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- Ronny Swank: Forreal!!
- jay ray: love everything you guys do! Usual request: IGORRR - Opus Brain
- Ricardo Cabral: Facts, and reel girls with bun b
- Weston H: better off dead is better than all their new stuff. D.R.U.G.S too. their old stuff is crazy.
- Junaid James: Regular and complex. My Team, Supreme. Their best work
- Josh Threeton: Meech has the hardest verses
- Victor Pena: Hardknock is a dope ass song by joey bada$$ ft cj fly you guys should give it a listen, one of joeys best verses on the second one
- Cierra King: React to Chanel Slides by Dreezy ft. Kash Doll
- MortiferGnome: Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle On Shade 45 w/ Kay Slay
- Cameron Cook: Listing to some of there old stuff
- Young Jefe: React to Civil War by Guns n Roses
- herb tender: You got to do Ryan UpChurch CHEATHAM
- Karim Hussein: Na this should’ve been like your 10th song you heard of fbz. Gotta do the main ones tbh : Palm trees Bounce God blessed the dead Vacation Trapped Ask Courtney Facts Best American. And the Whole motherfucking better off dead tape PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAASE Edit : oh and Erick (the producer of the group) has two albums of his own, arcstumentals. Suggest you guys check out the arcstumentals 2. Interesting album for sure 👍🏿
- Ladbrokes: React to Freddie Gibbs - Willie Lloyd, his flow is impeccable and Ryan might appreciate it given the title is a famous Chicago drug kingpin
- hafidh bani: react to flabush zombies - palm trees pleaseeee
- Sergio Gonzalez: yoo react to U&I by FBZ please........
- GT johns: This Land is Mind by Gary Clark Jr. Amazing rock/blues guartist
- _NewEra_: React to this, you will not be disappointed. he is Yngwie Malmsteen, the god of the neoclassical guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcTuOoiarOo
- Max Arsenault: Glorious thugs! By Flatbush Zombies
- Evan Schneider: anything Smino or Life by Saba
- Mon Roe: Holy Mountains - System of A Down
- Wilfred Hinze: Blind Guardian - Bard’s song (In the forest) Avantasia - Reach out for the light | The Seven Angels Theocracy - Hide in the fairy tale Kamelot - The Haunting ft Simone Simons Helloween - Straight out of hell Demon Hunter - Not ready to die Demons and Wizards - Fiddler on the Green Powerwolf - Sanctified with dynamite Tengger Cavalry - Cavalry in Thousands
- Kyle Shurtliff: I think a whole album reaction is best for Flatbush. Their songs are great alone but they always sound better to me when I'm just playing the album front to back. If you do this I'd recommend 3001: A Laced Odyssey just because it has such a cohesive sound. Love the content!!
- Shovels: U&I by Flatbush is what u need to listen to
- Alan R.: I ain’t gonna lie I love Fbz to death but this track was weak af!
- Paul Torres: React to R.I.P.C.D. By Flatbush 🙏🏻
- Jacob Vincenti: Really need you to give brockhampton another listen
- Mykka Nine: Check out R.I.P.C.D by Flatbush, they destroy that track lyrically especially meechy.
- Miles Henley: I have never clicked a video so fast
- Lex Slums: Ayyyy FBZ!
- VexCain: Another good FBZ track is Chunky, its on the same record as Headstone.
- outtyrider: Something different can you react to Rick James - Give It To Me Baby https://youtu.be/1dNIQVYGXbM
- KrIS: FBZ so underrated!
- DjDarkD: Any Dope DOD fans in the comments?
- Jason Davis: check out esham in the streets
- Joris v: Pls react to serious Klein "91 flex" I'm so addicted to it right now
- MarkB 1181: Yeah I like Headstone more too. Suggestions K.A.A.N- 1492 Conquest of Paradise Kemba feat. Smino- Exhale Locksmith feat Vinnie Paz- The Emperor's Clothes Scru Face Jean feat DAX- Dream Chaser
- Nico: U&I, My Team Supreme, & their Funk flex freestyle are all must reacts! Or just react to Vacation in Hell which was their latest album!
- Jasmine Green: Give mudvayne another shot with a less aggressive song 😂 severed or forget to remember https://youtu.be/ekn_IZtsS3M
- DocM: jack prince Yes! 1 of meechys best verses and def his most heartfelt deepest verse, besides Trapped but thats a whole diff vibe
- Armando Contreras: This song doesn’t really give true the Flatbush zombies vibe
- Jac-Thomas Holmes: You guys need to hear Avelino’s daily duppy freestyle, for a freestyle the wordplay is crazy
- Chad Reynolds: they did a reason video the other day
- Blake Cottrell: React to Locksmith 2019 freestyle on shade 45!
- Jalin Clay: If i could suggest a song by FBZ itd either be Chunky or Nephilim
- PvmMumia: u guys should balance out flatbush zombies uploads with some songs from betteroffdead, straight fyaaaaa
- vxjhhd jbddc: 1.Erick the architect 2. Meechy 3. Jewice
- DatNawtii Boi: Yoooo wrong Flatbush song :( Please please PLEASE try some more, we know you’ll love 99.9% of their other atuff
- Luke Van Gorp: Great video as always/ Could you guys react to Sylvan Lacue - Best me?
- JCastro7: Saba PROM/KING !!!
