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- JD Cantu: Internal Primates Mates. One of my favs from Mudvayne
- k0bra 3eak: Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade
- Gabriel Carpenter: Yeah when this album came out there was a BIG " F U " to the music industry ... like you said bands were just trying to be more extreme and pushed it ... Probably not a good first choice song ... Check out World so Cold and then maybe go back to this song again ...
- Elijah Leineke: Liked before watching. Been waiting for this!
- Shaun P: Wrong song, "Nothing to Gein" or world so cold would have been a beyter entry song to Mudvayne
- Matt Nicholls: While I've always loved the energy that Dig gives me, I think you guys would hear more to review with Mudvayne - Happy?
- RuthLessNorCal: Wooo!!!
- Leviatã: You guys need to react to sarcofágo, it is a brazilian band. Do "Sarcofágo - Midnightqueen"
- Larry P.: Great band, good song. Just not the best song to get best first impression.
- Robert Floyd: Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen I’ve seen Devildriver 18 times over the years. Dez said show 20 is on him. I really wish these guys would react to them.
- Nehemiah Torres: well now you heard that so you will appreciate death blooms a bit more - alsos not falling and world so cold as well. Saw them in 2001 with SOAD, Rammstein and Slipknot in the Pledge of Allegience Tour.
- Isaac Pickett: Happy or Not Falling are two of my favorites from Mudvayne
- tomeshuggah: Please stop watching video clips. They suck, edited and censored. Watch and HQ audio track and you'll get full honest package as possible. You guys are doing an absolutely great job! Love
- Fred Ragers VII: @Lost in Vegas Infected Rain, MOLD is a song you dudes need to react to.
- rob0213: When this album dropped ppl said it was methmetal. That made MudVayne angry and that's where the song Happy came from. It was a screw you to MTV and other critics. Slipknot actually pretty much discovered and put MudVayne over back in the day. If you want an aggressive song check "IMN" out.
- James Striplin: I know how much you guys love drums sound I think you should watch a video of someone playing the drums to this song the drummer is doing so much when he is playing it will make more since to you once you see how the drums play a big part in this song
- CardoTheBassist: You guys should react to more 90s-era stuff! SNOT - Stoopid. I think you would dig it!!
- jlm10181978: World so cold Not falling Are much better
- The Worst: Hey guys, love your channel and I've got some info for ya. The guys that composed the album, L.D. 50, are not the guys playing it. Check out the album, the track pharmacopoeia, in particular. The lyrics are phenomenal. Peace.
- charles curtis: Please for the love of god do a redemption mudvayne video...this is edited...not a good first song for u to hear by them...I'm telling ya
- Kyle Benz: Fit for an Autopsy- Heads Will Hang or Black Mammoth. Heavy bangers!
- Nick: I'd suggest Behold the Bearer of Light by Inferi or Waking Divinity by Equipoise. Both are beautiful Technical Death Metal.
- Jacob Beuch: You guys should react to Opeth again but try songs that have more clean vocals like Spring MCMLXXIV, Sorceress, or Eternal rains will come.
- Peanut Rambles: My ears cant even register what the words are. I seen mudvayne in concert in Miami years ago with Korn and Sevendust and I used to listen to their early stuff. Not sure now. Lol. I like lyrics. I'm old now
- Detachedny: Fishbone- Sunless Saturday Bad Brains- Reignition David Bowie- Moonage Daydream
- Brian Cooper: I love Mudvayne but this album isn't good at all. I took it back the same day i bought it and got my money back lol i know some love it and that's all good, but for me..No!
- ShineInTheDark: You guys should listen to nightwish - ghost love score live at wacken 2013
- CarolinaMcCoy: D E A T H B L O O M S
- BronzDano: This album was actually produced by the Clown from Slipknot. They’ve got some really good, versatile songs. This song isn’t bad, but isn’t one of my favs. Definitely check out „death blooms“, „severed“, „nothing to gein“
- Big Ego: Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay SlayLocksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay
- Trent May: Could yall give (haste the day) a look;extremely underrated metal band ; the place that most deny is as epic as it gets
- shivam khandelwal: where is porcupine tree
- Erik Borgerson: Their song Prod has more of a creepy vibe. it's really melodic. Chad Gray said during one of their live shows that this song is one of their scary stories.
- David Boyd: Davidian by Machine Head
- ged glass: bolt thrower bolt thrower embers
- Reverb2020x: I cant believe I used to like this shit back in the day. This music sux!!!! These days I need music with more melodic material.
- Danny Sandoval: Sepultura - Desperate cry
- Jimmy Burrow: You started with the absolute hardest song on the album, Death Blooms would have been the best choice to understand and get a feel for Mudvayne, it's also the rawest album they have. They get a bit more commercialized a few albums after this one but by far remained a badass band. The majority of their music is very melodic with lots of change ups and singing mixed with screaming. The bass player is by far one of the best in metal and no one else sounds like him. Please give Death Blooms a shot before you rule them out!
- Fernando Diaz: Reaction to 21 Savage - Alot
- Ben Chapman: The Drummer and bassist specifically had some legit learning and even jazz style influences. Their instrumentation is amazing, especially for playing metal.
- Brian Steele: Clean my wounds is a better choice for a first song.
- Mattia Galliani: You should definitely check out Toehider. Any song would be great, but I suggest This Conversation is Over. It would be awesome to see your reaction to that song.
- William Spence: I cant be the only one who would like them to react to Happy?. That song is amazing.
- TV: Listen to A Tout Le Monde by Megadeth
- none of your business: My dark place alone by Murderdolls please. Nice to see you hitting Mudvayne. But this song is not the best intro to them.
- Nick Fraser: Hey you guys I feel picked the wrong song for mudvayne. Good song. But I feel it doesn’t represent them to the fullest. Your other first option was death blooms. That definitely is a better representation of what mudvayne sounds like.
- joeykaz32: Mudvayne's bass player (Ryan Martinie) is in a jazz fusion band called Soften The Glare... You guys should check them out.
- Abbie_Parent: My bestfriend used to love this song. To me, it's just noise.
- Mane Event: Tool - The Grudge
- Nigel Fortune: I think you guys would be into “Renegade” by Hed PE. Cool vid!
- MerelyPassingThrough: Archspire! Tech death with rapid fire vocals inspires by hip hop. Anything off the Relentless Mutation album, their latest.
- Philipp Simon: I think you guys would enjoy some Maximum the Hormone. They have some wild songs like „A.L.I.E.N.“ But I‘d recommend „buiikikaesu“ for a first listen
- Joe C: Do other songs and you will see a great evaluation of this band. They get a lot lighter than that
- Shrapnel's Bunker: The lead singer from Mudvayne has another band called Hellyeah.. I highly recommend checking them out.. His vocals are amazing..
- NYCujo79: Hot garbage! It’s funny watching you guys try and be diplomatic and open minded while listening to this trash. This is like Metals version of the mumble rap era.
- Steven Young: Dig is great in the fact that it is very hardcore but doesn't lose the groove like most songs this hard do.
- Rodrigo Abarzúa: I've been waiting for this reaction for so long...
- Daniel Young: Math Metal?
- Frank Rizzo: Yeah this song got crazy radio and MTV play
- DefMunkyYT: I used to like Mudvayne's harder songs like this as I didn't care for the singer's clean vocals as they were too nasally for my taste. Same reason I don't care for Avenged Sevenfold's singer. The main thing I think for me was I loved the sound of this type of music. I loved Slipknot a lot until they started sounded more like Stone Sour to me, and then they were kind of "meh" to me. I'm not an angry person, but I think part of the reason for that is I have listened to/still listen to a LOT of angry music. It helps to act as an outlet, even now as I'm in my 40's. I think it's hilarious how this is a song about how you can't change them and has profanity as kind of an accentuation to that point and this version has been scrubbed clean to the point of being comedically obvious. Plus I remember hearing it on the radio back when I listened to radio, so it was VERY commercialized back then to the rock radio audience. It's almost like a big F-You back at the band by the label by letting them know it really doesn't matter what they think, the label will get what they want.
- Br Sneaky: Please, react to Cross off by Mark Morton ft. Chester Bennington
- Chris Morris: However, you should check out their bassist Ryan Martinie. He is very good. Check out his other band, Soften the Glare so you can really appreciate his skill.
- Gil B: Skinny Puppy - Assimilate please
- grimsmokesat420: Alcohaulin Ass by Hellyeah!!
- coolnegative: Mudvayne has been around longer.
- Steve Kelih: Love this song & especially the video. You have to check out Death Blooms.. Great video as well.
- Burnt Chrysler: PULL THE PLUG by DEATH
- William Gomez: yall just cant handle it 😂lmfao jk
- Brandon Castaneda: React to my band Doubting Thieves- Bittersweet
- Penny Rogers: Try hellyeah, same singer
- Lisa B: +Patrick Walden Yes! They listened to Nine Inch Nails "Closer" and should have listened to almost any other NIN song.
- Cayo Albuquerque: Not a good choice for someone who is not familiar with their sound. I'd much rather watch you give this band another chance with "Death Blooms". Please do Death Blooms.
- RenaissanceMan: That censored version sucks
- Troy Worden: Carcass heartwork
- David Dorricott: This song is a great opener on an album that has so much more to offer than this song. I often ended up skipping this song when listening to the album to be honest.
- Knotunit: +Alan Bleakley get out.
- Prophet For Profit: Your review of this is interesting to me. They have always sounded pretty commercial to my metal ears.
- Joey Ledford: You guys need to check out the isolated bass track of this song
- Seraph O. Storms: Why did people request this lol. Way to waste a request. Mudvayne has much better songs, stop trying to shock these guys and recommend good songs.
- cwancyk: censored version sucks ass, uncesored kicks ass
- Vinicius Leão de Almeida: I only know this song from the meme "most brutal metal scream" hahahaha
- Jrsam25 Gaming: Do more Deftones! Do a song off their first record Adrenaline
- Shmick !: Mudvayne is a poor man’s Slipknot. Kinda like comparing Coal Chamber to Korn.
- Garage Video AUSTRALIA: Drumer and bass players are world class guitars and vocals not so much case and point hellyeah one of the worst bands ever ( singer and guitarist from mudvayne)
- Matthew Fryer: They won a Grammy for this song
- Scott Cool: A G A L L O C H
- Chris Crumley: Not Falling would have been an easier to analyze choice
- D21UpstateNY: Can you guys please review some underground rap. I'll list a few options and if any other fans suggested the same artists/songs it would become my favorite episode ever! Necro - The Most Sadistic Vinny Paz - End of Days Merkules - Way Down The Joker - Trail of Destruction Jedi Mind Tricks - Heavy Metal Kings Any of these would be amazing!
- Dawna Marie: Definitely do a different song. Not Falling is a good one. A bit more commercial. Not so aggressive for you guys.
- Sean Henry: A member of Slipknot helped produce Mudvaynes first album.
- Andy Ruiz: Plz react to some stoner metal How dark we pray by High on Fire
- Nayson Ottersbach: Incubus- Drive
- Igornopolis: I wouldnt start with this song. Mudvayne was an amazing band. Waaaay ahead of its time at the time with the first 3 albums. Different than Slipknot. You will see. Ryan Martini on the bass was out of this world. When they switched to guitar focused sound in later albums, they became an ordinary shit band.
- Chasing Gods: hi George/Ryan. I've commented in a few vids and have been following you guys for a while. I've never seen anyone in the comments mentioning you guys to react to Thunder. I love the track "Low life in high places". At some point, when you are out of ideas to react to, can you please consider my suggestion? Much love from India.
- Eric Hoffman: It would be sweet to see you guys react to "ghost" by badflower!
- DiabolusDraco: Dark tranquility - monochromatic stains
- DalCimaius Galactus: Archspire - Remote Tumor Seeker
- Matthew Yeaman: They were before slipknot
- K JAM: This is a borderline playlist track for me. My fav track I'VE heard from Mudvayne, tbh. RAW ANGER metal track for moshing, imo.
- The Weasel named Nick: Nu Metal was so wacky back in a day
- Jeff Morgan: Gary Clark Jr. (a black Texas bluesman with soul/R&B influences) just released a scathing new song about racism in the Trump era. Extremely timely and I think you guys would love the groove. The video is as artful as the song.
- Jey Rock: *Trash*
- Xavier Gutierrez: +miserablessed86 haha, I never knew they had merch for that
- Brian O'Neil: Hey guys, since you done Mudvayne and Pantera both, how bout some HELLYEAH! Almost a supergroup and they kick ass! "Sangre pot Sangre" is a banner, and "You Wouldn't Know" shows more dynamics.
- Rage Rider: Great way to start my day, thanks! I've always liked Mudvayne & their bass heavy super aggressive sound & their bass player is amazing. Not sure if it's your equipment or mine but it sounded a bit like a wall of noise sometimes but in reality it's a lot more dynamic sound, especially the bass as mentioned. As for the era, Metal by nature is "angry" music but this song/album is of an era when metal was super angry & angsty at the world & often the music industry. I personally like the super angry sound but I can see why non-metal heads might struggle with it. Most metal bands starting in that era have a similar theme if not exactly sound. You could try Not Falling as suggested as it's more commercial in relative terms. Death Blooms is great too but it's off the same album as DIG so may not be your taste. Please can you react to: Pantera: Domination Down: Bury me in Smoke Sick of it All: Scratch the Surface
- Yasser Jamil: Avenged Sevenfold Buried Alive!
- Jim Schlegel: So, I haven’t heard this song in around 15 years. My gut take away was “wow, this song is boring, now”. I also think you guys would have a better idea of who/what band this is with the official video for the song. They tried hard to distance themselves from other bands coming up at that time in both music and “style”.
- Lord Nericose: You guys should try straight line stitch
- Mr.Mister: I am a Mudvayne fan but not this song for me. I never made the comparison with slipknot before but yeah with this song I agree.
- Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen: +Robert Floyd Saw Devildriver with Sylosis and Bleed From Within years back. That was a sick line-up for myself, with Sylosis being one of my favorite bands as well.
- Ember Catcher: My dudes, you really need to check out Chevelle.
- Andrew werdnA: Patreon early access
- reignfire85: Sorry you guys didn't like this song (I love it, myself). Music video has awesome visuals, give it a quick glance sometime. As for alternative picks for Mudvayne, World So Cold and Not Falling.
- kornfreak78: Should have went with "Nothing To Gein". So much better than Dig.
- Craig Gibbs: Scott Gillespie Know Forever
- 666torment666: I saw you did a reaction video to Mayhem-Freezing Moon. Could you react to Mayhem-Watchers? Total different track from their latest album. The drumming on that track is even more insane then the drumming on Freezing Moon! The vocals are better too. If you really want to feel it i recommand you to watch the video also.
- stubonics: Less Mudvayne, more Pantera, please!
- Patrik \: Check out PROD, same album
- CruisinOn2Wheelz: Death Blooms is a much better song.....but this song jams and helps ventilate anger and angst.
- wabbitfu: Plus, it needs the video.
- bowser8375: A great song you guys could react to is Pantera - War Nerve :)
- Shawn S.: The Sword. Hubris Please!!
- cujo0750: Try the band HELLYEAH! !!!!!!
- Tyler Cresap: REACT TO NF
- maxflier: Please do “Freya” by The Sword.
- J Vig: The edited version of this song destroys the vocal flow. It really detracts from the song.
- Jason Armand: I believe this was Mudvayne's very first single. From the jump, they were about setting the tone for their career. A lot of new bands in this era did this, their very first single off their first record is going to be punch in the face and that's what this song is for Mudvayne.
- no1wrench: you guys should check out a band called funeral for a friend, any song.
- Paul Barker: you gotta listen to the whole album, and after you finish scratching your head wondering what you just listened to... listen to it again. i guarantee you'll enjoy it. better songs on the album are, internal primates forever, -1,death blooms, and so much more. this album was a powerhouse of absolutely insane bass driven melodies, with abrupt but tight time changes, and visceral imaginative lyrics. i recommend under my skin it's a little more of a blend of what the whole album has to offer, but the one that got me hooked to them as a whole was death blooms.
- alanomie: DarthBleak Why have they not gotten to MUSHROOM HEAD? I'm seeing them next month!
- Daniel Michels: Yeah...not a great representation of the band. Death Blooms or Prod would have been better from this record.
- TheMawsJawz TM: +VEXARI Great song. Not a great first song for Chevelle. I think once you listen to a lot of Chevelle that isn't on Point #1 and then go back you have a better appreciation for that album imo. That's just my experience
- Jason A: I never understood why this song was so big for mudvayne. The intro scream became a meme but the song itself I'm just so eh with.
- Alberto Romero: Silent Planet!!!!!!!
- R. Jason Villarreal: I (personally) don't think this is a good song to introduce the guys to. This song is NOT representative of their overall sound. "Happy" would've been a better song to introduce them to.
- Mike S.: awesome video guys, you got to check out the music video to this on your free time at least guys. awesome song/video combo!
- Alex Vido Casanelli: Angra - Black Widow's Web
- Dozerott: "Not Falling" or "World So Cold" need to be your next Reaction. It will be a completely different experience with either of these compared to "Dig".
- Jason Olea: Nah, Slipknot was formed in '95, Mudvayne was '96 🙂
- tRexArms: The commenters fucked up with disturbed too. Please get back to them too with the sickness album.
- MTG Guiltfeeder: Silenced - Mudvayne
- Urll Bunyon: Devin Townsend Project - Grace
- Nick Miller: Rammstein - "Ich tu dir weh" Slash ft. Miles Kennedy and the Conspirators - "Anastasia" or "Bad Rain"
- Shadow of the Buffalo: None of this bands other songs are this extreme sounding
- Unimpressed Alchemist: Y'all need to start getting into Post-Hardcore man. It's got a lot of elements that I think y'all could really get into. My suggestions to start would be: Fugazi - Repeater Or Unwound - Demons Sing Love Songs
- William Edmiston: Karnivool - Themata Tesseract - Acceptance For the love of god please react to Karnivool already.
- Danny Carbo: Please give MudVayne another shot...Dig should not have been suggested as an intro to this band. Think y’all would like WORLD SO COLD the most...DEATH BLOOMS would be my next choice
- Tony Trujillo: Fall Into Sleep much better introductory song
- BUCKSLAYER: This is just a gym playlist song. Something to get you jacked up before hitting leg day or some shit
- TygrisAvon01: Can you hit on some Amos Lee for a icy Sunday in the South? Sure could use the 🔥!!
- LoganBurton: Please do locksmith’s new freestyle on shay 45! Locksmith posted it on his YouTube!!!
- Chase Johnson: On the off chance you guys are looking through these comments for new suggestions... PLEASE do a video for "Doing What They Taught Us" by Rambutan Jam Band. I love what y'all do
- E Po: That whole album is pretty intense. Give Happy a try. Much more toned down, but still has meat on the bone
- FZ6soldier: Mudvayne has much better songs
- Matthew Onstott: Hex One Where I’ll go
- cshuau1: Earth Crisis “Destroy the Machines”
- Willim_Blade: Really should have picked death blooms or severed
- Zander Smith: Who is this poopy ass band 😂
- Halldog7: Dreams I’ll Never See - Molly Hatchet
- محمد السبيعي: please react to ws boogie - silent ride home
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: IT won the first VMA chosen by viewers, the speech is in my vids....
- Sean Stevens: +Matt Bailey yeah....I screwed up and saw as soon as I read it.
- Alpha: Do The Poison bullet for my valentine or Dyers eve by Metallica
- Matthew Beckman: Please react to Perennial from Jinjer. Video just came out a few days ago
- Anthony Ferrentino: World so cold
- John Sayre: I would love to see you guys react to Dillinger Escape Plan. 43% Burnt would be my recommendation.
- Richard Sarabia: Severed would have been a better song to start with to be honest. Severed is a fuckin masterpiece in my opinion 😌
- Kyle Scott: Just react to saba next
- Aaron Nelson: Mudvayne - world so cold for sure
- Chad Mcfarland: Unfortunately there is no more Mudvayne 😢
- RvBDopp: Surprisingly, this song was their first big hit. Saw the video on MTV a LOT. I hate the edited version because it kills the groove. Give them a second chance for sure. Not Falling is a fantastic song. Still would love to see a reaction to The Ocean "Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny" I've requested this so much my auto-correct knows how to spell Mesopelagic...
- Joel Price: Not Falling would have been a better entry into the band.
- Gabriel Lai: Dig was such a bad choice
- Damarlo36: YASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
- hatred is power: finally ive been waiting for you guys to get to this song and if i could suggest a mudvayne song the end of all things to come or imn or solve et coagula
- Tony Jensen: It's a midwest thang my brothas!!! Loud, abrasive, screaming in your face music...gotta love it!
- Mari Sanchez: Mudvayne - Scream with me OR Happy?
- Jeremy Rodriguez: Mudvayne-Happy, Scarlet Letters these would be more yalls style
- David Thorson: This was the first Mudvayne song that got exposure as far as I know so good selection.
- sean mccafferty: I'm a huge FF fan, but I'd suggest something obvious and pretty accessible, Replica would be ideal for the guys to react to, although they'll now say it's commercial. They've become reluctant metalheads lol. ;)
- Jungle Jimothy McKronksdonk: Nothing to gein
- Coffinspired: Considering their body of work, what a terrible recommendation as a first listen to Mudvayne. Killer tune...but, c'mon.
- Bone Machine: I bought this CD when it dropped. I still like it. I appreciate that you critique honestly, instead of pretending to like something that you don't.
- Wayne R: Still can’t believe they won a Grammy for this crap
- TheKingSappy31: Y’all would like “Happy?” way more
- Krishach: Request for Anubis Gate - Telltale Eyes (for pace) or Golden Days (for lyric depth: full version, not the music video!)
- Gates Mcoy TV: Try "Prong - snap your fingers snap your neck" you'll love it
- mkking16: do Captive Honour by megadeth
- Michael Withey: Maybe better to give death blooms a try then, both of the songs are very different, this is definitely more raw and aggressive and intense as you said, the other will show you more of their melodic side and the interesting musical choices they made in their music
- Sam Deck: I know you guys already said you’re not done with Mudvayne, which I’m very happy about. 😂 But as the other comments have said Dig is not a good Mudvayne intro even though I love the song. I would highly suggest listening to World So Cold or Happy?. They are definitely better into songs and songs y’all would enjoy much more than Dig. Much love! 😁🤘🏻
- Jason Dye: Stoner
- GameViciously: Wait...wait...wait...Dig? Death Blooms is by far better. I've made that comment God knows how many times. Hell, Fish out of water, 1000 mile journey, Happy?, Forget to Remember, Scarlet Letters, Do What You Do, would have been way better to start off with.
- lil Wayne gretski: Yall gotta listen to mushroom heads simple survival it's a great song I know yall can get down with the singers voice and guitar riffs
- Whip Dan: Well back in the day of the NuMetal craze this song fitted right in for me, I don't listen to Mudvayne nowadays but this song was dope back in the day. If you were headbanging or mochpitting to this you were cool af! Probably rocking your etnies and jnco pants... Kids this days are into other stuff.
- Claudio Gridà: my man ! evil disco 4ever!
- Guitarist Dave: Static X ....Push It
- Travis Runnion: Need to check out the lead singers other band (HELLYEAH) and listen to MOTH. Great song!!
- Donna Meckel: Excellent!!!!!!!!!
- DownLevelBand: Listen to an uncensored version of it.
- Casey Kropp: Am I the only one that really wants to see them react to Breaking Benjamin?
- Irate Mastermind: Glad to see you guys looking at mudvayne. I highly suggest you guys give this album a listen in your own time. This song is quite different to the rest of the album. There is a lot of depth, passion, well written lyrics and music. Cradle and severed are my personal favourites.
- SKULLEDBUICK: Also: Electric Rattlesnake by Overkill Set To Fail by Lamb Of God Libra by Intervals And a second chance for Amon Amarth. But, I dunno what song to pick lol. Definitely not something from the very first album again, though lmao. Maybe At Dawn's First Light or something.
- Cody W: NIghtwish!!!! It seriously feels like you’re avoiding them on purpose at this point. Ghost Love Score - official Live Poet and the Pendulum Phantom of the opera
- killerofdemons669: In this moment -daddys fallen angel
- OlGhostRider1 On Xbox One: Please react to either Scream Aim Fire by Bullet for My Valentine or Domination by Pantera
- matthew greenway: A key to nothing , would be my first suggestion for you guys. Shadow of a man might be one. Not falling is another possibility.
- Christopher Tyler: It’s a BORING redundant song... I agree with you guys
- Bruno Vieira: Death Blooms would be so much better
- TheJingles74: My hometown boys! My friend and I are the ones who gave Shawn Crahan (Clown) a copy of their first cd "Kill I Oughtta"..He went to Sony Records and told them he wanted them on tour with Slipknot,and it happened..They signed a deal after that
- Lee Wyser: Please review Vinnie Paz- Is Happiness Just A Word? or Sage Francis- Sea lion. Some of the best lyricists in hip hop. Love the channel
- Desolaytore: +Marcus Johnson Yeah I bought their album. But still... wish Ryan was doing something with a heavier band.
- Edgar Gonzalez: Follow up with "Not Falling" great bass line , more balanced singing / screaming , then follow up with "World so Cold" is so amazing.
- Bob Rowe: Mr. Bungle My Ass is on fire. Do it 😀
- Eba Sal: * Arch Enemy - My Apocalypse (album ver) * Soilwork - Petrichor By Sulphur * In Flames - Take This Life * Scar Symmetry - Timewave Zero * Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet? * Solution .45 - For Aeons Past * Dark Tranquillity - Nothing to No One * Disarmonia Mundi - Quicksand Symmetry
- drameday: Meh, You hit the nail on the head straight away. Mudvayne are Slipknot wannabes, pure and simple.
- Kenneth Elser: not a good song for a first Mudvayne song. This song lacks melody compared to some of their other songs. Hope you give the band another shot. Not Falling or World so Cold would be better choice
- Miguel Perez: This song really worked for me when I was a teenager.. now it sounds a bit dated and ridiculous... your connection to Slipknot was right on.. it was a weird time to be alive.. those late 90's...
- Grognak The Destroyer: Most Brutal Metal Scream 2012
- John Hampton: Y'all hipping me to a Lot of new stuff! Yep, sounds like Slipknot I agree! I may be a little biased towards Slipknot, because back in 92 or 93 I had a friend that was their monitor engineer and I got backstage to about 20 shows!
- AK007 Campbell: Wow, I'm sad about this song choice for an introduction to Mudvayne. So I suppose we'll never see them again on this channel. 😭
- MegaGil08: This band is really mostly about their bassist. They are very derivative of Slipknot. I used to like this band but time has not treated their sound or look well. LD50 was their best effort too.
- John Buckley: Can you check out American Head Charge. Just so you know or Loyalty are well worth a listen.
- Dwayne St John: Mudvayne servered not falling world so cold death blooms
- Alex renteria: Definitely should have requested Nothing To Gein instead of Dig
- Mike McGinnis: Morbid Angel : The Ancient Ones.
- Walter Moser: ...literally the worst song to represent Mudvaynes talent and song writing ability....smh listen to fall into sleep happy. IMN. Forget to Remember literally any song from their Lost and Found album.
- Rafael Barbosa: Yeah, this is why 2001 era metal sucked compared to 1991. Just sayin
- Casey Williams: Check out Happy. It's not as heavy most bands in that era start out heavy then they kind of mellow out through the years.
- David Miller: You guys want truly extreme? Really over-the-top? Try early SPK..maybe some noisecore like Dissecting Table...CCCC...so many possibilities...maybe some DSBM...I really like Silencer...Stalaggh is pretty unique. (This is seriously the rabbithole.) Heck, just try some Muslimgauze or Venetian Snares. Incidentally, I love Mudvayne, but they're pretty easy listening. ;)
- SLAMO: I haven't even started yet, and I already know dis gon' b gud
- Joe Furr: Sorry I'm just subscribing. I've watched you guys forever now. Went and looked at your videos from the way back after I first discovered you both. You get a lot of everything right from this song to some tool and just all across the board and you guys are very entertaining. I watch any new video I see. I know I'm one in countless so you probably won't notice my comment. But I'm just going to throw out my suggestions. For the realest shit like this. Slipknot- (sic) Or similar message Slipknot- heretic anthem Now you already know slipknot "sold out" when you covered duality... But they sort of did that on the same album as (sic) so first slipknot-album after they made their "radio friendly" change to line up Wait and bleed. Now funny you mentioned mudvayne not wanting to sell out but mentioned one of their "sell out" songs Not falling. I seen your Nirvana review Was sad to hear you didn't really get into heart shaped box but have a few suggestions for Nirvana I'm sure you've never heard. Umm. Extreme wise- Tourretts Umm something different from them - Turn around Or Aneurism Now og Nirvana before smells like teen spirit Of course "in bloom" which ended up being on the same album but was previously done before under a different label But Swap meet. My personal fave. Off the wall not crazy but in terms of most people don't know it or care. Basically anything from their first album bleach before they were famous which my suggestion was swap meet Although the most popular due to the unplugged album is "about a girl" which is also very good. Sorry this is so long with so much Nirvana just love the band and wish you give them a try with something you've never heard. Now, these are the last Nirvana. Things you haven't heard but may enjoy I'll put a space and do things you may not but are so different and on their major records that kinda is like they didn't totally "sell out" Enjoyable- Frances farmer Drain you Serve the servants You know you're right Maybe not but different I hate myself and I want to die Milk it Scentless apprentance Radio friendly unit shifter ^^that last one is also a huge fave of mine but you guys probably wouldn't enjoy it Ok. Tool-10000 days A perfect circle-passive Metallica-all nightmare long Fuel Ain't my bitch Whiskey in the jar Orion Seek and destroy Sound garden- burden in my hand Audioslave- be yourself Doesn't remind me Slayer- I know y'all didn't like them both times so suggestions- angel of death Disciple Funny about sound garden The singer Chris tried pop So Chris Cornell - bitch ain't a part of me Now interestingly rock music in general came from black folk, I see no color but just to add to history you probably already know So some songs you may have heard but never the original and then someone you definitely know after white folk which I'm white any way took over or "stole" rock music came up and out classes all of them to this day So Elvis pressly however you spell it. Only song I like by him is jailhouse rock anyway Now a song he stole from another person that became super famous I forget the name I think big mama but not sure - hound dog Chuck berry- johnny b. Goode This one is more blues/folk Leadbelly- Funnily one of the two most famous is Nirvana so I have to unfortunately come back to them- where did you sleep last night But Kurt never used it as a money making recording although after his death it did generate a lot of money as it became one of if not the most famous Nirvana song outside of smells like teen spirit, which would be awesome if you did a review on btw since I'm sure you've never paid attention to the lyrics Any way I digress. Kurt admitted it was a leadbelly song. Said lead belly was his favorite artist. Tried to buy one of his guitars Another name you might find the song by him - In the pines Kurt Cobain again but not with Nirvana- ain't it a shame Then the other very famous cover ramjam - black Betty Now of course not the people I mentioned unless you just want to check the differences and there are many other songs he made that were covered by various artists over the decades But I'm referring you to leadbelly. Who lead a very interesting life btw if you want to research Now, and finally lastly, sorry The man who had to move to England and come over with the british invasion because he was black Jimi Hendrix. Fucked up all the white people around. Musically anyway and I know you know if him So All along the watch tower Voodoo Chile Hey Joe (my name lol) Star spangled banner Brick House Let me stand next to your fire**** Electric lady land Foxy lady**** K. Sorry so long. You probably won't notice anyway. But if you do. You guys are awesome. Best reactions. Hope much more success and prosperity.
- WH1939: world so cold is amazing
- StraightRayzor: Death Blooms is a better showcase of their musical talent and vocal range. Please react to it. World so cold is another good one.
- metalluchaking Louttit: Wrong song to introduce a person to mudvayne, but the fact yall didn't even use the uncensored version let alone not notice the unreal bass lines and drums is an absolute shame on yalls parts Try world so cold , - 1, prod, or death blooms
- Craig Patrick Maloley: Slipknot discovered Mudvayne I saw them open for them I in Detroit when they completely unknown, they changed their sound and image After this Album I had the chance of opening for them in 2003 or so
- Rabubbles: Death blooms would have been much better. Dig is one of the worst songs on one of my favorite records from this era.
- Was it TheChad: I have a request its a real good song how do i get it to be voted on for u guys to play it
- james Hau: Light888 dude I completely agree, best song from them in my opinion
- Tim Denison: Gary Clark Jr - Numb is one bad motherfuggah
- Anthony Plumley: Not falling is a far better song for you guys to intro to. Saw these guys at the height of this era in 2003 and they put on a fantastic show. Hate I don't get to your videos enough to post song choices, but I haven't became a patreon yet so i don't see polls. Still love y'all's channel though
- Brian Lopez: No I'm with you I grew up on metal and I grew up in the early 2000s so you know my formative music years were of the Mudvayne era.... and I never really liked them even back in the day
- GT johns: Check out the new Gary Clark Jr song "This Lannd is Mind". Amazing blue/rock guitarist out of Austin Tx. The brother can really play and it has a strong message
- Timmy Marley: The lyrics too...
- bigyodatheman: CRYPTOPSY
- Robert Foust: Not falling an scream with me an do what you do are all good songs by mudvayne you did the most extreme song they have lol
- wabbitfu: Fear Factory - Default Judgement
- Timmy Marley: I pretty much lost interest after the 3rd album. But LD50 stays in rotation to this day. The singer formed Hell Yeah with the drummer from Pantera (rip). Couldn't get into it though. ..
- Johnny Ringo: Not Falling is one of their best songs in my humble opinion. 👊🏻🤘🏻
- causerDAguv: Mudvayne came out during Slipknot so they were always compared to them but they stand on their own.
- iruledaworld333: This song and album. It didn't really grab me at first either. I came back to them a few years after my initial listen and it hooked me. The album is great. The bassist and drummer are on point on this song. The guitarist doesn't get to show off much but he is a great player as well. Worth coming back to later on imo.
- Knotunit: +Prasad Krishnan If I had never heard FF and someone played me Linchpin id wish him well in his future endeavors.
- Ed Swartout: You guys should really check out chad greys other band hellyeah good songs are hush moth human hell of a time alchoholin ass
- Sykoticc Proffitt: Funny y'all said it doesn't seem commercial, but they won an MTV award for this video. It actually was commercial
- muxz: Mudvayne were a great bunch of musicians. Out of all the bands from the NuMetal era I thought they were a cut above the rest as far as musicianship goes.
- jeremy wilson: Hey guys....Clawfinger (Pay the Bill) Been trying for a year for something from Dimmu Borgir. Maybe if I go back to my roots of Metal. That would be the early 80's withe Metallica, Slayer; Megadeth and Anthrax. The 90's I was even into Cypress and The Insane Clown Posse. Then I heard this song...one of the first bands of rap-metal. Clawfinger. Bad ass give it a try. Thanx from Germany \m/
- crusher2079: React to Body Count
- CypressTrout: Every Time I Die- Map Change
- HiWithJeff: Leon Bridges - Bet Aint Worth The Hand. Do yourself a favor and get into it.
- Portia Chellelynn: World So Cold would definitely be a better "starter" Mudvayne song for you guys lol ☺
- adnap: Guys: PanterA “Mouth For War”, “I’m Broken”, “Revolution Is My Name”
- Milene Ocean: Lucky You - Joyner Lucas & Eminem🔥
- Opt Out of Gun Control: FINALLY!
- Jon Mc: Alot of what this song is, is definitely over the top aggression... but it is an all encompassing expression of the way that rage and anger can make you somewhat confused and act differently than what you would normally due to the amount of chaos going on in your mind... as well as it being a big eff you to the people that try to hold you down or make you something you aren't... that being said... listen to the bass line and tell me that isn't absolutely an amazing bass line... Ryan Martine is one of the best and unique bassists I have ever heard... (I've heard alot of great bassists)... if you want another Mudvayne song that is more diverse and can really show how well the vocalist can control his voice and write lyrics that would probably be world so cold... which is not necessarily their best overall but definitely a very diverse song with great lyrics
- Guy Towler: Great workout song!
- Scott Thomas: Guys have been in a bit of a rut for my musical taste for a while here. Glad you got dig in there. Hate you didnt like it really but I'm glad I at least got to see your response
- Carlos Gonzalez: I cant belive that you guys made a 11:19 video of a song that only during 2:45. Only you guys 🤣😂🤣😂
- Todd Beasley: This was their first single. You are correct in that it was intended to shock and get people's attention. To get a better feel for what Mudvayne offers, you really should listen to one of their other songs. World so cold Not Falling Death Blooms
- Slayer: Hey could you react to R.A the Rugged Man ‘Look What You Made Me Do’, he’s a skilled and greatly unappreciated rapper
- Datu Oirog XIII: You guys didn't know that DIG has a video? It would have been better if you reacted to their video. The band's emotion would have been clearer.
- David Bellanger: This songs about digging up your cocaine stash.
- Terry Bryant: Deathblooms is far better
- rentonwa: Tool - Jambi
- jason sanford: PLEASE Do PRONG (snap your fingers snap your neck) Please
- metaldad1974: If you want a playlist song from mudvayne it's HAPPY!
- Dave Hollingworth: It's all about Ryan Martinie, he is one of the best bass players in the genre!
- mtcarl1975: Death blooms!!!!!!!
- Vergil Grantcharov: The God That Failed (live at Rock Am Ring) by Metallica - PLEASE!!!
- General Aspergers: Slipknot - Eyeless.
- Eric Styons: For the most part, Mudvayne was more "artistic" than most other bands that gained exposure during that period.
- Michael McManis: I think you guys would love The Box by Snot. They only had one studio album then the lead singer died but it's one of the best albums of the 90's.
- charles curtis: I'm gonna tell u guys right now that is one of the best albums u will ever hear front to back. Every single song is amazing...trust. Go for severed for sure
- Jon Platz: It's well done for that genre. Just not my thing. Thanks for sharing though guys, I only watched it because you have inspired me to be more of a free thinker.
- BurtondaGreat: new locksmith 2019 freestyle
- CederBee Gaming: Yelawolf - Pop the trunk 🔥🔥🔥
- Loonimis: The nu metal genre is cringe except for system of the down. If you want technical death metal? Aborted - terrorvision Want reverb heavy black metal with dream pop rock? Deafheaven - worthless animal Punk electro hip hop? Death Grips - black paint
- Charles Hudspeth: Man he killed it on Nothing to Gein. Impressive and Intimidating as far as a musician trying to replicate the bass part. So good.
- Fattmattamus 75: World Co cold by mudvayne
- Drewxo2: Lost in the fire. The weeknd. Lets do ittt
- Joe Schulte: +VEXARI I saw a little review/blurb in Hot Rod magazine about them when that album came out, and told my gf at the time we should check em out since they were "local". A week later they were passing out comp tickets at the metro to their next show and I was hooked lol.
- Tomas Villarreal: censored version?? really??
- Jonny Simpson: Y'all recommend some wack ass music
- Rayco José Cano González: Guys, i think its time to do "Living Waves" by Persefone, i promise it will be interesting :)
- michael torres: World so cold by mudvayne
- Jack Daniels: Mudvayne came before BalloonKnot. They will grow on you.
- Jason Haley: Should have listened to Scream With Me.
- Dean Keppler: My biggest issue with bands like this is, why bother writing lyrics if you're not going to sing them in a manner to understand them? I shouldn't have to look up a lyrics sheet to know what is being said.
- Wref: Anytime I wanna hear this song, I always pull up the video of Ryan's angle of the music video. Phenomenal player.
- David Burrell: Still here repping Architects - Gone with the Wind
- Jorge Barajas: HELLOWEEN-I WANT OUT!!!
- Jonathan Davis: Not falling would be a better choice for a first time listen
- Krosby Keller: The warmth would be legit
- swtbass Moore: Check out the beginning of Death Metal ...., the is called Death..R.I.P Chuck......
- Paul Anderson: I feel like they would like death blooms much better
- Shannon Sharp: Dig is way too monotonous & repetitive. Not a display of Mudvayne's talent.
- Victor Miranda: But they have better songs. More accomplished musically. Third album songs for example or others from this record. Like 1 or death blooms.
- IRON GOD: DOWN - Bury me in Smoke
- Undertale Forever: React to xxxtentacions new album!!!!!!!!!
- Zombie Child: Slipknot was to Mudvayne what Dre was to Eminem. These guys came out over the top visually, as well as in the sound. They had crazy makeup and the lead singer would pain a gunshot wound on his forehead. The song is supposed to be an emotional, aggressive way to open the album with lots of energy. I think you guys are on point with the lyrics. And that they have a similar vibe to the lyrics on As I Am by Dream Theater. Honestly, Death Blooms is just a better song. And I am kind of sad that one didn't win out over Dig.
- Joelle Campbell: Listen to Sam Riggs Second Hand Smoke acoustic version
- Matt Dunlap: Yeah this was a hard first song to hear by Mudvayne my dudes lol. That first album was pretty raw and out there. These guys were out around the same time as Slipknot but Slipknot was around longer. I suggest anything off End of All Things To Come. Which is fantastic and has the song "Not Falling" which came up in previous requests. Another song "World So Cold" which shows a completely different aspect to the band and I think you'd enjoy. Thanks Ryan and George I'm glad you survived this one I know it was a bit extra lol. Hopefully one of those songs helps you get a better feel for Mudvayne. 🤘
- Not a Sandwich: Slipknot sounds like mudvayne bc all nu metal sounds the same. Lol a terrible decade for the metal genre. Haha
- Jeremy Storm: World So Cold or Happy would have been a much better intro to Mudvayne even though it's their newer stuff. Dig is a great song but doesn't show the bands real full potential.
- Sergio Martins: +Sycan Media Us savages, haha
- MrDernagon: Unsubscribe. Enjoy your massively plummeting views because you are clearly pandering now to a handful of patreons. This is not what made your channel.
- Gregory Deem: Union underground "An education in rebellion" Anybody?
- Chris Beerbower: Please, please do Racism by Adam Calhoun!!
- Keith E: This band is MALLCORE
- Branden: Do Mudvayne - Forget to Remember
- ADTRFTW7: React to "Lackluster" by Saliva
- Eba Sal: If we're going Nu-Metal, might as well: Limp Bizkit - Counterfeit
- Richard Skipper: Dig is like an extreme Pantera song.Also they are not a band anymore. The lead singer was in Hellyeah the band vinnie paul from pantera was in.
- Jeff Dean: You should definitely do death blooms. That song has some incredible bass work. If you get into their newer stuff they did dial it back some.
- Derek White: Knights of Cydonia, or any other MUSE song.
- nespith: +THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS I think the one I saw was on the Tattoo the Earth festival in Houston.
- Nicholas Narine: Sepultura Desperate Cry
- Craig Hauser: Their bassist is one of the best in the business
- Ben Meade: If you want a more melodic Mudvayne song, I would suggest Nothing to Gein. It's off the same album. Death Blooms is my personal favorite though.
- ironeddie1120: Definitely should it started with World So Cold not as intense but amazing
- Russell Clemons: Sigh... Dig while the like diehard fan's pick probably wasn't the best first pick for the band... Death blooms would've been the pick
- Cole Chapman: Maybe you might like Happy? It's very poppy and commercial
- abysmalasabysmal: You say you are unbiased and have a real reaction. But your own past is your biases! Learn to look at the music without using your past. You could learn to appreciate metal more.
- Harry Mananus: Should have done severed.
- MBBRUM86: Listen to the drums and bass player, both awesome with their instruments
- Sheridan Atwell: You should have done the video
- Chris Seaman: internal primates is better
- JRHockney: I agree. That song was a essentially screamo song that made every other screamo song sound like a bunch of wining kids.
- Mike Weber: I like this song because if you seperate the bass, drums, guitar, vocals in your head you hear some nice drum/bass. Also, the editing of curse words ruined the flow. Good song but not great.
- Jaylon Harris: The heart parts 1-4... Kendrick lamar
- Victor Ortiz: Dig was a poor choice mud has way better songs all they did was scare the hell out of lost in vegas boys death blooms wouldve been better!
- Dan Lawrence: Can you guys check out the song “Break My Fall” by Breaking Benjamin? I love the song and the atmospheric pieces are something that are unusual for an early 2000’s band. I think you guys would REALLY dig it
- Eduardo Colin Jr: Ugh another bad choice for a first timer, HAPPY? would have been much much better Not falling world so cold
- Martin Nilsson: Please do some Paradise lost,maybe universal dream. Rock on guys!
- Jarrod Foster: Not Falling or Happy? would have been better introductions to the band, displaying a not more of their range. Although this was their first single from their first album, so this was their introduction to the world. Also, they looked WILD in this video.
- jim Jennings: Jeez, boringly Dig got picked :( Mudvayne at their most bland, basic and single release pleasingly boring. Ryan is one of the best bassist of recent times, check out his work with Soften the Glare, it's ace. Back to Mudvayne, I really hope you back and take a second look in the future and try out Death Blooms, Happy or be really daring and throw on (K)now (F)orever transitions ALL over the place, a real rollercoaster ride of a track.
- King Frederick II: +Lisa B Well, idk, I'm a free man, and my blood is my own now..😉.
- jeremiah slade: You're request grind for this song is unparalleled sir...keep pushing
- Hutch O'Matic: I was never a big fan of Mudvayne, but when I started playing this song in my band, I realized how much fun it was to perform and see people get hyped over the fact we pulled it off.
- Julian Medina: Salutes from Medellin, Colombia; There was a band who influence the most this "over the top/extreme" 90's movement: PANTERA
- Was it TheChad: Slipknot was first lol
- Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen: +Robert Floyd Let's make it happen brother 🤘🙏💪💥
- Aidean: check out Happy? from Mudvayne, one of their best
- Kendall Peyton: Not Falling and Happy? is much better to start with Mudvayne. Dig is very aggressive and not really a good intro to them for casuals
- Kevin Hurd: Puscifer- The Arsonist, The Undertaker, Polar Bear, or the live version of Vagina Mine.
- Kalista Holloway: Happy or world so cold would definitely be better for you guys as an introduction. The contrast is insane and it may lead you to understand it better. Please guys :)
- Jason Eddleston: Bad ass
- majones117: Hellyeah - Moth. I would love to see that
- hound 9: Wicked by korn
- Jason A: +Andrew werdnA oh makes sense.
- Andy Payet: I love mudvayne and I find this song shit
- TubeScavenger: This isn't an extreme band, this is a nu metal band for posers. It fits squarely into the "Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor" garbage genre.
- Michael McKenney: Agalloch - In the shadow of our pale companion
- The Great Gazoo: Ugh...
- Benjamin Sanchez: Its funny that George said he didnt feel like it doesn't sound commercial. Cuz I know a lot of people who would look at Dig as child's play. Especially when you start listening to Dethcore.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Happy?" by Mudvayne.
- DCKingnothing: Definitely check out Death Blooms, it’s much more in your lane! You guys will appreciate it a lot more.
- The Clint Commander: Mudvayne - World So Cold. Not sure why I haven't seen anybody recommending this one. Would be a great introduction into this band. Oh well.
- C K: You forgot to do Opeth, Grand Conjuration again.
- BamaBear Sicrobb0: Mudvayne LD 50 album is their best album, you guys saw this with almost every suggested tracks are nearly all from LD 50... Dig, death blooms, Severed..... My favorite song from this album is: "Nothing to Gein" love the music style changes including tempo changes in the song! you guys really need to check that song out, a little more not as hard hitting.
- Desolaytore: Internal Primates Forever
- ssbsnb1: Roadrunner United-In the fire!!!!
- Cassidy Robinson: This was actually a huge hit song back in like 1999 or 2000. MTV played the video all the time. They were pretty much a Johnny-come-lately Nu-metal band ripping off Korn, Slipknot, Coal Chamber etc.
- ZombieLoyalist: I saw these guys in like 2000 with Disturbed, Coal Chamber, Hatebreed, Sevendust, and Slipknot. They came on first and put all their energy out there for a crowd of practically no one. Then they spent the rest of the show hanging out in the crowd. Super nice guys. A couple weeks later I met Non-Point, they were dicks. Not part of the story but it needed to be said. LoL
- Shane And Emma Bowles: Love this band, but for me its the fantastic bass riffs that cause my brain to explode. He's such a talented bassist 👌
- heineken7172: Gotta check locksmiths 2019 DJ Kay slays freestyle.. straight bars for 10 minutes.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Joseph Thiery: Oh shit! I haven't heard someone mention Hed PE in... ever? Maybe? I know that theoretically they were popular at one point. But I only ever heard them for the first time years later, when Nu Metal had already died.
- Jeffrey Fleming: Gotta react to lil dicky - bars....link here. Check it out fans and then re comment with the request please. https://youtu.be/bTQE1gTG7nQ
- Deliverance Damnation: For real, my man... I shake my goddamm head immediately after looking at the thumbnail and thinking "Oh god, couldn't be any worse to start with Mudvayne"
- Rob F: Please check out "Still I Rise". Young Wicked, Rittz, Jamie Madrox
- wonderwall135: fall into sleep would've been a great choice for them
- Ben: Dig and Determined are definitely some of their more intense songs. Not Falling would’ve been great, Dull Boy is a great in between that would’ve been good to start with too.
- Hols: Silenced for sure
- Kevin Parizek: Mudvaynes Not Falling would be a song you guys would like. It's a but more creative in the song and has some awesome rifts
- Brandon Therrell: Jinjer - Who Is Gonna Be The One
- Immaculate Deception: This song was their first commercial song though, their first music video on MTV and the video itself "went viral" so to speak. Of course that was before the days of anything being able to go viral but the video was very shocking and thus was talked about a lot. Slipknot and Mudvayne both came from the same area of the country at around the same time if I remember correctly so its no surprise that you got that feel.
- Jarod G: I listen to this song when i'm angry. Don't think much else can psyche me up as much.
- Nick Drage: Sleep - Dragonaut
- Robert McGinley: Mudvayne Not Falling, World so cold would have been much better to start with. Dig probably most popular with hardcore fans but lacks a mellow harmony
- Amit Dutta: Come on man, lets do The Ghastly Silence by Shining and The Woven Web by Animals as Leaders.
- Ruth Herr: Not falling, Happy, death blooms, fall into sleep are my fav's from mudvayne hopefully one day you guys do another reaction video ♡
- Huy Tran: Love that u guys are keeping it 100%...Not everything is for everybody...I love the Metal genre as well and even this isn't my cup of tea.
- Aaron Todd: Glad you guys did this one the video is f ed up
- greg maj: SKINDRED - kILL the POWER
- Compendyum: Or Stinkfist
- Roy McMasters: Arch enemy - you will know my name
- Chris L.: Next time do severed! Definitely will change your mind about mudvayne, it's them at their musical best!
- Col. Kickass: hed(PE) - Darky & Ken 2012
- BEast Sauce: Death Blooms would've been so much better of a song to react to as a first listen.
- Joseph Vazquez: Inspire the liars - dance gavin dance!
- Joe Thom: Would absolutely LOVE to see you guys react to Joanna Newsom. Anything from the Ys album.
- James Davis: Talking about how the bands were competing to be the most extreme, Pantera's Vulgar Display Of Power kind of upped everybody's game.
- mike: This was an ABSOLUTELY horrible first choice for Mudvayne. World So Cold and Not falling should have been the choices. The singer (or growler, in this instance) can actually sing. Sidenote: This song was actually very mainstream in 2001. Hell, the band won an MTV music award for best new artist off the strength of it. Strange pre 9/11 world, I suppose.
- SnoopySteve: Should have done the video version hahaha
- Tokem juju: Negative one, deathblooms would be some good ones........ and let me add SEVERED SEVERED SEVERED SEVERED SEVERED SEVERED SEVERED
- SaL-vAdOr GaRcAi: @lostinvegas Not Falling and World do Cold are definitely better choices as far as content and melody, Death Blooms is also but i feel its still more aggressive.
- joafic: Amorphis - The Bee!
- Garrett Butler: THE TESKEY BROTHERS!!! Please react to them. You guys would love them.
- 1 AD: KYUSS - Demon Cleaner
- allen pigott: Please please please do Emmure - A gift a curse. you guys rule!!!
- christopher gray: Have you gentlemen reviewed static x yet? If not you should definitly listen to stem from their first album called Wisconsin death trip. These guys are, i guess, industrial metal starting in the late nineties. The whole album is great, i jus5 think this one is a hidden jem.
- Sheila Moody: play Tesla Love song
- RosettaStonedTV: So Doom Metal? Sleep - Dragonaut Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis
- nikkaben: Not falling. Is good I think y’all would like these better
- Val Ferr: Mudvayne - Nothing to gein
- Bergmeister86: 90s Headbangers Ball in a nutshell for me
- Talos DOGGOD: CLOWN FROM SLIPKNOT WAS A MAJOR PART OF THE PRODUCTION OF THIS ABLUM. Very proud you guys heard the relationship in that, if you said they sounded like GWAR or something I'd have left and never looked back...lol
- Brandon Martin: Do some Hellyeah
- Chris French: Forget to Remember is a way better song than Dig is when your trying to introduce someone to Mudvayne. You can't just throw someone into a mosh pit and expect them to understand what's going on.
- Chris Mueller: Slipknot was out, we needed more. Mudvayne came to fill in the gap. They painted their faces instead of the masks. Well we know where Slipknot is today, where's Mudvayne? Nuff said.
- john delasko: Volbeat
- Richard Roberts: Pretty sure Shawn crahan (clown) produced the album. Or executive producer at least.
- blackened872: Dig is the song that I first heard from mudvayne but severed is the greatest. Also a lot more melodic. Dig is just intense.
- Aaron: I was in the target demographic for the song when it came out and I thought it was shit lol. Watch the music video and you'll see that it was just meant to be over the top. It ain't about musical value, it's about wearing face/body paint, using lots of hairspray, smiling creepily, and maybe wearing masks - overall, being a dick.
- Cobra Commander: Great song but you were supposed to react to Twighlight of the Thunder God, Amon Amarth. I mean, what are you waiting for? Seriously...its the new year and once you hear it you will wonder what took you so long. Let's do it!!
- talflodrumm: Great reaction but Mudvayne have better songs, more complete with transitions and melodic lines and Shawn the bass player is a monster. Great band this song is simple and agressive they have better songs.
- Martin Szymanski: You guys should consider doing some more recent metal. I'd suggest Rivers of Nihil (pronounced Nile), Where Owls Know my Name from late 2018. Some good Progressive/Tech Death metal with a little bit of... less than traditional instrumentation for a metal song. Just a bit though. And if you do listen to it, watch the video. It's good stuff.
- Chris Bell: As I'm sure many have already commented, while Dig is a great song, you guys really jumped into the deep end of the Mudvayne pool, definitely give just about any other song by them a shot, won't even bother recommending anything specific because they're all good. Chad has a great singing voice and has been mentioned, he's the lead singer of the super group Hellyeah! who were touring up until Vinnie Paul's death last year.
- Mechjunkyard: Try Happy? by Mudvayne next time
- Mista Jerka: Death Blooms is more groovy rather than agressive, so i definently would have picked that over dig. Happy is another choice thats better as an introduction. Also if you want to see one of metals greatest bassists check out a live version or a music video of their songs
- cavn1ble vulcious: This band is great. I mean, they got a great bassist, great guitarist, great vocalist, and great drummer
- Ryan Jusko: Shoulda done happy!
- anarchoutis: This album was produced by Shawn Crahan, the clown from Slipknot.
- Darrell Gaither: +The booty Warrior I'm not sure if it was on Patreon I've only been on there for 2 months and don't remember seeing it, but they show videos on there earlier and dudes coment is 3 months old. I do know the comments from Patreon carry over to YouTube. So it was probably on there 3 months ago.
- Alan B: Not a great song for an introduction to Mudvayne. There has to be a better way to pick intro songs.
- Josh Echternach: PLEASE do While She Sleeps - Silence Speaks!!!
- Jon Mc: One of my favorite songs by them is not falling but the chorus isnt their best chorus... one of my favorite songs is beyond the pale because of the vocal delivery
- justin beiriger: not falling would be better
- Donnie Locke: I love mudvayne but this song does not give them justice, IMN is my favorite but Not Falling or Forget to Remember would be better choices for you. Buuuuuut I think it’s time you go back to Tool! And give panthers some love! This love or 10’s please!
- Aarhg: What about Determined? I love that one.
- vysr om: +Eric Fredrick my favorite
- meshuggah life: Looking right past the amazing bass playing....
- Anthony L: Their 2nd and 3rd albums are better than LD50. The entire 1st album sounded as if they were trying to all play over each other while their next albums contain songs like "happy", "not falling" and "world so cold " where you can tell they grew a lot as a band and the songs are just better.
- Richard Lawrence: This song is what got me into Mudvayne , but this song is very basic and they have way more deeper songs -severed or death blooms would be a better 2nd go for Mudvayne
- Craig Hauser: Ur hit it head on with the Slipknot and mudvayne thing. Both did the outfits and face paint too
- Algerian Jon Snow: Hey guys hope yall having a good day...Locksmith just dropped a freestyle w/Kay Slay, PLEASE react to it yall know how Locksmith just straight up murderes everything he jumps on.
- Johncharles Settles: Mudvayne is a really great band. You guys would probably get into some of their later more commercial albums. Still hard but a bit softer vocals and melodies
- hepovpdic nervokisk: Time for some In Flames please! Preferably some of their older stuff! (Cloud connected, Swim, Trigger etc. )
- Kevin Stickler: Happy is by far and away the song you guys need to hear first... nothing else needs to be said.
- Synyster 7x: Buried alive - avenged sevenfold
- T. Maximus: Do mudvayne severed please!
- kat memes: Scar Symmetry - morphogenesis or ghost prototype ii
- Fox Mccloud: Severed would be a better song choice for mudvayne
- Jonathon Gordon: they should've gone with a song that showcases Ryan Martinie's bass skills more, although I personally find mudvayne a fairly mediocre band but Ryan Martinie is a very talented and underrated bassist, I'm pretty sure he's in a funk/jazz fusion band these days cause if I'm remembering correctly mudvayne broke up a few years back but I think that's good for him being in a band where he can showcase his talent even more
- Gary Salgado: this band is boring man nothing about them stands out as great to me... do more industrial metal tho, Rammstein Du Hast is a good starting point
- Tommy Lynn: I liked the video for it. Should have watched it.. and the unedited version too.. lol. The singer also started a band with the drummer of pantera Hell Yea! Should check them out. The singer does have a phenomenal voice. As for another song. Check out happy by mudvane!
- Andy T: This song was one of my top ten when it first came out...when you guys chose to review it, I knew it had no chance. The thing I didn't see coming is that I also don't like it anymore.....
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: Check out NERVOSA TRASH METAL band from Brazil!!
- Cameron anderson: Forget to remember or happy
- James Delano: This song put them on the map you guys needed to watch the music video
- Dylan Farley: World so cold, not falling, happy?, and death blooms are all songs that I think you guys might enjoy more than dig. Dig is definitely more straight forward aggression and those songs have a bit more melody to them and even more clean vocals.
- TheBishop505: Fall into sleep. Mudvanes best song.
- NorthWestRider: Let’s get some more Tool on here guys
- Kevin Dickerson: There are some elitists pricks that will argue with you all day about this......but you're exactly right. Both bands came from the midwest (Mudvayne from Illinois and slipknot from Iowa) and had similar sounds but neither one had an influence on the other. In fact when they started Mudvayne used a mask gimmick (something slipknot is famous for and still does) before they were even aware of each other. This song is one of their first hits before they came out with more mainstream stuff. You should check out "not falling" from them.
- Michael Williams: The best two and a half minutes of metal ever written...,,,,
- msolar: If y’all really want some jam check out Air Supply lost in love. You won’t regret it.
- IGottaBasketballJones: Another good tune fro them that’s off his singing and the drummer is World So Cold, check it out.
- Neil Thomas: Byzantine New Ways To Bear Witness
- Paul Leach: I know a lot of people really love this shit, but I never understood the appeal of bands like Slipknot and Mudvayne. For the type of aggression they're going for here there's plenty of Thrash, Groove, and Death Metal bands I'd much rather listen to.
- Jake Adams: RIP Drummer, double bass is life
- netrioter: yeah..you guys got played again by the fans, this wasn't the one to start with. had you have listened to the intro to this song you would have got it.. its Monolith/Dig. Dig on its own...no
- ItsReever: Death Blooms for another Mudvayne song. That’s the song that made me love the band. It’s fun, it grooves, and it’s sing a little, scream a little. It’s not nearly as frenetic as Dig. It just rocks. Plain and simple.
- Npc #117: I wanna say I saw something that said slipknot was the band that brought them to their record label.
- Jean-Sébastien Cyr: Cradle of filth : From the cradle to enslave (video).
- ThePassionateGinger: Slipknot Disasterpiece. Though technically not 90s it's close enough. Imo Slipknot is the pinnacle of 90s metal sound. Not saying they're the best in the 90s or to come from the 90s but the band has a sound that you can understand what metal was going through that decade.
- Brian Lamb: Do Cradle of Filth - Babalon A.D. ( so glad for the madness)
- Eamonn O'Boyle: That would be the best introduction to the band
- 2D OVER 3D: Love this song but it’s a horrible starter. It’s an acquired taste
- elproducto78: Listening though computer speakers is a dis-service, listening through a legit hi-fi setup and hearing the proper production can totally change a song.
- metal666maniac11: +Ralph Dougherty definitely.
- TheMawsJawz TM: Happy?
- Darrell Whittaker: People asking for Dig were semi trolling yall...Severed or Not Falling would have been waaaaaaaaaaaay better for yall
- Matt Something: Mr Bungle: Goodbye Sober Day
- Kristin Duncan: https://youtu.be/zhnMSVb0oYA I would love to see you guys do Chris Stapleton- What are you listening to. I’ve noticed you guys have become fans of him and I love this song.
- Andrew Sarrazin: Rob Zombie - Dragula
- zephtube1: I Would like to request a song for this band called happy, And..... look up BODY COUNT!
- PeRogiTra: you should see the video.. :)
- Jaysin: This song Dig is towards the record company trying to change them. Death Blooms & Nothing to Gein shows how diverse mudvayne can be
- Superblamblamman: VEKTOR. LISTEN TO VEKTOR!!! They are one of the best metal bands out there! You might be turned off by the high pitched screams but I think you guys will love their musicianship. I'd go for either black future, tetrastructural minds, or charging the void.
- Matt Powell: This is probably the worst song on LD50. The rest of the album has amazing lyrics, bass lines, riffs, drums, everything..... one of my favorite albums ever. Death Blooms and Severed are much, much better than this with some power lyrics. This is the first song on the album after the opening and i always just skip it and then you can just listen to the rest of the album straight through. Ryan Martini might be the best bass player ever. I mean just watch this bass cover of death blooms..... https://youtu.be/dGeRCeUWzUk And as good as Death Blooms is, Severed is probably the best song on the album..... this performance is amazing.... https://youtu.be/zwQQZPo3k_s
- Samo Targos: Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars (Live Rehearsal@Sonic Pump Studios)
- brandon dowers: Gotta listen to any other Mudvayne song and it’s different. They are all different. One of the best metal bands of our era. Best drummer of all time. Try a different song. Any other song. Try DEATH BLOOMS
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- 8trigrammer: "Blue on Black" please!
- Doggo: ok.
- Joseph Davidson: I was gonna say basically everything that's been said... so hopefully we'll get another Mudvayne reaction soon.
- Ceabrus: You guys should do "Bolt Thrower." They're a death metal band so I doubt you'd like the vocals too much, but they're master riffsmiths and I really think you guys will dig their grooves. Anything off of "Those once loyal" is awesome. Maybe "the killchain"?
- Edgar Priego: Death blooms and severed I believe are a better representation of mudvayne I say react to one of those next
- ponyone1: You are 100% accurate that band sucks! More DEFTONES songs please! “Diamond eyes” this time !
- VEXARI: Point #1 that's the song that got me into them
- Simon Kotchou: Man guys, I know you get a huge amount of requests, but I would have thought you guys would have given Volbeat a try by now. You guys seem to really like a lot of Metallica songs and Volbeat is similar with their own unique twist. Thanks for the content!
- Young Fish: Comparing mudvayne to slipknot is like comparing pantera to Metallica it's just disrespectfull.. mudvayne and pantera are not close to those piece of shit bands
- RosettaStonedTV: The Slipknot comparison is fair, but that’s why there were many requests for songs like Death Blooms. If you dig (no pun intended) into the tracks of this album you will realize that Mudvayne were able to separate themselves successfully from other bands in my opinion. If you listen to Internal Primates Forever or Pharmaecopia you’ll see how the odd time signatures in those songs really gave them their own distinct sound.
- HouseOfGato: Mudvayne and Slipknot were both big in the Nu Metal heyday... and Mudvayne also covered their faces up, similar to Slipknot wearing masks, but they stopped around the time their third album came out I think. And their members are quite talented musicians.... so the riffage and screaming is just kind of typical for Nu Metal songs of this era. Some of the kind of music I'm most nostalgic for, too. I would recommend the songs 'Severed', '-1' or the aforementioned 'Death Blooms' from the same album as 'Dig', they showcase Mudvayne's melodic capabilities a bit more. But that whole album has this kind of intensity, 'Dig' is one of the stronger examples maybe because it opens up the album and they wanted to make sure to come in with a bang right away.
- jacob price: The Damned by the Plasmatics. Official video. The song is great and the stunt at the end is 100% real. Wendy is the shit
- osama binpoohead: eugh no, they dont want to kill themselves.
