And I get that there's room to appreciate both the video and music as a single piece or a whole creative package. I just like it better when you review the music only. Then the imagery of burning instruments wouldn't influence your interpretation of the lyrics, and we wouldn't be thinking about Howie Mandel or the singer's soul patch when we're reacting to the music.
- Chris L: Dudes! Silence in the face of greed, suffering and injustice! Neon in 60's speak = Glaring commercialism. A (recently invented in the 1960s) and quickly becoming ubiquitous, glaring, flashing, piercing light killing the natural restful peaceful darkness of night. Neon god=Greed, Monolithic, systemic idolatrous god of wealth and greed, both creating and ignoring what is (prophetically, as in the old testament prophets of outrage) written on the subway walls and tenement halls. And if one sees the words, there is still only the sound of silence. This song is not about "c'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together." It is about willful blindness, and not even speaking about the suffering created for the many by the selfishness of the few. But in case I sound critical of your interpretation, I love your channel, even if I am old enough to have bought the Simon and Garfunkle version when it first came out!! Cheers guys and keep the reviews coming! PS glad you dug Rush!
- Paul Sapp: Really don’t know why people found this to be so awe inspiring. I guess it’s just not for me. Very dull sound.
- Efrain cruz: I think the Neon God they made, it's perhaps maybe the image of the singer, as they worship them, neon represents the lights on stage
- Dirk Mullins: Chris Cornell did a cover of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. You'll love it
- Johnny Thacker: This is my first time hearing this. Reminds me of today’s world. We speak without saying a thing and hear without listening. We need love !!!
- Random ASMR: Have you guys done Stevie Ray Vaughan? So epic that even Clapton said that when he heard him, he felt like giving up. Little Wing!
- Harry Connor: Got a weird request but you guys should totally do some Primus? I think you should do Jerry Was A Racecar Driver.
- Drad1997: Idk if you guys have but you guys should react to Chevelle.
- Wayside Gamefarm: Bad Wolves cover of The Cranberries “Zombie” is right up there with this. Maybe you could combine the reaction to the original and the cover while getting a point of reference.
- zttombs: Powerful. You hit the nail on the head with how this song feels. Great react. You guys should check out Zeds Dead and Omar LinX - Jackie Boy 2.0 or Stoned Capone by them also.
- Bizee Bonez: The song title says it all . ...and yes, I was trippin' when you stopped the video for such a ridiculous comment. lol David Draiman (the singer-lead singer of Disturbed) is a classically trained vocal God. Don't know if you have, but if not, do a reaction to their (Disturbed's) song 'Prayer'; I'd love to hear you guys pick that song apart.
- Michael C.: My funeral song
- joym824: 😂😂😊😊 Howie Mendel!!!!
- Preston Shewell: Jenny by Nothing More!
- G Pleasants: Not a fan of his vocal approach to this classic. Sorry.
- hatred is power: because you dont understand the feelings or emotional adeptness to truely experience music in the ways they were meant to be and u cant feel true expression in musical form
- Nameless St Gabriel: If you guys react to more of Disturbeds songs majority of their lyrics have a lot of subliminal messages. His aggressive vocals gonna through you off. Theres a song called Darkness has a nice calm feel also.
- TheGearsofwar2010: C'mon guys!! Skid Row - Wasted Time Iced Earth - Dracula Alice in Chains - Would
- Scott Sales: https://youtu.be/VQ9uTKItUyM
- Peter Benedetta: Let's have stricken next kick ass track.
- steve B: Dudes.... do more Van Halen
- Stephen Robertson: Check out Bobaflex cover of The Sound of Silence!
- ruby diamond bunny rabbit: In This Moment Blood
- Dylan Holman: First here. This is gonna be good
- Anil Kakar: Love you guys but I don't think you need to interpret the lyrics of a cover. Would love for you to compare the musicianship of the current version over the other. Not a sermon, just a thought :)
- moffe2k: Ahh, yes. I thought that was what you meant, but starting to wonder when you wrote it again in a different video. It's a shame, yes, but we will still have their music.
- Amber Yocom: Am i missing something.... This says uploaded now in my notifications but comments say a month ago... Anyways so excited to see yalls reaction to this song. Its haunting and beautiful.
- Tony Montana mang: lol at the soul patch comment. That's when I liked this. Great song though.
- Tom Tanaka: Down With The Sickness!
- mdmyer: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."
- IR4TE: Thank you Kevin exactly my thoughts, but looking at the comments everywhere this cover comes up they pretty much bootlick it, and I don't get why people are so simple to please.
- Satanic News Network: Sorry, but the best cover has gotta go to Killswitch Engage for "Holy Diver"
- 2edgy 5me: I would love for you guys to listen to any of the songs from Mike Shinodas album Post Traumatic
- Johanna S: People as a society not communicating with each other. Not being able to express emotion.
- Kevin W: Stevie Ray Vaughn!
- Simon Slee: King’s X - Dogman or Over My Head
- Justin Sanchez: Grace by Jeff Buckley or Showbiz by Muse would be awesome.
- Andreas Holzer: Go and check out Solstafir - Fjara. I promise you will not be disapointend,
- Guns, Dip & Life: Yes he does!!!
- Matt W: In order to really appreciate the depth of this song and why it's so phenomenal sung by disturbed, you should listen to their song "Down With the Sickness" so you have a comparison to what their typical music sounds like.
- Mike Edwards: I came to your channel through this Disturbed song. Someone else had made a Reaction video to it (I didn't even know that was a thing) and one of your videos was in the "Up Next" list. Been hooked on y'all ever since.
- Jennifer Beck: I'm not impressed with either of you are critizing the singers looks not how he is singing. It's disrespectful.
- Noah Hamilton: Jock rock. Disturbed are the guilty pleasure of those that hate on metalheads.they like to listen to it at the gym before football practice...
- Jason Alaniz: Hey can do a reaction to Bad Wolves cover of Zombie by the cranberries
- donna taylor: 2 guys making fun of a GREAT singer and a awsome song....smh...assholes
- OrdinaryHuman: The hard part is picking a Symphony X song to start with. Awakenings or Acolade II might be my vote.
- zephaniah666: haha yessssssssssssssss they look so alike lol
- Trappertilltheend: Y'all need to do weatherman by hank Williams Jr its an amazing song
- Kaitlin LeVasseur: I think it would’ve been a lot more impactful if you’d heard their other music before. They’re normally heavy metal but then to hear David Draiman singing so beautifully is a really great contrast to what you’d expect to hear from them.
- Chris Ormie: Probably not going to be a popular choice, but I'd love to hear your reaction to Dappy's two songs "Straight Facts" and "Spotlight (acoustic). He was one of the first successful UK rap/grime artists who had a few setbacks (success before maturity issues) but is now showing his varied skill set and trying to make a comeback. He's a polarizing figure in the UK but one of my favourites.
- Mark Fox: Been waitin for yall to do this one.... Watchin now
- Tretre38: Ticks and leeches tool!!
- Mike Meagher: Most people may not know this Paul Simon wrote this song when he was 21 and did it in his apartment bathroom with the lights off to better concentrate. He said the tiles in the bathroom echoed the sound. When asked what the songs meaning he said: "I have no idea". Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other. Also when this song made its debut in September of 1965, it bombed. The two broke up the band. In 1966 the sound was remixed with full instruments and when released it rocketed to #1 and Simon and Art got the band back together. So this song was written without any real meaning and left for anyone and everyone to interpret.
- MuzakManSam: Best cover ever, according to people, huh? I don't even think it's the best cover Disturbed has ever done!
- IXLOKIXI: Check out the Stairway to Heaven Kennedy Center Honors cover. That, for my money, is the best cover.
- Ralph Dougherty: marvelmaniac88 Take Out The Gunman or Door To Door Cannibals
- John Trainor: Bo Burnham "Kayne Rant" Or his country song
- droid1963: sandbox242 This song was the first DDD song - recorded digitally, mastered digitally, and put on CD (digital format) - when it came out, and was overplayed in the hi-fi and audio industry. Killed it for me.
- 8 Cylinders To Life: Staind - Something to remind you (Live preferably)
- Cody H: Sounds of social justice
- BUCKSLAYER: This is the video that brought me to this channel.
- Rob Oliver: Hate this song and I cant stand what this band became. This coulda been Gojira ANYTHING or Breaking Benjamin or even old Disturbed.
- cassidymd72: I think you guys were into the right idea with your reaction.
- Taimur Hussain: you gotta do STRICKEN, that is the original disturbed sound.
- Wolf Hunter: The neon God is technology and it shows that we are stuck in technology rather than coming together as one and music does that,it brings people together...He is saying Instead of looking at a phone, PC(neon God) that separates us as a people.listen and sing because music brings us together...
- Guilherme Omlo: Hot for teacher - Van Halen
- Jerred Parker: Ice Nine Kills - A Grave Mistake
- Adrián Hernández: Therion - Venus Illegitima
- Dalton Sixer: You guys really should have done the live version, so fucking good. On the flip side, yall should ready do other songs by them, night and day.
- Dustin Mueller: Yeah, that way you guys can hear how they've always been terrible.
- Hugh Fuller: No dislike. I gave a like. Keep going.
- Rux 1919: When you guys going to get to some black label society? Zakk wylde is a monster in the metal game. Try fire it up it's a good intro
- Thomas Page: Trent Timoy he does tho lol but I love these guys
- paul jay: I couldn't help noticing in your videos your love for songs with groove. It just came to me while watching your "When the Levee Breaks" about how cool it would be for you guys to listen to their other track called "Black Dog". On another note, you might also wanna check out other interesting tracks like Ghost's "Year Zero", System of a Down's "Hypnotize" and Iron Maiden's "Aces High" (if your ears could bear to give them another chance, lol).Hope to see 'em on your channel sometime. Keep exploring guys!
- Marco Salazar: More disturbed!!!!!!
- hoosd42: The live version on Conan O’brien is way better than the studio version.
- Richard McLean: Howie Mandell 🤣
- ayeee160113: Yes this is the best cover of sound of silence. but this is no means the best of disturbed. Go listen to facade. Deceiver. Hell go listen to the entire indestructible album!!!
- 04beni04: Part of the reason a lot of people (myself included) find this version so powerful is that it's brilliantly done, but it also underscores really (really) well just how much of what the S&G version prophecied came true (or tru*er*). It sort of magnifies the effect.
- James Mooney: Ya'll need to check-out Master of War or Land of Confusion by this band.
- Janet Young: Censorship is silencing.
- sasquatch 32: The song is about a lack of communication in the world, real communication
- Jen Nelson: You can also take it or interpret it to a more recent problem. People arent talking to each other anymore because we're all so distracted by technology now. Most are buried in their phones and not making connections to that are closest to them. People who have the words written and the thoughts in their heads, but no way to express themselves and that is where music comes in and connects all of us.
- Derp Herpula: Please react to Be'lakor
- Derek Raynaud: This song is about a lack of communication, anyone who’s like “technology is ruining society that’s what it means” needs to go get a vaccination
- Kenny Haynes: Please do more Disturbed.
- Abbie VanDenBerg: As the writer Paul Simon said in the time of writing the song, it was about how nihilistic society became in the late 60's and early 70's. That's not to say that Disturbed's version couldn't be referencing the internet and all the distractions of modern society, not at all. I think this is simply a song about not stepping up and also about being dominated by the powers that be.
- Deathrider: You guys nailed the meaning pretty well, at least from what I understand of the song. Good reaction video. Just kind of stumbled on it, so I'll have to check out more of your stuff.
- Sheri M: For me the song is about media and talking heads on tv putting thoughts in our heads and screw us over while we all stay silent. The neon god is tv I think
- Shawn Buckels: Needed to see/hear the live version from conan
- theicedevil: I totally agree with them, the original is better. The Disturbed version is very good modern take of the song, but I love the haunting mood of the original Simon and Garfunkel version.
- XanomalyX: Did he try to go JRoc style? "You know what i'm sayin"
- Connor Wilburn: Sorry but simon and garfunkels will always be the best
- SlimGoody: Yes that's an amazing song, it gets me everytime...
- Allura Silverleaf: I agree with your interpretation. Also, I think that people talk without actually communicating and people hearing but not caring. They are too involved with "the neon gods" of technology.
- Aaron Lancaster: The Simon & Garfunkel version is better.
- raymond vasquez: since this isn't a Disturbed original I believe your viewers would have enjoyed it more if you focused on the execution of a cover not the meaning of the song.
- kondomonster: Neon God probably means the neon signs at a club or theater to perform their songs.
- Marty Bishop: George you are spot on about the lyrics at least I get the same feeling from the them.
- BnM: Please react to Metallica - Sanitarium Iron Maiden - Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- kevdotexe: Awesome reaction guys. If you haven't heard much Disturbed before this video, you should check out a little bit of their stuff, even if it's offline. They're a hard rock group, great gettin angry and working out music. Seeing this cover is really a testament to their musical versatility and talent, at least for me.
- MTG Guiltfeeder: Should have done “down with the sickness”...
- stormykeep: THE best voice in the metal world. Period.
- Ceevro: The neon god is all your pop stars...vapid...nothing to say...silence.
- James Taylor: It means music today sucks there’s no true meaning and there’s no instruments anymore along with what Denny sensation said
- Brian Panther: Deaf people! Speaking with hands. Singing songs with hands. Nobody hears what you are saying. It thought this was simple to interpret. I appreciate your analogy. Everyone walks away with their own interpretation.
- Helgi Már Friðgeirsson: Amazing song
- Helmut Koeckritz: Check out my band SPLIT THE SKYE https://youtu.be/BDJ2S2dj0JE
- Eduardo F: I hate this cover so much..hahaha
- Rhonda Alonso: I love the way it sounds & feels. It's play list for me!
- M1ke J: You complete and utter fools, you have no concept of what this song is about otherwise you would not keep stopping it to interject you own stupidity.It was a protest song from the 60s and in its original form was a little folksy. This cover gives it a darkness and a power that the original just never did and which you destroy with your inane chatter. If you are going to review a track, STFU and listen Note to self: Never listen to these two halfwits again.
- Chris Povey: Hate this song, doesn’t do the original or the lyrical content any justice, heaps of cover songs better than this, hell Metallica have a double album of cover songs and a lot of the songs are better than the originals. Check out stone sours cover of gimme shelter or Chris Cornell’s covers
- fishdemslabs: Such an awesome video too. RoN is becoming my favorite band so many great songs to choose.
- Josh Alexander: You guys need to do 1 on Bo Steele look him up on YouTube
- Zebulon Swearingen: Darrell Crawford Right on.
- morg106: This is one of the best covers ever! every time I hear it, it brings emotions to the surface, great reaction guys and well done to the disturbed Boys! If you haven’t done disturbed before try “Down With The Sicknesses”
- Marco Debart: The original is way better
- markeldamgaard: No offense but you guys are idiots to not understand the meaning of this song. It's even more relevant today.
- digitalsmithy: man this song is so damn cringe I just don't understand why anyone thinks it's good. Yea I liked distrubed....when I was 15 and pissed at the world with shit taste in music...
- booger12350: How about “Heart Breaker” by Grand Funk!
- Puny Gods: Temple of the Dog: Times of Trouble.
- John Bachmann: This is a great idea
- Tony Sorrow: +DragonsKindler disturbed is awesome when they do covers.
- robert Sullivan: The live version of the sound of silence by passenger is really good a lot of heart
- 92960004g: I don't like you keep interrupting the song...just let it play. Its a deep feeling song. It relates in so many diff areas in whoever listens to it. Its an amazing song with deep words.
- Wibo-: My Name Is Human by Highly Suspect
- E Kramer2: Never pointless to explore more Metallica, but there are so many bands.
- gaming freaks: +transmit13 you must be a nickelback fan.
- Shaun Weir: Now do "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed for a reference on their old sound
- Adam Cushing: In 2016 AXSTV had a concert series in the summer and Carolina Rebellion was the first concert they aired and this song was part of the Disturbed set and it was just friggen awesome
- M W: Bad wolves-zombie is a awesome cover
- Richie Jenkins: Broken- Seether!!
- Dquota: My thoughts: The digital era is killing the real music writers and instrumental artists. Death of a genre.
- Zord Commander: now i can never unsee Howie Mandel thanks guys for killing it forever. on a side note i have met all the disturbed members and they are awesome
- Demolition_Backhand: They should watch the live performance.
- Stephen Ulmer: Push it by Static X
- Swiggy Swagg: You guys HAVE to listen to Texas Flood by Stevie Ray Vaughan
- Tyler Bengel: Stricken guys it's a must listen
- jackandcoffee1145: Don't have to react to it, but he did a live duet with Myles Kennedy from Alterbridge and there's a good video of it on YouTube. It's really good. It would be cool to see y'all react/review to that video.
- J Donner: I always thought it was about unrealized ideals or dreams
- Godsban3: Volbear is so smooth even if I rarely know what he’s saying
- boss bully boy: Check out the live version, definately better live
- olavrell: Please do a reaction to Emperor - Ye Entrancemperium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk2v0TmKZDE or With Strength I burn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj_g0hpVUKw .
- Lee 8179: You should react to Alter Bridge - Words Darker than their Wings live at the royal Albert hall. Mind. Blowing!
- Patrick Tow: Hell yes! That whole album is badass.
- Tio Nino: Need to listen to the live version with the great Miles Kennedy, it raises the bar.
- Jan InsaneMTL: Guys, you got to check out Cypecore - The Hills Have Eyes =)
- jilllhunt: You should watch the 9-11 version of this video
- Dylan Harrington: Yes
- James Gaming: Id like to see you guys try some darker metal bands....Try Dissection- Where dead angels lie. Great guitar, lyrics are poetic and drums are solid....Break through the mainstream stuff....
- Gio Montgomery: I've heard this song since I was a kid, way before the advent of smartphones and social media. That interpretation of "the people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made" written in the early 60s, is an uncanny view of modern society glued in reverence to their smartphones, oblivious and walking silently past everyone around them. The sound of silence
- Scott Carter: Do Clutch. It will be worth your time and you will enjoy the band.
- Stephen Miller: People have moved from the true god and worship Satan instead .The false god they have made. Greed and power rule the world instead of love and compassion. Hell is getting fuller by the minute
- An Tran: Now do Nevermore’s superior cover of The Sound of Silence.
- Infinite Fantasy: You guys should do Bonnie Raitt’s classic “I can’t make you love me” as your next country song
- Kimberly Simpkins: I liked Peter Holland and Tim Court's version they stuck more to the original but with more layering of his and Tim s voice and it was all just those two singing it should check it out
- torchred99: Better...……….
- Alvaro Aguilar: Or Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower. Probably the greatest cover of all time
- Brendan Black: Ryan looked depressed the entire video
- Joe Caulfield: Nothing More - Go To War
- Ms Kofi: Yesssss this version.gives me chills
- Brian Jablonski: Love Disturbed hate this song
- Janie Miller: Always heard this song was about the aftermath of the Vietnam War. If you go back and listen to the lyrics with that in mind then it makes a lot more sense. It really matches the eerie tone
- Clint Mondragon: Disturbed Inside the Fire
- da324: Anyone who thinks this is the best cover ever needs to experience more covers! Maybe start with Jimi Hendrix doing Dylan's All Along the Watchtower for starters.
- Dylan Hedderich: Disturbed - Prayer
- Preston Knott: We went by randy houser
- Toopy Anne Binoo: Neon God I think is the glorification of religions maybe ? Just a thought
- Rohit Ninan: Guys!!!! Please do give Periphery a second chance!!!..... Wouod love to hear your thoughts on Absolomb or The bad thing!
- RYN04221: Do down with the sickness by disturbed!
- The Lavian: Downvoted for the fool that couldn't keep his hand off the fucking mouse.
- Jl Melrose: Disturbed most famous song is Down with the Sickness...may want to react to that.
- Joseph Harris: Youve heard Disturbed before. Everyone knows Down with the Sickness
- Eric McElveen: this sing was writer in the early 60sf
- nokmuay1970: You guys shoudl do Ryan Upchurch's "Simple Man" Cover. he sings multiple genres. A good example of him is Ryan Upchurch "Can I get an Outlaw" or "White Lightning" or check out Big Smo "Kickin it in Tennessee. the last 3 songs are more Hick Hop. Country rap sorta.
- Jay R159: a7x buried alive
- Andy Streets: Not the best cover ever. Great covers take on new meaning from the new artist. Try Johnny Cash's hurt or Metallica's turn the page.
- eduardo lopez: do some audioslave - the worm or soundgarden burden in my hand
- Lone Frydenlund: The little man with glasses - stop talking and listen and learn
- jason amos: Yes yes yes...Paradise, Bat...anything
- MrFitz4012: Soul patch !?!? I guess if one w As make of metal spikes !!
- Inchristalone777: @0:00 into the vid and TAKE YOUR LIKE!!!
- Hugh Livingston Barclay: It’s Political!! It’s about people who feel they don’t have a voice... up against the big cats who have all the say’ This song has nothing to do with ‘disturbed music video’
- Mitch Haelann: The song, IIRC, was about the death of art. It's a lament of musicians making cheap, low-quality music that nobody actually enjoys and just use as filler, and of people who think music is without value.
- Brendan Gibson: React to Polyphia- O.D.
- Michael Whitted: Disturbed-Either Stupify or Down With the Sickness.
- Jerred Boshears: The game
- Alexei Rojo Hernandez: Childish Gambino - Flight of navigator! 🙏
- Steven Dozier: Talk at the end! Let the lyrics flow through you
- Globalruin: Nothing More - God Went North Korn - Black Is The Soul
- Ritchie Ross: Shout 2000 and land of confusion are better covers imo.
- LordDragul Smitty: +Lawfy D. Ace Disturbed is generic through no fault of their own. They are generic because other bands followed their recipe for success. They are the progenitors for that they do
- David Madden: I agree
- Faye Osmond: Should check out the duet with Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge)
- Pat Schottenheimer: Anyone that thinks this is the best cover off all time is out of their entire mind. This is trash. The original is fantastic. His voice is annoying...
- Ida Roama: Check out Disturbed's Indestructible
- Cullen: React to Screaming Night Hog by Steppenwolf!
- Joshua Tom Jacob: Please watch disturbed and Myles Kennedy doing it together . If you liked this , then you will love the duo cover
- JM1990: I can't even listen to this version after hearing Disturbed do it live on Conan. People should have requested that one, Its so much more powerful than the music video. I also believe this destroys the original and I'm usually a hater of covers and remakes in any media
- William Hampton: Arguably one of the best written songs in musical history. Brilliant prose.
- Oli Bear: Interrupting the music n making a comment when the rest of the song isn’t done yet is annoying say bye Felicia 👎👎👎
- Jeremy Lacuna: I'm not sure about the best cover of all time. I still hold personal reservations for Mushroomhead's cover of "Crazy" (yes...the Seal song) & Five Ginger Death Punch feat. Tech N9ne "Mama Said Knock You Out." That said, Disturbed is an awesome band & this is yet another phenomenal cover by them. One side note I've always found interesting about this particular song is the line "ten thousand people maybe more." It just, for me anyway, has always been a subtle callback to their song (& album... where they coincidentally covered Phil Collins "Land of Confusion") titled "Ten Thousand Fists." If you haven't heard it, there's a line in the chorus where he sings "You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of ten thousand fists in the air."
- Dakota Little: You’ve got to listen to Keith Whitley don’t close your eyes. Or Gary Stewart empty glass!
- Jon Davis: I have three songs by Muse for you guys. In this order Uprising, United States of Eurasia, and finally Thought Contagion. The ideas posed by the lyrics of these three songs in order are absolutely astounding.
- Andrew Roberts: Feelin the live version so much better.
- ArkerTheGreat: At first I thought ya'll wouldn't take it seriously or try to really get it but the commentary was well paced and for the first time listening, INCREDIBLY intelligent and accurate. Just subbed. Proud to be here fam lol
- NuclearCha0s: I thought these guys knew a thing or two about music, lol.