- JediEdin: God Forbid - Chains of Humanity 🙏🏻.
- Julian Coryn: Of all the wonderful songs they have, you pick this one
- Dontez Tell: Stop sleeping on FBZ 😭😭😭🔥🔥
- Nuys Guy: React to Flatbush Zombies- U&I 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Mitchell Fink: 4 willem- caleborate
- Kobeintheclutch: Roddy Ricch- Every Season! Meek Mill artist from Compton.
- Santiago Martinez: King Gizzard- Billabong Valley (live on kexp)
- Josue Villanueva: great reaction as always. but to make a suggestion, you should react to Run the Jewels-Close Your Eyes.
- Flogged Walrus: Cmon y’all gotta do Saba prom king
- JvdBMultimedia: Or locust, game over
- Trey L.: Ask Courtney - FBZ Trust a stranger/LiV from logic beginnings.
- Antonio Coppola: Please do a reaction video to the son Horizon by Puscifer is the same singer of Tool in this one it worth the whole experience
- Dylan Lawson: $uicideBoy$ PLEASE!!! There songs are kinda short so maybe do 2 songs in one video? Just a thought
- Dustin7571980: Metallica- The Thing That Should Not Be
- DocM: Yesss!! was gonna comment this, such a great track, or G Tearz or Palm Trees, or Trapped, so many good ones they got
- Michael Khoury: FACTS - FBZ feat. Jadakiss
- dominic salameh: I really wanna recommend bones to react to but he has so many different sojnds
- Frankie 24: U sure man I can’t seem to find it
- Brahm Tancredi: Crown - Flatbush Zombies!!!
- Ameer Allen: G herbo-Malcolm
- juan galvan: react to MRAZ by FBZ!!!!
- jordan lb: React to Cozz - Knock tha hustle ft. J cole
- Jules Malone: You gotta watch the video with it, it's amazing haha. The New World Order is a double meaning, its also a shoutout to the wrestling group the NWO. It'll make more sense if you watch the video haha
- Something Seems Off: *Flatbush Zombies - Bounce*
- Austin Smith: React to Butterfly Effect or XYNO off their Clockwork Indigo Album collaborating with Underachievers!!!
- Big Dream: Watch the Video for the song dammit!
- Armando Contreras: MRAZ - Flatbush zombies Bounce Palm trees
- Owe Up: Mick Jenkins “Pieces of A Man” !!!! Y’all gotta listen to more of his new album. ITS CRAZY
- Terry Lynch: React to IAMtherealAk "Money Remix"
- LetsGoToMarsMan: React the Flatbush Zombies-Thug waffle
- N0tthefather: Beast Coast represent
- Jacob Kingsley: Bruh they don’t have to listen to all 13min silly boi
- pa pou: I like your hat. Where can I find it?
- Norman Blalock: You guys have a great chemistry and fantastic music choices. Wonder if you have the courage to change up and react to possibly the worst song to get airplay. "McArthur Park" , a train wreck from beginning to end...
- swervinjdizzle: Thanks for your content guys! Question for both of you completely unrelated to music...with the Raiders moving to Vegas, are you going to become fans?
- campfire247: You guys should react to "ask courtney" by the flatbush zombies as well
- Gavin Walker: Do some smino!! And I am just surprised you haven’t done Saba yet😂
- Fredrik Opsahl: Earthgang too
- Nick Jackson: Y’all gotta react to their song Trade-Off
- Miguel Fuentes: React to Trapped by flatbushzombies
- FutureeOG: Can you guys react to Swizz Beats - Echo ft Nas? Super underrated song, the beat is amazing and Nas murdered the whole track!
- x: At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
- Farouk Kannout: for a really good creative and deep song for flatbush would highly recommend "U&I" by them!
- RoddyBoy24: Polo G- Finer Things. One of the smoothest rap songs ever
- Michael Zeigler: The time has come. You are ready. Lowlands by Gojira
- Mass O Pepeta: can yall please react to their funkflex freestyle
- bestbuy208: Brother Ali: My Own Light, Sensitive Prof: Gasoline, Andre the Giant or Light Work Sa Roc: Forever, Godess Gang Dem Atlas: Gratitude, Bad Loves Company Please give the Rhymesayers label out Minneapolis Minn a Shot!! I think you might like some of it.
- Asef Alexander Noorzai: GUYS there’s a NEW TeamBackPack cypher w Oswin / Chris / Denzil!!! PLEASE REACT!!! 👍🙌✌️
- Margaret Gardner: Y'all need to get a sponsorship from a speaker company so you can get better sound for these reviews, lmao!
- richard golden: Please react to "DAYLYT FUNKFLEX FREESTYLE" he is a battle rapper an you don't believe his delivery, 100% wordplay, bars... Lets go!!!
- Cruz Rodriguez: These groups is so unique
- Ya But: FBZ -your favourite rap song from 3001 a space oddessey
- Infinite Fantasy: Death Grips - giving good people bad ideas!!! Hoping you guys continue to explore new genres in 2019 and broadening your horizons with some avant-garde/experimental stuff
- Ethan Carrillo: Vacation
- Thomas Mørk: pleeease react to Hardknock - Joey Bada$$ ft. Cj. Fly!!!! Joey wrote it at 17.. His second verse is litterally one of the best verses ever. Like 47
- Cruz Rodriguez: Omg
- glughmar pintado: Listen to the full Amerikkkan Korruption tape by Capital Steez. If I would have to say two song from it 1 Free the Robots 2 Doggybag but its really hard once you listen to those song to not go on and listen to more of what he has to say. Lyrics on a different level compared to rappers today. Can't wait to see the reaction, keep up the good work homies.