- TheMawsJawz TM: For sure. That song is legendary
- xTheGreatDestroyerx: Mudvayne - Forget To Remember, Choices, Happy
- Mr Stark: You would have enjoyed NOT FALLING much better.
- Matthew Showers: I would have to agree with that assessment.
- Robert McCauley: Big Black - Passing Complexion
- Brandon Burgess: Check out the band Snot.....they are a case of gone too soon and many of the bands you guys play were peers and looked up them as a band.....check out the song stoopid or the self titled song Snot and observe the greatness!!
- Thomas Buchanan: Yes-Roundabout
- D B: How did you guys not pair this with the video??! The music video/visuals go great with music.
- Elijah Tate: Review “Kate McCannon” by Colter Wall. Very very similar to The Whistler. I think you guys would like it.
- Jordan Hummel: Pretty wild that you haven't reacted to Buckethead so far. Check out Nottingham Lace.
- HideousConformity: The Break of Autumn
- Julius Lowe: Been a little while. I thought I'd stop by again with my request. My first is the epic rap battles of history series. Mahamad Ali vs Jordon is a good one. My other request is Talking to myself by Watsky.
- Mack T: Dream Theater - Pull me Under
- BrokenZen: Gotta throw support behind "Not Falling". Great song by them.
- Metal-O-Mania: Dig is an awful first choice to check out Mudvayne...Death Blooms is far more representative of them in my opinion.
- Brian Allen: Not even near the top of my favorites from Mudvanye!!! Jus sayin...
- Sketch30Films: still waiting to see your reaction to The Acacia Strain and their song Victims of the Cave.... let's get some deathcore on this channel :)
- Joe Step: Slipknot - Spit it Out please! If possible, a live version.
- King Frederick II: +Lisa B Hell yeah!
- Jon Hubbard: I think happy, and one other no known named song, are the only two I've liked.
- Vince V: Let's see some more Rittz!
- Nolan Void: Oh joy....Slipknotera.
- Benjamin Smith: That bass!!
- Meno Pea: A Key to Nothing - Mudvayne
- Andrey Gorbunov: C'mon, What Slipknot are you talking about? When I have listened this song for the first time my first thought was - "Is this a Phil Anselmo side project?"
- Mictian: Hey guys! Love ur content, I watch your reaction videos as much as I can. For this video I have to say, you listened to the clean version which watered down some of the elements of the song. And my suggestion for you to understand Mudvayne better and how brilliant they are, listen or just check lyrics of the songs in the LD 50 album. It's different, emotional and poetic. One of my favourite albums of all time. Anyways keep up the good work!
- kevin prithvi: The stage by avenged sevenfold- you guys would dig it
- Xxxx I: React to more uk
- Justin10k: This song really got me into heavy metal. I just crave that aggressive sound!
- Matthew Sommerville: Highly suspect my name is human, mudvayne forget to remember, yelawolf gangsta walk (get buck),system of the down byob, caskey ftg, doobie when the drugs don't work check em out guys I know more to
- Paul Champ: Also Dillanger Escape Plan. So many songs to choose from with them but I reckon either 43% Burnt or Sunshine The Werewolf, if you haven't already. PLEASE!!!!!!
- Paul Leach: Great reaction to a shit song.
- Eugene Lopez: Come on guys! You gotta do some Black Label Society, Genocide Junkies!
- Curtis W: Black label society - Stillborn
- BuiltToFuck BornToKill: Swan Dive
- Derek Dunn: Mudvayne was aroind before slipknot. Loved the video!
- James Dean: The rest of the songs of this album ain't like this one they are far better, you've definitely picked the only song I skip on the album
- SuperSophist: World So Cold
- Spanish Ginger: Mudvayne prod
- RamRodTheAvenger: Here I go again, you dudes really need to check out Orbit Culture - Redfog. They are definitely an obscure band at this point, but they are on another level of aggression/groove and I feel like you guys will dig them. Thanks!
- Ivan Serrano: Didn’t dig the Dig... 🤔
- abremalin: You gotta review static X! Rip Wayne static.
- Dan Roberts: Wish they watched the music video
- jakhar: Internal Primates Forever would have been a better choice.
- Furhaj Khan: 90s throwback for me....lol. Can you please react to Fear Factory-Self Bias Resistor!!!!
- Darwin Price: They have much more commercial songs so i feel like you hit it on the head as a strike back, you listen to “happy” n you won’t even realize it’s the same band
- Metal-O-Mania: +Jealous Gods throat my "yer mom" flavored riddle stick...
- Analog Park: +Omar Beydoun Word. Glass Prison is a way to make someone never listen to DT again!! I'm a longtime fan and I can still only listen to it like once a year.
- Blackeagle1120 87: I never would have suggested this song from them. First it is hard to find the non editted version, second, just knew this wouldn’t be you guys, and third this to me is more of a hype song than anything else. Love the band and song, but this wouldn’t be the first song or CD I would introduce to someone. Lost and Found CD is a good start.
- Nicholas Grant: Not falling is a much better choice.
- Connor Breivik: Dream Theater - Glass Prison plz
- Johnathan Dukes: Yeah it's funny you picked the one song off the top of my head that is like all aggression hahah they have alot of songs were Chad (lead singer) does sing. So try not falling or even "happy" you will think it's a different band
- Oscar Sanchez: I'd give them Needled 24/7 or Follow the Reaper. Downfall rips though.
- kuneefay: Architects - Hereafter
- Bobby Conant: Ghost love score, live at wakkan. Video has captions. Im surprised you havent done. Nightwish yet to be honest. Heres a link https://youtu.be/JYjIlHWBAVo
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: did you see their speech for this song at the first VMA's?! I posted it dude!
- Arian Azhari: Internal Primate forever!!!
- DarthBleak: Prong - Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck
- Tony Simpson: I agree that is a tuff one to jump into for mudvayne! Maybe start with world so cold, not falling, death blooms, silenced, I've been trying for a long time to get you to do a mudvayne video I always thought silenced would be a great one for you 2
- jason sanford: Prong (snap your fingers snap your neck) Please
- Monte Barnard: Bummed you guys got the edited version! The bass tone is unreal on this album though. Metal heads argue about this band but can agree unanimously about the sick bass performance and tone.
- Kerr Fflop: I broke my finger I clicked this so hard!!!
- Valentin Lopez: y'all should listen to "Get Along" by Kenny Chesney.
- MarkDarkside: I hope you recycle all those plastic bottles you get through!Also....is it time for Nomeansno - Rags And Bones yet?
- Jackson: YES!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!
- Team Xxtreme: Loco- coal chamber
- Eric Head: Got to give Mudvayne another go. World so cold...
- Gary Gibson: How do reactors not react to the music video? With mudvayne,it's 80% the visual.
- Dewayne Marion: Can you please for the sake of God please do steel panther Asian hooker I'm begging you please
- Jathoden Wulfrik: Why dig for your first mudvayne song. It should have been (HAPPY) PLZ do happy guys iv been here since like 50000 followers and reqested song after song after song bro plz do . happy by mudvayne plz just this one guys if you do happy ill become a patron supporter tomorrow I know you will LOVE this song .# freethinking squad .
- cezar maatubang: There was alot of aggressive yelling in this period but alot of those guys are good singers too which they showed a little later on, they started singing more than yelling
- Gabe Ellis: Also won the 1st mtv2 music award for metal vid that year.. 2001.
- Cameron Warner: KMFDM - Drug Against War, I think it's a good accessible example of industrial metal
- Neil Butler: Doesn't want to be PG, edits all the swearing out the video
- djjazzyjeff123: Dang y'all have a nack for picking a GREAT band and getting burned by the song choice. Between this, Jesus Christ Pose and Metropolis Part 1 you've hit the lottery on the perfectly WRONG "introduction to the band" songs.
- Daniel Meza: You guys have to listen to the The fall of Troy - Semi-Fiction
- Colonel Sanders: My first exposure was this song and it sucked me in.
- Papa Outai: Determined or happy would be a better choice
- Pete Lannen: Slipknot and Mudvayne are contemporaries lp 50 came out in 2000 and Slipknot(self titled) came out in 1999.
- Ronald Roundy: Great band but they weren't really refined yet recommend world so cold ,or choices
- DetrikXanthos: Nekrogoblikon - Powercore!!!
- Sean Payne: Y’all should react to some lil peep
- Mr Faust: slipknot was way before Mudvayne, but thats the beauty of metal as opposed to hip hop, its all love in that sphere, there are very rarely beefs, and we generally don't do things like diss tracks. Thats an element that is unique to rap and hip hop, and dont get me wrong I listen to rap as well, and frankly that feud between Eminem and MGK was fire. But thats not how it is in the metal community. We are all generally trying to do the same thing with our own twist, and if you do this I will do that, and then we can collab and do something different entirely. For instance, Check out the MurderDolls, with Joey Jordinson (the drummer from slipknot), he plays guitar in the MurderDolls.
- Nathanael Mills: Like you guys I am not a fan. I've tried a bunch of their stuff and it's just so bland compared to Slipknot (etc).
- Trevor Meeks: The first album I bought was a Mudvayne album...I was a pretty dope 12 year old
- jeff s: But...definitely not a recommended first time listen for a song.
- WeIsDaTyrantz: Could you guys react to Mr Bungle - Squeeze Me Macaroni?
- Wade Suhr: LOL. Yup, it's Slipknot to me too. Slipknot + 20%. Heard this song before on 95.7 The Rock - WRQT. Didn't dig it then. Still don't. I 100% dislike it musically. Maybe if I was a teenager again, it would be on my playlist? Maybe? Not sure. Thanks for the reaction though.
- C.E. Potter: Monolord. Anything by Monolord.
- xXAftrxShckXx Undefined: React to -1, still heavy but it’s different from dig. If your looking for something more melodic but still heavy with good lyrics either “happy?” Or “forget to remember” cool fact forget to remember is a song for the movie Saw so theres that.
- Doug Watts: This was a bad song to get a first feel for Mudvayne in my opinion. Death Blooms, Happy?, A World So Cold and some others would be better I promise with all my heart. Please give them another try. You guys are awesome btw! Love your videos
- Marcus Johnson: Desolaytore his side project is pretty awesome. Have checked out soften the glare?
- Armando Fragale: Cryptopsy - The Pestilence That Walketh In Darkness
- William Dewey: This is the first album and you're right they were there trying to make a name for themselves but I strongly suggest you give not falling or world so cold a chance Chad Grey's vocals really stand out in both those songs the lyrics tend to go into esoteric territory in later albums please don't judge them just on this song
- Phil B: Came back to say... IF you do World So Cold, make sure you do the full version. The music video and some of the others are shit edits that kind of ruin the song. https://youtu.be/I5FB8W0P2iw
- tonymtlwpg: Really wish you hadn't listened to the censored version. 🤦♂️
- nespith: This album came out around the same time as slipknots first album. I saw them touring together back in the 90's.
- Austin Whited: Chris Ledoux hooked on an eight second ride and Cody Johnson dear rodeo please
- Punk Studios99: The best Mudvayne song is Pharmaecopia! It got some sick bass riffs!!
- Wilt Chamberlain: Man, I remember the first time I saw Dig's video. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. It was hilariously amazing. Love metal and picked up the LD50 album, but yeah, I was almost on the ground. I don't quite think that was the reaction they were going for. :P
- Mike Kausalik: Metallica - All Nightmare Long
- Rich Korab: World So Cold !!!!!
- freakshopusa: It's time for a full album reaction to Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime! ...and I haven't given up on a Monster Magnet reaction.
- Slaytounge: It always boggles my mind that people recommend dig for people to listen to. Severed would have been a much better choice. Or Prod.
- Eric Little: Love you guys! But are you serious? Mud was Definitely before!!!! WTF!!!
- Daniel Horvat: You guys should check out band called Volumes, you might dig some of their newer stuff. Great stuff as always!
- Damned Opinions: I was in high school when I first saw them live opening for Slipknot. That song was off the hook live, but did not age well at all. Ryan Martinie is the shit though.
- Jared Adlam: Awesome guys. You gotta try check out something new. Try a song called Kai Tangata by Alien Weaponry Watch the video. You’ll love it
- Snoop Hogg: Mudvayne-Severed
- Marc XxCajunCannonxX Dolinsky: Determined is another great song that captures the aggressiveness of Mudvayne
- winchester dean: too flat song
- Googleplus Isterrible: Mudvayne and Slipknot came came out the same time. They have a similar sound. Really good catch! Please check out Colter Wall: Devil Wears a Suit and Tie
- shr00mhead: Gonna put it out there again. Stoned Jesus - Im the Mountain. Like and comment to back me up on this one.
- gary45251: Slipknot “Devil in I”
- James Dabbs: You definitely chose the wrong song. You gotta go either Happy or Not falling. Their best in my opinion.
- Luke Barnes: Nu-metal was a dark time. Utter shit.
- Jose Carlos Fonseca Mejia: These dudes remind why i love music , no genres , unbiased , if you like it you like it , that’s it , love your channel
- TimStatic: Guys please check out Static-X and Fear Factory. Maybe some good ol Coal Chamber too!
- Tony Denny: hate to say it. but you just listened to one of the worst mudvayne songs. im surprised you could make it all the way through that video
- Shinobi foot fucker: bro react to doomtech by vein
- xXkeithXx1: Dig probably wasn’t the best song for you guys to jump into for mudvayne. Also based on what you guys have liked in the past I recommend checking out “The Amity Affliction” “Ice Nine Kills” “All that remains” probably more your style.
- Chris Pryce: They've done a mudvayne song before right? I'm sure I've seen them do mudvayne before
- Shafkat Amin: pink floyd-high hopes
- Diego Llavaneras: Again, if you want to know a whloe new side of Slipknot, check out "Snuff" it's awesome...
- FreakOnTheLeaf: Didn't expect this one at all. I used to like it as a kid, but not as much today
- MeanT241985: While this is by far the best Mudvayne album, yall went with the only song on it that doesn't have any clean vocals. I beg you, some months down the line, give literally any other Mudavayne song a chance and you'll love it.
- jim hemp: Its depressing that you guys havent reacted to Shine on you Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd. I'll actually sub to your pateron if you do
- Josh Shields: But at the same time the edited version does not give the song Justice
- berlin040909: I like dig but one of their more commercial songs wouldve gone over better with these guys
- muddinmann: Scream with me
- Xenophon: If you think the music was extreme, you should see the official video. They have a great look in that!
- Kelly Wilcox: Thanks for doing mudvayne! I hope you do not falling. It has a different feel. Mudvayne screams, but not every song is like this. Chad has a beautiful singing voice too.
- Branden Conan: Deathblooms and or World so cold..... I think you two will like both
- grimsmokesat420: Same singer but different tone
- Wade Reed: you guys should do a peter gabriel song. maybe the rhythm and the heat ?
- X [inyouRdreams] X: Mudvayne is from my home town. I remember seeing them for like 5 bucks at places around town way before they hit it big and got signed to a label.
- AstralBlood Minnesota: Should have watched the video for first reaction =(
- Andrew werdnA: The Hu band Mongolian folk rock both songs are great. Zeal & Ardor, Don't you Dare slave spirituals crossed with black metal
- Brian Powers: Two problems starting off for you guys and Dig. This was the song they came into fold with. Face paint, outfits and plain out middle finger attitude. They toured with Slipknot so you weren't too far off. Problem was that this song is 60% censored which is hard to stay in the flow of the song. Second it's a little hard for you guys to start off with. The rest of their album LD50 had a lot more of a melody that you would appreciate. Listen to Deathblooms, Not Falling, Happy or World So Cold if you need to slow it down a bit.
- Titus Sitting Up: Their first album L.D. 50 is an amazing album and the songs on it is album is amazing. This album is their peak of their career
- skeletor: slipknot bass player < mudvayne bass player
- E: They should react to Psychopomp by Thank You Scientist or anything by King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard .
- Jahleel Flecha: React to Pharoahe Monch YAYO OR 24 HOURS
- John Hukle: These guys would enjoy Happy? so much more!
- Dylan McCullough: THE DAY HAS COME!
- MyNameIsBucket: Really? Just the singles? I'd go for some deep cuts like -1, Know Forever, Solve Et Coagula...
- Mike Wright: I think it was Corey (Slipknot) discovered them, Dull Boy is a killer track
- Barry Fitz: I was balls in on mudvayne for a year the album after this one. But holy Christ their stuff did not age well.
- domsson: Mudvayne - World So Cold. Seriously, you just gotta check that one out. Vin from Vin And Sori said that "World So Cold" is one of the few 11/10 songs for him.
- Sam Tunnicliff: They are a great band but I agree with you guys, the extreme style is either a love it or hate it sound. One of their newer tracks I preferred was fish out of water. Bit more cleans and melody!
- Brian Elve: https://youtu.be/buFP4t7a05U Bohemian Rhapsody !!!! Yes they went there , this is a must listen .
- BRYAN DODSON: Pantera- Domination...live in donington video...
- Pynskhemlang Niangti: You could have gone with World so Cold or Happy..That's Mudvayne at their best!
- Shane Morey: Man you guys need to do Helmet - Unsung
- mikeandersonwa: Mudvayne I think came out right after Slipknot, but they both broke around the same time, and were both part of that nu-metal wave of the early 2000s
- Jon Panayi: Ok guys! I have to have a Rant here. I bet you any money that the only Incubus song that you guys know is Drive. I will refuse the band who produce one of the best debut albums to be known for a song that doesnt even measure how amazing this 1st album is!!!!! The album is called S.C.I.E.N.C.E listen to the whole thing because its epic! Trying to pick a song from the whole album is too hard so I hope that this continues and everyone posts their favourite track. Its 100% a must for you lads! I am 100% certain you guys will love it in its entirety. I will refuse this band its quality praise they deserve.
- Derek White: Yeah, it was such a great album, l listen to songs off it often.
- MardyBum100291: Why haven’t you guys listened to Death yet? They’re one of the greatest metal bands EVER! With a unique back story to boot.
- MediaFaust: Boys, you have a long way to go. I think of Mudvayne as fairly mainstream. You label it extreme. Honestly? It sounds to me like a couple of the guys from Primus decided to start a side project in the style of Pantera. Try some Norwegian black metal next. I recommend Mayhem. But there are many good ones.
- Tbone Jones: Mudvayne is good but nothing special. Please do some vidz on sublime! Doing time/summertime.. You guys wont be disappointed..
- SpacePope: Slipknot and Mudvayne kind of emerged around the same time that 'nu metal' was peaking. It was just the sound of the time for that genre
- Adrian Rimbao: Please react to Greedy by Sunset Rollercoaster especially the Audiotree Live version
- m Syndrone: Check Locksmiths freestyle on Shade 45. So many quotables from this session! https://youtu.be/FsIFxares8M
- joshua teremy: Mudvayne predates Slipknot....Chad Gray has always been a provocative lyricist and they never really tried to be a big commercial band. Bad choice for an intro to their music...Happy is a much better song. Slipknot tends to be more metaphorical and cerebral with their lyrics.
- Flip Jupiter: Didn't they win a Grammy for Dig?
- Emperor Paulpatine: Or like any of their good stuff
- macktasticjoshflava: Just so repetitive...
- Explore More U.K.: These guys are awesome! Highly trained and acclaimed musicians. You guys really need to listen to a 'Dillinger Escape Plan' song maybe one called 'One of us is the killer' or 'Milk Lizard' or 'Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants'. When you listen to 'Rooster' by 'Alice in Chains' is still my fav vid of yours! Keep it up, guys.
- Jose Balmaseda: Listen to Death Blooms.
- Matthew Huff: The edited version of this song is basically unlistenable, it loses all of the impact.
- Dylan Muschitiello: Bat country by avenged sevenfold
- johnnyquattro: mudvayne - happy
- Avanzel: I think it's time guys... Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog
- Brandon Preston: Do 4 Songs by Superjoint Ritual and do History of Bad Men by Melvins pleeeaaase!
- Alfred Buck: I die a little inside everytime I hear an edited version of a song.
- Cazzenova: i would recommend doing Not Falling possibly to get those really clean vocals from Chad.
- Mustang8867: A list of must reacts from Mudvayne: Not Falling, World So Cold, Happy?, Forget T Remember, New Game, and Scarlet Letter. But now you also need to react to Hellyeah. They are a "supergroup" front by Mudvayne's own Chad Grey. I would suggest Human, Moth, Hush, Love Falls, and their cover of I Don't Care Anymore.
- CkennDESTR0Y: Any Given Day - Savior or anything from their album Everlasting
- Mort Cinder: Please do Neurosis, Through Silver In Blood, Locust Star.
- Kyle Snyder: "Slipknot for bassists"
- Jesus Christ: I'm suggesting iwrestledabearonce - taste like Kevin bacon
- Mauricio Marín: I agree 200,000,000,000 % with you!!
- Alan Leos: Thank You Scientist, "Mr Invisible"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Simone Crespi: Please react MGLA
- The Music Database: This album came out in 2000
- Joshua Bryant: You should review Kittie Brackish
- Kellen Dobmeier: "Dig" is probably their most iconic song, but it's a poor representation of what they were. They used clean vocals more often than not, to be honest. It's a shame nobody clarified that in their suggestions. "Death Blooms" would have been a better choice, but how were you two supposed to know that?
- Kelly McQuaid: The range of these guys is amazing! 'Dig' has the feel of their brutal side, but this band has a lot of other incredible songs. Check out some of their slower tunes as well! 'Dead Inside', 'World So Cold'
- Rott Bot: Sharing is caring, give these a peek: Be'lakor- An Ember's Arc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izaxvm9dK_k&t=0s&index=15&list=PL3ogQ-cmpf71dXEk8p4y0bGTq55AQ0zl7 Omnium Gatherum- The Unknowing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsjHvaU5Aik&list=PL3ogQ-cmpf71dXEk8p4y0bGTq55AQ0zl7&index=1 Kalmah- The Black Waltz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCyfiS8GatA&list=PL3ogQ-cmpf71dXEk8p4y0bGTq55AQ0zl7&index=9 Brymir- Slayer of Gods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys2OuE8SQNs&list=PL3ogQ-cmpf71dXEk8p4y0bGTq55AQ0zl7&index=26
- O'hboy IamJamaal: Eluveitie - Inis Mona
- Steve Trent: The 3 bands that went back and forth with costumes and being different at this point were Slipknot, Mudvayne, and Mushroomhead.
- allenro1: Close enough.."do not look down by meshuggah "...gitcha pull
- Jared Ramos: When you guys choose the songs please type explicit in the search too
- Jeff Moody: You have to see the video for this song.
- skymall: No one who actually likes metal likes Mudvayne... I saw them back around this time at a festival and someone threw a plastic bottle on stage and it hit the guitar player. He threw a fit like a child, and refused to go back on unless the bottle thrower came forward 🙄
- OCarrollCannabisCulture: The music video for this song was insane, and the Slipknot comparison is dead on- they're both pioneers of Nu-Metal
- Lisa Parrott: REQUEST! Can we get a reaction for Dangerous Indeed by Rare Creatures, off of their self-titled album. The whole album is 🔥 so any song would be great 😍
- stapler: Yeah the contest to be the most extreme was definitely a thing in the late 90s and early 2000s. A lot of the bands sounded the same so people dressed up in costumes and makeup like Mushroomhead, had pyrotechnics like Rammstein at live shows, etc etc. Give one of the clean songs a listen in the future but you have the essence of Mudvayne at least.
- mrgarina: Please do ORPHANED LAND - The Cave
- Matt Bailey: My favorite part about this post is the fact that it was edited.
- GoodAlexanderVibes: Love watching you guys react to all this music. Its so interesting to see the point of view. Now, i might get smited for this but i cant help it. The band "Infant Annihilator" is such a wow factor, theres no way im not going to let you know about them. The song "unholy Gravebirth" is one of my favorites from them. Now most consider them a novelty band (hopefully), but the ideas they have for there music are insane, to say the least.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: I seen Mudvayne open with Slipknot around then, also Disturbed and Spineshank... This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Twiztedgoalie: As far as weirder metal songs from the 90's...I'd go with Human Beings by Van Halen. That'd probably be more akin to your style.
- Corey Rees: Not falling, world so cold, Happy are all much better introductions to Mudvayne. We used this as a gym/dressing room pump up song growing up.
- jist be happy: It was the ld50 album form mudvayne that got me into the more intense metal
- Craig Hauser: The rest of their songs aren't as heavy as this. Death blooms would of been better for u guys. Plenty of clean singing. Ud be surprised this dude can sing
- mushmouth3: LouTribe Jigg - I Am
- Jerry Scruggs: Not falling is good, happy is good, scream with me is good
- DarthBleak: Mushroomhead - Sun Doesn't Rise
- Jordan McCutcheon: You guys should check out Shadows Fall.. Definitely huge alot the new wave of thrash metal like lamb of god and such great bands
- 9000: can your react to wishfulness by hart’s?
- Marco Camargo: So they’re trying to hard basically Ps: React to Norma Jean and August Burns Red
- Victoria G: You guys should have done not falling first!
- James McCarthy: I know ya’ll weren’t too into Animals as Leaders for lacking vocals, but their songs speak volumes on their own. I still recommend “Kascade” by them
- Ch Ad: World So Cold. HAPPY?
- mediocre musician: If you're looking for some punk rock I would recommend Stdaight to Hell by The Clash, a very deep meaning and lyrics make this song great
- pogijuice9061: I think you would enjoyed a world so cold or do what you do.
- Nick Red: How about Psycore - The Zoo? That's probably one of the weirdest ("different") metal songs I've ever heard. Tons of humor also. About a boy who wants to go the zoo but is allergic to fur.
- Dave Bailey: Aenima
- Scott Redmond: Nothing to Gein. Top pick from L.D. 50, hands down.
- spider7ven: Why would anyone in the right mind recommend Dig? It is a great song no doubt but its too much for a new listener. World so Cold could have been a good start. "START" is the word.
- Mace Whitehead: Of all the songs you listed I think The Clincher would be the most introduction friendly song. I love Chevelle. Other songs that are "intro friendly" I would say are Vitamin R, The Red, or Closure. Good suggestions though dude
- John DeLaurentis: Check out.mudvayne choices the message is cool and there are more.melodic elements
- Rich at the Metal Asylum: Mudvane, lol, screamo metal core garbage for a middle school mentality. A poor man's Pantera. Stick with the 70s 80s traditional metal, hard rock, New Wave of British Heavy Metal, Thrash, or 90s Power, Progressive metal, Glam hair metal, Doom. Heavy, yet with melody, and a chorus and hook. This 90s trendy Hot Topic shit is just noise and trash.
- blitz34: I'm in thissssssssss
- SweetLikeCyanide: Mushroomhead! Solitaire Unraveling, The Wrist, Save Us, or Embrace the Ending!
- berlin040909: Hail the apocalypse
- ben hawkins: Please do Welcome to the Black Parade guys. There aren't many bands who can define 2000's music like My Chemical Romance and that song, along with the album it shares a name with, are basically modern classics.
- Brandon McMillen: the sound is kinda terrible and why not show the vid? yall have gotten lucky ridin the "im gonna react to music i dont typically listen to" train, but how much longer? compared to the tons of others out there, im not sure how you have gained the numner of followers you have.
- clancy mclean: YOU GOTTA TRY CHIMAIRA - EMPIRE! with the video
- Bi Polar: Late 90's for both of them, it was a great time for rock/Nu-metal whatever.......
- Bloodsymple: The 1975- Love It If We Made It, surprised you guys haven't reacted to them yet
- David Eldridge: Work out track for sure.
- Dustyn Harris: +Chase Vonnegut oh yeah man
- Victor DiCicco: This is a rough song to be your fist exposure to mudvayne. With that said maybe check out (K)now F(Orever). Determined or one of my favorites of theirs SILENCED.
- Arvelle Whitaker: I didnt like it either....until i was listening to it in my car and it caused me to get a speeding ticket LOLOL!!!!
- Ellis Merrick: Please react the newest XXXtentacion album Skins or 17, I think you’ve both only touched the surface of X’s music
- David Willison: Hank Williams Sr. - Be Careful of Stones You Throw. Porter Wagoner - Cold Hard Facts of Life Porter Wagoner - Carroll County Accident Red Sovine - Bringing Mary Home Porter Wagoner - The First Mrs. Jones
- Dan Sprinkle: This song is exactly as you guys called it. The band actually has some really great songs like Fall into sleep and Forget to remember. Try them again cause Dig is for only the avid fans of Mudvayne
- Megan Wood: Gojira Shooting star (live on bbc) is really dope and would be fun to hear your thoughts on them live
- John Kitchen: The 2018 version of this is Natural Born Killer by Emmure
- Göksenin Burak Zengin: You guys are listening the wrong version of this song. Liste this https://youtu.be/ABN7NiWId8I .... one of the best live performance ever.
- pergproductions: I can't hear this song without thinking of the meme.
- Scotty Prime: Slipknot and Mudvayne became popular around the exact same time, part of the Nu-Metal wave, but Mudvayne's sound has definitely evolved farther than Slipknot's imo. World So Cold would be a great song to check out
- Kobeintheclutch: Roddy Ricch- Every Season! Meek Mill artist from Compton.
- Theely: Death Blooms or Nothing to Gein would have been better first listens.
- livingroomsuperstar: the video would have elicited a better reaction imho, but either way this is a cool perspective after all the shit you expose yourself to - great review as always y'all
- Adrian Alvarez: Tsu surf freestyle, bars on I-95
- bassfunkmaster85: I wish you guys hadn’t done the censored version. But love you guys!
- Questopher: Not Falling, World So Cold shoulda been the songs you did.
- M83 Collective: This is the song that got me into metal as a kid
- Boog: slipknot "found" mudvayne. L.D.50 came out early 2000. Also should check out New Game, World So Cold, or Dull Boy.
- Coldnipps: Jhonny Florez what
- KTM Neil: Forgot "Mudvayne- Severed" Very Very good song!!
- Paint Daddy Art: death blooms wouldve been a better choice..
- Chris_htepO -: Nope. That's Metalcore and Deathcore.
- Lilnasty 2988: Mudvayne 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
- 3Sheets 2TheWind: You guys should check out We Die Young by Alice In Chains!!!
- Andrew N: Aside from being heavy id say mudvayne really had little in common with slipknot. They stopped with the costumes and makeup because they were sick of the comparrison. Really had their own thing going. Ryan martinie's bass in particular had a very unique sound. And not to diss slipknot but lyrically chad was a lot deeper. You read the lyrics to severed or death blooms... that shit is poetry, man. Not a lot of "biggity biggity bitch boy" in mudvayne lyrics.
- Joe Brown: KYUSS
- Kyle Grost: Yea, Mudvayne, has some variance in sound. Also LD50 I feel like is much better as an album then a collection of songs. Also their Bassist is incredible, and I always found him hard to hear in Dig. If I had to suggest a song from this album it would be death blooms.
- The Selfleader: Death Blooms
- ImShiftFaced: i actually clicked on your incubus - dig just yesterday and thought it was this one and i was like damn! not mudvayne thanks guys you are sooo damn great!
- Santana Salinas: You should do the man who has everything by chance the rapper
- John Carroll: How about Halo by the band Soil. That was hot around the same time as Dig
- Shrapnel's Bunker: Starting to think y'all are too nervous to do a reaction on Mushroomhead's Querty..
- T. Riley Roo: Between this and Death Blooms? For guys that do in depth critique of music, Dig is NOT a good intro for Mudvayne. DO NOT pass on Death Blooms. It is a shame though that you guys completely missed the bass in this song.
- Ryan Foltz: Still of the Night - Whitesnake
- Jacob Pugh: Wheres the nirvana video guys!?
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Just for YOU!! I posted their controversial speech!
- Ross Petersen: You guys should cleanse you palate with Project Aegis - Angel In The Ashes
- Ben Garcia: Mercy severity is a good one, diverse
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace. Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40 Flots Till Death!
- albert ocampo: please do Boggie-Silent Ride
- GenghisTron132: you guys need to listen to NAILS!!!
- Brian Westmoreland: Check out Mudvayne Happy Now it has a different feel
- Stars Die: It wasn't just music that was getting edgy, it was the whole culture. School shootings started becoming more of a thing. WWF had wrestlers talking about sticking boots up peoples candy asses. Late 90s were wild in general.
- jamil quinto: Should have watched it with a video lol
- Rebecca Litchfield: Nah!
- cary stoever: The Grudge!!!!!!
- Dane C: Dig is just a "short single" for radio basically
- Bradley Wannamaker: Omg i love your vids! Can i suggest Symptom of the Universe by Black Sabbath? I love you guys!
- MetalheadRob Redbar: All that remains, the greatest generation.
- The Dude86: Listen to happy by mudvayne! Dig is awesome but happy u could understand the lyrics
- CapnRiggs2k5: Death Blooms would have been a much better intro to Mudvayne. Good mix of rough and clean vocals. Why you guys insist on the roughest songs to introduce them to? There are so many better intros to Mudvayne than this one.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Hey, I was there too dude!! In Phoniex with Spineshank and Distrubed? This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Zach Seaburg: Ryan upchuch: should of named it after me
- jay kenefic: I concur, rough introduction track. Plus, what's up with the edited track?
- Luke Mabley - Port Credit SS (2272): Van Halen-Eruption/You Really Got Me or Van Halen-Runnin With the Devil
- eightythreeab: Should’ve listened to “death blooms” or “a world so cold first”
- eschoe: pls react to Desert Rose by Lolo Zouaï !!!
- Cagy Aries: love your reactions guys, Just something to think about, these late 90's early 2000's metal bands pulled alot from the BS that was happening in that era. also There are alot more better songs by Mudvayne. My personal favorite is probably Rain.Sun.Gone anyways keep it rockin guys!
- Keaton Boone: Aight guys, we gotta see a reaction to Spite - Killed or Be Killed.
- jesze cantu: I really hope you guys give them another chance and listen to ether death blooms its easier on the ears.
- Matt Landrigan: Death blooms is a much better option. I wish people would quit trying to shock you.
- slipknot95maggot: SikTh!!!!!!!! My man
- John McBride: Definitely Death Blooms is the better choice. Dig is good, but doesn't display Chad's style as much.
- Josh Mallett: +Niz Dangerfield HA
- Eddie Garcia: I got into them because of their old shit. This is their old shit. I think you'll like their new shit better.
- metaldad1974: Happy
- Jason Davis: You guys should check out mushroomhead.
- AkumaZabuza: Dig is not a good song lol. Happy? On the other hand...
- Kiko C: One of the worst songs I've ever heard.
- Pirate2289: Forget to remember, world so cold and not falling by these guys might give u guys a better view of them definitely give those songs a listen.
- Madrizra Madrizra: One of the sickest bass lines ever
- Kyle Kniceley: gotta see the vid!
- Mark Clark: Mudvayne is no longer. Chad went on to do vocals for hell ya (the band vinnie paul was the drummer for after pantera and down)
- Ulkely Félix: What's up guys? So cool to see your reaction on Sepultura's Dead Embryonic Cells. Now I recommend Orbit Culture's Redfog. This band is awesome.
- Trauma: Happy? and Not Falling are must listens for this band. I definitely recommend checking those out.
- Nick S: Definitely recommend World So Cold for them if you want a more introspective song and not so much aggression.
- brandon watson: Dyers eve from Metallica!
- profanepersonality: Try "Happy?", "Not Falling", "Do What You Do", or "World So Cold". Those would be more up your alley for Mudvayne songs.
- Dustin Grimsley: Or world so cold!!!
- Gory J: Dig is pretty basic. I do like the song, though. Death Blooms would have been a better representation of Mudvayne.
- Porcia Brown-Voryee: Tatekonada by Tate Kobang ft DEETRANADA PLEASE REACT
- Walter Vickers: Boston- "More than a feeling"
- Sherrel Wilson: Please please please do Peter Frampton..Frampton comes alive..feel like I do💙
- Mike Black: Listening to this song edited is a joke to the lyrics.
- Mario Montero Montes: try new Dream theater's - Falling into the light song lml
- Jamie Mills: You done a reaction video to Dig Mudvayne and didn't even mention the bass playing?? Come on chaps! Anyways, do Servitude by Sylosis.
- kc justice: where yall at with the country ...dirt road anthem by Jason aldean
- Jason Powers: Lmao, really don't know why you guys didn't go with Not Falling, or World So Cold. Or shit you could of even went with Death Blooms. But yeah guys, definitely have to go with either one id those 3, i'm pretty sure you guys won't be disappointed with em!!!!!!!
- Andrew Bullseye: Hell yeah!! 🤘🏾
- Opt Out of Gun Control: Nothing to Gein is a really good one from Mudvayne that is a mix of funk and metal.
- scott brinkmeyer: Please react to Gary Clark Jr. "This Land"
- jason sanford: PRONG has a lot of great songs
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: The video won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Jose Carlos Fonseca Mejia: Gurantee these songs that you will like though , since you like to headbang and groove Slipknot - Psychosocial Breaking Benjamin - I will not bow Metallica - Wherever I May Roam Disturbed - inside the fire
- Pauleys777: I hoped you actually watched the video while listening. Older KISS fans can respect the makeup/costumes in it. Keep listening to that album... Death Blooms is an all time fav... Oh, and listen to Chads metal Rapping...it comes infrequently, but it’s really fast... and makes me appreciate Rap artists more!
- Dark Wanderer: you should give Bolt Thrower a try
- Cesar Perez: I love Mudvayne but that's not a song for people that aren't metalheads. Check out Happy.
- silentjde: Should have went with choice number 2. I like dig but death blooms would have been better
- Jacob Beuch: Gotta go back to Gojira- maybe try born in winter, silvera, or global warming.
- Nathan 4173: The sort of Scream Rapping is energizing for me for some reason. I love the fuckin bassist in this band too.
- Just a Bloke: Iced Earth a question of heaven
- Kyle Curiale: C F I love Mudvayne and I love Pantera but Hell Yeah is just blah. 9,000,000 other bands they should do before Hell Yeah.
- Cortland Wheeler: Infected Mushroom "Heavyweight"
- Karl Franks: It just sounds like numetal poo.
- dustin myeye: Death blooms is a much better song. More Melody and deeper lyrics. As a bassist since high school there are some amazingly creative bass lines on throughout this album.
- Lycaous Aconite: World so cold , death blooms , not falling , by mudvayne
- TheMaesterMagus: Yea, dig maybe not the best intro to them. Dig is aggressive dialed up to 11. A worlds so cold and not falling is way better.
- Chandler Bing: As I Lay Dying - My Own Grave
- Damian White: Sun Doesn't Rise or Solitaire Unraveling.
- josh bodwell: Now that you got this outta the way. Gotta do HellYeah Love falls. Same lead singer from mudvayne but much different vocally. Band also includes Vinnie paul from pantera
- dz562: Try "World So Cold" or "Scream"
- Drad1997: Saying Mudvayne sounds like Slipknot is NOT disrespect lol.
- Brent Heritier: I love this song, but I can totally see how someone could feel the way you do. Many metalheads can't recognize that.
- SALVIA'&TOAST ؟: Slayer - Hell awaits
- vicky roggero: Finally, please do -1, severed, nothing to gein.
- Jason Cruz: Happy? is definitely a song by Mudvayne you guys should react to. Also, Not Falling is something you'd dig, a lot.
- casey hagens: Shoulda listened to "Nothing To Gein".
- Ian Wood: Self bias resister or smasher devour
- oldndrty: Mark Morton - Cross Off ft. Chester Bennington 21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole
- Sean Stevens: I love Mudvayne but they aren't the classic "thrash metal" that you and me both prefer. "Dig" was a huge HUGE HIT amongst super pissed off teenagers like me when I first heard this. Video was cool af too. Listen to Mudvayne "SILENCED" my FAV. Mudvayne track
- Deuce -: Shouldve watched the video for this. They used to wear face paint at the time.
- Bri Guy: Video! That would make a difference in my opinion! Lol
- Jasmin Mangia: Mudvayne - Death Blooms or Severed
- Bru Master: Pantera - By Demons Be Driven or 10's
- Grégoire SARAFIAN: It's a caricature of :1/ SLIPKNOT early style (partly) 2/ SEPULTURA "Roots, bloddy roots" chorus -at the point of they might have copyright trouble ihmo ...So for me no interest whatsover...gross trendy stuff
- Zed Victor: Mudvayne was that band that came after Slipknot in the mainstream almost appearing as an answer to Slipknot mixing their Korn with alittle death metal(blast beats enter nu metal with Slipknot) Both we're riding the costume wave as well. I really like this album looking back, I hated this track when it came out but it grew on me and now its a a great aggressive and funky tune. But this isn't 'over-the-top' guys, you need some Discordance Axis in yer life.
- Mike Fagan: Nu Metal was NOT extreme. Some of it was heavy, but much of it just sounded too samey. Dig is only a handful of Nu Metal songs I can tolerate. Lots of good Death Metal was released during this time also. I'd like to see you guys react to some old school Obituary - The End Complete
- Mason Franco: I just had a solid thought. Yall should react to some Original Gospel Gangstaz, Do or die. It's actually interesting. I'm not religious but I thought of y'all when I heard it again recently.
- robert crowley: Cool story...they got their deal by a private performance, the mic went dead like technical malfunction but Chad Grey (lead singer) threw down the mic and screamed his heart out over the instruments. At least that's something I remember from when they came out. Dig is special and maybe wasn't for you as it it is strong aggression. Severed is one of my all time favs and honestly most of their first album is at the same level of favs. Lyrically I think every other song from L.D. 50 is better than Dig but Dig was their first single and probably was meant to put them in the "similar to Slipknot" category with fans. They do have a friendly relationship with Clown from Slipknot and don't think there was ever any kind of beef or bad blood between the bands. Do Severed...it's a different ride. Last thing ...Chad Grey is also the lead singer of Hell Yeah ( former members of Pantera like Vinnie Paul).
- Joseph Vellella: Go back and listen to World So Cold. As others have commented. I promise you'll be glad you did.
- hatred is power: the songs definitely lose some of the feel and the flow by listening to an edited version it loses alot of weight and with the cuts fucks up the feel
- kmcclinton71: Good reaction guys! Try Corrosion of Conformity for some beat yo' head against the wall riffs! Albatross or Clean my Wounds
- Al Mendez: Yeah dig is a great song but not the best in that album imo
- MIKE SCHULIK: Y’all digging the bottom of the barrel.
- Dan Nash: Yall need to check out death blooms
- Freak Azoid: YES!!! Although this song doesn't really show Chad Gray's vocal range.
- Ambrosia Mc: Please please do I know how the river feels by Diamond Rio!!! 🙏🏻
- Brenno Lima: The best one from Mudvayne is A World So Cold, for sure! Try this one, you guys wouldn't dislike it!
- Roman Maygard: love to see you guys react to Van Halen: Ice Cream Man
- Scott Sweet: Yeah but this is the song that introduced all of us
- TheCoopsau: Not falling will blow your mind
- JackBluebee: Why hasn’t anyone suggested Math Rock yet? Chon, Polyphia, Covet, I bet they’d dig it.
- Ivan .Frei: This song, if anything, is a blast to play on bass. So much slap..
- Roberto Palma: Love your Chanel. Do Chimera or Dagoba
- Yaboi Michael: Yooooooooooo do bones exposed by of mice and men
- Sergio Verdin: Great video but i hope you can do the song happy!!! And also some of nightwish please!!!
- Gage23: This was for a shock reaction, not a reaction to get you to like it. World So Cold is WAY better! Was different too!
- Sergio Gutiérrez Aguilar: Happy, not Falling, IMN, World so cold ,and more Mudvayne Great Band
- Slaytounge: Yeah what a shame.
- Kevin Blincie: Hollywood Undead song called undead
- Christopher Santana: Do a reaction to Dream Theater Fall into the light... single was released a few days ago and album is not out yet, it is fresh!
- Mr Kite: You should give Bolt Thrower a listen. Maybe a song like Anti-Tank or Suspect Hostile.
- thomas whalen: Taipei Person / Allah Tea from Stone Sour - awesome riffs and a catchy hook
- Devilspocket2002: Mudvayne Happy? gotta listen to that next
- Ryan Globe: Oh no... guys... I recommended Mudvayne awhile ago and specifically did not list this song because I knew you wouldn't like it. Puh-leez! do not give up on this band. Here's a few I am confident you'd like: Not Falling, The Patient Mental, World So Cold, Dull Boy, Out to Pasture. These are the songs you start with; not Dig. Having watched most of your videos I know better than that. I say this as someone who wants you to like this band. haha :)
- Rob Kay: https://youtu.be/BLFB4yea9zw
- joshychan2003: Bobby Caldwell- what you won’t do for love. Bruhhbb
- will teada: dig should not have been the first song. death blooms is the truth
- saturnaliamiracle: Metal fans have a tendency to recommend the songs that are more "obscure" (to non-fans) instead of the one they should recommend, which are, like it or not, the more radio friendly ones that had a further reach, and are more appealing to NON-metal heads, at least as an introduction.
- Greentr0py: Nah has to be Nadir album, the rest pales in comparison These guys need solid grooves and production
- retrofusion456: Should've picked Death Blooms. Not a fan of Mudvayne but when I first heard Death Blooms in 2003 I was blown away by the intro riff. Not a fan of Dig either. Go for DEATH BLOOMS!
- Anjaneya Sharma: Please Do Monuments - Leviathan, I the Creator, Regenerate
- Alex Sutton: Bring back old Sepultura mate! You guys knew how amazing it was. forger this nu metal shit!
- Dustin7571980: Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be.
- James Froggatt: By far a popular song but really not mudvaynes best, for me they got a lot better on the next album. I also don't think they sound anything like slipknot lol
- Aghdas Golmohamadi: Hey dudes please react to SOAD
- themorbidsymphony: World so cold
- EscapeVan #Freedom: World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold World So Cold
- Reno S: Hell yeah!!!!!
- Gato Volao: More PanterA!!!!
- RaspiRoope: Your profile pic moves when scrolling with phone
- Daniel Riboet: THRICE - Black Honey
- DragonsKindler: This is hitting a ton of old memories. This album released when I was a very out of control youth. My family just fell apart I moved from the south to a really big city in PA. This album was my anthem. Then I moved away and met the woman I would eventually marry. I got a copy of their second album 'The End of All Things to Come' I remember blasting it in my headphones in the corner and I self-detoxed and got past that pain. "Trapped in the Wake of a Dream" "Skrying" "Shadow of a Man" damn all the songs helped me. If it not for this band and Ryan's Bass lines, I know I would not be here now.
- charles dobbs: You should really give these guys a chance. I mean this was their first single release and I would really like for you two listen to some of their later stuff. To me they are one of those bands that really matured great as the years past.
- bassfunkmaster85: You all should do Still born by Black Label Society
- PoStY69: The Unforgiven III - Metallica you wont regret it
- Dev518: They upload some videos privately in order to give early access to their patreon subscribers. You should go sub for $1 a month if you want early access.
- Kam Saylors: “9 teen 90 nine” or “Bring it back” by Limp Bizkit
- Nathan Huotari: After The Burial cursing akhenaten!!! Try some Djent out
- Chad Hinkle: Sweet finally some mudvayne, maybe you’ll investigate more, really great band
- JOHN TORRES: You should do more the funky heavy shit from this album other than dig or death blooms. Everything ok this album is nice af
- Z Pa: Slap on them Jnco jeans guys! We're listening to Mudvayne. The Juggalo's death metal
- Nicholas Mercado: You guys want to go back to the 90s. Check E-Town Concrete- Time 2 Shine. I'm not sure there's anything more up your alley than E-Town the first 2 Albums from E-Town Concrete
- Das Borke: Dig is an abrasive introduction for sure. Not Falling, Happy, Forget to Remember, World So Cold, Mercy/Severity, -1, prod, everything and nothing, death blooms. Also, Ryan nears deity status on the Bass...
- Gage23: World So Cold - Mudvayne The singing is beautiful! It's later in their career so it's way better thought out.
- Jody Hughes: Please do a reaction video to.... Falling in Reverse - Losing my Life
- WillJM81280: You guys have already done one by The White Buffalo, but you must do at least one more: Madam’s Soft, Madam’s Sweet. If you like Chris Stapleton, which we already know you do, you’ll love this one.
- dagluke: Why was a clean edit of this song even created??
- Valon Tafilaj: Noizy big bady benzo
- Steve Minghini: Opposite side of the spectrum, Symphonic Metal , Nightwish guys fuckin' Nightwish!
- wheelmanstan: I remember when this came out, was a new sound at the time ( to me at least) in the 1999 TRL days I think, I liked it, that was at a time when hybrid rock-alternative-metal-hip hop were like interbreeding or something haha, they all thought they were Korn, but there is only one Korn
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: YES!!! I did a guitar cover for that but also This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Jason Fox: would love to see these guys react to Mastodon's Motherload, if nothing else purely for the music video
- Mark Metott: The edited version ruined it for sure.
- Str8ChefN: I was sooo shocked to see this song pop up in my notifications! 80s baby, hip-hop head thru & thru but I do have other things in the bag and oddly enough, this song is one of them 😂 Check out Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger. My brother put me on, I think you guys will enjoy it
- Some Kevin Action: My favourite from them❤️
- Kruudelis: Seriously, check out Death Blooms. Much more representative of their approach to integrating melodic elements in with the brutal.
- Dan Mullally: Completely agree.
- Nuclear 1: Always entertaining guys!! How about some Laaaaaaaamb oooooooooof Gooooooood, Again we rise!!!!!!!! The drumming is insane..
- Richard Hiott: How about Default-"Wasting My Time", Great One!
- Fadeese: One of their harder songs - was in some ways their launch song so it holds a place in fans hearts but is not the best representation.
- David Flower: Cryptopsy’s “Slit Your Guts”
- taylor savoie: Please relisten to the noncut version, this version is absolutely butchered.
- James McGraw: This may be weakest track on album. Such a great album, easily their best. Try any other tracks on LD50 please
- D MONEY: You guys should do Randy Travis- “ I told you so” great song. Classic.
- Thiago Motta: Armata Strigoi - Powerwolf! Pleeeease do that!
- samblah: i remember being about 13/14 in my room with my mates just chiklling talking shit and my Father basically kicks down my door and yells TURN ON CHANNEL V RIGHT NOW!, i turn on the tellie Mudvaynes dig is half way through my dad is running around the room head banging and grabbing myself and my mates up off the ground to start moshing....great memory. Great song.
- memorattlehead: I´m agree with the comments, maybe "world so cold" is a better song to start listening Mudvayne
- BamaBear Sicrobb0: the most ironic thing is that mudvayne changed heavily musically after this album... maybe they sold out.
- MrShucklers1: Not Falling
- 97warlock ismyname: Pantera started this
- Chris Garbode: There are definitely better Mudvayne songs. Happy? Death Blooms Silence Not Falling
- PoppaBoogaloo: You guys should definitely look at Mr Bungle "Quote Unquote (Travolta)" It'll twist your melons.
- Brad Wine: I kinda glanced through the comments but I didn't really see anyone mention it so... Mudvayne is no longer an active band, and I don't think they have been officially at least since 2010 (If I recall correctly). As for why they remind you of Slipknot... Well both bands are "Nu-Metal". I put that in quotations because I just dislike the idea of sub genres. What's the real difference between the sub genres in metal for example? It's just a way of trying to categorize things based on similarities because the main genre is too "broad" for what someone could look for. But what it seems everyone forgets is that there can still be overlap between sub genres. I mean I've seen Megadeth being labeled as Speed Metal and as Thrash Metal, so which are they? Another example I could use is Avenged Sevenfold. Other than their White Album (Self titled) and the City of Evil album each of their CDs has had a different and unique sound that makes it really easy to tell what song is from what CD.
- purifiedst0rm: Check out Boogie - Silent Ride (Official Music Video) & You gotta Review his Shady Debut Album Everythings For Sale Featuring (Eminem) coming January 25th!!!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/TwPeCUivGCw
- Brian Workman: Didn't they win a Grammy for this? or something I remember them wearing white suits with blood all over them
- DigAddley: Parkway Drive - Bottom Feeder, is amazing do it.
- Kyle Masi: Just to be clear on this Mudvayne was on the scene nationally about 6 Mo the becore Slipknot so definitely not a rip off
- seni 81: Can y'all pls react to snow the product " Faith " thanks.
- Chris Adair: They were very talented musicians for what the sound they had
- Matt Aide: I like Dig, and pretty much this whole album, but Death Blooms was the correct answer here for you guys. You would have at least 'liked' some of Death Blooms (one of my favorite metal songs). A lot more versatility. Has, what I call, a beautiful chaos feel.
- Roger: React to some Psytrance!! Electric Universe - Millenia
- ken boggess: Ryan is phenomenal. He was part of a project called the "Big Ol' Nasty Getdown", which had a slew of talented musicians playing together. Members of Galactic, P-Funk, Sly &The Family Stone, Derek Trucks, etc. etc. Dude is nasty on Jazz bass!
- bronzygaming: Could yall do crossroads cold?
- Cvaq 21: I’d definitely say give death blooms a try 👌🏼.
- Trakan1: I like Dig, but if you want the polar opposite and a great example of the range of the lead singer, try World So Cold.
- katous: 1000 times yes for this video!!!! LOL
- Warlock97: Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom or Gojira - Space Time
- Jorge Hernandez: Check out other songs from them with clean vocals like PROD...Death Blooms...
- I_of_the_Storm: Already been said at this point I’m sure. A member of Slipknot helped produced this album. This is definitely the most aggressive track but it’s not the only one. Happy? Death Bloom, and Not Falling are a little more tame. A little. Good work though dudes.
- s0rd3z: The Sword - Apocryphon
- Rand T.: Mudvayne is a full album band. The singer has an incredible voice, and Dig just shows their straightforward aggression. They even have some crazy meshuggah-like math metal moments. Do World So Cold at some point - it will at least show off his singing voice and the incredible sense of melody they have.
- 27drdubs: granted this was their first single but you guys should have started off w/ happy, fall into sleep or forget to remember....
- arthur trajano: ROYAL BLOOD - LOOSE CHANGE
- Peter Kelkelund: They actually formed around the same time mid 90's - I do believe they never had any animosity towards each other :) It was more Slipknot vs Limp Bizkit!
- Tanner Borud: React to The Return by Translee
- Sam Greene: Yeah happy was probably a better selection for a first listen haha
- Pablo gonzález: How is that you guys never have done "Jambi", "Stinkfist" or "The Grudge" from Tool??!!!
- C L: Well they showed up to the VMA's with bullet holes in their heads and blood dripping down their suits. so there is that.
- Jacen Barnish: For Mudvayne it really should have been "Happy?" probably my personal favorite anyway
- Electric_Eye: Happy? is a much more accessible song. Not Falling and Scream With Me also work. This is a great song, but it takes some time to get into. I initially hated it when it first came out but have come to appreciate it now.
- Colonel Sanders: Deathblooms
- matt Francis: Try Type 0 negative . Get off of the beaten path a bit.
- Keith Hatlak: I think you guys might enjoy some of their later work. Not Falling. World So Cold. Happy?.
- Ginger Hammer: Yup, I saw people recommending Dig for a while now and just kept thinking "nope, they should do Death Blooms instead". And sure enough, the more popular, but worse song, wins the poll... seriously, do Death Blooms. It's WAY better.
- ChubbyHuggs: Death Blooms or Severed would have been way better.
- J.ake.: Cliff Burton wants to: know your location
- angel perez: Shrezzers "Mystery". You should listen to that band 👌
- Matt Cormier: Wow you guys just brought me back to my early teen years..I can’t believe this is 19 years old 😩 lol 😂 awesome reaction as usual guys!
- Heath Weathersbee: You guys nailed the analysis of the song. The music video is non sensical, yet somehow disturbing . It’s not gruesome or anything like that, there’s just a bunch of weird confusing shit going on. You should check out the band Hellyeah. It features the same vocalist, but it’s a little less harsh. “Star or Alcohaulin Ass are two that I’m confident the two of you would love.”
- Michael Van Dyck: Can’t possible do an admirable critique of this song with so many words edited out.
- handicapitation: Mudvayne is such a versatile band. They have songs that are really aggressive, songs that are much softer and songs that are technical. LD 50 is by far my favorite Mudvayne album, but dig is probably my least favorite song on it. It's really just generic and repetitive. Don't get me wrong though, it was a perfect song to open up the album with such energy. The way LD 50 flows from one song to the next is genius.
- aaron solares: World so cold!!!!
- jeff s: The album itself is an exploritory story.
- Harley Brew: try scarlet letters, death blooms or not falling
- sabrejo88: Severed is my favorite
- vood00samurai: Agreed.. This song doesn't show off their skill set at all
- Michael Scudder: Dig is a fan favorite, if you want people that aren't fans to become fans suggest songs that are more accessible like death blooms, happy or scream with me
- SLAMO: The Shaggs - Philosophy of The World
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: YES!!!! I did a guitar cover of that but also DIG won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Brandon Johnson: Please do something by panic at the disco!! Death of a bachelor! Or literally anything. They don’t have a bad song. The vocal range with will blow you away on any song you pick.
- David H: Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam? It’s a great song with an awesome guitar part to it!
- BoutDatMetalLife: Dream Evil - Book of Heavy Metal
- Travis Fladeland: CHECK OUT OUR LORDS AND MASTERS GWAR!! If you haven’t already. I suggest happy death day
- Quenton Daniels: Scott Gillespie - on point
- butters226: Censored version... ugh
- Josh Canaday: ONE OF MY FAVES MAN!!!!!!!!
- Michael Coleman: To hell with this. You need to listen to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly performed The Danish National Symphony Orcahestra. It's a hoot.
- Prometheus: Humor aside, I understand you guys. Sometimes we look for a little dynamics in a song structure. Still Mudvayne has a special place in my mind. Specially the old stuff. This channel is my favorite reaction/review channel. Excelent content. Honest content.
- Hugo Caseira: You should have seen the videoclip. But death blooms is their best song.
- Daniel Gray: Desth Blooms would have been the much better choice for you guys. Time changes, clearer vocals, deeper meaning. Cluth - Rock and Roll outlaw please.
- VicJackpotRider: Check out their song called Do what you do
- chrono050: Shoulda went with a different song. I love Dig but "Not Falling" woulda been better to start with or "Forget to Remember" also F the censored version lol
- Stickman Sam: 1. Venom- Black Metal 2. Lich King - Black Metal Sucks
- TJ McKay: You should have started with Mudvayne's song Happy.
- blitz34: This particular song is one I've used in moments I've been extremely frustrated in my life, more so than any other of their other songs and for that I guess I am grateful in some weird way.
- Rufus Slothkowski: If anything is missed by not watching a video then a song is trash.
- Santana Castillo: Can you react on the country band Midland plsssss!!!!
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Hoodie-_-Jrob: Before I actually start the video, lol
- Jester Spectre: Doomsday!
- Sam Jimenez: I love when Ryan puts on his customer service voice before he shits on a song haha
- ChipmunkAsylum: Go with Happy? or Not Falling. This is some next level shit here
- joshua teremy: Also try Slipknot’s lyrical eulogy to their bassist....Skeptic...super heavy, lots of personal pain in the lyrics
- Jose Castilleja: Not Falling
- Dark1 Linux, Tech, Gaming: Happy? By Mudvayne would probably be a better entry point for you guys to get a better vibe for them.
- Ryan Siemens: They do a good cover of the song King of Pain.
- Danny G: My personal opinion: Its cool to check out all the different genres of metal, but nu-metal just isn’t that interesting to me. The style didn’t age well and I find it to be very shallow music, although there are a few gem tracks here and there.
- metalheaddave666: Yea, mudvayne and Slipknot go hand in hand. Difference is Slipknot is still a successful band
- Clint Brown: There is actually a remix of this song that I like a lot better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v9GO-l7Saw , it has an EDM feel to it. I think I might have chose "Not Falling" or "Happy?"
- Dabulous: Definitely do some Dillinger Escape Plan
- Eric Arem: https://youtu.be/G_5UOkUDti8 Watch the video
- Blackgold1155: When they first came out, they had a lot of similarities to Slipknot, they even wore face paint. This wasn’t the greatest song of theirs to start with. Death Blooms might have been better.
- Fire Ronin: Ironically, Dig was pushed heavily to mainstream radio and MTV
- Matt Haun: Death Blooms would have been a better choice
- Brad Bailey: While this is their most extreme song, it's also their first single and introduction to the world. The video won them an MTV music video award. That having been said, this is not their most accessible song. Their first two albums are two of my favorite albums of all time, and I don't say that lightly. Pick just about any other song of those two albums and I guarantee you'll have a different reaction.
- kevinnelson9588: Listen to Bother by stone sour
- 13micah: (per)version of a truth is their best song.
- Arthur Morgan: Its called metal.
- Carlin Leneker-frisch: World so cold is the best choice for first time mudvayne
- njldst2007: I know this is a completely different genre to the one you're reacting to here, but PLEASE, react to Jason Becker's Hold On To Love. It's a recently released emotional epic composed by a virtuoso guitarist who hasn't been able to move, speak or talk for the past 23 years of his life. It is Incredible, would love to hear and see your reaction to the song
- Lurch Murphy: Mudvayne - Happy? I think would be a better choice for you guys.
- Jacques Berger: Not Falling... this is THE song!
- Matthew Palacio: You guys are SPOT ON in your analysis of the lyrics, and also the genre comparison to Slipknot! Perhaps, with more listening of Mudvayne's broad catalog, you will understand, and maybe even enjoy, the SOUND more. Metal is typically hard to digest at first--as you guys are already fully aware lol. As a metalhead, NO DISRESPECT TAKEN. You guys are great at what you do, and I LOVE YOUR SHOW! Btw happy new year!
- Matt J: "Death Bloom" is an all-around more interesting and dynamic song, with highs and lows, hard and soft parts, clean and screamed vocals, and a lot more consideration for theme and lyricism. "Dig" is just a short, to-the-point hard nu metal song—a single by design during the height of late '90s nu metal. That album ("LD 50") is honestly one of the most thoughtful and interestingly assembled complete albums of the nu metal era, though. While I don't think either of you would "playlist" their work, there's a bunch of stuff on that album that would make for a much more interesting listen. "Death Blooms" is a good example; "Dig" is not. Just an FYI cause I know venturing into an unknown artist's catalogues can be a complete Hail Mary shot in the dark.
- Roger Frost: Oh man would death blooms have been a better start to them
- headabovewater: This is their most popular song and yet it is one of their worst creatively. Death blooms is 10x better
- rcmfuzzy: I definitely hope you guys give Mudvayne another chance. I did and it was so worth it.
- Brandon Cooper: Respect, guys. I loved this song.
- Matt Johnson: World So Cold would be a better song choice
- Jeff Ha: Please review American Head Charge - Seamless!
- 30 DAY RESULTS: Anything off that era of HED PE would be great to review.. Them dudes were aggressive but amazing groove. Death Blooms is a much better song. No lie. Dig is repetitive and sort of boring. The rest of that album though, it's awesome.
- Greg Payne: It's amusing to see what songs end up as singles/hits/popular. This reminds me of Paranoid.........it's a quirky simple song that does not really represent the band.
- Graveyard Troubadour: React to Amorphis they've been around for awhile their sound has evolved over time but consistently put out good music.
- Carlo Sbisa: "this doesn't sound commercial" man this was the epitome of commercial metal for its time haha funny how things have changed. You guys should check out Viscera Eyes by The Mars Volta!
- Eric Fredrick: vysr om should have done nothing to gein
- Freddy G.: You guys need to react to Severed. Talk about straight emotion, anger, and hopelessness.
- Jimpalainen: Raging Speedhorn-Thumper is a good one.
- SyZyGy7: Not falling would be more to you guys liking
- Koragh: they shoud had started with happy
- Tanya Luera: Queens of the stone age-The way you used to do
- B C G: Mushroomhead
- James Sharbono: Matt Mason the song is called E
- KCH014: Slipknot Wait and Bleed would be a great one.
- Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen: +Robert Floyd Haha.. That's awesome mate! 🙌 He's actually one of my top people I wish I could meet. Hope you reach that 20 and give him my best regards if so 🤙 I'll keep pushing George and Ryan for End of the Line for sure 🤘
- mikeandersonwa: +Brandon Grayson oh shit! Not sure how I missed that one, that song is an absolute jam!
- anon: the entire album, LD 50, is gold.
- Dr. Juan: Chevelle-Send the Pain Below
- Bryan Behrent: Iced Earth - Black Flag
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: For you, I posted this! This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, their controversial speech!
- Clint Jackson: The part you guys said sounded like Slipknot about 2 minutes in sounds closer to Primus-Wynona's Big Brown Beaver.
- Avs219X: Avenged Sevenfold - Radiant Eclipse! Anything from the Waking the Fallen album might be the entry you guys need into the harsh vocals
- LuthienC: Most Mudvayne sounds like utter garbage to me, including this song. (Self proclaimed metal elitist) I do have to say though, everyone suggesting Death Blooms is trying to give you a song that represents the band well, and that you would both like. I could see it making both of your playlists. Even I like that most elements of that one.
- Rodolphe Perret: Otep : Rise Rebel Resist
- Veronica Lake: 🇺🇸 😊👍🏼
- Andrew Fitzgerald: Mudvayne world so cold
- ʍøяɓɨđ øղҽ: Mudvayne - World So Cold - Happy?
- CREEPINGDEATH 1988: This album was produced by Shawn, percussionist in Slipknot. But Death Blooms would have been a way better song to start with
- Rawan SS: React to twerk video by city girls n cardi 😂
- Cordell Warren: I see where you guys are coming from on this one. I really LOVE this song because of the massive aggression. Do a couple of things: watch the unedited video, and next time, try "Not Failing" or "Happy".