- filippolo7: Thumb down
- La legende 1984: exodus bonded by blood
- Skavar4000: How about you do the LAME lyrics analysis AFTER the fucking song...
- Geneva Smith: I'm so sorry, I know I'm commenting a lot, but you should react to Disturbed, 'Down with the Sickness' and see the contrast of what you just heard. That's a sic song!😀😊
- mssrus: He sings with beauty, then near-moroseness, then urgency, then resolution. He brought the meaning of the lyrics into the hearts of every listener, bringing gasps, eliciting tears, and opening eyes. The visual renderings have an eeriness about them, morphing into hope. I love the transitions from one level to the next. Masterful work!
- John Bachmann: If they do Kiss My Ashes Goodbye they should make sure to do the full song and not just one part of it
- Eric Biddle: If you break it down right.... it's a "Anti-War" song from the Vietnam war era.
- Daniel Fernandez: you guys have to do some of disturbed's old stuff, some of the best rock songs out there
- Jay Velasquez: Nah, no no, Disturbed has many nice songs and this ain't one of them, no
- RishedeDOTcom: Todd Hoffman do it better https://youtu.be/X_7zghWA6QY
- Doug Turasky: the live version from the Conan O Brien show has over 84 million views, its phenomenal
- Dyan Hogue: Stop questioning your interpretation of lyrics. Everyone has their own interpretation that comes from the intersection of the poet's words and the listener's experiences. Our understanding and interpretations change over time as we accumulate more and more diverse experiences. Your interpretations are YOURS and are as valid as anyone else's.
- Chris Putnam: This is an awful cover. This is absolute trash from a mediocre band.
- Epicus Doomicus: Way better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMPqeoXc0FU
- frank ingram: Listen to Disturbed's performance on Conan with headphones...crazy good.
- Quad Clops: Still pushin for Audioslave - Like a Stone!
- William Goubeaux: Default wasting my time please
- mormacil: Amorphis - The Bee or Beast in Black - Blind And Frozen
- Vicki Harder: You guys should react to them doing this live on Conan! It’s incredible, I highly recommend!!
- Scott Hobbs: I disagree... I think this version does no justice whatsoever to the original... now it is more like "The Sound of Mediocre Rock Ballad"
- Johny Depp: Opeth-Sorceress
- ViNNiE KLuTcH: This band 🤣
- Dean Cerny: This version is way better than the original. There is way more feeling and pain in this version. Disturbed killed it. Its nothing like the Simon and Garfunkel Kumbaya version
- dahanks1: The guy out front should have realized that people would be watching his ugly, nailed face. What a freak. All this on top of the fact that he cannot sing. The louder he got, the worse his voice got. What a freak.
- PlunderAndPillage: Guns n' Roses Dead Horse!!!!!!
- Nick Hanson: Not a soul patch. Piercing I believe
- Joao Cabrita: hoping for pantera cemetary gates.
- Shawn E. Crapo: Talking without speaking/hearing without listening==social media. Propethic lyrics from 1964.
- Scuzzbopper: Zombie by Bad Wolves is another really really good cover.
- Diane Hicks: I would love to see you guys react to any female metal artist.
- denis burlage: Meaning people talking over each other but never really taking the time to listen to what other person has to say. Here me and my opinion regardless of your opinion.
- xPanic attackx: Check out Falling in Reverse Losing my Mind and Losing my Life
- Reeroy Life: +illegal kiwi at least ten thousand fists or something.
- D-Pinnit 77: Don’t hate this version of the song. I think their cover of Genesis’ song Land Of Confusion was better.
- Kevin Kiker: and they are incorrect Battlestar Galactica cover of all along the watch tower is the best cover.
- FiveClubWind: Wish you had explored something else of Disturbed. This cover is fine but you’d enjoy his voice in a metal setting even more.
- 757optim: George, I think you were getting the meaning. This was the Viet Nam era. The nation was torn. Old saying: You had to be there. Another old saying: History repeats. I like watching you guys analyze music upon a first listen. Also, this version was a first listen for me. Pretty cool. Kept waiting for a heavy metal explosion. Interesting interpretation of a S&G classic.
- Bill Buzzell: These are the people he sees writing songs that voices never shared and talking without speaking... https://youtu.be/4oO9zbQNiwg And no, they are not the lost ones. They just can't talk and write yet and still got a jump on all of us. Mark 10[15] Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. The one in neon flashing out warnings would obviously be "Mickey Mouse" aka Michael the Archangel... Dan.12 [1] And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
- Fo'ad Salmanian: Chills, literally getting chills listening to the song for the thousandth time
- Josue Briseno: Down with the sickness?!?!?!?
- Hammer Drummer: guys it is time for tool again ! it has been too long. Your choices are: the grudge, pushit, wings for Marie part 1 and 2, right in two, vicarious, schism, the patient or ænema
- Dialysisforever: I hope you guys checked out Disturbed's other music. I was not expecting this from them. Thanks for the video.
- Daryl Dunaway: Down with the sickness, if y'all wanna dig into more Disturbed.
- Miles Henley: This song live at aftershock in 2016 brought me to tears.
- Jade Stäup: This is a terrible song. All this work they have done and you suggest this? Wow..
- manfredmar: Dream Theater the best of Times :)
- Endorphins27: Who doesn’t know the original....especially at his age. Common man.
- Charging Bear: Stopping for the Howie comparison was mint. Had me cracking up.
- Hunter Doucette: React to STRICKEN, OPEN YOUR EYES, and ARE YOU READY 😁😎😎 by far my favorite songs from them✊✊🤘💪💪💪
- stewy37: My favorite is Stricken, and I've been asking for that to be reacted to for a while. I'd be happy with any of the songs you listed.
- Sven Reinfrank: Guys, your videos are really dope... But maybe you accept one little tipp: DON'T INTERRUPT THE CLIPS TALKING ABOUT LYRICS... do it after the song! That always kills the power of songs!
- freakshopusa: +Tartuffe the Spry Wonder Dog it looks like the video was removed by request of UMG https://youtu.be/_GjXVFlYlLA
- Chris Bibber: The original was meant to be a warning of what was to come if no one spoke to break the monotony of silence. This cover, was produced to portray the anger that the warning was not listened to, and now, we are dealing with as a people the strife, and divisions of the world.
- OnTrack Stack: Song about the soul
- Matt G: You should review the version of this song by the band Bobaflex.
- sleepy panda: Ciara - Paint it black
- Brandon Therrell: Dream Theater - In The Name Of God
- Jason Miller: he look like howie … you look like westbrook
- tendeadgods: christian metal please
- Sans2198: Thanks for all the great videos and staying true to your opinions on all genres of music. Please continue to stay true to your real reactions, its the best part of your content.
- JDizaster: I think you guys sold yourselves short by A) watching the video instead of just listening to the song (it's distracting AF), and B) stopping the video - I know that's part of your thing, but this song in particular is powerful because of how it grows and builds.
- daredevilnb: Stone Cold Crazy by Queen. One of their more aggressive tracks.
- Derek Albanese: As a huge Disturbed fan I have a few things to say about this song: Honestly, I would not consider this the best cover ever.. I would rank covers based on how well they improve on the original, but this cover is like a new song that accidentally got the same exact lyrics. Disturbed takes a dark and powerful tone versus S&G’s eerie and even satirically happy tone. For best covers, I would say something like: Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put a Spell On You (original by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, for those who may not know) I also don’t think this is a good song for a reaction video as “build-up to big finish” songs tend to be. I would like them to do more Distubed because I think they would like their hype and powerful style. Some suggestions: Stricken Guarded Indestructible Criminal
- Strung Up: I think I might be the only person who doesn't like that song. I feel like I'm missing out
- ruric thar: You should do something by Chris ledoux
- godfreyrt: David Draiman is a classically trained artist, from my understanding he contracted an illness in his vocal cords and after healing and getting rid of it he noticed he could sustain the rough growling notes and make the sound he is known for in their song Down with the Sickness. I love their music the musicianship and the lyrics are very well organized and well written. I have listened to them since the early 2000's! Everyone is right this is a great cover but the sound they are known for is close to the end of the song they have some really good songs though.
- V.F.D. [Vicariously Feeling Demographics]: Motionless in White: Voices
- Jahoragin94: You guys should definitely check out an original from Disturbed. I'd recommend Stricken, a real headbanger which is a huge contrast to this.
- Jake Evans: Don’t Take the Girl by Tim McCgraw!
- Ethan Hope: I take this song as saying there are thousands of people who have voices that nobody are hearing out. The people with the music have words unspoken and in order for those messages to be heard you need an instrument to do so. You need to stop sitting in silence and say something regardless of if you think it doesn't matter. If you keep your thoughts to yourself, no one will ever hear you. Also I think that "the neon gods" are people who are being heard but are toxic. People who are speaking but don't have a good message and the only reason why they are famous is because WE as a society made them to be.
- Phyllis 9654: Can you please do a reaction video to, Lost On You by LP. She is an absolutely wonderful singer.
- Todd Richmond: Liquid garbage.
- Kevin Baijens: The greatest cover ever is Blind Guardian's version of The Chordettes' Mr. Sandman. Obviously. ;)
- Chris Andreev: I've honestly never been particularly fond of this cover. The original is infinitely better in my opinion. Good reaction, though!
- brandon g: Love The original..to be honest i dont get this one..trying to hard maybe? Either way its missing something in my opinion?
- cole mcgregor: Watch Olympic figure skating with this song absolutely perfect
- Giovani Bottesini: Now check out the Nevermore version
- John CoC: I wouldn't necessarily call this the best cover of all time, I would usually term a great cover as a version where the artist really makes it their own. I would probably rank Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah, Johnny Cash - Hurt, Jimi Hendrix - Star Bangled Banner well above this cover, heck I would even rate Me First and the Gimme Gimmes - End of the Road higher.
- Michael Kirkland: Plus, you're hilarious in areas. Haha it's 4am I'm home from bowling and drinking but you guys keep me laughing .... sincerely "That guy"
- Mitch McKillip: What a soggy turd. Took a good, but overplayed song and turned it into radio metal bullshit.
- TheCrusherDrago: Guys Tool Schism pleaseee
- freekmccoy1: Can you do a REACTION to the band Symphony X ..The Odyssey https://youtu.be/MaN3pwBsRf8
- Brian Fletcher: You should listen the whole song then comment......
- Stacey Hayes: You guys should check out Clout Cobain by Denzel Curry
- Alexander Coburn: The best cover of all time is Hurt by Johnny Cash.. it's so good Nine Inch Nails (the original writer) said its his now.
- Ts s: It is a song about segments of society not being heard. We are too rapped up in material things. We don't listen to each other, this song was written in the era of the Vietnam war.
- Seofthwa: You should do John Denver.
- Childish Mandingo: Please do Domination by Pantera next!!
- Michaelangelo Costello: Song has to do with the Vietnam war... old song from another era
- Hoosier Daddy: Cool. You guys always do great vids..
- Jackie Lopez: to bad they SUCK live!
- Adam Sandoval: Awesome reaction, garbage cover.
- SignoftheMagi: Neon God = TV. Also, the lead singer is a classically trained singer, specifically jewish hymns and such (I forget the proper name for it).
- Louis V: not a fan of disturbed myself.. good reaction though.
- LucianoG Benitez: Slipknot-vermillion. PLEASE!!
- Nick Santangelo: I want to do reaction videos but I have no idea how to start. Any help would be appreciated
- Timed Revolver: From what I understand, y'all hit what Simon and Garfunkel intended with the original. So, props for that.
- Jason Wohl: System of a Down - Soil Tool - Prison Sex
- Kaizoku-o: Question. What makes a cover a "perfect cover "? Cuz i think Death's painkiller cover is perfect.... also their God of Thunder cover of KISS lol
- Annie Manross: I think it's one of those songs that everyone has a different interpretation and meaning of what they hear. Nobody is wrong. It's going to mean something different to everyone.
- Barb Walk: Don't forget this was originally recorded in the early 60's. I thought that this was fabulous. The best version I have ever heard.
- sukie584: Blech. that anger is so forced. I'll take the original any day. This is like the equivalent of the singers who do vocal gymnastics that add nothing to the song but people eat it up.. so pedestrian.
- Omar Rodriguez: Periphery - Absolomb
- SweetLikeCyanide: Mercedes Miko it also just seemed to make more sense coming from her, to me at least. It felt more powerful when I heard her version, much like the first time I heard Cash's Hurt.
- I-BLANDON-I: I love me some disturbed but their music stays the same every album feels like a sequel.
- Dave H: Dooooiiiiit! Judith!!
- Jvaughn: Love Disturbed...hate this cover
- Don Olathdaron: Disturbed is a great band and Dave is a great singer. Check out Indestructible by Disturbed I think you’ll like it.
- Caleb Bro: https://youtu.be/d_KxReI-gDo This link will explain it
- Vasilis Metalhead: Though i'm not a nighwish big fan i'd love to see their faces if they'd listen to them!
- Nuggets, Boi: Hey guys, great reaction once again. I love the discussion you guys are not afraid to engage in. This doesnt touch the orginal for me, but it is a unique and interesting take. Another version of this song that you might like to hear is one where Paul Simon sings it solo. It is angry, nihilistic, and very sobering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzsaE68IfXI
- Dan C: I don't care what song, but you guys gotta do more Disturbed reactions!
- karend169: Okay, not a soul patch, they are piercings
- Ultimate Warrior: god this cover is SO TRASH HAHA absolutely terrible. i cant listen to this song start to finish its impossible. god jesus lord help me this song is torture
- Dimetal1984: At the Gates - Slaughter of the soul
- Kenneth Elser: judas priest beyond the realms of death
- Sabin Acle: Most intense and perfect cover of all time
- MrAdidas1980: This cover is actually infinity times better than the original, which was even said by the man (one of two men) who created this song S&G. To say this was a bad cover, just means anything that you have to say about music, I would pretty much think the opposite. "his vocals sound bad live" - dude try listening to the live version they did on Conan, which Paul Simon basically said that "the sound of music" was no longer his song, that's how good the live version of this song was, yet you claim he's terrible live?!? People/musicians have this guy ranked in the top 10 of best vocals in modern music. You have lost all credibility when it comes to critiquing/criticizing any type of music.FYI: check out all the videos of this song mostly live on Conan by music coaches or music teachers who actually know what they're talking about. Then I read your comment, is so laughable, there are 2 morons who agree with you, yet the guy who created this song, gave this version such praise... SMH!!! BTW: I'm not a fan or a hater of disturbed, but this song, this version... is pure talent on a whole different level.
- Will Schramm: It's such a great song that most covers will be really, really good.
- FreakshowsCircus: Born to die by Black Stone Cherry
- Marilee Cornelius: David has a huge range tho?
- edwoll77: I think you guys had a really good perspective on what the lyrics of the song are trying to convey.
- Iron word: simon wrote songs in his bathroom in the dark, he wrote this one in that same bathroom when he was having a tough time working something out....hello darkness my old friend was that beginning......the rest is history...
- boredtothemaximum: I’VE BEEN HOPING YOU’D REACT TO THIS 😱
- Jim Amos: If you haven't already done it, Seven Nation Army by White Stripes
- FozzyBrah: disturbed indestructible
- eric brown: Simon and Garfunkel is so much better than this cover. I don't get the love
- Bayou Boys: Crossroads sell your soul to the devil to be the best "Crossroad head chopping" @KbMQ
- nic olson227: Do "Stricken" by DISTURBED. Gotta do it!
- James Wright: The “original” disturbed sound? That’s off their 3rd album 😂
- CeeCee Sounds: My dad watches this channel frequently and I LOVE this song I had asked if you guys had ever went through it and he said no. Woke up to a text this morning "Your wish came true". Im so glad you covered this song!
- Drake Parker: Hahaha I've been saying it ever since forever that Howie Mandel and David Draiman resemble a lot! :D I like this cover over the original one 100x more, but that's just me. Could you please do Asylum as your next Disturbed song?
- Christopher Juneman: You guys should check out All That Remains- This Calling
- MrTech226: Speaking of Simon & Garfunkel, Paul Simon who written their version sent an email to David Draiman stating that he loved Disturbed's cover.
- 1 jay: Disturbed stricken or land of confusion
- Robert Colvin: so true. both the original and this one are great. like Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston, Dolly had a really pretty but sad sound where as Whitney had a very powerful and soulful sound...oh lol of course i am talking about I Will Always Love You. Loved them both. Liked your review
- Charles Envosoft: My take on the meaning: The words of Dr. Martin Luther King: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” It would be bellicose to interpret each line of every verse, so I focused on the result--that is the last line in each verse and the verse’s premise. The first verse was visions. The result: Visions (thoughts/dreams) still remains within the sound of silence. The second verse was sensory. The result: A FLASH (to see) touched the sound of silence. The third verse was a lot of people (10K). The result: Didn’t disturb the sound of silence. Fourth verse was spoken words. The result: Words failed and echoed in the wells of silence. Fifth, final verse was the sign speaking on behalf of the oppressed - emotions: The result: Whispered in the sound of silence. Thus, we find that none of our human efforts (visions/dreams, see/touch, sheer numbers, words/Gods/emotions) truly affects the sound of silence. The only one that came close was emotions (music, art, poetry, -- things written, things that last beyond the individual and can be used as signs for the next generation). Written is very important because things written can be read and communicated in silence. The song’s verses listed every component of humankind’s ability to superficially mitigate silence, but, in the end, it was only a whisper. Because in the end, that's what we are, whispers in the never-ending sound of silence.
- Chance Campbell: Definitely check out Distrubed, Down With the Sickness, Stricken, Inside the Fire, etc
- Bethan Handley: The ' soul patch ' is a double lip piercing 😂
- Bullet: I would love to see you fellas react to any song from man with a mission
- Brian Ross: Diamond Rio - You’re Gone
- Hoon Good: Van Halen Mean Street
- tf 20: Its About a World with out Music
- Igornopolis: +aderi31415 Oh lord.. No, it was not. Horribly uninspired and regurgitated p.o.s. Hard to believe actually, that the same band that wrote Mer de Noms and 13th step back in the "good 'ol days". Those were efforts of a envelope pushing, creative minds that had fresh ideas and fully charged musical integrity. Those days are long gone for APC me thinx...But we all have different perceptions of reality. Music is universal. Yes.. Cheers.
- Jason Hatherlee m1ghtysauc3: Oh god...
- Arnas Dre: They should have listened live version of this performed at Conan show.
- Toxic Todd: Maybe punk rock vids soon?
- James Henderson: Compared with there other stuff, this cover is lame..
- majmunko23: fucking YES
- KPhoenix: Disturbed - Land of Confusion by Phil Collins and Disturbed - Midlife Crisis by Faith No More to me are better in style of bringing a new light yet still keeping true to the original, I PERSONALLY feel this song is overrated but it's still decent.
- DAN CURRIN: You need to check out Disturbed The Light. Being a volunteer FIRE Fighter. He was buried badly in a STRUCTURE FIRE and burned his face and had to do recover. There's Light in the darkness of life. My former bother was almost burned to death. Makes you stronger and think that could have been me. You definitely need to check out more of Disturbed. There songs are powerful. Hit me back. Dan.
- Samuel Ramphall: Metal is so beautiful when it is acoustic or toned down like this, it has a power beyond sheer volume or speed. Another attempt!! Dream Theater: Lines in the Sand (Once in a Live Time version), The Root of All Evil, Take the Time. Mudvayne: (Per)version of a Truth, Not Falling, A World so Cold (album version).
- TheFingerlessWonder: You guys ever listen to a song that just gives you goosebumps? The climax of this song is one of those for me.
- greasegun34: I thought they did an incredible job on "Shout" as well. I never actually listened to the lyrics until I heard Disturbed perform it. All of Disturbed's covers are really good.
- Wade Hensley: Guys....Ten Thousand Fists, and DEIFY are amazing tracks from Disturbed. Even if you dont review them, check em out.
- LaDon Hilley: Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" is a song I would appreciate your opinion on please.
- Jake Sinkey: Check out Monuments or Polyphia!!
- Ian McAlister: I might be too late for this to get noticed, but I wanted to mention a bit of the meaning behind the original version. Simon and Garfunkel wrote this around the time when television was first becoming commonplace in the average american household. They shared the view at the time that TV would bring about a sort of "societal death". The "sound of silence" being the idea that, while TV's make plenty of sound, nothing worthwhile was being said. As a side note, Rush parodied some of the lyrics to this song in Spirit of the Radio: "The words of the profits are written on the studio walls, concert halls. And echo with the sound of salesman..." Basically saying that TV wasn't bringing anything new to the table. Radio was already mostly advertising. Anyways, love you guys!
- Wolf †: Megadeth - My Last Words
- Joshua Dillon: Land of Confusion or The Animal by Disturbed
- Archie K: Cross between Howie Mandell and the agent from Californication.
- Kathy Young: George is freakin crazy. 😂😂
- Johnny Thacker: Sawyer Brown “The walk”... beautiful, full circle, Daddy song.
- Joe Carter: If you are a veteran or public safety person, this version of this song speaks to the fact that your darkest memories and visions revisit you at moments of silence. Sleep is not an escape sometimes but a review of shit you wish you could forget.
- Danny P KNT/33/HB: He's got that voice...
- The Warrior: Yes, very powerful.
- Luliby: Nevermore also covered this song, many years ago. Their version was, except for a few nods to the original, basically a song they wrote with the lyrics to Sound Of Silence. It's not a bad cover, but I do like that Disturbed covered the song and made it their own without completely changing it so that it doens't even resemble the original.
- William Furrey: Please watch and listen to the " Conan " version.....You will be blown away !!!!!!
- b carb: Wow,I really like this cover...goosebumps.
- Scott Hobbs: I always picture people who listen to disturbed as the same people who always ask to speak to the manager.
- MrMetuber1: Think suicide. Visits DARKNESS again. People talking without speaking (dead not able to communicate with the living). Etc, etc, etc.....
- Scream Bloody Gore #DeathMetal: Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face Behemoth - Ov Fire & The Void Opeth - Blackwater Park Death - Lack of Comprehension
- Tamarama: Relevant to our times. Written in ... ready for it?...1965. Scary resonance here ... Bless all who live here in 2018. Peace and Love to all ...
- Azazyel: Just thank you. I love your view on this, it expanded mine
- Andres Hurtado: Please do an album review of the sin and the sentence. Keep up the hard work
- JediEdin: Need some Symphony X already lol. Inferno (unleash the fire) Sea of lies Smoke and mirrors
- Daniel: Yes it is. Good call
- Runswithwind: Been watching your Channel since you was only at 36,000 viewers. Love what rock songs you pick!!!! Please stay away from old rock... pick some newer rock. I’m sick of Kiss, Pink Floyd and ac/dc.
- Junior McDaniel: If this is the greatest cover ever they've never heard Chris Cornell's Billy Jean or his cover of nothing compares to you by prince
- Desiree Brackin: This is Awesome
- Matthew Burridge: Believe it or not the live version is better.
- Salman Tahir: So when are you guys reacting to Megadeth’s best song “In My Darkest Hour”
- Christos Fanaris: By the way the best cover of all time is By far.. And mean By far... Metallica - Am I Evil... its so similar to the original but with the tallica magic
- Stephen Mason: This comment wins the internet for me today.
- LongandWeirdName: Oldschool neon signs had a very distinct hum. One you could only hear in complete silence. They also usually spelled out words in a silent but flashy, so, in a way, loud way. Just two seemingly obvious things to remember while interpreting this one.
- Isaac Simpson: The song was written when the country was literally being torn apart
- Ivan Alvarado: Metallica whiplash please old grungy song
- Isaiah Boyd: The sing is about people not able to communicate and love one another, the neon god is a TV set, people watch it and its like a God to them, they have no time for others cause there to into worshiping there TVs so to speak
- IamBigNizz: Best cover of all time? Get that weak stuff outta here. That autotuned bull shit makes my penis soft. Check out Bobaflex's cover of the same God damn song!