- Salvador Saucedo: I'm going to add a bunch of stuff you haven't seen or heard, https://youtu.be/AJsBvT_N9MU https://youtu.be/2pcyDWU34qo https://youtu.be/hIBhwWbviFw https://youtu.be/MtWJoIUifQI?list=RDhIBhwWbviFw https://youtu.be/gCWj8Nz5DUg?list=RDhIBhwWbviFw https://youtu.be/FwNOmS78q-o https://youtu.be/ww5GXbk58R0 https://youtu.be/EaZZRrWxAN8?list=PL3D46789B04CDC66F https://youtu.be/YlcY_enzwmI https://youtu.be/yWHGTs9qh_o I guess this good for now
- Joseph: listen to facts ft jada
- hunterkun: New World Order is definitely one of their weaker tracks. If I had to suggest one of their new-ish tracks it'd be U&I.
- Jezreel Ayar: Trapped, bounce, new phone who dis, U&I, the glory, chunky, HELL-O
- Frankie 24: That’s all bad 😭😭 thanks anyway
- ATLASXI I I: Let's get this more likes. U&IU&IU&IU&I
- Jesse Parslow: Yo react to chillinIT one breath one take crazy wordplay🔥
- Etrope Edapez: Annihilator: Alice in Hell
- darkneji190: hop on that Kxng Crooked Hip-Hop Weekly wave He’s gonna drop a song every week for the whole year this is the 1st one. https://youtu.be/PGEaNXVg9po And the 2nd one https://youtu.be/yhFYFJuxxkY He already done 52 songs a couple years ago if you wanna catch up on that hiphop weekly series here’s the link to that. https://www.youtube.com/playlis
- Fxns: New teambackpack freestyle is dropping on Jan 14th pretty sure - Locksmith and someone else.. Deff gotta check that out!
- Brandon Harrelson: You guys should do "Knock The Hustle (Remix) - Cozz & J. Cole. Imo, that feature is one of the best verses Cole has ever spit.
- Brian Loher: I think I heard the n word
- Atomic Blonde: Do Stitch by Wage War!!!!!
- Daniel Garcia: BetterOffDEAD regular&complex , amerikkkan pie , death (2)
- DrankMoWater III: More Mick Jenkins!
- Kyle LeBaron: U&I is one of their best songs
- Ryan Sullivan: Need to get some Saba on here!
- Elyjah Lee: i'd love to see them react to rejjie snow - dear annie
- Alex L: Flatbush Zombies -MRAZ
- Rob Isbell: The raspy OG https://youtu.be/OawSDxhwwMM
- The Vision: React too Flatbush zombies mixtapes songs
- Ryan Pierce: Please react to or review some Run the Jewels!
- SnowboardinMA: Damn this is one of FBZ weakest songs. You guys gotta do more FBZ!!
- kuro tetsuo: listen to „this is it“ or „new phone who dis?“ from their debut album „3001: a laced odyssey“. and btw they dropped their second album called „vacation in hell“ back in april 2018. they also have 2 mixtapes that came out before their debut album.
- MattGabber97: 1:20 *When you get a video notification from Lost In Vegas*
- Infinite: Underachievers
- zach Gelner: React to Ishdarr - Slow Down, KID
- R A: This shit kills in live shows
- Jason_1021: Y'all gotta react to their Hot97 freestyle, definitely fire
- Drew Vanzy: The Glory by Flatbush Zombies please! Such a beautiful song
- Max Kilcoyne: Hey Tricky that has issa too that shit goes so hard
- J A: I asked for Houmous and Vegetable Soup for ages. Not sure they're going to do Igorrr.
- Shane Lopez: Harry Mack anyone?
- Young Obesity: Go listen to glorious thug remix, SO HARD
- Mathew Schertzer: Please react to Tom watts hell broke Luce music video
- Gideon C.: I have to agree with you guys I do give these a lot of point to them just for being original and staying true. Also just dropping this knowledge, do whatever you want with it, Locksmith just dropped a new freestyle on Shade 45...sooo I mean...there's that
- AJ: Joey bada$$ - Brooklyn’s own!
- SirJack of Camelot: Can we get a Clear Soul Forces reaction? With their latest song https://youtu.be/7OhFYOMjkJs They really need more recognition and you might just enjoy them honestly. Up vote people
- Benjamin Teter: Tech n9ne - hes a mental giant
- Brahm Tancredi: This Is It - Flatbush Zombies Good Grief - Flatbush Zombies
- Ronald Ruffin: If u listen to the album ur minds will fully change like who's the best American
- tRexArms: Yelawolf - gangsta, would be an interesting reaction.