- FrxshLxrd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q_npB5gN1k Uploaded some iPhone raps for a laugh, come check it out lol😂
- Denny Stenberg: You should react to them playing live!
- Nicke: Still no Nightwish!!??!!
- Matthew Schiess: Nah man there’s no static between those two. This is along the vein of nu metal that was huge in the early-mid 2000s.
- Jrawle: This is their best album 💯
- Temic 626: Oh and add "all you are" to the list...
- Kevin Thomas: I don’t understand why people think this is a bad introduction to Mudvayne. This was my introduction to Mudvayne and it made me have to run out and get L.D. 50 which was the best album of the nu metal era with War Of Art from American Head Charge.
- Z.Z Shirer: Draconian - Dishearten please!
- justin Abbey: Yall need to do Stevie Ray Vaughn
- 3amsleep: You always pick the hard sell, the one that die hard fans love but the wrong one for a new listener XD. Listen to death blooms
- Jason Newman: The edited version sucks absolute dick.
- Adam Cushing: Mudvayne is not together Chad Grey(the lead singer) formed Hell Yeah with Vinnie Paul
- Colin Furness: I'm an old school metalhead, and I never got into Mudvayne. I just found them to be too one dimensional. They were good live, but their songs kinda all sound the same. Btw, two of their members joined forces with ex-Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul to form Hellyeah in '06, who were also very mediocre. Now...please...will you bastards step outside the box for once and do a reaction to Babymetal - Gimme Chocolate? Nearly 98 million viewers can't be wrong. https://youtu.be/WIKqgE4BwAY
- Not a Sandwich: S. I. L. E. N. T. P. L. A. N. E. T.
- SLVRGTP: Firstly, thank you for this reaction video. Mudvayne was on constant rotation in my adolescence. Seeing you guys do a video just makes my day! If you dive deeper into Mudvayne’s work, you’ll be very impressed with their writing style. It’s very mathematical and complex. It was different compared to the other bands that were out at the same time. Ryan Martinie’s bass playing was out of this world and still is to this day. Dig’a video attracted me to the band before school one day but the L.D. 50 album sucked me in and I’ve been a fan since. Severed and Nothing to Gein are far better than Dig in my opinion. The comparison to Slipknot isn’t something that’s not been heard before. I like Slipknot for their raw straightforward approach to writing with 9 guys adding a different touch of metal style to make a whole unit work, but Mudvayne was 4 guys, three on instruments, writing some very complex music using polyrhythms like Tool, Meshugguh, Dream Theater. They had progressive rock/metal influence in their sound as well as traditional thrash metal, progressive rock, speed metal, but because of Ryan’s brilliance on bass they had Jazz and Jazz fusion. And he would slap and pop and bend the strings to make notes without the help of effects pedals. He’s unreal.
- travis dines: should have done cradle or severed if you want real mudvayne...
- Fred Flintstone: crazyaboutnature, Or try Down in a hole 😐
- EnergyVampires: The video really brings it to life.
- BlueTeamRacing: Mudvayne got me through college. Next time find their music videos.
- Tj Voss: Sever isn't really good song.
- joe gamezi: Music snob here.........mudvayne is first metal band for a 12 year old, just like slipknot, it’s immature metal for people that wear dirty black suede shoes and dye their head red, green, and blue........try High On Fire, they were Grammy nominated this year, which is huge
- Stitched Bizkit: I love Mudvayne - definitely my top 5 favorite bands, Dig is great, but Death Blooms, Not Falling, Happy?, World So Cold, Fall Into Sleep, would have been better options for the first time hearing. If it's coming from L.D. 50 - Death Blooms or Nothing to Gein - amazing first time listens.
- m0zilla3: Song with a great message from an awesome band
- Alien Genetix: Suffocation - Funeral inception PLEASE
- The Rad Roy: lil peep - gym class
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: they sound nothing like Coal Chamber, LOL, OMG! MI LOCO and Big Truck are not the same league as Mudvayne bro. This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Epeli: Really? No mention of the sick bass?
- Brunetto46: Watch the 2005 live rock am ring you will shit your pants
- Jake Neill-Knight: You need to react to Daves fire in the booth with the video.
- atticus hart: There song world so cold is another good one and it's softer
- alphaenemy: Yeah, you might find a melody if you're lucky.
- Illyana M: I think you guys would enjoy Lacuna Coil. In my opinion, Swamped would be a good song to introduce you to them.
- Patrick Shepherd: tldr: do internal primates forever. You like crazy drums? Transitions? Groove? Cleaner vocals? Funky bass? Do internal primates forever. :)
- Marios Demetriou: React to new locksmith freestyle shade 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- blg020: You guys need to get back to megadeth. And do "peace sell" but who's buying.
- The killing joke: I love all the people crying about the song choice.
- ryan kumm: Amazing band but not a great first choice. Should go with Happy, Forget to remember, Not falling (a little bit heavy), falling asleep
- Jason C: Didn't this song win an MTV music award?
- thaddeus swiger: Plz do archspire- involuntary doppelganger! I promise it will make you guys talk for a very long time lol
- Braeden Griggs: dave east keisha
- SoSo210: Dig is that song to mosh to. That live song that gets the crowd going. I agree other songs on the album may have been a better intro to Mudvayne.
- Elier Lizárraga: You should check Happy? by Mudvayne.
- Michael Zeigler: The time has come. You are ready. Lowlands by Gojira.
- ou fan: Why do the comments say 3 months ago but this was just uploaded
- Only666ticketstohell: Amorphis - The Bee
- Daniel Carneiro: Wow! Finally!
- Geyzer Salgado: Mudvayne is one of my favorite bands of all time.
- Adam Block: One of the best screamers out there and I'm talking across the metal landscape.
- Eric Smith: Ryan at 5:23 lol....hes like what in thee hell.....? You guys just had to pick the most aggressive and angry song to start off Mudvayne didnt you? ✌
- Anthony Barcomb: Death blooms is so much better and more substance ...wrong song
- Captain Heh: Death Blooms would have been a much better choice off this album.
- Terry MTBnurse: Yes, One of the greatest Prog rock bands ever.
- jeff budd: Let's go with some more obscure choices vs mainstream stuff that you always go with! Nightrage - Delirium of the Fallen Insomnium - Against the Stream Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno (alive in Athens) Pyramaze - Souls In Pain Evergrey - Mark of the Triangle
- Daniel Jennings: This song sux. World so cold is a great song!
- Josh Grooves: Nu Metal is the worst of the sub genres.
- Russell Phillips: Please do Boogie "Silent Ride" Newest song and is signed by Eminem
- jaystonepk: Not falling, world so cold, determined would all be a good second choice
- no one special: Da Godz HATE censorship.
- mike shaw: It is a crime that you have not done otep yet. She ls as metal as it gets, she been doing it longer than any other female singer. I can't believe nobody has ever suggested it. Otep- blood pigs
- Gutwrencher666: you guys really needed to watch the video on this one
- The Cryptid Hunters: I guess I can see the slipknot comparison
- Jade Stäup: The bassist is probably the greatest metal bassist to have ever existed.
- Boss Killa: Fyi Mudvayne did this shit WWWWAY before Slipknot...I'm talking early 90's shit. Not this specific song, this song was made in 1999 or 2000.
- Sennstrato Sennstrato: ANGEL- The Fortune
- Jarrad Hemphill: MORE PANTERA!!!
- Blake Miles: Drowning pool- Bodies....no that's a good aggressive representation of 90s music
- KRidler I'm famous: Straight Mars energy
- Matthew Bush: Mudvayne definitely is the AMC Hornet of nu-metal bands. It's only redeeming quality is the recording of a Warwick Thumb bass.
- Ray Maddox: The Wretchedness Inside by Trivium or you’re missing out on possibly one of the greatest metal songs I’ve heard in a long time.
- Jeremy Hooten: I would love to see yall do a review tool hooker with a penis I think yall would love the song message
- Ryan Piper: How about something by Motörhead
- Ben Andrews: Ugly kid joe god or everything about you
- RvBDopp: My favorite off this album is Internal Primates Forever, but they wouldn't like that one either, lol
- Anthony Perkins: Check out other songs by Mudvayne.
- Brandonn487: What are your thoughts on pac and big? You speak about 90s hip hop quite regular but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about them, 2 of the greatest or overrated?
- Alec Lamb-Venecia: Please!!
- kitoyobeni1: If only you had watched the video, you would know how much you nailed it with this band. They definitely wanted to be polarizing, including with their image. They once showed up to an awards show with realistic head wound make-up. They did eventually back away from all that, which also came with a more radio-friendly sound.
- pmhops77: I'm a metal guy, I fuckin love this jam. Think of it this way, it's like an energy drink. Like you said, if you weren't awake you're awake now lol...
- michael ward: They won a Grammy for this album
- Uncl Dolan: iirc this album came out I think in 2000 with slipknots mainstream debut in 1998 ayyy
- purpltntcl: Kyuss, Sleep, Elder, Yob, Earth!!!!!
- Brian The Rock and Metal Addict: Mudvayne has always been "labeled " as math metal. They were always very tight and technical they have other songs that have Chad the lead singer (who has a great voice) sings great. Try another song from them they're great
- Wyatt Sexton: This is the cheesy Nu Metal formula back in the day. Didn't go anywhere.
- Zodd 3224: Also yes they are very Slipknot like in their sound
- marluxia 2285: I know you've done 2 periphery songs already. But you should really review the song lune. I really think you'll actually enjoy it over the first 2. And I mean really enjoy it.
- trash goblin: BR BR DENG BR BR DENG
- Marcos Nascimento: Mudvayne - determined
- endless nameless: mudvayne is the afterbirth of a turd.
- Matt Braddick: Re: "going extremely extreme", bands in a lot of metal genres and scenes are STILL engaging in this constant battle to be the loudest or wildest or most insane. I certainly enjoyed that arms race for a while, but I've learned bands who attempt to focus more on plain and simple good songwriting, creativity, and genuine passion will get a better result than bands whose only final goal is just "more extreme".
- Lotus Brommel: I thoroughly enjoy your videos, guys. If you feel so inclined, check out the unedited versions of 'Nothing to Gein' and/or 'World so cold'. Both are by Mudvayne and not nearly as over the top as 'Dig'.
- JOHN TORRES: Internal primates forever, -1 , under my skin , pharmaecopia, (k)now (f)orever are kickass
- 52ndWarhawkGerbil: Please do a reaction to We Will Fall Together or Would You Be Impressed by Streetlight Manifesto!
- jarrett bass: Death Blooms was a better song but Dig was their first hit they were picked up by Shawn the clown from Slipknot. World so cold was an amazing song.
- FictionExistence: Next time you come back to Mudvayne, do World so Cold!
- Dan Lawrence: If you listen to the song “Happy?” By them, it’s much more tame and shows a more radio friendly side of them. I really like that song.
- WesleyNigelorFlygel: A artist that will never be reacted to and is underrated is Celldweller, hope u guys will react to ''Eon''
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- jojasa: Mudvayne and Slipknot were both very popular early nu metal bands so it makes sense that you heard similarities in them. One reason why Mudvayne gets a little more respect is they work in a little more progressive traits, especially Ryan Martinie's bass
- Susan Holt: ‘Three Days’ by Jane’s Addiction. Perry the lead singer actually sings not screams. 90’s alternative. ‘Re-Ignition’ by Bad Brains Sings not screams. 80’s punk rock.
- 8 Ball Bowler: Sevendust-trust
- Ocean King: Mudvayne must be live to appreciate their talent. Death Blooms best song off this album. I do believe this is LD50 album. Check out the live Dvd of these guys and you will be suprised. A space between a blink and a tear, Death fuckin Blooms. Message.
- LexxTepe Gameplays: Yea time to slipknot reacts. They relaese All out life did u heard that guyz?
- Azazoth: I was definitely not into Mudvayne until I heard Death Blooms off of an Ozzfest album, then I loved them.
- Roy: Check out Corrosion of Conformity! I recommend "Vote with a Bullet".
- Sub Zero: Mark Morton ft Chester Bennington - cross off
- scareyaf: Check out Nothing to Gein. Awesome song.
- APAL880: Queens of the Stone Age - Song for the Dead
- Boobajew: I wish Mudvayne would have kept this sound. LD 50 is an amazing album compared to their more mainstream music
- Cj: Please React to Justina Valentine - Just (feminem)
- Joe C: This song is great. I dont know how people say that this inst a good intro into the bad when it was the first single and video the band made? This is how we all got the intro to them.
- Steven Surowiec: Death blooms by mudvayne
- Inzo Ali: Got a request for ya'll. I think you guys would enjoy Trivium- Beyond Oblivion, super sick groovy heavy, musical and tight af. I can't imagine someone not feeling Beyond Oblivion by Trivium
- Derek Dunn: Also this is the edited version, haha. Kind of loses the aggression of the song hahaha
- Dharma Ananda Das: Alex Webster from Cannibal Corpse is far better
- Mauricio Marín: I really love this song, I feel totally identify with the lyrics, and how always I said, saw your reaction was amazing guys, love this channel (Y)
- vampirekhaine: In all fairness, Death Blooms was 2nd and that song is great!
- Matt Thompson: This song gets me hyped more than any other song. Never fails!
- Mother Sloth: Glad you guys did this song, BUT you guys still NEED to react to dillinger escape plan!!
- ZombieKillaAk-47: Yeah Not Falling would have been better
- danthegrappler: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do "Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse" by Dimmu Borgir!
- Vinicius Gomes: The producer of this album was a participant of slip knot Shawn Crahan .the clown
- Blair Gibson: Don’t know if anyone said this yet but Clown from Slipknot produced this album, hence your connection between the two isn’t surprising.
- Do0m: Happy? Would of been the way better choice lol your twitter and facebook fans are mongs.
- Icenineiv: Dig was the hit single, but it's my least favorite song on that whole record. Death Blooms and Severed are wayyyy better songs that have real range on them. This was a bad pick, but that's not your fault, of course.
- Dory Fish: You gotta check out Emmure- I thought you met telly and turned me into Casper
- Niz Dangerfield: Faith No More featuring Boo Yaa Tribe : Another Body Murdered.
- N o e l Hernandez: React and Review Shadows Fall "The Light that Blinds"
- Ryan M.: why the f*** are people requesting Mudvayne? They are forgettable at best...
- Aeipox: sorry guys, stopped the video when I noticed you didn't watch their music video on the song.- just some feed back on my own personal preference
- Fabricio Bastos: Good like garbage Sorry but mudvayne remember to me the limits like a big diarreia or a Lot of garbage Please more Trivium krisute gomem Hugs from Brasil
- Griff head: Fear Factpry Self bias resister
- Nympo: I know you wanna satisfy the majority by choosing the most frequently requested songs, but at this point you're reacting to memes lol. And yeah this song is a huge meme :D
- Jason Taylor: This is definitely their most extreme song. Their other material is really kind of experimental and progressive. This album as a whole is very unique and creative. Give it a listen in the future maybe on your own time. Good shit. Also do another Meshuggah song please! FUTURE BREED MACHINE!
- Joe mama: Mudvayne oh mudvayne. What happened?
- Watch'dUP: Pretty sure these guys were out before slipknot
- Rocky Powers: It's funny that the lead singer of this band and the drummer for Pantera got together and made a southern rock band. This isn't a good representation of this band.
- richard golden: Please react to "DAYLYT FUNKFLEX FREESTYLE" he is a battle rapper an you don't believe his delivery, 100% wordplay, bars... Lets go!!!
- Ryan McKeon: Do more Deftones please
- wvusmc: If they listen to Happy? next they'll be surprised by the difference
- Nicolas Mijares: You should do a review of White Zombie- Thunderkiss 65’ or Thrust.
- corry63: the outrageous aggression phase of the "90's metal" is akin to the 90's hip hop phase of aggressive gangster culture, hip hop artists trying to out "hard" each other metal artists trying to out "heavy" each other competition brought out some greatness, but it came with a lot of bullshit hard song choice, its a fan favorite of the metal community but not an ease in to them world so cold would have been better suited, hopefully they get another shot
- Seth Nicholls: Mudvanye had the best bass player in their style of metal we ever had. Ryan M. is and will forever be that whole band.
- siccore: YEAH!!!!!! mudvayne ok. dig naaaaaah. there are so much better songs on this record. dig is just the first single. but yeah. MUDVAYNE WERE AHEAD OF THEIR TIME AND STILL ARE. U THINK THIS IS NEW STUFF BUT ALREADY 19 YEARS OLD! Slipknot is not EVEN close to mudvayne. mudvayne are 4 people mastering their instruments. WAY more proggy! WAY MORE PROGGY! nothing to gein. story about ed gein. !!!!!!!!
- Enrico Marangon Jr: Good reaction, poor music all around. no good. Please try SNUFF Slipknot . this is LYRICALLY HEAVY. The METAL WAY of Life.
- BREMusic: locksmith returned guys, check him out on shade45 GET IT
- Syrupy Beard: Chevelle. Sweet jesus check out Chevelle.
- Isaiah G: What about the band, Infant Annihilator? :D
- Ziltoid: Wait tell yall see the music video for dig.......
- Stars Die: Anyways... You gotta check out Death Blooms or Severed by Mudvayne. Hear the guys singing. Because IMO he was a very very good singer back in the day. Also, I'm surprised you guys didn't note how badass the bass playing was in that; because that's the Mudvayne thing. Funky jazzy basslines.
- jric107: Both Slipknot and Mudvayne came out in around the same time which would explain the similar sound. Both were considered Nu-Metal
- Red Skeletons: If you want to check out digestible Mudvayne do Not Falling or World So Cold. Cheers
- ZauTa: Ryan Martinie, the bassist is my Idol, he's amazing. Check out his band Soften The Glare with the song Turn Around
- kevinfeatherstone: try Determined by Mudvayne... has an easier song structure.
- David Schreiber: Please do "Ænema" by Tool.
- Adam Cushing: What's wrong with Happy?
- Parks: Dark Days
- Julián Palacios: Death blooms or severed!
- Steve Rowden: Good choice
- TheAnthroMetal: Fleshgod Apocalypse - epilogue
- Pavel Blacktown: Mudvayne - Happy
- jared rayfield: +Draithegemini yup. Songs 1-5 on that record are brutal. I use to just repeat those 5 back in the day.
- scb0212: Dillinger Escape Plan - Widower. Dig was an awful suggestion from people, like everyone says. It's too harsh, too jagged for an intro to the band. Death Blooms has much better riffing & clean vocals. And that's not y'all's fault, Ryan & George, because y'all didn't know better - y'all just trust us for suggestions. Give them a second chance later on, and if that doesn't stick, either, then at least you tried. Thanks!
- Scott Mcmullin: "Not Falling" is a much better entrance into understanding this band imo.
- Robert D'Amico: Subscribers consistently fail you guys with song suggestions. No one thinks about what best represents the band. It’s always something to shock you or it’s a shallow radio hit.
- James Smallwood: JMac92430 Yeah, that would have been great
- Scott Williamson: Not Falling, World So Cold, Happy, Do What You Do, all would have been better choices. LD50 is a freshman offering. Nothing to Gein by listening to old sh!t.
- Kourtney Lynn Hensley: World so cold is there best song
- Art Kierstead: Musically an extremely talented band!!
- Dave Bailey: Baroness - Chorine & Wine
- Vicky Malhotra: Mudvayne death blooms better than this
- Mike Blazer: Dig is the worst 1st song to check out. Y'all need to listen to death blooms.
- Devin S: Skinny Puppy - Pro-test
- Tahmid Bhuiyan: Noname - Ace (ft. Smino & Saba)
- clair ash: Just thought of an artist that as far as I can tell you guys have not touched. Jeff Buckley...either Grace or Hallelujah. Critics have said that he did the best version of Hallelujah. I agree, it's frikkin beautiful.
- Heath Weathersbee: Mudvayne- All Talk is a fantastic song. It has a nice “groove” in the chorus that will suit your taste
- ou fan: +Dev518 thanks i was just confuzzled
- SevenOneFive: If you want a cool Mudvayne song listen to "Under My Skin", there's a rap verse in there I just know you'll both love.
- Tool4APC2012: He’s been compared to lazy bone as far as speed in lyrics. Listen to world so cold
- NateM: I remember downloading the 'Live in Sydney" version of Dig from Kazaalite back in 2002 or 2003 back before youtube in the "Napster" days. I still love that performance, and it's here on YT. The other good song from this album ('LD 50', their first) is Death Blooms. I might even like Death Blooms more than Dig. The song of theirs I think of next is "World So Cold" because it's actually got some singing on it. His voice isn't all that bad either. Actually, one of my favorite Mudvayne songs is "Dull Boy" from the 2008 album The New Game.
- chinthing1: Death Blooms would have been a much better choice....Chad really is a great singer.
- MrAsaf1984: Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole Skinny Puppy - Assimilate or Spasmolitic Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up Fear Factory - Replica Rammstein - Du Hast
- chris gomez: Incubus, the warmth Smashing pumpkins, zero Queens of the stone age, no one knows
- Master Vol: Fire From the Gods - Excuse Me
- Charlie McCarron: Pls do prom/king- saba
- Captain Howdy: Back when metal was good and not this melodic garbage that comes out today.
- Jymel Ryan: You should check out pharmaecopia or nothing to gein instead of death bloom, mudvayne is kinda like a prog version of nu metal where as dig is just nu metal Note: Ryan Martinie from this band is a very underrated bassist.
- Pudntoogud: Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Violation
- Cody Plucker: Iced Earth - Stormrider
- Andrew Hnatko: Literally any other song off this albumn would have been soooo much better. All the rest are so much more com0lex meusically and deeper lyrically. Poor choice for a first song. Severed,know forever, Prod, nothing to gein, internal primates forever....this albumn is loaded with incredible music check it out!!
- chris peralta: If you a real hip head like you guys claim and love lyrcism check out LOCKSMITH SHADE ON 45 2019...his lyrics and how he smartly constructs his words is beyond any rapper you prob heard...IMO he the best lyrically now
- Valon Tafilaj: Albanian rap please please reaction
- RossBayCult: Rammstein - Links 2 3 4
- TheDumbRatMan12: Y’all need to listen to like a stone
- Steve Dennis: Bang on guys, this album was produced by clown from slipknot.
- Tyler Wood: Shoulda been Death Blooms. Choice was butchered by copyright for cuss words. But Dig may be their most popular but far FAR from their best.
- Tropical Pigeon: Please react to Rivers of Nihil - Where Owls Know My Name or The Silent Life.
- FRiiiNK: Atlas by Monuments
- southbayspike: Would you be willing to give Faith No More a second chance? I’d suggest their song The Real Thing. Much different from Midlife Crisis.
- WillJM81280: As far as Slipknot vs. Mudvayne, Slipknot is much much better from a musical perspective.
- Harley Baker: React to Grind or Heaven Beside by Alice in Chains
- Damon Bryan: Same band. Just under a different name. Check out Hell yeah. Cowboy way Alcohol an ass
- Va9ers21: xedgeforeverx cuz they are "socially acceptable" ...............bunch of bullshit.
- TheGore2149: mr shadow feat lil rob - apocalypse
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Slayer Dead Skin Mask is about Ed too. This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech! I also did a cover of DSM
- Ryan Monte: Edited version is whack haha. React to KREATOR: impossible brutality
- jalen 50: Deftones - rx queen
- Michael Balxwin: As many others have said, I would have started with a different Mudvayne song... Maybe "Happy?" But as I've said before, and I'm going to keep throwing out there: Ozzy "Diary of a Madman" Anthrax "Only" And a friend want me to suggest Butcher Babies. For me it would be "Goliath" or "Igniter". She prefers "Headspin" or "Monsters Ball"
- Dowanation: This was everyone's first introduction to this band but is not indicative of their true talent. If I had to recommend a song between this one and Death Blooms I would have chose Death Blooms. Still aggressive but has some melody that this song is obviously lacking. I still love the energy of Dig though.
- jacob price: As far as Mudvayne is concerned, this was a terrible time In rock and roll
- Greg Lanier: Not falling. A world so cold or happy? Would be better songs for u guys to listen to. I know you guys would dig all 3 of those songs. They were even played on the radio at one point
- ashitaka: Tool - Push It (Salival Live Version)
- mohamed diab: react to saint Jhn- rosses please just try it
- TheIndiferrenceEpoch: "Severed" would be a good track to check out from the album that you guys would better enjoy. Sexy bass grooves abound
- Frizz: Don't listen to people saying Happy for the next pick of this band. DEATH BLOOM IS WAY BETTER.
- matthew myers: Really surprised that this was the the song that got the most upvotes. Their other material is actually toned down. Especially on the later albums (looks like he changed afterall.) good clean vocals and Melody's along with the aggression and excellent muscisionship. Especially the drums and bass. Songs like not falling, world so cold and even death blooms (from the same album) are downright excellent and unique.
- Michael Setterlund: Please do a reaction to "Why Can The Bodies Fly" by Pungent Stench.
- Sevi Metal: Lamb of god!!
- Steven Mills: You GOTTA hear the UN CENSORED version. This is one of those songs.
- Media Apex Production: This band has some jewels for songs you just have to know the right ones. They have tracks that hit home.
- Frankie White: Sylosis- Apparitions
- Dirk Diggler: They need to do FF. Obsolete is one of my fav albums. My vote is for Replica, Descent and just about anything off of that album. Such a great album.
- Ashtyn Shupe: Severed by them please
- flight666niko: Theater of tragedy cheerful dirge
- Sono2: You missed out big time by not watching the music video
- Ernie Acosta: React to love falls by Hellyeah
- Derek Callison: Do Yelawolf "Everything I love the most". He uses a Billy Joel sample, and wolf's got them bars you like..go and get some.
- Mayjor Maynard: This album is my favorite. And destroy erase and improve is my favorite album from meshuggah.
- bigox1977: You guys should do some reviews of Snot!!!!!!
- sammy s: Too bad you guys didnt do a reaction to Happy instead you would of like it better than dig
- James: Happy? is a great song by Mudvayne. I would also go with Death Blooms, Not Falling, Fall Into Sleep, and Scream With Me.
- KieronSmiffy: Any hacktivist song would be sick. Their groove is insane.
- Jordan Mitchell: Check out happy? by mudvayne, one of my faves by them
- Apocalypse Now: Love your guys videos! I would love to see you react to some modern Metal, I think you guys would really enjoy Wild Eyes by Parkway Drive!
- Jayarbal: This to me comes off 100% commercial, George! lol This band was formed to sell out Nu Metal / Metalcore.
- Trolling In The Deep: Caught Somewhere in Time by Iron Maiden 🤘🤟🤘🤘🤘🤟🤘🤟🤘🤟🤘🤘🤘🤟🤘🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤘🤘🤟
- Chad Koon: Not Falling is one of my favorite Mudvayne songs!!!
- Derek White: Love Fall into Sleep.
- DarthBleak: Rob Zombie - Dragula
- Dani Menjivar: I never liked the guitar player on this band, too basic, everybody else are great. Now, this song was a bad choice for this channel.(METAL HEADS ONLY) 🤟 if you have seen them live you will understand...
- Omar Beydoun: Yes great way to get your recommendations listened to, flood them with 8 at one time lol
- Nick Kempster: "Why is this motherfucker so angry?" Because it's nu metal.
- PoPo15: MuDvAyNe is one of my ultimate favourite band!! I think Slipknot's Clown found the band so there was no beaf between them two. To me, they sound very different. Death Bloom is a really chilling but good song, but Happy? is easier to listen to - try them?
- Derek Frampton: There's a behind the scenes video of the making OF this video. it's really cool and this is OLD Mudvayne. If you haven't SEEN old mudvayne, you're in for a artistic treat. cheers video: https://youtu.be/YIqbdnaPcT8 BTS: https://youtu.be/YayAk8W9lII
- ViciousArcanum: Please check out Chthonic - Takao.
- Joeblow354854: The strangest channel on youtube... White guys giving requests for 2 black guys to review songs they like
- Kyle Curiale: Should’ve done Death Blooms for sure
- caroline stone: Hell yes!!!
- Brandon Hayward: Mudvayne - "(Per)version of the Truth"...or "Not Falling" or "Mercy Severity" "Forget to Remember" "Fall into Sleep" many more....
- Scott Brown: World so cold!!!!
- Ian Greenfield: The censored version?
- Dave Richards: Slipknot way better than mudvayne
- RustedPieces1: Slayer hell awaits
- Hank Hill: +i have to wait 90 days to change my name competition doesn't always have to be malicious. Ever heard of friendly competition? Slipknot was only a year ahead of them. I grew up in Illinois. I remember being handed a demo tape at a record store for Slipknot in 1999. There can be camaraderie in competition.
- zedalba: Sorry guys, this was a bad intro to a great band. Second chance it with world so cold. I personally love this song, but if I were to introduce this band to my open-minded mainstream friends, I would gently work up to this.
- Woke Bacon: Definitely not the right song choice, n i dont know why that one was recommended... World So Cold Fall into sleep Not falling are top 3 choices imo
- sheepnoisebah: Death Blooms and Severed
- JOHN TORRES: I always love mudvaynes bass 😍😍😍
- MelvinGira: GODFLESH --- Christbait Rising
- cybernessful: Now listen this one, for comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anbrb2u9GYI
- The Shu: you guys still gotta do hells carol by hopsin
- letsgoracing78: Slipknot and mudvayne are great friends and toured together for years. And yes this is a great song but not a song I'd introduce someone new to them especially someone not a pure metal head. Death blooms Happy Not falling These are good starters.
- KappaCino: i think you should react to gojiras first albulm
- Christopher Lewis: It's heavy on the base line! Enjoy the base man! Lol We relate to the agression!
- cole livingston: Faith no More - Evidence
- vertigus28: Death Blooms would have been a better choice. Dig is just too hard as an introduction to the band.
- TheKazvon: My college roommate is the cousin of Mudvayne's bassist and he's an incredibly nice guy despite me meeting him twice and both time's I went brain dead from fanboyism.
- Gluon PA: Mudvayne - Closer
- Davy Jones: I like your opinion. I like Mudvayne too, but that song did nothing for me.
- chris melton: Locksmith - 2019 freestyle shade 45
- blank: Disturbed - Prayer
- Max Rockatansky: I saw Mudvayne on the LD50 tour. They opened with Dig. Great introduction to the band.
- christianrutter: Time for Rammstein? Keine Lust, zwitter or Mein Teil.
- Jeremy Sayers: They improved so much more after this CD
- zmey rs: Mudvayne - never enough, would’ve been a better song to start with.
- sgtraytango: Devin Townsend had a similar view with his early Strapping Young Lad songs because record labels thought his music was too extreme and unable to be sold, so he signed with a European label who were more willing and wrote songs for the first album talking about how shitty and manufactured the music industry was.
- Long Island Raven: I can see it reminding you of early slipknot, that’s a really big comparison but I see it. Slipknot was first
- galo reinoso: And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda by John McDermott
- Marty Bourgeois: "Not Falling" will show more of Chad's (singer) vocal range. Musically powerful, and if you can do the video, it's pretty awesome as well! Keep it real, fellas! \m/
- Cody Yazzie: If you listen to the bass and drums, they are more funk base sounding.
- Colton Dain: TheG3neralLee 43% Burnt
- Derek Miltimore: Can I see another ype O Negative review? World Coming Down or "unsuccessfully coping with the...."
- Ian Flanagan: Please check out holy mountain by sleep, sleep is one of the best stoner-doom band out there. Also check out into the void by black sabbath it is a stoner doom classic that will blow you away.
- Jay Are: Guys react too Apollo by Crystal Lake
- Flippin Zippo: Extremely extreme... Bahahahaaa bang on man
- ReeNo -l-: We need more DEFTONES
- Mickey Lewis: Happy? You will like that one better!
- SinisterStewart16: You guys HAVE to react to “Nothing to Gein” by mudvayne of course. About Ed Gein it’s crazy.
- Dana Griebell: Dig should have not been your first choice, Death Blooms would have been better. Much love from Chicago #FreeThinker
- Thomas Bowen: FEVER 333 - BURN IT
- blknman: Nothing to Gein? Anyone?
- Adam R: Should have done Death Blooms guys. Nice work tho. Check out Fire from the Gods ‘Excuse me’. Really groovy rap metal band out of the states. You will fuckin love it 🤙
- Jacob Harris: You guys would love Happy?
- Devlin Madison: Try listening to Suicidal Tendencies. "How will I laugh tomorrow". Old metal is more melodic than new metal.
- Peter Jones: Such a great album! A breath of fresh air in 2000. Yeah death blooms is great ,nothing to gein, severed. All great. Way more interesting than slapknut, in my opinion. Don't give up on em guys
- Vicki Priest: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
- David Mires: Being a true listener of 90s music absolutely agree there was a part of the 90s that one band tried to top the other and slipknot & Mushroom Head came out on top for this style... Mudvayne this was the only song I cared for... If you want to hear something pretty cool check out Dance Macbre by Ghost
- Hugh Mccoy: Scream with me would of been a better song to first listen...\,,/...👍😎
- Michael Carver: React to Mudvayne - Fall into Sleep
- Dustin Clark: CthulhuKittie that album is their best after this one
- Renzo Hurtado Marquez: Machine Head — Davidian
- Cole Rawrs: I think you guys should really check out "Hos Down" by Luke Holland and Jason Richardson. Preferably the performance on Meinl Cymbals' YouTube channel !
- Casey Cornett: Yall really need to listen to "World So Cold" or "Happy?" from mudvayne. Honestly these will both blow you away. I love heavy music but MV are at their best when they mix in melody and pain. IMO their heavier songs are kinda meh.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: HELLA!!! Awesome guys! MY Mudvayne winning the first VMA for this song went viral
- Cards Daily: Growing Pains 2 - Logic - Please !
- Rob Isbell: Confined, with the music video. I’ll never forget the rain puddled snaredrum intro, shit gave me goosebumps
- Morbid 420: +dirty bird I agree that Simple Survival and Come On is better songs then QWERTY but I feel that these guys would like QWERTY more and get a kick out of the lyrics. Sun Doesn't Rise is a great intro to them as the OP suggested. Why do you not like QWERTY, too rappy nu-metal?
- jordan williams: The sin and the sentence-Trivium
- Dylan Caldwell: ezo 696 The Guys Ridiculous
- entityofme: Review this... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9NPlOeaFqWU
- darkrzane: You guys nailed this song. Mediocre song and mediocre band. I enjoyed this when I was a kid, but it didn't stand the test of time.
- RoddyBoy24: Polo G- Finer Things. One of the smoothest tracks ever
- tarin indell: Go watch someone covering the bass on this song. Its pretty intense.
- marvelmaniac88: Chevelle - Any of these songs: Family System, The Clincher, Safer Waters, Humanoid, A New Momentum, Clones, An Island.
- Edz Galapon: Better u watch the video as well boss
- Brad Trotter: Yes watch the video. Chad has one of the best screams in the music industry
- Eric Edwards: Mudvayne - Happy
- Bryce Allred: Guys. Let’s see some dubstep on this channel. Excision - neck brace. Zomboy - Immunity Lol
- patrick digilio: lol I listened to this band back in 4th grade...
- Murmeli: Amorphis - The Bee, lets go 😎🤘
- steven rosen: Solitaire unraveling - Mushroomhead
- Mike Troc: Mudvayne - nothing to gein.. it's about Ed gein the guy who influenced the leather face character in texas chainsaw massacre
- Ranger Roger: Forget to remember - Mudvayne
- Stanley Hyde: The end of all things to come. The title track from their second album is probably my favorite song from them. It's vrey fast as well but it's more articulated and easier to understand. The lyric sheet will probably still be needed thpugh
- iGoH Summ3rs: Forgot to remember by mudvayne
- bretpip: You guys should check out tool. They are a very unique band from the 90s.
- Chris Antram: Listen to Happy? Or World So Cold guaranteed you will love Mudvayne after either one. LD50 is a masterpiece of metal though!!! Also check out anything static-x and please for the love of God Fear Factory- slave labor
- BrainSplatrr2368: Definitely try ''Happy?'' by Mudvayne.
- Brock Carrow: The softer mudvayne stuff will make it easier for you to hear this version of them.
- Karl Franks: How about doing an actual metal song?
- clone120: Sepultura - Ratamahatta
- Sam Gill: Architects - Alpha Omega
- Patrick Shepherd: Just got to the end of the video. I'm sorry you guys didn't like this as much as I hoped :(. I can see why though. LD50 is an album that's best listened to in one sitting; that's what it's designed for. Mudvayne songs don't all sound like this. The members are all very technical talented, and other songs really highlight that. Chad does lots of singing and sometimes raps too. Listen to Internal primates forever - it's much more something I think you all would like a lot.
- Frank Vangilder: Yeah watching the video helps. (Not falling) would have been better or (forget to remember)! Sevendust either (enemy) or (face to face) or (waffle).... love the channel guys keep it up
- Jesse Barnett: Yeah it’s extreme that whole album is but their sound changes as they grow. Check out at least one song from each album I think you’ll enjoy their maturity through the years
- Jon Bowman: The song is about record labels trying to change the band
- whoaitsal: Especially since you guys didn’t care for this song . Their raw side isn’t your thing trust me. The album after The end of All things to come. With World So Cold , Not Falling is what you guys would actually enjoy. TRUST ME. hope you guys see this ! Lol
- Robert Sicilia: "World So Cold" is a much better 1st Mudvayne song. Dig is not for casual listeners lol. Love you guys. But yea, this is mudvaynes 'jesus christ pose'
- Jarek Sheetz: The video is nuckin futs
- Billy Ruben: Forget to Remember or Happy would be great redemption songs. But, before you get to that, you must do Hero of War by Rise Against.
- Samyo: This is possibly the worst starting point for this band.
- Dandy Jon: AVATAR LET IT BURN, been asking for months and I ain’t giving up yet
- WebsterA: If you made a poll, Choclair vs Eazy and had just _ANY_ demographic vote on it, you will _NEVER_ get the best song choice. You'll get the one that most people have heard of. My point is LIV should pick the 4th most popular poll pick. Lol
- Jeret Pena: Fall Into Sleep and/or Happy? would be much better for you guys!
- Steve Loring: Not Falling is far better than Dig.
- John Rolando: Breach Birth
- Allison Thomas: Cosmic Corner that woulda been awesome to see the facial expressions!!
- nepats1200: Guys check out the song Coerced Coexistance by In Flames!
- Crash 709: Motörhead - Rock Out
- Victor Miranda: Mudvayne: happy, imn, rain.sun.gone, Choices, well pretty much any song from Lost and Found album. World so cold, Trapped in the wake of a dream, not falling, Mercy, severity. ...from The end of all things to come album. Internal primates forever, 1 , death blooms, cradle, nothing to gein or severed from L. D. 50 record
- Cynthia Miller: Cannibal Corpse -- "Evisceration Plague"
- Babyfaced Baron: I never really thought Mudvayne and Slipknot sounded too much alike though they did have that sound a lot of bands had during that time. Then again if you're only hearing a couple songs I can see that but if you listen to the complete catalogs the bands are pretty different. Rock music has always been that way though there's always been a sound and then there's always been guys who tried to push that sound to the extreme. I'm 33 so the late 90s bands like this were pretty popular and as a kid I did enjoy them but as I've gotten older I've definitely outgrown it and I really don't like the gimmicky face paint and masks stuff anymore either. That being said this was a good song.
- Ahmed El Ajadi: Please do "Sonne" by Rammstein. You can react to the song, the video or even the live concert... everything rocks with that song... give it a try... it's in German... could a but different from what you've done so far. From Morocco, North Africa.
- MyFaceIsMyShield: This censored version sucks ass XD
- Metal Enthusiast: Mushroomhead- Outta My Mind
- Killer Bunny: 6:11 was tha pun intended or not?
- Rielly Scott: WORLD SO COLD
- Miguel Angel Lezama: Happy? by mudvayne might be something you can enjoy more!
- Joel Gibson: Slipknot, Mudvayne, and Mushroom Head (at least their first album) were all kind of on each other's coat tails. Death Blooms would definitely be the other side of the pendulum for these guys, so give it a go.
- Chris Crim: You called it
- Hidden Wiki: I have this band Tattooed on Me <3 Now You guy's make fun of them @Lost in Vegas
- 331slash: Happy is a more commercial song by them
- Rob Gagnon: Jinjer just dropped a new song. It's called "Perennial"... It's really good. Just saying.🤘✌
- elleshar666: Guys I watched pretty much all the reaction videos you uploaded. Glad you are helping "metal" reach out to more people. As a 40 year old guy who never listened anything buy metal I really would like to suggest a few bands that would surprise you in a good way. 1- Estatic Fear - Chapter IV 2- Haggard - Awaking the Centuries / or Per Aspera Ad astra 3- Saturnus - Descending / or Softly On the Path You Fade 4- Orphaned Land / (it's kinda guarantee any of thier song will be "fresh" for you but I'd suggest Brother or Birth Of the Three to get a sense of "oriental metal". Have a good day.
- Aghdas Golmohamadi: +bigmoethedon but they have a lot of masterpiece songs
- JFRiley: PUNY MORTALS! The wrath of Set and Amun will be upon thee unless you enter Nile, “Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water”
- Chris T: Bolt Thrower - IVth Crusade!
- Dixi: Rise of the northstar - Nekketsu or Rise of the northstar - Here come the Boom
- Deezy Vapes: World So Cold or Not falling for sure.
- MrWrench78: Really shoulda done severed or death blooms for your first one from them.
- darkwriterxx94: This isn’t my favorite mudvayne song but as a bassist I love it. Just a great song to stomp around with when playing
- ProgPro96: Mudvayne and Slipknot are both considered nu-metal so the comparison makes sense! They also both formed around the same time. I wish you guys listened to the uncensored version though, I feel like the censors kind of ruined the song. Also please react to Vein soon! Doomtech or End Eternal are some good songs to start with.
- Jake Hyde: Real fuckin reaction! That's why I keep watching! 🤘
- Zane Wells: Please do Hed P.E. - Atlantis A.D. If there is any song for free thinkers, this is it. For real
- Dane C: L.D 50 is their best album.. a few good songs on later stuff but.. yeah.. L.D 50 for life \m/
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: it won the first VMA for this song, their controversial speech is in my vids
- SweetLikeCyanide: Mein Herz Brennt or Sehnsucht!
- Cleve Crudgington: This was a song I loved as a teenager and it got me into this album but I'm really not a fan any more. This guy's harsh vocals really don't work for me and that short guitar riff gets old pretty quickly. Most of LD50, the album this is from, is more varied, complex, and interesting. And the vocalist has a really smooth singing voice in contrast to his screaming which I like. Weirdly this was their first single and was pretty popular. I'd definitely recommend giving these guys another chance though. One of my favourite songs from this album is Prod. It has kind of a Tool vibe to it.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Neal Crabtree: Gary Numan - My Name is Ruin plz and ty =)
- Anthony Garcia: oh man, you guys should have done the video along with this one FOR SURE. There's a whole other level you're missing by not seeing them as well. Oh well...
- ISM AEL: Arrest The President - Ice Cube
- Brr Black: My Favorite band , finally ! IMN and Happy any song really by these guys !!!
- Hughes Mcmurray: You should have done happy. It's a much more commercial metal hard Rock sound and probably more down your alley. The song is kinda similar to duality by Slipknot. If I remember correctly you liked that song so you should like happy. Also world so cold isn't as harsh as well.
- Migh In Space: hej man, you were spot on. This is indeed right up the Slipknot-alley, it's a good song and there's a iconic live-performance of this on tube but it's nothing new, I think.
- Shawn Dorschner: Punk! You need to start reacting to punk! please & thankya
- EncikKenny: Guys... please.. Schism by Tool and Dez Moines by Devil Wears Prada
- Pierce A: *BR* *BR* DENG *BR* *BR* *DENG*
- johnnyquattro: mudvane - forget to remember
- Randi Byrd: Try World So Cold next.
- Half Trip: I doubt y'all will pick this, but this is one of my original electronic tracks. The video is pictures from a job site I was on and I felt the creepy ambiance merited a creepy ass song to go with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiGSQxsGiJw If not that I'd like to see y'all react to some Pantera. Maybe Cemetery Gates, Heresy, or Domination. Keep at it dudes.
- 23Goblins: Yup , agree with a lot of other folks here, not a great choice for a Mudvayne song. Y'all would likely enjoy the more melodic nature of World so Cold or Happy,.
- Benjamin Brown.: React to Abeyance by Be'lakor. They are one of the most underrated bands there has ever been. Enough said.
- Corey Beal: Any Hed PE!!!
- Jordan Wolfson: Most brutal metal scream 2012
- Dustyn Harris: Black honey by thrice my dudes.. Great song
- Miguel Matinho: ROB ZOMBIE - DRAGULA!!!!!
- whiteboynolan1: "WHYS THIS MUTHAFUCKER SO ANGRY!?" Well, You gotta listen to the whole album to understand that.
- Soul FiirSt: Ohhhhhh yeeaaaaaahh
- rick chambo: Guys you would actually dig World so Cold. More or an arranged Hard Rock song, not over the top. You hear the vocals and I really believe they matured as musicians.
- Jesse Lapham: The slipknot comparison is justified. The bass playing at the start of Dig is what I like about it but I'm not a big fan. As others have said, Happy is a more accessible song of theirs. I have some nostalgia for it, but it may not have aged particularly well.
- lucifer lavey: Terrible band.
- Justin Dismuke: Damn y’all should’ve watched the video. 😂😂😂
- SenselessBonkai: World So Cold was a really good song
- ryan kenyon: Happy? By mudvayne is a better choice imo
- Curtis W: They definitely would like Happy?
- Salt Lake Atrocity: Its funny how y'all comment on how this song will "wake you up" when i legit used this song as my alarm clock song for several years.
- TheLevitator 94: When we getting that Stray From The Path - Only Death is Real reaction
- Mike Moore: Yeah his singing is definitely better than his scream in my opinion but I happen to like more singing anyway lol but fall into sleep is another that showcases grays vocals
- Sam Skinner: You guys should do https://youtu.be/zfaOf70M4xs Charles Bradley's Version of Changes by Black Sabbath
- Joshua Bryant: You guys got the lyrical aspect on point once again. It's about record labels etc... trying to change them to sell records and they said no.... this is who we are. Good vid my dudes!
- Dylan: Mudvayne's Chad Gray (Vocals) and Pantera's Vinnie Paul (Drummer) both have a band called Hellyeah which has a different sound, but is easily accessible to fans who appreciate Mudvayne but aren't look for as hard of a sound. I'd recommend listening to "Moth", "Cross to Bier", or "Hush" from their Blood For Blood album. Also, R.I.P Vinne Paul, he's one badass percussionist.
- Scumdog1980: *sigh* give "severed" a listen if you're looking for context, give the live version of "nothing to gein" for an emotional performance, give "cradle" a listen just because it's a badass song.
- Joe Schulte: Right? There's really nothing wrong with taking a "popular" or mainstream track from a band when introducing someone to a band. "If you like this, then check X out for a bit more Y" works better than the stinkface of running eardrum first into louder/faster shock and awe. Dig wouldn't be in the top 6 songs i'd suggest as a first listen to Mudvayne. My favorite is actually Scream with me.
- Serpent Headed Mask: Check out hatebreed
- Jahir Marquez: React to (In My Eyez - Phora)
- metaldad1974: Happy
- Yevgeny Devine: What you guys get to hear is different flavours of nu-metal music. I was never a fan of Mudvayne, but their bass player is something. Bass-wise, Mudvayne have contributed something that was never a part of metal music. I, personally, would recommend Mushroomhead - One More Day, they have some unique vocals with nothing similar in the whole world of music. Something you might find really musical and interesting.
- Brad Phillips: Check out Locksmiths new freestyle on shade 45
- jeff lacefield: One word. Garbage.
- Jeffrey Brown: You should do Hatebreed!! Perseverance, This is now, To the threshold, Doomsayer, Proven, Driven by suffering...
- worland76: As always, love your reactions. You two get music, you can appreciate music you don't really care for and enjoy the hell out of music you do like. If you would like to hear what I think is Chad's better vocals listen to Hellyeah/Moth or Love Falls or Hush.
- Jamie LeMasters: I know you guys have done a lot of Chris Stapleton,... but PLEASE DO Whiskey and You... please please 🙏🏼
- Brunetto46: Not Falling was a better first choice
- Trey N: One of the members of Slipknot was actually the producer for Mudvayne when the first got going. It was clown aka Shawn Crahan.
- Julio Roberto Girón: A world so cold would be better choice
- Ty Taylor: Check out i am he by Doggy, its a fire freestyle
- Lun1k4lm: We can't all enjoy the same music. If we did life would be REALLY boring.
- dieter delvaux: They are both new-metal bands... Mudvayne is just fun due to the bass play
- seethro 719: Broo you should react to Rah-C his song "Be like me"
- Chris Cartwright: This band is genius! They definitely got more "accessible" as they progressed, some say deliberately to weed out "true fans" from hangers on. Chad has one of the best singing voices I've heard in a long time (when he's not growling), and Ryan Martinie is up there with the best bass players around today 👍🏻🤘🏻
- theHeaT306: If you give this band a second chance, I think you'll find that their music becomes progressively more commercial with each album release, which is ironic given the message in the song about not wanting to change for other people.
- CARNAGExDeStRoY: Please do a reaction on AK's new remix on money!!!
- Mark Harris: Why don't you guys try out some punk? Dead Kennedys for example "Holiday In Cambodia"
- HopeThisIsntSOPARela: Mudvayne was never as talented as Slipknot but they could bring the same intensity.
- MisterWilly: Animals As Leaders - Another Year Arch Enemy - Dead Eyes See No Future August Burns Red - Speech Impediment Between The Buried And Me - Informal Gluttony Behemoth - At The Left Hand Ov God Children Of Bodom - Sixpounder Crotchduster - Mammal Sauce Cynic - The Space For This Death - Spirit Crusher Decapitated - Spheres of Madness Despised Icon - The Sunset Will Never Charm Us Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the Great Apocalypse Dream Theater - Hell's Kitchen Dyscarnate - Iron Strengthens Iron Elbow - Magnificent (She Says) Fleshgod Apocalypse - Cold as Perfection Jeff Loomis - Jato unit Keep of Kalessin - The Rising Sign Meshuggah - Do Not Look Down Mudvayne - (Per)Version of a Truth Muse - Supremacy Nile - User-Maat-Re Opeth - The Drapery Falls SikTh - Peep Show Soen - Fraccions Steven Wilson - First Regret, 3 Years Older Witherfall - What We Are Dying For Veil of Maya - Mikasa
- Brandon Burgess: Really I feel like u have to listen to that whole album for you to really get them as a band.....
- Jeff Smandych: People gotta fak off requesting this nu-metal bullshit. Trying to introduce dudes to good metal, late 90's early 00's crappy metal need not apply!!!!
- Justin Coon: Yall need to look at hank hill by Ryan upchurch he just put it out yesterday and he like you have songs reacted to yall doing a good job keep up hard work
- Chris Koenig: Yeah, Not Falling would have been a better first listen for you guys.
- Lisa B: A lot of the songs we thought were cool and/or shocking in the 90's, just aren't in this day and age.
- dorsalphoenix: Death blooms is my fav
- jess kelly: I'd say some of the newer stuff for those that are less into death and black metal.
- J.A. M.F: higly complimentary for this nu- metal shite
- Bastian Vogt Lønli: Hello. Can you please do some old school prog rock? Gentle Giant with *proclamation*(Steven wilson remix) or maybe Genesis with *dance on a volcano*(SW remix). Have a nice weekend 🎯
- Rocky Austin: Death blooms!!!! come on guys!!!!!!
- ShadowKiller571: you guys should do call of ktulu by metallica.
- J Wilson Handmade Knives: this stuff sounds cool if you’re 15 and mad at your mom, i suppose.
- Alexander McKenzie: World so cold by Mudvayne :)
- Nick Miller: "Not Falling" was a much more commercial sound for me. Now I'm curious when their sound changed, not very familiar with the band.
- gaelpat2511: Check out Infant Annihilator's - Decapitation Fornication
- johnnyquattro: mudvane - fall into sleep
- eric hurd: Not Falling or World so Cold is a better first listen.
- vysr om: I can't believe dig was recommended by the mudvayne fans. Great band, bad song choice.
- AndyDrew003: ugh.... yet again, you got an overplayed song that doesn't show how dynamic they can be. you'll need a second chance vid for sure
- Smiling Bob: I have just found one of the greatest performances and beautiful songs ever. Please watch the u tube video and you decide. Its Jason Mraz and Daryll Hall I Wont Give Up I feel like I've been to church!!
- Thomas Yates: Who voted for Dig? LD is without a doubt the best Mudvayne album....but to those who voted for Dig over a classic like Death Blooms..... Why? Lol
- Christopher Rossi: Do Slipknot all out life!!!!
- twall91: As much as I love this album, literally any other song on the album would’ve been better. This is so simplistic in comparison. That being said I’d love to see a reaction to Architects-Doomsday!
- Jeff Fowler: This might be a little heavy for you guys but you should have played the video where you can see them playing unless you can't cuz of copyright infringement I don't know
- hittinskinz24: AS good as I can remember, Slipknot and Mudvayne were from the same area and knew each other pretty well before Slipknot broke. Mudvayne was a band that some of the Slipknot guys tried to bring up and help out.
- Gage23: World So Cold - Mudvayne would be playlist! It's not all screaming! Guy's! I've been saying this for a year!
- Wilhelm Inc.: Listen to Happy , Not Falling, -1, death blooms , Scream with me. Just a few better ones and this was there first radio single.
- Soundwave Surfer: The Mars Volta- Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt
- Z17xMachine: I wish you guys would "dig" back into the archives and do a first impression video of D.R.I. They are pioneers in their own right. You guys should do a poll for the first song.
- Prophet For Profit: Also, my favorite Mudvayne song is Nothing to Gein. I don't see a lot of people here mentioning it, probably because it isn't one of their bigger hits, but I like it. Good mix of heavy and melodic.
- Ryan Lynd: So I know you've given Meshuggah 2 shots, but it was really all their more recent stuff. Thir best stuff imo was earlier....try it once more, Future Breed Machine!
- Braedyn Green: Hotel California by The Eagles
- Jerred Boshears: Song suggestion total fail
- Nox Fox: Soundgarden - black hole sun
- cherrywaves024: Anything after horizons isn’t worth listening to
- Soul FiirSt: Grinister- punching bag Not famous but great
- En Win: Dudes have to do a review on how they failed to recognize a metal masterpiece.
- Jamie Banks: You should really check out happy by mudvayne much cleaner vocals
- Chuck Schuldiner: Guys please! DISTURBED - STRICKEN. This is a real classic of this band...
- Tom Tanaka: Shitty nu-metal bullshit!
- Adam Sloan: I would like to see you react to Crazy covered by Mushroom Head
- Jose Castillo: Can you react to Every Time I Die "The New Black "
- Knarrenheinz: do the try not to headbang challenge if you agree like
- Bret VanDerWege: Wasnt a great choice for Mudvayne didnt give you a good example of how they sound
- TheMorbidAsshole: LD 50 is mudvayne's best work imo, dig was the first song that got me into them
- Varun Huidrom: This song is nu metal. A very heavy nu metal. But not extreme. Not even close. And btw, check out their Forget To Remember. Clean vocals and a beautiful song.
- TheDoomSlayer Yeet: Disturbed-Indestructible
- Mark L: Should check out bland street bloom by sikth
- Ez Ze: You need the video to go with the music, they go together. A world so cold would be a good second listen for the channel.
- Caleb q: why is the top comment not that this is the edited vocals version? 😫😭😭😭
- Collyn Colecchio: Not falling And world so cold we’re better options even death blooms is a really good one. Dig is kinda a wreck less song to start out with. So hopefully you give this band a shot and check out another song by this band. Because this was a wreck less song and the other 3 songs are better written
- Nazgul Witchking: Hi, mudvayne falls under nu metal genre , hence they sound similar
- Bhaddon2121: Also mudvayne won a Grammy for this song ......first metal band to win a Grammy
- SweetDaddyGrunge Robert Aaron: I love mudvayne, but never was a big fan of this number.
- Alejandro - Alex Egusquiza: Ok, ok try "Medicated" by DowntheSun play the video version to get you in the mood craaazzzzy
- Sypher Machinations: for real, the lyrics the vocals, and the guitar matter so little in mudvayne.. the drums and bass. if you aren't listening to how they carry the song, you're missing the whole point. Ryan (the bassist) CARRIED this band. they were nothing without his amazing talents
- Behshad: Katatonia - Lethean
- WebsterA: They hardly ever do videos anymore I see.
- Darren Garcia: Do Ghost - Square Hammer!
- J B: This group sucks!!!!!!!!!
- Eduardo Calvo Díaz: I like this song... The bass is good
- Rodney Farmer: Here's a few for you guys White Zombie "Black Sunshine" Deftones "You've Seen the Butcher", "Be Quiet and Drive" Slayer "Seasons of the Abyss" Rage Against the Machine "Ghost of Tom Joad" "How I Could Just Kill a Man (Cypress Hill cover)" "Down Rodeo" Temple of the Dog "Say Hello to Heaven" if you liked Chris Cornell's voice in Soundgarden, you guys will love this track also featuring Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. Not very heavy, but very melodic, and the vocals will blow you away and a damn good song.
- Jeremy Lacuna: Fun fact, since you brought up Slipknot. Corey Taylor has floated an idea for a concert he would love to be a part of & quite frankly I would love to attend Slipknot Mushroomhead Gwar & Mudvayne That said...I personally would've loved seeing you guys react to Not Falling, or even Happy? This song was the 1st song I remember hearing from Mudvayne. Their evolution as a band has been really fun to watch
- Scrub Lord: Correct. Around the turn of the century between '97 and '03 a lot of new underground bands tried to surface with an "over the top" "scare your parents" type of gimmick.
- 13custer13: +Jon Hubbard I have no idea, really. But, when i think of industrial, they're not what pops into my head. They're probably more along the lines of glam rock or shock rock.
- Gabe Ackerman Ackerman: They got way more melodic as they progressed.
- m4570d0n: Protest The Hero or Dillinger Escape Plan please
- Dave Starr: You keep saying you want something different... check out the band PUYA "OASIS"
- BuiltToFuck BornToKill: I agree entirely, it's good for aggression sake, but that's about it. I loved it in middle school, right now it's ok I guess...
- V.F.D. [Vicariously Feeling Demographics]: Motionless in White: Voices
- Sean Coleman: FIRE FROM THE GODS - excuse me
- Jesse Walters: Best Album ... Breakthrough album ... You need to watch really early live footage and the actual video for this song ...
- Mr.Mister: +Hols Radio friendly I can kinda agree on. The vocals had a decent melody to them but the music in happy in not generic imo. Especially the bass.
- VEXARI: I love Mudvayne because it's as if Slipknot, TOOL and Korn gave birth to them
- rashboy1: You should try with the songs "world so cold" and "all that you are".
- Amrit Chauhan: Y’all gotta do Montana of 300 favorite teacher or chiraq vs ny and undertaker he’s very polished now
- DaBirdman1989: You guys should look up V Shape Mind. Mudvayne and V shape are from my state and Chad was featured in a v shape song called monsters.
- krulldunk: +Brian Bierlein Good question! Im just happy if they would take any song from the first album! Thats the album i love! And i think spit it out could fit them, wait and bleed as well!
- Franco Villamil: L.D.50 was produced by Shawn Crahan (Slipknot's Clown) and Dig is one of the worse songs on that album lol, it is a beautiful record and one hell of a debut. Severed being my favorite track.
- Peanut Butter Jack: mudvayne is a poor mans slipknot
- radiv: I'm sure I won't be the only one to say this, bit for a first listen I would have gone with Severed, Death Blooms, Not Falling, Dull Boy, or several others. Dig is obviously a fan favorite of people who are already Mudvayne fans. I also understand the comparison to Slipknot. That being said, one thing that can be acknowledged about Mudvayne is their bassist, Ryan Martinie is possibly one of metal's most underrated. The dude is a beast, and his playing is completely nuts. Just wanted to throw that out there. In any case, appreciate the honesty.
- The Nerdtastic: Death Blooms The song was written by lead singer Chad Gray about his grandmother and how she was being neglected by her family because she was getting old and nobody cared when she had an illness except Chad.She was also taking Chad to local choirs where he learned to sing. Betty Rae, Chad's grandma, died in 2005. Took off the song's wiki.
- William C: death blooms would have been a much better choice!
- James Oliver Calip: My bad. I stand corrected. It was the MTV2 music video awards.
- S.Collie: One of my all time favorite bands. Agree with comments on this uncensored version ruined the reaction. Mudvayne needs a second chance for sure. Mudvayne-IMN Mudvayne-Determined Mudvayne-World so cold Mudvayne-Not falling Mudvayne-1000 mile journey
- Lance L: Sevendust's Angel's Son was written about Snot's lead singer after he died.
- Barry Patton: You need to check out some king 810
- Descant Music: Wow who ever edited it butchered the shit out of the song
- Mace Whitehead: I've never been a huge Mudvayne fan. I felt like other bands in the nu-metal subgenre were much better. They just rode the coattails of bands like Korn and Slipknot. There were just so many better bands coming out at that time imo (Korn, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Disturbed etc.)
- matthew turner: Yo locksmith got a brand new crazy freestyle out check it out
- Adrian Cervantes: Mudvayne - Forget to Remember is gonna be on your stay list
- jaywalkallstar: This was a Dream Theater-Metropolis type situation. Dig is like the most extreme version of what Mudvayne is. Please give them another shot. Preferably a song like “Not Falling” or “Happy”. Still Metal, but toned down from a 15 to like a 7.
- ron grimm: do yourself a favor and look up how the bass is played in this song. it will change your mind on how talented this group was.
- Oklahoma6996: Try happy? By these guys
- Jonathan Taylor: The Patient Mental
- Nick Gesselman: Stevie ray vaughan voodoo child live in Nashville please!!!!!!!
- Shawn Castillo: I would have suggested happy maybe this is not something to ease someone into this band.
- John Caudill: Finally
- jared rayfield: Not trying to be the 1-up you guy, but I saw them on pledge of allegiance tour with slipknot, system, american headcharge, and ramstein. Never have i seen a better lineup.
- lvitch: Death blooms would have been a better choice. 👍👍
- Chad Grant: hopsin lowkey
- MrAdammassacre: GUNSHIP - Dark All Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoE greatest album of 2018 \m/
- Roberto Delgado: shit song
- Electric_Eye: "Sonne" or "Ich Will."
- John Vogt: Sylosis- apparitions
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: This band did not last long
- oddesy1001: I think Chad has one of the best voices in metal, really worth listening to a track with his clean vocals, Death Blooms or Cradle would have been a better choice
- Va9ers21: Haha. Indeed it is 😁
- Jason Cramer: Wait you need to review Killswitch engage - end of heartache! You will love it trust me!
- metaldad1974: Happy!
- Dan Ross: You should try World So Cold. You would like that song more.
- Angus Adamson: New locksmith freestyle on Shade 45 👌🏼🔥🔥
- Teo Barrios: Avenged Sevenfold - "A Little Piece of Heaven", "Save Me", "The Stage" !
- geezertd: Should have done Forget to Remember as a catchier "intro" song for them...
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Jesse Elwell: Of the many reaction videos you guys nail it,very entertaining keep up the great work.
- Nathan Offenstein: Check out element eighty
- Gingerultimatum: This is a great song by Mudvayne. Although you guys would probably love (Beautiful and Strange) a lot more. Overall I think it shows off the band's skill much more.
- Jorge Castillo: Please do forget to remember from mudvayne
- gungutuzero: Exodus- Pleasures of the Flesh. #SECONDCHANCESIN2019
- 21voltz: Yeah I love Mudvayne but this is definitely not the song I’d pick for someone new to listen to. I actually didn’t like them when this came out. The next album is what got me into them.
- James Leslie: Slipknot is from Des Moines, IA...Mudvayne is from Peoria, IL...they've both been around about the amount of time. I actually saw them at some dive bar somewhere in Illinois a few months before this album came out. They blew me away...
- n҉ i҉ h҉ i҉ l҉ i҉ s҉ t҉ e҉: If you want discover New thing you should try : Jesus piece : live video from the yt Chanel hate5six (powerfull hardcore) Electric wizard: funerapolis (very loud doom) Rendez-vous : distance or the other (great french band of post-punk)
- Jake Holland: Rammstein Engel
- Matthew B: Guys could you guys do me a favor and review a song called Malamente by Rosalía. It’s a really interesting and fresh sound fusing flamenco and urban style music I think you guys would enjoy it. She performs in Spanish tho that’s the only thing
- Anthony Perkins: Best Mudvayne album.
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- Patrick Shepherd: Guys! I'm so excited you did mudvayne! I've been asking for quite a while. The song after dig on the same album is the one i've been requesting. You two would absolutely love it! Please consider it
- Bryan Blackburn: Ministry - Just One Fix
- louis caballero: Do good mourning/Black Friday by Megadeth
- Tony Dao: CPR - Summer Walker I know you guys love R&B and she's on the come up
- Dindu Nuffin: Metalheads, we need to quit suggesting the heavier, more extreme songs of these bands for their first introduction. Case in point, Meshuggah - Bleed. That was too much for a first listen and because of that, it took them a while to revisit them. I'm afraid it's going to be more of the same with Mudvayne.