- indcsion: Best cover song would be jimi hendrix all along the watchtower.
- Michael Harrell: try Disturbed - "down with the sickness"
- Євгеній Стогній: Йобані ж ви рагулі! Та прослухайте спочатку пісню а потім аналізуйте її!!!
- MrSuspenser: Please do a song from the new Twenty One Pilots album Trench! Neon Gravestones, Leave the City, and Pet Cheetah are all really good tracks, but really hearing your take on any of the songs from them would be much appreciated :)
- kirk morton: Lol! I agree with u completely that David Draiman looks like Howie Mandel, always thought I was the only one
- Richard Bexborn: the original heavy version by Simon and Garfunkel is much much better, and ironically heavier!
- John Nicodemus: Simone & Garfunkles original song was a warning of the abyss of people no longer connecting and caring. Disturbed's version is a slap in the face to wake people and get back to faith. S&G were deeply spiritual. David Draiman, singer for Disturbed is classically trained in Opera, hense the ochestral arrangement of his version. Lead singer of a metal band and a classically trained vocalist. Irony or what?
- KavaMoto: Do another disturbed video this was way out of their normal.
- Heiko R: Now listen to Nevermore's version of The Sound of Silence and be blown away (in one way or another...).
- jakeybball: tailsof1Leo Disturbed is garbage and so is this cover. The whole point of this song was it was supposed to be simple and quiet and they ruined it.
- Jorge Barron: I get why it was the most requested, but for an analysis of Disturbeds sound in their best tracks, would have to be their Believe album. Most would recommend Prayer, I personally would recommend Remember if you ever do another take on the band. Its full, has great vocal range, beefy guitars as well as melodies. Overall the best of what I believe theyve composed together as a band without one element oversaturating the rest.
- Mickey Thompson: You should watch the 9/11 tribute video 💔
- martin0815123: serisously you mofos wouldnt understand garfunkel Songs in a hundred of years, i tell you the secret before you start another disturbing clickbaitvideos, their Songs are all about war in Vietnam, believe it or not you can find out yourself
- David Harris: Do a reaction to this cover the young girls voice is amazinghttps://youtu.be/IKOP3Bz7Jyc
- wvusmc: Testament did a great job with that cover.
- Nick Chucky: Steve Vai - Tender Surrender!!! It start smooth with a Jazzy vibe, to pass through a Bluesy moment, to definitely jump into Heavy Rock until the end.
- Al Mendez: Do some slipknot or system of a down!
- Tony Sorrow: If that's the case, you should've used their other cover - Land of Confusion
- slearl: Please watch/react to the Conan version. Case closed.
- Bgtip: The Sound of Silence - Disturbed feat. Myles Kennedy. That's what you want to listen to ;)
- Adam Šima: Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes to Midnight ! - Fear of the Dark ! Pleeeeeeaaaseeeee !!!
- The Alpha Male: Refers to Censorship
- Raquel Bargas: Disturbed is awesome! Give their other music a listen! :)
- imjusttoogood: Tremonti - A Dying Machine
- Chris Hanson: You guys I think are close when there is this silence between people and I think music is what the song writer was trying to say brings people together I dunno great reaction and song
- Cyberbean: You finally did this song!
- T.J. Cunningham: This seems like it can spell the end for Disturbed in a way. They were already a successful band but this cover put them into icon status, but just for this song. Now I’m not all that familiar with their catalog, but I’ve never heard a song from them in this style. They’ll get credit from the ignorant that they wrote this song as well. So a song that isn’t theirs is the peak of their career, where do they go? Will further records be listened to or will they have to try to repeat this formula.
- Stephen Davis: Hey man, I think you're close with your interpretation. You guys said technology... Imagine trying to talk to 10,000 people all on their smart phones. These lyrics may have been a bit ahead of their time.
- deadwithoutabeat: The live performance in Houston with Myles Kennedy gives the full harmonic picture too! That one's my fav. Either way, this cover in whatever variety gives me chills.
- Kate Champion: Randolph Hoganzer the very first time I saw a video of theirs, that is EXACTLY what I thought.
- Dwain Henry: Dude with the glasses has mastered the art of stopping the songs at the worst possible time.
- SuperElectro12: You should do more of Disturbed it is right in your wheelhouse guys: Powerful music with clean voice. I am pretty sure you are going to like their music. I recommend: Inside the fire, Stricken, Down with the Sickness, Prayer and lot more.
- Marty Jordan: Slipknot....snuff
- Doyle Randall Ashcraft: My first time to be here on your channel fellows-thanks for the great music and intelligent discussion of it!
- alex day: Black piece of shit You are ignorant and please show that not all of you are idiots please
- Jodi Kasapidis: You really need to do Nothing More - This is the Time
- Daniel Nevarez: Puya - Erizo or Numbed or Oasis. Time for some Latin Metal. Make it happen.
- A box of Soap: I'd love it so much if I could get y'all to listen to Northern Fires (Guernica) by Silent Planet, or Excuse Me by Fire From The Gods :) Get y'all into some metalcore
- wormspeaker: David Draiman doesn't have the vocal chops for this cover.
- Phill Rufus: +Kristoffer Lodesjö I know, but I'm only talking about this particular cover. Context and meaning can change. This cover is a completely different tone to the original, like most Disturbed covers. When any artist covers a song they usually do so with a different sound, emotion and meaning, often as a way to show people their personal take away and interpretation. It doesn't invalidate the original, just redirects it.
- Collin Beal: I need this
- kevin williams: i been waitingggggggggggggggg
- TW: The live version is even better
- Brett Penning: Thank you guys so much for reacting to this song!!!
- MetallicA29: This suggestion is tremendous!
- transmit13: Great. Now I'm going to get ear cancer.
- John Crane: Gag. Love the original. Not this version. It's better than the live versions they attempt though. Too much forced anger. When it was written, the emotion wasn't forced. This seems pretentious.
- Lance James: Wow you guys did it nice
- Tyler Bengel: Gotta give these guys another chance down with the sickness or stricken
- Brian Jablonski: Johnny cash hurt
- JordanJamesAW: They did a live version of this with Alter Bridge singer Myles Kennedy that's worth a listen.
- scidgy: the under statement of the year
- Layla Li: Ther ya go boiz, now react to down with the sickness!!!!😈
- Geneva Smith: You guys are on point! 'Neon Gods they made" technology. 'People talking without speaking', everyone being right next to each other and are texting instead of having an actual conversation with the person next to you or in front of you. You guys got it! Words in this song very powerful...if you really listen to them. 😉 Thank you again!
- Zao Long Wei: the way he sings sounds very fake(phony).
- hans maulwurf: I dont get that...everytime a good band covers a good old song i dont like it (Maybe imagine from tool) but i cant hear that on normal radio.Everytime at work when i hear that i think they need money
- Sergio checho: Is this better than simon and garfunkel original version? hehe people are funny ....
- Affecting Mandela: Avatar Bloody Angel
- paul STARKS: 10000 fists is my jam
- Greatdivider2001: He can sing, that's for sure.
- Drizzin: Great video as always. A great cover. Check out the live version from conan o Brien show. Even more powerful
- Brian A. Nichols: Some songs don't need new versions. This is one of them IMO.
- EZtutorials Español: Periphery - Erased Ft: John Petrucci
- rahul martis: Nib-type o negetive the best cover ever
- Scotty Thew: Well you would joy the music in the song every would just shut up and listen to it.
- fuck you: This cover is trash. Listen to the original. Sounds like a Christmas carol.
- Toni Francis: I hope you guys watch some other songs from Disturbed because then you can get a feel for how powerful this undertaking from them is. Their music is is incredible, and David Draiman (singer) has a voice that can gravel it with the best of them....moreso in fact!
- Tiffany Bellou: Keep the wolves away by uncle lucius!!!!!
- Sticky Bandit: I guess I’m just biased. Saw disturbed plenty of times and one of the most boring shows, his vocals sound bad live, and he stands there and beats his chest with his fist every now and then. The original song has some of the best harmony in modern music, this cover is bad.
- Northeast Outdoors: Bad wolves-Zombie cover of the cranberries
- Cordero: yes he looks like howie mandel
- Benjamin Teeter: Been waiting for this forever. This isn't even Disturbed's best version though. The best cover was the live performance on Conan.
- Whitney Davidson: The song is ultimately about death. Doesn't matter where we come from, who we are, or the color of our skin....we all meet death on equal terms.
- Lee Ann: Must say, while I really, really like Disturbed--I prefer Simon & Garfunkel.
- Jaime Irles: Boring
- Jason: Valid Point why don’t you use the fucking search bar?
- Ethan Rothrock: Anthem Greta van fleet
- Alejandro Quezada: Enough of this weak ass metal. Do some real old school death metal. Do Deicide, Death, Cannibal Corpse or Bloodbath
- jeffrey therrien: Jeff buckley hallelujah is the best cover.
- chickenator84: The greatest cover of all time is Simple Man covered by Shinedown.
- vMufasa: you should listen to Disturbed - Indestructible to really understand him and the softer side of him in this cover.... disturbed has some really deep lyrics
- Pete Healey: Man you guys should check out the version with Disturbed and Myles Kennedy
- Clevername: it's about us....
- daredevilnb: You guys already heard the greatest cover of all time = With a little help from my friends by Joe Cocker.
- Reborn: Holy... I’ve never seen so much dislike for this song in any comment section but here, this song is amazing, people need an ear extraction for sure lol
- Plinkage: i gotta admit i love the original to death. this is cool. but meh.
- Zebulon Swearingen: Thrungey Anything by Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble.
- Ivaylo Iliev: Deftones - 7 Words
- jimicrack29 thibodeaux: simon an garfunkle so all just copy an think itss new ??? baloney all are who copy there lazy an just no motivation to write a original song music for them self .
- Master Vol: I'm not a big fan of this cover. But this song is one of the greatest ever written, hands down. And I absolutely love the original. It sounds decades ahead of it's time.
- Mieshia TrynaMakeIt: Omg ive been wanting to ask someone but on that song ...the part where its like he talking as a child on Down with the sickness...what was it?? I love that song too and also stupify my fav...
- Per Svensson: Haken - cockroach king | very fun prog rock
- ChiliHome Pie: I love y'all, but you guys fucked up this one. Much love. Just thinking freely and giving a real response to your reaction.
- Anthony Cook: +john doe Wasn't aware of that... thanks for adding to my understanding of history. I always love learning new things.
- janis317: This was released in 1964, when the Vietnam war was just starting to ramp up and just after Kennedy was killed.
- Julie Tallman: I’ve been waiting for y’all to review this one. I’ve always liked the song The Sound of Silence but when Disturbed came out with their cover I loved it! It’s in my top 5 on my playlist. Would love for you to review one from 2014. It’s X Factor Australia 2014 - The audition of 14yr old Marlisa Punzalan sings “Yesterday” by the Beatles. It’s different and truly beautiful. She actually won that season. https://youtu.be/GfikkBPKRWY Thank you for reading. I love, love, love watching you review all the different songs. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Peace and love! ✌🏼❤️
- DAVID DEITRICK: Quit stopping song in good parts. Ruined song
- m4570d0n: please do PROTEST THE HERO
- Daddymatt00: This is the absolute WORST cover, and the worst song to come out in a long time. I cannot stand it. This is a perfect example of a band who has faded out of the scene. Then the record company follows the formula: do a cover and hype it up enormously. All the top 40 cock rockers will gobble it up and act like it was brilliant.. please, oh please, retire Disturbed. You are complete garbage. You will NEVER make an album on par with the first 2 albums.
- Robert Cox: this is the first time ive heard someone really touch on the true meaning of this song
- Dodomando: Pink Floyd - the Great gig in the sky
- Fist Full Of Java: The song was originally released in 1966, so the lyrics that you're figuring out were from that time. There was a lot of discord, civil rights movement, all kinds of activism in that time. But this was the birth of our moden era. So it very well could be early technology, computer, TV, materialism, etc.
- WRproductions98: Cosmo pyke - Chronic sunshine, hes a young uk artist.
- Kelly Reynolds: Dudes, that is David Draiman and Disturbed...that's all that needs to be said. Sad you guys don't know who they are. The neon gods?? Really? You DON'T know??? Check your friggin' cell phone....that's the neon god......get a clue guys...Deadman has complete and total control of his voice. Some day go see Disturbed in concert. This particular song is even better live. Not to mention every song they play....but, thanks for your view point. I enjoyed it, and it makes me open my ears so I actually hear and not just listen...
- eddie sexton: Holy shit he did not write this song people it is a cover although he did a great job
- dixxietrixx: I think the neon God represents commercialism..
- Brad .M: Too bad they concentrated on the video and not the actual song. These guys aren't serious music critics what with making fun of his appearance before they ever had a chance to listen to him really sing.
- jose maciel: In terms of covers I rank this at the top right behind Johnny cashs version of hurt just the emotion I get from these are just wow
- james gribble: Dire Staits - Sultans of Swing
- Kallen Lacy: I’m amazed you guys were able to pause it at any point! Wow so powerful!
- C & C Window Cleaning: oh my goodness...its chief Krusko
- Diana Eggen: He and captures you in the beginning you listen you're noddong your head as I did but when he gets to the power point you go silent it's not the separation of communication or breaking. my friend it's a separation of Souls the prophecy is written by the time you hear 200 times you get it. fantastic song. Without our souls we are nothing dig deeper you're thinking too superficial. It's the warningwe worship everything superficial but our soul needs something else
- Jimmie Hicks: It's a masterpiece that pays homage to the original. Your simplistic and childish analysis truly shows how closed minded you are.
- Terron Hefley: Wow you guys finally wandered into My Domain! The song is a masterpiece about life after the Kennedy assassination. Horrible cover tho. Just makes me want to listen to the original. Disturbed is amazing. But to really understand them you need to listen to "Down with the sickness".
- Angela Costello: Look up the one of Disturbed with Myles Kennedy, it's amazing.
- Loose 88: https://youtu.be/Hc_kOX6xkAQ
- Kazeshini: I made the same mistake to listen to the original before listening to this cover and it biased my opinion of the cover greatly on the bad side. Because of that i didnt give this song a second try. That was foolish of me because the next time i listened to it i was floored to how good it was.
- Daniel Salazar: Dare I say that it may be time for more Alice in Chains? If not... I really think Tool should be covered again. You probably get tired of hearing that, but all of Tool's music is so different. Parabol/Parabola, Vicarious, Jambi, You Lied are all great. Their whole discography... I've never heard a song I didn't like from them. Maybe I'm a tool-head. Maybe you shouldn't judge me lol
- Tartuffe the Spry Wonder Dog: Primus-John the Fisherman, Tommy the Cat, My Name is Mud Metallica-The Four Horsemen
- MRJ2012: Well the writer of this song loved it
- Zebulon Swearingen: Kelly Reynolds Disturbed is a super-tight unified sounding band. I heard they’re excellent live.
- Hawkan Johansson: Tool - Vicarious. Lyric video. Pretty please? 😊
- 1ofsolitude: Love stupify, amazing song, actually that whole damn album is amazing.
- Danielle XOXO: Great jobs guys!! As usual! ❤️
- Santa Claus: it was a protest to the vietnam war
- Zaydas: you guys should react to the live version
- Atheist in Alabama: I don't give a 💩 who u are, that mug can sang!!!! This song is old as hell but more relevant than ever now, too many damn folks roaming around that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground!!! But that's a rabbit hole for another comment section😉 When y'all gonna react to some Pearl Jam Black unplugged??? Bring on my man Eddie Vedder 😍
- TakerRIP66: I'm not 100% sure which of the two but I know that either Paul Simon or Art Garfunkel gave very high praise of this version because of the haunting beauty that came from it
- Linda Jarvis: I love they way you read the lyrics to get an understanding of them. It just struck me when you read the part about the neon God they made, (and I am not a religious fanatic ) but reminded me about Moses coming from the mountain with the tablets and saw the golden bull the people made. Also the part of 'take my arms that I might reach you, take my words thatI might reach you. The words like client raindrops fell makes me think that it could mean like words going into one ear and out the other. Anyway I give you a big thumbs up for reading the lyrics and trying to make sense of them. Your video is the best reaction video I have ever heard from anyone else. I agree everyone has their own thoughts and I do value their own opinion. If I could give you 1000K thumbs up I would.
- kriselda gray: Oh, that song is just incredible. I'd love to hear their thoughts on it. I'll have to see if they've done Comfortably Numb yet. That's another amazing song.
- Holly Buller: A song that can depict many meanings; depression, mental health, even seeds of doubt or cultural differences. Many people see actions that are harmful and thus silence can cause the situation to be destructive.
- Rodney Steffan: Audioslave Set it off
- breadfruittree: What kind of musician has barely heard this song. You sirs, can not be musicians.
- Sanskar Wagley: ewwwww Disturbed sucks
- MooreCEJr: Spot on...not engaging, not communicating.
- Collin Beal: Horrible cover of the song
- Kay Gasser: Plz plz plz look this man up! He is amazing https://youtu.be/IUXgLIgz7mU
- Vincenzo de Alimamala Corningston the Third: MYRKUR
- Hugo Fernandes: Greetings from Portugal. Here goes my usual suggestion to 4 portuguese bands. 1) Process of Guilt with "Feral Ground": https://youtu.be/g8iTsuwWxjI 2) Dollar Llama with "Louder": https://youtu.be/-ultHdm1pcI 3) Sinistro with "Abismo" (they sing in portuguese): https://youtu.be/mKO3vUlhSZQ 4) W.A.K.O. with "Drifting Beyond Reality": https://youtu.be/lRXJvDejSrQ Give a try to the unknown and Keep on Rockin' in a freethinker world! \m/
- Diana Simmering: Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Expression. The right to express ones thoughts, ideas, opinions, political views, etc. without fear of punishment, persecution or any other form of retaliation from government. EVERYONE has the right (and duty, I believe) to be heard and NO ONE, NOT EVEN GOVERNMENT has the right to SILENCE ANYONE. Sound Of Silence, in my opinion, was Paul Simon speaking out about the Oppression of certain forms of Speech, including music, (especially music) that was occurring at that time. and had been going on for practically all of history! Think about this.... Our music today would not have been allowed to be played in the 1960's. And the music of the 60's would not have been allowed to be played in 1930's or 40's..... etc....So, WHATEVER YOUR PASSION MAY BE, SPEAK UP AND BE HEARD, DONT BE SILENCED!
- Zebulon Swearingen: Oh yeah, also... John Lennon: “Imagine”. You may do the Perfect Circle cover too but please do that one afterward. Somebody else besides me already commented that you may do an entire series of originals & covers. Good idea.
- Scott Davis: Crap.. it’s crap.
- TexasVeteranPatriot: Dislikes? Probably a lot. Heres one...
- Havuseen Mymonkey: My favorite band yall need to do Down with the sickness and Stricken
- baskethil2: i think a lot of people have different views of this .. I am not a Christian but i think its about current day and how the neon lights and noise is keep people from Jesus or religion .. No im not religious either but i got that immediately
- Simondini Hernan: Rata Blanca - La Leyenda Del Hada Y El Mago REACTION, c mon dudes,, listen that song,, the guitar solo is the best everrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- odirocks: Audioslave - Show me how to live
- Joshua Warren: Juan Ovalle Watch out, we have a cool kid here
- moffe2k: It might be mentioned before, but this song is not the typical sound of Disturbed, so you should react to another Disturbed song later down the line.
- Adrian Danby: Fuckin annoying brats...keep stopping it,play it straight thru,then comment
- LilRedDog: OFFS!!! 3:57 in and you have never listened to the lyrics before??!? The song is about not participating in democracy. The willful ignorance. How easily people are easily distracted. A lot like you two acting like you don't get it.
- The Dude86: They are a great band guys. Alot heavier than this song implies. Check em out.
- Zakuya92: Bad Wolves cover of "Zombie" you'll love it!
- flight666niko: Theater of tragedy cheerful dirge
- Kashmirknight: Amazing song
- Raven Rock: i request ya'll review Bad Wolves - Zombie, a cover of The Cranberries. Amazing story surrounding the cover
- Michael Culler: you should check out Bobaflex's version of this song, it's powerful in an instrumental way. i love the original version this version and Bobaflex's versions
- Zakaria Albalushi: React to some bucket head pikes!
- Jay Burnett: Disturbed - Prayer or Another Way to Die.
- alucard king: Just listen to the music stop talking men damm
- Amer532: !!!Battle Angels by Sanctuary!!!
- tyrone loki: speaking of look alikes...yall look like DMX and stever urkel :D
- Lee Kosak: Bobaflex does a great cover of this
- Noah Forman: You guys haven't done black metal, yet. I don't think. How about Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie. Pretty easy intro to the genre.
- Booozie73: You guys should react to system of a down marmalade or metro
- MrAdidas1980: Cold War?!? Pretty sure I read it was about the Vietnam war, though I could be wrong, but I think you're war is incorrect!
- Becky Neufeld: I agree with last person.movie the graduate dutin hoffman
- 501Bloo: Things haven't changed much. There's much more fake/perpetual division in media than ever before tho. Ppl are slowly waking up to see commonality within community. It's small, but I feel it's still there.
- Va9ers21: Disturbed - Shout 2000?!? Yes? No? Maybe so?
- Aquilifer X: you guys need to react to more Disturbed! Like they got some really good music.
- Bo Rabon: Listen to prayer by disturbed
- Mut -: This song on here is a solid 7 out of a 10 .. but the live performance on conan obrien show was a 100000 out of a 10
- Angel Gd: Wow you must really be LOST in Vegas it took you this long to get to this reaction, great job as always gentlemen. SOul PAtch lol? They are piercings. I get why you stop it, never have a problem with it but in this case definitely listen again uninterrupted. The neon God in my mind is commercialization and consumption over humanity and connection. Things over people.
- Karl Renner: Brazilian death metal? Sepultura? Roots, Bloody Roots
- krulldunk: Limp Bizkit - Take A Look Around
- Terry G: Good lord...magic...love life...get busy living or get busy dieing....embrace life its here for now....
- Jaalenn DeMarkello: Guys, I just found your channel, and I'm intrigued. My suggestion for you is to Google a synopsis of the song, because you may be able to find that deeper explanation you're looking for.
- Max Contreras: Im just saying its a great intro to a great song😂
- Tex FX4: Great cover!👍🏻
- E Kramer2: Ohh. Maybe try out some Sabaton. That's more power of the messages, and histories. Gives deep respect to brave warriors, all sorts. Winged Hussars (Polskie Napisy) is pretty great. It is about the polish mounted warriors from before WWII and fast defeat. Generally isn't WHO it was politically, just that the warriors showed HUGE shiny ones. The White Death, Sparta (How to instantly increase a testosterone level), and to Hell and Back are some really great ones. Yes, some of their songs can also be heart breaking.
- Moo Rnit: Alestorm covering Taio Cruz's Hangover... do that you wont get disappointed :))
- Jody Tegge: J Morris...... nailed it!
- Daniel Tann: im kind of surprised that these guys havent done some five finger death punch
- Christobanistan: Nope, it's a song about a totalitarian government society that crushes dissent. The Neon God that "lashes out it warning" is the secret police. This was the 1960s, people. Stop interpreting in your own terms and think about the context of when the author wrote it.
- Zathrus Pridham: +markeldamgaard watch the garfunkel interview
- 481216Dragon: Anything from the last album
- Latinos unidos: Magic man by heart. Must hear the best.
- *Beansie*: I read a really great comment about this rendition earlier.... The Simon & Garfunkle version was a warning. The Disturbed version is the rage that the warning was ignored.
- Joe Kelly: Voices never shared...voices that were never heard by our ears or our parents due to them dying in nuclear catastrophie despite the decisions made then
- Tara Ball: You take the power out of songs when you stop them!!!
- Tenebris Rex: Unplugged!