- Miguel Flores: DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND - DEADHEAD [LIVE AT ROBERT ALBERT HALL] [Genre: Progressive Rock] HAVOK - FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE [Music Video] [Genre: Thrash Metal] LACUNA COIL - ONE COLD DAY [LIVE IN LONDON] [Music Video] [Genre: Gothic Metal] MACHINE HEAD - HALO [Genre: Groove Metal] PINK FLOYD - TIME [Genre: Psychedelic Rock] PINK FLOYD - ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, PART 2 [Genre: Psychedelic Rock] RED - ALREADY OVER [Genre: Alternative Metal] SLEEPING GIANT - FINISHED PEOPLE [Genre: MetalCore]
- Adam Hinckley: Facts by FBz its got jadakiss and we know you love jada
- The Underground Bmx: React to Facts - FBZ Ft: jadakiss
- Brandon Castaneda: Hey... have you reacted to my band Doubting Thieves yet?
- WheelChair Jimmy: U have to listen to MRAZ from the zombies
- Zack Stacey: New locksmith freestyle on shade45
- Grant D: Should def react to u&i
- MJNation: React to Replica by Fear Factory and Push It by Static-X
- Ryan Mckart: White Zombie- Thunder Kiss 65'.....This rapper is too dope! FBZ...cool
- The Underground Bmx: React to palm trees - FBZ
- nicklenickle9steele: Man, I saw them open for RtJ in SF, and they got hella mad that the crowd didn't know their lyrics. Like, dude, y'ain't the headliner, get some chill.
- heineken7172: Gotta check locksmiths 2019 DJ Kay slays freestyle.. straight bars for 10 minutes.
- maseawee: Suicide Silence- You Only Live Once
- David Ip: SLAYER - SNUFF
- Fatboy Fatboy: Yo Lost In Vegas please react to U&I
- Cards Daily: Growing Pains 2 - Logic - Please !
- Money Munoz: Do more Flatbush👀🔥🔥🔥
- Young Senpaii: Bounce- FBZ the entire 3001 album tbh
- Young Jefe: React to Conformation by Oswin Benjamin
- glughmar pintado: Also FBZ is my favorite group lol listen to Red Eyes in Paris, also from Clockwork Indigo (FBZ + UA) XYNO and Butterfly Effect. Also Sleep by Erick Arc Elliot ft. Flatbush Zombies... some incredible songs. Could name shit all day from them!
- Mailbox: Check out more songs from Vacation In Hell One of my favorites is "The Glory" ft. Denzel Curry NWO is more of a "fun" song with a beat that knocks
- Amber Brown: Boogie - Silent Ride
- Adam O'Doherty: Locksmith - 2019 freestyle
- Jeff Turner: Guys, please check out Fates Warning 'The Light and Shade of Things' Such a great song!!
- Devin S: Skinny Puppy - Pro-test
- Yao Guai: Yelawolf - Till it's gone.
- tiDDies aTTic: "HOME" by MARC BROUSSARD https://youtu.be/Jb5JVoG1pDQ I know how much y'all dig Chris Stapleton so I GUARANTEE you'll love this song!
- Andrew Muncy: ASAP mob ft Flatbush zombies - bath salts
- Jacob Kingsley: Storm Gruber for real man literally my favourite rap song😂
- Hakeem Jeter: U&I-FBZ Big krit freestyle on LA leakers Both are 🔥🔥🔥
- The real bibi: Def one of my least favorites by them
- BB B: Flatbush Zombies on Funk Flex is amazing
- maseawee: Otep -Battle Ready
- Dj Joe 14: MRAZ, Palm trees, U&I are all great songs by flatbush
- mossberg 12: Who here was hoping it was Ministry's New World Order 😂
- Veronica Lake: 🇺🇸 🙂👍🏼
- Kiran Buzza: The Glass Prison by Dream Theater must happen now!
- Sterling Rutledge: FBZ- Bounce, A Spike Lee Joint, Facts and This Is It are dope tracks
- Brahm Tancredi: +Sterling Rutledge yeee fosho bro, FBZ are on DBZ level ;) fkn legends. so many good songs.
- lionelmessi529: Check out U&I by Flatbush such an incredible track
- Volcanic Impact: As a big Flatbush fan, I agree, this song was aight
- Miles Henley: Do trade off or ascension by FBZ next!
- Cruz Rodriguez: Made my night
- Daniel Williamson: Please react to Anoyd- Just A Fan
- Ronald Debele: Nipsey Hustle - Blue Laces 2
- Nick Staudinger: You guys should have watched the music video with this! Great vid though! Would love to see you guys react to more Flatbush!!
- Max Arsenault: Ethan Zacks can’t forget glorious thugs
- Michael Tarricone: U & I - FBZ
- Sergio Juarez: Y’all definitely need to react to some of their older stuff like 222, palm trees or something off their 3001 laced odyssey album
- MacBigAttack: Listen to some of their old shit
- bruh.: U&I - Flatbush Zombies Or just do the whole of Vacation in Hell.
- mystic trunks: I really just scroll through y’alls comment section to find new music lmao
- Marios Demetriou: React to new locksmith freestyle!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsIFxares8M&list=RDMMFsIFxares8M&start_radio=1
- Dezmond Luke: When y’all gon react to some STEEZ
- Adam Milyak: This was just a fun song that was made for the music video lol. Check out Facts or U&I.
- HellaJ 84: Pretty cool! Hey you guys! Please react to Funeral Hymn by Exodus!
- Stephen Catalano: Dream Theater - The Glass Prison!!
- sammy s: Fbz Palm trees its older but the 1st song I heard and I loved it so different compared to what is out now
- Josh 96: Yeeeees, finally some more flatbush!