- Omar Asghar: Listen to uk rap- chip ft giggs amazing minds
- Matt Bastow: We need reaction to TERROR: Hard Lessons
- Shaun Ryan: Solitare unraveling
- adirondack_Jim jim: wow take a step back from all the death metal. you guys are skipping a lot of great music. tragically hip - phish - Neal young - Willie nelson. please step back from this hard core trash death metal.
- Thaylog Paine: The edited version is not good, messes with the song to the point you can't understand. A world so cold much easier to grab a hold of.
- chris easly: New to your channel and new to Vegas (teacher). I enjoy you view of music. I am an old white guy who would have problems with my friends because I listened to everything, in a time when sides were taken ( Disco - Rock). You have taken on a large job, the facets of rock a many and deep and will take you to strange places. A short list to look at in terms of group, album, or song. Ramones The Cars- Panorama Social Distortion Misfits Saxon Denim and Leather album (Leather rock came between arena rock and glam) Accept- Balls to the Wall, Dread Zeppelin Blondie- Rapture (this song beat RUN- DMC and Aerosmith with rap rock integration.) Van Halen- Women and Children First the album. Danzig- Mother Molly Hatchet Judas Priest- The Green Manalishi, Love Bites, and The Electric Eye. JUDAS PRIEST ON TOUR THIS YEAR COMING TO LAS VEGAS YOU MUST GO. Keep up the good work and keep proving that music is the true language and transcends all.
- Shane Lopez: Plz do another reaction to Harry Mack, you guys did a reaction months back of his freestyle for joey bad ass, he is about to release his debut album. Check out his first music video Napoleon Hill, ITS FIRE!!!
- Eba Sal: +Omar Beydoun might as well, 1 recommendation hasn't worked for the past year anyway. It's time they get into some melodeath
- Seth Benoit: Yall should definitely react to death blooms
- Dusten Doolen: completely understand the early slipknot comment. funny story.. first time I seen the knot live mudvayne, unknown band at the time, was the early band in the Bill. side note biohazard was in the middle of the card. Small venue so we met. actually my friend got wall smashed by number 7 In the bathroom. the energy that night was in-fing-sane. and that was thanks to mudvayne.
- swansonberger: Also, Slipknot and Mudvayne are part of a very very very long list of newer metal bands that came along during the start of the century that helped metal, in general, gain a lot of new fans. However, it's more or less "angst metal", where you mostly only get teens listening to this and the ones that didn't grow up still love them. Sure, I loved them when I was in high school, but that ended with high school. Eventually, if you grow, you get into death metal starting with Cannibal Corpse. Then Cradle of Filth in the black metal realm. Then if you reach mecca status, you're graduate into the "real metal bands." These kinds of problems within the genre are exactly why metal is also dying and it's also what killed punk rock. At the end of the day, please like what you like and don't let anyone tell you that it's garbage because it's going to ultimately kill the last genre of music that uses real instruments.
- Enzo Fernandes: Hellyeah!! Decapitated is totally Killer band!!
- Mattie Fee: Not getting the the original music video in the reaction definitely takes away from the essence of what this band was in there infancy.
- mike moore: Not their best
- sorrowsuperstar10: now we're talking ! "dig is just their "mosh pit" song , they have so many better songs and much more meaningful
- Martinezjoe74: Not the best song to start with mudvayne. There are a ton of better songs. Have to give them a second chance
- Lone Wolf: DO NOT react to Not Falling its one of their least good songs but for some reasons they choose it as a single
- J Morris the Review Guy: Great reaction! Good job!
- Bas Pvn: YOB - Marrow
- Daryl Hicks: Are y'all ever gonna get back too punk rock??? Choking victim: 500 channel's and leftover crack: atheist anthem
- Nathan Felts: This guy mudvaynes.
- Jack H: Happy is mudvanyes best
- Eric Fredrick: This is their heaviest song you would dig their other songs more guaranteed
- Triple G: Came across you guys a few days ago and have watched too many videos to count. I love all types of music but seeing different perspectives really changes how I see the ones I prefer less. Casey Donahew- White Trash Story would be a good one for you guys to do.!😁😁
- Jake Robinson: The censorship ruins it. Audience be damned. If you can't handle uncensored lyrics, don't listen to it.
- Copper Lobo: This is a great song but they have other songs that showcase there talent much better. Listen to Scarlet Letters and you won't believe it's even the same band.
- Ashley Rhodes: You should review Jorge jones- he stop loving her today
- Raoul Duke: Primus deserves a second chance. To Defy the Laws of Tradition
- Erica Everetts: The "war" was with SlipKnoT and Mushroomhead.
- hellyeahjames: Hate the censorship shit! Check out Nothing to Gein by them!!!!
- U.S. National Park Quarter Collector, Zeke: Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride
- Wilfred Hinze: Blind Guardian - Bard’s song (In the forest) Avantasia - Reach out for the light | The Seven Angels Theocracy - Hide in the fairy tale Kamelot - The Haunting ft Simone Simons Helloween - Straight out of hell Demon Hunter - Not ready to die Demons and Wizards - Fiddler on the Green Powerwolf - Sanctified with dynamite Tengger Cavalry - Cavalry in Thousands
- Nikki_D1919: World so cold or negative one are better choices. Even happy.
- Derek McDonald: You guys would appreciate and enjoy happy by mudvayne
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: +Nicolas Bertin Please pardon my poor use of the English vernacular in this particular context.
- Nicholas Mercado: Yup, they're just a knock off Slipknot band. It's just the boring Nu Metal sound. Your guys are ears and growing knowledge of metal are getting to refined for cheese ball Nu Metal.
- Eddie Marquez: Sylosis- monolith
- Terry MTBnurse: Shallow would be cool. How about, Sleep together?
- Jonathan Jackson: I knew when I seen this you guys wouldn't like it lmao Check out Mudvayne - The end of all things to come For lyrics alone ( crazy ) to say the least lol
- Michael Clair: Some songs just make you want to fight, this type of music and some Waka Flaka lol
- adbamf13: This is NuMetal along with Slipknot.
- Raphael Ber.: Check out LEPROUS - THE PRICE
- BasedGod YD: Dig is a fun song from Mudvayne but it's one of their worst choices for non-metal heads... please revisit Mudvayne with either Happy?, Forget to Remember, World So Cold or Fall Into Sleep
- Shane Miller: I know it might have won in the votes but you should have done death blooms
- Adam P: “Farewell Mona Lisa” by DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN
- Chris McSwain: Mordecai Mike so true. Vegas, check out DeathBlooms. Probably my favorite song across all their albums. Brilliant
- josh jacobus: They would have liked key to nothing
- Henry TheGreatAmerican: Congratulations... you are listening to the worst of rock music. The generation of late 90s to early 2000s rock that destroyed the genre. Slipknot was also part of the rot. Horrible stuff. No clue why I clicked on this specific video.
- Chad Koon: The drummer is one of the best in metal. He's insane!
- Steve Trent: Check out “Sun Doesn’t Rise”- Mushroomhead
- crunk bunk: "Nothing To Gein" is probably the rawest song from L.D. 50
- Kirver Galarraga Castro: Not Falling abd World so Cold!! They're gonna fry me for this, but i don't understand why "Dig" is their must praised song.
- Carlos A.: World so cold, death blooms or happy is a much better choice for first time listeners.
- Randy Lott: The bass player, Ryan Martinie, is a goddamn beast. He's also a seriously humble and kind human being. Check out March of the Cephalopods by Soften the Glare. It's his new band and you can see what he's been really wanting to play all these years.
- SyZyGy7: Happy is a song y’all would like as well
- JeffTheAntisocialPiano: Please react to This is home, fool, or Lemon Boy by Cavetown!!!!
- Linus Wärn: This type of music sounds so outdated already.
- Kevin Cheatwood: Play Hu from Mongolia
- Matias Simour: You want some anger? React to Snot - Snot (song) .You will love the groove and the anger on that song.
- M McBride: Haha. The song is all about "you can't change me" and "I'm not selling out" and we listen to the edited version. There's some irony in there (and not the Alanis Morissette kind). ;-)
- Oscar Sanchez: Determined would've been the better aggressive song.
- hatred is power: actually its funny you mentioned the slipknot and mudvayne connection slipknot slipknot actually took mudvayne on tour with them on tour before this album came out on their tattoo the earth tour in 2000 i belive it was they came out very much around the same time slipknot still hadnt recorded their second album iowa
- Vinny Gonzales: mudvayne is pretty much a spawn of slipknot. or try to be. but they still good. they made a mark in nu metal.
- James Willis: Guys, this band has sooooo many songs that are waaaay better than Dig.
- Kathy Young: Mudvayne = Meh.
- Teehee186: Anyone else think they would like protest the hero ?
- fick sack: Lost in Vegas, please react to Loaded Lux - Rite ft. Method and Red !! The song's fire and I think you'd enjoy reacting to it! Very underrated but I think it deserves more recognition.
- fiend1182: Please give Mudvayne another chance. They are an amazing band but this is a tough first song.
- Hughes Mcmurray: You should do save me by damageplan! Dimebag, rip, and Vinnie Paul's band after Pantera broke up.
- Sean Henry: Please do Mudvayne again, choose a different song, please. Death Blooms, Trapped in the Wake of a Dream, World So Cold, Not Falling, Severed, Cradle, Know Forever, Prod, Mercy Severity, Skrying.
- Alleyezonjimz: Mudvayne - Happy? :D
- Kiran Buzza: Iron Maiden: Phantom of the Opera
- Mike Fox: I'm a big fan of all types of rock and metal, but this song sucked lol.
- ilikefartjokes: You guys should check out BAND MAID Moratorium live!!! All girl Japanese band. Killer musicians!!
- Ian Robison: Pleaaaasseee react: Vola - Whaler.. https://youtu.be/FaCiC8X5bKI
- Jessica McCoy: Ya'll should listen to Rascal Flatts, Here Comes Goodbye.
- Michael Van Dyck: Their older albums have way more riffage. The new album is great, but it’s them trying to fit into popular metal imo
- swtbass Moore: I respect you guys..,.
- Vincent Villano: Ohhhh you opened up the worm hole
- TB 7788: yo please react to Lights Out by Royal Blood.
- DeathGrinder B: you should check out happy.
- roolee2k: well...math metal is not for everyone
- awfpunisher: George be digging deep in old message boards
- Peter Brown: I remember Mudvayne!! They were not my deal because I was not into Nu- Metal that much. I was more into thrash, black and death metal. I was also into Pantera and Sepultura. They were the innovators. Try Pantera-I'm broken!! Much better!!! Thanks for being honest.
- Cvaq 21: Nu Metal is the genre. Plenty of songs and awesome bands. Can’t wait for ya to explore more of this era of metal 🤘🏼
- baddayoverdosed: They're a band that grew on me over time and went on to really form my tastes. Dig is one of their most extreme songs so there's plenty of more palatable songs to check out.
- Edwin Bonilla: Death blooms is soooooooo much better!!!!
- mgunter: Slipknot - Spit It Out. If you liked his flow in Duality, then this would put many rappers to shame.
- Mark Cambria: New Locksmith 2019 freestyle!! Review it please
- Sean Coleman: FIRE FROM THE GODS - EXCUSE ME. is a good song to react to
- Randy Wissler: It's about time you guys finally did thisone!! 😂 keep up the awesome job guys!!
- Ben Chesterman: Daniel best Bassists in Metal
- Erica Jester: 🛑✋🏼 You guys reviewed Jolene, country artist CAM did a reply to that called Diane✋🏼🛑 Do that.
- DeathVerse09: Agreed. Fall Into Sleep and Happy are typically the first songs I use when introducing people to Mudvayne. You never start out with the heavy shit, unless the person has that specific taste in music.
- AusieV: How was Happy? Not one of the top song on the list?
- Ivan Quinones: Please listen to "Death Blooms" by MuDvAyNe. More melodic
- Cory 1278: I feel like the song Forget To Remember would be more for you guys.
- Cortland Wheeler: Rittz "Down for Mine"
- Temic 626: Should've done death blooms. Better musically, lyrically, etc.
- That comic guy: Know forever by mudvayne. You're welcome
- dealerfromthedark: I feel Determined was a way better choice for the heavy side of Mudvayne but if you want to go with the more slower style then Happy? is a good start
- igor domijan: You can not listen to this censored man!!
- John Pinter: World So Cold is incredible. This one was a bad first song, but I suggest watching the music video to see how over the top this was back then.
- Pete Ortega: The Midwest made some strange bands. Slipknot, Mudvayne, and Mushroomhead...maybe it was something in the water.
- Kenneth Drummond: Pleeease react to Hellyeah- Human It is Chad Grey and also Vinnie Paul from pantera, very badass song!!!
- Mike Jones: Raise hell by hed pe
- Jolly old Drunk: Try some black lable society. Lots of good tunes. "In this river" is an anthem to dimebag.
- shiekastate: As much as I love Dig, there isn’t any real break to it that stops the aggression. Death Blooms would have been not only much more digestible but show in a much better way just how beautiful and incredibly dark some of their music is.
- Omni-Kage: Mudvayne opened for Slipknot along time ago
- Jason Terlaje: Mudvayne used to open for Slipknot and were closely affiliated with them early on in their career. “Dig” was very much a declaration track for their debut album LD50. I would agree with the assessment that it was an extreme track trying to out extreme the rest of the pack in the 90s. The real gold is in the rest of LD50, the entire album really takes on a life of itself. The first half’s intensity progressively marries into some pretty amazing musicality in the last half of the album. Technical, emotional, lyrical vibes are all there. Thanks so much for reviewing one of my favorite bands!
- Anthony Benavente: Death Blooms would of been a better intro to the band.
- Isaac Hipsher: If you guys ever wanna give Megadeth another listen, check out Go to Hell. Preferably the 1991 live version. Mad love bros <3
- Kay Jay: Probably not a good song for your guys first listen haha they have songs that are way more mellow
- illumonic: While it's a wrong introductory song for them, it was a great one for me in the 90's.
- Aaron Louk: You guys rock! Keep up the great work. Black Sabbath Children of the Grave! Black Sabbath Children of the Grave! Black Sabbath Children of the Grave! Your welcome.
- Hols: Another absolutely gorgeous song by Mudvayne is “the patient mental.” LD 50 is a tough album for a non metalhead listener. It’s pretty raw. The end of all things to come was their best!!
- Julien DUMINY: There are so much better songs than this one (Happy, mercy severity, the patient, not falling, world so cold...). Sorry guys, but you really picked the wrong one here. can't wait to see a second chance from you guys :p
- eamon37: love dig, but definitely think you should have went with death blooms or not falling
- Mark Simrow: This was early early mudvayne, for second chance, move to a later albums to really hear their talent. They got so much better.
- GutterBallEZ: Did you see the movie Ghost Ship? Mudvayne makes a shout twice in that one with Not Falling, both just before they find the Antonia Graza and during the end credits. I feel like that one's a little more easy to appreciate than Dig. Still kinda shouty and hard, but not quite this in your face. Not as Extra, maybe.
- dan doug: SLIPKNOT. SPIT IT OUT PLZ. stay awesome guys.
- Chad Koon: Halfway through... sounds like you guys are leaning negative. The "2nd chance" song needs to be Not Falling and then maybe Fall Into Sleep.
- muddinmann: Happy
- Gabriele Leone: should've started with Death Blooms, better song overall
- Person Man: There WAS an extremity contest in the 90’s but it wasn’t with this pop music pretending to be metal. It was called Grindcore.
- SanjiVinsmoke: "happy" or "forget to remember" would have been better. Even I started with the more melodic songs of mudvayne, because it was at the time I didn't like extreme metal.
- ruinsane100: Vitalism "Pagan 2". It's a keeper.
- scrunty9dillion: Just sounds like it wants to be Becoming by Pantera.
- Sean Stevens: "Sticker this! Censor this! Ban This! We've got something to say! Police this! Condemn this! Damn this! We'll be heard any way! MIDDLE FINGER IS THE FLAG THAT I WAVE WHEN IM SILENCED!!!!!"
- D. Ryan: Yes!!! Mudvayne DIG!!!!it wasn’t the 90’s this came out in the 2000’s, 2001 was it’s popular radio/ MTV time
- Rewindingsforlosers: I would've done "Nothing to gein"
- Link Less: NothingMore - "Let it Burn" Hollywood Undead - "Your Life" Comment any other suggestions?
- Berkay Demirer: Guys if you want to explore more you should do Sepultura - Territory (origins of such metal music) Ill Nino - This is war (this one is really different)
- Esteban Aguayo: Why does people do this?? It should have been Happy? Or World so cold. You can't start with their most aggressive stuff. We already know they hate these types of songs and what's the first thing people do? Request these songs... I seriously have no respect for the huge lack of common sense from average people. I'm so lucky to be who I am. You have no idea
- ezo 696: Terminal spirit disease too
- Chris Feehan: I agree with a lot of the other comments on here this is a very bad intro song to one of in my opinion best metal bands of the early 2000s. I would recommend the songs Prod, Mercy Severity, World So Cold, or Skrying.
- Joshua Mcguire: "Happy" is a great song for a come back.
- ICFHI Cyrus: Try mudvayne nothing to gein it's about the Infamous Ed gein
- Josh Davis: You guys killing it with the dig puns lol but yea for real happy fall into sleep would have shown more what mudvayne is about
- Nick Kempster: Death - Crystal Mountain
- Ill Foundry Media: SO GLAD you picked this one. It’s an older track, their first big hit. They wound up going a little more mainstream later on. I wanted you guys to hear this so you could see the progression of their style. Plus you need to hear it uncensored, kinda kills the impact
- Shane LaRene: they have done few already...and they like Tool a lot!
- thedogatesoup1: Gotta say, I've watched a lot of your all's videos. Your channel is one of my favorites... but this is the first one I'm bummed about. I will say, I love this song but it's brutal and hyper. It's the first song off that album and it's meant to take off like a rocket. So I wouldn't have started you all with this particular song. But they are crazy awesome musicians. Their first 2 albums were very unique. If you get into the later albums the songs become more formulaic. Then the band Hellyeah spawn from this and has more of a southern metal sound. But I digress. I hope you'll give them another shot down the line, I think they're a special band that were very progressive and talented. But as always, I appreciate your all's real feedback. That's what makes you guys worth listening to. Keep up the awesome work.
- Hols: Mudvayne and slipknot came out at the same time and toured together in the beginning so they are definitely alike. I would definitely like to see you guys react to one of their songs with more clean vocals. Dig is there most hard hitting song. I said from the beginning that Dig would not be a great song to start on. Prod is a much more progressive song and showcases their musical/vocal talents in a much better way. Something from the album “the end of all things to come” would be better. It was better produced and they were in their prime for sure. Their bass player, Ryan Martini, is absolutely incredible.
- brett triplett: there best song is forget to remember after that is happy
- Richo Suave: Temple of the Dog “Say Hello to Heaven”
- 11094DEREK: Mudvayne-Happy
- sheepnoisebah: Death Blooms and Severed
- Phil Ramey: You really can’t judge metal as an outsider if you two honestly want to understand this side of music, go to a show and get in the PIT!!!!!!!!
- Larry Shaffer: Suggest happy by mudvayne
- Baal Seraph: You guys totally should check out Weightless by Evergrey. It's one of the best songs I heard in years! :)
- Martin Ivie: Was not much of a mudvayne fan
- Robert Davis: This is not the Mudvayne song you start with. Not Fallin, Fall into Sleep or Happy would’ve been WAY more palatable
- Terrible Infant: Not to beat a dead horse, but... Downset: Anger
- DeathGrinder B: I think slipknot came first. I remember because I read a interview with mudvayne saying were always one minute late.
- Metafizyczny Arkadiusz: Mr. Bungle - Quote Unquote (Travolta)
- J D: I was JUST listening to Let it burn!🤘
- Christopher Jacobs: They did change hahaha you fellows should listen to more of their stuff. They did get softer over time just like slipknot Don't get me wrong though I do love the clean vocals
- Craig Weaver: Should of done Death Blooms, Nothing to Gein, or Severed off that album
- Whitey Ciscum: Gentlemen, I believe that Static-X needs some attention. Maybe one of their earlier tunes like Push It or maybe something off Invincible.
- MJDGator: For the love of God anything from Prong. Talk about an underappreciated band.
- RocketEightEight: Welcome to Nu Metal. For me it sounds more like Korn than Slipknot. Agree with the "wrong choice" comments.
- Alysia's Attic: According to Songfacts this song means the following: On their first album, the masked marauders of Mudvayne included "Dig," a song that takes aim at the music industry. Lead singer Chad Gray didn't take it well when certain record company executives offered their unsolicited advice. "People putting their two cents worth into your art that have nothing to do with art on any level; they're completely business, but they think they know the best thing for you," is how he described them in our interview.
- John Wilson: This is nothing like Slipknot. I mean it's heavy, ya but you guys are right it's over the "terrible" top. Never did really like Mudvayne.
- Danien Brekhus: Please do upchurch cheatum its lit
- Jesse Walters: https://youtu.be/AP7EGVld5AI
- Deathbedzombie: Have they reviewed “Would “ yet?
- samhouston1979: “Not Falling” or “determined” please
- Nick: You guys should have done Happy, Not Falling, or World So Cold by these guys. Much better representations and introductions to this band. I’m not really a fan of Dig either.
- SirJack of Camelot: Clear soul forces reaction? Anyone....anyone? Whelp imma just leave this here https://youtu.be/7OhFYOMjkJs Just incase you havent heard any of there music here is the latest one 👍
- Bearnutz: Dig was a bad choice for the first Mudvayne song. Sadly, they’ll probably never review another Mudvayne song which is sad because Chad has an awesome voice and the band has so many beautiful songs.
- JR Thomas: Y'all should check out Stonehenge by gothminister
- matthew hafner: Trust me, give Mudvayne another shot, listen to a slower song he’s a talented singer
- Downsider: What's up with people giving them great bands, but the wrong songs to react to on first listen. Happy? - All That You Are - The Hate in Me. These are what we would consider entry levels.
- Dennis Cooke: Now you've got to do Hellyeah. Any song would be a great choice. I think Happy or World So Cold would've been better choices for Mudvayne. They are a little more radio friendly, if you ask me.
- Alicia Hensley: Y'all should really do a metal band with an awesome female lead like Otep - Blood Pigs
- Longrifle Report: Google a picture of mudvayne....and the song will make sense lol
- Hellucinogen79: Mudvayne have a song called "Prod" off this same album which is easily my favorite because it doesn't sound anything like this run of the mill "extreme" shit. The tempo and transitions (which I know you both love) is crazy in that one. So you should check that one out.
- Nathan Wade: Please do the new Locksmith video, 2019 freestyle on Shade 45 w Kay Slay
- John Gotti: Give Y.N.G or the watcher- itsxmusic a reaction, he’s not well known but still🔥
- Jay Despirited: When ya gonna revisit some GWAR my dudes? I know ive been away for a bit but im always here 😜. GWAR- War is all we know. Just sayin 😊
- Thilo Seliger: LA DISPUTE - KING PARK.. DOOO IT!
- Diego Varela: Please try Biohazard : How It is . A masterpiece between metal and rap
- darkneji190: hop on that Kxng Crooked Hip-Hop Weekly wave He’s gonna drop a song every week for the whole year this is the 1st one. https://youtu.be/PGEaNXVg9po And the 2nd one https://youtu.be/yhFYFJuxxkY
- McPherson123: SEVERED! Severed is one of their masterpieces. Of that was number three in the polls get that one. Death Blooms also would be much more palatable for you guys, I think. I like the first two Mudvayne albums a lot but I could live without this song honestly. It's insanely aggressive and powerful and blunt but so far from being their best work. It's just their first major single that got them attention back in 2000.
- metal666maniac11: Yall should check out whitechapel or revocation. Go into the heavier side of metal. Love mudvayne though. So many better songs then this one.
- Desolaytore: Ryan Martinie is still one of the best bass players ever. Wish Mudvayne would get back together.
- Stan Hill: Consider a video review of Die antwoord cookie thumper or fatty boom boom
- tony ayres: Not falling and world so cold are great songs. It shows a better vocal range of chad
- brandon hefty: "Smells Like A Freakshow" or "The Eagle Has Landed" by Avatar!!!
- Aja Pagano: Avenged sevenfold this means war Please!
- Noah Gillette: For you guys is probably the wrong choice for the first song all of that was their first single but songs like severed, -1, nothing to Gein Death Blooms all on this album Would have been a better first choice from this album anyways and there song changes abit on every album. So don't give up yet on these guys
- JediEdin: God Forbid - Chains of Humanity 🙏🏻.
- Thoma Ohern: do ceterum
- Detective Police: Hey fellas, try to scream with me it’s a much more melodic song by Mudvayne
- Alysia's Attic: +Cory Dobrzynski yeah Happy is much better... I do love Dig but that is not where I would start someone lol
- Justin Smith: Nailed it!
- haterade johnson: White chapel - saw is the law
- Kenny Ottesen: One of my favorite bands of late 90s early 2000 area, but TERRIBLE CHOICE for you guys unfortunately...chads vocals years later we're Sooooo much better and actually deserve a listen ..Midwestern boy who could sing...but this was terrible!!even in their more commercial , "radio friendly" songs...you could find things to appreciate in a Mudvayne song..if u listened to a cheesy song like "HAPPY" u would be surprised..PLEASE don't make it the final attempt
- Can we hit 500 subscribers without any videos ?: You guys *NEED* to react to Oliver tree
- Michael Buckle: BEHEMOTH!!- O father O satan O sun or ov fire and the void!
- Brandon Hayward: +Christopher Malec agreed.
- Big Chungus: Idk and Denzel man
- crunk bunk: Shawn Crahan, the founding member of Slipknot is the executive producer for this Mudvayne album, that should help explain the likeness of this song to Slipknot.
- Flip Jupiter: Should have done Death Blooms. It's their best song followed by Not Falling.
- Kyle S.: Wish ya'll would've switched to the unedited version once you realized this one was censored.
- Matt Kalcic: Bro this is the wrong song for you to listen to first. MUDVAYNE was the best band and than they broke up and it became HELLYEAH. Please give them another try I would recommend Not Falling, Happy, or just everything else they did.
- krulldunk: In Flames - Only For The Weak !!! (Amongst many old good songs) My friends!
- Peter Flack: The red heartbeat album the end of all things to begin, Before L,D..50. IF IM CORRECT there is the chemical brother's prequel to DIG. This was trying times! It was harsh brother! That was 9 11 2000, everyone felt that. The gun against your head is the last thing on a free thinking mind.
- Andrew Baker: Death Blooms is far superior even though Dig is a good song. You really need to check out more of this album cause they do go deeper with more melody and less just in your face intensity. Dig was kind of their first statement as a band like "we're here to throw down so pay attention!" it was the first song on the album but go a little deeper and youll find more and more of what they really felt and stood for at the time. The face paint was kind of a gimmick to get their name out there but they really are amazing musicians especially Ryan the bass player he is one of the best I've ever heard in any genre. PLEASE at least check out Death Blooms cause its a pretty well rounded example of their full sound.
- Chris Mcmeeken: This is the good Mudvayne.
- Matthew KsE: Awww shit dude. You listened to the shitty censored version. I remember watching the video for this on TV as a kid and I think I liked it? I was 5 in 1999 dude, can't remember lol.
- THE ELECTRIC EYE: Y'all Want a Single - KORN F*** THE POLICE - N.W.A
- jonathan ortiz: I love Dig, but this is not the song I would've recommended to them to introduce them to Mudvayne lol
- M. Swaiti666: You really should react to Static X
- Prince 6ft1: MUDVAYNE- SCARLETT LETTERS is their best song
- Edward Ballew: Bad choice for 1st listen to Mudvayne. "Happy?", "Do What You Do", "Beyond the Pale" would have been better.
- Alex Roth: Not Falling next from Mudvayne !
- JoxnJoxn: Do a reaction to the intro song of your videos. I wanna hear more of that
- Lanning Kann: You guys need to check out the band Bad Wolves
- Samurai John: Man puts me back in the day. I was a freshman in highschool when they came out with this album..... WORLD SO COLD
- d0re: The groove is much better in Dig with all the "motherfucker"s in there :D
- John Davis: Still need a Body Count (ft Ice T reaction). Maybe the song Black Hoodie or No Lives Matter.
- Beragal: Dig is definitely not a good starter song for Mudvayne. World so Cold would have been a lot better intro into them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqLysVUDlq4
- SoraBeck441: This song is obviously the most violent song from Mudvayne (and from this part of music history)! If you were looking for melodies and all, this is not where you should have started. You even mentioned Death Blooms, Severed, and I will mention PHARMAECOPIA as well. Personally, I think this album is one of the best of all time, and really interesting. They have of course followed the "extreme" tendency of that time, but adding unusual things all the while: complexe rhythmic, mix of funky-jazz, rap and neo metal influences, insane song structures,... They have not strictly follow that path for next albums, and great things have been done (World so cold, Not Falling, Determined...), but nothing as perfect as L.D.50. I invite anyone interested to DIG into the album a bit more (during gaming session or sport or whatever) and progressively feel the magic behind it, when you'll find yourself banging your head not even knowing why , and crying without even knowing why :). Cheers!
- TyGuyHealth: Mudvayne are badass Death blooms Determined Not falling Severed prod
- Joel Mancuso: Sylosis-Teras
- Koricon Nala: Great reaction. When it comes to 90's metal it's best to watch their music videos as well so you get the crazy visuals they wanted to put with the music. Plus, 90's metal had some strangely awesome videos lol.
- Redwood Forest: Is Philip anselmo from pantera singing are you kidding oh fuk yeah!
- krulldunk: Slipknot - Spit it out !!!
- Funguy: Mudvayne's sound changes from album to album. Everything after L.D. 50 is distinctly different than Slipknot.
- evilcoleslaw: Oh this takes me back to high school. Lmao
- Jerry Godsey: Jill came first. Heh
- Rob Wilkinson: You guys really should have done Death Blooms!!
- empty soul505: So thats metal maybe not the most metal song but a good one most people cant hang with that level of beautiful aggression so no surprise you didnt like it that is like my childhood favorite song though but I also grew up with nothing got bullied and whooped alot and hardly got fed so aggression sounds good to me so mad shade lol jk but no really
- Ghost Cult Magazine: Not Falling or Determined are likely more for your tastes.
- Kyle Robinson: I don't think Dig was the best choice. There was far better Mudvayne songs to choose
- Glenn Calvin: Good song from a pretty good band.
- small dog productions: World so cold is a great song
- daniel Webster: I had the same reaction the first time I heard mudvayne cuz I was already a big slipknot fan, but if you want over the top you should check out a little band called GWAR lol
- Mike W: You guys do such a great job at noticing things I never even think about.
- Roberto: Megadeth - wake up dead
- Jesse Post: Hey Ryan and George! Long time watcher! You guys should do Tool's "10,000 days" i think it would blow yall away
- Igor Ilic: This song sucks
- Steve Trent: Check “Solitaire Unraveling”- Mushroomhead
- Randy Scheetz: Too bad you didn't do World So cold for an introduction to Mudvayne
- MrRiboflavin: 100%
- TheDrath08: They have a few slow songs on the same album. Nothing to Gein would be great, its about Ed Gein the serial killer.
- Megan Johnson: World so Cold would’ve been a better first song to hear from them but still enjoyed the video. I love yalls honest opinion and reaction.
- Yearn: React to we get high by logic
- Mechanical Turk: Been a Mudvayne fan for years... You guys should've gone with 'Death Blooms' for your first song. My brother once described Mudvayne as sounding like a band falling down some stairs with all their instruments. Death Bloom has some great chorus hooks.
- Brayden Davidson: Zero by otep is one of those nice metal songs
- Joe Flynt: Mud vein covered a song by the police called king of pain that was surprisingly good
- James Noack: This song is only good in the context of the album it's a single for, L.D. 50 was an amazing album, extremely inventive and the only contribution to metal that was worth a damn from Mudvayne. Then it's like they stopped trying to put the same effort into their music. It's more than can be said of many artists though, for sure. For me, what stuck out from L.D. 50 is a bassist that is actually doing something (drummer too), and unique and clever music structure. My recommendations- Prod Internal Primates Forever Nothing to Gein - About Ed Gein (for a little backstory) And know, not that many metal bands were doing what they were doing at that time.
- VanPhoenix: Roadrunner United - In the Fire
- Joseph Harris: Idk much about Mudvayne but I listened to some of their other stuff and it seems a lot more accessible than this song. I listen to Happy and not falling and those would probably be a better representation than this song.
- brandon lokers: You guys should get back to ne oblivascarus I suggest eyrie thanks for all the content guys.
- TenTonNuke: I agree that this is a horrible first song to discover Mudvayne. It's not exactly newcomer friendly. Listen to Hellyeah's (same singer + Pantera's Vinnie Paul RIP) Hush, Moth, or Love Falls.
- Luiz Feitosa: Massacration-sufocators of metal. camon guys just do it. You will not regret. The guys from massacration are just joking, but it is good anyway.
- Chad Bassett: There are much better songs from them! Chad Grey has a great voice this song is pure aggression and does not show his voice. Also you should check out HELLYEAH It is his other band with Vinny Paul! Start off with I don’t care anymore! It’s a cover song that Vinny did with Dime a long time ago and never put out. And they wanted to do a cover so Vinny brought it out of the dust. So Dime has some guitar parts on it!
- daweedkid: The clean version? That's not the way to listen to this song
- Chuck Baxter: Chimaira six!
- Al Grabar: U need to watch happy? Way better than this
- Brian Icu: i like mudvayne but this song is trash
- muddinmann: Also this is a very bad version, missing the intensity when its edited.
- Civilian Commandos M.U.L.S.A: Mudvayne is okay. I always felt they did sell out as time went on. Great live band though.
- brightnessfalls: Helmet-Unsung
- Abe Segovia: Its about the record biz trying to change the band.
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: This was their only first good album debut, after that they banished
- pelviseresley: You all gots to do slam metal. Epicardiectomy. Love you guys!
- Nick Lorenson: I completely like mudvayne. And enjoyed the lead singer in hell yeah. The voice is so calming to me. R.I.P. Vinnie!
- vinnie Ruddy: You guys are right. There were A LOT of comparisons between the 2 bands. They're both from the Midwest, they both wore masks or make up and they sound similar
- 212 X: Iron Maiden "Run to the hills" live in RIO. Blow your minds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ToNJHgp-w
- Geno Melendez: If you want to get the full spectrum of Mudvayne, you should definitely listen to Severed, probably their best song on L.D. 50.
- Victor Newman: “Do what she left behind”- Jedi mind tricks
- rogilest: React to Skindred - Rat race and Jewel of the summertime - Audioslave
- opencasketfacelift: Not a band for a casual
- Bengie Banks: World so cold is far better.
- Kuzniarito: Maybe try Fear Factory now
- Ken James: You guys should really try and listen to Happy by Mudvayne that's the song that has a few Melodies in it one you guy's might actually like. Just got to say love you reaction videos you guys are awesome keep doing what you do much respect.
- Troy Drummer Allen: Spiritbox-Perennial
- Matthew Schiess: I think you would love the lead singer’s work in his other band, Hellyeah. I highly recommend their song “Moth” from their album “Sangre Por Sangre”.
- Luka Antic: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (live at Wacken 2013), just trust me :D
- bdowden23: World so Cold is the way to go for an introduction to Mudvayne. Dig is a pretty shallow song when compared to the rest of their work.
- Chris Raj: Y'all should listen to their Death Blooms performed at Ozzfest 2001
- Q Ba-bomb: Check out Hellyeah. And their song Love Falls. It's the vocalist from Mudvayne. Pleases and thank yous! 😁😁😁
- Viper Phenom: I don't think you guys have ever reacted to a Chris Brown song, the dude is super talented. "All back" will blow you away with the notes he hits.
- King Grantavius: Avantasia - The Scarecrow Judas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death Nightwish - Ghost Love Score Please!!!
- B-Rye 2005: Why did you listen to the edited version 🤦🏽♂️
- Scott Gillespie: +Craig Gibbs Prolly my fav on there..such awesome grooves..!
- Joseph Bobenrieth III: Bad Mudvayne song. Should have been Scream. Next- Melechesh- Multiple Truths
- Dusty Blankenship: Personal preference edited songs tend to mess with the feel of songs heavy or not.
- civictech1: Any other mudvayne song would have been better.
- Joey D'Orazio: I love Mudvayne, I feel they are underrated, Dig is a great song but I feel that they have way more depth to offer.. "not falling", "fall into sleep", "world so cold" and "severed"... they show so much range on Severed.. If you revisit Mudvayne you need to listen to severed, next to dig it is like night and day!
- Bob Slaw: Black label society fire it up
- Jeff Osborne: Periphery- Make Total Destroy.....u won't regret it
- jeremiah williams: React to smoke dawg fountain freestyle
- HarryO 1198: The edited version just kills the song
- Joel Suero: Look up axle Leon 100
- xraisex: Slaughter to Prevail - Hell ..... more deathcore, less trash.
- Jack ‘Oliver’ Closeoff: Most Brutal Metal Scream
- Brian Mase: Mudvayne Cinderella Story One Minute Silence- Stuck between a Rock and a White Face
- doug bradley: Dragonaut by SLEEP Marijuanauts Theme by SLEEP Dudes, This would be the way to segue into Stoner Rock. The groove will really move you. Love your channel.
- Heidi Klinger: Death blooms please!!!!
- Wayne Ingold: Dig is probably their heaviest song. Try Not Falling or Happy?. When you get a chance definitely watch the video for this song though.
- funkster007: World So Cold by Mudvayne might grab you guys more. Give it a listen.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: +Nicolas Bertin That's not what I said...
- Jason GV: check out world so Cold by Mudvayne.
- Brian McDonald: Star of this reaction: Ryan's face as he was clearly trying and failing to enjoy this song.
- Tj Voss: The CD came out in 99 and so did Slipknot they both came out at the same time.
- chamoy980: Tool - vicarious I️ can not express enough how beautiful this song is !
- YodaStorm: Hello from Far East, Russia. Love your reaction videos. Can you pls react to Voidhaven - "The Floating Grave" and "Beyond The Bounds Of Sleep"? if you dont mind
- AJ Haeflinger: Shoulda been -1
- Chris T: Y'all would've enjoyed Death Blooms, Severed, and Nothing to Gein sooooo much more. Dig is purely brutish adrenaline - there's a lot more to the tracks I mentioned.
- tiDDies aTTic: "HOME" by MARC BROUSSARD https://youtu.be/Jb5JVoG1pDQ I know how much y'all dig Chris Stapleton so I GUARANTEE you'll love this song!
- MrSuperjay99: Basically any song of their albums (not the EP's tho, those are meh to me)
- Numira: fully agree or pharmaecopia live.
- Mark M: Not Falling and World so Cold would've been much better choices to start with considering they have a lot of Chad's awesome clean vocals. Dig is strictly aggressive in nature. Chad has such a great range and he is also the singer for the other band of the late great Vinnie Paul(Pantera), Hellyeah.
- Matias Simour: Or Do Snot - Stoopid. You will love that bass, but do some Snot song, it will be funny.
- pmhops77: Check out Hell of a Time by Hellyeah! Same singer and guitarist from Mudvayne and the drummer from Pantera.
- Dave Bourke: a serious song, but it's not really rated in the metal world is Powerman5000 - Supernova Goes Pop. If ye wanna hear some awesome metal that will NOT be mentioned in the comments otherwise, check it out.
- bretpip: Also, bad first choice. Maybe world so cold by them. Never liked did.
- tallenicon: Either do another RUSH reaction or do any Nightwish song.!!
- zedrow69: Sad.. edited version. Terrible way to hear any song for the first time.
- Joshua Haskin: I definitely feel like, "Severed" would be a great song to react to by Mudvayne. It's their best song musically on the L.D. 50 Album, and has a lot more than just screaming, with good song writing.
- Jason Ullrich: Just for the hell of it, check out this video a bit.
- anthony Schaeffer: REACT TO SLAYER- Dead skin mask
- Alan Martinez: Trance is the motion🤘
- tarman2: oi you should react to it Dylan lol
- Taylor Kitchens: Iamtherealak Money remix goes hard
- Ben Trukhan: L.D 50 is their masterpiece album.
- D 850: Mudvayne was such a big deal in the 90s when this came out! The video is awesome!! This would have been up with Slipknot, Korn, Marilyn Manson. Check out the band "hell yeah". Same singer.. And vinie paul (rip) on drums. I vote for alcohol and ass 👍😁 And if you do this song.. Just remember.. Yes this is the same dude that sang DIG!!!
- Robert Burrage: Architects "Doomsday". Please.
- Ernesto Flores: I think "severed" is the most poetically aggressive song that mudvayne has. Definitely my favorite on L.D. I think they would appreciate that songs lyrics more than some of mudvaynes other songs.
- Sean Clements: Also for more accessible Mudvayne Death Blooms is the way to go
- Drake Parker: How dare you listen to this song without the music video??! I'm unsubscribing!! 😤
- Chubby surprise: One of the few videos where I want you to see the vid just for buegel face lmao but can we get a Gojira born in winter reaction tho.
- Jeff Murray: Beg to differ
- Hank Hill: your comparison between Mudvayne ans Slipknot isnt far from true. it was a battle between the two for kings of the midwests nu metal genre. Mudvayne being from Peoria Illinois and Slipknot Being from Des Moines Iowa. neighboring states and some say rival cities because of the competition between the two bands.
- Alex Kulp: Agreed
- Edogawa Linn: please do annihilator -only be lonely
- Neal: Should go watch the video now, just for kicks.
- Arturo Garcia: oh YAYAYAA
- TheCarter117 Gaming: Hell ya! Ill Nino! But not This is War. They should do one of the other songs thats a lil more mainstream for their first taste... but No Murder or I am Loco are what made me looooove Ill Nino
- HillWilliam: I remember like 7th grade this song was the shit. Now hearing as an adult it’s pretty well trash. No melody, the lyrics suck, the way they put forth the lyrics sucks. Definitely not on my playlist today. With that being said u guys should react to Parkway Drive.
- Jonathan Gonzalez: You’re so right about mudvayne and slipknot, I wouldn’t say competing but they came out on the radio around the same time. Dig was mudvaynes hit and (sic) was slipknots hit around the same time
- Blackened: Korn - Here To Stay please!!!!! You will love that song
- Jim Kremer: You really need to do Chicago, 25 or 6 to 4.
- i have to wait 90 days to change my name: competition? mudvayne got their breakthrough in 2000 when slipknot gave them second stage on a tour they headlined. there's no competition, rather brotherhood.
- Sam Pranger: Guys, listen to mudvayne - world so cold.
- Ri2K: Bass player is fire
- StuartBell52: If I recall right, some of the guys played in HellYeah with Vinnie Paul. Mudvayne took me a while to get into... By the way, Dig won a Grammy... :p
- Bonzoso21: Slipknot and Mudvayne hit the masses pretty close to each other, with Slipknot's debut LP out in '99 and Mudvayne's in 2000. I remember watching their videos on the short-lived MTVx. I think most people think of Slipknot being "first" because Wait and Bleed got radio airplay pretty quick and I don't remember anything from LD.50 being played on the radio (even though Dig won them an MTV Video award). Dig and Death Blooms got them recognition from the metal community, but it was Not Falling on their second album that put them on the radio. Both bands toned down the shock value a bit after their first album, but that was definitely a popular metal scene at the turn of the century.
- Dire Despot: Faith No More - Jizzlober
- allen medina: Do Blue October - Hate Me. It's a sad rock song about the lead singer
- Emmett Huff: Mudvayne happy
- Dakota Tumbleston: Please do "world so cold" it in my opinion is their best song! His clean vocals are amazing
- Cayden Childers: They don’t go really high pitched tho like no where close to high
- Bill Serad: Happy? is the best song to be introduced to this band. He has a great voice when the vocals are clean
- Jay Smith: Not Falling 🤘🏽
- Matthew Monroe: Happy as well was a great song of theirs. LD50 was an awesome album dig is just not the best song
- A N: Not falling or Happy? Would’ve been better first song choice.
- rodney smith: Mudvayne-prod. My favorite mudvayne song. Esoteric.
- Real Life Kayfabe Situations: Not the best song from the band..
- brady settle: You've got to check out Austrian Death Machine!!!
- Jose Santiago: You guys gotta get more Alice In Chains!!
- Wade Hatfield: not falling or world so cold
- Chuck Castro: not falling pls.. thats the best of mudvayne! \,,/
- Corey Smith: World so cold
- Brecklyne Lunt: Well why did you choose the edited version, its a great song (unedited) but not a good intro song for the band. But you know what is, Gates of Babylon by Rainbow!!!!!!!!!!! i guarantee.
- Saint Angel: Mudvayne fish out of water
- Joseph Thiery: +Icenineiv THey would have liked Happy?, Forget to Remember, Fall Into Sleep.... or Fish Out Of Water, Do What You Do, Cinderella Story... or Scream With Me, Beyond the Pale... anything that could conceivably have been played by a "normal" hard-rock/nu-metal group. Godsmack-level heavy, in other words, not LD50-level heavy.
- momentumspace: Night Flight Orchestra - Midnight Flyer
- Dale Morgan: Hellyeah - War In Me
- William Gill: If you react to anymore Mudvayne World so cold is the one. I want to see some reaction to some punk rock though! Rancid - Time Bomb Nofx - Linoleum
- Matthew Jelley: Agreed with others songs like World So Cold, Not Falling, Fall Into Sleep, Happy would have been better
- DaceVanier: steven wilson - drive home
- Mezmerizer 9: I'd absolutely love to see your interpretation of the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
- joshuad30: Not Falling way better pick.
- BC Hodge: the only reason I got into disturbed was because they had mudvayne tour with them. it is kinda dated but they have better hits, this was just the first one that got them on the map
- Dallas Magby: Kingdom of Sorrow...behind the blackest tears
- The Faded Line: Clown from Slipknot helped produce this album
- Robert Phillips: Happy is a much better choice
- Elena Hancock: Simple by Florida Georgia Line
- Ralph Dougherty: Guys...Never ever start with Dig! You should go to Not Falling if you’re going to do another Mudvayne!
- CLA55IFI3XD: This song edited is ruined. Bad chance at a first impression.
- Peter Shannon: I agree with the extreme comment. Don't understand why when u have good lyric and a singer with a good voice, you have them sound like a couple of dogs fighting over a bone. Brian Johnson of AC/DC didn't have the greatest voice, but would AC/DC been better if he sang like a sick bull. Great show guys, how about doing some Scorpions, the Zoo or Blackout. Thanks
- Joel Oxley: People are literally just trying to give these guys the most extreme metal they can find to try and provoke a reaction, imho. So many awesome bands and tracks are getting missed out due to the masses just being like "hurr hurr play this song lol its so heavy they will react haha such extreme so metal 2edgy4me" Having said that, they haven't done Decapitated 'Spheres of Madness' yet...
- Jake Munoz: Should have reacted to ''dull boy''.
- Will Vaughn 6.3: Fleshgod apocalypse - any song pls !!
- Yaboy Bobby: Boys listen to doorman by slowthai, it's a dope track
- genithlol: Please do Holy Diver - Killswitch Engage
- Luke Hampshire: I'm going to throw this out there but I feel like you should of reacted to ’forget to remember’ its a song that saved my life
- J B: I never got into this band, but I like this song. I like the start/stop tempo and flow of the music mixed with the vocals. Please do some 80s metal again. Please do Whitesnake - Slow and Easy or Savatage - Hall of the Mountain King.
- Bleeding Brutal Promotions: Love you guys, but really wish you would have went with watching the music video just to see your reactions to that! Lol
- condutchak: Listen to Death Blooms. I'm not crazy into Mudvayne, but it's one of my favourite songs of all time
- Def-Tones121892: Mudvayne> Hellyeah
- michael smith: do bob dylan, or hed pe...
- Micah Granai: Please do a reaction to Dreams by Fleetwood Mac !
- TJ Prus: Always thought Dig sucked as a song. Death Blooms on the other hand is what made me like and appreciate Mudvayne.
- toby puscifer: Its about suicide, basically saying hed rather commit suicide than change for anybody or anything to make others happy.
- Leedguitar2: Static X - Love Dump. Love to see the reaction of the lyrics.
- TheMawsJawz TM: Wild Eyes
- Patrick Cann: This song isn't much without the video. Point blank
- That Guy 1981: The video from this track will seal your reaction in a tidy package
- Danny Hedges: Bring on some Snot Get Some, Ozzy Mr Crowley, Black Label Society Junkies Of Genocide
- Azagothe: Check out "Not Falling" by these guys. You'll likely be surprised it's the same band.
- ehem - hem: Dig is my best pick..most brutal and aggressive song also it makes me MORE hype and energised compare to other nu metal songs like alot of slipknot songs but i really love Slipknot
- Anthony Mcnamara: Stand in the corner and scream with me! - Mudvayne.
- Darren Rodriguez: Try World so Cold.
- Alex 1: I love the comments saying "this is not a good representation of the band." SPOILER none of their songs are a good representation of their band.... LOV get into stoner metal and doom metal. But first ambient metal- neurosis - locust star.
- Jorge Aleman: You guys should listen to some Maximum the hormone
- Lee S: Death blooms would’ve been 100% better. This is a terrible first listen for Mudvayne. The other two you mentioned would’ve been far better for you guys. There’s actual melody in those songs whereas Dig is more of your “get in the pit” kind of song.
- Lucas Prestes: Hey Guys, do something about "Architects - Doomsday"
- Skurt Reynolds: Nightwish next guys! Preferably Ghost Love Score Live
- condutchak: This album was produced by one of the guys from Slipknot and both bands are from Des Moines
- Timmy Marley: Not quite. LD50 was released in 2000.
- jdrazz52: DEATH BLOOMS
- Mark Brown: This is one of my least favorite songs on this album. There are other songs that are more mellow and more musically diverse. This one is too one dimensional for me. Also Slipknot and Mudvaine came out in the same era. Shortly after Korn, who began a trend of self pity lyrics. "Nobody loves me, Boo Hoo", type lyrics. I hated it then and still do.
- Garvs23: Porcupine Tree - 'Blackest Eyes' or 'Deadwing'
- Ron Schutzler: Surprised nobody said scarlett letters from mudvayne.
- Kreptas: Youyouyou
- Ghostief: Igorrr - ieuD and Boris - Vanilla For a second I even forgot what I usually request.
- stapler: Damn dudes really breaking it down like a hip hop song. Nu-metal lyricism has some shit to mine i guess.
- Victor DiCicco: 40 Below Summer - Rope.
- jumpy beaner: Rhythmically better for you "Have it Your Way". by Mudvayne!?🤨
- dvourmusik: Slipknot and mudvayne are Kool, no beef
- Haas _Delgato: Mudvayne- Scarlett letters/ dull boy Alice in chains- nutshell
- Doug Watts: James Dabbs I believe they’d have a different perspective if they would’ve went with the other choice “Death Blooms” those are two great ones too!
- Gus: Please React to Her ghost in the fog by Cradle of Filth
- King Frederick II: Bring back Iron Maiden. It's been a while. Listen to The Rime of the Ancient mariner, but id it's too long Powerslave and Iron Maiden(the song), and Back in The Village.
- 777malkavian: Guuuyss, please react to the new music clip by JINJER, called "Perennial" !
- Damian Reviews: Deadsy- key to Gramercy park
- Fahim Ahmad: Mudvayne & Slipknot were friends, they actually opened for Slipknot I believe. They both started around '96 and recorded music around '97-'98...Slipknot hit Ozzfest in '99 and Mudvayne broke big on Ozzfest '01 We metalheads LUV 'Dig'...but for u fluffies, Mudvayne got slower tracks - 'Happy?'...'-1'...'Fall into sleep'
- dvourmusik: It's sounds different because is math metal. And the crazy thing is they won a MTV new artist award.
- Haunting History: Problem is people vote for what they want to hear and not what the guys might like. Death Blooms would have been a far better introduction to Mudvayne. I hope they give em a second chance. Side note, the bass player for the band is sick.
- keeto787: Cattle Decapitation- Manufactured Extinct
- Jason Cunius: The main difference that separates Mudvayne from Slipknot is the bassists. I know everyone loves Paul Gray but he even stated he played the bass like a guitar. But when you go to Mudvayne he's known for being one of the best bassists with one of the most unique Styles in metal over the past 20 to 30 years.
- blackened death: GUYS. you have to expand into newer genres of metal that is more modern and just like in rap there is metal that oldheads like and there is metal that they typically wont like. that metal is the metal you havent even come acrossed because of your demographic. WELL. its time! I'm going to list some bands that were iconic in my generation as being a METALHEAD. (1) A day to remember- A shot in the dark. (2) Asking Alexandria- Not the american average (3) Attack Attack- Stick Stickly (4) Woe is me - Fame over demise (5) Memphis May Fire- The Sinner
- Jack: 'World so cold' is what got me into Mudvayne. I am also not a fan of 'Dig'.
- Duncan Llope: Literally ANY Architects song! preferably Royal Beggars or Hereafter. New album is insane
- Stebbi LV: Yeah the censored version really loses something.
- Scott Warren: Severed is a much more “balanced” song with the best writing. And I echo, Dig video is definitely key to the experience.
- Robert Smith: Blind Guardian - Into the Storm
- willie 55: We called shock metal GWAR were the kings of it watch a Gwar video you'll understand.
- nlerd: Severed is by far their best song in my opinion. Death Blooms, Prod, Nothing to Gein, Cradle and -1 are all also really great off of LD.50.
- D. Ryan: Review their song “Happy” they don’t have their face paint on in it, from 2005 or “Closer” that’s a badass song too!
- Havel the Rock: You guys really need to do an Insomnium reaction. I've been waiting now for a few months for a couple of channels to do it but no one has yet. While We Sleep would be a great introduction. :D
- HillWilliam: I’d like to see them react to Blue and the grey
- Anthony Baiocco: Exhorder Desecrator
- Gerad Martinez: Yo guys. You're sleeping on a band called currents check out a song called my disguise
- Alvaro Aguilar: The album was produced by Clown from Slipknot lol maybe that's why?
- Damarlo36: Nine inch nails!!! Please!!!
- Boneshade instrumentals: About time for mudvayne and dig out of all of them just hell yeah!!!
- Caleb Grinder: Mudvayne - Happy Fear Factory - self bias resistor or Demanufacture
- cericsage: World so cold
- Mora: Black sabbath - N.I.B
- Renato Gonçalves: You should reacted to the video of this song
- Blaine Ludeman: check out Phil Ansalmo and the Illegals for some seriously extreme music!
- Ryan Meeks: funny thing is, this is the only song I ever liked from Mudvayne.
- Nathan Offenstein: LADY STEELHEART!!!!
- John U: horrible choice what the hell
- Soul FiirSt: Not falling
- Brombit: Pain of Salvation - Beyond The Pale Nightwish - Ghost Love Score one day, R&G, one day! :P
- Dane C: You have to do severed guys.. dig is good for taking the dirt bike out but they are much more than this.. ryan is one of the best bass players alive and they drummer (matt i think) is amazing.. severed, then deth blooms
- Colonel Sanders: Diggg! Yes!!! This album was on repeat for over year when it first came out
- MrMeSeeksTruth: Yeah man... Listen to the unedited version next time. Way better. No cuts. Ya'll awake yet?? lol
- thiago oliveira: Chronic Slaughter by Slaughter to Prevail
- PandaJamGaming: Published on my Birthday!!! My hometown band!! Peoria, IL represent!!!
- Ian Ryan: Should have watched the music video y’all it’s sick and yes it was kinda like a contest between Korn, Slipknot, and Mudvayne and mushroomhead
- Ralph: Gotta agree...great band choice, bad song choice to start with for them. World So Cold or Happy? or Forget To Remember. World so cold would be the best choice I think. Shows off the whole range of the band.
- Adam Wood: "Fall Into Sleep" or "Forget to Remember" might work better for you.
- Team Xxtreme: Of even hellyeah I would listen to Moths or even their cover of i don’t care anymore
- Shane LaRene: Determined
- TheOriginalMike D: You should relisten to this song with the bass track only Ryan Martinie is a beast!!!!
- Raiderblack: This!
- Terra: dmx - the omen !!!!!!
- Pat Pathetic: PLEASE PLEASE!! Please do NOTHING TO GEIN. I really think you will dig it!!!
- Stix&Stoned: I've read thru the comments and agree with most when they say it's the wrong choice of song to get into the band with. I definitely feel that u would appreciate some of their other songs. I also agree with George when he says it's a straight aggressive and brutal track. I'm sure it was the point behind it, but I tell people all the time, that don't understand why they scream in this type of music, that it's their way of further expressing the emotion behind these songs. Just as someone would do if they were pissed, or frustrated. Maybe go thru and check out some of their other tracks and see if u agree. Love the channel guys. Keep it real ;]
- Vlad Andrei: And it's also the song that shows their style the most. At least for the first album, which is their best one.
- JRHockney: I'm kind of sad that you didn't like this one more. I'm not the biggest Mudvayne fan but this song captures their utter brutality and killer Pantera-like screams. This is a great song If you're really pissed off
- Jonathan Smith: Guys it gets better. They're a pretty deep band and get better as they go along. This song blew my mind. Imagine discovering this while in 6th grade. Very refreshing at the time compared to commercial music. Happy, Dull Boy, World so cold are all good choices.
- Boya: Please react to Z vs Z by Zamaera ...
- Peter Flack: There was a (remix)
- Ran7man77: Mudvayne has always been a “rip off” band. Slipknot like you already caught and they were a band who took a lot of “rap rock” bands which were already such a fad and caught the tail end of s mainstream trend. That lasted until the end of the the mtv era. They ripped off so many bands that they did not last. I’m sorry but it’s true.. I know some people still like them but let’s face it, they were never a truly great band
- Keshav Srivaths: Baroness - A Horse Called Golgotha
- Mr. Very Kool: This song doesnt really represent this band all that well unfortunately. Most of their music is a bit more welcoming and a lot more complex. This song is very 1 dimensional and aggressive while also being kinda a meme in their list music. Hope yall come back to these guys
- Jeremy Allen: Love Dig, but Death Blooms would be a much better first listen. It showcases Mudvayne's musical diversity as well as Chad's vocals. You turds need to quit voting on your favorite songs! You need choose songs that will want these guys to revisit the band again. Not just "One and done" them.
- Mylo: Idk if you guys are Smash bros fans but you should react to the 2018 Smash Cypher... it's lowkey great
- Taylor Hart: Check out Babyface savage by Bhad Bhabie ft Tory Lanez
- Ryan Wimmer: Definitely not my favorite song of Mudvayne and I like the band. Not Falling would have been a better starting point.
- * Threeeleven3227 *: Death blooms and make sure you pay attention to Ryan’s bass playing. What a beast
- Diana Stojkovic: I'm a metal lover, all music lover actually. Except for this stuff. There's amazing heavy metal. Must hear: White Zombie/Rob Zombie. Please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Also, his concerts are on fyah. Literally😊thanks! https://youtu.be/yPNFVj-pISU
- C Mad: Mudvayne Out to Pasture!!!!!!
- Earl Robnett: Man, you rreeeaallyy should've done death blooms. Its the next task on the album but not even in the same category.. I think people vote with their hearts instead of what's a better song musically
- Tim Mahoney: Way back when MTV2 was new, this was the original MTV2 Video Music Award for best metal video..
- Chase Vonnegut: Good intro to Thrice. Like x1000000
- Paulo Aloisio: This is from the NU METAL era... Korn, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Hed PE, Linkin Park (aaarrrrghhh), and many many more. Sepultura's Roots was released at this point with a feedback-influence effect, much guilt to Ross Robinsn (producer)
- REVOisMYname: Lol the songs context is ironic considering the swearing is censored
- Brahm Tancredi: Meanwhile...Death was making everyone look like amateurs.
- ProgHead777: Don't know much about Mudvayne, (they apparently flew under my radar back in the day, though I remember seeing their name). I went and listened to the full (uncensored) version of this song and the thing that struck me is that there's no variation. It's like, if you listen to the first 30 seconds or so of the song, then you've pretty much heard all it has to offer. The same thing over and over. That can work in some situations, but in something as heavy as this, it's just boring by the end, after less than 3 minutes.
- Darren Gooding: Happy? Great song by them
- TheMawsJawz TM: Forget to Remember is so good. The whole Lost and Found album is a masterpiece.
- Rob Isbell: That’s my favorite album of theirs
- mace blasy: I think Death Blooms is a good summary of the band, but not the edited version
- Steve Loring: LOL
- Ali Gazerani: Locksmith new freestyle.....
- Ashley Larion: Dull Boy would have been the best song to start with. Not Dig.
- James Schmid: For the purpose of this channel I think World so Cold is a better starting point with Mudvayne
- O K: Happy? would've probably been a better song for you guys to start on
- Lea Gaber: Not falling and world so cold ante songs I think you’d like
- cshuau1: Hatebreed, “This is Now”
- Texastentialist 1845: Music is becoming mind-numbingly technical and actual singing nonexistent.
- Kdizz11: Listening to this song must be what getting a lobotomy feels like.
- Faisal bourgeois: React to boogie - silent ride
- Sebastian Wolfe: Hellyeah:Hush. The lyrics will tear into you. Same singer from Mudvayne.
- Jakob Furbee: Listen to All Out Life
- harrisb1994 harris: Thuggin Noise, Jodeye, Wassup, Brand New Guy. please guys. ! Starlito @War with myself please too. You guys are the MAN!!
- neoxori2: hey guys, please react to In Flames - Zombie Inc. It's Melodic Death Metal, im sure you're gonna love it...especially that beautiful Solo
- Carlo Casy Favero: when are you doing to do Mr. Bungle? Mr. Bungle!!!!
- 1bulletaway: Slipknot and Mudvayne's debut albums came out a year apart. They toured together several times. They're both from the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois). They both wore costumes/makeup. AND, they both have a VAST range of music across their respective catalogs. For Slipknot's "Snuff", Mudvayne has "Goodbye" or "Dead Inside". But anyone familiar with the 2 bands know they are very different musically. Mudvayne is a bit more technical and proggy, their bassist Ryan is one of the best bassists in all of metal. "Dig" was the first song off their debut album L.D. 50 and it to me, is just meant to pack an initial punch of "here we are motherfuckers". And from there the album takes you on quite a ride of varying sounds, feelings, and emotions. -1, Death Blooms, Nothing to Gein, Severed, Prod, Cradle.... OK, all of them... the album is a goddamn masterpiece that still holds up to this day. I would argue with anyone that it's one of the best albums of the entire Nu-Metal era. They went WAY more commercial by their 3rd album. Songs like Fall Into Sleep and Happy? would be great starters for those not so much into the heavier stuff. They have 5 albums, and there's something there for just about everyone.
- Shrapnel's Bunker: I think Gwar had it won with the extreme and over the top..
- joshua slomba: Should do death blooms
- m0zilla3: All that remains- the air that I breathe!!!!
- ImShiftFaced: Oh and this is old mudvayne the newer song not falling is more ear friendly
- Deadlock 1988: I know that you not gonna like this Song 100% but If you try new type mudvayne you gonna like it for sure. Try Happy? Or Forget to remember
- Johnathan Brown: Just let them get into the not falling album or a cinderella story... Lol
- pakakola: Root!
- Michael Page: Wish they did happy
- Gen666: Korn Right Now - with Music Video
- Velvety Shark Toast: man you can't start mudvayne with dig unless you're already a metalhead
- Arden Jerome: There are so many better songs on that album. Prod, death blooms, severed
- Nikolai Jermihov: Y'all deadass hit the lottery on bad intros to good bands. Idk man. Meshuggah - Future Breed Machine, before I kill myself. Please. At least a bare minimum. Fml.
- Akira TV: This is OK, but do Death Blooms and watch the video guys... image is big, was big with these dudes..
- Dusten Doolen: interesting point this song won the first mtv2 music award.
- Micheal Hatchett: Severed is on the other end of the spectrum from this song, but, it really illustrates how talented these guys can be. Death Blooms is a pretty sweet median between the two, though.
- Azeem Imran: Static X - The Only Please react to this next.
- JayCal6: Don’t overthink it. Mudvayne blows.
- Caleb Brown: No mushroomhead influenced slip knot mushroomhead came out 2 years before slip knot
- Isaiah Palmer: Do you are the reason by Calum Scott!!!!!!
- metalboy27: Archspire next plz.
- joseph neff: Something very different with mudvayne is that the "BASS" player does the leads not the guitar player
- Nigel MacQuillan: (hed)PE - Crazy Legs. A 'rap metal' band that got signed to Jive and got so into debt on the debut they had to record two more albums with Jive just to get out of it. This is off the second of those albums. Their earlier stuff is more punk and reggae influenced. The latter album is more and more mainstream hip hop influenced. Everything after those 3 albums is without the majority of the band and sucks. Objectively it's the worst but I still love their first 2. The third is a bit meh.
- Ashley Collins: Death Blooms would have been a better choice IMO
- Darren Ratcliffe: MUST WATCH- Harvester of Sorrow LIVE in Moscow ‘91-Metallica
- stapler: Yeah it's like Slipknot a lot, the clean songs, the core technical member of the band (drummer in slipknot, bass player in mudvayne), nu-metal tones, hip hop influences esp on vocals. I still like them a lot though, edgier and less overproduced than some of Slipknot's material.