- James Costello: Death Angel Hatred United/United Hate
- wayward faunus: @Collin Beal to say this is a bad cover is too much. Over the top? Yeeeeaaah, I can see where you're coming from, but that's just the way the band is. Its the best covers I've heard, the original is amazing, considering it's actual topic. (Viet. War, segregation, etc.) Disturbed gave it a more "harsh" tone. With today's attitude, and tensions. And the original still reflects today! Sending innocent people to fight a war that isn't ours, citizens being ran over by its own government. Amazing song. Great cover. Forever a awe inspiring message. Thank you S&G
- illegal kiwi: +Reeroy Life so not people, thought so
- Omar Bravo: React to the new tech n9ne joint Chuki Fever!!
- Guilherme Percheiro: You should react to Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark (Live At Rock In Rio) , and/or Avenged Sevenfold - Exist (which is about the birth and life of the Universe)
- Kendra Corsi: It IS the best cover of all time! I never get tired of this song. EVER.
- BreeKayBe: +Ricky Spanish he's far from not talented, he's got an amazing voice and is classically trained.
- MetalliBucket: Sanctuary by Elder please!! I think guys will love it. Stoner/doom metal, clean singing, great transitions
- hatred is power: be prepared to be blown away
- Mozart Duarte: Helmet - wilma's rainbow-unsung-in the meantime
- Tom Cuthbert: this cover sucks... dude could not sing his way out of a paper bag let alone sing a classic like this..
- eddievangraham: My interpretation for this version- social media has made us antisocial
- Ryan Hathcock: Speaking of the most amazing covers... check out Hurt by Johnny Cash
- TOAOM123: Who would wanna buy pieces of shells?
- Paul F.: Gears Of War 4 trailer song??
- Kevin Glass: Nice analysis, but you need to go back to 1960
- hmw kamikaze: If they don’t stop the video periodically, I think every 50 seconds or something like that, they risk copyright infringement.
- King_Kong05: You totally pronounced a the silent “B” in subtle @7:38 🤣🤣 .. found that somewhat ironic because of the song lol
- David Burrell: Yeah, but they keep saying they want to try most metal subgenres
- Adam Ford: Can't stand Disturbed normally. Their brand of generic nu-metal is just so boring. But this is their least Disturbed-like song ever, and coincidentally their best!
- bdylanfan90: Bob Dylan - blowing in the wind
- Defensive Wounds: 1:50 - Correct. I think that is why this video got a lot more hate than usual, also, who the hell is Howie Mandell?
- JMG Darkest: +burntheashesband yeah they haven't checked out avenged sevenfold's classics. They are hearing the ok songs like Nightmare and afterlife
- natasa don: The neon God they made is the media and how people worship technology above all else
- Robert D'Amico: This cover is so bombastic and dramatic I would expect to hear it in a broadway musical.
- Ricardo Catarino: Loved disturbed in my teens, and still have a space in my heart and mind for them, but i still prefer James Blake’s cover. But this an awesome interpretation of the song of course, mostly because sometimes sadness can lead to saturation and that saturation leads to rage and anger. Society can do that, and certainly does, and that is quite evident and portrayed in this beautiful cover... but still... the James Blake is my favourite cover.
- badbirdkc: What makes this song stand out is that it is so markedly different from their usual sound. They are normally straight up NU-Metal butt rock band that, frankly, sucks. Unless you like crap like "WHA-AH-AH-AH!"
- Indeimaus: some old school disturbed like stricken would be a good!
- Cody Campbell: And, btw, Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley is THE BEST COVER.
- Omarr Guerrero: Gotta react to Kamelot. I suggest When the Lights Are Down, Memento Mori, Center of the Universe, Ghost Opera, Amnesiac, Liar Liar, and Silverthorne.
- real science: Why all the praise for this......it’s a cover?? If he wrote the song.....different story, but unimpressive all the same!
- galen stone: The Pretty Reckless: Heaven Knows
- Randy Catalanotte: System of a down - Prison Song , Parkway Drive - Five Months , August Burns Red - Majoring in the Minors.
- Michael Bolli: The song is about the inability of people communicating with each other, not only through speech but emotionally taking away the ability to love one another.
- Thomas M: You all should do The Vengeful One or The Light by Disturbed. Another great one by Disturbed is Down with the sickness!
- Daniel Nevarez: Puya - Erizo or Numbed or Oasis. Time for some Latin Metal. Make it happen.
- Dayne Taylor: Check out A Perfect Circle’s cover of Imagine.
- Turkey Vulture: Vicarious by Tool 👀 Pretty please!
- allgood2go: Fools
- chardos: You finally got to sound of silence! Now you just gotta listen to Hexes by Tesseract!
- Joseph Nicknish: Check out Nujabes https://youtu.be/y1qfq0sz_GM
- Ryan Ryan: Stop taking yourself so serious George....
- Joshua Thrift: Never heard you guys so quiet before. Hahahaha.
- Daryl Hicks: Not a bad cover hear r some other anerabel mentiones. Gwar: if u want blood Primus: have a cigar Less claypool: shine on u crazy dimond
- Joseph Bobenrieth III: Of all song off of this album; The Vengeful One should've been top on list. Not this. Do this last.
- Russell bailey: The HU Band-Wolf Totem
- Change the world Now: Do “feels like summer” by childish gambino
- 33jedi: Okay so you're right the neon God they made is technology and they're kind of worshipping what they have designed and when he says people talking without speaking texting people hearing without listening texting again people writing songs that voices never shared you hear a lot of music nowadays that doesn't have any words to him whatsoever it's just a lot of techno music and you have all the feeling and emotion from that and you'll hear that from bands such as Skrillex this is the kind of stuff he's talking about we get lost and Technology were disconnected from the rest of the world because we're so wrapped up in our gadgets and phones and computers and video game systems and TV that we don't even associate with the world anymore and he's going out there and trying to tell him this is going to destroy us if we don't bring it back together and they're not listening to me that's what the song is about
- Skarn73: Well, I think you should also listen to the version of the song "The Sound of Silence" done by Nevermore. You will see a complete different way to do a cover :)
- Ghostief: Igorrr - ieuD Wooooo, boy And Boris - Vanilla
- Peyton Waddell: Hed PE Renegade
- Thorn Bekah: Guys remember that this tune was written in the revolutionary era of the sixties....It is defining to me as prophetic in it's own right.....Peace and thanks for reacting and diving into some Disturbed!!
- April Elliott: I think this song resonates so well with me just learning on the bible. I know it has some other meaning with the original creators, but basically what I got out of it was God was trying to teach people but they all just created their own Gods and never listened to the truth. This song hits me in my core.
- Dredzone The Blogger: I would highly recommend you react to almost ANYTHING from a really cool Acapella group called VoicePlay. Check em out. You won't be sorry.
- dethtrk Jones: Love this song but how about some true disturbed. I recommend down with the sickness
- Tore Wagner: This cover is cancer, his voice is so strained it sounds like he's about to shit himself, overly produced crap that takes away everything that is great about the original.
- daft vagrant: Simon said in an interview, when he was much older, that this song is basically just teen angst. Fortunately, IMHO, he wrote it in such a way that allowed the song itself to grow and take on different meanings as time moved forward.
- J.t. Orem: +caden brockbank that's my favorite song but vicarious is more straightforward lyrically but either way they're going to get both of the songs masterful works lyrically for sure
- Adrian Loina: Please listen to something off of down with the sickness and ill forgive the Draiman mocking. Lol
- Ronnie Mo: I’d like to see you guys do Aldo Nova’s Fantasy 🙏
- Gerardo Diaz: This cover is just cheesy as hell its not very good
- Jimbo: When ya'll gonna react to some Muse, I recommend Stockholm Syndrome or Knights of Cydonia.
- chris boyd: Disturbed version of the Simon & Garfunkal "sound of silence " is a decent spin on a classic rock song it's like Five Finger Death Punch version of the 1980's band Bad Company self titled song BAD COMPANY witch is also half decent most bands butcher good songs as far as the HOWIE MANDEL comment David Dariman looks nothing like him do a side by side of the 2 Howie"s facial bone structure is much longer from the Orbital Bone "eye socket" to his chin that would be like comparing Jimi Hendrix to Carlos Santana NICE head gear tho
- Robyn Johnson: My favorite cover is by Shaman's Harvest Purple Rain
- August Düver: My dood Soothsayer is the shit. I would love it if they reacted to it. Buuut the entite video would be George going "man, I wish I could play guitar😂"
- Icy Luna: The original version felt like a warning of what was to come. This version feels like a condemnation of what has already passed.
- John Mincey: the neon god i believe is technology...people have lost the ability for face to face conversation and interaction....people are so caught up in man made technology...cellphones, video games....etc...not saying they are bad, but they are detrimental....social media divides....for example bullying...thanks so much guys keep doing tthese videos
- Sarah Kh: Sonne _ Rammstein
- WillJM81280: Marvelous cover. But did David Draiman have to have his mug up there for half the video?
- Martin Eriksson: Nocturnalia - Lady of the Woods Its not a known band or song but its great, litte bit like pink floyd
- lxl Limbo lxl: Avatar; Smells Like A Freakshow!
- Judd hidalgo: U need to react to this live version with Myles Kennedy doing the harmony of the melody!!!!!: link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3By4DZyTNM
- stealthRUSH: exactly
- Marc-Antoine Jean: Douchebag version of a beautiful song😡😡
- Denise MaGee: Sounds like you need to listen to more Disturbed.
- Patricia Jeffries: Wow. This song makes me think of the #Metoo movement and the Kavanaugh situation. I grew up with the original version and it never had any specific meaning for me. Back then I grew up in silence, now I hear voices but it doesn't seem that the government cares. Sad.
- john perry: im sorry my talking
- Scott ?: I really don’t get why people like this song so much. Sounds like shit to me. Not a good first Disturbed song.
- Max: Come on now cemetery gates
- Kope_22: Nice video lads. I always find strong powerful voices that show great emotion/vulnerability create an amazing feeling when hearing it, as i think the concept of being strong powerful is traditionally not associated with being emotional or maybe vulnerable, so when you hear this kind of sounds it causes an amazing emotional response from the listener. I've never really listened to disturbed myself but love this song.
- April Ray Alabama Tall Chic: Sickness maybe
- Touched by a 12gauge: Yeah Disturbed is going to be your new heavy metal favorite band just saying
- John Wayne: moon tooth - belt squeezer or moon tooth - queen wolf or moon tooth - igneous. i would also say Metakcas Turn the Page and WHITNEY HOUSTONS I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU are greater covers. this cover is undeniably great
- Eduardo Guridi: Bad wolves - Zombie
- FateMediaNet: They already did it I think.
- Francis Castiglione: Please react to Michael Schenker Group - Attack of the mad Axeman or Megadeth - Train of Consequences.
- Victor Rubio @vi20_v: I Am The Fire by Halestorm pls pls 🤘🙏🙏🙏🙏🎸💿🎶🎶🎙
- D. Slick: Thanks for the reaction guys!!
- john k: Disturbed "Hell" is a good one.
- thinkin outloud: A premonition of 5g microwaves controlling us. Neon splitting the sky. EMP attack. Electric outages everywhere. People reverting back to primitive behavior. It's something the elites are going to do to us.
- DeanKnight333: TooL- The Grudge
- Crocodile Smile75: I have never wanted to strangle a youtuber more than the guy on the right. STFU until the end of the song.
- Cheryl Volpe: lost in vegas....Good show. The "show" is what is worshiped in the neon lights. whatever is a distraction from our LORD...whatever comes between you and your Savior's WORD. this generation is tasked with the ultimate expose', of the most distracting and deceptive philosophies, and theocracies, that have ever been.
- Justin McKinley: Between The Buried & Me - The Coma Machine. I’m surprised you haven’t hit them yet, you’ve already hit so many prog metal greats
- christian clark: 2.5 min in im dying lololol
- Aaron A Aaronson: Do some more Disturbed, this song is very untypical of their music.
- christian clark: Definetly do more disturbed. Down with the sickness, prayer, striken, indestructible, asylum, judas priest cover as well
- Will Schramm: Ooooh! If you haven't heard anything by Disturbed, check out Down With the Sickness.
- Cheri Noelke: This is one of the best ever written, this song was actually a call to the masses to as they say get woke. The lyric "hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk with you again" is the only lyric that doesn't have a deeper meaning. Paul Simon would play his guitar and write in a very small bathroom because of the acoustics were so good and a lot of the times the bulb would burn out but he was so engrossed in his music he'd just sit in the dark for hours playing. The power of the phrase "sound of silence" is a referral to people not speaking out about injustice, remember this was written before the civil rights movement and "bowing to the neon god they made" was basically about fake religious POS's that used the bible to justify their bigotry, sound familiar? This was written a good 25 years before "modern technology. "The words of the profits are written on subway walls and tenement halls" you can compare to the messages of today's best street artists. This is the first time I've ever commented on anything online but I've watched a lot of these reaction videos and it kicks ass that it's affecting people so deeply. Lastly, the whole "People talking without speaking and people hearing without listening" is basically people saying a bunch of shit that are either lies or are meaningless, and hearing without listening is you hear something but don't take the time or you don't care to understand what that person is saying, again sound familiar? Disturbed (David Draiman"s) cover is f-n unbelievable. I always felt the last part of the song should have had more emotional angst and anger, his voice was beyond perfect. So to me this is this generation's call the masses to come together speaking out against the bullshit that's going on. Also I saw a comment below about the live version on Conan, gotta agree you HAVE to watch that. Sorry bout the length of the post but I had to get this out there, hopefully it might help a few people to get woke. Peace out!
- Billy Thomas: Actually the second best cover of this song...the best cover (and maybe best cover song ever) of The Sound of Silence is by Thomas Pederson
- Bri Guy: Now play Down with the sickness by Disturbed and react 😂
- Kelly Foster: I was thinking look like Phil Collins on steroids
- Elijah Roberge: Can you do "Paradise lost by Hollywood Undead"
- Syed Khalid: Please do RapMan by Logic. It is from wayyyy back in the day before even Young Sinatra 1.
- hafadude69: You finally do disturbed and you do a slow one. Don't get me wrong its a good remake, but they have many other originals that are really good. And he looks like the Mr. Clean guy.
- tdsdudes: I know how much you guys like Myles Kennedy. I am a huge fan of AlterBridge since day 1. Growing up in the 70s I really appreciate you guys visiting some of the classics. Avenged Sevenfold is also one of my favs. Really enjoy what you guys do. The following video is Disturbed (you know their song Sickness) with Myles in Houston doing Sound of Silence live. Match made in heaven for vocals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3By4DZyTNM Enjoy and keep doing what you do!
- Michael Young: 581st.....getting faster
- grillchirre: Second chance SEPULTURA!! *Desperate Cry *Territory *Nomad *Sarcastic Existence Come on guys, you are long overdue
- Dennis Green: Disturbed sucks ass and is disturbing to listen too. But I love your guys videos. Howie Mandel comment was hilarious btw.
- Daisy Randall: Everyone should go check out too lit Mafia here on YouTube.. he does reaction videos and he's great.
- Jeremy Richards: Nevermore - Sounds of Silence
- Levi Smith: Stevie Ray Vaughn
- mike stone: Stopping the song at that moment to comment on howie mandel and laughing about it shows poor taste.
- Misty Hulsey: I know my spelling ain't on point if u know this song show ur mask
- David Hahn: I think one of the things that lead to how many people were blown away about this cover, was getting the mindset that Disturbed could do this type of song, and do it extremely well. Most people (including myself) that grew up listening struggled to make the connection from the music they played. It really is incredible the range they have as musicians.
- Dan Newton: As a big fan of both artists, gotta say this is missing the best of the original artist [the harmonies] and the best of the covering artist [the band]. Keen for a Draiman & Garfunkle metal version of The Boxer.
- TeeBest: Architects!!
- Gary Chapin: Amidst the goofiness, great lyric analysis. I think neon god is the entertainment distraction industry.
- mdav30: Mars Volta - Roulette Dares
- JA Lanit: You should react to the live performance with Myles Kennedy.
- Sindelism Sucks: Disturbed definitely earned their time and place, but I think they should have stayed there/then. They've not aged well, they've fallen victim to meme culture and recieved the "Nickelback treatment" long ago. Just my opinion, crucify me at will.
- Randolph Hoganzer: Art Garfunkel had an amazing voice, so does this guy. Different takes, both are great.
- Steven Huerta: Listen to the video of vocals only! Hard to believe but WAY more powerful!
- Mr. Whit: No, it wasn't. That's just a common misconception because it was written in the 60's and the fact it was popular with war protesters. It wasn't targeted towards politicians or any specific group people, but an overall critique of people in general. Per Garnfunkel, the song was about "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."
- Aaron A. Foster: To me, the song and video are about how True Music, by people who play True Instruments, is disappearing. The gap between the Musicians and the Listener, is deafening.
- w0g: That cover really added nothing interesting, I would rather hear Simon and Garfunkel any day. Guy has a good high range, but his low range sounds really contrived.
- Blake Shelt: waste of time ..
- Tim MacGregor: The Ballad of Curtis Loew
- Cody Campbell: Alan Jackson. Tim McGraw. COUNTRY ROYALTY.
- retipser j: could you guys react to "drive home" from Steven Wilson,sometime?
- Tommy Lynn: Well done guys!
- Abram Rock: more Disturbed plez. do down with the sickness. these guys are great live.
- Jordan Shtamer: You guys should DEFINITELY do some laid-back Opeth. Songs like Windowpane, Harvest or Hours of Wealth.
- Amanda Yates: Pleasssssse do this song!!!
- Summer Rees: Simon & Garfunkel Cecilia or Scarborough Fair!
- Desu Desu Chan: People are hearing without listening and the lyrics are pertaining to people writing music and playing it out in their heads as they do it.
- hoesandbacon: Iron Maiden - Children Of The Damned
- WEWARD: This remake isn’t good. I’m sorry.
- Wayne Dunn: I'm diggin ya'lls reaction videos, keep em coming, the most honest reactions out there!
- Rishad l: Damn I interrupted the sound of silence as a good thing. People talking without any speaking, people hearing without listening I took it as everyone was in tune each other 😩
- Eva wissing: Hey dont know if you like acappella but you should check out peter hollens feat. tim foust cover of the sound of silence.
- KarmaZyn: When you get back around to System of a Down, I'd love to see you guys react to Toxicity (the song, not the full album of course)
- professorrik: This song was published on September 12, 1965 - The Civil Rights and the Anti-War Movements vs. the "Establishment".
- Ivy Boutwell: David Draiman is a classically trained vocalist. His undertaking of this performance was monumental and subtle at the same time. This song is so far off the beaten path for Disturbed, as most of their music is dramatically harder/ different. Great reaction and a fair assessment of the video. Keep it up guys.
- wagstaff613: This guy can sing... and this is very good... but to me the attempts to make this one "heavy" make it LESS powerful; part of what makes the original so amazing is the vocal harmony, which is absent here. And the slight variants of the melody here, why perhaps important for a cover to put his own stamp on this, are just inferior to the original melody.
- Steven Cooper: The tree of life holds the beat
- jazdramafree: Agreed. That cover is why I started listening to rock music. It was so surprising to realize rockers can sing.
- Doggo: RTJ is amazing!
- Brian Steele: Simon and Garfunkel sucked in the surroundings of the talent of their time. Disturbed fits that description as well. This cover sucks. Disturbed sucks. Not incredible. Not powerful.
- Roman Alexander: Should've watched the Conan live performance
- Chad Wolfe: no, its a vision of Heaven no need for talk, singing, etc God gives them all they need
- Cody Gill: This is a good cover song but it’s not even the best cover song by Disturbed, Land of confusion is. The best cover song ever is Hurt by Johnny Cash.
- stealthRUSH: agree!!
- SweetLikeCyanide: Dolphin Bites crew, FTW! :D I totally forgot about him having those piercings when I got mine.
- Shadow Hunter: Disturbed- down with the sickness
- Evan Garrett: I think y'all would really like Ballad of Curtis Loew by Lynyrd Skynyrd!
- Invisible_Kid: DISTURBED - Overburdened C'mon... You disturbed fans Know that this song is awesome!
- lunicydal22: Tool -No Quarter. Hands down one the best covers IMO.
- Chris Rhoton: I can’t believe you got suckered into this. The requests for this song are a gag. This is maybe the worst POS song I’ve ever heard. They destroyed a decent song. And this singer. Seriously. People with any taste at all don’t actually like this. They’re just goofing on you.
- Nicholas Platt: +Bill Burki no he doesn't. He's on record saying he didn't. Then there's ALL of the technical stuff he drops to back that statement up that show he didn't. He doesn't need it.
- roy Wright: I think that was one good way of looking at the lyrics i never even though of that point ot view ! I meen i know it a old song but stop and think of race hate and crim no one talking about or when they do it like nothing being said even when it is talked about!
- No James lol ujCG y Behrends: Someone is getting a bit pretentious with his popularity....
- Bryon Stanley: I would love to here yall react to Vince Gill. He is a very talented artist
- maguffle: I LOVE his voice
- ddubtoille: How did you comment this 1 month ago when this only came out 1 day ago? Is YouTube glitching? Edit: just realised you must be a patreon
- mlpmlpmlp02: Y’all should do. Emerson Drive-Moments. A real tear jerker!! But so beautiful
- Dutch van der Linde: IM SO HAPPY THIS DAY IS HERE, PLEASE DO MORE DISTURBED GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- jatak enigma: Neon god-EDM OR DJ what u call... I love the song sound of silence after hearing disturbed version... Ma dad played the original when I was in high school.. But I didn't like it... Idk maybe because their voices are far to be loved...
- Janne Kari: i like fat chicks
- Mustang Debbie: Technology in the 60's would be television or the"boob tube" as it was called taking our attention away from real human contact.
- Lex Hogan: Copyright Strikes are a thing. They have to or they get Copyright Strikes
- Sergio Saez: that is a exelent cover but i think that the best cover of all times is Death - Painkiller!!! you must listen it!
- Movito: Big Daddy Kane - Uncut, Pure (Not the Remix)
- Wendy Stewart: Listen don't talk
- Godsban3: They need some sickness so they can appreciate the range on this song
- Peggy Sullivan: It’s a great song and they know it therefore they felt like covering it .. so what
- DaltonThomas: The live version with Myles Kennedy is pretty good.
- Tim Ricci: Very deep video, great remake
- Anthony the mad stallion duck: Rise of the northstar- here comes the boom. It's a metal fusion that reminds me of hatebreed, rammstein, and transplants surprisingly.
- Lorenzo Dicocco: Ok guys. Time for some serious guitar and Blues. MUST MUST MUST REACT TO THIS........ Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart - I'LL TAKE CARE OF YOU - Lyrics
- Krieghandt: This song has been covered more than 60 times by professional artists, and an uncountable number of times by YouTubers. And this cover is absolutely amazing. You have heard Disturbed before, but he didn't sound anything like this. He completely blew his fanbase away with this hit.
- John Cawley: I think u guys hit on the interpretation of the modern message well. Today's technology is the new distraction preventing people from communicating on the person to person level now. Back when it came out, it was about the news, propaganda, & media outlets, and using fear to silence original thought, and trying to keep the flock in line. Alone, we are individual & weak, but together, we are strong and unified. Timeless message. Music is shown as the bonding agent metaphor, (piano burning, drum in tree, ship full of instruments joining). Good choice of vid & nice review. Well done. \m/
- TheTrognation: Candlemass - Gothic Stone/Well of Souls
- James Marsh: I do enjoy the different perspectives on the meaning of the song in the video and comments
- Lady Akros: this song is a fail it's a duet and one sad voice is inadequate.
- LaFawn Sweeten: Rammstein Du Hast. Or anything off Sehnsucht. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NarMn_hadwg
- Kelly Souther: Remember Disturbed is a metal band. This is actually a pretty mellow one. Also, the people bowed and prayed to th neon gods they made (man made technology and being sheep to just follow the masses and not speak out as an individual. Disturbed has an extremely powerful voice. Check out some of his other stuff.