- MaddDogg316: I didnt like this one at all but i agree that these guys are a breath of fresh air. Looking forward to more vids of them. Please react to Femina X - Frida's Heart. Thanks.
- Fernn Plant: This Is It - Flatbush Zombies!
- Susan Holt: ‘Three Days ‘ Jane’s Addiction
- MtC: Benny the Butcher
- Ayere Ebegbare: Pls this the only platform that can play this cypher pls lost in Vegas react to martell cypher 2019 is dope
- Maher Ahmed Khalil: Once again a great vid guys , keep it up . I know you guys were impressed with Don Mykel previously and thought you might be interested in checking out his "Lyrical Excellence" track
- Braeden Griggs: you gotta do a reaction to dave east-keisha!!
- Kobe Dylan: Please do XXXtentacion Train Food
- Exit: Mac Miller: Diablo please!!!
- jake dodd: I’ve seen a couple other comments for Facts so I’ll add mine to the list. You guys will like it more than headstone
- reTwice: Im blacktivist black activist🔥
- Mari Sanchez: Gojira - Silvera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Tanner Borud: React to The Return by Translee!
- LUCKY: ## React to "Ice Cube - That New Funkadelic" or "The Black Eyed Peas - BACK 2 HIPHOP ft. Nas"
- Josh Threeton: Flatbush is my favorite, but guys, GO BACKWARDS in their catalog! Listen to D.R.U.G.S. or Better Off Dead.
- Jordan Goldberg: You need to get some older stuff of FBZ. 1) Palm trees 2) Your favorite rap song (it’s 13 mins but worth every second)
- Purplereign17: Hey when you guys have the time I think you should check out Dax killshot freestyle. He snapped on it!
- eschoe: pls react to Desert Rose by Lolo Zouaï !!!
- Victor Newman: Do “what she left behind”- Jedi mind tricks. It’s super deep and real, it puts you in a different music experience
- Noah Plitman: Please Forgive by Powers Pleasent, it's got Zombie Juice and Denzel Curry
- Ben Wiggins: Check out Tom McDonald. You'll like most of the stuff he talks about.
- Keenan Nash: Taking drugs became "cool" cause of Wayne, he made it popular to be a junkie.
- Adonay Melendez: BetterOff mixtape please!!
- Gustavo Cantellano: Oddisee back of my mind
- Ghostief: Igorr - ieuD Till the heat death of the universe
- El Reqo: please react to better off dead the whole mixtape
- Moe Bahhur: Yea this isn't one of their best songs imo. Gotta get to more of their last album Facts and Real Girls would be good choices. M Bison is an underrated as well.
- Bubba Hotep: You guys are the only channel on YouTube I have notifications turned on for, love what y'all doing. Can I get a little Gangstagrass - Long Hard Times To Come? (aka Justified) I warn you, I am incredibly persistent. Ignoring me 'til I go away is not an option. I am like that little piece of plastic that sticks out of a worn out baseball cap that pokes you in the top of the head every time you put it on. Not detrimental to your health or anything, but so annoying you think of giving up your favorite cap just to get rid of me. In all seriousness, check it out, I am super curious to find out what you guys think of it.
- CRASHMAGNET: More music trying to normalize the New World Order, like its just a phrase when it a Satanic takeover of our World. Complete garbage.
- Eleazor Pringle: Flatbush zombies- trapped
- Ona1000: I know you guys love jadakiss check out facts ft jadakiss it’s something that has more of a message plus a rapper we know you like.
- ISM AEL: Arrest The President - Ice Cube
- 97Curs: Yo Guys, you really should know that they themselves said this was more of a fun track for them, nothing serious. If you're looking for real shit from them, please listen to U&I by Flatbush Zombies. It's amazing.
- K L: Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace. Old school thrash metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBE3mXKKw40 Flots Till Death!
- ssbsnb1: Roadrunner United-In the fire!!!!
- Andrew Eady: 3:45 that’s thot provoking
- Ethan Zacks: Facts, u&i, trapped, or bounce to really get a feeling of Flatbush, best group in rap rn
- Evan West: Yes!!!
- Teo Barrios: Avenged Sevenfold - "A Little Piece of Heaven", "Save Me", "The Stage" !
- Rob Isbell: Nail in the coffin has to make top five
- Matt Cormier: Definitely react to U&I it’s dope af 🤙🏻 and this track is just a single as far as I know but I think they got an album dropping soon
- jaymes weesner: This is just a little single leading to the new album if you want more like headstone just listen to that whole album with them every album has a completely different style and feel while still being there own. there a group that if you start with there first pieces and listen thru to the new stuff you can hear and see true progression. I love these little intro singles to the album so you can get an idea of what it's going to sound like tech and strange do this same shit
- Zed Victor: Meechy has one of my favourite cadences in rap
- Weston H: 3001: a laced odyssey is outstanding as well. super grimey
- Porcia Brown-Voryee: Please React to Tate Kobang ft DEETRANADA -Tatakonada y'all have never heard of her but she's dope
- jaymes weesner: We need a lot more Flatbush you guys are missing out all there stuff is amazing
- The real bibi: Try U&i by flatbush, its more of a melodical meaningful type song
- Jac-Thomas Holmes: OR SABA- Prom/King
- Jake Stein: Locksmiths 2019 freestyle on shade45
- Payton: More FBZ
- Freeman Demeatris: Soundgarden-tighter and tighter
- Max Kilcoyne: Definitely not my favorite track
- Ryan Anderson: You should check out Glorious Thugs.