- Rob Logan: Not Falling was a bit more melodic and I think you would have appreciated it. As a drummer, I love Dig. A lot of people refer to Mudvayne's music as "math metal". They like to do tempo and time signature changes throughout their songs, things I appreciate in a body of music.
- Xellious: Definitely need to listen to Death Blooms or World So Cold.
- Mr Schneebly: Orphaned Land - "The Cave" Between the Buried and Me - "Selkies: The Endless Obsession"
- Benjamin Gonzales: Shit severed and pharmacopia
- Dieselmachine4: Do -1 on that same album, that bass is hot in that song.
- Dustin: I would have loved for them to react to "Nothing to Gein" though there later albums are probably a bit more accessible. Do wish they would get there shit together and put out another album though.
- cginsane22: Let's GO!!!
- hammermillable: for this video, you should have watched the Music Video. It's wild. Honestly I don't even like the song, but the video is wild.
- Joseph Thiery: (LD50, 2000) Severed (Lost And Found, 2005) Happy? (The New Game, 2008) Fish Out of Water (Mudvayne, 2009) Beyond the Pale Those are probably the songs you should listen to from each of their good albums. I omitted The End of All Things to Come because it sucks. I also omitted Kill I Oughta/The Beginning of All Things to End because it was their self-produced debut album and was pretty rough around the edges. Also... you guys need to give Jinjer another look... give a listen to Jinjer - Ape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC3djB7-nc0
- Jamey Alford: Clown from Slipknot actually helped discover mudvayne
- Ugunark: Love y'all! Check out Cuntpressor by Vaetxh. It's like nothing you've listen to before, but definitely as intense as the metal you've been exploring.
- Эдуард Лозицкий: For the first time Death Blooms, Cradle or "-1" will be a much better choice... Try it too, please.
- Logan P: Architects!!!!!! A R C H I T E C T S!!!! These colors don’t run, gravedigger, cancer, a match made in heaven, gone with the wind, holy hell. Any of these!!! Thanks guys!!!
- breezyamar: Shame they had the censored version. Also I think it would have had a better impact if they watched the music video. It's a great song
- John Laden: Not the best song to introduce someone to Mudvayne. But good breakdown of the lyrics tho. 👍
- Steve Perez: Hail The Apocalypse- Avatar
- The Adventures Of Uncle Bucky: I wish y'all would do Mercy Serverity by Mudvayne
- joe whitley: Time for Static X for sure
- Kim Yu: nothing to gain..
- Drum Guy: My favorite mudvayne song is trapped in the wake of a dream. The vocalist formed a band in 2007 called HellYeah, which originally had mudvaynes guitarist in the band also, and former Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul.
- Pedro Cohen: Bad choice to begin with this band
- gary45251: If you want an amazing song for the gym you should check out “DETERMINED”! I have it set up to play at the end of my workout to get me through. “HAPPY” is an amazing song from Mudvayne as well.
- Seth Skinner: Check out "The End is Begun" by Three.
- Rilton: Death blooms is much better
- Hector Alvarez: Koricon Nala wasn’t this song early 2000s nu Metal?
- Joe Brooks: New Dream Theater - Fall into the Light😈
- RøckBøttøm Anønymøus: "Under my skin" !
- Insomniac Boxing: Pantera - Revolution is My Name
- luke timmins: World so cold and happy are a lot better than dig tbh
- Raymond Smith: Check out Mushroomhead: Solitary Unraveling
- Victor Miranda: Oh Severed, severed. What a song!!!
- kenneth laterreur: Death angel discontinued bay area thrash at its finest guys
- Valhalex: Not Falling or Happy! Those are much better songs to show someone just getting into Mudvayne (similar to you guys hearing metropolis by dream theater and then hearing as i am)
- PSYmonSez1985: "Edgecrusher" by Fear Factory was one of the first heavier and agressive songs that I heard when I was younger. May be a decent intro to this kind of thing.
- Dustin Clark: Jrsam25 Gaming that album always pleasantly surprises me. It’s super solid.
- TheReyruls: Can you guys react to an Australian rapper he's pretty dope. I request Alex Jones - My Time Part 2
- Mark Dawson: I watch you guys alot on your channel. you two have great intellect and like the fact that you are taking interest into others fields of music. just a little advice, this song has a video that is really good. with songs that are chosen maybe try to find the video first, every song. they really enlighten the experience and will give an overall better aspect of that song. there's a few of them I noticed you missed. Stay open minded and keep up the good work. try the video by a band called Necrogoblicon, the song is No one survives.👽👾.
- rebecca Poston: LMAO! This song is terrible. When I saw the thumbnail I was like, they are NOT going to like this one. lolz
- Jay Smith: Cold
- Patrick Roche: winonas big brown beaver by primus.
- Jesse B: The 90s definitely had a lot of bands that were like," hey, look at me! I'm a white, adult man who is emotional like a teenage girl. I'm also a bigger freak than all the freaks who came before me. Look how strange and unique I am, please!" Mudvayne was definitely one of them. Coal Chamber is another that pops into mind. Listenable, but nothing special there. Would like to see what you think of something off of Static-X's Wisconsin Death Trip. It's their best album as far as I'm concerned. Maybe try the title track and definitely not one of their radio tracks.
- Joshua Huskey: Renegade, Crazy legs, bartender, Swan Dive, Killing Time, SUFFA
- jay winchester: Hey guys! I'm a big fan and have been watching for a while now. You guys should check out jidenna -long love the chief, or the devil makes 3 - old number 7
- Jose Bolaños: Ooohh boooiii Dig hahahha!! This is the first song in their first album, its basically a kick in the face, probably their heaviest song lol Death Bloom, Severed, World So Cold, Forget To Remember and specially Happy are mmmuch better choices than this
- QueenBee 1980: Tool- parabol/parabola. please please please.
- The- Pokéman: Lot of better songs by them prod is awesome
- Empress Benedict: I love love love the bassline in this. It's crazy!!!!! He's slapping it harder than my mama did to me for mouthing off back in the day!
- Some Dude: I remember when I was body building I'd listen to this song on repeat for over 4 hours at a time. I was benching over 405. thanks mudvayne. Thanks for the reaction bros
- Max Palmer: This song is great
- Matthew Whitney: I remember the first time I heard dig (saw the video on MTV) and it was too much for me. A few years later I heard Not Falling and Mudvayne became my favorite band through middle and high school. Including Dig. Props for giving it a shot
- jakeybball: Y’all gotta do Pallbearer, please!!!
- Stephanie Watkins: All these ppl saying dig or death blooms. Shoot what about happy, or not falling they are 10xs better than both songs recommended or fall into sleep or forget to rember which was even in one of the saw movie trilogies. Listen to my list and boom you'll love mudvane
- Electric_Eye: +Hols It's those types of songs that get people into a band. I got into them because of it, and I have now come to like Dig because of it
- Cancer Söze: i agree
- RJ 121378: Slightly off topic, but have you guys considered making a video kinda counting down your top 20 or however many video reactions of 2018? That would be sick!
- KTM Neil: Give Mudvayne a 2nd chance!! (might check out Hellyeah too if yall like Pantera) L.D. 50- Nothing to Gein The End of All Things To Come- The Patient Mental Lost and Found- Pulling The String The New Game- A Cinderella Story Mudvayne- Out To Pasture
- lil Wayne gretski: For real yall should react too of mice and men let live or the flood by off mice and men thanks
- Amer532: Battle Angels by Sanctuary!
- Goofytrooper 420: Upon a burning body - Texas Blood Money. Show the video if you react to it😂
- aaron noller: I do like this song but Death Blooms is much better musically and lyrically .
- Hannah Chamblee: your interpretation was great! and if you thought they were like slipknot you should have seen the video lol
- Zebulon Swearingen: Still sounds great after all these years. Never knew the lyrics, now I like the song even more. Oh, don’t wanna hear metal? Dig. Here’s some metal for ya.
- Scott Gillespie: +Eric StodolnikBelieve me, im not a big Numetal guy at all..First Korn, First Slipknot and First Mudvayne are the only ones i really would call masterpieces from that genre...Few other bands are good but nothing 2 this extent... Im just saying for a debut album whos sound is unique with nasty bass lines, killer riffs and Chad grays vocal range is very impressive..u can listen to the whole album with ease...so yes a timeless masterpiece...
- RickChavo: Jacob Beuch I’d love to hear them do L’Enfant Sauvage.
- Rocker Fella: Glad to hear you'll be revisiting Mudvayne,they deserve another listen. The songs that have been offered up in the comments are all good choices
- donnielmcabee: world so cold - mudvayve. the vocalist Chad Gray has a very versatile voice. IMO he and Corey Taylor of slipknot are probably 2 of the greatest most versatile voices in metal.
- Masked Pimp: Counting on me by koRn is a pretty good song :D But any song by koRn or slipknot would be nice
- Dilli Gaf: -1, Death Blooms and Prod would have been far better choices for first tracks off of this album.
- Anthony Perkins: Keep up the good work. Y'all are great!
- Iblis König: They were basically SlipBizkit with a decent bassist. My old drummer loved them. I hated them. They were one of the nü metal bands that were total bandwagon jumpers. They sounded like everyone else. Like Coal Chamber. This is the corner of metal (along with glam cock rock) that's the most embarrassing to metalheads to have to own. Like when people who've never heard metal go to put on a Coal Chamber or Poison record you can see the dread on metalheads faces like "no!!!"
- Aaron Deighton: The Almighty..... anything from the powertripping album
- ericsiggins1007: Dig, was my introduction to them back in high school (‘00-‘04). It was interesting to see them evolve from there. But yeah, for the mainstream this was probably going to be a rough intro
- Thomas Fields: NF - REMEMBER THIS, PLEASE.
- RudeMotherF%^&er: You should do world so cold by them to judge their music it's a lot better. Dig wasn't for the music or the vocals, it's a hype song for them live
- Soberano: One of most underrated songs of this band is "Internal Primates Forever" It's REALLY heavy and REALLY good, technical and everything, chek this out
- Kiran Buzza: The Glass Prison by Dream Theater must happen now!
- nosaltpillar: Y’all’s reaction as always is awesome. I’ve been listening to rock and especially metal for at least 30 years so I too have a little bit of insight. It’s terrible. Try Prong “Snap Your Fingers”
- Ben Chesterman: Listen to Dry Kill Logic = Rot
- Mike Dearman: Death Blooms is a must listen. Dig is was made for MTV, it’s all “Shock Factor” Death Blooms is a far better representation... DO IT! 😁
- Tre Hadley: Can y’all react to bhad bhabie ft Tory lanez
- That one guy you know: You guys should really do devildriver!
- Mitchell Fink: check out "4 willem" by caleborate
- The Death Twitch: Check out Ice T's metal band Body Count, they're bad ass
- N8R T8R: Listen to the song "Happy?" by Mudvayne, that one is actually pretty good.
- howard lancaster: -1 or Severed for something a bit more progressive, Can't Wait, or Heard It All Before for heavy/groove.
- Jon Laukeman: “Prod” would’ve been a much better choice off that album
- Dylan Harris: Mudvayne is cool, but you guys need to hear more slipknot, like from their early days. People=Shit is super heavy but a must listen. Also (Sic) is a good one
- Damion Johannsen: Mushroomhead- Save Us
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: They're nothing a like, what are you talking about? This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- TheDoomSlayer Yeet: Great song
- Jarrett Thayer: Good song but i think the song Dull Boy by them would be more yalls taste. Its more melodic yet heavy still. Its a well rounded song to get into for a first listen of this band. Great reaction tho! Keep em coming!
- Nathan Davenport: Sevendust. You need to listen to Sevendust.
- up1nsm0ke420: Mudvaye Dull boy
- Darrell Gaither: +The booty Warrior Patreon subscribers are paying $1 a month so they release some videos earlier just for them. Plus they have polls on there to help pick the songs they do. I can tell you there will be a Faith No More video on here in month or two.
- Clint Brown: How about some ALICE IN CHAINS- Rotten Apple
- Jeremy Butler: Can you guys react to Impending Doom?
- elizabeth white: Do juice wrld
- dima hissingsteam: Try Mudvayne: Happy, Death Blooms, Fall into Sleep, Forget to Remember
- Anthony Gatel: your ears are good, this album has been produced by shawn crahan, the clown from slipknot!
- DJ Harris: Do another Upchurch reaction!!
- Chris Crim: You guys nailed it because they caved in and got more commercial with every album after this one. Check out one of their more commercial songs that are still cool like World So Cold💙
- Tim Miller: This album was killer. This song cannot be listened to edited. It butchers it. That being said, it doesn't really scratch the surface on Mudvayne's creativity
- Rob Isbell: Wow, haven’t even thought of that Cold song in a minute, it was a good one
- Andrew Huot: React to death blooms!!!!
- Jessie Christ: This song groooowsss on you
- PilferTheLightOfDawn: Death Blooms is definitely an easier entry into Mudvayne.
- Amy Park: I love your videos guys, always so great to see you react to songs I've loved / laughed at like DIG. I'm so glad you chose dig, such a ridiculous heavy song. The feeling in this song is so powerful but also it's got that almost self-satirical metal vibe (i mean the lyrics come on ahahaha). You guys are right about the slipknot comparison! I'm stoked you picked up on the awesome bass in this song. This is definitely an example of a band that goes "extremely extreme" - look at the video!! lmao
- TheJimger: Please react to more Tool!
- newonaginnalf: Dammit ..... still no death blooms
- billy bob: Guys, please look into wash it all away by five finger death punch. Worth every bit of it
- Christian Marquez: Y'all should definitely listen to Death Blooms. It's more creative musically.
- Chris Heim: Id like you guys to do sound of madness by shinedown
- Brian Matthews: Death Blooms is a better introduction to Mudvayne.
- Bryan Naranjo: Good on you for picking up the Slipknot sound, these guys are shit. Just listen to Slipknot
- Knotunit: +Joe Schulte Hindsight. When this debuted it was the shit. It was a lot of peoples first listen. We cant all be casual and wait 5 years for a radio friendly hit.
- Dan Glesak: Listen to the Bee by Amorphis
- nno2012: What about symphonic metal ? Nightwish , Sonata Arctica , Rhapdody , Epica ..
- Nicholas Doe: Do another slipknot, mudvaynes a poor man's slipknot Also mayhem won the extreme 1990s contest, https://youtu.be/7fk_v2SRUSM Here is some history of mayhem, kinda fucked
- Greg Hale: World so cold encompasses most all the texures of Mudvayne.
- Adolf Hitler: If you guys like a little funk mixed with rock, check out "the who: eminence front".
- Draithegemini: Their best song.
- Brayan Suarez: You guys need to react to capital steez I promise you guys won't be disappointed ( btw he was a member of pro era ) Emotional thoughts- capital steez Dead prez - capital steez
- Rezarks: Can you react to slipknot - prelude 3.0 please(:
- jason sanford: Please Do PRONG (snap your fingers snap your neck) Please
- Trevius Rex: Wow that censorship really breaks the song up.
- miguel ramirez: Archspire- Human murmuration
- PhoenixXZY: Deftones fan here, and I don't want to see a reaction to Adrenaline. As their first album, it is very messy and production value is low. I would much rather see a reaction to more White Pony or any album afterwards. Maybe some Diamond Eyes or Koi No Yokan.
- Charles Hudspeth: Funny you should say it sounds like slipknot since Clown from Slipknot produced this album.
- Metallix NZ: world so cold
- Edward Loves crypto: Pls do more Alice In Chains... God smack, rotten apple, nutshell, and God am pls
- Paul Champ: SUNSHINE THE WEREWOLF!!!!! 😇
- Rafael Martins: Not my favorite genre of metal and yes, you're right. It sounds like Slipknot, too… The video was very cool, though.
- maggie franciss.: LUKE JAMES "Drip" or "These arms" Oldskool RnB feel
- lethaldragon: Yeah, this song is trash despite being the most played song from album when released. Not reflective of their sound. And the reason I stayed away from Mudvayne for so long way back then. But world so cold and others are much better.
- mrbiggles92: Pink Floyd - Time
- Andy Kraemer: I completely get you guys not loving Dig, but it it's one of those songs that fits better in the album as a whole. You're right on with the whole late-90s aggression thing though haha
- James McClellan: Death Blooms is a wayyyy better song. But Dig is okay.
- john salchichon: Censored version? Come on guys!
- Jose Perez: Or listen to Mudvaynes A World so Cold.
- RTR FITNESS CHANNEL: They are a shitty version of slipknot. Dont see it.
- Deryl Duggan: death blooms would have been a better song
- Chris Lane: Chris Jansen "Holding Her" Eric Church "Homeboy" Brett Young "Mercy"
- Cunning Linguist: Pretty sure this won a Grammy
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: I saw Disturbed, Spineshank, Mudvayne and Slipknot together in 99' and still have their cassette sampler they tossed out, lol! This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Sean Henry: You need to do SEVERED
- Felipe Silva: Internal Primates Forever would be a better choice....
- Will Sitek: Just saying, if a band reminds you of slipknot its a huge compliment. A hugely underrated band compared to one of the best in metal history? You're doing something right. Great reaction
- Norm Smith: Mudvayne was way before Slipknot ...Slipknot was inspired by Mudvayne in one sense or another i'm sure.
- Luriel Quesada: This edited version sounded kind of sped up to me for some reason. It sounded off but this song and video was on tv despite how “extreme” this is compared to other songs of the same era.
- fsudrummer: Rivers of nihil "the silent life" please
- James Barron: I’m surprised that you guys didn’t like this song. You have reviewed bands/songs that I feel are way harder than this. This was just normal to me. This song did really well and their video was great because they had a unique look. This isn’t one of my favorite bands but I have always enjoyed this song. I appreciate your honest reactions even when I don’t agree or understand when you miss a great song. NIN’s Closer is another great example where you see how an amazing song just doesn’t click with someone. George hated it (more the video but still). I would recommend another NIN song like Head Like a hole, Wish, original version of Hurt (which I feel is still the best version). Also throwing in Mars Volta : Inertiac ESP, L’Via L’Viaquez, Wax Simulacra, Roulette Dares.
- Gustavo Cantellano: Oddisee back of my mind
- Adam O'Doherty: Locksmith - 2019 freestyle
- Dustin White: watch the music video! important lol
- HonkyTonk Spaceman26: Can You React To Upchurch he's a Couhntry Rapper!🔥🔥🔥
- Flip Jupiter: Please don't. No.
- msiaregodz: Ces cru - When Worlds Collide Slept on hip hop group. Do it, you won't!
- Mathew Schertzer: Please react to Tom watts hell broke Luce music video
- Jeff Spain: Deftones (Sade cover) No Ordinary Love.
- Jacob Havard: Black label society - suicide messiah
- RoboJacket: Prong could possibly be the most underrated metal band to ever exist - review anything off of BegTo Differ, or Snap Your Fingers...🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
- Victor Miranda: This as the first album is very imature and still green. They really started showcase their skills from the second record on
- darksoulforeverblack: If thrash was a band it name would be overkill
- Zachary Torstrick: Happy is a much more accessible song. Also Not Falling, World So Cold, Fall Into Sleep. For another heavy Mudvayne song try Determined
- Astral_Jelly: I'd love to see you guys react to After The Burial, Every Time I Die, or The Dillinger Escape Plan.
- herbertson lee: Badass muddy
- jist be happy: Man y'all gotta check out internal primates forever from the LD 50 album
- MaddDogg316: Welcome to the weed of metal. Nu metal is the gateway drug that have brought so many into the metal realm, myself included. This band came around after slipknot but are in the same sub genre but I dont think it was influenced too much by slipknot. Whats funny about this song's lyrics is that this song was a huge commercial success and the band ended up selling out hard, lol. Just a little back story into the whole nu metal rise, this is not considered extreme in any sense by the metal community, its gimmicky. Nu metal bands were competing with commercial bands and are extreme when compared to the commercial scene. Metal bands in general dont give a shit about commercial success. I highly recommend their song World so Cold" and you can hear a huge difference in their sound. Hope im not too late and yall get to read this. Please react to Femina X - Frida's Heart. Thanks.
- Tate Woniya: Lame song!!!! Lame band!!!! Generic AF
- SWE4TINGBULLETS: You guys need to get back to some Megadeth
- II LEEBO II -LEE: Unedited is way better lol. Should checkout Whitechapel’s Endless War. Think this’ll get you guys all hyped up https://youtu.be/Bx4157TlEBE
- Kylea Michele: Dark Tranquillity - Atoma or Forward Momentum
- WebsterA: I hear ya, guys. I've been requesting ALIEN by Maximum the Hormone since they started this channel. Lol. It won't be looked at or cpnsidered unless it gets upvoted. Then they can maximize their views and profits. It is the free thinker's way! ;)
- robosparrow: Enter Shikari - Gandhi Mate Gandhi, or The Last Garrison. They mix so many genres into their music, I think you'll find them VERY interesting.
- PeXis: Dig was a poor suggestion for these guys.. way too repetitive and there are so many better Mudvayne songs with more depth.
- Danny P KNT/33/HB: Remember wwll when this vame out ! Kinda like Snot meets slipknot 😎 Although that chorus reminds me of Soulfly's "bleed" ...they changed their style a bit on the next lps, check them Out
- xedgeforeverx: +Va9ers21 What?
- Noe Suarez: ‘Chasing Faith’ by the Underachievers. Trust me
- Taylor Winterhalder: Slipknot spit it out live
- K.J. Jackson: The New Damnation - Varials I think this is something different you guys aren’t used to but could, maybe, see the aggression displayed as quality art. I feel like the rhythm of chugging, almost-exhausting sounding aggressive vocals, provides a good groove and emotion provoking piece of art. I don’t think you’ll like it based on how aggressive the vocals are, but there’s always a chance.
- Jason Cramer: Actually Determined is even a better song!
- Din ful of sin: you guys would of liked "not falling" or "happy" much better.
- Андрей Петренко: Guys you definitely had to start with different song. Severed would be the right one to introduce you their own unique style. Just give ‘em one more shot. Death blooms and Not falling are also great as well.
- Russ Fortney: Try Tattoo The Earth tour, when LD50 hadn't even released yet. My friends and I went to the opening date of the tour, no one knew why a band named Mudvayne was on the main stage with no album even out yet. Then we heard them and were blown away. Slipknot was great too later. We didn't stick around for STP though after a long day of Sepultura, Sevendust, Slayer, Slipknot, and Mudvayne.
- Graham Baldock: A few better songs to check out from mudvayne (in my opinion) Happy? Fall into sleep Not falling Forget to remember I hope you guys come back to them as these tracks aren't the same. They still have those awesome riffs and sound but vocally they're way better representations. Great work as always guys 😊
- Relic: "NU METAL" is meh metal
- Brent Heritier: Good call!
- witchykittie: Death Blooms, Know Forever, Nothing to Gein, or Severed are better choices. I think Dig was meant to grab you as the first (song) track on the album. Don’t give up on them. This is still one of my favorite albums of all time. The bassist and drummer are tops.
- Tim Carder: Coal Chamber - "Sway"
- William Rogers: World so cold is a great for y'all, fall into sleep
- Ian Thomas: Dig isn’t their best at all
- ray keelan: Destruction overdrive - black label society.
- Donald Forrest: Check out RIKKI BLU - WOLFPACK !!! REVIEW THAT
- Corey Beal: HED PE!!!!
- Jeremy Hanson: Rule of thumb.... If a band wears masks, they suck.
- David Harris: Try "world so cold'' by them.
- Brent Harker: Very happy you all did this one! There are other songs that you might enjoy better though like people have said...like Happy, Not Falling, or even Death Blooms.
- Lance L: They did 2112. I'd like to see then react to other concept/extended songs: Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime, Fates Warning's The Ivory Gate Of Dreams, Dream Theater's Octovarium. That kind of thing.
- xedgeforeverx: I enjoy Slipknot but these guys are waaaayyyyyy more talented than Slipknot. You need to revisit these guys with Severed. It has way more lyrical content to talk about, more structure and honestly EVERY song on this album is better than Dig. I don't know why everyone always picks songs than came from MTV in their youth. If you want the best songs from bands ask the real fans and ignore the populace.
- Andrew Frank: Death Blooms is good too.
- Hugh Mungus: You gotta listen to Throes of Rejection by Pantera, the groove on that song is absolute filth.
- m prior: This is the worst song to get someone into Mudvayne, for sure should’ve listened to anything else. Not Falling, Death Blooms, Dull Boy, literally anything else.
- Steve H: Seeing the comments, I’m counting the seconds til luminaries like Coal Chamber and American Head Charge get recommended. It’s like I’m 14 again!
- Steve DaNinja: Any song from Mudvayne's album The End of All Things to Come or Lost and Found album would have been better than Dig. I love Dig to get hyped but lyrically and just overall, not the best song that shows Mudvayne's true ability. God I miss Mudvayne.
- Roberto Pérez Favela: Determined or Not Falling for a first listen. Mudvayne is an Awesome Band!! 🤟🏻
- Lucifer Isgood: to repetitive, Would love to see you do The Grudge by Tool if you revisit them.
- Tore Shimada: You MUST hear the bard's song by Blind Guardian, it's by far their most popular song & is very different to the other song you heard (Mirror mirror).
- Kenya Moody: This song brings back memories in high school days. Mudvayne, slipknot, cold, kittie, rammstien
- Gardiens Nostalgiques: Mortal Sin - Labanon
- Nicolas Bertin: +THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS Well your English is very poor, your original sentence doesn't make any sense.
- Michael Jaquith: Loved Mudvayne for a long time, Love the song Dig and the album LD 50. Listen to World so Cold, Happy, Fall into Sleep. Scream with Me. There not as Harsh or aggressive, but Death Blooms is probably my favorite and probably the easiest listen off of LD 50 for new comers to the band.
- Stephen Knight: Listen to Slipknot’s “Spit It Out” to see what contemporary genre bands were doing. Then listen to Mudvayne’s “Not Falling” from one of their follow up albums to see how the sound evolved. They pull back the aggression significantly and vary up the vocals in a way that makes the music more dynamic and interesting.
- Brian Whitley: Why not body count
- Luliby: Funny that you're talking about Dig showing Mudvayne being super aggressive and against the grain when they have songs that are pretty commercial. Not Falling and Happy? are not bad starts (from what I've heard, I don't know this band too well).
- Anon Nymous: High On Fire - Fertile Green, Red Fang - Wires, Corrosion of Conformity - Heal My Wounds, Bad Brains - I against I
- JediEdin: Im 100% sure you guys would like Not Falling by them. I believe this song might have something to do with they way they dressed during that time. If you seen the video to the song they were really out there with crazy hair and makeup. This song made them really famous but they really do have better music. I mostly listen to Prob and old school metal but I can dig some of their songs. No pun intended on the Dig.
- Matt Petty: Hell yeah- Unden!able!!
- Joseph joseph: Guys should do some psychobilly
- Chris AC: +Aakash Balaji They already did Ghosts of Perdition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2H3KLsWeQ0M
- james ferrell: https://youtu.be/vZ3CsNZE2os
- Peter Brown: Now for the list that will not die!!! 1. Metallica-Whiplash! ( If you heard it Motorbreath!) 2. Megadeth-Peace Sells but Whose Buying ( If you heard it try Rattlehead!!) 3. Metal Church- Metal Church!( If you heard it God's of Wrath!!). 4. Celtic Frost-Procreation of the Wicked! ( If ya heard it Jewel Throne!) 5. Voi Vod-The Unknown Knows! ( If you heard it try Ripping Headaches!) Peace!
- Brandon Huber: The appeal of Mudvayne to me is always that bass. Shit is filthy.
- Joseph Thiery: Seconding The Warmth--possibly my favorite Incubus song
- Andrew Barker: Nu metal trash
- Lurgen: Not Falling, would be a better choice.
- James Lamb: Destroyer!!!
- David Watson: Silenced was the first song i ever heard from Mudvayne and i've been a fan since 😊 i personally think from the songs you've mentioned in the beginning, Not Falling would've been a much better choice to begin with but that's just me. Plus i'm bias since that one's a favorite of mine lol 😂
- P Manning: https://youtu.be/G_5UOkUDti8
- Michael Kidd: Worst piece of garbage I've ever heard.
- salty dogg: Lace Your Boots - 4th25 Or anything from the Live From Iraq album
- Jose Antonio Valencia Caballero: Suffocation very good death metal band!!!
- Chuck Bible: Dig is not the song to start with lol
- RAM: Man, I'm fascinated how you guys get to the core of the song, not just lyrically, but the overall feel and intent of it. Bravo. Keep it up guys. Much love and respect from me.
- bruno mota: Yeah I don’t know why people made you react to dig, as soon as I saw the video I didn’t have to open it to know that you guys wouldn’t like it, it takes time to people who don’t listen to metal to get to listen to the dig style, you should check out Forget to remember or Happy, it’s better for you guys
- Billy Bob: More country music!!
- Shifty: Nothing to Gein or Death Blooms probably would have been more your speed.
- Korn Korn: Forget to remember
- Emson 0811: Breaking Benjamin
- Nuno Soares: Give it a second chance with Happy? as you have given to Meshuggah ;) Mudvayne is an awesome band for sure. Dig is their biggest hit most probably but most probably the one for that punch of aggression that you need some time.
- Christopher Gomes: World so cold Not falling Happy Do what you do Forget to remember
- Braden 4532: React to Tyler Childers please ( for your next country song)
- Kalandaari: Any Static-X song would do it, their style is very unique. Can't wait for the tribute album this year.
- DarronRanston: I woulda said take a chance, go non-single Nothing to Gein. Dig is just a heavy metal handshake for the album. It's not the best representation of their work by most standards.
- maseawee: Otep -Blood Pigs
- Philip B: Dig was their first single and it slapped everyone in the face but it wouldn’t be a good song to start you off to. I have been pushing for you to listen to mudvayne since September of 2017. But I would have picked not falling or death blooms. Way better storytelling
- xdownintheundertowx: I like how they are listening to mudvayne sing about not being censored while being censored
- Jimmy Neal: World So Cold is like the polar opposite to this song in terms of the sound so you might wanna give it a try
- ehsan iranmanesh: Ok time out.....will you ever react to Slaughterhouse? Those guys where the truth.......my recommend song Goodbye..........mad lyrics and mad flows🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- RenaissanceMan: Forget to Remember is a badass song
- Ralph Dougherty: MJNation You’re telling me The End Of All Things To Come...you didn’t like that album? That was a BRUTAL album.
- Sup Dawgy: Mudvayne Death Blooms, Not Falling, Determined, Internal primates forever, happy, scream with me
- ChipmunkAsylum: Avenged- Hail to the King or Bat Country
- Igor Pantelic: Gojira Oroborus, Vacuity
- user98xp: Vegas meets CI.
- J Gaming: Yeah this wasnt the best first song choice. Not falling, severed, death blooms
- Pâmela Pepper: Lacuna Coil - Our Truth
- Dixy Arafat: Try burgerkill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7RM2W4kQco
- coltenbrewster5: Sucks y’all didn’t dig the song lmao but great reaction anyways, check out “you wouldn’t know” or “happy” by mudvayne. either one, both are good songs 🤙🏼
- Mohammad Shehryar: https://youtu.be/zDfy67my2So
- Tracy Cardwell: They suck couple good songs rest is crap
- Reeroy Life: React to INCUBUS - Take Me To Your Leader!
- James Ward: Papa roach between angels and insects
- Cameron Rosen: Save Me by Avenged Sevenfold
- Wes Corrales: Iron Maiden infinite dreams
- Dr Willow D: Yo what is that noise in the back ground.
- Rodney Steffan: Lol yeah these guys are slipknot rip off
- marcus talerico: IMN.
- Schmetterling: What a travesty you two listened to the censored version first. You really missed out. Side note dig is the angst child for mudvayne chad gray really plays this beautiful duality of singing and screaming like in determined or happy and my personal favorite dull boy. Loved the content keep it unbiased and real!
- someotherkid356: You got the meaning spot on. They won the first mtv2 award for this song. But my favorite some from them is severed
- Justin Kaldahl: Novelists - gravity, wait till you hear their intros
- RudeMotherF%^&er: No war mudvayne and Slipknot came out around the same time and are both from the Midwest they were both nu-metal when they started
- Alan Bleakley: Mercy, Severity World So Cold Death Blooms Not Falling
- Michael Mayo: (K)now F(orever) Severed World So Cold
- Jason Tackett: Do something by a band called VOLA......Smartfriend
- Daniel Tanaka: You guys should have done "happy?" I personally think its more your guy's style, you guys jump into the more heavy mudvayne shit
- Jeff Akins: You guys should DEFINITELY do Death Blooms. It combines the raw power of this album with the more commercial and radio friendly soft sounds of Happy?, Not Falling, etc. that people are also recommending
- Thelema: Dry Kill Logic, bruh.
- Steel City Gaming: The war was usually between Mushroomhead and Slipknot. You should do Mushroomheads Sun Doesnt Rise or Bwomp!!
- Mark Wildt: Very true...
- jose escalante: Death blooms would have shown more of how great this band
- douglas gawitt: Not the best introduction to Mudvayne song.
- Nikki_D1919: Please react to Otep-Oh So Surreal, Ghostflowers or TRIC
- ChrisTopher Thackston: Clown saw the band play and instantly had them signed and even produced the album.
- Jason Beck: Nonpoint- Bullet with a Name. Y’all won’t be disappointed.
- Michael Farmer: Guys, please consider Son's of Apollo..."Signs of the times" or "Coming home" kind of a supergroup with Mike Portnoy playing drums, Billy Sheehan playing bass, Ron bumblefoot playing guitar, Derek sherinian playing keyboards, and Jeff Soto on vocals. Watch the official video on these.
- Testiclopse: *Vektor - Tetrastructural Minds* Filter by HD and watch in HD. Please and thank you.
- outside sucks: Death Blooms is a much better song then Dig Same album LD 50 Check it out!
- Jeremiah Moore: Death Blooms, Nothing to Gein, Mercy, Severity and World so Cold. These songs show more of the range of Mudvayne. Dig was the attention getter and was, just as they said, more about the aggression than their overall talent.
- MissMojoRisin54: Check out Hellyeah to get a better read on Chad's vocals. Dig is a great song to work out to, but doesn't showcase how great his voice can be
- ICFHI Cyrus: Or internal primates forever about drug addiction it hits drug addiction and our ape instincts
- Latajacy Bieznik: Do What Yo Do, Happy?, World So Cold. Guys - if you respect the Hosts do not throw extreme of the genre at them - cosider their background. They love melodies in metal - not the guts ripping. Dig - it's a classic but not for everybody.
- Muckey Loot: Mudvayne is very vocal about anti censorship, this isn’t even their only song about it. Check out silenced for another example. Mudvayne is a example of a band that does go for the hard aspects but still try to incorporate good lyrics that have meaning instead of just blaring screams over driving double bass and djent jams. Their bass player is also fantastic.
- Kyle Owen: Please react to second death by black tongue. I want to see your reactions so bad!!
- peacefulpothead: Would love to see a reaction of static x I'm the one or otsego amigo
- rom65536: This as your first Mudvayne song? Yeah - that won't work well. This is something you have to work up to - You don't watch a porn movie on a first date. You work up to that. Mudvayne's song "World So Cold" would have been a better way to get to know them before going this hard core. Ryan, Geoge - you guys didn't even get a hug and told you were pretty before Mudvayne stuck it in your ear dry.
- Steven Noble: The edited version of this song was a complete fail the songs much better unedited not saying its your fault just letting u kno in the metal world this version is a fail it completely changes the song
- Jungle Jimothy McKronksdonk: Tin omen by skinny puppy. its not metal but check it
- Lisa B: I wish they would do any song from Queens of the Stone Age!
- Jesse Smith: Nothing to gein is the best song on that album in my opinion yall
- Justin Smith: This is not music. Its sound pollution. No one needs to be this pissed off.
- ste roberts: I like how you guys see through the bullshit. In my opinion, Dead Embryonic Cells is much more extreme and creative than this track, but you liked it much more. Bands like Mudvayne try too hard, whereas with bands like Sepultura, Pantera etc it's all natural and effortless and it shows. Good job fellas!
- happynewt: Should react to the isolated bass track from this one.
- Jose Perez: You guys should listen to Hellyeah. I think you guys would like them. Made up of members from Mudvayne.
- Stove Top: I don't comment often. But when I do, I make it count. Children of Bodom. Bodom Beach Terror
- Tom Dawson: You guys gotta listen to Bone Crew - welcome to the bone crew
- rossboymanpig: You guys would like the song “happy”
- whoaitsal: Man, this was the more raw version of them. For a first take. Definitely do Not Falling and World so cold. It’s still heavy but he sings and they actually follow a overall pleasing melody but the band actually still shows their true musicianship. Please do Not Falling or World So Cold.
- Iasiah Alofivae: Can you react to the gambler Kenny rogers? Please
- Gold Blooded: “Not Falling” is definitely better. “World So cold” is good too. Personally my favorite is “Happy?”
- spiderbaby420: One of my favorite songs from them. Happy is good too
- Jaxson Riddle: Have it your way
- Eric Anderson: Great review guys, you both nailed it. I do like Mudvayne and most of their music I do not like Dig as much as I do their others. Death Blooms is a great song.
- Aaron Newell: ARCHITECT'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- CarlosCunha: Disasterpiece - Slipknot...
- D Haddine: So, Dig has one of the best music videos of the early 00’s. Part of this is the video too. Definitely do another Mudvayne song. This is not a “beginner” metal song. As for the “competition” thing, there really wasn’t a Whitney vs Mariah trying to hit the highest note thing with the “heaviness” of metal.
- Peanut Butter: lol, by no means do these guys 'know vegas'
- moffe2k: Speaking of dig... I have a song to dig to, it's called Darkness Within by Machine Head!
- Brian Trempe: Worst song choice to delve into this band imo. So many other great not over the top songs showing Chad's range then this.
- Daft Man: You guys should react to Low key - Hopsin
- garcialegacy17: Paipthbk: Love is a Drug. Newer artist i think kinda like xxx but enunciates words a bit more songs about 1:30 long check him out
- PandasMilk: Great album but it's low production so doubt they will like it.
- glasspipe: Fear Factory - Replica :)
- Brandon Kazimir: Suicide Machines - Hey
- Justin Taylor: Do death blooms from the same album. A little cleaner.
- tony slark: How bout some mushroomhead solitaire unraveling
- KoRn nuTT: This is an awesome punch u in the mouth song but u guys should've done Death Blooms, Mudvayne is one of my all time favorite bands but for u guys some of their other "softer" songs would be a better choice
- Ellic Miller: It wasn’t a good song choice to introduce the band. I wish the people commenting would stop trying to pick the heaviest and craziest songs for y’all to react to. They should be voting for songs they think you guys would like and ultimately make you “fans” of that band. So next time I would recommend Not Falling or Dull Boy.
- Doob: This is a meme song at this point and it's actually not a great representation of this band's work.
- seven storm: do world so cold it will blow your mind :) :) :)
- CodyC is cLuTcH: Should have listened to "Happy"..😂
- Chris Rhoton: Pantera- Domination. The live version.
- Menson Gbor: pls react to fear of my crown by chris rivers
- Sluhg1: Happy? is their best song imo.
- Boyce Antrim: You've got to try "Not Falling" or "World So Cold" this is a better representation of Mudvayne.
- michael martell: Dig is ok but maybe not the best choice for a first song reaction. The similar sound to slipknot has a bit to do with the time but also the fact that Slipknots drummer produced the album. Death blooms is a better song, Severed is a great song.
- David Mathes: Check out Entheos, pulse of a new era, a super group, Metallica level song writing, and on another level playing wise. They put on a clinic, and not to show off, just mastery of instruments, best bass, drums and guitarist you will ever find in one band. Just mind blowing, and ya know they got groove and funk for days or I would waste your time fellaz.
- Robert Bruce: You guys should react to tracy bird truth about men
- Eric Holladay: been waiting on this one. now, Tedeschi Trucks Band - midnight in harlem
- Michael S: Published today? Comments from 3 months ago.. I'm confused. And I agree worst song to pick for mudvayne.
- Dan Messick: When are you guys going to review Fear Factory? I highly recommend the song Shock !!!!
- Stephen Catalano: Dream Theater - The Glass Prison!!
- Jason Stiller: Static X - Push it Black and White Wisconsin Death Trip Permanence Skinnyman Dirthouse Trance is the Motion The Only Stem
- Rob Swiger: Mudvayne was pre-Slipknot.
- craig e: Nothing from LD50 then if you aren’t into this one. “Rain.Sun.Gone.” is my personal favorite from Mudvayne.
- Zack Bridgeman: Architects "Doomsday"!!!!!
- Sean Izor: Please react to Tool - Vicarious
- Matthew Bush: Dave Ferguson I think they'd dig the riffs in Supra Scoopa more, but any Kyuss would be cool
- sorrowsuperstar10: MUDVAYNE - NEGATIVE 1
- Evaldas Bumeika: Machine Head - A Thousand Lies
- Steven Harvey: I left a comment suggesting this one after watching one of your Slayer reactions. Thought you would like the drums. Defiantly agree with some of the other comments saying you would like Not Falling. Keep doing your thing guys
- Michael Vizard: I think Nothing to Gein or Death Blooms would've been a better introduction. Cleaner vocals and in my opinion better written musically
- Chairdolf Sitler: You need to do pray for plagues or off the hissay by bring me the horizon
- Damien Walker: You really should do a reaction to "Not Falling". Pay attention to the Bass and Drums, Mudvayne is based more on the rhythm section and the guitar is less prominant to my ears.
- Alex Denmat: Please Please listen to Are You Dead Yet by Children of Bodom.
- Bruce Borneman: Not falling is what they are known for from the movie ghost ship. If you don't care for this one you won't like this band more than likely
- Snowy River Carriers: They seriously need to go with Scream with me. They want metal, thats the song for them to listen to. They are doing themselves a real disservice by not listening to that song. Dig is ok but it's not as good as Scream for me
- khalid zahran: Rammstien Reactions please..
- Mike Johnsen: Don't tell them, they didn't like each other lol
- FAB Automotive Detailing: They estimated over 80,000 people were at that concert. It’s a site to behold
- PetarBlade Štrok: Alter Bridge - Calm the Fire. It's an amazing song and I know you're gonna love it!
- Matthew19002: Now if you really want something strange and out of the norm from Mudvayne, from the same album check out nothing to gein, yes gain was spelled like that.
- swtbass Moore: SPIRITUAL HEALING
- Jrawle: Would y’all be willing to do a review on some reggae such as Iration, rebelution, katchafire, soja, the green, tribal seeds? Would bring a great changeup 🔥
- whiteboynolan1: LD50 is one of the BEST complete albums ever made
- Patrick Smith: Have you guys ever heard Stevie Ray Vaughn’s cover of Voodoo Child or Little Wing? I bet you would enjoy those.
- CazMatazz: Linchpin? Are you joking? It's one of their worst songs and one of the worst metal songs in general.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Autumn_lynn: You guys need to react to someone to hate by demon hunter
- RantChant 316: Insert subjective opinion here
- Eric Lee: Can you do the band Chiamira. Do a poll please. There's so many heavy songs. Cross between Pantera, Fear Factory, Metallica, Gojira
- yowzuhh: Happy would probably have been the best intro to Mudvayne for you guys. Same with Eternal rains will come for Opeth and March of the pigs for Nine Inch Nails. Once you get familiar with their sound that is more easy to digest I'd say to check out their harder stuff.
- Michael Bashford: Dig take me back to being in secondary (high) school. We couldn't afford Sky TV so I gave my friend a blank VHS so he coud record MTV2 for me. Back when MTV2 played metal. Having said that, there are much better Mudvayne songs. Happy, Not falling, World So Cold to name but a few.
- BnM: Slipknot - Sulfur My favorite one
- King Brazey: Dax - panda
- Aaron Meseck: Death Blooms would have been a better choice musically
- leoevs441: Should have watched the actual video to this song, you've missed something special there..... But no comparison with Slipknot sorry.....
- ret iar: i think it sounds more like pantera than slipknot, corey doesnt use high pitched screams
- deminybs: awwww yeah ! shit just got real <33 enjoy your videos ! request EPICA-The Phantom Agony Kingdom Of Heaven Tides Of Time etc
- Chester's Channel: You guys should check out the song cross off by mark Morton. Mark Morton is the guitarists for lamb of god who is coming out with a solo album and cross off was recorded with Chester Bennington which happened to be the final song for Chester before his passing.
- Kevin Thomas: Gotta do Severed by Mudvayne!
- Allispie: Lol this song just did not age well at all to me.... "Happy?" Is still pretty dope though. "Fable" "Memento" or "The Waterfront" by Intervals
- Slot Slasher: Dammit, why this song? I can't for the life of me figure out why people would upvote this to be your Mudvayne introduction. Do the people who voted for this even watch the channel? Lol. Anyway, Mudvayne is amazing, their bass player is among the best of all time. Check out Death Blooms or World So Cold next. Peace
- Shane McNelis: I can’t believe y’all got them to play a Mudvayne song. I remember liking this band when I was...15. Hearing them again, I remember why I moved on.
- FreeYour Mind: dig is a great song, but i think less representative of their over all style. check out happy or world so cold, death blooms.. etc.. they have a ton of great material.
- BreezyGamer92: I think Not Falling would have been a better intro to this band. Dig was more of a blunt beat to what Mudvayne can do.
- Mr-Bassel: React to Mudvayne - Determined
- sgt ROCK: Definitely not the first mudvayne song to listen to and judge them on it, even though it's the very first single mudvayne put out. Especially since I still consider LD 50 to be their best record to date and still one of my favorite records period. You gentlemen would be missing out if you didn't give them another chance. Maybe death blooms or severed would be more up your alley. Btw, if you listen to Nothing to Gein, check out a live version! It definitely will make a huge difference. As for the slipknot comparison, slipknot came on the mainstream scene a couple years sooner than mudvayne, even though they have both been around awhile before getting mainstream success. And they had kind of similar vocals and at the time, mudvayne was performing with stage makeup that really masked how they look in a way. And of course, slipknot has the masks and jump suits that completely masked themselves. But I'm pretty positive neither band had any influence on the other.
- Derek Avery-Patz: L.D. 50 Muvayne's debut album was produced by Shawn aka Clown of slipknot
- FAB Automotive Detailing: Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYjIlHWBAVo&list=RDJYjIlHWBAVo&start_radio=1
- Anthony123: Can you please react to Brooks & Dunn nothing for me
- David Vargas: Skindred - “Kill the Power”
- Jon Oden: Death Blooms is the much better song IMO (I like the whole album though).
- Kevin McQuade: Corey Taylor (Slipknot) is actually on record saying he wishes the guys in this band could work out their problems (they split up a long time ago) because he thinks a Slipknot, Mudvayne, and Mushroomhead tour would be perfect.
- colin flaherty: Are ppl on drugs when they suggest songs I mean as an intro song not falling is the go to for mudvayne geez
- SoSo210: I recommend 40 Below Summer’s- Falling Down. Please!
- arkhampatient76: Demon Hunter “my heartstrings come undone”
- Natron808: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpKxtTPQ1Q8
- Lone Wolf: Mudvayne is one of the best bands outta 2000's this song doesn't give them a good representation try a song called Choices, its one of the best songs they've done lyrically and musically
- Will Gabet: you guys should start to try some Neurosis. Locust star , Lost, or The Doorway, for a start : D this band exists for more than 30 years and is a major influence for a lot of other bands.
- CyanidE: I know you guys done Periphery multiple times but third time the charm? I suggest Marigold by Periphery.
- tankerboysabot: Hooker with a penis
- daddy slat: Jeff hughell best metal bassist
- gibbyjack: No. As a fan of this band, I can honestly say that I do not, nor did I ever, enjoy this song. Dig is not even close to a good representation of what this band became. It was an extreme tool used to punch them on to the MTV scene. Mudvayne is actually a very dynamic and creative band with some very skilled musicians who were pushing some serious boundaries in their time. Their vocalist had waaaaaaay more range and creativity than what is displayed in this song. Check out "(Per)version of a Truth" or "World so Cold" from The End of All Things to Come.
- Mark Brown: Mudvaine songs sound different from each other. It's hard to say one song that encompasses their "sound".
- Rich at the Metal Asylum: Oh, just call it what it is, noisy angry nonsense
- Rob Isbell: Or close to the edge, or machine messiah. YES is such an underrated band
- joey garrison: Do alextorm i suggest Caption Morgans Revange
- We Usually Don't do This Podcast: Joe budden - only human
- Zac Akers: Silenced!
- codsquad bucsfan: I would love to see you guys react to All that Remains- Wasteland! Their new album is the fire
- muddinmann: Death blooms
- David Ainsworth: The edited version doesn't have the same effect
- LuckyCharms1982: Dig was the song that first got me into Mudvayne, but it is a very hard into for the band. Personally, off their first album, I would say "Death Blooms" "Nothing To Gein" "Prod" or "Severed" are better songs. But as far as a song for intro, I would go with their later stuff, "Happy?" "Forget to Remember".
- Ray Thillemann: Alcest “Ecailles de lune part 2” Agalloch “Not Unlike the Waves”
- Iain Welsh: Devildriver-digging up the corpses plz, might as well as were on the subject of digging, you guys will dig the song 😊
- BruceBane _88: Forget to Remember for the next Mudvayne reaction!
- Chris Mouton: Totally!
- Miguel Flores: DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND - DEADHEAD [LIVE AT ROBERT ALBERT HALL] [Genre: Progressive Rock] HAVOK - FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE [Music Video] [Genre: Thrash Metal] LACUNA COIL - ONE COLD DAY [LIVE IN LONDON] [Music Video] [Genre: Gothic Metal] MACHINE HEAD - HALO [Genre: Groove Metal] PINK FLOYD - TIME [Genre: Psychedelic Rock] PINK FLOYD - ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, PART 2 [Genre: Psychedelic Rock] RED - ALREADY OVER [Genre: Alternative Metal] SLEEPING GIANT - FINISHED PEOPLE [Genre: MetalCore]
- TheKarret: This one is so nostalgic for me. \m/ Sorry you didn't like it. They've got more melodies in other songs that others are posting like 'World So Cold' and 'Happy?'
- CountScottula87: Dig is good, but I enjoy their song Severed from this album a lot more. It’s still heavy but not as monotonous as Dig, and the song is a lot more dynamic and melodic than Dig. Definitely check out Severed when y’all get a chance 🤘😊🤘
- C F: +Kyle Curiale Oh yeah, what bands?, talk to me... I hope Vinnie strikes you down with hell-fire for that comment
- Ryan Sullivan: World So Cold
- Robin: Pantera - Cemetery gates
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: I posted their controversial speech!
- Antonio Padilla: Try Happy by Mudvayne next
- Tristhan Sarmiento: This song brings me back to highschool
- TheZinnmaster: (K)now (F)orever is one if not the best song in the Mudvayne catalog. IMO
- Mark Wildt: This was early Mudvayne... They definitely grew and evolved over the years as a band...
- vicegripp: Great band but hard first song to digest. "World So Cold" or "Forget to Remember" for me are great songs by them. "Death Blooms" & "Severed" are really good too.
- Alysia's Attic: +Kane O'Brien true
- moovinpixels: Pat Travers Band -Snortin Whiskey
- efrain iniguez: White Zombie - More Human than Human
- Leonardo Oliveira: No please. SOAD is annoying af.
- Capitan Homeaux: Good choice. Ball and a biscuit by The White Stripes next!
- Kandy Korpse: Dig is good but Death Blooms is awesome.
- Keldrif Darkflame: Should have done "World So Cold" or "All That You Are". "Dig" is pure aggression comeback to it after you love Chad vocals.
- Garrett Hudson: The censored version of this song absolutely destroys the flow. Death Blooms, or Happy would have been better first listens. Personally I'd go with Nothing to Gein.
- Jared H: Slipknot: All Out Life
- Guillermo Rios: Death blooms ftw!!
- Russ Fortney: For revisiting a band, and for something different, try John Bush era Anthrax. Your two reactions so far have been with high pitched Joey singing, try Anthrax with gritty John Bush singing. Completely different style. Be the first reaction channel to try John Bush out. As a side note, Metallica wanted John Bush to sing for them early on, so James could focus on guitar.
- Mike Mayhem: Dig and determined are flat out abrasive to your ears. World so cold is slow with pick ups and not fallen is fast with slow breaks.
- C F: 'Mudvayne' singer - Chad Grey.. Listen to his other band 'HellYeah' (with the late and great Vinnie Paul). Start with the first album / song = Goddamn & Alcohaulin' Ass. Do it... do it now!
- RobotNinja: You should have gone with Severed. I feel like you're gonna be quite surprised by the contrast of styles that Mudvayne has vocally and musically.
- rizzo316: This is one of those songs where it’s actually cool to watch the music video to get the FULL picture of what these guys were about when they debuted. The singer believe it or not actually has a very good vocal range. Check out World So Cold to get the scope of it instead.
- Aussie Andy: Tool - Schism
- Anthony Perkins: Love y'all doing metal.
- tr607: Edited version ruins this song. Mudvayne's most powerful song. The bass work in this song is sick too.
- Evan Davidson: I think you guys would like "Death blooms" much more..."Dig" is just not one of their best songs...I love it,...but it's just a one dimensional anger outburst ...(with great drums tho)...they have many more diminsions than "dig" ..."Not falling" is also excellent...either of these would be more relatable...
- Глеб Холмский: I remember you saing 'new metal bands don't have solos'. Check out Anterior's (2003-2012) 'Human Hive' - that'll blow your minds
- Jace Guffey: I’d love to see you guys react to Feathered Indians by Tyler Childers
- GYXkid: Death Blooms is a much better song
- Teighlor Vandine: No you should have started with not falling! I did lol
- Peter Gray: Mr. Bungle!
- John Creech: The Black Dahlia Murder - Asylum
- Mark Johanson: Dream Theater - The Glass Prison!
- Slick Rickster: Should of watched the music video. It's a little more entertaining to watch and goes along with the eXtreme sound they are portraying. They have more songs they have softer ones you guys will like world do cold. Not falling is a really ketchy one.
- Dave9k: First time I listened to the album I was on the fence until I got to Death Blooms and I was like, "oh shit, this dude can sing."
- beepingbeej: Lol I don’t mind them but I have mellowed out a lot in my music I listen more to lighter stuff now. But if someone played it around me it wouldn’t bother me.
- Blake Guerra: Hahaha I’m dying, that’s just too much for me.
- Alex 1725: Not falling as much better song
- DAN CURRIN: Forget to Remember or Dull Boy are two Awesome Songs from Mudvayne.
- Annalina721: All That You Are and Death Blooms by Mudvayne! Both have deep messages lyrical, showcase Chad's amazing vocal range and more melodic instrumentally. Ryan and George, love your reactions! It'd be a great pleasure to you guys and myself if you'd check out some metal female vocalist! In This Moment in particular!
- Quentin: Band: Strapping Young Lad. Song: Love.
- Lui F: Please do another Pantera video, guys.
- Swordedguy5: Just do every Static-X song. They're amazing!!
- Its Butters: STAIND - 4 Walls
- Bruce Everett: Brutal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpKxtTPQ1Q8
- Timmy Marley: 🤣lmao
- fatpad00: A lot of the extreme trends of nineties metal was a response to the rediculous trends odd threw eighties hair metal.
- Mark Ambrose: I think yall would like billy thorpes children of the sun.
- Ameer Allen: G herbo-Malcolm , he’s telling a story it’s a must react
- John H: This is a jump into the deep end on mudvayne. Songs like this, like HAPPY, and other stuff fit into that catagory you mentioned, extreme for the sake of extreme. Death Blooms is a good intro song to mudvayne. Scream with Me was good too, Do What You Do, and stuff like that has a really unique sound. Yall also need, NEED, NEEEEEEEEED to do Nightwish. Please. Any Nightwish song at all, Elan, bye bye beautiful, last of the Wilds, literally anything. Please do a Nightwish song. Thanks guys!
- Tommy SGslayerTP: Better choices.. this song is their most basic song. Listen to World so Cold.
- Chris Adair: The vocals were very serious
- Sean Moore: Would love to see a reaction to Maximum The Hormone "Zetsubou Billy".
- thefighter _96: To me, World So Cold, Dull Boy, and Not Falling are better choices for this band. Dig is well known by this band but the ones I mentioned just give a better range of talent IMO
- RUHDD4HVN: ATTENTION LOST IN VEGAS!!!!!!! Please..... you must do a reaction video to one of the biggest selling rock and roll songs of all times by legendary guitarist Peter Frampton called "DO YOU FEEL LIKE WE DO". Especially if you have never heard that song before...which would be hard to do, but you never know. It needs to be the long live version from the album called "Frampton Comes Alive". It will become one of your most all time viewed video reactions guaranteed hands down. Oh and while you're at it do another song from the band Boston called "Smokin" and "More Than A Feeling" (hey, do them all) off their first album. It will be another guaranteed hit reaction video. Your responses are so fun to watch and recommend to others. Thanks guys!!!!
- Arjun Jain: Devin Townsend - Deadhead (Live at Royal Albert Hall)!
- gory gore: Mudvayne and slipknot ain't extreme, they are mainstream, commercial bands of the late 90's or early 2000 (NU METAL) not really considered as true kult metal... Try PIG DESTROYER's terrifyer, 38 counts of battery or prowler in the yard might as well ANAL CUNT if you want something over the top. GRINDCORE is one of the most aggressive subs of metal.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: they shocked everyone when they won the first VMA, the speech is in my vids!
- alphaenemy: Mudvayne is a criminally overrated band. Bad Nu-Metal with an above average rhythm section and no songwriting talent at all.
- WebsterA: This is like reacting to EazyE with the cussing edited out. "Shit, we have the edited version" "Less keep it going"
- cristianomrhaxx: please react to MYRATH - BELIEVER if you want to listen a beautiful arab-oriental metal!!!
- SilentZombie: If I remember right Slipknot game out in early to mid 90's while Mudvayne came out very late 90's to early 2000's. At that time I wasn't much of a metal head as I am now so I could be incredibly wrong. Anyway, you guys should react to the following songs. Slayer: Raining Blood, World Painted Blood, Angel of Death...if you haven't already, Accept: Fast as a Shark, White Zombie: Super Charger heaven, More Human than Human, Rob Zombie (same singer) Superbeast, Living Dead Girl, KMFDM: Ultra
- Kyle Kniceley: once they dropped the makeup the music improved.... acoustic included, singing, way more diverse. KEEP LISTENING! LOVE IT
- 3sPROne1: Please do the Smashing Pumpkins - Geek USA.
- Brandon Williams: Another great one guys. Should still definetly check out the sword
- Serpent Headed Mask: Nothing to gein would at least showcase chads voice dude can sing
- Shawn Patrich: Rammstein???
- JOHN TORRES: Those two or well known but prefer other than those two they're good but other Songs on this album are sick.
- Daniel Longiria: I love dig but not really for first time listeners. Happy, not falling and world so cold would have better for Ryan and George to have done a reaction to
- Anthony Zilinski: Actually Slipknot and Mushroomhead were beefed out for the longest. Idk if they still are. Something to do with the presentation of their respective bands and who had the gimmick first.
- Макс Скопин: It should have been better with official video for this song!
- EdYardo210: Death Blooms is lyrically and vocally a better representation of Mudvayne gentlemen. Always appreciate yalls honesty.
- DjDarkD: Still hoping to see Muse pop up here soon. 😢
- Eric Mattson: I don't think you'll really get into a war until you start comparing Slipknot and Mushroomhead. The funny thing about that beef though is that it's all on the fans. The bands have no issues with each other. They simply have similar gimmicks and their fans manufactured a beef.
- Guh UHHH: You guys should really check out 'Buckethead'. The dude is absolutely insane on the guitar. Notable songs would be "Jordan," "We can rebuild him," or "Soothsayer." There's a fantastic video of Buckethead playing Soothsayer live on youtube with the title of "One of the best, most emotional versions of Soothsayer Live." Which would showcase his talent. A lesser known track would be "We Are One" Where Buckethead collabs with Serj from System of a Down. That video has a cool music video as well.
- John Fletcher: I've Heard It All Before by Mudvayne or Scream With Me
- Luis Corrales: Please do Cradle of Filth. Nymphétamine. Thank you 🤘
- Tobias Egerzon: Mudvayne is a weak copy of slipknot, even as far as the makeup they had on.
- Joshua Ludley: Slipknot and Mudvayne toured together back when this album was released. Tattoo the Earth tour was insane. It was Hatebreed, Mudvayne, Disturbed, Coal Chamber, Sevendust & Slipknot.
- Elijah Halpin: Hey nice vid guys 👍🏻 try and check out some silverchair sometime! Aussie band, heavily nirvana influenced. “Freak “ is a really good song of theirs
- Bill Cravens: Not Falling would have been the best choice.
- anto nikolic: Mudvayne have heaps of songs where clean vocals are displayed and they dont take this approach. Personally the song "not falling" is the perfect balance for me. One of those songs I can never skip when it comes up
- Daniel Tanaka: Lamb of god second chance!!
- Christian Boyce: 3 wooden crosses~ randy travis
- Pedro Corte: Guys please do Gojira Low Lands !!
- momentumspace: This dip into groove frat-boi “metal” is unfortunate, but I like that you’re trying everything.
- Mitchell Park: Give them another try but go with Not Falling, World So Cold, or Happy?... Dig is an awesome song, but it is definitely their big FU and one of, if not the, most aggressive song they ever made!
- That one guy you know: Old devildriver tho, something the fury of our makers hand perhaps
- Dan Perez: The thing cool about this band is that their bass player is one of the best of the industry... His ability to play funk is amazing and he uses that all throughout his music... To me, they picked up where Pantera left off in this song... I LOVE this song for the pure aggression that it is... I used to do my MMA work outs to this stuff...
- Sherwin Matthews: So, if you guys are reading the comments, hopefully you see this - try Self Bias Resistor by Fear Factory. Tracks like that and the album it came out on were a game changed back in the mid-nineties, and really paved the way for bands like this.
- Tj Voss: Mudvayne is way different than Slipknot and the rest of the songs on that CD are a lot different than dig.
- SatanSupimpa: Ryan Martinie is a fuckin monster.
- Brett Walker: Well you have only two Slipknot songs so.....
- Alex 1725: Do what you do
- JASON BROCK: DETERMINED. The best mudvayne song . Give it a listen
- Slaytounge: Yeah mudvayne does not suck lol what are you talking about?
- Rye Carter: World so cold! From mudvayne all will love!
- Christoffer Sjöström: Funny that you almost found it "shocking", for me Dig always have been like a little heavier version of Nickelbacks regular songs. It's very groovey and (for me at least) radiofriendly. A band you SHOULD check out is Soilwork, a really great melodic metal band, with a kickass release right now with the album "Verkligheten".
- Alec Parr: Death blooms
- Steven Pires: Metallica's Call of Ktulu, from Ride the Lightning
- dvourmusik: +Daniel Young at least for that album, they use mathematical equations to write their music
- John the shooter: Jinjer - Perennial
- AnunnaCY Nils: Mudvayne - Fall Into Sleep Popular as well and definitely more melody. ;)
- Scribbleton Inkwell: I am a new subscriber. I was hoping you might give a listen to "Is Anybody Goin' to San Antone" as sung by Charley Pride
- cvfan12: You should’ve did “World So Cold” or “Not Falling”, for your first time hearing them. But you should listen to the lead singers other band, with Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul RIP. It’s called HELLYEAH, and it’s a lot different than Mudvayne. If you do listen to their song Alcoholin’ass.
- nosaltpillar: And by the way I agree with you.
- Ryan Jusko: Do veil of maya
- Ryan Davis: Ryan and Matt bassist and drummer are individually amazing musicians.
- tenac2215: KYUSS green machine!
- Yiorgios Vazouras: You guys should do a reaction video of Dragula by Rob Zombie. You guys haven’t really covered Industrial Metal, and it’s a shock rock classic as well. Really worth a video.
- Fluffy McFluffavic Meowski O'Fluffadopolus: Check your facts, not even close to being the first
- Ian Wood: Please play some fear factory guys. Please!!!!!
- Ben Shaw: I reckon you guys would love Blood Has Been Shed-Uatu...or anything from the Spirals Album, its relentless neck snapping chugs!
- DrThemo: Mudvayne was such a Hot Topic level metal band to me :D
- EscapeVan #Freedom: Dig is about THE worst choice
- dumuzi6: Im going to suggest what has already been stated Static X, any thing off Wisconsin Death Trip is good for you guys in this vain of music.
- Connor Champlain: Do the band badflower, the song is called ghost. Very good song and underrated band
- Dave Jr: They have been broke up for years plus that was they're first record they got more melody with each record after this do a second chance with mudvayne for sure.
- Angry Badger: This album was my SHIT back in highschool. \m/
- i have to wait 90 days to change my name: slipknot is very much still alive my guy, and as you can see people still care for mudvayne. and no, i won't face the "truth" that is merely your opinion.
- herbertson lee: Haha do something nickelback
- Adrian Muñoz: The bass line by Ryan Martinie is really amazing; one of the best bassist in Metal.
- Strung Up: This song is such a fuckin banger but you're definitely jumping in the "deep end" with these guys. Probably "happy" or "fall into sleep" or "forget to remember" would have been better choices for a first look at a band
- Chris Seaman: why no video of dig? Edit: If you like Mudvayne you'll love Nuclear Rabbit - It's My Birthday!