- Bryce B: I agree. I think they would love bat out of hell
- SadwichPunch2100: If you guys wanna listen to more Disturbed check out either "Stricken", "10,000 Fists", or "Down With The Sickness".
- John Clemens: Not technology song was recorded in 1964
- Vladimirs S: Best cover of all time is "Crying in the rain" by A-ha 1990's version covering The Everly Brothers' 1962 original. That's my biased personal opinion of course.
- Robert H: Cmon guys do Drumhead Trial by Protest the Hero!
- Aaron Todd: Disturbed has done a few great covers. Land of confusion is amazing
- Sean W: Pushit by TOOL is guaranteed playlist
- gaming freaks: React to Down with the sickness by Disturbed!
- angelina bacchus: The gentleman name is David Draiman
- Nicholas Koehler: Any fans of Dark Souls might like this parody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScwYDdxggYg
- Chris S.: "Karma" "The Fourth Legacy" "The Shadow of Uther" or "Lunar Sanctum" would definitely get my vote. The drums on Lunar Sanctum are fucking phenomenal.
- Stephen Pelletier: Love your show guys good job
- Peggy Penguin: +baba black David Draiman is an exceptional singer and he was classically trained...He doesn't need or use autotune. 🐧🐧🐧
- LGrugett: Worst cover ever.
- holly clown: Id say that the original version’s subtleness holds the theme of the song. You have this group speaking of the issue of no one is really communicating with each other. While this version is basically demanding people’s attention to listen up.
- Gary Pereira: This cover holds nothing for me. It just feels corny.
- George Martinez: chris adams hell yeah
- Don Davi: ok, To appreciate this better- You have to also hear some of Disturbs other songs to appreciate the complete change up and range that this band and the singer has. Down with the Sickness will e a huge abot face from this one, then go to another cover they did with Land of Confusion for middle ground.
- Raymond Cardella: Pixies- Where is my mind
- the_masked_musician !!: Please check out Veil of Maya
- James Steinberg: Mine would be great.
- Guy Guglielmi: Kai Tangata (video) by Alien Weaponry
- Franklin Souza: Meh...I prefer the Brazilian version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6siofyTJP9o
- Nate Eller: Her's the link: https://youtu.be/-ew_bfFvros
- Eric Yates: Down with the sickness by disturbed
- Charles Brackett: 21 Savage- No Heart
- Simeon Dobrev: Jetski +1
- Neville Jinscecki: Your analysis is correct. The "Neon god" is comfort. It is the individuals quest at all costs to obtain "stuff" and being consumed by that quest, fail to effectively communicate, feel or engage. Think of a family around the dinner table all engrossed in their phones, the silence is deafening. The end of the video shows the attempt to communicate by the music and the words coming together to make a song. Good job.
- BulheddEd: This would actually have been a good cover if Dave Draiman didn't sound like Scott Stapp with marbles in his mouth. Not a good cover for me. If you want a great cover check out Jimi Hendrix's All Along The Watchtower originally by Bob Dylan.
- mindlitter2: The live version with Myles Kennedy is awesome. I saw them at Pain in the grass in Washington 2016.
- Jeff Fowler: About time you did this one
- Aki U: This is a band that is very underrated, great dark room for Canada. Rip David Gold. Their second release Persuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth is my favorite, shows both death doom and acoustic songs all in one.
- Greg Pritchard: down with the sickness taylor swift mash up. So hauntingly beautiful, the pop melody makes an incredible song new and is probably the greatest mash up ever
- Kathy Young: I'm with you. Not one of my favorites.
- PrimalTendencies: Chris Cornell's cover of Billie Jean is AWESOME
- Justin Henry: Do Aesop Rock- None Shall Pass
- The Hawkeye V: Marc Broussard -- Home (Soul, R & B, swamp rock) The Band of Heathens -- Hurricane (Americana, folk rock) Uncle Lucius -- Keep the Wolves Away (Rootsy classic rock, country, blues) Chris Knight -- Down the River (Country rock, Americana)
- Mike Tackett: The deaths from what the Vietnam the cancer did grow from the men that were drafted the neon god was the t.v.
- ham4fun: not a soul patch... it is a piercing.
- Matt Harrison: You guys should have used their live performance on Conan. Or at least should check it out. I think it’s better than the studio version
- iGoH Summ3rs: Stricken- Disturbed
- DEXTER NEWMAN: I see so many saying "this is not their style, check out the other songs' but for a lot of people just like Bohemian Rhapsody, this will make others hear Disturbed and see their artistry with a broader brush
- Ashitaka1110: How about this? "Powerslave" by Testament. A great cover of an Iron Maiden classic by one of the biggest thrash metal bands that you've never heard before! Also, just for yourselves, highly recommend you check out the live version of Sound of Silence from the Conan O'Brien show, it's on Youtube. The vocalist sounds amazing live, one of the few people, it seems, who needs no autotunning or studio help and can just BELT.
- stapler: It sounds like George is a preacher trying to interpret scripture 🤔🤔🤔
- Agnès L.: Beautiful cover of this song
- colton marlette: Anything from Poppy would be great!
- Nuggets, Boi: Agreed. It's overproduced, and I'm convinced there is some pitch correction involved.
- DonteKeys: Disturbed does a really good job on all of their covers. This one bothers me a little bit because there's so much autotune on his voice, but I still like it.
- Mike Denman: i think you guys got it, original what was happening, current what it became, both were warnings
- SoapyPingu: The original was never good. David made this song incredible.
- Chris Bowman: God DAMN Disturbed rocks, you should check out some of their songs! This is a fantastic cover, but there's a live version that just gives me chills!
- Ben Shandrow: Metallica - Blackened lol
- Klink Klank Radio: PORCUPINE TREE: "Deadwing" PLEASE!!!!!!
- Joe Beese: Dave is one of the most underrated vocalist of all time across any genre.
- Caleb Bro: https://youtu.be/d_KxReI-gDo this will explain it
- Renato Maffei: Are you sure the request wasn't for the Nevermore version?
- Amanda Woolley: https://youtu.be/Ya9lvA1POfQ give them some love
- Jason Allen: THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT THE BEST REMAKE EVER. I could name a dozen songs that are better than this remake (which is not better than the original), heck its not even Disturbed's best cover song, Land of Confusion is better than this. Here's some better remakes... Jimi Hendrix - All along the Watchtower Metallica - Stone Cold Crazy, Tuesday's Gone, Turn the Page, Whiskey in the Jar (take your pick) Megadeth - No More Mr. Nice Guy or Paranoid Type O Negative - Cinnamon Girl, Day Tripper, Black Sabbath (take your pick) Ministry - Lay Lady Lay Strapping Young Lad - Room 429 Soft Cell - Tainted Love Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McGee Fear Factory - Cars Pearl Jam - Last Kiss Guns N Roses - Knockin on Heavens Door or Live and let Die And I'm sure that I'm forgetting some other ones
- Yoda Man: disturbed have also covered "land of confusion" by genesis (phil collins). great too. and i believe youre right with your analyzation of the lyrics. where we have technology today the same symbol would have been a neon sign in the 60s when this song first came out because neon signs were first being used to draw peoples attention to popular things and places. now we just have it in the palm of our hand.
- Mark McConnell: i love this version, but i hate the 'best cover of all-time' thing that goes along with it. Sound of Silence, both versions, are representative of their eras. The original, i feel, is about the loss of innocence in America that stemmed from the loss of John Kennedy, the loss of Camelot, the loss of Martin Luther King, the loss of Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, the Vietnam War. It was about the cultural divide that saw older more traditional America literally at war with younger America. The song was a longing for an era in which we still listened to one another, and how not listening to one another was inherently dangerous in a democracy. Sound familiar? This version is also representative of our era. The one thing that bothers me is how his anger in the song has been co-opted by both sides without each side really listening to the words that are being sung. I think it's a great cover but i have a feeling the cover won't age as well as the original did.
- Nifuruc: Might be interesting for them to listen to "down with the sickness" now... They'll probably doubt that it's the same guy/band ^^
- Sandee Lobash: I love the dichotomy here. This is now!. We are in this together.
- JDBlack3347: Honestly, to really appreciate the beauty of Disturbed's Sound of Silence, you should listen to one of their other songs, such as Down With the Sickness, 10,000 Fists, or Indestructible, for an idea of their normal sound, which is so very different from this.
- Jason Husky: they defiled simon and garfunkel ..horrible..lol
- Art Kierstead: Their remake of Shout is really well done as well....
- Yasser Y99: Craaft - Jane
- Umbradens Wolfking: I was actually seeing a reaction to this when this dropped
- Sherry B: Reactions like this are the reason I subscribed--thank you!
- Sycan Media: You’ll really dig their first album with the track “voices” or “stupify”. They also kill the Genesis cover of “Land of Confusion”. ...but first you should do “Mudvayne - World so Cold”
- Jordan Briggs: He remade the song to mourn 9/11 and the people lost because of it. The build of the song was signafy the U.S. and how we came together in a time of need.
- Camille Duff: anyway I just pray for more decent people and to god and Jesus and all the Angels of heaven
- A-M Legault: Love this cover, but for me, the "best" cover is still Johnny Cash - Hurt (original by NIN)
- Bonzoso21: I heard Bad Religion by Godsmack again the other day and actually broke out laughing at how bad it is in every way.
- Cool Jesus: Its a dark song...
- Chris Black: You are correct about the original song. I believe they chose to redo it because of the state of music today. I believe the end scene is referencing Noah's ark, but instead of saving animals, they saved real instruments, not synthesized instruments. Still would love to see you guys do Rag N Bone Man
- Michael Adkins: I haven't seen you guys do any Shinedown yet. I would like see you guys do Sound Of Madness.
- Chloe Skye: The live version on the late show I think, is actually even better.
- rejoy Thomas: Guys please react to sound of silence disturbed ft Myles Kennedy live
- firefist x: He created the soul patch
- B Wray: Please do Korn freak on a leash, you will really like Korn . There like metal meats hip hop, they even did a song with ice cube !!!!
- Janetta McGee: Ya know, I am listening to this at 1 AM and getting creeped out by this version of the song and his menacing looks. Then the Howie Mandell comment just cracked me up and totally rid me of the creepiness. Y'all are so cute.
- Vernon Powell: Like most of your reviews but.. glasses-dude wanted to hear himself talk too much for a mood recording. Hat-dude probably stayed late that night to really experience it as should be.... Just sayin'
- Tabitha Gilbert: Been wanting you to do this one hope you like it!
- B-Down HBunZ: The Best Ones Lie...end of story
- Joel Collinson: Five finger death punch House of the rising sun
- Jonas Söder: Sounds like the singer swallowed ar frog.
- Skylar Green: Stevie Ray Vaughn “Life by the Drop”
- Matthew Huff: This song is SO important. Disturbed did a good job with it but the lyrics and the message of this song is incredibly powerful.
- SyZyGy7: Dude lmao 😂 he does look like Howie
- SickBabySeals: Halloween - Victim of Fate
- Jesper nielsen: Volbeat - Malene i hofteholdere
- Elvis Alvarez: I disliked only cause he paused at the best part
- Esad Zukanovic: You should do Matt Mason "E"
- Rebecca Williams: Please do "Zombie" cover by Bad Wolves. SOOOOO good!! Plus the back story is amazing!! I've been pushing this song for a long time on twitter, insta, and here. Please! You guys won't regret it!!
- Jason: DaMangs you have to be joking?
- christian clark: Wow there finally doin this. I waznt waiting but its cool when someone reacts to your old fav band
- Jessica Hanson: Disturbed-down with the sickness
- Hugo muñoz gris: Love your videos guys <3 It would be cool to watch you react to some Protest the Hero. Blindfolds Aside is an awesome song ;D
- Olivier Boitel: I think they would love that song
- William Mueller: THAT is the greatest cover ever.
- Neigh Slayer: This actually isn't Disturbed's usual style. You'd probably like their heavier stuff such as Stupify, Ten thousand fists and Stricken. Also please Re-Do your Machine Head- Halo and Type O Negative- Black No.1 vids. You haven't listened to the full songs yet.
- Mike Newton: This song when done by Simon and Garfunkel is a masterpiece . I like Disturbed, you’d think I’d like the to together but no. Please actually listen to a good Disturbed song guys. This was trash.
- Luka Calle: Disturbed = music for balding dude bros who are afraid of anything heavier than FFDP
- Jon Lane: Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."[5]
- Jonathan Bigelow: I love this cover. You guys need to do a reaction to Chris Cornell's cover of Nothing Compares 2 U.
- Jonathan Wright: Best cover ever is The Bangle's cover of " Wake me Up (Before you go go) by Wham!
- Michael Kapty: Queens of the Stone Age - Misfit Love
- JXCT: You guys should react to - Queens of the stone age - A Song for the dead.
- Spuds McHaggis: Guys you hit the nail on the head. The song is all about the inability of people communicating to each other in a nut shell.
- Gregg Hess: +Domanic S People also do not realize that the lead singer of the Cranberries was supposed to record a part on that song, but unfortuntely died that same day. :(
- DisreS: most pretentious bullshit cover ever
- Zigur Eru: TESSERACT - Of Matter (Live at Sphere Studios). This is a true genre stand-out! Check it out before it's too late!
- Stone Carrier: You should watch the video of "Johnny Cash-Hurt"
- Chad Bartlett: It's a great cover but, one of the best covers of any song ever is shinedowns cover of lynard skynards simple man
- EminemKingOfRap1000: Thomas Gannon their best song imo
- Ryan Morris: Need a Stone sour reaction
- Dustin Wheeler: Another suggestion for a great cover, is bad wolf- Zombies.
- Ron Foster: If you want to check out a Disturbed original, they have some great songs, but one of me favs is "The Light". It's also very poignant and meaningful.
- Craig Miles: Didn't like the original version, don't like this version. Annoying song.
- Matt Price: Don't forget Spoonmom
- Richie Fairlamb: It's a song about depression....The hopelessness...
- Aaron Clapper: Okay. You did the one everybody was begging for. Can you do the one that no one but me wants? Buckethead's "Soothsayer".
- JD: The neon god they made is a reference to television. Lots of kids in the comments here talkin about texting. No this song is 1 older than you and 2 older than most modern tech. Go research the 1950s and see how families lived with their first TVs.
- Brian Ball: The original is obviously a classic, no question there, but Disturbed did an outstanding cover of this song. When I first saw it on Conan, even as a fan of some Disturbed songs prior to hearing it, I was blown away because David Draiman put so much passion into his performance. This isn't a band that would half ass a cover of a song that's so popular and means so much to so many people unless they knew they could 100% nail it, and they did. This is far and away the best cover of this song, I think you'd have a hard time finding anyone who disagrees with you on that. Glad you had an open mind to listen to a few versions of it and give it a chance.
- Draun In Chalk: DevilDriver - Hangman's Noose -- #playlist
- Brady Baxter: Childhood Goodbye - Madisen Ward and the Mama Bear
- Mark C: Lol I'm like the only person who doesn't like this cover
- kingkongz88: Neon sells.
- Ryan McAllister: If only - sadly metalcore doesn't get much love from these guys as the bigger band requests seem to drown these bands out.
- noe martinez: Y’all should react to j.i.d working out!!
- Catherine3385: Disturbed version is amazing
- Vivek Yadav: I've been requesting this for a long time
- GRY L: Thanks 😃👍 please react to Madison Ryann Ward cheating on me
- Boomercougar: yall would appreciate it more if you had heard some other disturbed songs. just sayin.
- Ohsaint p: Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie Paz- End of Days Vinnie w- End of days
- Raoul Duke: The Doors deserve a second chance!! Peace Frog or LA Woman... or The Soft Parade
- Peter Lewis: If you want to hear a great metal cover of a Simon and garnering song then you should have listened to Scarborough fair by queensryche.
- Richard Pellerito Jr: to me i interpret this song as technology is supposed to be a means for us to communicate, and learn to understand each other, but it seems that somehow it has helped drive a wedge between people, with race, politics, religious differences. And to me, i think hes saying we need to learn to communicate with one another, instead of automatically judging each other from what we may hear of them, or is being said about them. I dont know, thats what i took from this song...............incredibly powerful, and a great cover, the power in his voice is unbelievable.
- Natesh Mayuranathan: Nevermore did the definitive cover of this. Disturbed played it pretty safe.
- neamraven: Wait, wait, did you just say suB-tuhl instead of suh-tuhl? That shit was hilarious :D
- Patrick Day: For whom the bell tolls by Metallica
- Baby Boo: One of the best and his voice how much of ease he transfer the notes the words the voice. One of the very best, this Is Not about the background, my God listen to the voice.
- 90's kid: Please react to Whitney Houston The Voice | By Archie
- Nick Rippy: You guys Nailed it! Bridge over Troubled Water is their other big hit back then in the times when we were in War in Vietnam, and the country was in a huge divide. Not just with the War going on, and our military being shit on for their service they were drafted in to. So a big part was everyday 18 year olds that never wanted to serve getting pulled in to fight in a War the country didn't believe we should fight. At the same time Racism against black vs. white was huge, and women being treated fairly in the workplace! that day in age of issues to deal with was like a nuclear bomb. The whole Live Free as you want and drugs and crazy shit was a direct reflection of what was going on back home. I wasn't old enough to be there myself, but heard plenty enough from both sides being a Marine myself and from my elders how it was back then! The country was RIPPED apart! There was no Silence.
- ec1122: Can y'all do Blue October?? The end, fear, sway, any man in America, flight ( Lincoln to Minneapolis) I could go on but any Blue October would be awesome.. Please please thank y'all
- Kenton Kruger: kandy, I fully agree. I think this song is likely better appreciated if one is familiar with the band beforehand.
- GamerOfTag: With Disturbed, you should check out Stupify or Remember. Those are my favorite songs from them. I would say Remember would cover what they do as a band the best. It's still heavy, but melodic in the right places. Nice groove you can get into
- gahrie: if you ever saw the movie The Graduate, you heard the original there. Simon and Garfunkel did the whole soundtrack for that movie
- Gunnjerd McDonald: Devin Townsend - The Death of Music - royal albert hall Pleeeeeeeaaaaseee
- Eric Holladay: Tedeschi Trucks Band - midnight in Harlem
- Jeff RoTull: Well that fear was well founded.
- mycroft16: Another aspect to consider in understanding this cover is that it is almost a response and continuation of the original. The original is powerful and beautiful, but it's a forward looking warning, look where we are headed, please... heed my warning that I might save you. This song, from a metal artist is much angrier as it builds. You didn't listen. You could have prevented this, but look where we are now.
- Espen Totland: +Trenton McIntyre yes, its a genious group, their all real artist, painting incredible picures and shit. they're been tripping their ass off on dmt and ayuhascha haha. great band for sure
- Joel Jarrett: One of the worst, most overwrought covers I've heard. Counting anything from FFDP.
- A Henley: They performed this live on Conan's show. It was really good
- Auðbjörg Ósk Guðjónsdóttir: takk strákar, from iceland, ekki flókið
- Paul Martinez: They have to do down with the sickness...THE FULL VERSION!!!
- Greg Potter: PLEASE DO MORE DISTURBED GUYS! If you will check out more than this cover, but Im so happy that you guys finally did and have been asking for this so long!! Defintely check out their other music! David Draiman is amazing!
- Jeff Frank: Listen to more Disturbed. Disturbed is normally a heavy metal band. His heavier tunes he sings with several different voice styles
- Oliver Jones: Love that you are discovering one of the great songwriters of a generation, Paul Simon. And this version by Disturbed is truly intense and powerful in a way that the original wasn’t. Lyrics definitely stand the test of time. Also, Stevie Ray Vaughan, because I will keep posting to encourage you to give a listen to this great blues guitar dude. Peace and blessings.
- joym824: I love this version...
- Logan Knorr: Remake of Simon and Garfunkel classic. Apples to Oranges but both are great versions
- KPhoenix: I had to give a thumbs down, this is a subjective world, we all feel something different. I feel you completely missed the entire purpose of the song, but yet again I am speaking for myself. You did a good job explaining why, so I guess at the end of this I wonder if I should have done a thumbs down because I disagree or a thumbs up because you spilled your opinions and truths, I am conflicted. Guide me oh great free thinkers
- Anha26: Maybe you should hear down with the sickness for comparison :)
- Quiet Wolf: listen to Theory Of A Deadman - Medicate R(X)
- Mitch P: The thing that kills me about this version is that David has spoken about how he was able to use the classical/operatic techniques he was taught years ago. If this is what he was taught, he needs go stick to being metal. The nasal vowel tones and singing through the "R" consonant drove me nuts. I loved the power when he made the switch. In fact, the sound became clearer once he moved into his "metal voice." The sound of the opening verses made my cynical classically trained vocal snob self want to scream. Stick to the "Wah. Ah, Ah, Ah..."
- Sandy Hickey: technology was not back then when that song was done originally, the neon god was invented by man meaning man made up god, god didn't make man
- Cancer Söze: naah the best cover of all times is "hurt" by johhny cash
- miserablessed86: Yea this somg hurts so good
- Theresa Keith: This doesn't beat Simon and Garfunkel.
- Leo Hernandez: This is a cover of a classic.. But best cover ever was Jimi Hendrix "all along the watch tower".. It was so good and completely reimagined that Bob Dylan( who sang the original) changed his version to the Jimi version for decades Btw disturbed did a good version of another cover song originally from Genesis called land of confusion
- Mallori Davis: Should of done the live version on Conan
- Mathew Cameron: I also wrote this before the video. "Best cover ever"? Are you fucking kidding me?! Amos Lee "like a virgin" is light years beyond this when it comes to covers.
- John Strika: Lmfao
- hoosd42: Mook Wolf no, the orchestra is way more muted and there is a acoustic guitar riff playing at the end in the studio version Dave’s voices has a slight echo effect in the live performance. These minor differences give the live version way more depth.
- Nate Baker: YES !!! I can finally say I know a band lmfaooo I've heard some songs from Disturbed which is more on the high adrenaline rock songs that just make you feel badass, However this song is a great song inter catalogue that also shows the more solemn, contemporary skills of his vocals on a softer beat. At 6:20 you can hear that transition in his voice and to me it was a highlight in the performance. Thanks for reacting to Disturbed gentlemen.
- Aidean: u guys should do some Sade ... classic
- the_nikster: omg! i can't believe you haven't listened to disturbed yet! please do a reaction to "stricken" and/or "ten thousand fists".
- Glue Guns & Roses: Texas Rap request: Mr. Pookie - Crook 4 Life ❤ Big Hawk - You Already Know (Chillin with my Broad) Both late 90s early 2000s and were popular around here.
- farfar arkivar: Guy in the cap - you can hear God in this song. Guy in glasses.......shut the f up & listen - you will need to hear the voice of God some day. No, Disturbed is not God - he only speaks through them.
- nohat 1375: i find this song slow and boring
- Josue Quiros: Bloodbath - Eaten
- StupidGayBearName: Gotta do a Tom Waits tune, so many to choose from, think Downtown Train would get them going, love to see their reactions to bunch of his stuff. Like if ya wanna see the same, cheers.
- Adam Gillespie: Greatest covers are shinedown simple man.. which you just did originally by skynard.. and hurt Johnny cash which you've already done by nine inch nails
- bulletsandblood1979: Right on point. Paul was writing about television. But the point was the social disconnect
- Vic Maelstrom: Same
- Starlight Jupiter: Doc Holliday is another great song from Volbeat.