- Мамка Твоя: JINJER - Perennial plsssss From their new EP. The music video is great!
- adirondack_Jim jim: Jane's addiction is a good call. been caught stealing or we'd make great pets
- Paint Daddy Art: flat bush did a side project "clockwork indigo" its gas
- Ethan Zacks: Yes Indeed trapped is absolutely wild
- ブランク: This just a wrestling track lol nWo
- CalebBruh: Mac miller - diablo
- David Mesquita: Bruh fr it’s one of their best songs imo but I never see people talking about it
- Chad Reynolds: great video looking forward to what you think of their other shit fbz goats
- moffe2k: Second chance to Machine Head! Darkness Within is the song!
- Anjaneya Sharma: Monuments - Leviathan please !!!!
- Str8ChefN: You guys should DEFINITELY do Flatbush Zombies - Facts (feat Jadakiss) What they're talking about is absolutely up your alley
- Isiah Finley: Blacktivist is a great son you should review and anything off of better off dead if you want to know the OG Flatbush
- Can Man: Daylyt- Last breath Hot 97 freestyle or Dear father. Hes a battle rapper
- Ej Lea-Scandrett: Meechy is the raspy GOAT 🔥 FBZ is always dope
- Nicke: Still no Nightwish!!??!!
- pandatanto415: Awesome vid guys! If you guys react to Saba- Prom/King I suggest to check out “Heaven all around me” also. The songs work really well together and make it each other better because it completes a story. Video might be long but it will be an awesome one for sure!
- Aussie Kn0b: Chillinit x wombat- underrated show australia some love, no decent reactions to aus rap, chillinit and kerser deserve some show
- The real bibi: React to U&I by flatbush! Way better than this song
- Los Senju: Ya gotta listen to This is it, A spike lee joint, drama
- Susan Holt: adirondack_Jim jim We make great pets is Perry and Stephen’s other band Pornos For Pyros. Love them too.
- The1andOnly: Really been waiting for you guys to touch back on some Earthgang!!! Their first 2 albums “Shallow Graves for Toys” and “Strays with Rabies” have some wonderful songs. If I may suggest a few songs: -No Peace -UFO’s -Microscopic Dinosaurs -Sweet Haste -AWOL -Masturpeace
- Parodox Desire: React to Blacktivist by Flatbush Zombies
- Zach H: The music video for this is very entertaining
- Raoul Duke: Primus deserves a second chance. To Defy the Laws of Tradition
- Steven McGoey: React to ‘Regular and Complex’ or anything off of their BetterOffDead Mixtape, really different and intense sound
- GrrandSmack: Mraz by FBZ !
- Halldog7: Dreams I’ll Never See - Molly Hatchet
- Yes Indeed: trapped is the best by far imo
- Joe Butler: React to heroin by badflower
- SelfVisuals: Flatbush Zombies - Vacation in Hell
- Jesse B: What about Three of a Perfect Pair by King Crimson?
- maggie franciss.: LUKE JAMES "These arms" or " Drip" a VERY talented RnB artist
- James Britton: Ne obliviscaris eyrie!!
- Vernon Maloy: React to facts by FBZ
- Unimpressed Alchemist: Ascension is amazing. One of Meech's best verses
- Merciless Sun God: Better dayz by REASON please
- YurBoiCarl: Same
- Evan West: Can't wait to watch this! Y'all have GOT to get to U&I by them at some point! Yeah this is just one of their more fun tracks they dropped outta nowhere.
- Slicewinds: Where the noveliss reactions at???
- Bong Jesus: bounce by FBZ
- Graham Hardert: Great vid guys as always! Check out some clipping. Story 1,2 and/or 4 or body and blood
- Outrage: Mikasa by Veil of Maya!
- Keston Blackman: Y'all should give Underachievers another listen. That first song wasn't the best choice for a first impression but I like how y'all keep it real
- Jon Roberts: Sick Of It All - Just Look Around
- Keston Blackman: U&I by Flatbush Zombies
- 43VA: Flatbush Zombies - Facts ft. Jadakiss
- jack prince: agreed! Think they'll love meechys verse off U&I, its one of the best from last yea imo . Hoping they do this
- XhibitioN TV: Do Saba prom king
- Ricky Navarrete: DO SPM !!!!!!!!!
- Vincent Corabi-Lam: Why are you guys taking so long for earl new album. It's only 25 minutes!😭
- abisd: Flatbush Zombies - Blacktivist!
- TempleDarthSader: Please react to U&I!!!
- Cruz Rodriguez: We need more man
- D B: Holy S#it! How did i miss this 2 days ago! WTF phone and/or YouTube?!
- noe gonzalez: The Underachievers-Gold Soul Theory
- Pirate Aleks: Listen to A Spike Lee Joint please :)
- Zombie Dee: MRAZ OR U&i is a must
- Γιαννης Γαλανης: do ripcd
- Mike Jonez: Mac miller diablo
- scott brinkmeyer: Please react to Gary Clark jr. "This Land".
- bigyodatheman: DYING FETUS
- xalanx22: Mac miller diablo
- TB 7788: hey yo please react to Lights Out by Royal Blood. best rock duo today no question
- Luis Hildago: React to Silent Ride by Boogie
- danny cervantez: this is it by flatbush is great , more depth in tha song..VERY GOOD!!