- John Lucier: you really need to listen to the un edited version
- kashmir772: Please please please react to The Mars Volta. Either Day of the Baphomets or Goliath
- necromorph88: @Lost In Vegas I would Love to see you guys do a reaction to Lamb Of God again now that you guys are more acclimated to the heavier side of metal, Preferably Ghost Walking By Lamb Of God. Its one of my favorite songs by them.
- galgen kraka: Maaaate! Alien weaponry from New Zealand!!! Maori Metal!! Absolute madlads!
- mrbungle60435: This is the only Mudvayne song that I've ever liked.....and I LOVE it.
- Bhaddon2121: World so cold would have been a better song for you to start off with .....
- Tony Cunningham: Chad gray ...is the vocalist, went on to be the head singer for Hellyeah!!!
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Agree, not the same at all! This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Trisha Foster: So I love Dig BUT Not Falling is Thee bitch!
- Bizz Nizzil: World so cold is a much better song in my opinion, as hard as this one rocks, the other is much much more.
- Dan Mullally: I really don't think Dig is the best first impression of Mudvayne. You hit the nail on the head while talking about their intention of being as ridiculous as possible; this is made wildly apparent by the song's music video. Something like Death Blooms, Not Falling, or Forget to Remember would give you the side of Mudvayne everyone really likes.
- Dan Nash: I had this record cranked one day. A friend happened to stopped by, walked in and commented it sounded like the soundtrack to hell.
- Oscar Sanchez: Pinball Map!
- Deuce -: Love this song
- shb: Dig is so percussive. And it's from their first album . Their later stuff had a much better mainestream feel while keeping their unique sound and style. Not Falling World so Cold Anything off The New Game album are better listens.
- Thundercleaves V1: Severed was the right choice. This song is intentionally 1 dimensional. Severed is a perfect encapsulation of all their talents. Redo plz
- bigmoethedon: I think they reacted to a few SOAD songs
- Elliott: Definitely not commercial when this album came out, lol go watch their Grammy nomination for this.
- Eurynome X: Along with many others, I have to suggest World so Cold by Mudvayne. I must admit, though, Dig is one of my top 5 songs of theirs. I adore Mudvayne, they're a really unique band. Chad's vocals blow my mind.
- Travis Drone: I think you guys would dig Happy?, Not Falling, Fall into Sleep
- DandK Baker: My favorite is happy
- Eric Vang: Death angel hatred united
- Gregory Lilienthal: metallica CYANIDE. ALL NIGHTMARE LONG. HALO ON FIRE🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇
- Karusia: It would be great to try something a bit different like: The Haunted -the world burns or something from Dimmu Borgir!
- Va9ers21: You guys will definitely have to do a second chance reaction down the road. I would say next song be A World So Cold. It's not as in your face as this.
- Hayley Stimpson: Please listen to Evil Scarecrow!!!!!!!
- Ben Bullock: OSOM - Jay Rock ft J Cole
- joeykaz32: Mudvayne had the best bassist.
- AkuuLikesMagic: Mushroomhead 43
- Darvas Adam: Helmet - Wilma's Rainbow please! :)
- Spirit Theory: Slipknot and Mudvayne were making it big around the same time, so it's a fair comparison to make. This one isn't a song I enjoy from them, but there are others I do, so you could definitely revisit and find something new and different. World So Cold and Forget To Remember are up there. "Happy?" was the more accessible single they released following this one, which really brought them to the attention of a lot of people, so maybe that? Looking at my own playlist, it reads like a looong list of suggestions for you guys, you got your work cut out for you lol. Billy Talent, Skyharbor, Monuments, Destiny Potato, Machinae Supremacy, Finch, Inme... where to begin?
- Mam ndez: Would love to see your deep dive on Dirty Sanchez(new yuck city) or Kirk Knight(llwll) or trapo (oil changes) . Kirk and dirty are in pro era (Joey badass group) and trapo has collaborated with big Chicago artist like Saba
- Chris Nalle: Happy? Is probably something you guys would get into, bit more commercial
- Lyrical Rocker: Mudvayne- World So Cold. Very important song and message.
- Team Xxtreme: Merciful Fate (Medley) - Metallica
- Swanny Boy: I’m kinda surprised you guys haven’t done “my blood” by twenty one pilots, you guys should definitely watch the music video
- Patrick Füby: You guys like transitions? Check Mudvayne - Cradle !
- Colin Witkowski: The Mars Volta - L'via L'viaquez!
- Eric Smith: Hey guys I feel you should have started your journey into Mudvayne with Cradle, it's much more diverse as far as musically and vocally. Dig is a favorite of mine but it is very aggressive and raw, and it conveys that well. Cradle would have been a much better choice for you guys please give it try, I think you'll love it!!! @LostinVegas
- therealprozac: There are more melodic tracks from Mudvayne. This one is meant to be in your face and hard hitting. Their bassist is a phenomenal musician.
- grimsmokesat420: Beautiful and strange, my personal favorite by them was that on the poll?
- Marc Edwards: Love Mudvayne! Love Lost in Vegas! So thank you guys for doing this. Not Falling is one of my favourite Mudvayne tracks, mainly thanks to its use in Ghost Ship!
- Nick Campbell: They would have liked Happy way better but everyone has to try and pick the heaviest song instead of one they might actually like. Or world so Cold.
- James Needens: This song is a fun song to rock out to. This was a great album but I felt they came into their own with the following album. World so Cold is still one of my favorite song. I wish you'd check that one out.
- Bud Blasphemous: Can you guys do a reaction video for Suffocation (brutal death metal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHXKVlD_X1o
- Paliv: Oh man, that was such a highly edited version :( I really love the album L.D.50, but this is probably one of my least favorite songs on it. Pharmaecopia is definitely my favorite song, but there are so many better ones as well. I really love old school Mudvayne \m/
- Ryo-lence: I love this album, but to be honest dig isn’t a good representation for them it’s more dumbed down compared to the rest because this album is a damn musical anomaly. Cheers fellas, been around since 10k subs. You guys should react to LEEWAY - THE FUTURE It will never be a popular request because they never got big, so not many people will know about it. YOU WONT be disappointed. I know your guys style at this point. Groove.
- Chuck G: Architects please. Gone with the wind or Doomsday
- JoeDoakes1015: Please react to Dillon Carmichael's "Dancing Away With My Heart" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfVTOAe3Bpg
- Lisa B: "Heathens" would also be great.
- VEXARI: Atomship - Mothra sick drummer on this one this band deserves attention!
- The Modern Day American John Lennon: Mudvayne is one of my favorite bands if all time. Yet after the second album, they went or commercial. Death Blooms, or anything off the second album.
- Klink Klank Radio: PORCUPINE TREE: "Deadwing" PLEASE!!!!!!
- Maximilian Schultz: Would love them to do some Brand New. I don't think it would go so well though, to be honest.
- John Caudill: World so cold is slower
- Dave Bourke: Yeah this is NOT the first Mudvayne song to show someone who isn't a metal aficionado. Wait til they eventually get to Superjoint Ritual hahahahaha
- David D'Arcy: oh now you've opened the box.... mudvayne fans have a real problem with slipknot fans because mudvayne aren't as good and kinda copied slipknot too
- wombat clat: Corny ass Mudvayne is corny
- majortomsdmf1: Black label Society! Yall must get them in!!
- Brian Blacketer: World So Cold by Mudvayne. That’s an amazing song.
- sure, maybe idk, ok fine.: VINCE GILL
- Phillip Peterson: If you don't understand metal you shouldn't review it
- Brad Swanson: Graveyard....any song. Best blues infused rock on the planet.
- Matt Powell: +jared rayfield Definitely... Prod is badass.
- PacificKnights: Y’all really should’ve watched the music video for this song. The visuals compliment the song very well.
- Mallman: This is one of those dangerous songs cause it just makes you wanna punch somebody
- Ронни Бальболо: React more Crowbar All I had I gave (for example)
- P H: Yea, I'm surprised at the lack of bass comments. Ryan is the best thing about Mudvayne IMO.
- ToltalDomination x: Death Blooms is by far Mudvaynes best song.
- cbinette100: A world so cold is so much better than dig
- marianomenchu: "Death Blooms" by Mudvayne
- Terri Ertz: This isn't their main body of work. Check out Not Falling & Happy.
- Connor Carbon: After the Burial - Collapse Trust me guys you need this track and the grooves mixed with the thick pounding modern sound just go for it and wait for that boooooooom
- Glenn Bearbower: Mudvayne on a different level listen to their song -world so cold.
- Gabriele Leone: dig is the song for angsty teens, I still enjoy it but other songs from the first album are more interesting musically and/or lyrically
- mark jarvis: It's a song that should only be listened to uncensored Lovin the channel though guys
- Alex B: Don’t worry Lost in Vegas. It’s just a bad band/ bad song.
- Eric Cruse: You should check out Amon Amarth. It's Viking death metal
- Jeramie Koval: Please do whitechapel-brimstone
- Eric DeGraaf: My boys I got a request for Machine Head! Best option is "Descending The Shades Of Night" off of the album "The Blackening ." You guys will definitely thank me later! You guys will appreciate it considering your somewhat extensive metal knowledge.
- DrOpEm FinkStyLe: World so cold is one of my favorite Mudvayne Songs. You should of reacted to the official video for Dig
- generalharm: Glad you've done mudvayne, i love dig but its very reptilian hind brain sort of song, they've done so many more complex things, and that whole LD50 album is an absolute classic. If you'd maybe like to be challenged again in a different way, how about trying some mad capsule markets?
- Lennon Pierce: The worst song on their only good album... In my opinion of course HAHA
- Jason Terlaje: Clariot Reyes Yes 🤙🏽
- Wayne Hadsell: INN is there best song period end of discussion! Check it out
- Rand Pierce: Hush by HELL YEAH
- James A.: Fall into sleep wouldve been a better song from Mudvayne to break into initially...much more palatable for a casual
- crash: You got to do kidrock cowboy
- Some Kevin Action: Mudvayne - Nothing to Gein
- Andrew Baker: The edited version is so terrible. It took all the teeth out of it.
- Andrew Castelli: Judas Priest- beyond the realms of death
- LORD GEKKO: Death Blooms is a much better first choice for Mudvayne. Nothing To Gein is really good. And the video is tits.
- Matthew Magee: You picked the heaviest, Hardest and most hatred filled song by them. Death blooms or any of the songs off their "newer" albums would be "cleaner" and more rocky and less LOUD.
- Axerty: Listen to Static-X or The Mars Volta
- no interest for my user name: Exactly. People who suggested that that knew exactly what they did. It's almost like they were told to do so by someone who has controls them and to promote certain ideas like genetics shown in the Background for the masses to get used to seeing such stuff because they've might found something new that has to do with genetics. If that's true then there is something much sinister behind all of this promotion and It's like it's a form of very well hidden propaganda.
- Soul FiirSt: Better than death blooms i think
- JJ Ulizio: If you do more mudvayne I’d do “fall into sleep” or “happy” While I love “dig” I don’t think it was a good introduction for you guys.
- chadbeast420: Ryan martini is pure genius
- joe Ewing: Another terrible 1st song.. Your viewers throw new bands at you and suggest their original, most hardcore shit. Start with a song like "happy" or "World So Cold"... something better to get your feet wet. Most their albums are more toned down. Listening to "Dig' is like belly flopping i the hot tub....
- Zach Campbell: World so Cold, Death Blooms, and Not Falling are all better choices for a first time listener of Mudvayne. All a little more musically detailed.
- chris parrish: you will have to listen to more of there music to get the full scope of this band.
- rvd4twenty: Gotta see the music video to get a better understanding of what the band represents
- Joe Chin: Aww man, should’ve watched the music video!
- Derek Callison: They are a great band don't let these shock and awe assholes steer you away from them, they got smoother songs the guy has a great voice.
- antigravity420: From listening to you, I think you have the wrong impression. There was no, out-do or over-the-top anything with these guys. This is a genre of music. Many bands play this style and it's not a competition between them. What's unique about Mudvayne is the ability to make the metal really progressive (odd time signatures and several changes within a song). Their bass player is elite and is very important to this mix. If you actually listen to the musicianship you can clearly tell that they are not going "over-the-top" but rather playing really intricate parts that happen to have distortion and aggression. The goal wasn't to out-do, it was to be your own band and stand out. Hopefully the more time you spend in this genre, the more you will learn about the actual written/performed music. I commend you for trying but right now, you're just not getting it.
- Jeremiah Babcock: You would've enjoyed the actual video more I think.
- max mustermann: Mortician : Zombie Apocalypse <3
- Prohibited 014: Severed would have been a better choice.
- LikeWoahh: Props to you guys for keeping it respectful throughout the reaction. This is the only channel I've seen that actually gives the music a chance. That being said you definitely chose the wrong song for Mudvayne. You should give them another shot, they're a pretty good band but this song kinda sucks.
- Brendon Struck: Definitely one of their more extreme comments. Like people have mentioned in the comments, you should check out songs like Happy, Not Falling, or Forget to Remember to hear their other side.
- Faaip: Also the reason it sounds a bit like slipknot is that it was produced by clown from slipknot, who is kind of the brains of slipknot!
- Ralph Dougherty: You completely left out Not Falling which is the most accessible track by them prior to Lost And Found
- Don Chaffins: This song was nominated for a Grammy, it was a commercial success.
- P Manning: Uncensored video clip is awesome
- x: At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
- Don Vito: ANYTHING Mudvayne is Good!
- Gluon PA: Eluvetie - Rebirth. You'll do it sooner or later. The sooner, the better.
- samblah: mudvayne and slippy came out at around the same era, but musically they are very different. I find mudvayne to have deeper lyrics, i find slipknot to be more chaotic.
- crystal kentzell: Love Mudvayne!! You guys need to review a Death Angel song!!
- Nick Owens: One of my all fime faveorites. But they definitely, shouldve eased into mudvayne with a diff song...
- elliott113: not the greatest mudvayne song to start with, Death Blooms is way more telling of their writing and versatility, and more showing of their writing style, and overall a better song. dig is just a singular in your face song in an album that's as melodic and.. funky, as it is heavy
- William Buttel: should have done happy now i gotta wait :( this song is trash
- Fernando Romo: You guys should try listening to more of their stuff, that was from the first album the music to change bit as the band progressed.
- Gabriel Nixon: KMFDM Juke Joint Jezebel!!!
- East Is Up.: Listen to I don't know how but they found me-Do it all the time.
- violense Peacecraft: Mudvayne was an American heavy metal band from Peoria, Illinois formed in 1996.[1] They are known for their sonic experimentation, innovative album art, face and body paint, masks and uniforms. The band has sold over six million records worldwide, including nearly three million in the United States. The group consisted of Chad Gray (lead vocals), Greg Tribbett (guitar, vocals), Ryan Martinie (bass guitar) and Matthew McDonough (drums). Formed in 1996, Mudvayne became popular in the late-1990s Decatur, Illinois underground music scene. The band released an EP, Kill, I Oughtta, in 1997 and a successful debut album, L.D. 50, in 2000. They had global success with The End of All Things to Come, Lost and Found and The New Game. Since 2010, the band has been inactive, with its members performing in other projects and making guest appearances. Chad Gray is the vocalist for the heavy metal supergroup Hellyeah, of which Greg Tribbett was also a member until 2014. Gray founded an independent record label, Bullygoat Records, which produces heavy-metal albums. In early 2015, Chad Gray noted that the band's return seemed very unlikely, unless "everybody licked their wounds and got over it". yes copy pasta but the gist of is shock value was a big selling point for bands and such depending on who and what circles you where in and at the time people s minds were blown and people imo tend to now that its old think or say its one of thier worst songs but fact of the matter it was a song that helped getthem signed and well the others they listed or say are better no offense possibly wouldn't have even been printed without dig the other gems people think and say are better should consider this song gave them exposure giving birth to the other gems
- Agustin Jauregui: death bloom would have definitely been a better choice for a first song, dig is one of their most famous songs, but definitely not the best
- James Leslie: Now that you've reacted to this try Happy next. I'm surprised you didn't show the video...
- Aaron Costa: mudvayne was inspired by slipknot and a few other bands. my main reason for loving this song is i grew up with it. slipknot is a much better band but mudvayne has a special place in my heart
- Jason A: Why are so many comments posted 3 months ago when the video was posted 30 minutes ago?
- Gabe Dobbs: Guys - Huge fan of yours - relatively recent subscriber. What are your thoughts on Katatonia - The Longest Year? Y’all might like this take on doom metal. Some would call it melodic doom metal. Hope to see the reaction soon!
- ND96RAM: Audioslave "Show Me how to Live"
- Omari Thompson: Seems people just give you their favorite songs, not good beginner songs with these bands.
- Carl Williams: You know Locksmith is raising the bar to another level 🎤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Patrick Goodwin: Slipknot was a big part of these guys getting signed.
- Nathan Fowler: Death blooms!!!!!
- alan meyer: Hailey rinhrart creep cover.....
- James Sullivan: Not copyin slipknot but look out new knot in the 19
- Jake the Playstation Gamer: Yes, a thousand times yes! Thank you for checking out Dig by Mudvayne. I kind of wished it wasn't the edited version, but enjoyed it. It was basically how they felt about the music industry at the time.
- Izhak Ib: Forget to remember would of been a better choice! 2nd chance please thanks
- Jared Belcher: I think death blooms would have been a better starting point for mudvayne. Has a good mix of aggression and melody
- WebsterA: (K)now and Severed are far too layered and accomplished to even have a chance to compete with all the commercial style picks they get from request thumbs. Sometimes the third or fourth best song in the poll is the -best- _wise_ pick!
- Byg Syxx: ...my favorite to drive around with....
- Green Man: High on Fire - Devilution Sleep - Dragonaut
- Mike Storr: Prod is probably my favourite from that album.
- Pauly D: Aitch - straight rhymez from the UK
- GuitarsNStrings 4Things: Arch Enemy My Apocalypse!
- ibra gooner4life: Do a reaction to best diss tracks ever
- Jamie_Goguen: Honestly this was a great review! This song is a hard listen if you are not into this genre. But it's one of my favorites by them. I first got this CD back when Columbia house was sending suggestions of the month. I didn't like it at first. I lent it to a friend to listen to. Months later he had it playing in the background and I was like, "who is this?" Next thing you know I'm hooked on the band Haha. I would love to see another song by them on this channel. "A world so cold" is a great song. A little less aggressive and has some singing.
- Chad Brinston: Based on what you guys seem to groove to you guys probably need to check world so cold or not falling. One thing I would suggest is to check out Black label society. Probably fire it up or funeral bell. Those would both be songs I think would have you head bobbing and weaving through the tracks. True shit! Check the man zakk wylde out. BLS would be up your alley.
- Zachary Moldan: Mudvayne - world so cold Mudvayne - Happy?
- Christopher Blackman: Internal Primates Forever
- Yiorgios Vazouras: Jon Hubbard I mean, it’s not totally industrial but that is an element. Plus, Hellbilly Deluxe is is honestly just my favorite album ever, and I think seeing them hear something more mainstream would be cool. They’ve been going through a ton of underground requests.
- Salvatore Vincent: Fear Factory!
- David Green: I'd say Demiurge is a much better second song for reacting to Meshuggah, I think Future Breed Machine would be a bit much considering their reaction towards Bleed
- GregDaGoblin: Never understood why so many like this song, or even this album. The next 2 albums are far better for me. Should do Happy? or even Focking Determined. Many better tunes by these guys.
- Kyle Curiale: Uncle Toms Cabin!!!!
- Tony Trujillo: Nope because some of their songs they have good clean vocals not extreme at all, you just happen to be listening to one of the harsher ones
- Clariot Reyes: Hey, your from Guam?
- Gage23: You guy's would actually LOVE World So Cold - Mudvayne! The actual singing is beautiful! They calmed down later in life...
- Russ Fortney: As for Slipknot comparisons, they were "discovered" by Slipknot. Slipknot was doing a headlining tour Tatoo The Earth, and they had Mudvayne on the tour, and they were going to be on the second stage. Shortly before the tour, the bassist for Coal Chamber and the drummer of Sevendust had a really bad break up, and Coal Chamber dropped from the tour. CC were a main stage act, and instead of finding another outside band, Slipknot insisted and pushed for Mudvayne to be promoted. This album wasn't even out yet. My friends and I were at the opening date of the tour, pissed that Coal Chamber was gone and wondering who the hell Mudvayne was. First song in the set, we were fans. Bought their album when it released a month later. And so they don't have a rivalry with Slipknot, they get along with them, especially since Slipknot helped them get their big break. As for songs, Death Blooms is very mellow, Nothing to Gein is about Ed Gein, -1 is great, Cradle is probably my favorite off this album. After LD50, they went more radio friendly and normal metal. First album is great, from start to finish.
- Craig Hanley: Hell Yeah the band has the same singer and is a much better band.
- arkhampatient76: The war was between Slipknot and Mushroomhead
- orngfisch: DEATH BLOOMS!!!!! - second chance - DO IT!!!! please
- Kevin McQuade: Slipknot and Mudvayne have been in the same conversation together since the beginning so you’re not off at all by saying that
- Adam's cheap guitars: Mushroomhead
- Matt Shaw: Converge - all we love we leave behind. Thanks for the videos ✌
- BIG_JOHNWARD: Y'all should give them another shot and do death blooms.
- Aaron Newell: Yessssss
- Scott Thompson: Im sorry that people suggest the absolute worst songs to react too. Great band, horrible introduction to this band.
- Eric Boroughf: Its funny, Dig is all about not selling out and being themselves, but it was also one of their biggest commercial successes. However it does not sum up the music of this band very well. Between Chads voice and some really awesome instrument work (specially bass) they have a HUGE range of styles. I would like to see you hit a song like Happy? World so Cold or Death Blooms. Very different songs but all very good.
- Callum Flint: Happy? Is my favourite Mudvayne song - it's a vastly different sounding song to this one, with more melodic vocals, and crazy bass and drum parts :)
- Justin l: Deftones - Around The Fur
- Dan Gartman: Whoa....I don't even...
- Claudio Molina: Why in every reaction channel everybody reacts to DIG, it's a great song for Mudvayne fans, not for someone to react for the first time. It's overall over the top. Chad always screaming and the rythm always upbeat. NOT FALLING or DEATH BLOOMS would have been nice , more variations in music and vocals. Cheers from Valparaíso, Chile
- abisd: Letters From Home--John Michael Montgomery
- Corey: The most talented member of this band by far is Ryan Martinie, the bass player. With Mudvayne, Ryan really had to tone down his musical ability. In reality, he was over qualified for the band. Now that Mudvayne is no longer together, Ryan is in a band called Soften the Glare, which sounds nothing like Mudvayne. It's more of and progressive rock mixed with jazz fusion style. It definitely has some Rush influence, but is all instrumental. I'd suggest checking out Soften the Glare.
- ScaRy'z AuDioAsYLuM: u needed to see the actual performance video. gives the band as new band @ the time more context.
- SAAdesigner07: Shawn from Slipknot produced this album. The album is amazing, and full of awesome melodies.
- JonnyPhive: I remember thinking having a very similar reaction to both Slipknot and Mudvayne when they came out, I think Slipknot was first.
- CamsLiveVideo: Hell ya! I was requesting this!!
- Joe Tekavec: The majority of their catalogue is more turned down than this. I agree with the other comments that “world so cold” or “happy” would probably be a better listen for you guys. You should also do an episode of Metalocalypse!
- M W: Mudvayne > Slipknot
- Ian Ferguson: no music video?!?!??! Y'all did a disservice to yourself....
- John Lee: Please do "Push it" by Static-X.
- Ocean King: Bass player is a ninja warrior live, must watch live to appreciate.
- Jason Pellegrino: No sir, I don't like it.
- Vetforlife: Just got hit with another douchbag sounding band. I don't know why people peddle garbage your way. Sorry gents.
- Paul Kline: Way too repetitive of a song. They have much better songs than this one.
- Zatch Mo: Y9u guys really need to Aesop Rock another chance Rings, None Shall Pass, or ZZZ Top would be great ones for you to try
- Lemanuell Meadows: That was my favorite mudvayne songs it goes hard on workouts...but please can you do king iso
- Mo Wark: Try the song Happy by Mudvayne
- Federico Prencipe: Metallica - Through the never
- Outrage: Do Mikasa by Veil of Maya so I can die happy!
- William Graves: There were legit great songs on this album, this isn't one of them unfortunately.
- Dustin Grimsley: Not falling is awesome!!!!
- DEATHRATTLE BOSS: Shawn "clown" Crahan from Slipknot produced that album.
- HohnerCornell: Do Hellyeah: Hush.
- scrubtastic13: Mudvayne death blooms, or happy
- tresteg77: you should give Rammstein a try, Sonne or perhaps Du Hast,
- Fernando Diaz: Reaction to 6lack - Never Know
- Jacob Rondeau: Skillet- comatose
- Peter Brown: There were a lot of anger in the 90's as well.
- RageAgainstRustyCage: WARRANT - Uncle Tom's Cabin, & Cherry Pie... Guns N Roses - Civil War, Accept - Balls to the Wall, System of a Down - Sugar, Outlaws - Green Grass and High Tides... You guys will Love these Playlister Songs...
- Brandon Grayson: Don't forget happy
- Kreon Umg: Oh hell no. Please do rap 😭😂
- Michael Marhal: what a boring song
- Wholksdaskppy: yeah Dig is something if your a bass player is kick ass but everything else is ok. Death Blooms would have been better but like others are saying World So Cold wouldve been a more appropriate first listen to dip your toes in to the Mudvayne pool. Love the channel and carry on my fellow Las Vegans:)
- Jeff Peek: Better choices for Mudvayne Not falling World so cold Do what you do Happy? Scarlet letter And for Gods sake don't pick an edited version. This is a great band with an immense amount of talent. Don't give up on them.
- oldndrty: Static X- The Only!
- newyorkmeable: not falling, forget to remember, world so cold, all have more of a melodic range... as do many of their other songs... I believe clown from slipknot found and signed them so you were accurate in hearing something similar. Crazy ass metal dates way before this though- i mean cannibal corpse predates them by just over a decade. Mudvayne also popularized "math metal" because of all the weird and changing time signatures (the bassist and drummer got a lot of attention back in their day). It's funny though because contrary to what you guys may have thought, mudvayne was viewed as slightly more commercial and accessible to the more hard core metal people lol
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Their speech is in my vids, my highest viewed by FAR!
- Genesis Von Keglar: Do a reaction to the Mortal Kombat 11 trailer
- NPC 0100110110: Nothing to gein! Hands down, best song they ever wrote.
- Adrian E: Did they watch the music video or just the audio of the song? The music video def adds to their musical artistry
- Brad Fear: I'm not a huge fan of dig from mudvayne, you guys gotta check out hellyeah that's Chad's new group with the late great vinnie paul killing the drums (pantera drummer). Moth, love fails, hush, or human are all great.
- victor whitley: Confused to why people are saying this is a bad song to start with because it's the first song they ever released. It's the one to catch many of their fans to listen to that album which has a range of songs. Lost in Vegas has heard a variety of hard rock/metal songs by now and you know what they will likely enjoy more than others so stop trying to baby them in song selections so they might like your favorite band.
- adam sawyer: Good song but not a good representation of Mudvaynes greater range found on almost any other song.
- Julia Popov: Mudvayne - forget to remember Mudvayne - happy? These songs are better, I really hope you'll listen and change your minds about them, I didn't like the song 'Dig' either but the band is good
- Faaip: It's probably one of their hardest songs, but not their best either. From the same album death blooms is amazing but severed is a personal favourite. Very, very raw and emotional with amazing rhythm sections.
- jeff brochetti: Sepultura--Ratamahatta
- Chad M: Locksmith - 2019 freestyle on Shade 45. ITS SOOO FIRE
- allen: Snot-snot
- Mark S: Blacktop Mojo - where the wind blows
- Regan Hampton: This was a huge song when it released and still to this day is the only heavy song with no clean singing that reached mainstream success as a radio single. Also it won the first ever MTV2 award. You pretty much nailed the meaning of the song, however because of that it is meant to be very edgy and for you guys this isn't what I would recommend as a first time listen. "Death Blooms" and "Not Falling" are songs with much more substance that I feel you would appreciate more. Definitely give them another chance and pick one of those other songs, they deserve it. They did get signed around the same time as Slipknot which is unfortunate because their other songs truly show how different they are.
- shane smith: As a metal lover this song is pure aggresion.... just get in the mosh pit and fing get rowdy. Love this song. But death blooms is more your speed. More melody and groove that you would "dig"
- Kevin Tucker: Mercy, severity
- Phalen Peterson: Locksmith dropped a new freestyle on shade 45 you should peep it
- Zodd 3224: Death Blooms is their only good song
- Dave Barnum: I feel like Happy would have been a good choice from Mudvayne.
- the guy: Hadn't listened to mudvayne much but this is not what I know of them. I have a few songs from them I listen to sometimes and it sounds nothing like this. This seems very slipknot like
- AsylumSaint: I think when doing a new band you guys need to do a poll and ask fans which song to do first. By the way, this song is still fire despite the comments, plus the video is awesome
- ProjektH8 Gaming: Should have done Internal Primates Forever.
- Xtro l: Did they watch skins yet because i want to see it
- Matt H: Just another lame nu metal band from the 90's..
- P1scubbs: Bell witch - i wait. something you all haven't heard is doom metal!
- Marc Casteel: Music Genius here MUDVAYNE...SILENCE...NOT FALLING...NOTHING TO GEIN!!🔥🔥🔥
- Stoic Outrider: To me, Mudvayne is less about the vocals and the guitarist. The main highlights for me are Matthew McDonough (drummer) and Ryan Martinie (bassist). If you find time to listen and watch how they play, it is insanely mesmerizing.
- METAL x: Mudvayne on their later albums were way less of a throat punch. LD50 is a rough choice if you're not big that style of music. Death blooms would have been a better first choice song. Give some of their newer stuff a shot you'll be surprised at the difference. Now if they would just reform the band.....
- Morbid 420: I would say QWERTY for a second choice ..... and Mushroomhead was definitely better then Slipknot imo but Slipknot got the spotlight... btw the rivalry was fan based not by the bands, they had no real issue between each other.
- Shawn ratley: Please do mushroomhead save us
- David Harris: Although I absolutely love this song I will admit it’s definitely not the best choice to showcase this groups range and talent. They were extremely talented. DIG was more of a fun balls to the wall song.
- Dwayne Kuhar: Pretty much the same thing everyone else has been saying; this isn't the ideal introduction to Mudvayne. The majority of their catalog is much more dynamic, with this at the more aggressive end of the spectrum. They're definitely worth an eventual revisit - Death Blooms, the other leading track that was suggested, gives a better feel of their range. I do have to say, though, that Dig was an absolute monster of a song to experience live.
- muddinmann: Not falling
- mmzen: I’m so glad they didn’t like it.
- Sergio Martins: +Steven PuckittWell put, that's what I was trying to say
- storm exon: Oh shiiiiiiiiiit some good ol Mudvayne!!! Do Tesseract- Dystopia or Hexes!!!!
- nlerd: Yeah, I really don't get why people push their angsty stuff when trying to get people to listen to Mudvayne. Songs like Death Blooms, Severed, and Prod are must better representations of their sound in my opinion.
- Phantomgreen: Good on you for recognizing trash. This is one of their worst songs and is just a repetitive waste.
- Lindsey Ormsbee: (K)now F(orever) or -1 would've been much better representations of this album.
- jj72775: World so cold is awesome
- trashtropper: most brutal metal scream of 2012
- Kent Klein: Death blooms, prod, not falling, happy.
- Casey P: I agree. I feel like everyone wants to shock them, rather than provide them with music that they would enjoy
- Mike Felty: As a drummer, this song is what drew me to Mudvayne. My 9 year old daughter even has it in her playlist. That being said, their diversity is what kept me liking them. They're definitely a band that you have to listen to multiple songs or even albums to even start to get an overall grasp on their style. As a sidenote, the singer, Chad Gray went on to form Hellyeah. Although they had a different drummer originally, he eventually persuaded Vinnie Paul to return to music and become their drummer after Dimebag passed away.
- Hugemusicfan 2018: Hey you guys should react to this newer band called rival sons. Straight up rock band . Only been around about 10 years or so. Check out rival sons - where I've been acoustic live at Google .
- Christopher Combs: Mudvayne and slipknot are frim the same time fream and similar movements the bassist from mudvayne os sick most of the staccato effects from the beginning are the bassist Mudvayne also makes use of weird time signatures alot too
- Tim Bruckno: Waiting to see that reaction to Woman to Woman by Joe Cocker and Breaking the Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Matthew Pruitt: You should do Happy, or Not Falling.
- The Music Database: Death Blooms is a very different song to Dig, and has more of a hip-hop drum beat to it
- Tomek Sopa: I would go with Blackest Eyes, Shallow or Open Car just to show them and convince them first. Remember they didn't like Fear of The Blank Planet that much... Anyway I would just give them a second chance based only on Gavin Harrison if nothing else
- Daniel Jensen: I love this song but honestly this edited version completely kills it even for me. This version was complete crap and even some of the stuff where he talks about suicide is edited to just make it all mumbled mush. I would recommend listening to the normal version if ya enjoy it at all and also works as great workout song at least for me.
- ltsJustShane: Your viewers did you two wrong by suggesting this song. This is not a good first song for you two to check out by Mudvayne. Was not surprised when you said it's a pass.
- Johnathan Opperman: Yall should've done the video.......
- Maneatingpie !: Shadows Fall - Dead and Gone
- Thisislegitstuff: Do 4 your eyez only by j cole
- Kobe Dylan: Do XXXtentacion-Train Food
- lucifer lavey: Omar Beydoun so should they do Glass Prison, or not?
- Josh Mallett: I second (or whatever) Black and White!
- no interest for my user name: It's for propaganda purposes, that May have to do with genetics. Look at the picture of the album in the Background and you'll may understand. People in power recently found something that has to do with genetics and are controlling specific people into voting and commenting for songs on this topic (genetics, pregnancy and babies) to get us (the masses) used to seeing such stuff. I'm no conspiracy theorist. It makes sense if you think about it.
- Epicface6000: Vegas is a garbage city, don't know why you'd namw urself after it
- Ken Davis: Just found your channel, and love your reactions.
- Sully The Man: Honestly I think either Not Falling or Happy? would have left a better first impression lmfao
- Hernán Bayones: React to Waking the Demon by BFMV! Your Betrayal was great, but WTD will blow your mind. Love the channel :)
- K: Fear Factory
- Josh Mallett: Speres of Madness by Decapitated. Groooovy and heavy as hell!
- Derek White: Awesome, l think they would like the bass.
- juan villagar: Tool - Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned or Third Eye please!!
- JoeyJ 71: You guys really need to give them a Second Chance...just the wrong song. Not Falling or Happy? are the better choices ;)
- Brian Steele: Mudvayne and Slipknot are of the same genre and timeframe meaning similar production values. However, Mudvayne has a much superior bass player.
- Paul Champ: -1, by Mudvayne......way better!!!!! 😊 And you can't cut the language if you're gonna critique it!!!!
- Luke S: Please do 'Basic Needs' or 'Gender' by Jonathan Davis of Korn
- James Oliver Calip: This is the song that won them a Grammy I believe.
- Brandon Keith: Mudvayne are so good live. I saw the at Ozzfest. Motherfuckers came out dressed as the movie Clockwork Orange. It didn't matter the music or the lyrics that day. I guess sometimes it's just about catharsis.
- Chase Gallagher: MUDVAYNE-PROD
- Jason Weitzman: Nas-adam and eve 🔥😷♿👍👏😱😳😂
- 97warlock ismyname: The next song: Mudvayne SOILED .... slower, & super heavy & a bit more easy to digest imo, yet brutal
- Raymond Smith: They won a Best New Artist award and went to the awards with bullet hole makeup on their heads.
- Mordecai Mike: Dig is a harsh first song to get into to. LD 50 was the most aggressive yet best album imo. Give Death Blooms a go.
- Angus: Insomnium - While We Sleep
- Samuel Pacheco: These guys really need to listen to some He Is Legend.
- Michael Clair: They should have watched the video with this song to get the full scope 🙃
- Cosmic Turtle: Mudvayne dig parody is still one of my favorite youtube vids.
- Valon Tafilaj: Albanian rap please please
- James Boydstun: But Dig was the song that introduced the world to Mudvayne
- Sean Pierce: Not a nu metal fan at all
- carlos lomeli: Mercyful Fate - A Dangerous Meeting
- Mike Jonez: Mac miller Diablo
- Freeman Demeatris: Mudvayne stinks guyz. wash your ears out with the Mars Volta-day of the baphomets
- michowski1: World So Cold Not falling Happy Forget to remember Scream with me Dull Boy Fall into sleep
- xavier flores: I wish these dudes would consult with me on every song lol
- Derek Hamby: If you do listen to Mudvayne again, need to listen to "Not falling", "World so cold", or "Happy".
- Absolutely Aidan: Dethklok - thunderhorse
- 23Ograin: This is a great song . . . . . . ONE time. After that, the beginning-to-end vocals and repetition get old.
- adam Shrewsbury: Please react to The Diary Of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
- T3CHN0M4D: Best Mudvayne Song is Happy?
- dela where?: With mudvayne not falling is the way to go
- Trey Moon: Agreed
- Drunkstyle: This was their radio single, the album was actually pretty good. Love the channel, more deftones! Elite, goon squad, or dreaming by system of a down.
- 7Ghoste: Tool - The Grudge
- jason sanford: PLEASE Do PRONG (snap your fingers snap your neck)
- Ryan Braganza: Please react to sybreed - line of least resistance....... please!
- Machaela Smith: I appreciate the shit or of you guys being so understanding to a band that means so much to me! I have been jamming to them since I was 12, so 10 years now! I do think that you should listen to A World so cold because it is less aggressive and you can hear and appreciate the lead singers singing voice and screaming voice because he really does have an amazing singing voice!!❤️🤘🏻
- Paul Daloia: love mudvayne! dig is awesome and different, chad is my favorite metal singer
- JustD.C: Yall have to react to X's Train Food bruh please
- Al Mendez: If you think they sound like korn or slipknot then theres something wrong with your ears. Yea they came around the same time with the nu metal scene but just this album alone was so versatile. They had aggressive songs like this one and melodic songs like prod and nothing to gain. Then they went to evolve. Slipknot did too. Korn is the only band that still kinda does the nu metal sound.
- Jasmine Green: https://youtu.be/ekn_IZtsS3M. Severed or forget to remember.
- jwade848: Incubus- Are you in?
- Slender Sage: Funny how they would say this was not commercial... I remember this being the epitome of “commercial metal” for me back in the day. Flash in the pan song with a video on constant rotation on mtv. It was ok but definitely a product of its time... that nu metal wave.
- That one guy you know: This.
- Kenny Smith: You guys should react to Wintersun , the forest that weeps, Time, sons of winter and stars, lands of snow and sorrow
- MetalMusicFromAcrossTheWorldYT: Evergrey-Weightless!
- LDC Tech: ANDROMEDA- LIES R US MEGADETH- 99 WAYS TO DIE, BREAKPOINT, RECKONING DAY, CAPTIVE HONOUR mudvayne and slipknot are so wack in my opinion. this type of metal is usually heard by emotional highschool kids who wanna feel hard and tough.
- Jersh84: Definitely should have done death blooms! Oh well. Anyway, you guys need to hear the aggressive side of Deftones for a change! All you've done (and I'm not complaining) is their chill, seductive side of their music. Please review songs like engine #9, or rats rats rats, or Korea, oooorrr leathers, or 7 words, or when girls telephone boys!
- R A: Manowar - Metal Daze
- JMac92430: Awe. I was hoping this was the music video. Haha
- ProgHead: Mudvayne and Slipknot are just typical radio metal to me. Kinda boring.
- Anthony Richfield: Dont quit on this band...bad song choice.
- chase black: Should've picked DEATH BLOOMS. Need to do next.
- Pedalbored: Chad Gray the vocalist was molested as child. He spoke about it during their 2009 tour. That may have to do with it
- EminemKingOfRap1000: Would love for you guys to react to Renegade by Jay-Z and Eminem <3
- Ty Smith: World So Cold would've really been the much better choice. It really has a much more chilled, melodic tone and better message
- Abstract Tract: Yeah,have to agree with everyone - try Not Falling,Happy, or Death Bloom. I'm more into extreme metal, but these guys are the only band that came out in the nu metal era of the 90s that I still like. Just really talented.
- Tomekkplk: Parisienne walkways by Gary Moore!! You guys won’t be disappointed. It’s more blues rock but this man is completely underrated. Enjoy!!
- Mark Boyd: Clutch - The Mob Goes Wild. You guys will love this freaking song!!
- Bradley Atchison: In a documentary, the band admots that with album LD50 they were focused on showing the ability of the undividual performers without tying each instrument together. The next two albums are musically better. Death blooms is a bit better musically than dig because dig is more about energy.
- Boss Hiphop: You guys needa do Token and Tech N9ne “Youtube Rapper” FR bruh
- Texas Patriot454: I highly highly suggest ya'll check out Merkules this dude is good https://youtu.be/C8U6tveuiEw
- Alex Deleon: Happy? or World So Cold would have been a MUCH better choice. Just reiterating what many people have already said.
- jared barry: Should’ve chose death blooms. Way more dynamic
- Prasad Krishnan: Linchpin by Fear Factory.. Or their other song 'Self Bias Resistor' .. you guys are gonna love them
- Justin10k: The remaining members are currently in the band Hellyeah along with members from Pantera.
- Joseph Dougan: At the time, this was sort of mainstream, in the sense that Slipknot was. Realistically because of songs like Dig probably got these guys signed. I like the song, but Death Blooms and Internal Primates Forever on this album were way better.
- FanaticalDrummer: Guys!!!! New JinJer video just came out!!!
- James Hawkins: Happy is a good song that demonstrates their talent as a band.
- Mike M: Even though I'm not a big Mudvayne fan, I believe 'Not Falling' would give you guys a different opinion of Mudvayne, it's not so over-the-top and screaming throughout the whole song, where 'Dig' is the heaviest song Mudvayne ever wrote.
- GodComplexion: Death blooms would be more up your alley because there's actual singing in it
- CubanMislCrysis: No war, but this album was produced by Clown from slipknot.
- kacey linne: check out scream with me and world so cold by them
- Trenton Crew: Y'all should hear happy it's more y'alls style
- Shibatron: Nice way of saying.... this song just sucks
- Cody St.Clair: Mudvayne is one of my favorite bands, this is not a great representation of the band, all of the over songs would have been better for an intro that you mentioned but love it guys
- Jason Masque: Happy by Mudvayne!
- Jason Hatherlee m1ghtysauc3: Censored. 🤦♂️
- lesley williams: This was my shit back in the day
- Commie 1776: When are you guys gonna react to Tanahashi v Omega?
- brodemonz: And that's why you should have listened to Death Blooms.
- Shawm Woodfill: Upon a burning body Texas blood money.
- Isaiah Clayton: Mudvayne is garbage lmao
- Timmy Marley: Fully agree 💯
- Daniel Lopez: If you heard the explicit version you might like it more I think.
- zephtube1: The Band BODY COUNT: NO LIVES MATTER.
- Robert Floyd: Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen I’ll join you in this campaign!! I’ll start requesting End of the Line as well.
- Robert Machulla: Death Blooms is my fav :D
- Jlop 86: Checkout,Pallbearer-I Saw The End
- Marty Ballentyne: Happy. I'd be real curious to hear your opinion about Happy by Mudvayne. It's a bit more radio friendly/commerical, but still reflects Mudvayne's sonic character. Try that one next!
- Khalgaming: I really like Mudvayne they have such a wide catalog of creative songs with Dig being my favorite. As you can Imagine it sounds great live and gets the crowd going. I'd recommend Static X-Push It for that different sound you requested.
- cr41189: Death Blooms would have been better to start. Please do Second and Sebring from Of Mice and Men
- Rob Isbell: Any Norma Jean fans on here? Wrongdoers or A media friendly turn for the worst would be my two picks.
- Abdul Khan: Massacre - Dawn of Eternity
- Lyrici17: Great reaction..... For a modern thrash metal song, you guys should react to "Executioner's Tax (Swing of the Axe)" by Power Trip.... Thanks!
- M.L. Coffel: Pantera influence I'd say
- Raiderblack: Mudvayne is kinda lame... wannabe Slipknot
- Mikael V: Should check out The Price by Leprous!
- Anthony Benson: Paradox by Valis Ablaze!!! Absolutely crazy good song
- Manlyman Physiques: This isn't a regular mudvayne angry song, this is a murderous mudvayne angry song
- Eddie Melendez: Who tf requests this?
- Ryan Larocque: Full disclosure, not a Mudvayne fan but I find this such a kick ass hard rock song. I think the steady groove and aggressive sound is why I like it more than their other songs. However, I can sympathize with not totally vibing with something if you are coming at it from a different perspective.
- ImOnUToob: This was their first single off the first album... and the first track too, so that’s why it comes out swinging like it does. Overall this was my favorite album from them and my favorite track is Severed. But their second album was cool and they started losing me with their third.... I do like the track IMN though.
- Shamalama Dingdong: I have always found this song repetitive and annoying. Mudvayne has much better songs than this.
- Holly Sorensen: *PLEASE READ ALL! THANK YOU!* Since you guys make it clear that you definitely pay attention to the comments, *PLEASE* do a reaction to the song Killer's Lullaby by Faithless!!!! (With the lyrics of course). The genre is considered Trip Hop or Acid Jazz, and is VERY different than anything you've heard so far! I promise you will NOT be disappointed!! The music is amazing & I'd love to hear your take on the lyrics. PLEASE!!!!!! Either that or some Tricky (also Trip Hop/Acid Jazz)...his music has SUCH a good flow & he's a genius!! He has sooo many great songs, but I recommend Hell Is Around The Corner or Sun Down ft. Tirzah, or...ahhh, too many great ones to list & that I can't think of off the top of my head right now!!! ❤❤❤
- Joel Heaney: I'd recommend something off of "Lost and Found" or "The End of all Things to Come" as a starter pack for someone looking to start into Mudvayne, LD 50 was bomb but it's pretty hard for a casual fan. Happy, Not Falling or Forget to Remember would be my suggestions
- Kerr Fflop: Death Blooms Prod Know 1 Forever
- Shawn GO GATORS R: How do we vote on which songs?
- 16dbuse: Should of done Happy,,,, people knew how this was gonna go, sorry you guys got sent out there. It's a massive song, just not a first time listen, especially if people would like you to listen to their way better shit.
- Samuel Ramphall: there's a lot of muuuuuuuuuch better songs than Dig to analyze. A World so Cold, Forget to Remember, Happy?, Not Falling, Death Blooms, (Per)version of a Truth just to throw a few out there.
- john habben: So.. this was there first hit single. Slipknot debuted in 1999 at ozzfest filming there first video for "wait and bleed" at alpine valley music theater which catapulted Slipknot into their own headlining tour "the tattoo the earth tour" in 2000 and giving Mudvayne their big break. not sure if they knew each other previously but Slipknot is from Des Moines, Iowa and Mudvayne is from Peoria, Illinois surprisingly not to far from each other.
- olavrell: Please do a reaction to Darkthrone - In the Shadow of the Horns.
- Zebulon Swearingen: Still sounds great after all these years. Never knew the lyrics, now I like the song even more. Oh, don’t wanna hear metal? Dig. Here’s some metal for ya.
- Queen Doris of the 8th Dimension: Or Black and White!
- Greg Red: Determined was actually the Grammy winner
- Bojangelin96: Gojira needs some love again
- whiteboynolan1: BTW, LD50 is one of the best complete albums ever made
- Dane Owens: Brand New - Jesus Christ COLD - Bleed Marilyn Manson - Dope Hat Dry Kill Logic - Goodnight
- Daniel Champagne: PLEEEAASE The PIoneers of Metal... *Blue Cheers* (Summer time blues)
- Giovanni Rodriguez: Attila - About that life
- Jhonny Florez: More talented than Slipknot?. Are you serius, just for lyrics?.
- HankHardcore: One of the key factors to enjoying Mudvayne (imo) is that their bassist is amazing at writing cool and original basslines that often make the whole song. I feel like "Dig" is one instance of this. If you don't know before hand to pay attention to the bass specifically it can be a bit harder to appreciate the music as a whole.
- Ocean King: I also recommend Nothing to Gein from the same album.
- Slaytounge: Not falling has great verses but the chorus kinda ruins it for me and the bridge is garbage.
- Tender Sky: Glassjaw - Ape Dos Mil full version please
- Jasmine Green: This was the first song I ever heard from them and it threw me into the spiral of mudvayne. But one of my favorite songs from them is severed and that probably would have been better for you all.
- King Frederick II: +Lisa B 😂😂
- Andrew Frank: That entire album is great, I like Prod and -1.
- Trent Richey: mudvayne - world so cold
- N.P.A. [No Parking Anytime]: MUDVAYNE - WORLD SO COLD
- grimsmokesat420: Pride by Damageplan, the band was cut short with the shooting of dimebag darrel.
- Raunchydk: This is the real Mudvayne not that popshit they turned into !
- Toulon317: If you watch the behind the scenes of the Making of the Dig video, I feel you will have an understanding of the entire song. Here is the link for the behind the scene video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1p1fTzygl4
- jeremy long: Still waiting for wintersun loneliness or dark tranquility any song from the album atoma
- D21UpstateNY: I like that you guys disliked this song and we're honest about it. Mudvayne is my favorite metal band and one of my favorite types of music. With that said, I don't listen to them daily. It's a mood, a midget or a vibe that makes their aggressive style so enjoyable. I appreciate the honesty guys!
- JCoop: Dig was the breakout song from mudvayne and it's the worst on the album. Literally anything else from their entire discography would've been better for your first listen. We need some more Pantera reactions! The drum track only reaction to suicide note part 2 when Vinnie died was cool but that song doesn't do him justice. Listen to Psycho Holiday so you can hear how he played off of his brother. That song also showcases why Pantera is considered the pioneers of groove metal.
- Jonathan Ciaccio: Review the song the hit by daughters!! Please kind sirs
- dgonza73: I would like to have some Veil of Maya in here
- lawrence shadow: That moment in white men can't jump where he says "your listening to it but you can't hear it". Much love!
- Vince Jones: You guys need to check out 40 Below Summer & American Head Charge. Check out Death Blooms, Negative One, Forget To Remember, Trapped In The Wake Of A Dream or World So Cold from MuDvayNe next guys.
- Trevor Tucker: Yeah terrible into song. This is the most extreme song they put out, and Chad has amazing clean vocals on many if their other songs. They had several radio hits in the 2000s.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Agree! UR analysis is awesome! This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Va9ers21: Biohazard & Onyx - Judgement Night
- SKULLEDBUICK: Dude, this song was a big part of my pre-teenhood. I still love it lmao. The Slipknot comparison is pretty spot on, though. They got popular around the same time, I think. Next, I'd recommend Happy?, so you can get the other side of them. Dig is representative of their more aggressive, chaotic stuff. And I think Happy? would be a decent representation of their more melodic, accessible material. Well, either that, or A World So Cold. Which is even more soft & melodic. But, I'm confident Happy? is a good middle ground.
- Philip Stephen: Isis “in fiction”
- Drystan Barnett: Primal concrete sledge by pantera has a similar style to this in terms of the vocal but I’d say it’s more enjoyable than this
- DiggerBear: Bout time boys. K(now) F(orever) by them next. Mudvayne way better. Sold out tho. This song won an award actually.
- switchboardrevelry: Bleh. The worst era of metal. They won an mtv award or some shit for this.
- Wayne Townsend: Us metalheads are loyal and passionate, we’re also stubborn and ignorant. We damn well knew a song like “Dig” was only popular among our base and it baffles me why so many thought it would have been a good choice for you guys. “Not Falling” and “A World So Cold” are both great songs, but hopefully “Happy” is the song that finds you next. It’s definitely more of a Ryan and George song. Take care and much love guys! ✌️
- Random Workshop: Mix of Slipknot and Sepultura.
- Dylan Underwood: The Dillinger Escape Plan- Symptom of Terminal Illness
- Dustin Clark: I always hated that album cover. Lol but mudvayne had one of the sickest rhythm sections in metal.
- Sue Truesdale: Unless I’m trippin and missed it y’all still need to react to Chris Stapleton Death Row. The world needs yalls reaction to this. Y’all came out here and made yourselves important because your mission is correct so now we need to see your reaction to Death Row.
- Garrett Watson: Should of done deathblooms
- General Aspergers: Not really.
- Masked Pimp: Bruh what about black metal ?
- JJ: Fear factory
- villainizing: I mean, "these guys sound like Slipknot" is what we all thought when Mudvayne came out...
- Daniel: Checkout Scarlet Letters and World So Cold by Mudvayne. Those songs are awesome.
- waba: In that era, 'dig' was just an aggressive and energetic song that introduced many of us to mudvayne. While death blooms was a good example of more variety and the talent of mudvayne, world so cold was the song that put their talent on full display. Deep lyrics with amazing melodies. If you could do that that would be great. Otherwise, this is a good take on dig from an honest mudvayne fan. A fellow Vegas creator, glad to support the channel.
- Carnivorous Artichoke: I second anyone who is saying check out Children of Bodom. I would say start out with Mask of Sanity or Downfall. Also check out Moonshield or Lunar Strain by In Flames.
- Joseph Guidi: Poor choice... IMN
- Norman Bates: 3:45 extreme over the top. Listen to Cuntcrusher by Infant Annihilator...
- Emory Paluck: Cradle of filth.. the ghost in the fog..if you want some metal
- Harvey D: I remember the video (when mtv still played them.). I went and bought the CD and loved it! Death Blooms is my favorite track . They won an mtv2 video award , voters choice I think. Also the kill I oughta (I think) cd was good.
- Sean Henry: Can't believe you started with Dig. LOL!
- metalheavythrasher: My gosh, that was so heavily edited with all the censorship! Time to get back to Pantera or some Breaking Benjamin!
- Emmitt Holbrook: Can you react to mudvayne - death blooms
- Tyler Noaker: The Who - Eminence Front
- Ian McGregor: I’m still waiting on that Blue Scholars reaction. I really think you guys would enjoy their music. Check out La Botella
- Sternblaze: I think you guys would enjoy songs like Happy, Forget to Remember and World so Cold, they show more of the melodic side of the band. I personally still think Dig's a banger \m/
- genithlol: Should have done World so Cold or Not Falling or Happy.
- Joshua Ware: This definitely falls into the Metropolis category. As in, if you're a huge fan of this style of music, you'll love this. But if you're going to introduce somebody brand new to MudVayne, then maybe go with Not Falling or Happy. That bass line at the beginning though is 🔥
- jeremiah slade: They are so many metal bands that I want to suggest but I feel like with all the comments and subs now it just kinda gets lost in the shuffle. Oh well if you read this hit me up and I'll give a lesser known band that I think you'll enjoy. It has been fun watching you guys grow over the last year and a half, keep up the good work.
- Alan Simmons: As much as I love this song (and it was the song that got me into them), this is the wrong one for y'all to be introduced to them. I feel like "Not Falling" would have been a better choice. As always, Battlecross - Push Pull Destroy
- Cayden Childers: Slipknot came out in like 97 or 99 so mudvayne came after but I do agree vocals pretty similar but slipknot don’t really do high pitch scream
- Paul Luysterborghs: New jinjer joint perennial is serious. Check it out.
- John Green: The slap bass in this is SO unique for Metal.
- Gisselle Palacios: WORLD SO COLD should've been a much better choice! Hope you guys give it a try.
- metaldad1974: HAPPY
- Dylan Caldwell: The level of musicianship is off the charts on this album. Especially Ryan & Matthew. Those two are ridiculous. “Nothing To Gein” is one of the most unique innovative tracks ever.
- 666Eddie TheHunter666: We definitely need some more melodeath. In Flames - Lord Hypnos
- BROKEN Concerts and guitar stuff: Charvel, John Frusciante
- Bob Saba: Do Happy fellas.....And do something from Hellyeah
- James Rainey: Should've done not falling. This songs a little aggressive for a first song haha
- Jeff Torres: I'm not surprised by this reaction 😁
- The Steel Bastard: Thin lizzy - Dancing in the moonlight
- Emerson Brandstrom: Please react to ragged tooth by protest the hero. Ive asked many times love ya guys and i hope you finaly see this lol
- James Boydstun: They thanked Slipknot in the "thanks" section in the booklet, I cant think of the name for everything right now. They even went as far to really thank Clown and say thanks to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 soooo
- Jeris Barnett: Mudvayne - Death Blooms, -1, Severed, Patient Mental, World So Cold, Skrying, Shadow of a Man. Any of those are better choices than Dig. I love Dig but that is a song that show only a small portion of what they're really capable of.
- bruno mota: And don’t assume that Slipknot just sounds like that, they can be really creative, you should try more of their songs, try something different from them like Dead Memories or Sulfur
- Ben Trukhan: Cradle, -1, Pharmaecopia, nothing to gein, burn the bridge, A Cinderella story, IMN,
- Bronce Perez Matos: Death Blooms is a way better option. Highly suggest you review that song.
- no interest for my user name: The idea given to these two guys to react to it is for propaganda that has to do with genetics. The bastards who chose to give them the idea of this song in this specific topic in this specific time knew exactly what they did. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at the picture of the album in the Back of the guys reacting to it.
- Devin Joseph: Death Blooms would’ve been the better choice
- Rhett Etheredge: Poor choice to get into Mudvayne, suggest Fall into Sleep, Dull boy, IMN, Nothing to GEin and definitely Death Blooms
- T P: ProgPro96 Yes and Virus://Vibrance and Rebirth Protocol even though it’s a short song it’s catchy af
- Yuri: Do yourselves a favor and skip all Nu Metal bands. The very late 90s through early 2000s had some really shitty popular metal bands. That being said, the bass player in this band is pretty talented.
- Lance L: Or Too Many Puppies.
- Christopher Tyler: Anyone else think he was going to say Hellyeah? Lol
- Robert Burrage: Doomsday
- XXLDMXX 2000: Could u guys please react to Sam Black Church: Captain of The World
- Sosroseno: Love the reaction on this, you can tell when Ryan is reaaaally trying to get into the song but it just won’t let him in. I personally love this song; as you guys said, it’s just pure aggression and over-the-top attitude, makes for a great listen in the morning to really wake the system up. And please do Slipknot “Spit it Out”!
- Chris: Civil war!🤘
- torgo4ever: If you're looking for a more groovy track from them , DEFINITELY try " Skrying" . That groove will have your neck nodding for SURE !
- Paul Martin: I saw them live at OzFest years ago and Slipknot ran through the crowd and did some stage diving while they were playing. Slipknot's guitarist Mick Thomson is a big boy, he about knocked me on my ass when he ran through us lol.
- Stoic Outrider: A solid YUP to this. Ryan Martinie is one of my main reasons for loving Mudvayne.
- Mark M: Soilwork - Father and Son Watching the World go Down
- The1andOnly: Really been waiting for you guys to touch back on some Earthgang!!! Their first 2 albums “Shallow Graves for Toys” and “Strays with Rabies” have some wonderful songs. If I may suggest a few songs: -No Peace -UFO’s -Microscopic Dinosaurs -Sweet Haste -AWOL -Masturpeace
- Rohit Vaishnav S: Skyharbor - Evolution
- Dylan Schad: Dig is an awesome song but I don't feel like it's a great representation of what Mudvayne are about. Not Falling, Silenced and Happy? would be my recommendations.
- Katsi: Speaking of Slipknot... React to ANY IOWA SONG!!!! The Shape Disasterpiece Gently- you've heard already The Heretic Anthem (please) Metabolic
- Robert Mercer: Do the song, happy from mudvayne
- Patrzykont: Happy? is a better song from them
- Cody Smith: Do a reaction to “old troubadour” by George Strait you won’t regret it
- Joel Suero: BARZ
- steveo barger: I agree 100,000,000,000 % with you!
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: What's a SMOKO?! anyway, This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Neal Theall: Next time id go with forget to remember, happy, or not falling, a world so cold, fall into sleep
- Subliminal Lime: Slipknot hit first back in the day, but Mudvayne was right after them. I saw them both at Ozzfest 2001 & Mudvayne headlined the 2nd stage while Slipknot was on the main stage.
- Jim Morrison: How can you judge an edited song? The video is edited too but at least if you went that route you'd get a sense of their style. NO MORE EDITED SONGS UNLESS ITS THE MUSIC VIDEO
- Gregory Andreski: Rob zombie living dead girl
- qazrapt: Muse- Stockholm syndrome
- syko2k2: WTF This version of the song is highly edited.
- clayman41: We see this time and time again...people pick their favorite song rather than thinking from your perspective...so it's no wonder this was a flop. You needed a better intro song. I'm not too familiar with Mudvayne but have certainly heard cleaner and more dynamic songs from them that would have been a better introduction
- Brent Heritier: Agree that you are getting awful song recommendations from great bands. They're not bad songs, but they're not the most accessible, either. A lot of metal heads become snobs about the music, and have no grasp of someone else's perspective. I've been to parties where a host will throw on music that they love, but really doesn't set an enjoyable mood. They just put on certain music because they like it. They'll sit there and rock out, while everyone else is like "whatever". I could totally take a style of music, but put together a playlist that would have more mass appeal.
- Thomas Stewart: Halestorm, Amen!
- Nathan Arent: Surprised you guys didn’t mention anything about the bass. Ryan Martinie is one of the most underrated bassists. That slap bass is incredible. Also, way to recommend one of the most over the top aggressive songs by the band. Get a grip people...
- William Hartman: Try some music from "HELLYEAH" drummer from pantera recently passed Vinnie Paul with the same singer from Mudvayne Chad Grey but music is Morse groove heavy just much better please try something from their last two albums
- robert gardner: React to Hellyeah band of brothers or hush.
- Mopar Casey: They got better songs than this one. Try fall into sleep
- Paul: Death Blooms or World So Cold would been perfect choices. People need to stop recommending such "harsh" sounding songs for an introduction.
- Marquis Jackson: Can you please do "difficult" by eminem!!
- Edd Briz: Perdida de. tiempo
- Sean Coleman: FIRE FROM THE GODS -excuse me
- DT P: Dig is purely to get your adrenaline pumping, try Happy?. Another one you should try is Born In Winter by gojira
- wvusmc: If they react to Happy? next they'll be surprised by the difference
- sorrowsuperstar10: oh c'mon "Dig" really ? ..that's nowhere NEAR their best song , that was just their hype song ...smh ..react to negative one , sovet coagula , patient mental , severed , ...nothing to gein
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Ur an art critique? This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Geoffrey Bremner: Long time fan here, just don't usually comment much. Just wanna say maybe another thing to appreciate here is the flow and technique of vocalist. It is in fact very abrasive, but what he is doing is really difficult to do technically. Also I personally like how the bassist use some slap technique and that pops through the mix and makes it a bit more fun to listen to. First time listen for me too on this band. The main groove had my attention for a bit but wasn't overall too special. ANYWAYS - It'd totally make my day if you guys did "Dance Gavin Dance" - "Care" or any of their tracks really. They are a really unique band and I think they offer many sounds you haven't potentially heard yet! Hope you guys have a great day!
- Joseph Carroll: yeah..i must say..the comments recommending hed pe...yeah do that.
- Riley goddam Williams: You guys should check out behemoth "blow your trumpets gabriel" or "bartzabel"
- michael jordan: theres a video to this dig track
- Chris Hall: Not surprised you didn't like this. They wrote song through numerology which results in a very progressive feel to their music which lessens the effect of the groove you look for... I love this album and the next one because of that but after that they focused on 4/4 time signatures more.
- Josh Swinford: Was that the tour that Taproot opened on? Saw em in Tuscon and walked out with my mind blown.
- Timothy Fearn: I think "Beautiful And Strange," "Fall Into Sleep," or "Heard It All Before" would have been a better intro.
- ben rupe: You guys need to get to Black Label Society one of these days..best guitarist in the business in my opinion
- Money Grubb: "A World So Cold" would have blown their minds
- Captain Cannabis: +Cory Dobrzynski Because all the idiots here get a kick out of throwing them into the "deep end".
- John Caudill: World so cold is best
- crazyaboutnature: Alice in Chains next! Try Man in the Box!
- TheZoomootoo: i feel like you guys as rap fans would really appreciate and enjoy archspire, they are heavy but with a crazy twist. Maybe the tracks involuntary doppelganger of human murmuration?
- Mark Stary: This is a song that takes a couple play through to really enjoy. First time around I hated this song but the more and more you listen to it the better it gets
- The Xmoda: man this song sucks
- David Schreiber: Please do "Push it" by Static-X.
- Jake Hebert: Bad song to be introduced to first, y'all should try out, Happy, Not Falling, Fall Into Sleep, World So Cold, Choices
- Ref: I know y'all ain't done K.A.A.N. in a while, so I'd suggest Concealed the outro.
- The booty Warrior: Darrell Gaither lol damn if thats true i feel a little betrayed.
- Carlo DiCara: I love this song for what it is but definitely not the right song to start with for Mudvayne. Almost anything off of The New Game would have been a much better intro to the band. You guys need to consider and know your audience (LiV) when voting, now we won’t get another Mudvayne reaction for quite some time :/
- Caleb Brown: You guys should listen to thy art is murder they are great
- Corey M: Yeah, most of their stuff doesn't sound like this. Give "Not Falling" or "Happy" a shot. This sounds more like Slipknot than they usually do
- Keith Shusterman: Death Blooms would be another great choice to hear some of the clean vocals
- metalfolife741: i would love to see you guys react to some All That Remains!