- David Russnak: The idea is basically just that there's this growing disconnect between people these days. As a species we are guilty of a lot of the things said in this song: we distract ourselves a lot with tv and technology, rather than communicating with one another. We take what we see and hear in the media as an accurate reflection of the world, but can't ever seem to remember that they're businesses, and have to go with what earns money. People have a tendency to speak seeking agreement rather than discussion. We hear each other but we often aren't trying to really look at what the other person is saying or where they're coming from. Then there are things like, if you poke around online enough, you find out that there are a lot of amazingly gifted people in the world. Some write amazing poetry, or songs, or music, or create phenomenal artwork, and yet all these strangers online see it, but not one person they actually know in the real world has seen or heard any of it, or knows that they can do those things, because we've built this whole environment where it's easier to expose yourself to strangers than it is to the people who are your friends or family, and where people have best friends they've never seen, because it's emotionally safer than being best friends with people on their own block. There's a lot of noise, but somehow there still seems to be this kind of weird silence between us when it comes to the things that really matter to us. Technology has connected us in a lot of ways, but it has disconnected us in some of the most critical ways, and even though we see it, we still keep going back to it. Sacrificing ourselves and our lives to it like it's some kind of god.
- Shadrack Raymond: Best cover ever is Shinedown: Simple Man
- AgenteusaRR: and btw if you never heard disturbed, this one was named in Rock' Roll magazine as one of the best top 10 solos :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBv9TUQUDy0
- Curious Clutch: James Wright right lmao droppin plates is more like it!
- Deven Science: Most overrated cover of all time.
- Kevin Heckeler: Disturbed's "Land of Confusion" [Genesis] cover is another of their classics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV4oYkIeGJc
- Matas G: +Steve Kozlowski They already did For Whom the Bell Tolls, they watched the cliff em all version
- Gambit Lopez: Audioslave- like a stone!
- Wolves Den Gaming: you should watch disturbed the vengeful one for its story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nW-IPrzM1g
- Mainor Murillo: I am lost, for me to hear you guys said that you have to Google "Simon & Garfunkel " or " the "sound of silence as a song" ,,, it will be like any white guy saying that they have to Google " Chuck Barry" or "Sammy Davis Jr "" there are some songs or artist for that matter that are - General Domain knowledge.
- dirtygirl10477: Not sure if anyone mentioned, it's not a soul patch. Those are piercings.
- Megaladong 20: Bredon urie best live vocals
- Troy Batey: It's about war
- Winona Ramsey: He doesn’t use auto tune and he’s trained in classical music
- pjanderson66: The original song was released and popular during the Vietnam War and turbulent Civil Rights era of the 60's. This is why the remake resonates so well among those of us who remember those days and how they seem to parallel today's political and social woes.
- Audra Rowdygirl: This is one of my favorites to sing! Thanks for this!
- Henry Wakefield: Do more Disturbed
- michael smith: noahs ark loaded with instruments
- Fred Ryno: This Song speaks of how we of the human race has grown silence through warnings through people singing songs and trying to tell us that through our silence we allowed the small 1% who owns our economic world has come to control us that's when he speaking of 10,000 people maybe more he speaking about all of us as a human race who has allowed our lives to be taken over why are governments through not speaking out against all the laws that they have made to keep us as cattle to keep producing and running their economic Society in which they created
- Johnny Rosiek: Guys you have to do another take on Ghost! I suggest Ghost - Rats
- Becky Buchanan: Please review Rival Sons. Where I’ve been and Rag n Bone man...anything he does is great....also Jordan by Rival Sons....please I’ve requested this several times
- Terry Wendt: Great reaction guys! I'd dispute "best cover/remake" ever though, though I know that isn't what you said. Let me give you three much better cover/remakes: 1) Motley Crue covering The Beatles - Helter Skeltor. 2) Metal Church covering Deep Purple's Highway Star. 3) Anne and Nancy Wilson covering Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven at the Kennedy Center Awards... And as a Bonus, Corinne Bailey Rae and Herbie Hancock covering The Beatles - Blackbird. But that's just my opinion...
- Scratch Dragon: You two are a joke. Watch the video again without stopping it
- Brandon Cummer: You guys really need to do more Distutbed like Ten thousand fists.
- Hamdhaan Rasheed: Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country please!
- Gustavo Mendoza: Hey guys, you already did War Pigs from Black Sabbath, Faith no More did an amazing cover of that song that you should check out!
- rj s: I heard this version before and couldn't get into it. It's way too overblown and overproduced. The vocals are quite auto-tuned and overdramatic. IMO, it's just not good.
- Michael mabrey: The live version on Conan is better
- Dillon Bucci: how about listening to the whole song before u talk about it and try to find out what its about.. annoying
- TayR0C: Disturbed is garbage. They were at my first concert ever, and it was embarrassing. Awful awful band. The guy had spikes sticking out of his lips Do Deep Purple Rat Bat Blue. A real band
- ApocalypseVastoare: Adam Vargas they reacted to this video already! You should check it out🤙🏽
- insanzeforlife5150: Shout 2000 would make for a great video dudes!!!
- Robert Bruce: Listen to the Simon and Garfunkel original. It's about the falseness of society and people's inauthenticity with each other.
- Ballom, Master of Death: I would love to see you revisit Slipknot at some point. They are my favorite band, and really have something special in their music. Recommendations are Devil in I, Psychosocial and Skeptic.
- OddysseySorry: I would’ve told them to listen to the live version from Conan.
- Boyd Peterson: You guys are the fuckin best! Doesn't he look like Howie Mandel?! Ha!
- metch: this aint even one of there good songs.
- Sassgay Coochiha: Disturbed - Stricken
- DieWithRegret 5: Tool - No Quarter
- Grief Hammer: I've never been a huge fan of Disturbed, but the vocalist is quite talented and they have a knack for doing great covers. Their version of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" is also really enjoyable.
- Zander Roger: Damn, I new you guys would react to this eventually. I’m so glad you did
- Ryan Garcia: Boring. I just don’t get the appeal of this version. Not a fan.
- Scott Sales: I have always thought that the Neon God was the T.V.
- HotMoo: No matter how good something is, like George said in a previous video, there's always people that are gonna be like naaa, wasn't even all that.
- hibrydo1990: Diamond Head- Am I Evil
- Carleigh Ross: First time I ever heard this song was on the olympics, absolutely fell in love. Their routine was beautiful, the first and only ice skating that I was obsessed with, I still watch it. https://youtu.be/_279WWNbuv4
- Old Man Neal: I too believe it was partly about anti-vietnam war movement. But the 60's was a big time movement with the hippie movement. Someone mentioned about TV taking over. I think it was division between the love movement (make love not war) and the government. Peoples voices were not being heard. However, Paul Simon probably was just writing lyrics that were opposite of each other.. talking without listening...words like silent raindrops fell etc. Very classic Paul Simon. He also takes bits of songs from others and makes them his own such as El Condor Pasa (Peruvian song). I think Disturbed really took this song home with his deep dark and raspy voice and then the clean ending. But I think the reviewers shouldn't have dug into the lyrics so much since it was a cover not a song written by disturbed. Love both versions.
- Michael Durham: The Heartless Hero 2077 you are 1000% wrong on the interpretation of the song and what it means. There are interviews out there by Simon and Garfunkel of what the song actually means and has no political or emotional underpinnings...
- Zach Carter: It’s pretentious and dishonest to sing so “passionately” about words that aren’t yours. I know there are exceptions but this melodramatic fakery isn’t it
- Ian Flanagan: you heard it in meme video with elmo on a snowy street. The cover of No quarter by Tool is the best cover ever
- Las grab: IMO this is the worst cover of all time, the original song is 10/10 brilliance and doesn't need a bald guy with piercings singing it while staring intensely into the camera. They're not adding anything creative with this cover but being overly theatrical in the most cringeworthy way.
- keithmarty: Y’all should do a live version (on Conan or w/Myles Kennedy). The video is distracting. David’s voice is amazing!
- Brian Roak: Can I give you guys some constructive thoughts. Maybe comparing cover songs would be a nice branch off for you guys. Lots of covers done in both rock and country, let alone anything done before 1975. Can I issue 2 challenges for you to look at cover songs. 1)Close my eyes forever. first done by Ozzy and Lita Ford and covered by Device and Lizzy Hale. 2)Crazy little thing called love. first done by Queen and covered by Dwight Yoakam. but otherwise, another great insight by you guys. Keep up the good work.
- Ren: Yo that Howie comment was funny!!
- Jeana Harris: You are very right from the original and this remake people aren’t listening to each other and we are all ignoring the issues
- Your Boy Eobard Thawne: Many artists love when we derive our own meaning from their songs. Seal is a perfect example.
- soccerwizard975: Firstly, this song is a cover. I prefer the live version from Simon and Garfunkel's "Live and Central Park". These guys sing it less dramatically, but more haunting. The reason I haven't been able to get into Disterbed's cover is because it's huge and orchestral, where the version I mentioned is sparse and fits better to the original theme IMHO.
- NAOMI CAJA MÁGICA Medrano: you guys should not laughf because theres a song like that and its from9/11
- Jeffrey Bolton: Very powerful and disturbing. Better watch a couple of Abba videos to ward off nightmares.
- Scot Johnson: I have one thing to say. A.R. Coating on your glasses!!!! All I see are your lights reflecting in them.
- Joseph Thiery: Need to react to Greatest Hits of Disturbed. Best shit ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66gSvNeqevg
- Hollie Logue: Pentatonix hallelujah
- William Roop: IMHO I think that the neon god reference goes much deeper that the "electronics" of the time. Mankind has always looked to something biggerfor answers and leadership. They have ALSO attempted to use religion as a tool to enforce their views and beliefs on others. Throughout history, biblical and otherwise, there have been people who have moved to the leadership roles in society and people following them stopped thinking for themselves to follow blindly the influence of a powerful leader, even to their own undoing. While neon god WAS Simon & Garfunkel's reference from the time they lived, it also reaches back to people following whatever is flashy and distracting. The silence in the song refers not only to their lack of voice, but lack of critical thinking and holding themselves and their leaders accountable. In the Bible, God commands that no one worship false idols; THOSE are the neon gods.
- D Setiadi: Silence please!!!
- jmilb10053: Simon and Garfunkel live in Central park version is the best version of this song.
- r alch: Dude has a talent for singing, but the whole thing rings hollow to me. Maybe cuz the original was so perfect. Anyway, my usual recommendations: Alternative: Three Days, by Jane's Addiction 2nd chance: New Dawn Fades, by Joy Division Repeat band: Lazy, by Deep Purple Metal: Balls to the Wall, by Accept Classic: Sweet Thing-Candidate-ST reprise, by David Bowie Folk rock: Old Man, by Neil Young Country alt. rock: Sweethearts, by Camper Van Beethoven Punk: The Have-Nots, by X Cover: Hazy Shade of Winter, by The Bangles (original: Simon & Garfunkel :D)
- BreezyGamer92: Love that song. Have you two ever heard of George Thorogood? I recommend his song One Bourbon, on Scotch, One Beer Bad to The Bone, another good song, was my favorite growing up.
- Niko Azure: Disturbed-Vengeful one
- denny plaza: dude you have to react to "A reason to fight" from Disturbed
- RighteousNicky: hear more of classic disturbed they are one of the titans among metal like metallica that you should def listen to, Stricken first song
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: 🔥 🔥 WHEREVER I MAY ROAM 🔥 🔥
- Rohit Basu Chaudhuri: Superb cover, definitely. But nowhere near as good as the original. I liked the fact that Draiman made it his own and sang accordingly, but really, the original version is one of the best songs of all time. Goosebumps every time.
- Dennis Cooke: +sacredomens I typically get nothing but hate because I dislike this version. To each their own, I say.
- Ross Mudie: Disturbed? Metal by numbers..... Boooooring
- ADTRFTW7: "Absolomb" by Periphery
- B Allen: And the people bowed and prayed , to the neon God they made . Maybe these lyrics were a premonition to the only thing we communicate with is cell phones, tablets, computers, video games etc.
- Charlotte Bush: Please do one by Disturbed "A Reason To Fight". It's off their new cd.
- Kyle J. H.: 46 dislikes as of 9pm Pacific lol, NOT ME!!!
- Ernie McGowin: Not sure what I can say about this version. It’s just disturbing to me. I didn’t like the original and surly not this one. Who wants to be screamed at.
- Thomas Dipper: Review Aussie hip hop again!!! Hilltop Hoods - The Hard Road
- Evan Hubler: Oasis - Champagne Supernova
- Leah C: MUST listen to Gary Jules version of "Mad World"...hauntingly beautiful
- VadorX: someone said this shit was the best cover? lol
- David Morphew: It comes from the bible
- mintratm: This is awful. If Disturbed had stayed silent from the jump the world would be a little better off.
- mjw4000: Parkway Drive- Wishing Wells
- Karin Gordon: If you really want to see some power and beauty added to Disturbed's version of this incredible song, google Nyles DiMarco dancing to this song . Completely deaf. Absolutely stunning.
- Rob Hogate: +Eric Biddle apparently not according to one of the guys that wrote it
- Donna D: This version was GREAT. And I mean, GREAT! Conan live version was better, but I've never heard of this group.. and I think they are just Wonderful. SO Powerful...i can listen to it over and over, and STILL feel the powerfulness... straight to my soul. If I listen to it 10 times in a row... I still feel that feeling in my soul and brings tears to my eyes everytime! I've always loved this song since the 70s. I love Simon & Garfunkel, and this is one of my very favorites of theirs. But as much as I like the Simon & Garfunkel version and always have... I LOVE this version better. I've never given a dislike on a video like this before. Before NOW. The reason is because the guy with the glasses kept stopping the vid. and talking. Making goofy jokes during an emotional, Powerful song. At least, he kept it down during the most powerful parts...but talk about ON MY NERVES. You Ruined the first part of this wonderful song! But you DID do justice by giving a good rating. My "dislike" wasn't because of the song or the singer.....It was because of the constant stopping the vid. during the 1st almost half of it...jokes during a wonderful song, and the yap yap yap of the guy with the glasses.
- Tim Carder: i am so glad you chose the video version, it is a powerful cover of this song, but the vid gives it a greater impact. as for meaning, as a writer of (sometimes dark) poetry, interpretation is individualistic, what YOU think, is right, no matter the authors thought. now as for a comparison, "I'd" listen to "Down With The Sickness", by these guys, to understand why this song seems to have blown up more than you'd expect (ala Johnny Cash, and "Hurt")
- Pete Smith: no
- Dr Derelict: Howie...soul patch. You guys were great as usual. Try out Faster Pussycat - House of Pain
- Drum Guy: My favorite disturbed song is the game. Awesome song! Check it out!
- Scott Charlton: He looks more like Kevin Pollack, actually.
- Mathew Erenbergee: I mentioned in a comment earlier, not specifically mentioning any title by them, but the sound of silence while a great cover by them isn't a good starting point into disturbed. Stricken I believe is the best song if not than possibly the game
- morgan c: This cover didn't bring anything to the table over the original for me. Just my opinion.
- Travis Peach: Maybe dont keep pausing it to make lame jokes and maybe read what the song is about before you play a video.
- Dr. Disaster: Disturbed Sound of Silence... quite fitting.
- Chrystle Ayer: About time you guys got around to this!
- Andi Randolph: Love Gary Jules' Mad World.
- Kirk von der Heydt: If you want to try something different and unique review this video: https://youtu.be/v4xZUr0BEfE . It is called "Yuve Yuve Yu" by The Hu. The CC has the lyrics for what it is worth.
- laura beth Belcher: Great song. I disagree with it being the greatest cover, as you guys have already done that. The greatest cover of all time is Tennessee Whiskey. For proof, go check out how David Allen Coe presented that song to the world. I don't recommend getting any further into his collection of work though. Have a great day!
- Stephen Begbie: Listen .... to the sound.... of auto-tune.
- Ahmed Safdar: This cover is a bit too auto-tuned for me. But please listen to more Simon & Garfunkel!
- Miki Nebulah: Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery Gojira Esoteric Surgery
- Serai3: I think the imagery with the instruments is that of something being found. The guitar was pulled from the earth, the drum was up in a tree, the pages of music are scattered on the ground. I get the sense of something that was abandoned, left behind, and now he is finding them to piece together a mystery.
- Jeremiah Prine: Since you fellas did Simple Man, will you give Shinedown’s cover of Simple Man?
- Daeis138: This cover was hot garbage. Butt rock sucks
- raider101416: Can I ever get Machine Head (RIP) Davidian ?
- Mary Bishop: Paul Simon said,"The Sound of Silence’ is the simplicity of the melody and the words, which are youthful alienation,” he explained. “It’s a young lyric, but not bad for a 21-year-old. It’s not a sophisticated thought, but a thought that I gathered from some college reading material or something. It wasn’t something that I was experiencing at some deep, profound level – nobody’s listening to me, nobody’s listening to anyone – it was a post-adolescent angst, but it had some level of truth to it and it resonated with millions of people. Largely because it had a simple and singable melody. Read More: Revisiting Simon and Garfunkel's ‘The Sounds of Silence' | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/simon-garfunkel-sounds-of-silence/?trackback=tsmclip Just so you know. Loved your reaction!
- Raiderblack: The Red
- Bigjcomeon: Also think of hear no evil speak no evil see no evil.
- Agustin Jauregui: you should check out stricken by disturbed, definitely my favorite by them, and that way you can also get a better look at the instrumental parts of the band
- Dennis Saran: the whole original Sound of Silence LP was one of the darkest albums of the mid 60's ... spend a bit of time with that record fellas.(not for a reaction vid, but just for your own listening pleasure.) i dig what you guys do.
- Chad Martin: Damn, I thought you guys would be more enthused about this one. Great reaction, though. It's time to give Periphery a second chance, guys! "Marigold" (official music video,) "Erised," or "Catch Fire."
- Tyrannosaurus Sex: Please do, Pink Floyd: ‘High Hopes’ one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard
- te0pa0k: Down with the sickness disturbed
- fåttda: Muse - Knights of Cydonia!
- datalink7: Just found you guys recently. Part of what I like above a lot of other reaction channels is your smart commentary. It's fun watching just reactions sometimes, but I like the intelligent discussion this channel brings. Thanks!
- TenTonNuke: Saw this in my feed and was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!
- Fahim Ahmad: U have to remember, this was written in 1963, just after President Kennedy was shot & killed. The cold war w/ the USSR resulted in the Cuban missile crisis, the civil rights movement was marching forward, Vietnam war was beginning to escalate - lot of turmoil & civil unrest in the US (much like now in 2018) so this song captures the dark uncertainty of the future. Of course, this version came out 2015 & it does serve as a dark omen of what's happening today...Check out more Disturbed - 'Prayer'...'Down with the sickness'...'Inside the fire'. They also have another great cover of 'Land of confusion' by Genesis(another band u could react to)
- Brad Benjamine: The original is the best!
- Eric Krupa: I tried but...had to stop. Not sure why you’re reviewing a song that you ain’t listening to. First stop cause white people look alike....we all know that. Second stop...”soul patch”?.......those are piercings Third stop...telling us the lyrics that the guy is actually singing.....we know what he said. Dude.....I made it 4 minutes in.....I tried.
- Will Lambert: I would love to hear Cory Taylor sing this, I think it might rival David other than him I don’t think a metal singer could come close
- Espen Totland: Vi Seconds Vs Passionate MC ! It's fucking cool they are rap battling in a boxingring with comentator and judges. teambackpack. really enertaining would love your reaction to it and decide who won. very close one
- katwoman873: First, I'd like to say I'm so impressed with your channel! That you listen to, appreciate, analyze, and interpret the music that you're hearing is a joy to watch. I've only just discovered your channel within the past 3 weeks, and I'm pleased to have done so. I've been a Disturbed fan for a while, and I'm glad that you've now done a video about a song of theirs, and I have a few suggestions that I think you might appreciate and enjoy listening to, which I'll link to here. Before I do so, I'd like to say thank you for doing what you're doing here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MCQNfkjToY Midlife Crisis cover, I believe you discussed the original version by Faith No More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmeOmCyG7PY Criminal; this song as some salty lyrics, but is aggressive and very catchy! The riffs throughout are just raw! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxujAPhxlo0 Inside the Fire; a very serious song dealing with the subject of suicide. Incredible use of a horrible personal experience on the part of the singer. Hope you enjoy, and thanks again!
- Baz: Down With The Sickness next
- ec1122: https://youtu.be/trhPm-hPrsg
- LORD GEKKO: My take on the lyrics is that he is talking about actual music and pop songs that have no meaning. These same songs are written by people that are not singing them. How this is a cancer that is killing art and music. All the while real musicians that are pouring their hearts out get pushed to the wayside by meaningless pop music. Truly his words are like silent raindrops.
- John-boy: I think he looks more like Andre Agassi
- Joseph Buttrum: Yes!!!!! Awesome request
- Ohwahahahahah: It's funny because the cover ended up being more of a meme, just because it feels too campy/overproduced, cringy or soulless. Just a bit too fake even though he is a powerful and talented singer. The original was referring to the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse, because the context was it was produced during the cold war and a time of uncertainty which speaks to the desolate silent beauty of a destroyed landscape.
- Arek Sałata: This is the worst cover of all time.
- Aaron Brenes: Iced earth: Dracula
- biggred333: Ryan is thinking "Imma let George dig his own grave on this one" lmao
- David Hurst: Lmao edgy Howie Mandel
- Dennis D. West: I absolutely hate remakes. Very powerful performance. Should have been saved for a solo album, especially since we don't hear the band. I don't think that anyone who can't do the vocal harmonies (most bands today) should do remakes of originals. I would have loved it if it were original.
- Kevin Fitzpatrick: I mean, yeah his voice is good, and kudos to them for bringing this song to a new audience. But. The way the song has spread has been a mix of "omg Disturbed have made this amazing song" when it's a cover, and "beautiful metal cover of Sound of Silence" when it is in no way even slightly metal, they just happen to be a metal band.
- Aclownin1: What you're calling a soul patch are piercings. Look close you'll see his soul patch is stainless. Lol
- Fuarian: +The Heartless Hero 2077 It was written in 1964 but it can probably be attributed to so many things. Nice interpretation.
- sean Hudson: Every time i hear this song I shed a tear, I dunno what it is. It speaks to me.
- Valandar2: The lyrics are very powerful SPECIFICALLY because they can be interpreted as anti- almost anything - anti technology, anti-fascism, anti-whatever. You read into it what flaws you might have that prevents you from reaching out to other people, or perhaps the flaws you see in others (though that is a dangerous path). In the end, it doesn't matter what it is against - what matters is what it is for. The only thing that can truly be said is that it's in favor of humanity listening to one another and understanding where we all come from, and getting rid of the ignorance that builds up walls between us.
- YOW Gyrl: #Trumpocalypse
- Matthew Barnes: Hail to the king- Avenge sevenfold
- Laura Tieffel: +Magnus Likes Tanks I agree!
- David Vargas: Skindred - “Kill the Power” !!! 🤘
- James Boyd: Yeah I forgot about Volbeat
- Greg Steele: Back to Simon and Garfunkel: You should really listen to Bridge over Troubled Water if you've never heard it before. It has one of the most hauntingly beautiful vocal performances ever recorded.
- Jeffrey Reid Pittman: Bobby Bare - "THE WINNER"......I hears you guys say to challenge you to step outside your comfort zone. Ok. I think I will. Now, will you? You gentlemen, have been challenged to do just that. Enjoy. -Truth
- Dondoran: For that Howie Mandel comment, you need to react to Haken - "The Endless Knot"
- MrDisturbed33: David Draiman is an amazing singer. Very talented on a whole different level.
- S.L. S.L.: Metallicas ..Bob Segar-"Turn the Page" cover is great too
- The Warrior: Good job fellas. Remember, Simon & Garfunkel released this song in 1966. Look at what was going on in the country at that time. Our citizens were going through all kinds of higher level stuff. Great tune and great cover.
- Espen Totland: Tool - Vicarious. BRILLIANT writing
- dikfro 5000: He sounds like he's singing with a mouthful of peanut butter.