- maseawee: Otep- Blood Pigs
- Morgan Söderlund: You should react to "Regular & Complex" of the "Betterofdead" mixtape, also "facts" of Vacation in Hell.
- Zed Victor: You wanna do this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gk1ZE-ADvo
- SelfVisuals: listen to A Laced Odyssey guys 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
- Jordan Goldberg: Storm Gruber SO good. Really shows their lyrical ability. Meechy went iiiiinnnn
- hayden alexander: you guys should do Fact by Flatbush it has Jadakiss so i think y'all would like it!
- just snails: Yesssss
- Eric Barrera: Dope reaction! You guys should check out Regular and complex, Bounce, your favorite rap song, and The Glory by Flatbush Zombies !
- Douglas Gianni: I think you guys should listen to Alyssa Lies by Jason Michael Carroll
- Make Karhu: What happened to the REASON video???!!!!
- efrain iniguez: White Zombie - More Human than Human
- ka1t5u666: You dudes should start a podcast about music and life and stuff that would be sweet
- Fred From Spongebob: Check out R.I.P.C.D. By Flatbush Zombies
- shaolin angel: BLACKTIVIST
- bigox1977: Anything from Snot
- edwin marroquin: React to underachievers ? Please
- Matt Van Cleve: Now do ministry n.w.o. new world order
- bigyodatheman: CRYPTOPSY
- Mo: Adam Hinckley yeah Facts is definitely a good song
- Cristian Diaz: Listen to Bounce or this is it
- Yanik T.: Do facts by FBZ ft. Jadakiss
- Yiorgios Vazouras: M. Bison by Flatbush is a solid song, it’s definitely worth a listen
- To Me: More Flatbush, they are definitely some of the dopest out right now
- Peyton Edwards: Yes thank you so much!
- Conner Dencklau: You should’ve done ask Courtney
- MacBigAttack: Thug waffle
- Kenneth Drummond: Hell Yeah- Human
- ETGVlogs: +Ryan Sullivan FACTSSSS!
- Yapster Spkz: Do FBZ MRAZ reaction plssssss :)
- bigyodatheman: Type O Negative - Unsuccessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity
- Caleb Bray: You have to do with U&I, Facts, or This Is It. Get their good lyrical shit in there
- Juuso: Sergio Gonzalez !!
- Josh Medina: Nice just got the notification
- Kiran Buzza: Iron Maiden: Phantom of the Opera
- Chase Johnson: I know I'm being annoying, but I'm tellin ya "Doing What They Told Us" by Rambutan Jam Band is legit. Definite playlist material
- noe gonzalez: The Underachievers- Herb Shuttles
- pandatanto415: And Life is one of my songs of the year
- Levi Beck: Bruh if yall dont hit Boogie- Silent ride already! It'll be your favorite song!
- TyeSinatra: FBZ "This Is It" is fire
- Brahm Tancredi: R.I.P.C.D - Flatbush Zombies New Phone, Who Dis? - Flatbush Zombies
- Adonay Melendez: U&I please!!
- Christian Mojica: “This is it “ Flatbush zombies
- Mikey G: I got a selection of posse tracks y'all should put a reaction to. 1 Train - A$AP Rocky Last Huzzah (remix) - Mr. Muthafuckin Exquire Da Graveyard - Big L Really Doe - Danny Brown
- Julius Lowe: @lostinvegas83 Hi there, me again. Just wanted to put in another request for you to react to the Epic Rap Battles of History. Id like you to start at the beginning and move your way through but just so you can see how awesome it is start with Muhammad Ali versus Michael Jordan.
- TheBossLadyA: I always zone out on the rap reactions. Hm
- cnapier3: Locksmith - 2019 Freestyle on Shade 45: https://youtu.be/FsIFxares8M
- Aixmad: should've reacted to the video instead of just the audio, the vid is sickkkkkk.
- Jordon Blackburn: Y'all are sleeping on FBZ way too hard.
- Saleejo: I feel like you guys would really enjoy a track by them called blacktivist
- Alex Nichols: One of my most played tracks this year.
- eschoe: pls react to Desert Rose by Lolo Zouaï !!!
- theherbpuffer: Do a CALENRAPS reaction
- Running Coyote: Bring em out - ft FBZ is one of their best songs
- Rey Klebold: BATH SALT from Flat Bush Zombies
- Skizopatix: R.I.P.C.D. Guys!!!! It’s what you lookin for
- w sadat: Locksmith did another freestyle on Kay Slay and went ballistic again
- Rocc 24: Always a flatbush fan...but of course most of their older shit is waaaay better...the "better off dead" album is bangariffic!
- Sindibad 187: do HELL-O
- Cruz Rodriguez: Yes!!!
- Caleb Wildes: Please react to Brad paisley ft. Dolly Parton when I get where I'm going. Or any Alan Jackson song. I would love it and I'm sure many more would also love it.
- Storm Gruber: One of his top verses IMO, which is saying something.
- Hey Tricky: Flatbush zombies- did you ever think ft Joey badass 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Nikolay Mladenov: RetcH // Richer Than The Opps !!!
- Krishach: Request for Anubis Gate - Telltale Eyes (for pace) or Golden Days (for lyric depth: full version, not the music video!)