- c brence: Should've done the video.
- VΞGΛEidolon: It's a fun song, but not their best. Good thing you didn't react to the video as well haha Forget to Remember is one of their best tracks.
- Jack Daniels: Try Mudvayne, "Mercey, Severity"
- Steve Trent: I get the reaction, though. This is a song you listen to when you wanna rage out in the gym or on the field haha. It’s good because you can listen to this no matter what you’re angry about.
- Kralli13: Time for another GOJIRA! Global Warning! This is a song they never have been playing live because it is to hard to do it they said. But now, for the fans that have wished for a live version, they have played it live in studio and released it on youtube. You really should have a look at that studio live version. Definitly one of their most epic moments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DiWzvE52ZY
- lvitch: Dig was heavy, angry and extreme for sure, but not a good representation of what their music is about. They are undoubtedly one of the most cerebral, emotional, and talented metal bands of all time. Check out death blooms , Dull Boy, or any one of the other tracks others have mentioned for a better perspective. Dig is great for shock value for sure, but just not really what they are about 👍. Love your vids too. You guys are way cool!
- MantleNotMouse: You guys definitely need to check out World So Cold. It's like a completely different band from Dig.
- Garlicjr Made: mudvayne was a gimick band like limp buzkit
- R- Veda: First of all I wanna say happy new year for y'all (yes it's so late) It's 2019 now I think u guys have to make something new this year Please react to BLACKPINK - DDU DU DDU DU Im not a kpop fans but that song is 🔥🔥 and the flow is off the chain Please react to the song (don't forget to turn on the cc) Shout out from Indonesia Notification gang 🔥🔥
- moparman2nd: I am surprised that they haven't checked out Fear Factory yet.
- Azazoth: This album was definitely around the age of trying to be more extreme and edgy than the next guy. Mudvayne is what people call math metal, it's crazy timings and patterns that's hard to play. But again, it's that time where you're listening to people giving you the heavy shit that is just not for people dipping into the band, but mind, Dig was also most peoples' introduction to Mudvayne too.
- Larson: please react to scissors by slipknot. i would say it is an absolute masterpiece especially with the atmosphere it creates.
- Stephen Miranda: As blood runs black- my fears become phobia
- Spartacus: BR BR DENG
- Richard Roberts: Hmmm though they ain't perfect by a long stretch. The cheesy nu metal to me was bands like adema, Linkin Park, saliva and the sort. Always thought the drummer and bass player in mudvayne could play some decent technical stuff. But hey opinions are valid all the same.
- Smokey Rockwell: Mudvayne - Severed Chimaira - Severed
- Void Cometh: Math Metal the style they basically started to explain their sound at this time.
- Taj Baber: These guys are what I'd call lowkey prog metal. They used numbers during the songwriting process and used symbolism in the lyrics. Also, the bassist is a jazz guy.
- Armand Grossman: it was slipknot vs mushroomhead because of masks. and slipknot vs limp bizkit because fred durst ran his mouth 90's early 2000's. Mudvayne is its own beast. Check out determined and its music video by mudvayne
- Vicky Delrossi: Lamb of God, Blood of the Scribe, Redneck,Omertà. You won't be sorry.
- Kurt Witte: +Pennywise Wadford yes
- sorrowsuperstar10: lemme put ya'll on game real quick ! react to Static X - Bled for Days ! now THAT is a Mosh Pit song !
- Seiclone37: It’s time to do Dead Skin Mask by Slayer!! You will love it
- Metal Novak: I forgot how bad this band was. That trash bass thing at the beginning Total slipknot clown band nu metal rip off - George was right.
- Nazdy Nate: I'll bet you guys would LOVE Mudvayne - Death Blooms. I personally feel it's more of your cup of tea.
- The Thing That Should Not Be: Definitely should have done "Death Blooms" instead.
- Cory Dobrzynski: Yeah Im not sure why people suggested this over Happy?.
- JCastro7: Saba PROM/KING
- TheMadMedek: No disrespect. Same era. Same technical genre of metal from the early 00s, even though slipknot doesn’t like being called Nu Metal.
- johnnoandoe: Death Blooms would have made a better starting point, it's more musical and slightly less aggressive than dig. Dig was the debut single from a debut album, coming out with a bang so to speak. 👍
- Chris Brown: I think you guys would love Chevelle. It falls in the "mainstream" but the vocalist knows melody, knows the right spots to build up a more aggressive sound - as one reviewer said, it's if Tool went to liberal arts college instead of art school. "Clincher" or "Hats off to the Bull" are some good starters for y'all.
- Aaron Kulukjian: Man what a terrible band.
- Setiss: Chris Webby - Apex (feat. Nems, Apathy, Anoyd, Mickey Factz The Black Eyed Peas feat. Nas - BACK 2 HIPHOP
- Tony Viner: Did you never give a damn in the first place?
- Enemy Ghost: Mudvayne - Forget to Remember!
- Carnivorous Artichoke: I think they are ready for (yes this is much heavier) Pig destroyer-Piss Angel. Also been riding with y'all for a while now. Keep up the good work.
- Lon3000: Dig is one of their most simple songs they have. Their capability is shown much better in 'severed', '-1', 'know forever' (...)
- adrianastrolux: Katatonia!! Please do 'Passer' or 'Consternation'
- xl HypeCiTy lx: Garage music by poodieville????
- niogel: NIGHTWISH FANS! Please help UPVOTE this request! I think they are ready to experience a FLOORGASM! @Lost In Vegas! Please react to Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum! (Live @ Wembley in 2016) https://youtu.be/gbn9GczYBkw
- Arnaud R: try 43% burnt from the dillinger escape plan. or bring me the head of Andy Warhole from Polkadot Cadaver
- miserablessed86: I remember the Asstodon merch that came out because of this music video
- Ian Robison: Extol - Open The Gates
- Orion Jordan: Man I wish you guys would have done severed or know forever. Those will illustrate their diversity
- David Mathes: This is a straight brutal song guys, listen to Death Bloom, hes has a extremely beautiful voice and they are extremely dynamic and moody.....Dig is a kick in the head but they are all over the map
- Musclebound: If you haven't already yet, you should react to Covering Fire by Havoc
- So-Lo Aquatics: Cinderella song by mudvayne
- Sean Clements: it a shame that you guys got the edited version, definitely changes the experience a lil. Missing lyrics all over the place :( It's sounds so weird with the edited vocals. My recommendation as always is The Dillinger Escape Plan- When Good Dogs Do Bad Things. B4 I heard them I thought Mudvayne was the most extreme
- Jeff Barber: Ryan Martine, the bass player, is amazing. The drummer is also phenomenal. This is from the same era as slipknot early stuff so the comparisons are valid. I actually prefer this stuff to their later material. This was released during the first wave of NU metal, which had a big following. Bands like Linkin park, Coal Chamber, Tap root, at the drive in and slipknot had commercial backing and blew up quite quickly and then fell apart under the pressure of maintaining the sales. Compared to a more extreme form of metal like black metal or death metal which remained underground and is still thriving. I still throw this on occasionally but mainly for Ryans bass playing. I think your comments are pretty accurate. Later mudvayne songs like Happy or not falling are more accessible but by the time the came out, the commercial support for heavy music had gone. Good video!
- Aaron Brenes: Mudvayne Happy
- Daifun 28: Another great video guys... I have a suggestion for you... One minute silence:South Central... Great 90s British rap metal band.. 🤘🤘peace & love
- Darksky9Five: Avenged Sevenfold- Beast and the Harlot!
- Myrddin Taliesin: This is one of those albums that works better listened as a whole. You can enjoy individual songs but so much of it plays off of the previous and builds into the next song. And not all of it goes full steam ahead either.
- Chris Thvedt: Not Falling!!!! By Mudvayne
- XerDav: i feel like such a niche in your fanbase that i just can't get anyone to upvote any EDM suggestions. can we get any Dubstep reactions on this channel? i'll toss some song names your way, will be all over the map, from more aggressive to melodic Dubstep. here are some suggestions: Teminite - State of Mind Bassnectar - Into the Sun (title track) Panda Eyes - I Am Undead Chime - Evolve (title track) Seven Lions - Start Again (title track) Datsik & Virtual Riot - Nasty Rusko - Woo Boost Snails & Adventure Club - Follow Me Kill the Noise - Real Life? PhaseOne - Double Up (title track) Arkasia - Footprints Knife Party - Give It Up Ganja White Night - Bubblegum Feed Me - Blood Red Zomboy - Skull 'n' Bones NERO - Guilt Skrillex - Kyoto
- Michael Struif: You guys should do a reaction to Pro-Pain The Truth Hurts. I really think you would like it . it has great lyrical content. Keep up the great work. Love the vids
- Devin Miller: WORLD SO COLD next guys! Like everyone said, this isnt the best intro to this band cuz it is fairly short and just straight forward heavy. They have a wide range of talent and deserve another go!
- PayDro: L.D. 50 is whole album feel. Dig is just the first part.
- Seenbelow Official: WASP - Arena of Pleasure
- Synyster Productions: Can’t believe you guys didn’t comment on the insane bass riffs in the song. Very insightful as always, but I will disagree with you saying the song was “over the top”. Compared to other bands at the same time, Mudvayne is relatively tame. Not Falling would be great for a next listen, as well as Severed. Also keep in mind that this is the First Album so it’s a little rough around the edges, the next albums to come get a little less heavy after The End Of All Things To Come, but the writing is still prevalent. Also wish you guys would use headphones just to get the full effect and nuances of music. Still love everything you put out and hope you’re both having a fantastic 2019! 🤟🏻
- mk2 1074: Please do fall of humanity - seasons!!
- DanHarkinz99: It's a commercially big song but not a great introduction to the band but I still love Dig. Severed, all that you are, and pharmaecopia are personal faves
- radiantnoir: DeathBlooms.
- William Troyer: World so cold would be much better
- ron milman: Orphaned Land- Halo Dies!
- Isais Green: "Ich Tu Dir Weh" or "Haifisch" would probably go over better here as an introduction.
- Drum Guy: They were a great band. Miss them. Great musicianship.
- tim henson: I agree with Mark M.
- muddinmann: Hell no haha not slipknot by a long shot, tall went mudvayne in the deep end should have started with happy, not falling, or death blooms
- Zachary Smitty: Korn blind
- maleman julpax: Not falling is way better
- Benito Martinez: Dig is a nu metal song very aggressive. Not falling, world so cold, trapped in the wake of a dream are way better song choices.
- James Davis: THRICE - THE WHALER. It's something very different that has A LOT of meaning. It's a song like no other...Dustin Kensrue is a master of his craft. It would be awesome for you guys to review/react to it.
- Daniel Satterfield: Just shadowing what everyone else has said, as they’re correct, this does not represent Mudvayne. Pretty much any other song off of LD50 would do them justice. Severed and Prod have to be the most impressive and powerful. And guys, how’re you not gonna talk about that insane bass? True staple of the sound.
- Gregory Gubics: You need to check out HELLYEAH! Bigger God.
- El PavliTo: react to Death Blooms. Please.
- Philip Shapkin: JAMBI!!!
- Devan Romero: Dont be afraid to check Mudvayne back out, Death Blooms is a great song. Also please revisit Pantera at some point. Becoming and Shedding Skin would be great two choices for them
- slipknot95maggot: This song has killer bass. I totally don't blame y'all for not being into it, I'm not hating nor being defensive. But y'all keep talking about looking for something to like here, if you have a hard time hearing the bass in the mix 'cuz the genre and tones are too unfamiliar to ya check the music video out, you can see the bass player goin nuts. I'm biased 'cuz I play bass but a lot of people who aren't bass heads love the bass in this song. Ryan used to do a lot of slap and slap bass in metal this aggressive even to this day isn't very common. Gives a really cool feel, I won't blame someone for not picking it out first listen when this isn't their style XD but yea even if ya check out a different Mudvayne song sometime, Ryan is a killer bass player. Worth looking into if ya wanna hear some heavy metal with killer bass. Dull Boy is a little more chill and Internal Primates Forever is another good heavy one with great bass if ya wanna give it another shot ;p honestly though most of their stuff has notably good bass, Ryan is a G
- Phil B: Poor song choice for introductions. The thing that made Mudvayne great was the contrast of soft emotional vocals put directly against aggressive expressions... this song is devoid of the softer side and lyrically shallow in comparison to the other titles people are mentioning. Don't skip on Mudvayne until you've done Death Blooms and a couple songs from The End of All Things to Come... like World So Cold, (Per)version of a Truth, or Mercy/Severity. The later stuff was just... ok.
- Dany Gilbert: You guys should have a look at a band called Living Colors. Time's up is a bomb, but they have many awesome rythm, Funny vibe is sick as hell too. Continue your awesome work guys, me and my friend always can't beleive how much you guys are listening to music and not just hearing it, big difference. And you always try to understand the idea behind the song you're listening, weither you like or not and that's the way we should all listen to music. Cheers.
- Angry Demon Productions: "There was a period where bands were trying to be extremely extreme" -- Obviously they haven't heard of Anal Cunt yet! LOFL
- anthony cervantes: They were accused of stealing slipknots style but Ryan Martinie plays the bass in such a bad ass way and the music does sound similar but mudvayne is still a very great band with great songs.
- Joseph Parris: Happy is a great intro song for Mudvayne. Dig does not throw the bands true sound
- Travis Fladeland: I remember seeing it on TRL haha along with marylin Manson and KoRn haha. Those were the days
- Fabián Gómez: Mudvayne - a world so cold. Could be a great song as a second chance.
- HStalhane: Plz check out Noname - Room 25, I think she has worked with Chance The Rapper before, the beats remind me of early ATCQ and her spoken word type of delivery and conent matter is just so jazzy
- Robbie Hoen: When a friend and myself started to recognize the genius of the bass on this album we got basses ourselves. We spent more than a half year trying to figure out- and play every song on LD50. We were obsessed. Once we figured it out we started to try and master it. Took about 2 years (rememer: never touched a bass or guitar before and onlyt played mudvayne) but finally mastered it. Put dowqn my bass and never played it again. I have never again encounterted any basslines that were anything like on LD50. Not even Ryan himself on later Albums played it quite like he did on LD50.
- Ron Morrison: Alter Bridge - Before Tomorrow Comes
- alanomie: Mercy, Severity. I've been asking for TWO years!!!!
- camhorejs: Dave Bailey yes! Definitely chlorine and wine! Maybe March to the sea also
- Edward M Poznanski: Definitely try Happy?
- The Death Twitch: Also0 just a tip, not sure how you guys pick your songs but I'd type the song name plus "Topic" to get good quality usually unedited version of songs on YouTube.
- juanbond85: I agree with a lot of people here. This was NOT the best song to introduce you to Mudvayne. I get a lot of flack for this, but I think their later stuff was a lot better. Songs like "Happy?", "Forget to Remember", "Not Falling", and "Scream With Me" do a better job of showcasing Chad's vocals, and Ryan Martinie's technical skills on the bass, who is one of the best bass players ever. "Death Blooms" was a good one, too, but it sounds more like their newer stuff.
- Brandon Hayward: Prong - Rude Awakening (title track off the album from 1996)
- M reapr: Reallly shouldve done severed one of their best songs best lyrics.
- JohnIsRampage: Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country
- dattjah: Still gotta do Hunger Strike by Temple of the Dog. Grunge resonates more today than ever. Give it a listen.
- FrankAcoustics: Locksmith Kay Slay 2019 Freestyle
- joshua weeks: Corrosion of Conformity-Albatross Really would like to see y’alls reaction to this style of metal. Really groove based and very underrated band
- Mike Wren: one after one i will take them all out, u want a piece of me mutha fkr ROCK N ROLL!
- Patrick Kamp: I'm 33 and from Peoria, Illinois. That's where mudvayne came from, and when they were still just a small local group, this song and their first album here, we're amazing and unique live. They stood out and have some funkier bass lines and songs. This gets the pit going tho. And watching their first few shows with the make up and the intensity were amazing. They were mainstays and home heroes until they separated. 2 guys went to the band hell yeah, with a pantera guy and a few guys from nothingface. They went more country heavy rock and have returned to mudvayne for awhile. But they put out 7 albums or so and would still get the local scene excited if they came back.
- Sam Maskell: The music video tho..
- Steve Smallwood: Absolutely agree much better song for them to check out. LD50 is out there musically odd timings and such.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: SSSSLLLAAAYYYEEERRGGHHH!!!! This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- bigyodatheman: DYING FETUS
- brandon wheeler: Can we get some static-x in here?
- underdog: Janelle Monáe – Django Jane
- john roman: Happy, would of been better for you guys
- Keetz Mc: World so cold would've been a better intorduction
- jfran018: Using the edited version killed all the emotion in the song ... not that expletives is everything but it killed the flow of the whole song
- Dave9k: My favorites on this record were always Severed, Prod, and Know Forever. I still consider Know Forever their magnum opus. These guys are actually --despite what you heard here-- very artistic and put a lot of thought into their lyrics. It's hard to recommend a song from a later album before giving you a chance to hear this one at it's best, because they changed their sound a bit with each album. After this one they changed from drop b tuning to drop c and the odd time signatures started to come a little more naturally. From their third album on the drummer changed the tuning of his drums to more of a rock sound rather than metal. PS Death Blooms is also really good.
- Ariah Leah: Yes! Slipknot is what i was thinking too.
- TheCarter117 Gaming: Yea, mudvayne is really such a diverse band that does have a lot of different sounds depending on the song... I wouldnt have gone with Dig as the first song either... World So Cold, Not falling, or Happy? woulda been better... And during the this time, they were going strong at the same time as slipknot, they really are one of the greats from that time. They also have one of the best bassists in metal.
- VanArchist: This song Dig came out way before slipknot I am a Huge mudvayne fan but when I first heard this song I didnt like it so try "happy" It would be more your speed...Keep on rockin in the free world!!
- allmightyo1: Dig is an angry song, and if your anger and people keep try discount you cuz your angry, you can understand this song
- Wes Jourdan: This is definitely their best album. If you want more melodic stuff check out Death Blooms.
- Sean Riggs: Review Prod from same album... It'll change your minds...
- Justin Smith: Do "happy" by mudvane it's really good it's more mellow
- Andy T: Lost In Vegas should definitely look into Bodom
- Cthuugean: Hiya guys, another great reaction, Could you please react to: SLAYER - “Black Magic”, “Skeletons Of Society”, “Temptation”, “213” or “Silent Scream”. TAD MOROSE - “Anubis” or “Cyberdome”. KILLER BE KILLED - “Wings Of Feather And Wax”. GRIP INC - “Hostage To Heaven”. 5 FINGER DEATH PUNCH - “The Way Of The Fist”. REDGUM - “I Was Only 19” (Not Metal)
- drummunky85: Awwwww edited version
- Conner Cross: Great video guys! You should check out Hellyeah, has the same vocalist as well as Vinnie Paul from Pantera (RIP). Check out Hush, Moth, or the song Hellyeah
- allmightyo1: Descend the Shades of Night by Machine Head
- TioHolanda: Dyers Eve from Metallica
- Koricon Nala: Yeah, and the video for it reflects the time very well. Crazy & over the top awesome lol. Videos are a time capsule of visuals for the era which are just as important as videos are for music today.
- Lucas Tatnell: Architects Doomsday!
- sorrowsuperstar10: patient mental - mudvayne or if you have the BALLS react to Mudvayne -Nothing to Gein
- M: +rcmfuzzy At least Fear Factory's back the f up song.
- omar lucero: React to Leech by sylosis
- Jason Dye: I think it’s time to start getting into stone or metal. How about a little high on fire perhaps there song 10,000 years.
- J&JPerformance: Also HIT UP STOKELY
- Bollone: Lamb of god download live 2007 full reaction maaan
- ProgrammedForDamage: Definitely NOT the best song to introduce you to Mudvayne. Plenty of better suggestions in the comments. I had hated it the first time I heard it, then heard Death Blooms and some of their other songs and now I appreciate Dig a lot more. Their bassist Ryan Martinie, is one of the best out there.
- Jon Hubbard: +13custer13 so what is manson categorized under then?
- Joseph Thiery: There's definitely some truth here... but you could probably make out the words if they weren't listening to a shitty edited version of the song that purposely scrambles up syllables in the vocals (in addition to bleeping out the curses) to obscure that he's talking about encouraging someone to commit suicide.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: I posted that SPEECH!! check it out...
- zaybls: Do More Tool!
- Virtue: We're gonna need that new Locksmith Shade 45 freestyle, he just blessed them with another one this week.
- Cierra King: React to Chanel Slides by Dreezy ft. Kash Doll
- Nora Haenggi: After years of listening to Chad, only then did I fully grasp the early stuff.
- Anthony Herman: Happy, listen to happy awesome mudvayne song
- X III: Not falling, happy, or forget to remember are all better choices
- allenro1: Do yall feel this song? I dig it....
- Jerimiah Little: PLEASE GUYS, ITS TIME!!Necrophagist - Fermented Offal Discharge/ Archspire - A Dark Horizontal
- Cole Rodgers: I feel like y’all would really enjoy ty dolla sign and Jeremiah’s album Mih-ty, best RB album out there
- Alan Talamantes: Worst song to start off to mudvayne
- Tn Floose: Wrong choice Should have done death blooms
- Cyril Ruegsegger: You should react to Mr. Bungle one day !
- Cristian Hincapie: Megadeth - last rites/loved to death, please.
- Max Power: Yes! Yes! Mudvayne!! The whole L.D. 50 album is one epic sonic experience, it has a Tool vibe to it. You're doing yourself a huge disservice not to listen to it. Come back to Mudvayne and react to Death Blooms. You mentioned it kinda sounds like Slipknot. Shawn "Clown" Crahan of Slipknot was an executive producer on the L.D. 50 album. Oh yeah. . . S A T R Y I C O N - "Commando" , "Sign of the Trident" , "K.I.N.G." , "Black Crow on a Tombstone"
- PhoenixXZY: The problem with this song is it is muddy (pun intended) and everything is sloppily put together. Transitions aren't smooth, vocal flow is also messy. Their production got better as the band moved on, of course. Just not a good opener.
- dguerra1969: Death Blooms is their best work!
- Brandon Cox: Probably should have started with happy? Or not falling
- Mike Gonsalves: When I first heard Dig, l dismissed Mudvayne as another band of great musicians going extreme for the sake of shock. It wasn’t until a few years later, watching the movie Ghost Ship, that I heard a song at the end of the movie that got me going.... that song was Not Falling and I couldn’t believe that it was the same band!! Definitely made me go back and give them another go.
- James H: WORLD SO COLD would have been better.
- iblamegravity1: Believe it or not these guys are actually famous for blendind in melodies & introspective singing. Lol
- Luke Yuginovich: Both bands are nu metal !!
- Scott ?: Literally the worst mudvayne song to start with. Anything else would have been better. You don’t even get a real grasp of his voice on this. I mean I like like it. Bad first listen though.
- InvisibleKid247: Stitch by Wage War
- cha94: Can't be said enough....World So Cold 1000 times better than this song....no lie!
- Danny Goldstein: If Slipknot & Pantera were the two girls, Mudvayne would be the cup.
- Tatakai no Kami: Yep, I suggested this weeks ago.
- Josh Palmer: adding fuel to the fire. dig is not a good representation of this band. it was a song to draw in listeners in a certain era ... the rest of the album was better, and they progressed. they became a great band.
- GreenJeepAdventures: If they are going to react to Fear Factory, I would say ° B S Ω L E ✝ ℮ is the one to choose off of, with either "Edge Crusher" or "Freedom of Fire" as the two tracks to pick from. Both have awesome riffs, and variety in song structure, while the lyrics do have some substance. You will need a lyric sheet however, as the vocals are not sung clean. The album is considered somewhat a concept album, where the topics deal with a dystopian, near future police state. The other songs do not lend themselves to a single listen in my opinion; they need heard in succession to enjoy them.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- barnyard vapes: Sinner by drowning pool
- The Chub: Dull Boy is my favorite Mudvayne song by far
- michael smith: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mYajHZ4QUVM
- Canberk Karakaş: I really wish you guys listen to Mudvayne more, Dig is not the best selection to start with. They have crazy creativity and range in their sound, you guys need to check their other material. Good job guys!
- James Leslie: Happy? is an excellent intro to them if you've never heard them before. I ended up seeing them at some dive bar in the Chicago area right before this album dropped and have been a fan ever since. Songs like Not Falling & Happy? really showcase their musical skill.
- Ben Chesterman: Listen to Mudvayne = Death blooms
- Bryan Daum: You should have listened to "Happy?" First. It's a more commercial sounding song. You would have enjoyed that one.
- Britton Thompson: Yeah, Dig was the worst possible choice to serve as your introduction to Mudvayne. Death Blooms, World So Cold, Happy?, and Fall Into Sleep were the much better options
- Va9ers21: Jose Santiago hell yeah! I hope it's Would?
- Joshua Charles: The edited version is butchered
- Thumb Bundy: I was going to pound out a quirky comment on this video, but it's SMOKO.
- Eric Hickman: Watch the video for Rats by Ghost my dudes.
- Jacob Heselschwerdt: You guys should check out Baroness
- alex gibbs: mudvayne didn't try to out do anyone, they just..did. these guys got their big break from mtv though so you're probably right, they make awesome sounding music(imo) but they might be as fake as Slipknot and Korn in the end..I recommend Happy and world so cold so you can understand the song better
- Wot Wot: Time for Queensrÿche , Take Hold of The Flame live in Tokyo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk84dVq644k
- Cam J: Noooo, "Do What You Do" is the best introduction song for them. Or Scream With Me... Or Nothing to Gein... or anything else lol
- Justin Shirley: You guys need to listen to “I’m gunna miss her” - Brad Paisley (country) Wait for the chorus 😂 you wont be disappointed 😂😂
- sorrowsuperstar10: "Dig" was just their" Mosh Pit" song and/or "hype"song ...When i first heard of these guys I heard this song first ,it was everywhere! and I had the same reaction you guys had "oh look another band trying to be like Slipknot, korn or mushroomhead, but in all seriousness when I checked out their more poetic and meaningful songs like "severed, -1. sovet at coagula, death blooms, patient mental, nothing to gein , goodbye, I realized they were and are masterful artists , you should really give them a second chance ..they have so many good ones !
- Cowboy BHop: I think Happy is the best song for these guys
- Cptkangaroo: The song -1 would give a good mix of melody and heaviness.
- Bogmirkovic: I would like to beat the face of any motherfucker that's thinking of suggesting this song 😁 Honestly this is one of their worst songs and detract from the rest of their work, any other mentioned song from them is way better..
- Aaron Newell: You guys should have done World So Cold, Happy or Forget to Remember
- kenny240: There are other songs on that album that are better representations of how versatile the band can be. They hit the mainstream around the same time as slipknot, but slipknot is older. They did tour together in the late 90s.
- rabidelfman: Mudvayne be is wonderful! This isn't a great intro to them. Definitely recommend World so Cold, Severity, or Silenced.
- Wisdimized: This gonna be a switch up for y’all boys but PLEASE react to LoveLiveServe - when the music video doesn’t match the song
- Mary SyFy: Do a reaction to Otep Battle Ready pls
- tendeadgods: it would be awesome if you could react to some christian metal
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... (most brutal metal scream 2012 meme) This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- 7: 31: request for Biohazard - Punishment
- Guilherme Guimaraes: A song for the dead - QOTSA!!!! Please
- Joachim Ekberg: Aborted - Divine Impediment
- mike mahoney: Please try King Diamond. Arrival, or Black Horseman
- Luke B: God Forbid - to the fallen hero
- Felipe Zamorano: could you react to the three parts of “sinner-phora” these are reaaaaally good songs bruh, plz🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
- Paul Champ: https://youtu.be/M3NJ84M8rYI MUST LISTEN!!!! THY ART IS MURDER. .....I'LL SHOW YOU GOD..... The music rips.....Sick Aussie Band. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😋😋
- Sooshee: I feel like this is a bad example of them. Ironically, this song was one of their commercial hits. Not one of their best. Nothing to Gein is a great one. Or Death Blooms. Or Happy. They definitely deserve another shot.
- Orion Benjamin: My opinion,some folks don't remember that you guys are not fulmilure with the bands you are tasting and trying out.With that said....I wonder why they always hand you guys, these extreme ass songs to walk, you into these bands. I think that's where things get messed up. Because you guys, have the polls and these people, pick songs "they like" besides a song, that would give you a true render, of what a band would actually be more like. Because as much as I love this song, the craftsmanship and opinions it hands over to all lyrically and that it just stomps ass....it's really not a song, I would hand someone to say "hey... check this band out" I think if you was handed the song "happy" or "world so cold" "not falling" "do what you do" just anything other than the really more aggressive stuff. In fact Mudvayne, is more of a sonic band, with lots of rythem and melody than "balls to the wal"l like dig is..... So I'd say try again on this band guys....and I enjoy all your video's and Happy New Year to you guys!
- Wynnlowe Hart: Not falling or forget to remember
- RNWNK: I’ve always hated this song.
- The Dude86: “We lookin at motherfucker but, we’re not seeing motherfucker!” Haha made my night
- TheMawsJawz TM: I want to see them react to anything off Believe or Dehumanized. Believe is probably Disturbed's best album imo. Just by a small margin. And I think though not on this album Dehumanized might be my favorite Disturbed track.
- mikeandersonwa: They have definitely better songs, like Not Falling, World So Cold, Death Blooms, Silenced, Determined, Forget To Remember
- Tripp Lipford: Listen to world so cold by mudvayne, I promise you’ll love it
- outtyrider: Something different can you react to Rick James - Give It To Me Baby https://youtu.be/1dNIQVYGXbM
- MacNChedda123: I'd say World So Cold is a good option from Mudvayne, it got me hooked. It's much more melodic and it has a lot of nice elements and dimensions in the song.
- Sycan Media: +Steven Puckitt I'm very familiar with it, you're preaching to the choir! Seen them 10 times and worked on a music video for them. It's the wrong song for a second.
- Pistol Peat: Plus with the video too.
- stretch goose: I kmow im the only one but please do jeff Loomis "tragedy and harmony"
- Josh Down: Try world so cold by mudvayne. love the channel 👌
- jes2lift: I know it pisses me off that people keep vote for these songs when they know they are new to metal. And they have said it before they like groove
- TheEl Durko: Y’all need to review some Primus!!!
- Martin Ivie: Hey if you ever get back to country music try the Bellamy brother's got some good music there
- Banter lope: Architects please :)!!
- john delasko: RageAgainstRustyCage warrant down boys and big talk are my faves
- Dry7123: Fkn forest, holy mountains, thetawaves or highway song! 🤘
- djjazzyjeff123: You guys should check out the NEWER stuff from Hellyeah. It's Chad from Mudvayne singing, Vinnie Paul (Pantera) RIP on drums. Their song *Love Falls* is SO FUCKING GOOD. RIP again to Vinnie too, the rock/metal world lost a beautiful soul that day.
- Braiden Davis: Dig is one of my faves from mudvayne when i was a kid but they have a few other songs that guaranteed would catch your attention and u would b interested in
- Alan R: Dig might be the worst song on the album, but it was also the song that we all were first exposed to. So now they feel what we feel lol. But it didn't have to be this way. Something with cleaner vocals and better musicianship would blow them away after this. Death Blooms, Prod, Nothing To Gein are all much better. The polls are just like voters in America...dumbasses always win.
- Madman Reads & Rocks: 😎👍
- iluvj50: "Defeatist" by Hatebreed. Just do it!
- David Mora: React to internal primates forever by mudvaye pls
- I am the Gray Man: One solid song from Mudvayne that has amazing lyrical content, Silenced. Check it out.
- Dante Salvador: Listen to Imdontai’s EP im not gonna gas it up say it’s fire straight bars but I do think it’s something that would be interesting for y’all to react to since he’s a fellow reactor
- reid charboneau: Have to listen to more, world so cold, and Happy.
- Mike Ballz: Do “Death Blooms”. Much better song, way more sustenance. Or you mentioned “Severed”, do that one. Dig is the album opener, just a punch in the face, simple structure, and short run time. Their other songs get more in depth.
- Robert Davis: And that George, I think is why though there are similarities between slipknot and mudvayne, there is a longevity to slipknot that mudvayne didn't have, and back In the 90's along with many others slipknot were making bigger waves than mudvayne . Get some architects on "doomsday"
- Its Vespy Time: You guys have to listen to While She Sleeps, they totally kick ass
- Craig: Slipknot and Mudvayne are from the same place - IO\,,/A
- Nicc: Y'all gotta react to death grips
- Quenton Daniels: Seriously you guys needed to view the video with it, visually and audibly it makes it!
- Jason Fugh: Listen to world so cold! Their best song.
- mainey190: I don't know why people keep going for dig over death blooms, its frustrating, its a kickass song but it does't show the entire range of what Mudvayne has done during this era on the LD50 album. (personal fave out of their discography even if some things sound completely dated lol but it is a nu metal classic) Death Blooms is such a better representation with more twists and turns that isn't so reliant on the chorus in comparison. Just don't bother with edited music video
- Go Jenny Go: Death blooms would have been the better choice. Such a missed opportunity...
- Afterlife Tattoo Studio: "Not Falling"..."World So Cold"...
- B C G: You picked the wrong song.
- michael smith: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xiPlKO8Ctw
- Christopher Jones: HAPPY would be a much better song to do. The lead singer is also a member of Hell Yeah so Black December is a great song to test the water with from that band. RIP Vinnie Paul!
- Jason Kramer: Prod or severed would have been a better song. So many good ones on this album not sure why so many people vote for this one
- Chris Schneider: Cypecore - The Alliance Cypecore - Dissatisfactory
- Blake Harvey: Idk why everyone upvotes the most intense song possible every time lol
- Paimon: Mudvayne were the average band of the nu metal scene. Today this music is horrible. If you aren't 13 and angry its terrible.
- Michael Carmen: Death Blooms or Not Falling. Would of been better introduction
- LowMan Josh: Slipknot and mudvayne came up around the same time but listen to ryan martinie on bass his parts at more flavor.
- harrisb1994 harris: Dont ever stop. You get me through my bad days.
- PandaJamGaming: and Death Blooms and world so cold are MUCH better listened to for a better range of the band
- Lance L: Kyuss and their follow-up band Queens Of The Stone Age.
- hvymtlchik81: Happy? and Forget To Remember would be a better listen. Their albums after this one were better once they started getting into their own style, not so much nu-metal.
- Rafael Freire: Angra - Nova Era
- Va9ers21: I definitely prefer Mudvayne over Slipknot.
- TamdarionD: Yo Mudvayne has some really killer tracks. Dig is a horrible song to start out with as far as Mudvayne goes. Ya'll need to listen to Not Falling by Mudvayne. It's a much better song and ya'll will love it I bet.
- Wraithlord: 00s bullshit from the west. Nu Metal..
- Todd Fawver: Should have started with Not Falling or World So Cold...more melodic
- kaiketto: I would love for you guys to do Fast Worms by Intronaut soon! I really don’t think it’ll be ‘playlist,’ but I’m sure you’ll appreciate how different it is. And if you ever go back to Tool, check out Right in Two.
- Benjamin Flasher: Monuments maybe, but given their reaction to Tesseract, I wouldn't hold out hope for the likes of bands like Skyharbor. A real shame they don't seem to understand or appreciate that style yet. Odd time signatures and clean vocals to heavy music and I can pretty much promise you a poor reaction from them. For crying out loud, they didn't even like Animals As Leaders or Periphery... I don't even dare suggest something like Protest The Hero. They still are very much only just barely dipping their toes into the world of heavy music. Props to them for trying though.
- Mike Chadwick: Death Blooms or severed would've been by far better choices
- Jeffrey Reid Pittman: Request #22....lol, I'll keep going I guess. My mind is open........Requesting for the 22nd time is BOBBY BARE....title is THE WINNER. Have a blessed day and keep going strong!
- Ethan Reynolds: The Plot in You - “Not Just Breathing”
- Nick Ryan: Not Falling or more likely Happy would be a much more enjoyable listen for you guys than Dig was.
- Dustin Bennett: Deep Purple Lazy tellin u you'll love it
- FAB Automotive Detailing: Could you review Nightwish Ghost Love Score at Wacken? You won’t be disappointed! It’s Rock,metal and kind of opera all in one. The music transitions many times. Trust me you will love it!
- metalvaq79: You should checkout his instrumental band called "soften the glare" ... Really cool
- Rene Cantu: Ay wanna try a female metal band? Go listen to Brackish by Kittie YOU WON'T REGRET IT! It'll be entertaining to listen to and break it down
- Vic M: Time for some Ghost? 🤔 Yes! Would love to see your real honest reaction and thoughts on the band Ghost. (Square Hammer)
- shreet biggs: I wanna see these guys review a live show. There's a decent Vegas scene they could check out. I can't tell you how many bands I disliked until I saw them live.
- Taylor Winterhalder: Mudvayne is the rip-off version of Slipknot
- Connor Smith: Will you react too choices by E40
- jose flores no talking ASMR: I just love you both soooo much!!!!!!!
- Wouter Oorthuis: Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace
- Tim9999999991: You guys recommend them some of the worst stuff aha
- ivan torres: "Dig" is a raw, heavy, riffing song that you might throw on when you're pissed. "Death Blooms" is dynamic, with emotive sung (and screamed) vocals. Much more interesting musically, too. I think "Death Blooms" is more more indicative of their sound on this record, in my opinion.
- Caner Akkaya: Primordial - Where Greater Men Have Fallen
- Ashley: Here's an idea. Start reacting to electronic genres (dubstep, trap, house, big room, dnb, general edm, etc) too.
- Paul: Gone With the Wind would be perfect.
- Salvador Saucedo: I just became a new subscriber to ur channel and I have to admit that u guys totally rock. I for one do appreciate the fact that u react to some song of the 70's but we mustn't forget who the real godfather to metal is and that would be Chuck Berry from the 50's and then came along Jimi Hendrix of the 60"s I guess we can say Chuck Berry was the grandfather to rock and roll, and Jimi was the godfather of metal. https://youtu.be/_PVjcIO4MT4 check him out live the dude was a mater on a right-hand guitar as he was lefthanded player
- serious browser: Something much better is Rush- Natural Science.... You guys could get into it...Just Sayin'
- James Mason: Guys, I think people are setting you all up lol
- James Haskell: Please do The Mother Load by Mastodon.
- Meta View: Please please for the love of God react to Architects. You will not be disappointed! Been asking foreverrrrr please do Hereafter. Doomsday, Wasted Hymn and Broken Cross are equally as masterful.
- Jason Madden: The day you guys finally react to some Fear Factory will be like christmas 2019 coming SUPER f*ckin' early. I wish you saw more requests for them. It's mind boggling. They were masters during the late 90s, 2000s.
- Derek Callison: Denace..Pacman... MGK diss
- pmhops77: One song/vid I REALLY want to see you guys react to is Sarah McLachlan World on Fire... I'm a metal guy, but that shit makes me cry every time... I feel it's one of the most important/impactful videos ever made...
- Dusty Digits: American Head Charge - Pushing The Envelope
- Ryan Free: I saw Mudvayne open for Slipknot on january 1, 2000...Mudvayne wasn't really known at the time...was a small ass club in Des Moines, IA
- MJNation: LD 50 is the only Mudvayne album I like. Couldn’t really get into their other stuff. Death Blooms is my favorite song by these guys but dig is good. You should react to Replica by Fear Factory and Push It by Static-X. Anyways, keep up the good work.
- WebsterA: Judgment Night Soundtrack Snot Maximum the Hormone Candiria
- K. MA: Amon Amarth
- JustJoshingYT / MORTICIDE: You guys mentioned the similarities with Slipknot. Coincidentally, Shawn Crahan from Slipknot actually co-produced this album.
- Keegan Haas: Need to watch the music video. Doesn't edit out the cursing
- Squeek Tate: World so cold.
- joseph wiley: Not Falling or World So Cold!! World So Cold is my favorite, maybe even Skrying.
- Henry Sachs: Heart of the sunrise- Yes
- Morgan David-Meece: Check out Blood and Thunder by Mastodon.
- DAC222: So many better Mudvayne songs to pick. Death blooms and dig are just the ones everyone knows. I would have went with Skyring or maybe (per)version of the truth.
- dixxietrixx: Dio.. Rainbow in the dark Six am.. Life is beautiful!
- YONDZ.B: Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay
- Nathan Ashby: You guys should react to kaan Rest easy (mac miller tribute) !! Amazing!!!!
- smathfury: This song blows
- Juan Pablo Luengas Restrepo: Mudvayne - Happy
- MetallicA29: Not Falling or World So Cold next please
- Andrew G: Code Orange - Forever!!!
- Oisin Cleere: +David Thorson Yeah. Sorry, spoiler alert.
- outoftime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhpqdFIWB8
- Mike Smith: Well you guys started with Early Mudvayne- they were just straight up aggressive metal , as time went on they streamlined the raw energy into more melodic songs - Listen to The New Game , they broke up 1 album after that bec. Lead singer joined Hellyeah for a few records- but people have been wanting Mudvayne to get back together for the longest - but. After the falling out it doesnt seem like its going to happen anytime soon
- Dharma Ananda Das: Please react to The Dillinger Escape Plan - 43% burnt
- rock'n'roller 22: maybe something like "happy" would work. alot more melodic.
- Lisa B: I really don't like this song. Slipknot is a much better band. But try some Stone Sour or Highly Suspect. As much as I love metal, I would like to hear some good old-fashioned hard rock!
- justin Drymon: I agree with many comments. I love mudvayne but that album was almost like a story in the highs and lows of intensity. Without knowing the clean and calm you would never know there was a wave of intensity. That song is like the flash flood. I also agree that EVERYTHING in that time period was extreme not just the metal scene. That was the time of shock rock, shock radio, shock whatever may be. Many radio personalities were almost making Howard Stern look like a church pastor. Death blooms, off the same album, would have given you the full spectrum of their ability. Also.... DON'T DO CENSORED FOR BANDS!!!! Listening to how altered that song was made me cringe knowing what to expect. It just wasn't there. So much was lost from the peak of that song due to the censoring
- MurkNation Patches: this wasnt the best song choice. you guys should review either the songs "happy" or "not falling"
- clair ash: I love your reaction whether I agree with you or not. I'd really love for you to react to NIN Starfuckers.
- Desu Desu Chan: Gove Mushroomhead a go. "Solitaire Unraveling" and "Qwerty" are pretty legit :3
- Joseph Lampo: Joe bonamassa - mountain climbing You will love his style please give it a shot
- Mr. Rafe: i cannot say that this song doesn't represent Mudvayne, but i can't say it does either.
- iruledaworld333: Definitely need to do Death Blooms now!
- Jack Portoni: I personally would love seeing them react to Soulfly's either Jumpdafuckup or Ritual just to hear their input
- theschisack: There bassist is one of the bests
- 1234 5678: Don't worry I'm sure they will give them other spots
- Lucas Barksdale: Do lox go head
- Kyle saeuberlich: Yes it is commercial. They won rock music video of the year. No this sounds nothing like Slipknot. AND no, this was a bad choice to review because this band was practically a one hit wonder. The softest of the extreme metal bands and they only got more radio friendly after that.
- Edward Ramon: Space between a bunk and a Tear DEATH BLOOMS!!!!
- metaldad1974: Not sure how HAPPY wasn't a suggestion!?
- Xavier Gutierrez: MASTODON- THE MOTHERLOAD (WITH THE VIDEO) its fantASStic
- ElricDracul: Regarding bands that sound VERY similar, specifically Mudvayne and Slipknot, I would also throw Mushroomhead In there as well. Extremely similar musically, all 3 groups have gone to the extremes of music, share the habit of wearing masks or makeup on stage, and pretty much tap into the same aggressive, angry and violent atmospheric vibe with the fans and on stage. Heck, Shawn Crahan of Slipknot produced this album, so the overlaps are inevitable. I would argue that the only real difference in these 3 is that Slipknot leans a little more toward metal, Mushroomhead more toward industrial metal, and Mudvayne in between. I am a fan of all 3.
- BARRICADE: BFG Division - Mick Gordon. DO IT..
- Dusten Doolen: non existent now but they are a great band and they ARE different. bassist and drummer are absolutely great and rediculous.
- yarn devil: too bad you can't react to the video! it would make less sense
- liveforthis160: Death Blooms.
- jason sanford: Prong snap your fingers snap your neck)
- Myrddin Taliesin: Now you can mix a couple groups. Chad Gray, the singer from Mudvayne formed HELLYEAH with Vinnie Paul. "Hush" is one of their more personal songs but will give you a taste of his range.
- The philosophical headbanger: Not falling, happy, and scream with me are much better songs by mudvayne. If you didn't like this i don't think you would like deathblooms either. Please give them another chance.
- Stephen Orme: If you're reviewing Mudvayne again go for Happy? Sounds a lot different to Dig
- Nicephorus Dragesses: in my opinion, as it is, i’ve always looked at this song as an anthem for anti-establishment...much as you said... well done! but i also do agree that this was like taking someone who can’t swim and throwing them into the deep end of mudvayne... i would have suggested Not Falling... love you, brothers; peace upon both your houses!
- Brahm Tancredi: Spirit Crusher - Death
- SamMHayne: MINISTRY: PSALM 69......the reactions would be priceless
- blakfloyd: 8:37 "I'm not the one!" Yeah, Chad's the -1.
- David Mathes: These guys were pre slipnot
- Slaytounge: +Jon Mc beyond the pale has a great flow to it and the intro bass is dope.
- Joshua White: Dont think it was the best first song to dig into. They do have way better songs.
- Bloodline83: Nothing to Gein is one of the best tracks on that album.
- Jeff Osborne: Architects- Doomsday or Gone with the Wind
- Hugo Fernandes: Greetings from Portugal. Here goes my usual suggestion to 4 portuguese bands. 1) Process of Guilt with "Feral Ground": https://youtu.be/g8iTsuwWxjI 2) Dollar Llama with "Louder": https://youtu.be/-ultHdm1pcI 3) Sinistro with "Abismo" (they sing in portuguese): https://youtu.be/mKO3vUlhSZQ 4) W.A.K.O. with "Drifting Beyond Reality": https://youtu.be/lRXJvDejSrQ Give a try to the unknown and Keep on Rockin' in a freethinker world! \m/
- Lennon Pierce: That song is the best off Nihility hands down...
- Jester Spectre: Mudvayne has some great songs but everytime this one came on it was usually a skip for me. It's not even the aggression because it's quite tame compared to a lot of metal. I just never dug the sound of this song. Especially the bass part.
- fmlAllthetime: Really love this song. Sucks y'all didn't enjoy it as the comments suggested. On here with 600 hundred views and you have over 300 comments. 50% viewer engagement. Good shit.
- Jerry Campbell: It wasnt so much that the bands were trying to be "extreme." The better word for it would be "edgy." And, it was the type of edginess that appealed to kids hanging out at Hot Topic. It hasn't aged particularly well.
- ElectroWench: mudvayne arent extreme
- Rafa Rod: Please react to Suicidal Angels - in the grave
- Jonathan Ochoa: Try Severed.
- Chris Payne: You guys should do the donkey headed adversary of humanity by sleepytime gorilla museum
- Garvs23: Definitely a good choice! Any DT would do for that matter...guy can really do no wrong.
- Jimmie Farley: Awesome song awesome video
- Dylan Bollinger: Nightwish Ghost Love Score.
- pallknowing1: Once again bad choice for a first listen even though I like this song, it took me years to like. Death Blooms is where it's at. Mudvayne are great because of their singer and bassist who could sing/play next to any band ever.
- Dustin Clark: Why did they listen to the clean version!? Sucks
- Knotunit: +Joe Schulte maybe Mudvayne just wasnt for you then. It took them 5 years to make content you enjoy and 7 to get a favorite. And if you feed em the soft mainstream stuff then they jsut end up coming back to something like this and not liking it. Atleast let them know how they sounded when they broke through and how they changed rather than average dude rock into shock and awe.
- Tomek Sopa: Wtf... You know their taste... I love Dig don't get me wrong but first start off them with Happy Not Falling something smoother and easier to listen to...
- Ricky Padot: not the first song to introduce you to Mudvayne :(
- Drebin_0930: I haven't seen the video yet but I already know they're not going to like this. Too much screaming and not enough groove on this song.
- zdrumrguy: Weakest song on their best album. Shouldve done Pharmacopeia. Mudvaybe shot their load on this release and never came close to it on their other albums.
- Randolph Allen: You should give a listen to King 810,they are a raw metal band from Flint Michigan that started riots at every show they did in the Flint concert scene!until roadrunner signed them and told them no more!try war outside!a song about Flint!
- daniel Harper: world so cold
- assad daday: Hey, a request, could you do a (Rhyme Asylum) reaction, it'll mean alot to me especially breaking the lyrics, beats and flows down, I know it'll be an ear orgasm for the two of you, Thank you.
- JayCD: Severed is much more complex and nice to react in my opinion.
- GamerOfTag: World So Cold and Happy? would be easier to listen to! Ease into it like you did Sepultura
- mikey sticks: Love the variety of reactions. Brilliant
- Patrick Ayala: Intronaut - Above
- Frank g: If u seen his old stage make-up covered in blood and the bullet hole mark on the forehead to me that makes sense on the pg thing
- jeff s: Death Blooms
- tetris hater: Mudvayne is a great representation of how nu metal should sound.
- Duffington: React to Deftones - 7 Words
- Eric DeGraaf: P.S. "Nothing to Gein" is my personal favorite Mudvayne track.
- Philip Duguay: Your choice.
- Scott Plantz: Not one of my favorites either. Happy? Not falling, or World so cold is better choices for beginning to showcase the band
- KaosJoKer84: Mudvayne songs: Do what you do, happy, not falling, world so cold, scream with me, forget to remember, fall into sleep, dull boy, scarlet letters, King of pain (police cover) all really good songs some heavy some not but all good imo
- RandomGuitarNote: No video though:(
- Scott Gillespie: L.D.50 is such a masterpiece.....Yes, Dig started the album out with aggression.(.Not even heavy) lol..But This album has tons of emotion..and grooves..like 17 tracks!..A great listen , Way innovated ..Sick musicians...Better than Slipknot in all areas in my opinion..Death Blooms would of been better choice..or Prod..Watch 2001 Space Odyssey then ull get the lyrics...
- Cody Boss: I think a great one to listen to is Sometimes You're the Hammer, Sometimes You're the Nail by A Day to Remember! It's heavy but near the end it tones it down a little, has some great screaming and clean vocals!
- Matthew Grosvenor: If you want to give this band another go, then you should try World So Cold. You'd like it much better.
- MetalMickey: Cattle Decapitation - Manufactured Extinction
- Timmy Marley: That's right. Chad formed Hell Yeah with Vinnie Paul and they had some really decent success. I just couldn't get into it although they were a good band.
- dmg: Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane!!
- Joe Schulte: +Knotunit fair enough, but I didn't like it when it came out to be totally honest lol.
- Chad Young: How do you vote on their polls?
- Kique Gonzalez: But check out Snot- Snooze Button!!!!
- brightdarkness: you should really have a lookat the video , they look kinda silly , but great band none the less
- David H: Fyi , this album was executive produced by Shawn " clown " Crahan from slipknot .. Clown pretty much got them their big break
- Mark Clark: Mudvayne mercy severity happy not falling and as always PLEASE DO PANTERA 5 MINS ALONE THE ACTUAL VIDEO
- Jason Cramer: Death blooms is the song you should review
- Michael Ballard: I would play Jimi Hendrix- Voodoo Child next - just to detox
- mark little: Ryan martinie on that basssssss is that good goood. Alll dayyyy yo
- TimeLapse King: React to the I love it remix by Chvse
- VitrescentObelisk: ARCHITECTS
- troll hunter79: Pretty much expected reaction to this song, Death Blooms or maybe - 1 would be a better choice for you guys. Static-X - Sweat of the bud 👽
- Metal- Brotherhood: Man you have to react. ..to disciple by Slayer
- Ignacio Villarroel: react to not falling
- Doug Lemley: You need to watch the “Dig” video. Adds to the ambiance! And that may disturb you
- Jon Finna: Vildhjarta!!!!!
- Keith Shusterman: Cool thing about Mudvayne that I think separates them from Slipknkot is the incorporation of slap bass into metal. Their song Under My Skin is a great showcase of this.
- legit scopes: Do forget to remember or happy
- rjayherms: Fear Factory- Self bias resistor or securitron 2000
- Niallicius: I'm sad that I didn't hear you talking about how intense the bass is on Mudvayne, it's such a hidden gem, their original bassist Ryan Martinie is a classically trained Jazz bassist, and his technique is insane, this is such a good song to hear how he pushes things as well, with the intense slaps/pops/there's nothing generic about what he does.
- James M.: Dimmu Borgir or Rammstein.
- Johnny Reb: +Glenn Wells No lead lines, poor composition, one demisional chord progressions mixed with scream-o....... surprise! No personality
- Derrick Perkins: Would love to see a reaction to dave burd antagonist please.
- Soda Can Man: React to pink guy album bro whole thing hehe e.e
- Noah Harned: hahaha nah wrong tracks bruh
- UrinationNation: This was peak/downslope NUmetal, I remember what they looked like, they had the best JNCO jeans.
- Brad Wine: +Timmy Marley yeah I knew Chad had formed Hellyeah, but Greg was there too. I don't know if he was part of the group from the start or not though. It's totally understandable that Hellyeah isn't your cup of tea so to speak. Personally I like their music. But you have your own different tastes from mine and that's perfectly fine.
- WebsterA: George and Ryan seem to understand how music works. They're running my favorite channel right now. LIV is absolutely legendary. They can mimic a riff, regardless of it's timing or offbeat. I always think to myself. They should stop taking the higest requested songs. These guys are above the commercially A sides. They wanna hear Creativity Transitions Something to talk about. I find the most popular songs are almost always the most boring to those who are musically adept. The more straight-forward, the more it appeals to the layman. They should just pick whatever they want, from the requests BUT read the person's or people's statement as to why that song is their pick. If the song has 400k views and no requests on your channel, what is missing? There's gotta be a factor!
- Dale Korody: Death Blooms would've been a more varied example. However, they are a Nu-Metal band from the same era. So Slipknot sound is similar to other bands.
- rorz999: He was too good a bassist for Mudvayne in all honesty
- _NewEra_: React to this, you will not be disappointed. he is Yngwie Malmsteen, the god of the neoclassical guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcTuOoiarOo
- Tremonti604: I'm noticing Bloody Angel is very underrated in people's suggestions. Even though Hail the Apocalypse and Get in Line are my favorite.
- CrazedAlchemist: Please listen to Metallica The Unforgiven 1, 2 and 3! Total worth.
- Metal DC: Porcupine tree- arriving somewhere but not here
- Joe Lesca: This reminds me of Roots, Bloody Roots by Supultura
- Brood Mother: im a big fan of mudvayne but i dont think dig is a song thats musically impressive, and their other songs like World So Cold, and Death Bloom is far better choices for reaction
- Ryan Weldon: Mudvayne scream with me
- SDMFAnthony: mudvayne - happy.
- Mon Roe: Holy Mountains - System of A Down
- Terry Bryant: Y’all chose the wrong song lol
- Jose Arriaga: I feel like you need to react to fear factory. The songs that are worth your time are Zero Signal, Resurrection, Final Exit, Shock, etc to name a few
- Marcus Johnson: There are a few better songs to choose, but this is just a staple anthem of mudvayne fans. This song is just the to go hard. Not falling, happy, and a few other are great choices.
- Waterboy '97: Iced Earth-The Coming Curse
- Dak TirQue: should have watched the video
- Kevin Dewitte: Try mudvayne IMN. I'm sure some people will agree it's awesome.
- WadesWorld6807: World So Cold
- Erin Weatherly: Sorry but this their shittiest song
- kornelious1: Not Falling or Happy would have been a much better song for you guys to react to.
- Drakmir23: Please react to Polish band VADER - Sword Of The Witcher or their other song Triumph Of Death Regards from Poland
- Joseph joseph: Nekromantix- Driller Killer
- Andy: Y’all need to do ‘Not Falling’ or ‘ Happy?’ Or ‘Scream With Me’ or ‘World So Cold’. You will enjoy the groove and singing on those a lot more.
- senhazey: Try “happy” by them, its might be something youd like more, the lead singer is a great singer besides his screams and his clean vocals are nice, try some songs from his other band ‘hellyeah’ like “moth”,”band of brothers”, and “hush”
- kelly bosch: Not even close to the same as slipknot
- big hoss: Black Label Society-fire it up. Overlord. Accept- teutonic terror
- kyler oliver: Haken - puzzle box????
- theschisack: You guys need a better song world so cold and stuff from there second album would be a better intro into the talent of mudyane.
- Dalton Cornell: Death Blooms would’ve been more your guys speed. You guys are awesome though. Keep it up!
- Jason Kelly: Cradle by Mudvayne is one of my favorite songs ever. It's a softer side, with cleaner vocals, and it's pretty well written. Dig is a great song, but not the best intro to Mudvayne.
- Brian Daniels: (First time hearing this song by Mudvayne): The tone of the music paints 2 images for me, either 1) You know in the movies when the villain puts the hero in a death trap and when the hero breaks free after almost dying is infused with an out-of-control RAGE and just sorta loses control and goes on a rampage until he finally gets it under control (at the end of the song when it all comes back together)? Like that. Or... 2) The explosive reaction to the final straw that breaks the camel's back. Remove just one... more... Jenga piece... and... "DIG! BURY ME! UNDERNEATH!" Oops, pushed him a li'l too far methinks....Lyrics speak for themselves, lol. If you're open to a suggestion, best Mudvayne song - in my opinion - is "Happy?" (followed by "Scream With Me" because we've all been there).
- Sarah Owen: Y'all are always on point. For real you should consider doing some kind of music appreciation series.
- Pennywise Wadford: Is this an Ed Gein song????
- thecrazynoemad: But then they totally changed their sound after this album, to something way more accessible, which was super frustrating. Ryan, their bass player is one of the best in metal that not many realize as such, but his playing drove their sound. They became more successful after this record, but they changed their sound a lot to do so
- brollan1234: Hey, LiV, check out Locksmith's new freestyle on Shade 45! Just dropped!
- Hols: Prod, Mercy Severity, or skrying. The end of all things to come was their best album in my opinion. It’s a masterpiece. Ugh I’m bummed that so many wanted Dig. That’s really the only song like that of theirs.
- Southern Grower: Architects-Gone with the Wind 😎
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech! where he literally says art is not a competition
- Joran Moore: Upvote? I wasn't aware I was on Reddit...
- Tim Cotter: I'm not a big fan of this song. The only song I like from this band is Happy?
- Kevin: Static-X please!
- ED-WILLTV: You should listen to Terrified by Dayshell! Heavy parts but also very melodic at the same.
- dajerk70: The clown from Slipknot produced this album.
- BearOfPlague: I'd love to see a Dance Gavin Dance reaction from you guys!! Either Inspire the Liars or Suspended in this disaster would be amazing!
- swansonberger: I believe Slipknot and Mudvayne are longtime friends and have toured with each other quite a bit.
- C L: And if you want to know why he's so angry listen to Cradle. I think it paints a good picture. This was my favorite band for a long time. Happy y'all did this one man.
- Edward Loves crypto: Bro these are the poor man’s slipknot at best
- John Smith: Why did you choose the censored version.
- Simon H.: Mudvayne is just another word for mediocre.. Which is the perfect description for that band
- Kevin Fitzpatrick: The editing was simply because this sort of music at the time, Mudvayne / Slipknot / Linkin Park etc was almost marketed at teenagers and their angst, and while you might not see it as commercial it was a fair commercial success at the time. Mudvayne matured a hell of a lot from this track but this was effectively their height of popularity as with Slipknot at the time World So Cold though, that would be such an amazing reaction from yourselves
- crazedsnail: Mudvayne - fall into sleep
- pavlos dragoumanos: Hey,guys.'World so cold' is probably their best song.'Happy'i also like very much.By the way,you haven't really done any Pantera-except for Walk-.Come on! Do Cowboys from hell.Thanx.
- dirty bird: Mushroomhead, simple survival and come on. Definitely not qwerty. Not for an into to the band.
- John Doe: Dig always reminded me of that typical teenage angst "you can't change me" crap that was popular back then. What it seems to me is the 90's nu-metal checklist "You can't change me" or "I'm so tortured" lyrics, guitars downtuned to the absolute lowest, and screaming instead of guitar solos. Mudvayne did good tracks, but this one wasn't my favorite, I didn't like LD50, sounded too much like a Korn copy. I like their later tracks like Happy?
- Anthony Perkins: World so cold.
- Clint Lamb: WOW! Most censored song I've ever heard. I like this song but with this version you only hear about half the lyrics. It's like Tipper Gore is still alive with her PMRC! Oh please protect me from these harmful words! St@$#d!
- Austin Bice: Please please PLEASE do either 'Spit it Out' or 'People = Shit' by Slipknot. You will not be disappointed!
- Carlos Falconi Manssur: Guys, please give 'not falling' a try
- Jack Schmoeger: Do Speak’s freestyle on LaLeakers #063
- Jadyn Sandoval: React to Better Dayz by Reason
- isaiah goedecke: You guys need to listen to The Great Gig in the Sky
- Jason Seth: Crazy time signatures make almost too difficult to listen to.
- vysr om: +Slaytounge and skrying
- Nolan Tant: Highly Suspect fellas my name is human tellin ya its like👂👌👈
- Take off your jacket and stay awhile: It's interesting to hear your opinion on this one. Personally, this was the first song I heard from Mudvayne, and I instantly became a fan. That's just how it was for me. I loved the aggression. Their bassist was a machine, and brought a new sound to my ears. Their drummer is fantastic too. Everything about that album L.D. 50. was awesome to me. These guys were really unique, even on the next album, The End of All Things to Come (I try not to think about the following albums). They went very commercial afterwards and were never the same. Also not really a 90's song/album. Came out in 2000. Good pick! One of my favourite bands, all time.
- William Horton: Should have looked at death blooms
- 1SecondToLight: Do not do Mudvayne, do some other old-school nu metal bands, there are much better stuff over there.
- Master Vol: If you want early Mudvayne (or "Slipknot-like" as you call it), I'd definitely go with Death Blooms. However, if you'd like to hear something more contemporary, I'd suggest either "Happy?" Or "Do What You Do"
- Andrew Martinez: Mudvayne was introduced by slipknot and had a very similar following because like slipknot and insane crown posse they painted their faces to entertain their audiences. Considering that all of this music started popping up just after the Y2K hype. After being seen as another version of slipknot in 2005 they broke away from the face paints and made their own sound. Some say that was the start of the decline for the band but they did separate similarities and made their own distinctive sound. Mudvayne is definitely a band of their own. They brought math into metal music making different timings work well for them. Try Death Blooms, Not Falling, Determined, Rain.Sun.Gone., TV Radio, Dull Boy, or their rendition of King of Pain originally done by The Police.
- Nick: One of their best songs, the censored version sucks though, you gotta listen to the songs in their uncensored versions.
- Kody McGee: Not falling mudvayne
- Necronaut1000: Mudvayne is one of those weird bands where each member is super talented but the music isn't very good. They didn't get better with age. Moving on.
- bigfoolit93: i would've gone with Not Falling or Happy. their vocalist Chad has another band called HellYeah and his vocals are cleaner and some tracks even have a southern feel
- Brian Elve: https://youtu.be/QkpFR7Oc2YI Jackson 5 I'll be there
- nlerd: Yep, on LD.50 the only other song that is really like Dig is maybe Under my Skin. Death Blooms, Severed, and Prod are probably better songs for a first reaction.
- rockyozzy666: Archspire - involuntary doppelganger. You need to check out tech death scene. High level musicianship...
- Alfie 4th: They’re similar to Slipknot but Slipknot is whole lot more brutal. So LISTEN TO DISASTERPIECE BY SLIPKNOT
- Demonic Poptart: Pani pana - Percival Schuttenbach
- Derek Rinaldi: Having the lyrics edited isn't helping the song any. Really neuters the emotion of it. I think like a lot of people have said, this was my first introduction to Mudvayne, but songs like World So Cold, Not Falling, Happy?, Death blooms, and --1 were what drew me in. Mudvayne was more on the experimental side of Nu-Metal, and a lot of the songs on LD50 show that. Glad to see you guys reviewing them, but if you're going to give them a second look check out Not Falling.
- Chris Eoff: Eh, while they may have certainly ridden the new metal wave created by Korn and carried on by Slipknot, their rhythmic dynamics and shifts in songs like Internal Primates Forever, Death Blooms, Pharmeacopia, and others definitely separates them from those two. World So Cold is a good example of them improving their songwriting skills, All That You Are is another good one.
- B1G R3D: You HAVE to go back to mudvayne, Chad's voice is amazing!
- Luke Dooley: King Park by La Dispute for the billionth time!!
- t_traspis: People suggesting "Dig" knew damn well that it was a push for a shock reaction above anything else.. such a waste of their time imho. "Not falling", "World So Cold" and "Happy" make way more sense for a genuine introduction reaction.
- Gipsy Avenger: This song is awesome. Great song to start with(despite the dissension below). DIG is their most popular song. Oldie but a goodie! All great players especially the bass and drums. Hey sometimes you ain't digging the song. I get it. Can't please all the people all the time.