- Moon Gazer: Machine Head - Message In A Bottle Seether - Careless Whisper ManOwaR - Nessun Dorma
- VelociKappa: You guys pretty much had the same reaction I did. I didn't even know Disturbed was still around. Let a lone, covering this classic of a song. But damn man. I have to give Disturbed credit. They took a song that I would say is not easy to cover, and nailed it. Ain't it crazy listening to the lyrics that were written in the 1960s. And they still hold a strong meaning in todays world. It's almost prophetic. Weird.
- Cristian: I think it's cool how this song mentions 10000 people in the lyrics and Disturbed actually has an album called 10000 fists, by far one of my favorite albums
- Peter Brown: They also cover Genesis- Land of Confusion. Great cover as well.
- Jason Stagg: There are so many covers that are better than this
- irish8008: Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
- Ernie McGowin: How about some country rock. Like Copperhead Road by Steve Earle.
- David B: Disturbed - Stricken. Pleaseeeeee
- Jake Miller: I loved when you brought up the song being about people being ingenuine.
- Holly: Without fail, every time I listen to this song and watch the video, I get chills. Every time. There are so many small things I notice each time I watch. Thank you for doing a video on it and analyzing it. This song definitely makes you think.
- Mxid: React to accept kill the pain
- James Bowler: Yes, his cover of Jimi Hendrix, Voodoo Child, would be earth shattering, watching SRV keeping the soul of Hendrix while imparting SRV's tone and rhythm. It would be awesome to watch their reaction of that song!
- George Martinez: Old school bad ass but way fuckin over played
- Jayson Manning: Listen to wishing wells parkway drive
- Tiffany Cutshall: Lol I see the Howie Mandel reference
- ou812gtit haha: Doppelganger somebody get Howy
- Cameron Warner: I still think you need to do a industrial metal song, and I think it should be KMFDM - Drug Against War
- Angelo Torres: Great cover got to give him that. Dio & Malmsteen - Dream On is another great cover. please react to Savatage - St. Patrick (Best lyrics)
- gwynn theule: This song was written in the age of protest. Everyone was fighting everyone else. This is the most dangerous time in American history. There were protests against the war. The Civil Rights and rioting was at full swing. Killing of Civil Leaders (Bobby, Martin, and Malcom) happened to often. Drugs were killing musicians DAILY. The Government ignored the youth and the voices. Basically the only way to be heard was through music.
- Bracewell Wayne: Still pushin Sabbath bloody Sabbath! From the same album! Cover title song! Do it boys! Love you guys! 👍
- TJ W: The song came out in 1964. The tech age hadn't begone and the space age was just beginning. The flower power age was hitting full swing. I think it was about where society was at that time. I also think it was about the generational conflict of the hippies versus the status quo.
- Daniel Burgess: Home free cover of ring of fire
- chicken2jail: I prefer the Harmonies on the Original, but gotta admit, Howie does a fine job. Deal, or No Deal.
- Maddi Lyons: Do zombies bad wolves cover
- wvusmc: Fear Factory
- Rich Whitelatch: Whiskey Myers broken window serenade don't even do a reaction video if you don't want to just check it out
- Justin Hubbard: Down with the sickness please
- Bobby Joe: Could you guys please react to avenged sevenfolds song "little piece of heaven"? It's honestly a masterpiece.
- Bill B-MORE Passmore: sir psycho sexy - red hot chili peppers :D :D :D
- Sanskar Mishra: react to sound of madness next
- Josue Villanueva: This is the same as Seether's cover of Careless Whisper. lol
- Pie Cat: These bois need to listen to infant annihilator - Soil the stillborn
- The Apartment Woodturner: Yes this is a good cover but definitely not the best cover of all time. A couple of my favorite covers are... Last Kiss- Pearl Jam (J. Frank Wilson) N.I.B.- Primus (Black Sabbath) Surfin' U.S.A.- Blind Gardian (Beach Boys Hurt- Johnny Cash (Nine Inch Nails)
- Matthew Pruitt: You should try down with the sickness by Disturbed
- tlopes: Meatloaf Bat Out Of Hell
- Terrie Cotham: I love the Org- but this is not bad Music is to the ear like art are to the eyes as they say. Songs can open the mine, heart or make one thank in life and its hard to all ways get the meaning right for at times they can reach deep inside the heart were dreams, hope, love, death, and fear life and make us feel songs can tell stores of life and of people from hearos to outlaws. they can speak of people fighting for freedom or a better way of life of lost loves or great deeds in battle or death. Songs offer so much to the world and may we never lose music for if we do the world will be a darker place for all were hope, dreams, love and respect could die a slow death in no-mans land. To me I would let the music play from start to end before comment on it for breaking things up can take away from its overall effect many times I do not like remakes and at others times there better and he was good. This song came out in the 1960 time frame the US was going through many changes from the war to civel rights protest which made the US A stronger nation from all those that work so hard and the music was changing along with the young people as well. We have the dock of the bay to have you ever seen the rain coming down to Papa was a rolling stone and Mow town Music is candy to the ears
- Trent Owens: Hey guys, can't get enough of your channel. It's one of a handful that I have taken the laughably easy step and subscribed to. I just cant be bothered with most channels but your honesty and openness to anything new is respectable and something to be supported. All that said, as a guy that grew up as a metalhead and became a dirty hippy after living in the mountains for years I would love to here you react to some Grateful Dead or some other jam band not called Phish. Something classic but not popular like Estimated Prophet or from my current favorite band " The String Cheese Incident" (song: Texas or Little Feet). If you finally decide to wonder into these territories i would suggest a live song as these bands always sound better on stage than they do in the studio. I've also fallen in love with funk. If 6th grade me only knew playing a trumpet could be so badd ass. Bands like Lettuce (Do It Like You Do) or The Motet (Nemesis) are a bit more obscure outside certain circles and are fucking awesome. Again live performances are always better than studio tracks for these guys.
- Provident Photography: The Heartless Hero 2077 well it was written in 1964
- Kevin Heckeler: I've always thought tSoS was about the music industry, along the lines of Rush's "Spirit of Radio"
- Shmick !: It’s a decent cover, but it’s far from the best cover song of all time. Not even close to the likes of Hendrix (All Along the Watchtower) and Jeff Buckley (Hallelujah) among many others.
- Bryant Helt: Ive always thought he looks like the deal or no deal dude lmao
- Seth morton: please you guys as much as you like hip hop too check our Fire From The Gods..... Excuse me. its a mix of the genres just check it out
- Jennifer Meowmy of 5: Also Ghost Love Score, Storytime, and Dark Chest of Wonders
- Mladen Korunoski: Tool - The Grudge
- Ceruleannn: wait what? this is considered as one of the best covers ever? i've rarely ever heard a song being so brutally raped, draped in over the top cheesiness. this is just awful. when i think of excellent covers, i think of Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower.
- Григорий Табакаев: Chris Sees If you mean live version from CONAN then it's also autotuned and pitch-corrected in some parts. Not saying that Draiman isn't able to sing in pitch, those corrections a simply cosmetic, but still, not full representation
- Kyle Sedlacko: Brilliant job as always, guys. If you want to hear what Disturbed can really do, listen to Stricken. That song is fantastic, you’ll be blown away.
- Ayeew Tasko: Best cover = Johnny Cash - Hurt!! And yes, I know you've already reacted to it ;)
- majmunko23: or Steve Vai - Bad Horsie
- Joe Kelly: Neon God should represent the nuclear flash in the sky
- James Shields: Amazing that this song has 1.7 Thousand thumbs down. SMH..This song is greatness!
- OEMR: +J L you definitely don't, I also don't respect those who shit in mouths
- Carl Harrison: Live on Conan version is 1000 times better imo
- Jacob Brown: Man this music video is ABSOLUTE TRASH. such a good song
- Jordan Thompson: He does look like Howie Mandel.
- Jamie Light: I really prefer Disturbed's live version of this cover performed on Conan.
- J L: James Brown The original is still relevant. This cover is embarrassingly bad.
- Mike Felty: Chimaira please!🤘
- David Carly: Tesla, What You Give
- Philip Randolph: Big ups for talking about that man's voice, Disturbed introduced me TO METAL, and I'm a big Rap fan but being a free thinker, I fell in love with their body of work
- Steven Page: You should react to. Disturbed-A reason to fight.
- chuntone90: In this moment - the fighter
- Kartik Mittal: Do Muse: Supermassive black holes
- scb0212: DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - WIDOWER. Maybe the tamest song by the craziest band, and it still hits harder than most bands dream of.
- Henrik: Alright guys, let's see you react to Alice In Chains - Would? next!
- roastbeefdinner: the guy on the left of screen gets it immediately...the guy on the right is looking for reasons not to like it. its a good combination of opinions.
- Paul Retzbach: Hate that cover too
- Becky Neufeld: Simon an Garfunkel' had several hits 1960
- Aschell: I've followed you guys since you started doin requests for the Rattpack way back, and I've just gotta say (without tryna blow hot air up your asses 😂) you two do these "Reaction" type videos very well. Most people who do these, people come to for their genuine reactions when listening to their favorite songs. With you two, not only do you guys work together as friends so well, but I think you two are really intelligent guys, and you give actual input that comes from listening to music for so long, and just being open minded with everything. You guys also are some of the only ones who pick apart and decipher lyrics the way you do, as you guys are usually spot on when you do it. The icing on the cake though is you guys are funny as hell, and sometimes I'll be over here laughin loud as hell in the middle of the night. You guys feed off eachother well, and I hope this can blossom into somethin a little more lucrative for you, but as long as you're havin fun (which I can tell you are) that's all that matters
- Chadney Phillips: To truly appreciate his voice you've got to hear Down with the Sickness by Disturbed.
- Mikhaiel Gomes: You have to check out Down with the sickness by Disturbed! Have to
- James Worley: Just STFU
- Magnus Likes Tanks: Part 2 is the best imo.
- lucian Alexander: 💔💔💔
- Bryan: Yo lets see a Run The Jewels reaction. Best rap duo since Outkast! RTJ🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Cleve Crudgington: +Peggy Penguin No worries, mate.
- David Chris: Biohazard “punishment” music video!
- Emily Robinson: Try some ORIGINAL Disturbed...."Indestructible"
- Pattrick Kipp: I believe the neon god they made refers to the bomb itself.
- Debra Crabtree: Hey what's up I live in Vegas:)
- Michael Sanders: Ha ha. Howie , well we all look alike 😂😂😂
- WeIsDaTyrantz: Symphony X - Nevermore!
- Taylor Lee: The best cover of all time, for me, is Jeff Buckley's take on Hallelujah. But this song is up there.
- bob Wilson: Wrong I'm afraid. It was a comment on the times when it was written...but little has changed. The Neon Gods were the shop signs and advertisements. Neon was the best technology available at the time for these. It was about mans inability to communicate with fellow man.
- Michael Whitted: I CAN tell you guys that Disturbed's own music sounds absolutely nothing like this. David Draiman prefers to sing in scat rhythms.
- marine6680: You guys got the general subject of the song pretty much dead on. The terms darkness and silence are used throughout the song as metaphor, but not in a consistent way. They are used as a metaphor for many different concepts. Some a little more direct, some a little more vague. The first use of darkness is somewhat literal, as it represents a dark room, as the person has just awoken from a dream. Then they sit there and talk to the darkness, basically just speaking out loud about the dream. (The silence used here also refers to the room) Later the person describes walking alone in darkness, only to find themselves in a small pool of light from a Street lamp. The darkness represents ignorance, and the light (and neon sign) a realization. (Silence used here is referring to ignorance as well) Then the song moves on to using silence as a metaphor for how people fail to communicate properly. This is to reinforce the verse about not listening, talking, or sharing songs. (Ideas) In the end, people are caught up in their own lives, and don't look around and communicate with those around them... Not real communication... Not seeking to understand those around them or have others really understand them... So the problems of the world continue on... As we ignore the wisdom in front of us... Written on subway walls and the tenement halls.
- R.: Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
- Danny Phan: was told this song talks about the nuclear bomb the neon god.
- Renee White: Love you guys! I have a challenge for you... Il Divo's Mama.
- jamosensei: Funny...I thought he looked more like Bas Rutten when I first saw him.
- Samsung Tablet: Dire Straits Sultans of Swing, I generally go for harder rock and metal but even if you dont like the sound you have to admit the studio recording is a complex intricate song executed flawlessly
- Nat Julian Belza: Glass Prison by Dream Theater please!
- kawikaphotography: Analyzing the lyrics for this performance is kind of useless. Both are great but they didn't write the lyrics. Maybe focus more on the performance aspect in future covers. Great channel
- fuck you: I would say imo the best cover ever was Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails - Hurt. I say its the best because he manages to do something that ive NEVER seen before in a cover, and that is to completely change the meaning of the song...without using a different word or speed, but with pure inflection.
- Mário: This is much better live
- James Haskell: Subtle beauty vs. power. So right!!!
- Jeff Kemp: DMn Simon and garfunkle did this as a duet and Dave rocks it solo...much props Disturbed
- Amy King: Guys, it just cant compare to the original in my opinion. The dynamics are extremely wakened, causing some of the deeper meaning to be lost in transference. I'd like to ask you guys to PLEASE REVIEW Danzig "How The God's Kill." I know y'all love badass guitar riffs, so it's a matter of time. You'd be doing yourselves a great favor. I love you guys!!
- Micke Persson: You picked the wrong Disturbed song. Should really listen to some of their own songs. 10,000 fists, Stricken, Down with the sickness, liberate. And many more. Come on! Thanks!
- krulldunk: Slipknot - Spit it out! Their first alubm is a masterpiece my friends!
- Rafael Reus Brocca: YES
- Mr. Rafe: React to Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changing, am i suggesting this 'cause of Watchmen? Of Course.
- MrBook: Guys, do OG Simon & Garfunkel - "The Only Living Boy in New York." Very powerful song.
- dawn henderson: You guys have to react to the Video of Venom from Eminem!!!!
- tailsof1Leo: jakeybball well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But I do wonder why you are watching this video and took the time to read through the comments if you feel that Disturbed is garbage & ruined the song. I will say that the original creator of this song was impressed by Disturbed ‘s cover of their song & the original video by Disturbed has millions of views. So while you are entitled to your opinion a lot of people would disagree with what you said.
- JRHockney: ...What makes you think he thinks he's better than any of them?..Because he's still alive?! Pearl jam doesn't sound like any of other Grunge scene bands and this was one of Black was one of their best. .. and I say this as someone who was a much bigger fan of Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.
- Rei Ryokazaki: Myrath - Believer Myrath - Believer Myrath - Believer
- vladthetransilvanian: Just to add for the Disturbed rec: listen to the album version, the music video cuts a portion.
- PCmasterRacist: Disturbed - down with the sickness
- Melissa Williams: SRV - Voodoo Child (one night in Texas)
- metal groupie: Gojira - Ocean Planet
- Seth Gecko: Tool- Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned Free thinkers!!!
- Robert Rodgers: Given the time of the writing of the original lyrics, could the neon god be the television? Even back then folks were tuning out, not talking, but watching the glowing screen of a television? As much as this song has been reviewed, I think this one will be your highest view-count before long.
- Aries Dragon: Simon and Garfunkel version-Warning of the coming social silencing Disturbed version-The warning was not heeded.
- Einar Ananiassen: I really love hard rock and heavy metal. That is probably why I really dislike Disturbed. I find it pretentious and overrated. His way of singing is the hard rock version of R&B-divas going all over the scale singing the national anthem, while lifting their hands up and down following the tone they are singing.
- Jean-Philippe Moreau: I get goosebumbs everytime i hear that song. The original was great but this one has so much power. Great choice. You should try other Disturbed songs, like Striken, Down With the Sickeness or 10 000 Fists.
- Benjamin Jump: My chemical romance- the black parade or the last words
- Lorddominion: I personally like the Nevermore version of this song a lot better than the disturbed one XD
- Tony CorCoran: Worst cover ever, It is painful to hear.
- dzhellek: 4:38 The song was written by Simon and Garfunkel in the sixties. It's about watching the Vietnam war on the news every night and wondering what's really going on over there.
- Elizabeth Salvatore: I have one for you, as you seem to like the more unique songs, song by people you would not normally associate a song with, this is an oldie, MacArthur park by Richard Harris (actor) Figure it out, it is a song you will spend a lot of time trying to understand what it means. original 60s version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRwYQgk05DY Donna Summer disco version - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF_o7aSjl_E
- Brian Seymour: ziad rishmany YES or Jambi
- nbadhorse: Don't care for the way you did this reaction videos. Listen to the song, then make your comments.
- Tyler Rickel: Nevermore The River Dragon Has Come. Great song.
- Inserat the band: I cant stand this cover. It totally missed the point of the original in terms of what the song was about. They made it feel uplifting and triumphant when the subject matter is actually quite depressing and melancholy.
- Cornan1980: I think it's hilarious this was highly requested. I think you guys may have been trolled. In circles I'm in, this is considered a famously terrible cover. I actually liked Disturbed's cover of "Shout" by Tears for Fears, but this song is fantastically bad.
- Nick Rippy: Dead Presidents depicts a good picture of the black culture back then, of those who served and didn't and the shit that was happening, and I believe the song was covered so dark, because shit kind of went the same after 9/11 happened for us current VETS and is still happening today. Civilians see it and feel it, but nothing close to the way we who served and still serve to this day do. The ones that were there when it all went down! We are the face to whatever the Prez decides, so we are the ones close enough to spit on and riot against, when we are your own brothers, sisters, friends, family! The civilians rise up against their own people, we don't get a fuckin choice what we do, it is kill or be killed once you swear in. None of us know that, when we sign up. Shit happens and we deal with it, we are there to protect our family from the enemy is all we know, whatever it takes! We got good intentions the whole way, but out here in media filled minds world, people don't see it that way! The media can either make us Heroes or Bad Guys, however they see fit. There is no real vision of being in our boots.
- Gigi Contreras: How about Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike?
- NARCISSIST984: Not a soul patch. It's a tattoo
- JCDJohnson: I've never seen it better portrayed than in a cartoon in which a homeless waif sits in a dark alley peering into the screen of a cell phone and the cartoon caption is "THE SOUND OF SILENCE"
- Сергей Корнят: disturbed - shitty band
- Razor44: I spit coffee on my keyboard when you said he looks like Howie Mandel. LMFAO
- Brandon Tagle: You guys gotta check out Bad wolves version of Zombie
- Bobby Davis: Been waiting so long for you guys to react❤️
- Danny Rosenberg: This song was written about the tv and the emergence of other technologies that were taking away from people having personal communication with each other and relationships.
- Leempo: The reason I don't like this version is because they use cheap tricks to make it more "powerful". The cheesy timpani drum build-ups before powerful lines and loud cymbal crashes telling where you should feel emotion. It all seems like one big cheap gag to me. The vocal are the fucking tits though, no lying about that.
- WhiteCleats: Aw come on guys, I've been waiting for this one for ever and you two are ruining the mood with all your goofing around! But it's okay, I still love ya. ;) By the way, the album recording is easily the worst version. Disturbed live on Conan O'Brien or live with Myles Kennedy are the superior versions, so I'm a little bummed you went with this one, but still, listen to both in your spare time.
- John Doe: The Sound of Silence, the sound of two large groups of people refusing to listen to the other side and instead choosing to worship their neon god they built up. When the protagonist sees this horror, he tries to warn them and tries to tell them they should be reaching out to each other instead of just listening to their own echo chamber, he's ignored. Very much political of the day, and unfortunately, very much representative of today.
- ou812gtit haha: Can i share this video.
- Iker Castillo: Boring song, I don’t know why would someone wanted a reaction of that. But you tried so props for that. Could you react to baby metal? What would be amazing
- Shannon Xox: Kesha-praying
- Sporty Taco: I've always loathed this version and will continue to do so, but I've always found their style to be unoriginal and an attempt to copy other artists. One of the few bands that I will immediately change the station for. I don't even want it playing in the background.
- Anton Chernetsov: do The Sound Of Silence cover by Bobaflex
- Truth Revealed: @stealthRUSH: ABSOLUTELY!
- SephL: Something different is Slipknot - The Nameless and it's something you want to listen to
- yeahroy90: Down with the sickness is a must. Also check out "Imperium" by Machine Head. So powerful in every way.
- PongGod: Now for your next reference point, try listening to something more typical of Disturbed like "Stupefy". That's a great song/video combo.
- Randy Simpson: Prefer the original big time....and by the way, How about some CLUTCH
- Josh Stripland: Theres a few covers I think are close together. This one. Ffdp did a blue on black cover and bad company. And bad wolves zombie cover is amazing. And all that remains did a metal cover of a country song the thunder rolls
- Tushar Roy: IMO All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix is the best cover of all time. Definitely not anything by Disturbed IMHO.
- AlintheaYoh: Protest the Hero - Mist OR Animal Bones - I think you'll really enjoy the drums & guitar so much. Be interesting to see what you think of the lead singer!
- Jørn Haugen: SCORPIONS HOUR 1
- Matt Matonek: Love Buckethead one of my favorite guitarist and solo artist
- Paul Thomas: Beautiful song by Simon and Garfunkel, absolutely horrible cover by Disturbed! They ruined this song! I hope I never hear this crap version ever again!!
- Jake Wiggins: So this is the first youtube comment I've ever left, but y'all are great and I truly enjoy keeping up with the channel. As a lifelong country fan from Texas, y'all's receptiveness/open-mindedness is super refreshing. Plus, y'all are reintroducing me to rock and metal, which I haven't kept up with in years. I have a few suggestions for artists I don't think y'all have covered (I'm gonna spam this comment because it took a minute to type): Country: Cody Johnson- Never go home again, half a song, talk to me right, dear rodeo, look so good in love (George straight cover), the only one I know, or really any of his songs (strongly recommend a live version with just Cody and a violist, it really highlights his talent) Randall King- Mirror, Mirror Turnpike Troubadours- Every Girl Jake Worthington- Just keep falling in love, Hell of a Highway Randy Rogers Band- Lonely too long, Kiss me in the dark, In my arms instead Adam Craig- Just a phase Josh Turner- Your Man Randy Travis- On the other hand, Parker McCollum- Hell of a year, meet you in the middle Morgan Wallen- Cover me up (Jason Isbell Cover) Rock/Other: Modest Mouse- Night on the sun Led Zepplin- Kashmir Beck- Loser Dio- Rainbow in the Dark Colton Wall- Devil wears a suit and tie AC/DC- Back in black, You Shook Me All Night Long, Highway to hell Chevelle- Send the pain below Rap: Chance the Rapper- Sunday Candy, same drugs, smoke again, the worst guys Childish Gambino- Firefly, freaks and geeks J Cole- Love yours, No Role Modelz Freestyles (IDK that many but yall should do more!)
- Liquidation King LA: I just listen to this about 8 times.... I think the song is done from the point of view of the Angel of Death as the Singer.... Wow!
- The Warrior: I think the neon god they made is the celebrity and fame. Pure music is forgotten.
- Neno White: I like your perspective on this. It's one of, if not my favorite, cover songs. To me it's an echo of the original version. They're trying to being people back around to not only understanding each other but themselves. We have mainstream everything now. It tells us how to look, how to be together, how to think, how to do everything. So, we have a lot of people going around trying to be what everyone else is. When really, we're all kind of lost and not really understanding how to have that inner voice, that song on the paper, come out. The tone is, this is what everyone wants..to change but nobody will be the first one to embrace it so they're going to show people how. That's my thought on it, anyway.
- Daniel Martins: Great Simon+Garfunkel original — lots of credit for the composition and lyrics. Decent cover. A bit overrated, in my opinion. It’s the type of song that I’d listen to once, appreciate it, and move on to never listen to again.
- Maverick: The whole reason to react to this song is to listen to the amazing and controlled voice of David Draiman. The analysis of the song lyrics is great. But put those thoughts aside and listen to this again (And again and again. lol). Listen to what he does with his voice. It is truly amazing.