- Aidan Belcher: #PLEASEREACTTONASTYC south African rapper, did a song called King with asap ferg
- MortiferGnome: "To be the fiend?" - facts.
- Jonathan Meinert: I second the motion for ask Courtney
- Julius Lowe: +Rob Isbell not sure what that has to do with my post...
- Jackson Patterson: Vacation in Hell Album review needs to happen
- Fatboy Fatboy: Yes please
- Jackson McGuire: Boogie- silent ride
- coolcats036: Headstone was from their album last year and they said they are working on something but idk if it’s confirmed for this year. They have an unreleased track with Asap Rocky
- miguel gonzalez: Y’all gotta go to “better off dead” honestly one of the best mixtapes.
- Brian McAlpine: You guys gottttttttttta check out bounce by FBZ
- edals shady: Trade off and some stuff off better off dead please.
- Roman Gomez: Blacktivist-FBZ
- Mo: Flatbush Zombies - MRAZ or Facts is a better song you guys will dig
- shaolin angel: BLACKTIVIST
- Michael McNeil: FACTS
- Tyler Anderson: Fbz- mraz
- Bryan: Will yall ever review one track from Run The Jewels??????
- FuzzyEditsHD: Listen to the Flatbush Zombies' remix of Glorious Thugs by Biggie
- Storm Gruber: I'm surprised it took so long for someone to say Your Favorite Rap Song. SO good.
- Trey L.: This.
- Astris Achieveee: Yo PLEASE react to “Bounce” or “Blactivist” by them. both songs have music videos and i know you guys would love them. Loving the vids guys, keep it going! much love!!
- awfpunisher: if this aint a nintendo beat. lol. but great artist none the less
- SelfVisuals: A Laced Odyssey
- ___ ___: You guys should check out grown ass kid by chance, it has mick jenkins in it too
- Faisal bourgeois: React to boogi - silent ride
- Mentor Arash: Glad to see u guys doing more Flatbush Zombies!
- Northfigy: This is a good song but not one of their best, they have really better song than this, whats that out !!
- behind tv: Love the videos
- HStalhane: Check out MRAZ by FBZ
- DJ Harris: Do another Upchurch reaction!!
- William Ryan: Token- household name
- Keenan Nash: Saba - Life Rapsody - Redblue ft J.I.D Mac Miller - Diablo J. Cole - Killers
- CordovasVeryOwn: React to a Spike lee Joint!!
- corbin brown: Please please please check out high n lows by Snak The Ripper I think you’ll appreciate it
- Sterling Rutledge: This needs more likes. I would say they need to check Bounce and A Spike Lee Joint also.
- donn: Listen to U&I, The Glory, Facts or Best American off of their latest album
- Baharama: React to Ask Courtney by flatbush zombies
- Sharon !: System of a Down: BYOB
- Era of the Pros: Beast Coast!
- John the shooter: Jinjer - Perennial
- Edward Danielyan: Check out Flatbush Zombies- Glorious Thugs, the flow on the song is really nice.
- sulleo uce333: Yo react to xxx new songs
- Richard Galaviz: Y’all need to react to regular and complex best song to this day.... I mean better off dead is just a classic tape no lie
- Đorđe Marjanović: SEAN PRICE - STRAIGHT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- FredyFredd: Gotta do The Glory by Flatbush with Denzel Curry or DRUGS by Ab Soul
- Devyn Oldroyd: Next song by FBZ y’all should take a listen to facts ft jadakiss
- Aymen Dris: please react to Saba - Prom / King .. you need to give him a shot , i promise you guys you wont be disappointed
- Ryan Sullivan: Same
- Max Kilcoyne: Wasn’t my favorite track from them but I’m glad they keep dropping. Big things coming from them
- Gary Mc Nulty: Yous need to check out Locksmiths new 2019 freestyle on Shade 45 / Kay Slay. Bring your A game.. he snapped
- YodaStorm: Hello from Far East, Russia. Love your reaction videos. Can you pls react to Voidhaven - "The Floating Grave" and "Beyond The Bounds Of Sleep"? if you dont mind
- Jelzouks: React to "Nobody" by Locksmith!!!
- We Usually Don't do This Podcast: Joe budden - only human
- Peyton Edwards: Best reaction channel don't even think about going anywhere else lol
- Sherrel Wilson: Please react to Peter Frampton...Frampton comes alive..Feel like I do💙AND Clark Beckham ft. Yebba..Gravity. Love you guys❤️
- BrandonRIPDIMEBAG: I wish y'all would've done a different song they have soooooo much better material 😔
- Chad Reynolds: +Frankie 24 I remember watching the video it must of gotten taken down for copyright or some shit
- Saif Alaseery: czarface - deadly class
- moffe2k: Game Over would be good. I never really liked Locust.
- Matthew Onstott: Hex One Where I’ll go
- August Kohrs: Please listen to Never Know // 6lack it’s one of the hardest songs on his first album and I think you guys would love it
- Jonah Marafioti: Check out Ameriikkkan Pie by Flatbush, on their BetterOffDead mixtape.
- refine: Bas - night job, ft jcole
- Pancake_general: But where is Saba?
- ha: PROM/KING by Saba pleeeeaaaassseee
- Juuso: U&I
- Bassil Isa: React to u&i from their vacation in hell album its their story its a really good song you guys would love
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Flatbush Zombies - New World Order (REACTION!!!) | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 11 Jan 2019 |
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