- WNxNokturnal: I remember playing this song on my drums at school everyone thought I was amazing.. Mudvayne was the first concert I saw, with SpineShank, Slipknot, and Disturbed.. my taste evolved much since then but those 2000 high school days were great with these sounds. I remember when Mudvayne won at the grammys showed up with "bullet holes" in their foreheads..
- LaFemme D Lux: World So Cold or Happy would have been a better introduction to MudVayne. You get none of his emotions nor beautiful vocal range here...although I did rock out to this one pretty hard too but it was just a fun record!
- Timmy Marley: Quite true
- The booty Warrior: Darrell Gaither so this video came out 3 months ago on patreon?
- Michael Harper: yeah......that's a crap song
- jake stuart: Mudvayne was around before slipknot they changed their whole style after slipknot got big because they didnt want to be compared to them.
- Arkadeep Deb: You should try 'A World So Cold', 'Forget to Remember' and 'Happy?'. There's your melody right there.
- Thomas Payne: I saw Mudvayne on the Tatto the Earth Tour w/ Slipknot, summer 2000. That was 6 months before L.D. 50. Since, I've seen Mudvayne over 15 times live. They'll always be one of my favorites. Listen to the rest of the album and move to the next. True story, Dig was played at my buddy's wedding. Freaked out the old people. No bullshit
- Gabriel Gonzalez: From what i recall the singer of slipknot helped bring em to attention
- falzy8910: Y'all not even trying to suggest songs they'd like anymore lol
- seansirianni: I think you'd really be into the track Death Blooms ... I'm not the biggest Mudvayne guy and not a fan of the track Dig either, but Death Blooms is kinda fire! :)
- HeadlessGem740: Do Massacre of the unborn by Opprobrium
- Cassiano Ramos: VEVO version= Bad times :(
- chrisataurY2K: Honestly Pharmaecopia, (K)now (F)orever, Skrying, or Solve Et Coagula are great songs that represent Mudvayne.
- Esquerdino: How about reacting to some electronic music? Here's a suggestion 'The Prodigy'. Smack my bitch up or Baby's got a temper, it would be dope. Love your reactions ;)
- Khurbin Brodhur: srsly - where is Paranoid Android or something like that
- Nat Edwards: Tool- vicarious or Jambi
- groverXIII: Hell yes. Mudvayne back when they were still awesome. Shame that they went so far downhill after this album. And yeah, there's a lot of similarity to Slipknot, although it was mostly on this song and not as much in the rest of the album. Ryan Martinies' bass on this album is crazy and brilliant.
- Anton De Waal: you guys should do a full Gojira album, the way of all flesh is my suggestion.
- IWantACat x: Can't listen to this without that f ing meme in my head
- THE FLUXX: You need to hear his actual singing and not screaming. He has a great range. Deathblooms is way more commercial and is a better representation of his singing ability.
- mjw4000: Parkway drive -Wishing Wells
- Vampire Bite: Another great video guys, but Mudvayne is one of those bands that one song (especially this one) is not a great representation of the band's whole catalog. I think "Not Falling" would have been a better choice.
- Tomahawk Tipton: You say whatever you want about the Nu-Metal movement of the mid 90s to the mid 00s. But you can really feel the energy in the first 2 Mudvayne albums and the growth between the two is simply inspiring. LD50 feels like an early precursor to Djent. P.S. Death Blooms
- Iceball Technology: Time for Norma Jean guys. Try Deathbed Atheist or Forever Hurtling Towards Andromeda
- Necros1s: damn, the censored version :\
- Omni-Kage: death bloom is alot better
- CurbsideLife: The Darkness - I believe in a thing called love
- Mark Harris: Search And Destroy by The Stooges
- Dave Ferguson: Please review KYUSS - DEMON CLEANER!
- jason sanford: Prong is as good as Metallica
- Mark Clark: Mushroomhead 1200 and simple survival
- Philip Hixson: It was their first single. I remember loving the video when it came out. Back when MTV still showed videos.
- KreeptOut: Holy edited version. Boooo
- ChickenSoupMusic: Getting to see Mudvayne and Slipknot in their prime at the same concert was $
- Brian Elve: https://youtu.be/8Bu-CKEjJk0 here is some harmonies for you . These are 4 sisters from the Philippines. Chairs upright tray stored an seatbelt on this will surprise you .
- Ralph Dougherty: Hahahahahahaha You must be joking...Were you alive in 2000-2005?
- IAmHumanNoMore: Nu-metal in the late 90s/early 00s (starting with korn, slipknot, mudvayne, etc) was about high school aged non-conformity. So you were pretty much right about the lyrical message. Angsty kids mad that their parents want them to cut their hair or wear less black to look like a normal person. Stuff like that. Death Blooms would have definitely been better because of the musical range where the singer actually sings and better lyricism. This band isn't known for their guitar work but for their bass player which isn't typical.
- Alp Sarilar: I was hoping ya'll would notice the ridiculous skill of the bass guitarist.
- Ian Robison: Katatonia, In Flames, Vola, Haken, Lacuna Coil, Porcupine Tree
- GhulehGirl: Wach Auf by oomph!
- Nick Frampton: Please react to Death (Punk band) - Freakin out
- Skizopatix: The River Dragon Has Come by Nevermore!!! Give ‘em another chance guys
- DreamNoMore: You should really do No More Tears by Ozzy https://youtu.be/5foQanhdArA
- Joe Caulfield: Nothing More - Go To War
- pizzatitty69 Barrett: hey guys, huge fan of the channel, and of mudvayne. like other comments have said world so cold, death blooms, happy, not falling, and one of my personal favorites is called choices. dig is definitely a pure hype song but i feel these other suggestions are more dynamic and showcase dudes vocals better and probably represent the band better as a whole. thanks and keep up the good work
- Steven Scoville: WORLD SO COLD. Easily a better song to get a feel for mudvayne. Dig is just badass headbanger stuff, which is great, but to get a true feel for the band... i'd say world so cold
- Curtis Johnson: t_traspis facts!🙌🏼
- Natural Progression: Coal Chamber - Loco
- Knotunit: and their music videos are unmatched. For that reason Sonne or Rosenrot
- Overt Enemy: Hey dudes this album came out same time as Slipknot and they opened for Slipknot on their first headline tour.
- jason sanford: Do PRONG (snap your fingers snap your neck) Please for a dying wish
- Topkapi 93: Dance Gavin Dance - "Young Robot" or "Son of Robot"!
- Kristoffer Bæk Kortegaard: Honestly, listen to one og Dream Theater’s two new singles, “Untethered Angel” or “Fall Into The Light”! 😱 They went for a really heavy vibe on this upcoming album, and the payoff is some banging, f*cking tunes! 🤟 Keep up the good work, guys! Love your enthusiasm for hard rock and metal
- The Dude86: Welcome to the early 2000’s
- The Death Twitch: I remember when I was first getting into metal lol
- fmlAllthetime: Also, this album was completely commercial ;) . If I'm not mistaken it went platinum.
- samsonslmpson1986: You guys seriously picked dig over severed and death blooms??? Ugh!!
- Hessel van der kooij: Any requests for monster magnet? Can I not get a movement going here? We need some good honest stonerrock right about now 😊
- David Thorson: Was Replica a Patreon early thing?
- Jonathan Gonzalez: Yeah seriously, dig to me was the worst song on the album. It was an attention grabbing song for people to be like oh hey what’s that but the rest of the album is so much different
- FZ6soldier: Pretty sure Slipknot helped Mudvayne. They’re all friends. That’s what I always heard.
- Steven Puckitt: Mudvayne - Death Blooms.
- T. Maximus: Uncensored version way better
- Gene Zipa: There is no story behind the aggression... not a good one. Mudvayne, Korn, and Slipknot were all heavy music for Mallrats who were mad at their parents and teachers and mean classmates. It's Loud Music for Small Problems and glorifies unfounded feelings of Honky Victimhood. -- And the aggression was a gimmick that Labels jumped on. When slipknot hit, there was a feeding frenzy, every label wanted their own. See also: Metallica... then the signings of Testament, Meliah Rage, etc etc. Every major label wanted their own Metallica.
- Kool Kendall: Should've listened to Happy instead,can hear the vocals better.
- Anthony Williams: Mudvayne without first
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: What ever you do don't compare bands
- Eba Sal: Doomsday for sure
- Lisa B: +King Frederick II I am not a number!!!
- Tokem juju: Awesome finally someone that requests a song that gets no reviews
- Stay Gold: Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard
- Pit Viper: I'm going to say what a lot of people have already said and that there is so many songs that are more to you all liking than this song. I'm a metal head and this song is great but it wasnt the first song I heard from them. Happy, Not Falling, World So Cold, and Do What You Do would have been much better. The one part you guys were wrong on is that this song is very commercial. Every rock station I have heard plays this song even though its all PG on there. The person who put this parental guidance trash on here should be publicly shamed for doing so. They wrote the cuss words in there for effect and when you take them out you are killing the song.
- Chris Lewis: Check out their other tunes, also CLUTCH is a band I believe y'all would like to experience.
- Crimception: Mudvayne - “ Death Blooms”
- Cabbage Nation: You NEED to do Death blooms
- shae schnelle: Hell yeah- moth, pretty good song and it's by the same singer 👌
- dfresh4130: Not their best, but an awesome song to get you pumped and going. Others to check out are Happy, Determined, Scream with Me, Forget to Remember, Cinderella Story. Can't wait to see another one down the road at some point.
- Draithegemini: FEAR FACTORY RULES!
- clorox bleach: PLEASE DO DEMON HUNTER
- i have to wait 90 days to change my name: check out slipknot's live stuff from 2004-2005, they go high pitched lemme tell ya.
- Mark O'connor: Bands had to top pantera aggresive style. Hardcore music making mainstream with hatebreed.
- CamryV6SE: Do .not falling. So much better
- XxMETALJAREDxX: While this is my very favorite Mudvayne song, I also realize that I listen to music that would make most people‘s toes curl. I feel “not falling” would be a good option for you in terms of still getting the heavy side of Mudvayne but definitely more palatable.
- Eric The Awful: Just a general blanket statement: you guys are constantly getting burned by listening to songs that aren't really a good introduction to an artist or band.
- Cristobal Gevert: Guys, you need to do the Faith No More - Digging the Grave video. Best band ever!
- Travis Caven: Even as a metalhead this just sounds like noise... Fall into Sleep or Happy would have been much better choices for a first song...
- Rich Korab: World So Cold by Mudvayne !!!!!
- nlerd: Prod would probably be good too.
- Lautaro Rius: Reac to "Cicatriz" by Carajo :b
- Angelo Ballesteros: hey guys, do the frank zappa's yellow snow
- DownLevelBand: Mothra by Atomship please guys
- Travis Murdoch: Soooo need hopsin LowKey reaction!!!🔥🔥🔥
- Stove Top: Children of Bodom. Bodom Beach Terror
- Blake Church: A world so cold. By far mudvaynes best song.
- Jon0807: FYI, this is not a typical Mudvayne song. Most of them are actually pretty melodic
- gabe da silva: You guys should’ve watched it with the video
- Clariot Reyes: I always use to think the bass guitarist was Darth Maul😂 watch the censored music video! Because the uncensored one only had the the vocalist and lead guitarist. They all face painted
- Shaun Couper: Severed is the best song they ever wrote...musically, lyrically, it's just sublime.
- Anthony Wingate: Mudvayne is a great band, but you may have been better off getting your feet wet with one of their more commercially popular songs before jumping right into Dig. Personally, Dig is probably my favorite song by them, but you guys should really give them another chance by listening to World So Cold, Happy, or Not Falling. You guys are awesome. Keep the reaction vids rolling!
- norseman4080: You guys got screwed on the song selection. I'm a huge mudvayne fan but never cared for that song. "Internal primates forever" will melt your face off! This album had the best bass guitar but the newer stuff is more refined
- Bloodsymple: Death Blooms, Happy?, and Not Falling are all a little more indicative of the music Mudvayne made as a whole, Dig is a song made with the intent of being extreme as you said and they don't have many tracks that are nearly that "edgy"
- Nolan Jamison: Please react to juice wrld - rich and blind
- Metalrya1: Comparing them to slipknot based off the songs you heard from slipknot tells me you googled them. Corey and chad are two completely different vocalists. This song is nothing like any slipknot song so I don’t see the comparison. You said you read the comments. Read this, react to Machine Head - Imperium!!!!
- Shy B: Damn not falling would have been better. With the 🔥 ass bass lines
- Soul Fist: ilove mudvayne and this song try Happy, Fall into Sleep or Death Blooms
- rghamut1: Slipknot, Surfacing.
- C-los M: “Dig” was their first hit and one of the most aggressive songs in their repertoire
- Omar Beydoun: Constant Motion is a 1000x better choice if you actually care about songs they'll enjoy and not just your favorite DT songs. Glass Prison is amazing but they will hate the vocals (because lets be honest, they mostly suck in that song), they will hate the length of it, they will hate the repetition of the inner 5-6 minutes, and they will hate the lack of any steady or constant groove. I know, it burns your eyes to read that some people out there might like Constant Motion/As I am more than other DT fan favorites (And I am one of those guys who likes Metropolis Pt 1 MUCH more than every other song I've mentioned here), but we should be recommending songs that they're likely to add to their playlist, not just all of our favorite songs. There's almost a 0% chance they will consider Glass Prison playlist worthy. Pull me Under is another good choice for them and most of Train of Thought is also a better recommendation. Glass prison is not the kind of song they'd be into. They would be hyped up to the end of the intro guitar solo and then it would quickly go downhill. Even the instrumental breakdown will likely be considered too crazy and over the top for their taste and they'll just be ready for it to end halfway through. The grove changes harshly and abruptly and there is too much filler in that song for these guys. Honestly ,its one of my top 5 favorite DT songs and it has too much filler for even me lol, I find myself skipping 4-5 minutes of it most times I listen to it. The Test that Stumped Them All is also a definitely better choice.
- TheAmberkay3287: Man, I wished Death Blooms had won. I loved that song growing up.
- hafadude69: I would of went with not falling to start these off with.
- Egie Alexandria: I never dig this song either. you should've picked Happy, Death Blooms, or Forget To Remember instead of this.
- CamsLiveVideo: Patron video I believe
- Jadrien1: Do World So Cold by Mudvayne!
- Gabe Ellis: World so cold" fellas.. Deep meaning
- akshay de: You picked the censored version?!
- Michael Ballard: They called this genre “Scream-o” where I lived.
- Troy V: Not falling would have been a much better introduction to Mudvayne. I say that as that was the first song I heard from them and have been a fan since.
- Ryan Butler: Actually M.Shawn Crahan aka "Clown" from Slipknot was the executive producer for this album..L.D. 50
- Drunkstyle: THESE DAYS BY ALIEN ANT FARM! Under rated song, but the video would be an awesome review.
- TheMawsJawz TM: Yes pls
- descono0cido: Jeff Buckley - Grace
- ROCKET ROCKERS: Not Falling is a better choice
- Mark Willis: Just, happy, forget to remember, falling. Try any of these songs. They're way better than dig.
- Richard Barnion: Slipknot is shit, Mudvayne is shit. It's Juggaloser garbage.
- Daniel Presley: Please guys I'm not a subscriber yet , look up a group called sublime and just choose a song. If you do I'm yours
- ChrisTopher Thackston: Should have done Nothing to Gein
- Peanut Butter: you think all white people instantly like this shitty music?
- introducir nombre: Arctic Monkeys - The View from the afternoon pleaaaaaase
- Justin Duerr: World So Cold by Mudvayne
- Claudio Gridà: finaly Mudvayne !! dig is one of their extremest songs, so its a bad choice for the first reaction. death blooms, not falling or happy? would be much better! or my favourite, (k)now f(orever) or severed.
- Luke Robertson: Should of done "Happy?"
- Paul Theiss: Guys, you picked probably the most aggressive mudvayne song, to try this band out first with, LOL. While this song is great and what propelled them to recognition with their video, Many other songs that they have show more of the bands talents and ranges. But, this first album of mudvaynes, LD50, should be listened to completely from track one, just hit play and dont skip. Kind of like someone would do playing an old pink floyd album, you should listen all the way through. Each track just flows into the other. Dubbing this album, one of the best, complete albums in metal, in my opinion of course. LD50 son!!!
- Isaac Maestas: World so cold is one of my favorite songs from mudvayne!
- Acinoralas: I was always a much bigger fan of mudvayne then slipknot.
- Jim: PANTERA "IM BROKEN" from Far Beyond Driven
- Feña Fernández: Such a classic
- robert goodwin: If you are looking for something in the hardcore form Hatebreed was much more creative lyrically. also as mark m said world so cold would have been better to listen to for MV
- dreamsarepurple: Drowning Pool - Bodies
- TheMawsJawz TM: But Rude Awakenening though. Or Unfortunately
- Kresimir Sicel: You guys should check out Mushroomhead - Solitaire Unraveling .
- LazyGamer: This is one my favorite albums
- Casey P: I feel like they would personally prefer "Happy"
- CPotter Vlog: Mudvayne is originally from my neck of the woods. Y’all would have liked Not Falling better
- Mark Clark: Mudvayne a world so cold
- Andrew Way: Do Fear Factory!
- Art Out Of Silence: Blackberry Smoke !!!!!!
- Реф Воронин: Clean version,you seriously?
- Rocc 24: Death blooms or world so cold! Hurry up
- Michael Bolinger: Dig is a great song from Mudvayne and is a great example of the vocal and music talents the band had. Like it or not, Chad's vocal performance in this song is amazing. There are certainly great songs from them like Happy, Fall into Sleep, and Not Falling that were radio friendly and far more accessible with clean vocals but still hard hitting music. I think that Determined, IMN, and Rain. Sun. Gone. are good middle ground songs between the extreme songs like Dig and radio friendly like Happy. Good pick, nonetheless!
- Wired4Reality: Heilung - Krigsaldr (live)
- Russ Fortney: Slipknot was riding high on the release of their first album and the big Ozfest success before Mudvayne got their break. It was about a year later. I skipped Ozfest 99 to go to Rockfest 99. Ozfest 99 was the big Slipknot year. The following year, Rockfest 2000 was the first date of the Tattoo the Earth tour with Slipknot headlining above Sepiltura, Slayer, Sevendust, and they used their influence to get Mudvayne on main stage when Coal Chamber dropped out. LD50 came out a month later.
- Sonny Boy: Barney-Happy Birthday
- Dustin Hutchison: If you guys give Mudvayne a second round, do the song Happy. A little more groove and clean vocals to it than this. They are worth a second shot!
- skull _: Babyface savage
- Tattooed Gamer: You guys started with their hardest, most hardcore, mainstream song. Not Falling is an easier listen and better showcases why they are famous.
- Devin DeCremer: You guys would like their song World So Cold!
- James Meadors: Mushroomhead solitaire unraveling
- stealthRUSH: check out Hellyeah band
- Luke Roush: Please do Happy for a second chance
- Chris Scott: Stevie Stone - My Remedy
- Jared Sanda: I know I keep asking but Dillinger escape plan- One of us is the killer. Its a good song to ease into the band.
- Light888: They HAVE to react to Lullaby (Death All Over)
- Steven Williams: Please review...Wildside by Motley Crue....circa 1987
- balaur35: Aloha dudes, pls make a video of Mark Morton ft Chester Bennington - cross off... Chester kills it!!!! This song is fire!!!!
- Kngcobra On2Wheels: dig is my favorite song but slipknot is my favorite band
- Kyle Tipton: Slipknot spit it out or limp bizkit
- Gina Williams: I’ll keep listening and keep an open mind but this is a genre I have never listened to. Sounds like from comments they have a better song. Ok - lyrics and great backstory “ Live like you were dying “ Tim McGraw “I’m not ready to make nice” Dixie Chicks
- Monty Walsh: Uuuuuggggghhhhhh!
- David McC: Great choice
- brucenatelee: Both Slipknot and Mudvayne are what I call extreme nu metal. Vocals also mix harsh vocals with a "rap flow," something I want to practice with a new sound I call "smashtone."
- Tyler Middleton: Gary Clark Jr. "This Land" Music Video!
- Russell Gilmer: Severed next
- Joseph Blumenberg: Check out Moth by HELLYEAH... it's a supergroup with members of Mudvayne and Vinnie from Pantera on drums... and has a pretty different vibe from this!
- rcmfuzzy: +Alan Bleakley they have done 1 each from NIN and Ministry
- David Willis: World so Cold and Death Blooms have more of a melodic tone to them so I would suggest you give them a 2nd try with either one of them
- CharlieEst1981: It was part of that scene especially 98-02 a lot of bands had a similar vibe coming out. Kinda like thrash in the 80s. I miss that time the way old metal heads miss the 80s.
- DevilzDance81: Death Blooms
- SkoobieSnak Jak: Somewhere Far Beyond by Blind Guardian please! Will blow your minds! \m/
- Joshua Lesicka: Hell ya guys! Much love! Time for some car bomb?
- Basti Fortuna: World so cold is amazing and it most likely be the one you'll like.
- adwiseman619: I like dig, but not the best to start with. Death blooms and nothing to gein would be great to check out.
- kdx racer 184: Do "World so cold" by Trivium!
- Antwon Parson: You guys should do a born of osiris song. Divergency or machine I feel like they would like. Even recreate
- ice11cold: @lost in vegas you should check Mudvaynes song called “Happy?”
- John Smith: Death blooms by mudvayne.
- peters uvefelt: HORSE the band It’s science. LIF. It’s living at the top, when you’re at the fuckin’ bottom. Do it. Do it. Dooooooooo it. Pick a song. They are all from a glorious future.
- Calvin Lane: Dudes please react to trivium. I know you guys like thrash and I would love to see y'alls reaction to a more modern band that gets compared to Metallica all of the time. They have a pretty diverse sound but I think you should start with Pull Harder On the Strings of Your Heart
- Tech87HD: Listen to the whole LD50 which album it's one of a kind Chad is pretty lyrical most lyrical this is they're debut album they won MTV2 award for this fr they're original not a wannabe band besides that whole album they never sounded quit like that afterwards since but another Mudvayne you should review is All That You Are, Pulling The String, Pushing Through ect....love it and I've been literally lost in Vegas long ass story shouts from Indiana and FYI this album debut was 2001
- gimpy2316: Not falling, world so cold, and happy are all a little less screamy than this and are much better segways into this type or music in my opinion. If you like this style, listen to determined aswell
- Nether Man: You should try : HELLYEAH - Alcohaulin' Ass. Now that's a song :D
- wvusmc: Yes!
- Dalton Dees: IMN and Happy? Are my 2 favorites from them. A little more accessible than Dig imo
- Rob Isbell: I’d start them off on bright lights, can’t deny that songs greatness
- Kyle Barton: Please react to the band August Burns Red, preferably the song marianas trench
- Uncle Chuck: Yall need better speakers to listen to metal. And skip the radio edit with all vocals in the front of the mix,its ass
- Marc XxCajunCannonxX Dolinsky: Happy is a good choice, so is World so Cold, Scream with Me, or their cover of King of Pain
- Yuri: There’s about a billion other bands I’d recommend to these guys over Mudvayne.
- bryce baskin: You guys should do so more Flatbush/Pro Era. U&I or R.I.P.C.D by Flatbush are good ones
- Randy DeLaPaz: React to Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit live Woodstock 1969 (HD)
- Knot: React to fading away by demon hunter
- somekindofmonster13: Hi guys, Have you already reacted to some symphonic metal? I’d suggest nightwish “ghost love score
- Jeremiah Babcock: Get back to Jinjer. They just released a new song.
- Sam McC: Really digging how many people suggest World so Cold. When I first heard that song, I couldn’t believe it was the same band that did Dig. Such a great song with great transitions. World so cold could be their swan song. LOST IN VEGAS!!! WORLD SO COLD!!! happy is commercial, and not bad for a second chance, but WORLD SO COLD will make you have a new opinion on Mudvayne
- maseawee: Suicide Silence- You Only Live Once
- Robert Bryan: That's just horrible.
- Dr. Rockso!!!!: React to watsky-no complaints no conversation.
- juan andres penagos correa: Infant Annihilator. Those guys bring metal (deathcore) to it's limits.
- Eklipze3k: I find this song too repetitive tbh, it's not an easy listen
- G N: good band bu this is the raw nu metal mudvayne. severed or death blooms would of been a better choice from LD50
- Ratchetfan321: Mudvayne - Happy
- Death Cold Beer: i dont mean any disrespect"..... pauses Mudvayne Dig .....you disrepected an entire generation just by doing that.
- kitten mittons: Parkway Drive - Deliver me
- G Lake: I'd go with World So Cold, if u want range in a Mudvayne song.
- Tim Verburgh: +no interest for my user name what
- Me Notyou: Not Falling, World So Cold, Happy.. these are examples of a more commercial Mudvayne. If you really want to hear the band at its best I recommend Death Blooms or Everything and Nothing. L.D.50 is an incredible cd. These guys have lots of talent. It's a shame they called it quits.
- TacticalLumberjack: This came out when I was in high school. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now
- Adam Ferguson: To wake up during college, I set an alarm on my computer to play this exact song as loud as the speakers would go. The computer was in the other room too. Imagine hearing the opening of this song loud enough to wake the dead every morning. I had to sprint into the other room to turn it off. I tell you what, I never had trouble getting out of bed! Love you guys, you are doing good work. You MUST react to Led Zeppelins Since I've Been Loving You. It is a great rock/blues track. Let me add that I never was a fan of this song or the band. I used it to wake up, and boy did it work!
- Ryan Patershall: Happy will always be the song I would tell someone to listen to if they have never heard mudvayne. Definitely would have been more enjoyable experience for you guys
- Col. Kickass: Not Falling & In a World so Cold are completely different songs.
- Norman Bates: Kia ora
- The Phantom: I heard “Not Falling” at my cousin’s house when I was young and it always stuck with me, saved it, it’s been in my library ever since. I never took the time to listen to their other stuff, so I figured I could react with you guys because I love what you guys do. It’s awesome. I can not finish this video, this song is garbage. I was raised on rock of many different flavors probably pretty short sighted in my musical taste, but...what the hell is this crap? “Not Falling” is definitely more accessible and has a great flow. I can’t believe this is the same band. The approach is so different. I can’t with this. Simply isn’t enjoyable.
- pavlos dragoumanos: Dylan Caldwell,dude I like you are following these dudes.They are really good.Chad Gray and the bassist,-who I don't know-are really-really great.
- DjDarkD: +Derek White KoC is my favorite, but for their first listen, I'd say citizen erased.
- Trevor Scheer: I don't think this is a great first Mudvayne song to listen to. I think you guys should listen to Happy? or A World So Cold before jumping into the super hard stuff.
- Mitch Berg: Parkway Drive!!! Songs The Void, Wishing Wells, Boneyards, Romance Is Dead
- Homo sapiens: Holy shit it's been months
- Oisin Cleere: They reacted to Replica - did not enjoy. Would have picked Self Bias Resistor or Zero Signal for them myself. Push It is a good tune, a reaction would be interesting to see.
- TheG3neralLee: You guys need to check out some ‘the Dillinger escape plan’
- Don Stott: Something by Fear Factory please!!
- Rich Korab: Yes world so cold would of been a much better song !!!!!!!
- matt meng: snuff by slipknot
- Victor Miranda: Same timeline band. Came after slipknot first album. This album was produced by clown from slipknot
- TOAOM123: I think crawl through knives might be a better intro song for the dudes A bit more groove instead of adrenaline, imo
- jared rayfield: Ive been begging for mudvayne with you guys since day 1 with you guys and am very disappointed you chose dig to react to. ANY other song off of this album would have been a better choice to see how amazingly talented this band is. This song is just pure anger and aggression, but songs like sever, prod, deathblooms show much deeper songwriting and are what make mudvayne special. Please try another song from them.
- Kevin Smith: GUYS, You Have To Watch The Video For Over The Top
- Matthew Embrey: MUDVAYNE
- Digital Sarcomere: Funnily enough, Corey from Slipknot actually got them signed for this album. Like others have said, choices from The end of all things to come or Lost and Found would be far more representative of the band as that's when they really developed their own unique sound. Their bassist, Ryan Martinie, was picked to go on the Warwick Fuss on the Bus with Bootsy Collins & others because of his work on those albums.
- coyote 5.0: There’s better songs then this from this band.
- Derwood Ellington: Clutch
- tell montoya: If you read the comments then play some Cody Johnson!!!! Holes, with you I am, guilty as can be, dance her home etc get into it seriously
- Максим Шабалин: Shawn Crahan from Slipknot produced that Mudvayne album. That’s why you noticed the similarity :)
- Andrew Allen: Alice In Chains “Phantom Limb” !!!!!!!!! POST Layne Staley
- XGN xLONEWOLFx: The singer now sings for hell yea , hellyea is working on a new album
- Auspicious Autonomous: Do the song, "The Road Behind" By Gwar ~ The sound and melodies fluctuate and I know you guys have enjoyed that with other reactions you have done - GWAR - The Road Behind (HD) (5:29) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWKrM5h4QYw
- Oilid: That band has literally no personality. Just a copycat of Korn and Slipknot.
- sorrowsuperstar10: death blooms is better than "dig" ...its much more poetic ! they are incredible lyricists
- Jimbo Davis: The video is definitely the best way to react to this song for the first time. As far as the comparison to Slipknot - to me, Mudvayne instrumentally is superior to Slipknot (they're more talented musicians, technically), but Slipknot's singer is definitely better (in my opinion). Chad Gray (Mudvayne's lead singer) later went to form a "supergroup" with Mudvayne guitarist, Greg Tribbett, and Pantera drummer, Vinnie Paul - called Hellyeah (and guitarist Tom Maxwell from Nothingface). Hellyeah made 5 studio albums (with some minor lineup changes), and the 6th album was actually tracked by Vinnie Paul before he died, but the album hasn't been released. I think Hellyeah does plan to push forward, though. I hope the 6th album comes out because ANYTHING tracked by Vinnie Paul needs to be out there given that nothing else will come out again. Anyway, I can respect your reaction. Mudvayne's core support was probably among metal musicians because of their technicality, then they found some mainstream success with later albums like The End of All Things to Come and their most commercially successful album Lost and Found. The hardcore fan favorite album is probably L.D. 50, which is the album with "Dig" on it, but my favorite was The End of All Things to Come. You two would probably DIG (pun intended) "Not Falling" - "Happy?" - or "Forget to Remember." I miss Mudvayne. I loved their technical ability; their bassist Ryan Martinie is a BEAST. That "weird sound" in the beginning of "Dig" (Duh Duh "BLANG" - Duh Duh "BLANG") was the bass guitar utilizing a "slap technique" with the thumb to create that sound. Not enough is said about Mudvayne's bass player - not to mention their drummer, Matt McDonough. I love their technicality. As a drummer, I STILL find myself puzzled trying to dismantle the stuff Matt McDonough does in their music. Chad Gray is an acquired taste, but Hellyeah was a more accessible band he later fronted. Sorry for the length, but I figured I'd share the background because of the deep links of the band members to other notable musicians (especially Vinnie Paul from PANTERA). I just kept writing, I guess. I saw Mudvayne and Hellyeah live. I saw Hellyeah with Static-X (another band you should check out). Those boys burned a lot of calories live! They must've been exhausted and near liver failure toward the end of their tour(s).
- James Massey: Yall missed out so big not watching the vid!! The guitarist never blinks!! Never!!!
- TeZ: This is likely my own opinion...but the two elements of Mudvayne that drew me to them were Ryan Martinie (bass) and Matthew McDonough (drums). Ryan Martinie's signature playing style in combination with McDonough's furious, tight and progressive playing style set Mudvayne apart from a lot of bands during that time. Greg Tribbett is a good guitarist and had great tone on their albums; but, Ryan Martinie plays like a lead bass (Victor Wooten, Stanley Clark) and I find myself listening to the guitars as a rhythm element. "Dig" is balls to the wall aggressive and doesnt particularly show their skills so much as it showcases their ability to write brutal riffs that get the pit moving. You guys would probably want to start out with "Dull Boy" or "Pulling the Strings" even a song like "Happy?".
- ken boggess: His Bass on Internal Primates Forever is just nasty!
- RequiemDead: You guys should either do Nothing to Gein or Severed from this album.
- Sean Carey: Devin Townsend - Deadhead (Royal Albert Hall)
- TheWalrus: Y'all should check out the song New Damage by Soundgarden. It's the most slept on song I've ever heard. Also Outshined and Rusty Cage
- Brian Oxford: Chad the singer had to get vocal cord surgery and now you can see why. Checkout his other band hellyeah you will like this one for sure. Chad toned down his singing in this group. R.i.p. Vinny Paul
- Owen Kaestner: I know this isn’t what you guys usually do but please react to Calenraps!!! Please do a compilation of freestyles! You won’t regret it🙏🏻
- Daergar: I think that, like was said about Nirvana in the "Heart Shaped Box" comments, a lot of Metal and Nü-metal from the 90s was stylistically a response to the previous fad, in this case Grunge. Where Grunge seemed focused on emotions like depression and sadness, 90s metal became about anger and not holding back. Just my take
- David Thorson: Actually Mushroomhead was/is Slipknot's biggest rival. Look it up.
- Mr. Slowpoke1975: Mudvayne is/was an awesome band with some awesome music. Dull boy,world so cold,not falling,scream with me,determined,scarlet letters,and fall into sleep are some of my favorites. But to me Chads best work and show of vocal talent was in the group HellYeah. Songs like alcohol and ass,thank you,hush, and better man show his true singing abilities. But when you feel like punching holes in walls there is nothing better than drink drank drunk,be undeniable,war in me,scratch a lie,Sangre por Sangre, or torrential to the core and many many more that will help get you in that mood.
- Spixle: I do agree, the new album is insane!
- Lindsey Ormsbee: Great video guys! Please consider Cemetery Gates by Pantera or Hornets Nest by Power Trip! Keep bringing the great reactions!
- David Ip: SLAYER - SNUFF
- David Pangrac: While "Dig" was the song that broke them out into the music scene, literally any song off their next album would've been better than this for you guys... especially remembering you didn't love "Roots" by Sepultura, I figured you wouldn't fall in love with this song.
- Jesse B: Dragula is the worst. Rob Zombie's solo stuff will never compare to White Zombie, especially La Sexorcisto. I would recommend Grindhouse, but every song, even the radio ones, are pretty awesome.
- Scream Bloody Gore #DeathMetal: Overkill - Coma
- Naama sst: Bring me the horizon-sleep walking
- Trevor Dickerson: Not falling or world so cold or even happy would of been a better intro to midvayne
- thewdc: LOVE the honesty!!! Nothing to Gein is a GREAT one as well as Death Blooms!!! U should check their lyrics while you watching. GREAT job as always!!!! Keep it up fellas!
- Steven Gibb: Agreed. It's tragic.
- idoubtall: Roots, Bloody roots...no??
- Joshua Chap: Oh man this song brings me back! This is one of the first bands that really got me into heavy metal. I remember these guys live before this album blew up and kind of made them huge.
- nikkaben: “Happy” is really good
- Michael Richards: SCAR SYMMETRY! Sorry for yelling. But please do The Illusionist or the Iconoclast! Later.
- TastyChevelle: They don't need to be exposed to any more nu-metal...
- Mohammad Shehryar: click the link below and you will be enlightened
- Branden Montgomery: How the hell does this song win over like any other mudvayne song
- Kevman 5000: Gotta do the great southern trendkill from pantera
- i eat major ass: Do Kyuss-Gardenia pls
- jovercash666: Praise the Lord by dying Fetus is also a very sick song. One thing about death metal in my opinion is the vocals, which turns alot people away, add another dimension to the music. It's almost another instrument. You can actually follow the lyrics fairly well if your reading them along with the song.
- James Ward: You should definitely do Death Blooms or Severed. A better showcase of the bands overall talent
- Chris Frye: Happy or Not Falling would have been far better choices for you guys as a first time listen.
- Gil B: Mudvayne - Everything and Nothing is my workout jam
- Crimson King: This song was huge. I remember how shocked I was when it won a Grammy.
- David Olmedo: mudvayne do what you do
- michael warner: should revisit MudVayne try Not Falling or Happy
- mawkuss: Where the Tobe Nwigwe reacts? From the swat, sway, spice.
- mike haseman: Candiria!!! lots of great songs
- Garage Video AUSTRALIA: Death blooms much better track
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: It's the most famous maybe cause of the meme "most brutal metal scream 2012" video and copies that spread around? This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- Fercho Romo: 3 month comments?
- Niels Wassermann: Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe !!!! Please
- Jonzo Buckets: That’s some shit metal right there. Just givin da man some shit.
- Mr Zorg: Mudvayne - happy It's easier to listen to
- rachel slaughter: Should gone w death blooms! Go w prod, cradle, -1, world so world
- Stebbi LV: React to HYRO THE HERO!!!!
- Stephen Thompson: Damnit! I was just getting ready to go to bed. I love this song tho
- Knotunit: This was probably the first song people heard from Mudvayne but their other stuff even on this same album is different. More melodies, songs that are structured around timing signatures, and groovier bass over tones. Their mainstream breakthrough is probably the album Lost and Found. Its not as aggressive as this but you might appreciate it more. I can get the Slipknot vibe but if you really want Slipknot clones(straight down to 9 members) check out American Head Charge or Mushroomhead. This also was probably at the height of the nu-metal wave so a lot of the bands have that similar sound. When I think of Mudvayne I think of bands like Nothingface, Spineshank, or DownTheSun. The genre was really saturated at the time.
- Alfaqwad: That bass line though...
- Babyfaced Baron: You guys should do some White Zombie or some Cradle of Filth two very different bands that were out in the 90s that were unique among the 90s sound 4 metal bands at the time
- Gregg Evans: I'd like to see you guys check out Frog Leap Studios (Leo Moracchioli) Metal covers of: Childish Gambino - This is America Toto - Africa Adele - Hello I think your opinion on "This is America" in particular would be welcomed.
- Anthony Mohl: You guys should have listened to Dig (Resident Evil remix). I believe that's the version you'd have dug ;)
- Andrew Baker: Nothing to Gein is their best of all time.
- Derek Callison: Mark M., Right on brother should have started them off a little lighter.
- Clup: Anything from LD 50.. -1 / Death Blooms / Prod Or try Saw II soundtrack Forget to Remember Maybe Need For Speed Underground 2 soundtrack Determined Or just Not Falling / Fall Into Sleep / World So Cold
- Dat Nilla Von Dizzle: Mushroomhead QWERTY!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JZGFjufJEY Hold on.
- James Lamb: Anything from Ld 50 is probably not the best choice for non-metal heads. Although it's one of my all time favorite albums EVER. It's much heavier than their later albums. There were many better choices for this channel to listen to, so that you could appreciate this bands brilliance. A World so cold, fall into sleep, Scarlett Letters..all good choices... you should revisit this band.
- Isaiah Clayton: Listen to an opeth song off of orchid
- Brandon Gerber: A Day To Remember- sometimes your the hammer, sometimes your the nail !!
- blakfloyd: Dig is a horrible intro to them because it embodies everything that would deter outsiders from liking them. The Patient Mental, Death Blooms, or Skrying would have all been miles better than Dig to start off with.
- Jose Santiago: They haven’t but they gotta listen to nutshell
- Loe307uh: If you think this is over the top, watch the video for this song lol
- Victor Pena: Hardknock by joeybadass is a dope ass song pls give it a listen!
- Evilatem: they really picked their only "bad" song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Ll4F7u5K8 google "Ain Soph Aur" for more context to this song
- Mick Lammers: Mudayve - Nothing to gein. It's about Ed Gein and those lyrics will blow your mind
- Lisa B: Would love to see them do "The Prisoner"!
- Preston Jarrett: Astral_Jelly Dillinger would be dope
- Sean Hurley: Ugh, I hate when people suggest such weak songs! Dig is a fun song but it's *nowhere near* a good choice for a fresh reaction vid! This album (LD50) is a masterpiece and Dig is the least interesting song on the whole thing! ☹😅 Off this album? Death Blooms Nothing to Gein Prod Pleeeease do yourself the favor of listening to one of these palate cleansers 😂 (Also acceptable is World So Cold or Not Falling off their next album.)
- camaro: Death blooms and nothing to gein
- Eric P: Fu Manchu - King of the road Time to see a reaction to stoner metal
- Magni Þór Björnsson: Skálmöld - Niðavellir
- Vance Holloman: Band (Hellyeah) Song- MOTH!!!!! If you don't like it your ears are broken lol
- Dog Is Not Amused: Frozen In Time- Obituary!!!!!! Please!!!! I watch all of you guys gideos
- Dane C: Glad you finally got to MuDvAyNe though 😈
- James Duckworth: They won the first MTV 2 music award for this song and video.
- K- Mac: I tried so hard. Stopped about halfway.
- Peanut Butter: do you realize.. that for every 10 Mudvayne fans.. theres 20 more that dont even like Mudvayne?
- Johnathon Sanders: Aye if you'll think they should do a reaction on the movie trailer Us. Hit George and Ryan up. The I Got Five On theme is crazy.
- A Thom: Mudvayne -1
- Will Schramm: This was the song by them that got my attention.
- Carl Porter: Rush Lavilla Strangiato.The riffs and drumming are crazy.
- John Smith: dig is there best song
- Zach Felzien: Fear Factory Shock
- ReverseTuring Test: Geez people suck at picking first impression songs for you guys lmao. I'd reccomend "death blooms" and looking into the story behind it. Or "not falling" or "world so cold", both have some of the same influences as the ld 50 album did, but a bit more melodic. "Internal primates forever" is a fantastic song about addiction, and "nothing to gein" is probably the best song ever written about a serial killer (ed gein) . Hope you guys look into 'em more, they really are an amazingly skilled band all around. Also;Mudvayne formed in '96, Slipknot formed in '95, but Corey Taylor(current vocalist) didnt join till '97
- Tim Loney: Dig sucks
- Luis Maldonado: The Mars Volta - Drunkship of laterns... come on!!!
- papagriz33: I know Mudvayne & enjoy the handful of their songs I've heard on the hard rock radio stations (Happy, etc.). I had never heard this song. I didn't really care for it at all. It was very repetitive & droning. If this was my first exposure to them, I wouldn't go looking for more.
- Danny Bishop: C- Mon with that Slipknot ish. They still need like 10 more guys to do that
- Clayton Moser: Archspire - Human Murmuration. You gotta do that one, pleeeeaaase
- Dale Gray: Haha "we was looking at a motherfucker but we didn't hear a motherfucker. " Best phrase ever
- Gluon PA: Now that I listen to better metal (Gojira, TesseracT, etc.) I realize how boring are bands such as Mudvayne. Still a nice song, thanx to Ryan Martinie.
- DES S: Ryan, George great and honest reaction!!! This was definitely not the best choice in my opinion. *World So Cold* would have been better. Granted they are great at making fantastic transitions even in this song but *Dig* does them no justice for their diversity, which they do have. As you probably can tell this not a favorite of mine, but they definitely need a second look. Their other songs are like night and day compared to this. Other songs you should check out by them *Not Falling*, *Death Blooms*, *Happy*, *Forget To Remember*, *Beautiful and Strange* just name a few. And even though *Mudvayne* is choice you also might wanna check out the offspring of this group called *Hell Yeah* the drummer is *Vinnie Paul* of *Pantera* and this band gives a great feel of *Chad Gray's* voice to compliment hard riffs like he did in *Mudvayne*. Keep on rockin' peace ☮️ ✌️!!
- DOLO GO: Y’all Super slipping on vids and current music smh
- Nick Kitchens: Days of the new - touch peel and stand
- maseawee: Otep- Battle Ready..
- Zach Cooper: Keep the nu metal coming! I’d love to see you guys react to Nonpoint or Grade 8.
- Glock 19: you guys will like death blooms more your style
- Diego BrandoJJBA: Guys I invite you to take a step ahead on being a free thinker...until now you only listened to music with english lyrics, try the music video of "Project46 - Erro +55" (there was eng subtitles on the official video, tho)
- MrDecapitate: i know you guys loved opeth but didnt enjoy the growling parts so here's a amazing opeth song that has no growling and sounds just beautifull i've been watching your channel for some time now and i know you will love it.. so here it is "opeth - burden"
- Nicholas Narine: Sepultura Desperate Cry
- Kyrehl Garcia: You should react to some demon hunter songs, such as fading away, someone to hate, what I’m not
- youvegotmysong: Ryan Martinie is the star of the show! One of the best bassists in rock. Dude is killer.
- separatistmike: I would go with (Per)Version of a truth. That song truly shows off the chops and writing ability of this group in their prime. JMHO
- sheepnoisebah: dig is their big song, the one most people were introduced by. so it makes sense they start with it.
- Crack5hooter: Severed and death blooms would have been better choices
- Kevin Pickens: Between Dig and Death Blooms, Death Blooms would be a better choice as it has an actual story behind it. If I'm not mistaken as it's been a long time it's about his dying grandma. Yeah Dig is a fun high tempo song, but not really a first song.
- Terry Beaton: Great breakdown, guys. It is what is. I think if you were raised on this kind of music as many were, you could appreciate the things that distinguish it from other stuff like it. It's to me like prog is to you guys. It's like a totally foreign language. Nothing clicks.
- Goreboy 1: Mudvayne- (k)Now F(orever) is the best song off L.D. 50, and you guys would really like it
- HellaJ 84: Mudvayne was about the same time as slipknot, but way better! Everyone hate on me now lol! Please do Funeral Hymn by Exodus, I've been asking every video!
- NostromoFeed: so good!!!
- Bobcat Wolfenstein: I'm really glad you guys checked this one out. Not everything Mudvayne did was quite this aggressive, this is probably about as heavy as they get. HELLYEAH has the same vocalist as well as the (recently passed) Drummer from Pantera. Speaking of Static and late great artists, Static-X.
- Spixle: Hate me if you want but my my favorite mudvayne songs are (not in any order) (per) version of a truth, Happy?, Choices, Have it your way, Beyond the pale
- Freddie Thomas: Jesus of suburbia by green day
- William Halsey: Y’all should do Uncle Lucius - Keep the wolves away! Great country song.
- Jim: Love these guys. But this song is completely ripped off from Panteras Far Beyond Driven not Slipknot's self-titled. I heard this when it first came out on the radio and thought it was Phil and the boys. Go listen to the song Slaughtered from several years before this came out.
- Zerosignal0: I love this song but honestly this really doesn't showcase Mudvaynes full musical potential. Definitely listen to anything off the the end of all things to come if you want to hear a major uptick in balance!
- CthulhuKittie: I honestly don't know much about Mudvayne. I've only heard a handful of songs by them, one of them being a song called Happy. It's got some cleaner vocals, which I think you guys might like.
- DarthBleak: Eluveitie - King
- Nick Rosa: Try to get to Slipknot - All out life Mark Morton - Cross Off ft. The late great Chester Bennington of Linkin Park One love guys...
- playa hatin fool: Where’s some GNR Appetite for Destruction???
- anis mouawad: Try : The Scarecrow - Avantasia
- mikepshena: "Happy" or "Forget To Remember" would have been great songs to get into this band. Super awesome more chill songs that doesn't sound like other bands too lol
- VogonPoet67: You think you guys could show some love to the great Tracy Chapman someday and react to one of her songs? Perhaps the song "Change"
- Keith Kinkade: They were actually ripping off Pantera . Slipknot did as well.
- Raúl: mudvayne - Prod
- Mike Taylor: You should listen to happy?, Determined or Fall into Sleep to see how they have matured and expanded their sound.
- Anthony Shreve: Honestly, everything Mudvayne has put out after this would be more to your liking. They took a slightly more progressive route while still maintaining their nü metal sound. *Not Falling* , *World So Cold* , and *Happy?* are some pretty solid next choices.
- Ashley Bruton: Great band wrong song choice
- Anon Nymous: It's not really my cuo pf tea, either, but, you HAVE to respect the musicianmanship, and, technical skill of the players.
- Marcelino Ibarra: d0 GHO$TMANE
- Dennis Kirkegaard Jensen: Devildriver - End of the Line. Especially now when you're in the Nu-metal territory. Dez, the vocalist of Devildriver, was the frontman of one of the more prominent Nu-metal bands back in the day, Coal Chamber.
- Tom Tanaka: How can anybody listen to this and think this is any good?!
- VEXARI: You haven't heard Mudvayne yet if you haven't heard his clean vocals as people have recommended already, "Death Blooms" or "Not Falling" would be better but my personal favorite song of theirs is " -1 (Negative One) " Also Mudvayne has the best Bass player any Metal band has ever had.
- OverboardMetal: Severed or Perversion of Truth.
- Jacob Knoles: this was a terrible first song lol. either happy or forget to remember.
- ChiefsPride816: Maybe some White Zombie as well? More Human Than Human or Thunder Kiss '65.
- Channel Tee: Not falling world so cold Happy Those would be much more up your alley and it more about song writing on a mature level without the technical abstractness.
- Jhonny Florez: The mumble of metal are death, and black, Crap for lossers.
- Dee WarCheef: Static X Push it!
- Shannon: Love the channel guys. You gotta do HELMET......you want groove......they got it. "Unsung", "in the meantime", "exactly what you wanted". Get on it !!!! Keep the the reactions coming guys......i'm lovin' it.
- Derek Bastien: Mudvayne is the heavy metal creed
- Mark Metott: It ruins the rhythm of the entire song.
- christianrutter: All good choices!
- Timmy Marley: Good times.
- Watch'dUP: Machine Head - Davidian ffs!
- jesse zimmermann: Architects - Doomsday
- Cosmic Corner: Should have watched the music video.
- Sam Ericson: BABYMETAL! "Karate"
- brogarn: "We're lookin' at motherfucker but we didn't hear motherfucker." I don't know why, but that cracked me the hell up.
- Pâmela Pepper: Mudvayne - Not Falling , Forget to Remember
- supersierra70: funny when I saw that you were going to review this tune I instantly clicked on it to see your reaction. I thought you would've liked this song was my guess...but I think it maybe a 'musicians' kind of tune, where if you play an instrument like bass, guitar or drums, you can appreciate it more for the groove it carries and the style of playing, in this song especially the bass playing. Cool as always to watch you two give your honest opinions...keep it up!
- metal9023: They don't copy form each other but they're both from the same style of metal.. Called NU-METAL
- harrisb1994 harris: I LOVE you open minded guys.. you make my depressing days so much better. . PLEASE react to Asap rocky THUGIN NOISE and JODEYE. It would mean the world to me. I've been telling all my friends about you.
- spykp: Mudvayne is definitely a great band, but unfortunately you picked the wrong song to listen to. Happy? or Fall into sleep would be much, much better choices. Give em another chance.
- The booty Warrior: Darrell Gaither oh ok thanks for the info i think i may subscribe myself.
- russell roy: Deftones my own summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- MovieGuy666: Once again people picked the wrong song to introduce you guys to a band you never heard.
- F4R207: Used to like Mudvayne back in my youth but I had such a hard time listening to this one today. Some suggestions! Zeal & Ardor- Devil is Fine (Session Live), Psyopus - Insects, Sikth - flogging the horses, Om - State of Non-Return, NAILS - You Will Never Be One Of Us, and Dimash Kudaibergen - SOS d'un terrien en détresse (be ready to be blown away by unearthly talent, dedication and skill and then listen to him singing "Opera 2" and lose your mind all over again).
- Jacowboy: Man I wish you had a couple of folks to pick songs for you to react to instead of going by polls and requests... there are SOOOOOOOOOO many great bands and genres you haven't even touched yet and you're mostly stuck in the same couple of subgenres... =/
- Nick G: This is an anti-commercial song but ironically their most commercially played song.
- Chris Heald: World So Cold is more accessible. Give that a view along with lyrics next time Mudvayne comes up as a choice.
- zachary benson: Ice ts band body count or the biohazard song punishment y'all would love it
- Sam S: Big facts!!!
- ΘΟΥ ΦΟΥ: Napalm Death - Constitutional Hell
- Chad M: Locksmith - 2019 freestyle on Shade 45. ITS SOOO FIRE!!!
- KTM Neil: Check out Zao! Too many good songs to list... notable mention is the song Witchhunter
- Matthew Showers: Not Falling is the superior song, IMHO.
- herb tender: React to Ryan UpChurch Creeker
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: Never "Dug" Dig, lol?!?! (see what I did there) This song won the first VMA, which I posted their controversial speech!
- arkhampatient76: DarthBleak i still jam Cleanse till this day. Who’s Fist....would be just as good
- James Haskell: Wish you would have watched the video. Unusual imagery. But you’d really appreciate the bass layer. He’s really outstanding.
- nlerd: Shawn Crahan, one of the guys from Slipknot, produced the album that this song is on.
- chris kouvopoulos: I think it's time you gave 'Rotting Christ' an ear. Revered metal band with history. Not sure which track though...
- Logan Park: I would like to see you guys do a review on 10 years! Or chevelle!
- Team Xxtreme: Mudvayne is awesome love them, I would listen to fall into sleep, or anything off that same album
- Justin Clark: Definitely Death Blooms or Severed next. Dig is definitely an intense opening salvo, but those other two are far more of the math metal that they really shine with. Much cleaner, but more varied.
- Nakota Lanzo: Mudvayne - Happy?
- Shawn Horrorcore: If you two want to hear something you've never heard before, give Hed Pe a listen to. They incorporate metal/punk & hip hop into their music, songs I suggest are Suffa, Jesus of Nazareth, Killing Time, IFO, Renegade, Ken 2012, Hill, Boom(How you like that), Raise Hell, No Tomorrow or No Turning Back. Thx 👊
- Jesse Kynaston: Locksmiths new freestyle on DJ Kayslay!
- Brian Bierlein: How have they listened to 2 SlipKnot songs and still haven't gotten around to Spit it Out yet? o_O
- QuietMan: I've always kind of like this song but it's just so damn repetitive
- Shawn Walldren: Check out Avatar - "Bloody Angel" soon please
- jmmass3264: Mora agree!! This is one you guys need to do!
- Emperor Paulpatine: The edited version is so neutered it's not even funny. But props to you guys for putting up with and trying to understand music you're not necessarily comfortable with.
- Jamin Munson: Terrible song choice. Love the band, but horrible choice to introduce someone to them. Not falling... World so Cold.
- Ronnie Walker: Can you guys pls do VAN HALEN don't tell me what love can do
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: +Nicolas Bertin Did you watch the Mudvayne speech video on my channel? Critics are like assholes, everyone has one! Do you make art?
- HillWilliam: Dude every video they’ve posted I’ve commented with parkway drive. I’ve been waiting and waiting but nothin doing. I hope they do them soon.
- Tony Viner: populace*
- 331slash: Okay song but this is not a good representation of mudvayne
- Slayer Monstrocity: Helmet-Unsung
- Adam Lefebvre: Ugh... Should've done Not Falling. They are so much more dynamic than this song. Damnit..... Should've done Not Falling.
- devin usa: Happy? Or Fall into sleep
- Matthew Monroe: Not Falling, World so Cold, Death Blooms wouldve been better songs for you guys to do. Dig is probably their most extreme song and they did that for a reason. It gave them attention in a sea of nu metal BS in 1999 era. I would ask you guys to give mudvayne a second look. Do world so cold or not falling. Much better musically.
- GWAILIN: Ryan, in other words, it's kinda boring
- Kevin Curley: Didn’t realize anyone still cared about this band. Terrible stuff. Anyway, you guys nailed it. Junk song. Junk band.
- Lonnie R H0dge Jr: if you guys are interested in listening to new genres of music, you may want to do a reaction video to "first of the year (equinox)" by skrillex. the official video, not just the song.
- John Mcbride: Black keys
- John Weaver: Motograter..suffocate goatwhore.. apocalyptic havoc!!!
- FX LTD: For those who say "you picked the wrong song," THAT IS OUR FAULT! They pick the *most requested songs.* If you like an artist request what song you want. Don't complain if the majority disagreed, they're listening to their audience.
- Robert Stephenson: I like how honest you guys are!
- Kyle Kniceley: Slipknot vs Mudvayne.... soo soo different. Keep listening and you'll hear it.
- Lee Lamb: Not Falling!! Please!
- Bernardo PSC: Death Blooms would be a better option
- Tim Grzecki: I've always felt like "Dig" was a great attention grabber but not a very good representation of what Mudvayne actually was, especially vocally. "Death Blooms" or "Not Falling" would have been better and I definitely think much more to your guys' liking. "Not Falling" is more straightforward in terms of structure while "Death Blooms" is probably the more interesting song, after starting with "Dig" I would suggest "Death Blooms." You'll probably be shocked it's the same band and that it's from the same album. If you're looking for melody and Mudvayne however look to "Happy" or "Forget to Remember." Awesome work as always gentlemen.
- Jason Pendleton: BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - STILL BORN 👈👈🤘🏽🤘🏽👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻🤘🏽🤘🏽
- Panhandling for Subscribers: AS I LAY DYING... Parallels or Confined
- Lennart Martin: This is by far the most agressive and somewhat chaotic song from them. Really cool, but you are missing out when you listen to the censored version. And i'm not talking about the foul language, but how the voice, matched the music, like at 5:52 in your video. And I think there is even a whole part of the song missing in this version. Very unfortunate.
- TJ Hemphill: World so cold. You guys won’t believe it’s them.
- salsonwheels: Saul Williams: song: Black Stacey
- Jesse Walters: They started to get more radio friendly ... This was thier most aggressive more prog nu metal ...
- WiserInTime: Too bad you didn't watch the video. They look crazy.
- Al Gilardi: Yeah def not a great song to start of with - a lot of their other material has more melody, try something like Happy or World So Cold these guys deserve another chance
- David Mathes: They blow slipknot away in all categorys especially song writing, most Slipknot CD are 50% dogshit 50 hits.
- Infinite Fantasy: Death Grips - giving good people bad ideas!!! Hoping you guys continue to explore new genres in 2019 and broadening your horizons with some avant-garde/experimental stuff
- Stanley Hyde: This is per slipknot. But screams like. That are a metal standard
- Damien Zadok: I didn’t realize how many people didn’t hold “Happy?” in their top Mudvayne songs, but the cleaner vocals and build to the end are musically better than their more generic scream stuff. “Dig” has its place as a hype song but you have to be in a certain state of mind
- Canosis Plays: I’m glad you picked “dig” as your first Mudvayne song. If you pick literally anything else... other than “death blooms” you will see how mature this group has gotten while maintaining excellent musicianship and a signature sound on the metal sound scape.
- Rogue Sunfire89: Mudvayne- fall into sleep, a little less aggression compared to dig.
- Torr Martin: They have a bunch of songs with melodies and actual singing... this was a poor choice
- Adam: Wrong first song choice for this band. Maybe shoulda gone with "Happy?"
- Nifuruc: This song is so repetitive. Definitely not a song I can listen to over and over again... But the comparison is pretty accurate. Both bands are from the US, came together in the mid 90s and were overly aggressive. But Slipknot (at least in my opinion) was way more creative and interesting.
- Joshua Haddock: I know it may not get any attention, but Static X 'Stingwray' or some Staic X period.
- kashmm: It feels like you are not pausing enough now. When I first came to your videos I liked that you gave feedback every minute or so, now it just feels like I'm listening to the normal song with a background noise. I came here for your two reactions, and to listen to the song in second. PS: Do "Dethklok - Crush the industry"
- Megan Wood: PROTEST THE HERO-Animal bones or Bloodmeat. PLEEAASSEEEEE!!!! 😭😭 I need to hear a reaction to my favorite band from people that actually pay attention to the MUSIC!! I’m gonna keep being annoying about it 😂 Love your Channel btw. My favorite reaction one by far. That heaviest matter of the universe video 😂
- Terrell Brooks: Y’all should review TDEs new artist Reason Album “There you have it”. It’s a dope project that came outta no where. I think y’all would enjoy it. Just an idea.
- J Grizzle: Death Blooms really shoulda been the first one for you guys.
- Facecutta 1980: Man, I’ve been listening to mudvayne since day one. When your second chance comes for this bad again. Go with either death blooms, severed, or nothing to gein! Love your videos fellas!
- Stephen G: Definitely not the best choice for your first Mud song.
- Kane O'Brien: Happy is more cheesy hot topic gimmicky sounding. Not falling is a more authentic effort.
- Pseudo sanct: this album and slipknots iowa album had the same producer, I believe
- Andrew Samuel: Mudvayne - happy would be a better song for you'll ..
- tbirdpunk: Terror. Pure hard core adrenaline rush.
- Matteo: Show Me How to Live or Gasoline from Audioslave
- Miguel Flores: "World So Cold" would've been a way better choice!
- ed gee: This is the same singer from hellyeah. When he was young
- Zakofidea: As an introduction to a band whose catalog is mostly much more melodic, and groove driven, I wish people hadn't requested "Dig" off the bat. Mudvayne has become more commercial in their later years, but that's definitely a better starting place for people coming from a more commercial background. "World So Cold" would be great. "Not Falling" & "Happy?" would be great as well. Or "Dull Boy". the bass line in that one kills.
- jiersk: Behemoth! Oh Father Oh Satan Oh Sun
- Jason X: They should have done Fall Into Sleep
- Brahm Tancredi: Because illuminati
- Slaytounge: Listen to their song Prod and get back to me.
- Frank Laher: Mudvayne- Happy?
- Kyle Fitzherbert: Ryan upchurch - hillbilly phsycho.
- Cody Stetler: “Silenced” is a better piece of work that tells a similar story. Check it out.
- ManchGuy22: A Martian Winter - Angel Vivaldi Live Again - Silent Civilian Be Quiet and Drive - Deftones
- Nicolas Bertin: Ew, Mudvayne... That's an awful band... Why waste your time on this... And even with your limited experience of metal, you right away realised it's just a Slipknot clone... It's one of those bands that were flourishing (unfortunately) during the nu metal era.
- Josh Ledet: https://youtu.be/NACMpkxm-fA
- Trucker_Will: Yoo was up guys.. wondering if y'all could react to iamtherealak .. see what u guys think of his progress
- aury kama: You will love the lyrics and melodies in Death Blooms or nothing to gein live version.
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: (cuz tool is never repetitive, lol)
- Josh J: Yooo guys, please do No Halos For The Heartless by Hatebreed.
- ECDabbeljuh: Death blooms is the better Song!
- Eric B: If there was a friendly competition going on between Mudvayne and Slipknot.. It ended in 2010 when Mudvayne broke up due to friendships between the members dissolving.
- Todd Pidgeon: I'd be interested to see what you guys think of The Faceless - Black Star. I Also think you guys might like some Kataklysm songs like "As I Slither" or "Crippled And Broken"
- Mike D: Yeah, they are definitely a cheap, nowhere near as good version of Slipknot. I see alot of World So Cold suggestions, too. Sounds like garbage, honestly.
- Bob Kempf: Now listen to" Happy" by Mudvayne
- Josh Shields: You got to see the official music video. Mudvayne exploded onto the scene the same week as Linkin Park in the 90s. I saw the video to this song on MTV and the next day went and saw them live in Denver.
- Finga Bang Chicken Wang: Do some Melvins. A history of bad men 👌
- Carl Kaercher: Slipknot and Mudvayne toured together a lot in the earlier days. There's definitely a similarity in the aggressive vibe, but the two are worlds apart. Thank you, guys, for this one. I love this one, but I think you would have enjoyed one of the later songs. This is an extreme one, but they have much better writing. Y'all rawk
- Miguel Fabrega: Machine Head: Imperium
- Aldo Velez: Death blooms
- Jose V: Severed would've been a perfect introduction it has the aggression with the beautiful melody in the chorus that shows his range
- James Anderson: Architects - "Doomsday" Needs to happen.
- Chuck Finn: yeah, it sounds identical to slipknot, who i also can’t stand. one thing i really don’t get is the edited-together vocals. its one of the main things that completely ruins any chance of getting into the rhythm of the song. it’s hard to imagine this awful stuff being a highly requested song, but maybe i’m in the minority
- Twelve Monkeys: Mudvayne, so underrated. Please do nothing to gein. Or death blooms. Shawn from slipknot helped produce this album
- Page Wagley: Mudvayne L.D. 50 half of everyone that listen won't like it. Severed has the best freaking chorus mudvayne ever wrote. Keep hitting them up, they rock.
- David Gardner: KING DIAMOND, THE MEETINGS 🥁🥁👍🏻👍🏻
- Shane Teter: Really.. dig.. thats what everyone picked to introduce them..
- THRASH METAL & FUN RIFFS: This song won the first MTV VMA chosen by viewers, which I posted their controversial speech!
- raulguerra 95: they should have listened to forget to remember
- SkyyJakk: Yea you guys need to revisit Mudvayne and pick a better song. I’m not even really a fan of them but they have way better songs that shows more of their talent.
- Ashley Fenters: They have an amazing bass player! I know because my boyfriend tells me All. The. Time.
- Frank g: Slipknot was 95' and mudvayne's band formed in 96
- Antonio Coppola: Hi Guys please please react to Puscifer song Horizons it have a very profound meaning about life and existence is very edgy for his time the sound is like Blues mix with trip Hop and electronic arrangements is beautiful but in a way in the sense of fragility and the end of life of a dear being lost please review it yo don regret it and less with James Maynard Keenan adding his unique perspective of life.
- Patrick DSpain: Flesh and the Power It Holds Death
- YO: I think Mudvayne were writing about having an angry bowel movement experience.
- Tekkerz7: Yall need to do more lists like best song or album of each year. The hook one is one of my favourite Vids from yall!
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Mudvayne - Dig (REACTION!!!) | |
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Entertainment Dig Mudvayne | Upload TimePublished on 11 Jan 2019 |
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