- Kris S.: I love that you gentleman are dissecting this song during such an era. Simon & Garfunkel’s message of this song centered around society’s inability to communicate with each other effectively. I’m not sure about Disturbed, but this song landed right around the last US presidential election. For anyone who has engaged in the once taboo subject of politics during the last few years, it’s been obvious seeing people’s minds made up, and the rejection of outsider perspectives that would go against the grain of their inner narrative. Personally, I left the Democrat Party a few years back as I consider myself more of a free-thinker (whoop-whoop) that needed more information than Democrats we’re giving me. But me asking questions of both Republicans & Democrats to engage in centrist dialogue and gain a better understanding, I’ve been labeled sexist, racist, homophobic, and anything else that could be used to attack my character. For me, this song sums up political dialogue today in the face of social media, memes, short video clips, and other summarized messages that contribute to a person settling on an idea and no longer listening to the message their friends, neighbors, and family members are saying.
- fightclubhubbs: Excellent reaction. I never saw you guys so drawn into a song before. You only paused the video 3 or 4 times during the entire song speaks to how powerful the song sucked you in. Also I recommend Machinehead's A Farewell To Arms.
- loaditz: The Misfits (when Danzig was singer) please
- MichiganFresh 0013: Would love to see some reactions to Ozzy
- prohoneybee: Wars all over. The West selling guns and bombs to others so they can kill and invade other countries. Propaganda on all sites. Refugees drowning and the rise of the far right / Nazis all over the Western world and we are SILENT.
- Larson: Hey guys, could you react to My Chemical Romance - Mama please? I would love that
- Callum Saunders: Don’t like the constant abuse of his look instead of focusing on his beautiful performance!
- Calvin Shelton: Rob Zombie "Dragula" PLEASE?!!!!
- Crystal Z: You may have heard of Stupify by Disturbed. It was on heavy rotation on the radio for a long time.
- Mark Fox: Also remember this is a cover so these lyrics aren't disturbeds.. Its still what Paul Simon wrote in 1964.... I think It would be a remix if they rewrote it
- Kevin Heckeler: You sayin' all middle aged white boys look alike? :p
- Tom Thontor: This a great song. An amazing cover. It does NOT represent Disturbed’s typical sound. You should totally check out some of their other stuff.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed.
- Anthony Alejo: Architects - Royal Beggars
- Salvatiionz Plays: Think he sounds good on the original video... Try listening to the live video of him on Conan singing this song.. AMAZING!
- Bleumoon Zen: Oppression
- Juan Martinez: ANNIHILATOR
- Kelly Goodman: This was written in the 60s to put it in perspective.
- Kermit Adkins: You should have listened to the live version of the cover, on Conan. It's somehow much better than the recorded version. Great review none-the-less.
- Thomas Gannon: I'm so fucking pumped you did this guys! Do The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch soon please!
- Jesse Bower: Bridge over troubled water by Simon and garfunkel is so beautiful, even if for just personal consumption I would take a look
- Brandon Bennett: Y’all should review “when she comes home tonight”- Riley Green. It’s a very soulful country song. It’s not super popular but it well worth a listen I promise.
- Morgan: Dissection - The Somberlain
- Dave Evangelista: Please react to Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name Live at Rock In Rio!!
- Doug Phillips: listen to the song !!!! you can criticize after it's over. I stopped watching after YOU stopped the song on the 2nd time can't stand that crap..
- Rick Bradley: Bad Company "Bad Company" vs Five Finger Death Punch " Bad Company"
- Muschel Schubser: Don't you think it is actually Disturbed who get to decide how they "truly" sound? Whenever I read stuff by fans mouthing off about their faves, I think of low farts in high wind...
- Scott Schoenkopf: Rammstein-Sonne. As an OG Simon and Garfunkel fan, this is a good not great cover. S&G were voices of a generation and it was a different era during Vietnam
- Tor Ivar Sæternes: Dont break of the Song to tell your interpotatim of the song
- CKCleary: Please react to Joey Badass - Hardknock, So under appreciated and one of the better verses in the last 10 years
- sAcrEd666 _: The original was more folk, Disturbed version is definitely more powerful
- Sir0mosh0Alot: The song makes me think of, all the people in the world so focused on technology that they forget to interact with one another. Everyone liking and sharing and tweeting without ever actually having a real moment with a person anymore... has a generation of emotional handicaps, wandering through the world unable to deal with life constructively ... Learning guitar and playing music was a major outlet for me when I was young & had issues that were bigger than I knew how to handle. The symbolism of them going to the masses with instruments, giving them music, is a conduit for them to get their message out ...love the song
- beepingbeej: I don’t like this song
- Michał Golecki: Gojira - The Gift Of Guilt
- saiyanprince989: I love this version. To me, it just barely beats out the original. The minimalism in the original is amzing but I feel that it loses quite a bit of impact due to the fast tempo. Slow it down to match this version and it would be amazing.
- unbelievablescenes: Somehow the acoustics on the Conan show make this cover even better.
- doug young: The song is about music. You can’t have music without instruments and without written songs. One is nothing without the other.
- S.L. S.L.: Love Disturbed but not this one...
- Higgs666: Yea, he looks like Howie. Been saying it for years.
- Chuck Norris: That live Conan version is as close to perfection as I’ve seen. Much better than this version.
- Dennis Cooke: I can't stand this version. And don't go bitching at me because of it. Opinions are objective. And my opinion is this cover sucks. And this doesn't come close to Cash's cover of Hurt.
- Havok91: Live version is 100x better
- cory hawks: I think those are piercings not a soul patch lol.
- Mike Wallace: You guys are funny. Well Done!
- Lewis Morales: I'm not a fan of this cover, it doesn't do anything interesting with the song, in fact I think it's a really rudimentary, if not lazy, cover. Check out the Nevermore cover of this song, it's far more interesting. Full disclosure, I cant stand Disturbed. And I think they're unqualified to be considered metal. Lame hard rock is more apt.
- Philip Patek: Yes! Been waiting awhile for this one!!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
- Layne In Chains: Disturbed is a Metal band do think that’s why it’s such a huge cover... their music sounds nothing like this. David does have an amazing voice though he killed this shit!
- Chris Heim: David draiman dude can sing
- Steve Kozlowski: +louofm1 yes, any of those are excellent choices!
- Ray Sechrengost: Bob Seger - Turn The Page
- Sam Devonport Photography: you need need need to do NIGHTWISH: "Ghost Love Score (Live at wacken) it is a masterpiece
- barry mccormack: Still Got The Blues - Gary Moore
- Sylvius the Mad: I honestly don't know what Simon and Garfunkel were trying to say when they wrote this song, but it seems as though it could be applied to modern political discourse. People hear without listening all the time. They hear what they want to hear, rather than listening for what's actually being said.
- Camille Duff: that's nightmare s . I have been fighting my own personal war with my brother s girlfriend who has tried to sell her own children and bragged to me how she had me roofied mocked by tis women Amanda she taught her everything she knows Andrea is head of highway man's daughter Pamela Simpson stag man was beating on my 70 year old mom gave me a concussion and has tried to have me murdered 2 times one of her babies father's is named Ryan the bada Bing butcher her stepfather she also has help her psycho along is Tom Mark Bradley who she's with in brownstown she also knows my children father
- Andreas Meyer: Skindred - Kill the Power!
- Paul Retzbach: PlushBigFoot do you mean “The Night”?
- Angie Struth: Bad Wolves - Remember When
- failtolawl: Avenged Sevenfold - Strength of the World!
- The Hoop: Smoked crack before this post
- Uncle Stepback: All Along the WatchTower by Jimi Hendrix is a greater cover
- Megadeth675: Cant stand this song
- Tiernan Flaherty: Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You!!!
- KCReese100: I hope Paul Simon watches this and explains his lyrics because I'm just as confused as you are. I love the song, though. I always loved the original, but, dare I say, this one was better. Thanks for reviewing this one. You guys are amazing and I wish I could sit down and have a beer with you.
- Cara Brewer: Speed Trap Town- Jason Isbell
- Todd B.: The neon god we made is music. Everyone loves music.
- Wouter: Dana White has a great voice
- Bella Packowski: Omg yes! One of my favorites 🙏🏼✨
- Frank Sandoval: should try Avenged Sevenfold- I wont see you again (part 1)…...amazing ballad...will bring u to tears
- Stephen Raj B: I was expecting this "😱 😳" They were like this "🤨 😕"
- 47 and2: it's basically "how to make a beautiful song angry and shit"
- rsrain14: Avenged Sevenfold-Save Me
- Sam: Most people (including Garfunkel) tend to interpret the song about the disconnect of communication between people, especially emotional communication. Paul Simon (who wrote the song at 21) has refuted this, saying that the song was primarily born out of angst he was feeling at the time for nobody listening to his ideas. The first line, "Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again" was written because he wrote the song in his bathroom with the lights out for an atmospheric and echo chamber like space. He has also stated that though he personally wrote it from that place, the lyrics themselves clearly resonated with people on a much deeper level, the level that I first mentioned. This song was picked up by the counter-culture phenomenon that was going on in the 1960s and with the incredibly catchy hook and beautifully stark vocals, it's no surprise it caught on and became one of the duos most famous songs. It means a lot of things to a lot of different people. Some people associate it with John F. Kennedy's assassination because it was released just a few months after that. Others think of war, depression, abuse, bystanders... The list goes on and on. However, you interpret it, I think we can all agree it's an engaging and interesting song! Thanks as usual for the thoughtful reaction. I really like the Disturbed version though I personally prefer the original. I love that Disturbed introduced a new audience to an extremely important folk duo from the many decades ago. That kind of thing rarely happens and I'd like to see more musical education through badass covers like this one.
- hisnamewasSoul: I love Disturbed. David has such an amazing voice
- Jim DeMassi: Agree guys! The live performance on Conan was INSANE!!!!!!!!
- Nobdy Doh: +TOAOM123 I used to think the same. But ultimately I think that is the point. Replace "fruit" with "song" in the analogy. Apples and oranges are both fruit but definitely different flavors.
- Rob K. Wonder: Love it! I suggest Yngwie Malmsteen -- Trilogy Dream Suite. Tell Ryan to prepare for his jaw to drop.
- Aaron Kay: take my arm and i might reach u was literal, like i wanna help u in any way i can
- Piisuke: Recommending Kamelot - Center of the Universe. Although, you're welcome to pick anything from their library, Soul Society, When the Lights Are Down, Once Upon a Time, Forever are but a few.
- Baron Ghede: Disturbed sucks, but this is a good cover
- Tiffany Glaspie: Also...music is art.......it’s meant for you to take it as it speaks to you....your version is great.....
- Michael Sanders: Having said what before. Y’all did a good revue overall entertaining 👍
- Kathy Young: Yeah! Land of Confusion is better!!!
- Xaranar: George looks like what Shaun King thinks he looks like inside his head.
- Ancient Ruins Official: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘🍺
- Garrett Short: Metallica sanitarium live in Seattle 1989!!!!
- Damen Mcdermott: The Funeral - Band of Horses
- Homer: 2 black clowns
- Brown Skin Beauty: Omg Yess!!!!!!
- JKL2207: While you guys are doing cover reactions I would love to see you guys react to a cover version of one of the all time great rnb tracks End of the road. If you guys could react to the Me First and the Gimme Gimmes version, I reckon that would be interesting.
- Sumeet Dhir: The best cover is Death’s cover of Painkiller. It’s probably as good if not better than the original!!
- Random Person: Sometimes I think it's just never going to happen. Could you imagine them watching the documentary with SRV and Albert King, killing the blues and a little honky tonkin'.
- Erik Back: You guys should react to a song by Cake. Every single song of theirs is great, so it's hard to recommend one. But a good one that's pretty popular is The Distance.
- Dom Turner: Judith by A Perfect Circle
- metal warrior: Heir Apparent "The Sound Of Silence" cover, WAY BETTER than Disturbed!!
- Kyle Dillingham: Neon god is referencing neon signs, which were used more predominantly during the year when this was written and released, for stores and businesses involving sex, drugs, and alcohol. Think liquor store or strip club. More broadly I think it's speaking about commerce or money. Money is something we invented to give as tribute to the neon gods/signs - these businesses we created in order to receive the blessing of some carnal desire.
- StephenRahrig: dextc No, actually we don’t! We have a different value system of what we should take offense to in life . Who tf cares if someone doesn’t know a song? This is geekery. I used to be like you. I take it you are young, like teens or 20s?
- gwalia2112: Great reactin guys. These are not my kind of band but this is a classic. Here is another cover of theirs, it too is great. It's a cover called Land Of Confusion which is a Genesis song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV4oYkIeGJc
- Shawn McMurray: Now if you react to any other Disturbed song, you would not even think it was the same band. Like ten thousand fists. They seem to be stuck on ten thousand.
- Nick G: Bad Brains - Soul Craft Faith No More - The Real Thing Fugazi - Waiting Room
- GWAILIN: Can't believe you did this one. Bravo! *grabs tissue*
- cuzz63: This song is in the top 20 list of songs played ever...yes you heard it, just didnt know it.
- leonardo Pinto: Hey guys, I really love your work, I know maybe you are not used to this but I'd really like to see a reaction to mortal reminder - pentakill. It's a metal song from league of legends.
- Moontanman: You missed what I think is the at least one of the most important lines. "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" This is powerful, the writings of the real people are important and this song was way before it's time in realising that. This version drives the point home even more profoundly...
- Zymra Music: Disturbed has a song called 10 thousand fists. Its a song i feel is about coming together for one cause. But David sings 10,000 fists in the air! I think at 5 minutes thats related to your question. Just people who know somethings wrong, or right, and uniting theough devision to pay respect without sound, without voice. Its a hard thing to accomplish but when you come from a background, where everyone, even those closest to you are out to get you, you seek relativity and realation to other lost souls. The silence like a cancer grows. Once bad can be good. Your silence when alone is dangerous and a scary place. But silence when in the presence of similar souls, also dangerous, but safe. My opinion but let me know what you think? Maybe im wrong
- John Westmacott: Personally, I'd have preferred the pretentious , meaningful discussion to have taken place after the music. I could have then listened to the music and turned off without being subjected to Beavis and Butthead .
- Balogh Mihály: A girl or guy (im not sure) at another videos comment section summed it like this: "When Simon and Garfunkel sang this it was a warning, they could see what was happening in the world. This version is sung in anger because the warning was not heeded and now we are living in the sound of silence." I feel the same way.
- Dustin Mueller: Love that autotune. Nothing like a singer butchering another group's song.
- Luke Cowley: Shoulda done the live version with myles Kennedy. Suggestion: slash-anastasia
- Eric Roberts: David Draiman has an amazing voice. The song is about politics and how people get so divided and partisan to the point where they are talking but not listening. This was as true back in the 60's as it is today.
- Wayside Gamefarm: Y’all should sample some other Disturbed songs, maybe Down with the Sickness, to see what their sound is really like also.
- bingokill: He s doing way too much in this song, I like the sobriety of the original much better! Just made it more authentic, not like a American got talent candidate!
- macleadg: Haruhi The facial expression (the nose-scrunching) is necessary to produce the powerful, raspy tone (a.k.a. “vocal fry”), but they did not have to show that part in close-up.
- Sam Counsell: See you don't get into it and you even say I know people are going to be pissed off then why the f*** do you do it I'm sorry I hope I never see another one of you guys cuz I will not stop and listen you ruin the songs nobody wants to hear your diatribe five times in a song
- Austin Wilder: Its about death bro. That was the river styx
- Xander Page: Venom
- Alec Cope: Hardly anyones heard of Zack Hemsey, Lessons From a Nomad but its worthy of having that changed
- Suzanne Uribe: neon gods maybe the vegas signs and such
- Brandon Watkins: You should react to more disturbed songs
- Jade: Kind of feels like platinum bait. Disturbed isn't terrible. But this songs feels too tryhard.
- Deborah Arellano: When I hear this song I can't help but think of war. I'm not sure where I've heard this song was written about war. I know it was written during the Vietnam War so it would make sense that Simon and Garfunkel being folk singers would write some deep lyrics like this. "When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light,That split the night And touched the sound of silence. Ten thousand people, maybe more, People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share, No one dared. Disturb the sound of silence." I can't help but think about a bomb dropping and killing thousands and thousands of people. I think these lyrics are deep and emotional and the few minutes while this song is playing, I have that WTF and Why moment. I love the original. No one writes lyrics like this anymore. We have no idea what these lyrics about. Everyone has their own interpretation and no one is right and no one is wrong. I love you guys!! Con mucho Amor y respecto.🖤
- N Goose: It's a cover of a song.. It's not all about lyrics on this one but a misinterpretation. Just the change in style and the gradual intensity. Just a solid cover.
- Kevin Pitre: no dislike just SMH cause you weren't into the art. I still watch ya'll but point is your reaction. and some times you try too hard .
- Steve Kozlowski: Second chance on Faith no More please! Ashes to Ashes, Ricochet, or Stripsearch
- The Skating Turtle: Please do Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage with the music video!
- Nuclear Gravy: guy with the glasses....shut up, please...
- Ralph Cahill: It's probably best to get a baseline for the band as this song is not really representative of their greater body of work. You should probably do a review/reaction of "Stupify" or "Down With the Sickness" to get a feel for their "normal" sound.
- Cleve Crudgington: They did Texas Flood live but it was blocked by the record label. If I remember correctly did an edited reupload too but that got taken down as well. Long story short: they were very impressed.
- Donald Mosley: Their actual songs are much better, you guys should check out down with the sickness.
- БълхатаНаКотката НаНикиБанков: Katatonia - My Twin
- Rodney Steffan: The live version was great on Conan
- First Last: I reckon Perfect Circle does one of the best cover songs ever with their cover of the Beatles song Imagine
- rishab Moza: Opeth - benighted
- Danzig Norberg: Finally!
- Charles Stewart: Blue october : Been down
- Tyson Dorsey: I'm gonna start do reaction videos to reaction videos 🤔
- Daniel Czako: 10 thousand fists in the air, or the sickness are good from them too
- Mark Clark: Please do more disturbed
- Martin Earhart: More DISTURBED !
- Claudio Lassala: Good version of this song, but I like Nevermore’s best. :)
- David Gentry: I like your approach to understanding the lyrics, let me expand on this (mind you, I'm no expert) I think "Sound of Silience" is an analogy for a world without love.
- Hay8: Still hoping to see a reaction to the Symphonic Metal genre. Something like Nightwish, Epica, Within Temptation, etc.
- Mattpro6397: Check out Rush Spirit of the Radio and see if you hear the Sounds of Silence reference.
- j c: You guys are hilarious
- Fredy Flores: Very overrated cover. Smh. And I like Disturbed... I recommend Deafheaven - Honeycomb Kamelot - Karma
- J L: James Brown Of course Paul Simon would say that so he could make money off of people that have horrible taste in music.
- U S: Steve Vai - tender surrender
- Christopher Morris: Cult of Personality by Living Colour, Bother by Stone Sour, You Got Another Thing Comin' by Judas Priest, and Desperate Man by Eric Church should definitely be considered.
- danny Last: neon god,pertains to stardom, making gods of stars.
- maxmc45: "wake up" was their masterpiece
- Hobodeluxe960: Simon and Garfunkle said this was about people failing to have meaningful one on one communication with each other. instead opting to let the neon god tell them how to think or what to believe. Also that most conversations that were being had were of no value. noise with no meaning. In the video Disturbed showed us instruments that had been buried,burnt,lost,thrown away etc. This is symbolic of a people who had chosen to leave their means of communication and expression behind to follow this neon god. Only the musicians are rounding these instruments up and taking them to the people who have written songs (have ideas) and are going to teach them how to use them to express themselves to others. so the conversations we need to have with each other can happen.
- Lissa R: Personally I have always felt that in a way the song is about depression/lack of understanding of what others are going through.
- Yves Cerrens: The original is a narrative folk-song, an objective "account of events", and brought that way by Simon & Garfunkel. The Disturbed-cover is most certainly not an objective by-stander view, but is a judgement of what "they" perceive as a problem in/with our society, hence the powerful vocals and version. And yes, Dave Draiman is that good a singer. If you really haven't heard any Disturbed-songs before, which I strongly doubt, their Nu-Metal-era debut is a good place to start: "The Sickness"-album (2000), for example "Down With The Sickness", "Voices", "Stupify", "Fear" or "Conflict"...
- Baltzeg: Disturbed are just a painfully boring, average band.
- Anthony Barnett: Yessssssssss
- Brian Praamsma: One of the things I noticed about this song and Hurt by Johnny Cash is a crescendo throughout the song in all aspects. In this, they add more instruments until its a full orchestra, raise the volume, and his voice gets more and more forced. Johnny Cash does a similar thing and I think that's why I get goosebumps every time I hear those songs.
- kyle stewart: Original so much better!!!
- fonso: I feel like I'm the only person who likes the original more than this. Give that a listen to some time.
- Christopher Vilches: live version is better
- Poro Puri: it baffles me what passes as "the best cover of all time" for some people, I don't really like Disturbed, I think they are pretty mediocre, but even they have a less unenjoyable cover, Land of Confusion, wich is also a below average cover. and talking about Land of Confusion, try some Genesis - The Return Of The Giant Hogweed
- Kristie Honsinger: I love the random thoughts that George has to get out of his system. Nothing wrong with some humor in between the music. 🤣
- MARC FERNANDEZ: Think of the times this was written. Neon signs...
- Aaron Carson: After the burial - Pennyweight, you guys will love that groove
- RiderofStorms: My interpretation of it is that, everyone has a song to share, but the song isnt shared, if it is no one conects they hear it but dont understand it, talking but not discussing what they heard. The silence is this lack of discussion, songs(actual songs not metaphorical) fill this silence wanting to reach out to them, get them to discuss to understand.
- Carlos Rubino: It is like this song has evolved with the times. The original Simon and Garfunkel version was sung with sadness, as a warning, to take a serious look at what was going on in the world and learn how to communicate with each other. If that warning was heeded maybe 50,000+ Americans would have not died in Vietnam. Now this version (Which I think is the better of the two), is sung with rage, because the warning of the original was not heeded. So what is in store for the next version? A song of complete silence, because of a destroyed world, if the ignorance continues?
- Scott Glover: best cover of all time is Alien Ant Farm Smooth Criminal ...imo
- brooke atkins: Not the song to joke around to or pause a lot
- hihijedi2: Disturbed- Land of Confusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
- stef tatufo: Do Savatage - When the Crowds are gone <3
- Senor Savage: The Night - Disturbed
- Robert Young: you also need to know about the time this was written . and the fact that S & G were a very political group.
- Mac Stenkum: stop reviewing buttrock. What's next Nickelback? Love you guys
- Jessica Noguera: Song played in the movie The Watchman
- mark dolezal: sound of silence by nevermore. totally different version. but compelling
- Boomercougar: lol this was the quietest ive ever seen yall.
- Daniel Newbury: Black Sabbath - The Wizard!
- Adam P: Fantastic cover. I still think John Lennon’s “Imagine” by A Perfect Circle is the best cover ever as it’s a completely different take on the song. How do you suck all the hope and beauty out of that masterpiece? Well, APC did it - and it fucking rules.
- Michael Streets: Could be technology. But it could actually be God as there are thousands of Gods in human history. Therefore it is more likely that they are all man made than you just happen to believe in the one that's real. Just saying
- Tiago Cravo: It's supposed to react to the interpretation and not the lyrics. It's a cover so it's all about the interpretation which is marvelous.
- Spring Sino: you should hear disturbed-indestructible
- J F: I think this version has even more impact if you've heard Disturbed before...
- Tommy Apples: I like that they get into the lyrics. Was some damn fine songwriting
- martin0815123: Sound of silence belongs to Simon and garfunkel, ist the shittiest cover of all time
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Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence (REACTION!!!) | |
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Entertainment The Sound Of Silence Disturbed | Upload TimePublished on 5 Oct 2018 |
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